Waitin' on the PoV Comp
The Feeds went to Bubble at 12:55pm BBT
Still Bubbles at 2:30pm BBT...
Someone in control forgot to put on trivia... lol.. 3 minutes after I typed that, we get this new image below.. and then, just to be cheeky, they flip back to bubbles. Hello Control. :)

Before this, the last image we had from the feeds was of Jerry reading the rules to the other HGs, so it's a pretty safe bet that the PoV comp is underway.
That means we need some PoV waiting activities!
Waiting Activity #1:
Since people seem to have formed some pretty strong opinions about this new set of Big Brother Houseguests already, I think it's time for the first round of BB10 - Who would you? Also known as, "Marry, Shag, Throw from a Cliff." There are guidelines: Marry but never shag, Shag once and only once, Throw from a cliff. Pick one HG for each category and have at it. I'll see ya in the comments.
Waiting Activity #2:
Go check out TRD=BBDishin'. Michelle's Bad Joke of the Day & True or False with Libra.
Activity #3: We did this one once pre-season, and everyone seemed to get a kick out of it... Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to find the most BIZARRE thing currently up for auction on ebay. Please email me your finds, and I'll put them up here for everyone to see. Ya gotta email to me at dishchicks at yahoo dot com. The ebay urls are too long for the comment section and they never come out right.
Here's a start! Keep em coming!
- LifeSize Prop - Severed Ear & Bloody Eyeball
- Haunted Gypsy Ring: To Stop Divorce
- Real Human Kidney - Is that even legal?! No, wait. It's a book.
- Potato Chip Shape of Female Privates
- Taxidermy Squirrel Playing Golf
- Eyeball Soap
- Own Some Texas in a Jar
Marry: Jerry
Shag Once: Ollie
Throw from a cliff: Steven
Marry: hmm.... Memphis? Shag too :)
Throw from a Cliff, Libra and Steven together.
my goodness.
Marry Angie, Shag April, Throw Michelle from a cliff.
I would marry Jerry - it sounds like he has a good retirement package -
I would Shag Memphis - Practice makes perfect
April would be over that cliff so fast even Ollie couldn't let go of her hand fast enough (2 with one throw , not too shabby)
Marry: Jerry
Shag Once: Dan
Throw from a cliff: Steven
Marry: Memphis
Shag Once: Memphis.. OK More than Once a day OK... :o)
Throw from a cliff: Michelle, Libra, & April... get rid of the three amigos
Jessie - permanently tattoo a shirt on him.
Jerry - adopt as my granfather!
Renny - party in New Orleans
Angie - hang out
April - buy her a oneway ticket to Antartica
Ollie - give hm a clue
Keesha - shake
Steven - but him PC for Dummies
Memphis - make him listen to hard core rap for 24 hours.
Libra - duct tape
Michelle - thorw into the middle of a Bull RUn
Dan- give a two week all expense-paid stay at Boot Camp
Marry: Ollie
Shag Once: Memphis
Throw from a cliff: Steven
marry: brian
shag once:jesse
throw from a cliff: steven
Marry: Brian or Dan (loyalty)
Shag: Ollie
Throw: Libra and Michelle
Marry: Memphis (since Brian's gone)
Shag: Dan
Throw off a cliff: Libra
Marry: none of them
Shag Once: (Honestly Dan lol)
Throw from a cliff: Steven
Marry: Brian
Shag: Ollie
Throw fom Cliff: Jessie
Marry = Angie
Shag = Michelle
Throw from a Cliff = Steven & Renny
marry: Brian or Dan
shag: Memphis
throw from cliff: Jessie
Throw from a cliff--Ollie and April
Marry - Jerry
Shag Once - Dan
Throw from a cliff - Renny
I would love to see Steven with this one... and then have Jessie grow some balls and put up one of the AMIGAS for pawn. And the rest of the history would be interesting to see play out. ;-)
marry keesha shag april cliff libra
Marry - Jerry
Shag - Dan
Throw off cliff - Jessie & Steven
Reincarnate - Brian (miss that kid)
Marry: Angie.
Shag: Keesha and April at the same time.
Throw from a cliff: Ollie.
marry keesha shag april cliff libra. the best thing about libra is that she is going to be brought down hard in this game.
ooops I played this wrong... :) sowwy...
Marry: Clive Owen ooops... oh you want me to choose a HG... erm.. Brian?
Shag: pass
Throw off a Cliff: April & Michelle
Marry: Brian
Shag: Memphis
Cliff: LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marry but never shag: Jerry
Shag once and only once: Jessie
Throw from a cliff: Jessie
(so I get one more since I used Jessie twice. :p )
Marry and shag constantly: Steven
Hey All!! Genie, too funny!!!
Marry..Dan (he is very faithful to his friends so far...)
Throw April, Ollie & Libra from the cliff.
LMAO, GayTor
Throw from a cliff:The 3 amigos Libra, April, and Michelle lol
Marry but never shag - Lovely Angie. It would be hard to be celibate though ....
Shag once and only once - Even with the plumber's crack, it has to be Keesha.
Throw from a cliff - Libra. Hopefully, April will be joined at the hip with her.
seems no one is following rules..I change my original post then...
Marry: Brian
Shag: Ollie
Cliff: Jessie & Libra
Marry: Jerry
Shag: Brian,if it has to be someone stil in the house then Memphis.
Throw from a cliff: Jessie
GaYToR cheated !!!
I'm telling!
marry: none of them
shag: Dan
throw from cliff: Jessie
Gaytor, you soooo crack me up. And you make me laugh lots throughout the day. Thanks! *HUGS*
Do you listen to OutQ on satellite radio? I'm a hetero listening to gay radio, how funny is that :) ... some very unique, insightful and intriguing topics. Makes me miss my godfather lots some days. Having a gay best friend is the very best thing in the world!!
OK-back on topic!!
Marry: Memphis
Shag: Steven, I know he's gay, but it's only a one time thing! grin
Throw: April, Michelle or Libra.
throw from a cliff-ollie(traiter)
Marry: Memphis
Shag: Jessie
Throw from cliff: Libra!!
Marry...Jerry...he is too sweet and how could u not have the story of his wife!
Clift...April with Libra a very close second!
Marry: April
Shag: Jessie
Throw from a Cliff: Dan
Marry - Memphis or Dan
Shag - Jessie
Throw - April, Libra, Ollie, Michelle
Marry Dan
Shag Once: Memphis
Throw from a cliff: Libra and Michelle
gotta say, the only thing better than bama's tushy is his face ;)
I asked this in another post but no one answered...*pout*
I'll try again!
DO they show any comps on the feeds other than HoH Endurance?
Does anyone know when they switched from pb&j to slop and why?
cliff libra
Marry Angie
Shag Keesha
Throw from cliff Steven
hmmm.... marry (& this marriage implies lots of shagging): DAN shag only once: Memphis throw off a cliff: April, Michelle and Libra!
marry- ollie
shag- jerry.
no im totally kidding.
id pick dan
cliff- libra
Marry: none!
Shag: Memphis
Throw: Jessie
Marry: Keesha (even with the missing tooth she's a cutie)
Shag: April
Throw off a cliff: LIBRA!!! Wouldn't it be fun to hear her bitch you out all the way to the bottom?
Marry: Jerry or Dan [both seem very loyal]
Shag: Brian
Throw off a cliff: hopefully Libra and April are playing a 3 legged race and I get them both at once :D
Hey Carolyn, How about this one?
Marry: Steven
Shag: Ollie
Throw from a cliff: Brian and his dragon breath
Marry - Jessie
Shag - Dan
Throw from a cliff - It's a tie! April and Keesha
shag once:dan
throw off a cliff:keesha
Marry No shag = Jerry
Shag 1x = Dan
Throw off a cliff = Jessie
Marry - Brian
Shag once - Memphis
Throw from a cliff - Jessie
Marry: Jerry
Shag Once: Memphis
Throw from a cliff: Steven (I am so disappointed in him!!!)
Would shag then marry ANGIE! woohoo *does alittle dance* The rest of em can all go over the cliff....
Well, steven and memphis can hang if they seperate themselves from the others.....
SO agree with you Carolyn...Bama is just a cutie all over :))
genie sea
In the past I have seen food comps and even luxury comps on the feeds. But that is some time back. They became too secretive a few seasons back.
Might have been after season 5 or 6... because they said it was changed due to nutritional value and PB&J did not offer as much.
Genie - We saw food comps last season.. and the season before
Marry: Brian with a breath mint
Shag: Memphis & Dan (once each)
Cliff Toss: Libra, Jessie, April
Carolyn.. whats your email
Throw from a cliff: Renny
Marry: Memphis
Shag: Memphis
Throw off a cliff: Steven without a doubt!
Carolyn thanks again for all you and your staff do ;)
Marry: Steven In CA or MA of course oh wait..I guess Lenny if I had to choose a woman. like her outfits.
Shag: Steven after he brushes he teeth after dipping
Throw: Natalie from last season. I'd go find her and throw her off just because!
Thanks Tella and Carolyn!
That's funny. PB&J could have awesome nutritional value: PB = protein, if the bread is whole grain and the jam real fruit with no added sugar then yummily nutritious! I think they did it to break the HGs down more than anything. It adds to drama! :)
Bama looks so good it HURTS!!
I would marry Angie.
I would shag Keesha.
Then I would throw myself off the cliff because I cheated on Angie.
ps. mikeinbama is yummilicious inside and out! :)
new top post ...
marry: umm..ollie. or memphis.
shag: jessie
throw from a cliff: renny or keesha
I'm with you Genie I think there's a humiliation factor too!
It can't smell good. I hope they change it back to pb&j,I feel guilty when they don't eat.I thought they's bring pb&j back after the allergic reactions last season.
hi i've been lurking here since bb8 and finally decided to post...
marry- memphis
shag-memphis (hey we're married so it's ok)
throw from a cliff- i'd tie libr and april together and hopefully ollie would follow in a desperate attempt to save the ahem...barbie b*tch lol
LOL...everyone wants the same as me!! Marry - Jerry He's just too good of a man.
Shag - not once, but daily (perhaps more than daily) Memphis
Throw from a cliff - Jessie He acts pretty spoiled, and he goes around "demanding" respect. It ain't that easy so don't even try.
:p Shamrock, I don't call it cheating. I call it dancing to the beat of a different drum.
:D julieb, glad I can make you laugh. I don't have Sirrus so no I don't get to listen. Wish I did.
OK MikeInBama: This means war. Changing your pic 3 times in one day. That's just showing off. I only do mine once a day or every other day. One day I might even put up a pic of me out of drag. There are a few here and there, Some are like your first pic, but I would rather make people laugh WITH me instead of AT me. I know no one would droll like we did over yours.
Marry: Brian (laughter is one of the keys of a good marriage, plus seems very loyal)
Shag 1x: Dan
To throw ala conga line down a cliff:
Libra, April, Ollie and Michelle
Marry Memphis all the why!!!
Shag Memphis, like someone else already said, it is ok we are married!!
throw from a cliff- Libra-April, that is one HG right?
would also throw Jessie if I could lift him.
This is my first post ever to a blog. I'm somewhat new to BB. The first season I watched was BB8 (along with BBAD). Thought it was okay, but really didn't see what everyone was so crazy about. I discovered this blog during BB9. Keeping up-to-date through the blog makes it a completely different experience. Now, of course, I'm addicted to it. Haven't signed up for the feeds because I would NEVER get any work done if I did :-). Carolyn, as many people have already posted, thanks for all the hard work you and your crew do in keeping us informed of what's going on in the house.
Now, on to the Waiting Activity:
Shag once: hmmmm ... considering that I'm old enough to be most of the HG's (except for Renny and Jerry) parent, that's tough. Maybe Dan, with the stipulation that he not talk; I don't agree with his politics, but he seems like a nice guy otherwise.
Marry, but not shag: Renny seems to be the only one interesting enough to live with for a long time. She's quirky, but I like her sense of humor.
Throw from a cliff: Jessie, in a heartbeat. The boy is entirely too narcissistic.
Marry = Memphis or Jessie.
Shag Once = Ollie.
Throw from a Cliff = Renny.
Marry Angie
Shag April
and cliffdiving for Libra
throw from a cliff:keesha
marry: brian
shag: brian
throw from a cliff: libra
Oh this is a no brainer:
Marry - Julie Chen (if anyone can pull strings for the prize money it's her)
Shag (repeatedly in just one longggg session)- Memphis, Steven, and Jessie in a drunken love-fest that no will ever own up to remembering
Throw from a cliff - Brian, just to add insult to injury (sorry boo boo)
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