The Overnight Report
Good morning, BB Lovers! Happy Live Show Thursday!! The Houseguests are all psyched up for an Endurance Comp tonight, and so are we! There is nothing like a great Endurance Comp on the live feeds!☺ If you haven't gotten the feeds yet, now is the time to treat yourself to the 3 day free trial!
While I dive into the flashback machine and get crackin' on The Overnight Report, a couple of treats for you to enjoy once you've read Late Night Lessa's terrific coverage of Joe's Big Oops last night..
First, one for the pervy Janie fans..
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Click the pic to go see for yourself... |
Next... Here's the latest installment from the HRN.. House Rodent Network. FYI, the language is NSFW.
Now.. While I dive in to flashback to assemble the overnight, your assignment, should you choose to accept, is to seek and find some lovely (funny!) parting gifts for Frank or Joe, from the eBayDailyDeals... or anywhere else on eBay. Please private message me your best on facebook - and I'll share them with everyone here on the blog...
hehehe! Here are your choices for Frank's lovely parting gifts:
And here are Joe's Perhaps they could be dropped into his HoH basket, should he win..
Please refresh this post every 30-45 minutes to watch TOR magically appear... right below here..
Due to a very scary blogger glitch that just ate everything I'd put together for the past 90 minutes, we're gonna go into Overnight Lite mode.. and I'm going to resume breathing.. in and out.. oof.. in and out..
11:40pm BBT
Ian and Ashley
Ian's confidence with Ashley and the coming Endurance Comp is growing...
Ian: Next week we sleep in HoH.
Ashley: Hopefully.
Ian: Definitely.
Midnight BBT
While Janelle has a soothing bubble bath, Britney and Danielle emerge from the downstairs bathroom stall where Britney has been filling Danielle in on Joe's huge screw up..
As soon as they come out, Dan comes into the bathroom and he and Britney share some exasperated laughs about Joe's blunder of the evening... All is still going according to plan. Joe retains Danielle, Wil and Ashley's votes, despite his stupidity.
Skipping ahead to the meat of the matter... and the plan for the night...
Feed 3
Britney, Danielle
Britney: Ok.. What are you gonna do?
Danielle: This is getting ridiculous.
BB: Frank, please go to the Diary Room.
Brit/Danielle: Yay!!
Brit: Ok.. What're you gonna do.. Where you gonna sleep?
Dani: I guess in my bed.
Brit: Just go lay down there. Tell Ashley to go to bed with you.
Dani: Oh my gah.. Shane will be so pissed if Frank tries to sleep with me.
**mmmm... I think he'd actually be relieved.
Brit: Listen,..
Dani: He wont stop touching me.
Brit: Go get in bed and pretend you're asleep...
They leave the lounge, run into Wil and Ashley in the hall.. Wil assures them Frank wont try to sleep with her, and that he was only kidding.
Brit, Dani, Wil and Ash go back into the Lounge..
Danielle: Frank said I'm not leaving his sight.. He's sleeping in the bed with me, or he's standing over the bed watching my sleep.. He's afraid you're gonna whisper sh*t in my ear..
Wil: You know what Joe did?
Dani: Oh yeah
Wil: What a way to throw me under the bus. What a shitty shitty thing to do.
Ash: That's f'd up.
Wil: He didn't even apologize. He was like defiant about it.
Brit: Did you say anything to make him think he was in limbo?
Wil: We were sitting here having a meeting, and I said we can use this against.. I never should've said anything.. It's my fault.
**accountability? that's a step.
Brit: Yeah.
Ash: But you were smart about it, and you trusted us.. I'm sorry, I love the guy, but then he turns around and done this? You were trying to help him, and he turns around and does this??
Skipping ahead.. They're all seriously tweaked, but they're still voting to keep Joe... and here's the plan.. What is it about Wils and evil in the bb house?
Feed 1
Wil and Janelle
Bathrooom Couch
All seems very good in the world of Wil and Janelle.. They're plotting like old times.. Was the whole week of Wil's treachery nothing more than an elaborate ruse? From this conversation, it truly appears so...
Janelle: That's funny that they believe you. That doesn't even make any sense.. If they think about it logically..
Wil: They think I'm super tight with Frank. They think that I'm totally detached from my group and.. you know.. I've had discussions with them..
Janelle: Boogie is gonna cry. I think he might.
Wil: You know what I should do? I should be like, "Who voted??? Oh my Gah.."
Janelle: (giggles) That's what you should do.. and point at Jenn.. Be like.. It was her!
Wil gives a preview of the coming attractions.. and Janie cracks up.
Janelle: hehehehe.. you have to..
Wil: omg.. it was her!! If I do that..
Janelle: Willie, please do it. hehehhe
Wil: I will! I will! Then I can keep up the charade and act like I'm really pissed off with him.
Janelle: hehehehe.. Then you get HoH and blindside them again.. and be like, you're safe.. you're safe..
Wil: You're just a pawn.. Just a pawn.. I'm gonna do that.
Janelle: Please do. You'll have them believing.. On Thursday.. hehehe.. You're safe, you're safe.. He got to you! Joe got to you! Omg.. I would die..
Wil: We need to get Joe to get Jenn alone again tomorrow..
Janelle: What are we doing?
Wil: We need to just have Boogie.. Have them see people pull Jenn aside..
Janelle: Ooooh...
Wil: And just talk about whatever.. But then she'll get blamed...
They are both giddy with the plan..
Janelle: oh my gosh.. like literally burst into tears.. and be like, Jenn!
Wil: But if you and Joe can get her in public, so they see, and..
Janelle: And what are we saying to her?
Wil: Just make her a deal..
Janelle: ok.. ok..
This is ongoing, but you get the gist. If you'd like to watch the rest of the conversation on flashback, please go to 3:05am on feed 1. Frankly, it's just nice to see them smile together again, even if it is at Jenn and Boogie's detriment.
As of 9:37am BBT, we've got Trivia on the feeds... This probably means BB is waking the HGs and Skippy New Pants hit the wrong button. Then again, live show days are always a game of cat and mouse, so who knows!
9:53am The HGs are up and laughing.. Talk is about the Endurance Comp tonight.. Of course.
We're taking a Big Fat Blog break to get ready for the night ahead. With the never say die attitude of all the HGs with regard to the comp tonight, this could be one for the record books! Add the coaches into the mix, and.. Lordy, Lordy.. I think we're in for a doozy! :0)
If you still need to get your feeds set up, now is the time to take advantage of the 3 day trial! You don't want to miss out on the fun tonight because you're trying to get past some technical glitch.
Please join us tonight for the Live Show Viewing Party at 8:50pm Eastern!! After the show, we'll open a new top post for the Comp!
Good Morning Carolyn,
Good Morning BBDish Addicts,
YAY, Happy Eviction than Endurance Day..
I can hardly wait to fun..I love this show.
I hope you get a break today Carolyn when they are locked down in the HOH...hopefully it will be a looooonnnng fun night for all of us.
I wonder if the coaches will find out tonight if they might be able to come back into the house..the voting is closed, so hopefully tonight is the, what a full night in BB house..
Have a great day everyone..
Morning Carolyn, everyone
Happy Live Eviction/Endurance Day!!!
I've watched all the flashback on Joe's oops and it doesn't seem like Frank and Boogie know anything. It seems they believe they have Wil and Danielle's vote. That makes for an even bigger blindside. Unless of course this does make Wil vote out Joe then it would be a blindside the other way.
It is really interesting that they've been told that the nominees won't get to give a final plea speech before the vote. That makes me go hmmmm. What are they up to?
Either way this goes it should be one of the best episodes in BB history. Then, hopefully, a battle to the death endurance. There's been a lot of talk so it's time to see if that's all it is or someone, besides Shane, actually is going to try to win something.
Despite what some people have said, about Brit's coaching ability, Brit's team has won 2 out of 3 HOHs and 3 out 3 POVs. Any coach would take that record.
See you hear tonight, have a wonderful day everyone.
Good Morning, Carolyn!!!
I finally got to watch last night's episode!! I must admit, I did like Joe's speech at the PoV Ceremony. hehehe
Also, people kept saying on the live feeds they thought Jenn did a good job hosting the Comp. It was just okay, in my opinion. Personally, I think one of the better comp hosts has been Casey. Mr. Mingle Mixx. LOL
Looking forward to seeing your TOR magically appear before my eyes.
Good morning Carolyn!! I finally got to sign up for the feeds and I'm super excited about endurance (hopefully) tonight!!!!!
Good morning Caro!!!!
I hope Joe's gaff last night costs him tonight...
Okay, turns out I didn't watch all the flashback, just what Lessa had reported last night. Crazy night. Got to go to work now though so will have to read TOR before the show.
Once again, have a wonderful day everyone :)
See you tonight.
Good morning Carolyn!!
Good morning BBDishers!!
Hope all is well with everyone. It's been a hectic few past few days for me (my daughter turned 14 Tuesday) and the HGs!!! I was confused for a bit but think I have the full picture now. The joke's on Boogie or at least they want it to be. With a Frank eviction... I don't dislike Joe (he only makes my ears hurt!) but I'd rather he go than Frank. Now THAT would be great TV. To see Britney and crew's faces if Frank is safe. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!! Moving on... YYYAAAAYYY ENDURANCE!!!! GO IAN!!! Would love to see him in charge. Doing it HIS way. Not Boogie's or anyone else that's been shunning/ridiculing him. Shake in your shoes HGs!!! Well, I'll be putting forth my best effort to make the viewing party tonight. Until then, everyone have a GREAT day!!!
Something went wonky. TOR disappeared for awhile. Now, it's back.
Hello!!!! Peek-a-boo! I see you! teehee
How do you spell excitement???
Are we ready for it? I am
Good Morning Caro. I'm off to eBay to look for a lovely parting gift for Joe. I know he's staying but a GaYToR can dream he won't have to endure another DR Scream Session.
I have to turn down the volume to the feeds. Way too much farting this morning.
Good morning Carolyn & Fellow Dishers ... had fun with my ebay search! Can't wait to see those results ...
Have to take a nap for the endurance tonight ... please don't let us down tonight BB!!!
Beyond excited!!!!!
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Good morning, everyone! Well that was scary! I was doing TOR and my computer or blogger was suddenly possessed. It was like someone else was in the post and fell asleep on the space bar. I quickly reverted to draft, in hopes of not losing everything i'd put in, and shut down..
Ended up losing everything, including the intro, but thanks to some wonderful people on facebook, managed to save the intro..
So now I'm starting over.. I'm thinking Overnight Lite..
oh boy oh boy oh boy..
We love ya, gal!! You do an awesome job with your teamies!!! Thank the Lord you got back your hard work!! Nothing like networking!!!
EEK and OUCH Carolyn.
It was definitely Blogger. It took me about 30 minutes to get my first comment to go through.
Now to wait for "Overnite Lite" the fun parting gifts everyone finds.
Good morning everyone. (No roll call from me.) Not even for Blue
G'morning Caro. Blogger sure seems to have it out for you lately. So excited to see the endurance comp on the live feeds tonight! Woohoo!
Overnight Lite is perfect.
I really hope Frank and Boogie still have no clue about how the votes are going this evening.
America's Favorite: $25,000
Runner up.........: $50,000
BB Winner.........: $500,000
The look on Boogie's face tonight: PRICELESS!
Carolyn, I forgot to add thanks for all you do and one more thing...I really wish Julie Chen would call out Joe for not washing his hands after using the bathroom. Ewwwww! Okay, I feel better now! LOL!
Thank you so much for your hard work! I found a parting gift for Frank and sent to you on FB :) xoxoxo
Good morning.
Hurray for Thursday!!!
Things that amuse me about last night-
1-For someone who wants to stay in the house as bad as Joe does, it seems like he is constantly trying to get himself sent home.
2-Watching Frank get so excited about his speech for tomorrow and finding out they won't be giving speeches. HaHa
3-Knowing that Frank was going to start his speech with the same anti-bullying line he used last time, yet he walked around with a sh*t eating grin and told at least 3 people about how he had to threaten Janie a little bit. What a d-bag.
wonder why BB is letting Joe sleep in the arcade room. Also I am so glad the gave Joe a warning for his food tasting yesterday. I saw the first taste and was like yipee. Now if they had given him an extra no vote would of gone down in history as one of the biggest flubs in BB.
Morning Caro!! Thank you and Lessa for your hard work!!
Should be an exciting day today!! Seriously can't wait!
hihi carolyn happt frank leaves the bb house day and endurance whoohoo lets go girls dani ash brit you can win
Good Morning Carolyn, and fellow dishers!!
Wow things really blew up after I shut down last night...when I went to bed they were all just eating Joe's Avacodo cheesecake and having fun...
Looking forward to an awesome Ian win in Endurance tonight, and although maybe not the greatest thing, but looking forward to seeing how the HG's play once the coaches become competition for them!
Morning Carolyn and Everyone!
I haven't been around much but I think tonight might be the perfect time to join all you great people. I am really hoping for Endurance. Nothing like it at all.
I hope you can get a nice break today Carolyn before tonight's festivities.
Btw....never really get a chance to watch the feeds in the morning and I think I will refrain from doing so if Joe is the only one is he gassy.
Love you ALL
I guess I've been forced to like Dani till Dan comes in the game, but for the love of god it better be tonight. She's an emotional basket case who ridiculously over values her own intelligence
Good morning Carolyn! Happy Live Show day! Hoping you have no more glitches today :) see everyone at the live party!
GAH! Is it time, yet? Is it time, yet? I'm so ready for tonight!!!
Very psyched!!!!
(I said 'psyched' not 'psycho'. Although......)
Uh oh. Frank's up. Wonder if he'll talk to us again.
Wow so much has happened overnight!
This house is so back and forth I almost need a scorecard to keep track who is saying/doing/voting who and what at all times.
So confusing!
Can't wait for endurance tonight; I love endurance competitions "almost" as much as Carolyn does!! LOL
Morning/Afternoon Dishers:
Sorry about your troubles with Blogger lately Carolyn, but Overnight Lite sounds perfect either way with Endurance coming up tonight.
Trivia? Why so early? All Frank was doing was making coffee... Is this normal for the Thursday live show that they cut the feeds off this early?
LOL! Must have a newbie at the controls...we have trivia instead of fishies this morning at 9:37 BB time.
Instead of coaches as players, I think they should start a coach competition to win the final $100k. Coaches drop their teams. Player's jury now decides winning coach. Weekly comp allows coach to save anyone that week. I think that would shake up the house in a fun way. Throw in a returning house guest based on coach's vote.
LOL @ Blue :)
I love your comments! and Yeah Caro!
I had BBDISH open before i left for lunch came back ready to eat and read and it was gone, :(
Glad you got it all worked out, but really you are the bomb so i knew you would.
I CANNOT wait for tonight!! im going to get some wine and watch endurance magic!! :) I think this will really be the best show in BB history too, and the comp is going to be priceless. poor Ian .. oh well lol..
LOL @ Blue :)
I love your comments! and Yeah Caro!
I had BBDISH open before i left for lunch came back ready to eat and read and it was gone, :(
Glad you got it all worked out, but really you are the bomb so i knew you would.
I CANNOT wait for tonight!! im going to get some wine and watch endurance magic!! :) I think this will really be the best show in BB history too, and the comp is going to be priceless. poor Ian .. oh well lol..
Instead of coaches as players, I think they should start a coach competition to win the final $100k. Coaches drop their teams. Player's jury now decides winning coach. Weekly comp allows coach to save anyone that week. I think that would shake up the house in a fun way. Throw in a returning house guest based on coach's vote.
I hope Dan gets America's favorite AND wins the whole competition! He's the smartest player in there in my opinion.
She has NO self esteem in my opinion which is why she acts the way she does. If she didn't have a coach I think they would have wanted to vote her out early. Dan is saving her butt with all his coaching techniques.
Carolyn, Thank you for all you do for us! Love You.
Carolyn, Thank you for all you do for us! Love You.
Is a Big Fat Blog Break like a "Big Fat Greek Wedding"? teehee love that movie.
I dropped Doggie off at 9:30 this morning for her monthly grooming appointment, and now it's 1:00p.m. They've usually called me by now for me to come pick her up. Haven't called, yet. Hmmm....
Can't wait to see what kind of bows they put in her ears this time. :)
Hi all. I am team Frank and am not happy about the turn of events this week. I am still wondering if an evicted houseguest might still re-enter the game since Jojo and Kara are still sequestered. Here is hoping for an Ian win tonight and a possible return by Frank even if/when the coaches enter the game.
LOL'ing at all the parting gifts!!!!! Too funny. :P
Hi Dishers! Back again this year, signed up thru bbdish (of course) but I'm having a problem. BBLITE is only playing LAST SEASON. Is there a new or better viewer that supports flashbacks? I've got B3V but the flashback is greyed out. I really find using IE or Firefox "clunky". Can anyone help? You can answer here, or (I would prefer) getting a private email @ .
Thanks In Advance,
Hi again Dishers! I haven't noticed a link for the East Coast feed this year. Maybe I've overlooked it, but I'd really like to have one especially tonight in case the likely endurance comp is afoot.
Twitter: @VoiceOfPoker
I find it interesting that Frank does not use deodorant because of possible chemicals that may get into his body, yet he SMOKES!
Another long time reader and first time poster. Question: Have they ever let a current HOH compete for HOH the next challenge? Thoughts, if they are letting coaches into the game, would they level the playing field to ALL HGs regardless of current HOH?
I find it interesting that Frank does not use deodorant because of possible chemicals that may get into his body, yet he SMOKES!
Another long time reader and first time poster. Question: Have they ever let a current HOH compete for HOH the next challenge? Thoughts, if they are letting coaches into the game, would they level the playing field to ALL HGs regardless of current HOH?
Hi Everyone!! :0)
OK.. I'm off for some RnR before the big night.. which could easily run into day!
I'll see you back here for the viewing party at 8:50pm! As always, the East Coast feed will be in that post.
P.S. I have a post pre-scheduled to fire off at 3pm bbt.. but chances are i'll be sleeping when it does, so comments wont get published right away.
I really hope that tonights competition is indeed endurance and that they hang on like their life depends on it. I really miss the days of hanging on for hours.
It'd be horribly anti-climatic If he ends up going home because he licked 3 fat fingers worth of avocado cheesecake batter.
so pumped for tonight! so much drama unravelling all at once. all i know is they better put the camera straight on boogie's face when the eviction is announced! ;)
I change my mind. I sure hope they give joe a penalty vote for picking at the cheese cake and also not sleeping on the have not bed; wouldnt that be a kick at shane, would make him have ALLLLL the blood on his hands since he would have to break the tie
I hope Boogie wins and puts up Janelle and Danielle. OMG ya’ll I can’t believe Mike doesn’t like me. He "backdoors" me on week two, and now this. I’ve never done anything to him and I can’t believe he’s picking on me. It’s not fair ya’ll. He thinks I’m the heaviest girl in the house but I’m not – I mean I weigh a pound less than Ashley.
I think we are seeing canned feeds. I think the music overplay is so we dont' hear the conversationa nd realize that we have ben snookered.
LOL Just kiddding.
The paranoia never ends. This is Big Brother!
Just got the feed. Can someone tell me if the music plays all the time? Thanks
I don't know if this was mentioned here yet, but I did read on another blog that Joe did get reprimanded for eating regular food with one extra have not day. Plus he was told last night that he could no longer sleep on the floor.
I know you are sleeping, but I managed to grab a minute at work. I'm pumped because I have my feeds ready (I got them through this site of course). Also** I believe I just added a pic to my Blogger profile! Let's do this ish!!!! DISH!!
Haha agreed!
Ibnken, Blikin and Todd, I wont wait for the movie.....
hi y'all just got caught up on the Allison Grodner show!that's
what it is secertly called lol
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