Late Afternoon & Waiting on the Nomination Ceremony

4:24pm BBT
Most of the HGs are gathered outside on the couch, chatting about food... Isn't it always the way when 1/2 the people are on slop? Steven's waxing poetic about the opening of the 1st Krispy Kreme. This brings on more Krispy Kreme talk from everyone else.
The group keeps changing naturally between private conversations with each each other, and group conversations involving everyone.
Inside, Angie and Memphis are talking about different modeling assignments they've been on.
4:32pm BBT
OUTSIDE on the Red Couch
Michelle's laying down next to Jessie, and he's asking her all about Rhode island.
Keesha's wondering where Renny is... Jerry's talking about working out...
Group talk turns back to food... lol.. like little girls at a fat camp.
4:35pm BBT
4:40pm BBT
Group talk
It's all about sex, baby...
Talk on the live feeds has turned to sex.. Who will, who wont, who will as a favor, but wont like it... All of the women are voicing a dislike for oral.
Jerry: (calls out to his wife) Are you hearing this sh*t?!
Memphis: It's inevitable that these conversations happen.
- ***Isn't that the truth!? Generally much more than just conversations.
Talk turns to snakes. A natural progression.
Keesha: What're you supposed to do? Cut it and suck it?
5pm BBT
Keesha: Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just split the $$?
Michelle: We can't. it's a game show rule.
Jerry gives them the background about the $64,000 Question, and how game shows came under scrutiny because of it.
An eater sticks his head outside and asks about chicken cutlets.
Jerry: We don't even wanna talk to you. Get your ass back inside.
Libra: Uh oh. It's only day one.

5:11pm BBT
April & Ollie
Red Bed
A little more snuggle time for our burgeoning romance.
April was laying there thinking about her twin sister Angela, and Ollie came in and lay next to her, with his arm draped over her.
5:15pm BBT - TRIVIA !!
It's Nomination Ceremony time! :) Nope. That was a big psych out from production. Feeds are back at 5:23pm BBT.
5:27pm BBT
Ollie's working out. A picture's worth a thousand words:

5:29pm BBT
Steven: How'm I supposed to get my ball? I lost my ball.
And... TRIVIA!
at 7:06pm BBT
OMDG! I was just watching last nights AD and the upstairs crew (Libra, April, Michelle, etc.) are brutal. They are so mean and heartless.
April is not very smart! And, with all that forehead, you would think she had a brain in there.
Now don’t make me talk bad about Michelle. Don't do it, don't do it....okay, I will. Jerry asked a question and Michelle said “boooorrrr i n g.” How disrespectable!
ok ok..get to the good stuff. Lets get the nominations going!
Holy hellamundo Piper - that April sh** was hilarious!!!!
Get on ReporterX and whoever else...if I don't get to see some clips about the sex/snakes talk later this evening i'm gonna cry. You gotta keep those of use who can't stay glued to the screen 24/7 in the loop with some good video. (I miss James/Chelsia by the way)
OK, I find this FACINATING every season. They go a week on slop and protien shakes and flip the f*ck out. And I totally believe the effects are real.
YET, overweight people are still condemned as lazy and lacking in willpower in our society.
I've been on diets that were supposed to last months that have less calories than what they get on slop. And these days they do surgery to make your stomach the size of a plum.
And they expect us to do this and exervise, and oh, stay sane?! And did you notice that on slop all they think about is food, and as soon as they go off they gorge themselves and gain all the weight back.
Tell me how this is not PROOF that dieting is impossible in every way, and counter productive? Of course eathing healthy is important, don't get me wrong. But diets are the devil's work. They don't work, make you fatter, and make you go INSANE!
What do you think?
trivia @ 5:16 bbt noms??
I'm sorry, Jane, I couldn't hear you over the crunch of my kettle cooked potato chips. what was that?
I can't believe that Libra and Angie are the most popular HGs...Libra is just awful, she's bossy, a know-it-all, and thinks she owns the house. Angie...she's just...blah. The way she pandered to Jessie last night was pathetic. If I was him I would have told her to leave the room. Go Memphis!
I can't type a long repsonse Carolyn, I have ice cream sandwhich all over my fingers.
I want PIZZA now..Thanks Jane! lol
ok the pic of ollie working out makes me think:
ugh! too fat!
Jane - :) perfect
Mark - my Mark?
This comment has been removed by the author.
nope... i'm pretty sure i'm my own mark. hehe.
Just curious - anyone else gain weight during BB?
I actually gained weight during BB8 watching BBAD. It was Evel Dick's late night sandwiches that got me the most. The deli roast beef with avacado, then ice cream, etc. I'm getting those cravings again this season. Guess 'cause I'm on the west coast and BBAD starts at 9:00 here. By 10:00, after watching the pizzas being made, I'm digging around for a late night snack. So far, so good - haven't gained an ounce...but if I do, BB's to blame. Yeah, that's the ticket!
Pic Caption:
Steven, I've found your ball.
Is this where we should leave our caption for Ollie?
"OUCH JESSIE!! I have my word"
Mark - ok.. just checkin'
Piper :) thank you!
Sounds like Izzy's a big smoker if ya know what I mean. I agree, but I don't blame BBAD, I blame the FEEDS!
It's true, I do gain weight durring BB season. When they eat dinner it's late night snack time here. Or maybe it's because I sit on my fat arse watching the feeds all day. Lol.
Caption this pic!!
"Maybe if I work out hard enough I can stay in Jesse's posse"
Speaking of which, Carolyn you should weigh like 400 pounds from watching the feed nearly 24/7. How do you stay so gorgeous?
Thanks, Jane...
I think I can answer that best in a song...
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like...
Give it up Carolyn, you're just naturally perfect.
You are welcome dear Carolyn.
Those skinny little wanttabe movie stars don't know the first thing about the challenges they will be facing in their lives. Slop for a week….plleeeeeeseee! They don’t know nuthin yet.
LOL Xbertman - well back in the day! Now I'm just a bit of a foodie and easily tempted. Tonight's menu is pork chops, mashed potatoes, country gravy, and fresh green beans to offset the rest of.
Like I could blame BB...!
Jane Hah!
Nicole hehe.
Piper They sure don't. It's funny.. people were saying they felt sorry for jerry.. that he'll have such a hard time on it. i don't see that happening... he's from "the greatest generation." he'll make do.
judy in NJ hehe :)
izzy - add some corn bread and invite me.
The "cut it and suck it" comment was so apropros LOL. Anyway, I think Ollie and April make a cute couple, no matter how much people think she is annoying LOL.
Kind of off the subject, but I'm watching today's House Calls & Brian is really great on it. I'm sorry he had to go so soon - he would have been my favorite had he stayed.
Caption this pic!!
Father Forgive me for I have sinned... well gettin close... HELP me Lord!!!
Izzy - YES! Both during BB8 & BB9, when watching BBAD, I ate more seemed like they were always making them. I'd say, "Hey guys, sounds like a great idea!", press pause, and head into the kitchen. And as an on-again-off-again smoker (currently off, TYVM) Dick did not help me to stay off the nicotine.
Yeah, somehow I think Jerry will be able to handle a week of slop. That guy has lived through real problems. Plus older people don't need more food, they need less. Any he's not a spoiled baby (I wanted to use the p**sy, but this is a family blog :-)
Actually what I think Jerry is having the most trouble with is he thought he would be able to moderate some of the insanity, and it's harder for him than expected. It's like training dogs, they can't learn when they are too excited, and these youngins go into full tilt so fast.
Carolyn - come on over honey - you got it! WA state is beautiful right now!
Pic Caption
"Does anyone have a toothpic? I have a piece of april stuck in my teeth"
sorry if it's too much too post...just the first thing that came to mind lol
Seriously!!! I'm so coming over for dinner Izzy. It sounds amazing. And, I totally agree with Carolyn...where's the cornbread? Did we all catch the outside crew talking about smoking "not cigarettes" last night? That's when Michelle took one of Angie's and said she was pretending it was something else. Good times. Can't wait to watch the feeds and get fatter. :)
Shana May... I think I love you! That is by far the funniest comment i've seen this season. How exactly do you get a piece of April out of your teeth? Floss or a toothpick?
Excellent shana may. Hummm, but I wonder, is this a family blog any more? lol.
Shanna May you win!!! that was hysterical!!!
tooth pick or floss..well I suppose it would depend on what piece of April is stuck in ones teeth?
Hi guys are cracking me up tonight. Jane, agree about the dieting..but then anything can drive me nuts (speaking of nuts, think there is a can in the pantry!)
That pic of Ollie, first thing I thought of was "Wow, April was tasting funny?" Sorry if too crude to put up.
And thanks for making me smile today, just got back from vet...puppy is sick :(....smoke from fires not good for puppy!
I'm sure April already has floss
I wonder if we'll get a C-rations or K-rats story out of Jerry. Maybe talk about his John Wayne tool (P-38) ..... I think I'd rather have slop than the old style MRE's I ate in the 80's to early 90's.
I can't believe these HG's are whining on day one of slop. The HG I want to see on slop in Jessie. How will he fuel that "machine" of his?
Jessie's got nothing on me....
Rhonda, I'm so sorry your puppy is sick.
Rhonda - me too :(
Piper & Carolyn, thanks. He is like my son so I get very worried. You all are great! Hugs!
Hey, hey, HEY! Isn't this just a nomination cerimony? What's the holdup? Think a rumble broke out?
Sorry Rhonda. Are you in CA?
Watch the Greatest American Dog on CBS with her/him. My dog and i watch it together and I tell him we can do that and better! Great bonding time!
Aww Rhonda hugs to you and puppy!
Shout to AGP for trivia. It gave me a chance to catch up on my other fave show - So you think you can dance! woop woop!
Ok. It's done now, so...*tap tap*
Awesome captions everyone! Very funny. I have no PG captions in mind, so I will zip it :)
rhonda - I hope your little pup is okay! Dogs are the bestest friends in the whole wide world.
Loving the Ollie comments!! You guys crack me up.
And WOW is this taking a long time for nominations!!
BTW-did anyone find Jerry's hoh blog yet?
Out of Steven's mouth. It's him and Dan as the nominees.
i hope that your puppy is okay rhonda ... : (
i don't have a puppy, but i have a cat whom is also like my child ... so i'm sending positive thoughts your way.
do you think steven is freaking out? did he know it was coming? i remember hearing him say something to the affect of him not thinking he was going to be nominated.
RayRay, I am actually in Reno, but we are getting the worst of the smoke. It settles in the valley here. And yes, we have watched Great American Dog....have to love Tillman!!! My baby is a bulldog!
I have had withdrawals today...its 10:15 texas time and im just catching up for the day on my dish!ive been doing major dieting *which i agree is driving me CRAZY* and since BB started ive had SUCH a hard time not snacking during BBAD...right getting ready to get in bed and watch...and all im thinking about is what i can snack on! thanks guys! :o) Last year it was the ICE much ice cream everynight!!!!
ohhh the HG making cookies all the time last season got me too!!! I was constantly making cookies!
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