Big Brother 10 Jessie's HoH Reveal

At long last, we have Jessie's HoH reveal. Yayyyy!
His pics? Bodybuilding shots, his brother, his girlfriend and downtown Des Moines. The bodybuilding shot here was from May 20th.
Jessie said he gained about 20 pounds immediately after that shot, just replenishing his body with water.

Jerry runs downstairs to get drinks for everyone, and he gets as big a cheer upon his arrival as BB did when they called Jessie to the DR.
7 minutes after the reveal, Angie and Keesha bail and go outside together. After a while, Renny joins them out there.

At 10:50pm BBT, Steven wakes up, comes upstairs to say "Congrats, Man," and leaves. Boom. Done. The others comment on it.
Jessie's not pleased.. at all. Not pleased and not impressed.
I got to see everything I needed to see!!! I'm just gonna turn on AD in the bedroom tonight, since the last couple of nights my husband has been making fun of me for falling asleep with the laptop in the bed!
Thanks for all you do for us Carolyn! :)
Jessica, Jameka and Amber have taken over the HoH .... er ... yeah, basically.
This group is amazing ... I can't believe they are discussing who is allowed to talk to who. Break out your Orwell folks. It's the Big Brother Thought Police.
Can we call them the Flocking Thought Police ???
g'nite everyone :)
cya for the overnight report in the morning.
fyi... TRD's posting something fabulous here on the main page just after midnight BBT tonight. :)
These people are ridiculous.
In past seasons the house took awhile to become this acrimoniously divided. I have no idea what anyone could have possibly done to deserve this type of leper treatment this early.
Apparently, the only lesson these HGs have learned is "pick a side, and hate the others with the heat of 1 million burning suns".
Stupid. And completely unnecessary.
I have been glued to the group in the backyard... they are growing on me. All of them. And their game about saying something sweet about each other, rather than the cattines up in HoH is endearing.
I can't believe I am saying this... the guy I wanted out first when I read their Bios... is now part of my favorites. The fact that he said that what he has learned about life and things in this game is not to be judgmental of having a female friend or a gay friend. Dan said this would not have happened if not on BB. Kudos! There is hope yet.
I love the downstairs group. No. Hate. What-so-ever.
Man... Libra and her sheep and ollie and jessie can leave for all I care. Ugh derisory they are sickening to watch!
Stevan worked at the camp I worked at! Cool! Wish I worked with him. :(
ugh, as of right now I do not like a majority of the people who are not a part of the backyard crew.
Late, late, late in the BB house, and Angie gets an Audience with Jessie the Body.
It consisted more of Jessie lecturing Angie, and Jessie trashing Brian, but hey, this show is all about Jessie - at least in his mind.
He's making himself the biggest target in this game for next week.
Carolyn, do you know if anyone got a clip of the Jessie/Angie talk later in the evening? I read about it on Jokers and checked the vid sites but haven't seen it.
I didn't know Michelle, Jessie, Angie and Memphis had an alliance from the beginning.
Too many hg's to keep track!
I can't wait for Jessie to sink. I have no idea who I'm rooting for anymore, which might make it more fun to watch them all eat each other.
I was so bummed that Jessie won HOH. I can't stand him and hope they get him out as soon as possible. It gags me to see his muscles all the time.
"I was so bummed that Jessie won HOH. I can't stand him and hope they get him out as soon as possible. It gags me to see his muscles all the time."
Couldn't agree with you more, anonymous. I cannot stand Jessie. He's so immature. And his muscles don't impress anyone because he's shorter than Danny Devito. :)
Um, his muscles impress me. It takes a LOT of work to get that huge, especially if you're doing it "naturally" as he claims. You're just jealous.
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