Bath Time for Angie
10:30pm BBT
Jessie hasn't made his way up there yet, but here's Angie getting ready for the bath...

Meanwhile, downstairs, Ollie and April are snuggling and fooling around in the Spa Room.
10:41pm BBT
Seems Angie opted for a shower. She comes out of the HoH bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head and talks to Steven and Memphis. She and Steven are trying to orchestrate another coup, get Steven off, and get Libra nominated as the replacement, a la Brian.
Steven goes off in search of Jessie. He's dying for some alone time with Jessie so he can at least try to make it happen. And with that, we get Bubbles... briefly.
10:45pm BBT
Feeds are back.
Memphis and Angie are still talking up in HoH. Angie's position within her original alliance is looking stronger by the moment. The more distant of a memory Brian becomes, the better off she is. Memphis says Steven's an idiot to think Michelle will go along with anything that sees Libra backdoored, but be that as it may, Angie's lookin' good.
10:47pm BBT
Libra and Keesha are down in the Hippy Room. Libra's saying how she overheard Jerry. Renny comes in and takes a little of the pressure off Keesha. Renny's been making slop cookies... Conversation turns to Jessie and Angie. The women are suspecting something there, because her name never came up for nominations...
- ***Seriously?? They got what they wanted with Dan and Steven on the block, but now that Angie's slightly less than miserable, they wanna stir it up again?!
Drama, thy name is Big Brother.
Oh crap on a stick. Angie messing with Jessie may just mess with Michelle which will mess with Steven's chances of staying...possibly. Oh well, time to see a wee-wee pee-pee!
~ Ryan ~
Carolyn ~ For the sake of me not bothering to read an entire post, would ya mind not posting my posts from this page? Thank ya very much!
~ Ryan ~
Ry - Huh?
How bout just not the one where you mention the site that gives anyone who mentions bbdish a stern warning and then bans them? ;)
Whoopsie-Daisy, Sorry!. Gotcha. They are now out of my Computer as a link to check. I must pledge any and all support to the beautiful goddess that is Carolyn.
~ Ryan ~
hehehe.. you're adorable and very sweet. and they are a terrific source. just unfortunate they perceive my little blog as a threat of some kind.
This ain't no little blog! This is DA DISH! :)
carolyn, im just wondering why all of a sudden everyone seems to not like jerry very much. i heard keesha and libra and michelle talking about how they would rather have renny then jerry in sequester. when did this happen??
Carolyn ~ Well being number 1 when it comes to Big Brother Blogs can be a BIT threatening I guess, lol.
Oh yea, did u make a tally of what ure web site visits were before BB10 started? I swear that number will jump dramatically this season!
Everyone, this is where I get off. I must rejuvenate from my lack of sleep this past week. You can believe I will be up for the Overnight Report. Have fun with the rest of the night everyone and I will see you all in the AM!
~ Ryan ~
what??? someone does that??? Idiots. I tell everyone about this site. Had two fans at the party tonight. It was great.
Hi gaYTor. Hi Ry. Hi everyone else.
Time for bed.
Memphis : "I'm not a fan of the backdoor."
Ya know this may be a little off topic about this specific blog post so far but after watching Jerry tonight I have lost so much respect for him. Him being old fashioned and such I didn't think he would disrespect women in such a nasty way. From calling Libra a F'ing b*tch to talking about Ollie getting some from April. Im just not feeling him anymore.
UGGGGGGGGG Libra makes me always has to be her way..and you cannot talk about any other talk... uggg steven you got it right back door her controllong A$$
these ppl just don't get it libra will smell it out and get someone to spill she needs to hit the road
OK, I'm convinced that Libra's pretty much insane. Paranoid at the very least. I really don't think she'd be content until Angie was spent 24 hours a day in a room by herself.
why does libra gets so mad when they all hang out together????
i f'ing love big brother. i just needed to say that.
and ry and carolyn... blogger drama? lol.
geniesea :) you're a sweetie
callimarie - it's been happening the past couple days actually..
nite nite ry :)
zany - one of the big guns.. silly, i agree.
genie - i have to agree with memphis - not a fan of the backdoor at all!
I know that libra may not be everyone's favorite player, but the girl is smart. She has figured out the two major alliances.First the brain,ollie,dan,stephen. And now the memphis,jessie,michelle, and angie. But she made her mistake buy telling people about her information. She should have kept it to her self for a little while longer.Nobody too smart stays in the game.
it's just about 3am eastern..
time for all semi sane bloggers to say g'nite :)
Goodnite Carolyn!
I am just checking to see if I am doimg this right!
Googbye Libra!
Looks like it might be a early Christmas for the fans who dislike Libra, hopefully.
it make's me so annoyed how memphis was telling angie that he can see there alliance of 4 making to the final 4
dude its not even the end of the second week
and it also makes me laugh how he told her that nobody will figure out there alliance and then not even 10 minutes later it cut to libra and keesha and libra was starting to figure it out.
Good Morning!
So I don't understand this. Why are they after Steven? Dan is the only one who voted to keep Brian so why would they not be trying to get rid of him. Also Angie, she was on Brian's side? I say leave poor Steven alone. Let him stay, Let him stay! He was looking mighty cute last night on BBAD! LOL
RayRayFad, that's the same point that Steven was trying to make to Memphis last night, without much success. I agree with you; doesn't make sense to target Steven, if the reason is the Brian alliance. As Steven said, he jumped ship, while Dan didn't.
Several people have mentioned Libra's agitation about Angie's name disappearing from the "hit list." I found it amusing watching her last night as she worked herself into a tizzy.
Did anyone else notice her when she and Renny were alone in the kitchen? Most everyone else was outside at the pool table. Someone walking through asked where everyone was, and Renny said that they were outside playing pool. Libra said sarcastically "and one girl," meaning Angie. And, actually, she was wrong; Michelle was also playing.
Libra reminded me of a bull bulding up a head of steam; you're just waiting for the explosion. She was louding smacking food, her nostrils were flaring, she was making strange expressions with her face, her eyes were wild, and she was fidgeting. The camera went to Renny periodically, and she was covertly watching Libra; seemed to also be amused by Libra's antics.
Libra kept saying she was going to get Jessie alone and grill him about the situation. She din't get her chance before BBAD ended; did the explosion ever happen?
libra is twice as smart as she looks, but only half as smart as she thinks she is. i think her or april better win hoh next week if she doesnt want to go home and change diapers.
I think Jessie's illogical dislike of Steven is homophobia. I liked last nite when it seemed Jessie was softening towards him. Alittle respect maybe!
I don't want Steven to leave but he is a gentle guy and I would hate to see him hurt.
Jerry was funny last nite I thought. Memphis I think is the strongest in many ways. I've never seen slop put away like that!
I want steve to stay sooo bad. I watch the showtime after dark and it wouldn't be the same with out him. They always do something entertaining!! Back dooring Libra would have worked too, because the majority of the house is sick of her!!!
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