The Big Brother 10 Test Feeds are Live!!
I'm so excited!! Doin' a little happy dance over here!! Finally, the test feeds are live.
The clickable links are up for your convenience on the left sidebar where it says "Launch the BB10 Live Feeds." FYI, the Launch only works if you've already signed up. At the moment, the feeds are showing:

Many thanks to ReporterX for having the presence of mind to decipher the links! I'm way too much of a spaz.
Can someone tell me how to see that? im still showing BB9 stuff i dont have anything else? lol i feel dumb.
hi sammieb
on the main bbdish page on the left side..scroll down and look for the little buttons that say Launch the BB10 Live Feeds above it..try clicking those and the bb10 cameras should open..(real player is still showing bb9 stuff) you have to click from the page here to see the bb10 test cam's..
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ps: you have to be logged into your real account and already have superpass to see these cameras..
Is it just me, or is there a giant black border around all the cameras?
anon re border - I'm not seeing it.
I get a Quicktime "disconnected" every time I click on the feeds from bb10 site!!!!!! Does anyone know why. My realplayer is playing bb9 just fine, but I can't get there from here...
ps I have never posted until today and would like to say thanks to everyone who contributes. It is a great site and I have been enjoying it since all stars.
I am at work at the library but got the test feeds fired up. Getting excited now, but I can't pass up the oportunity to play live w/my band at this awesome dance hall. It will be a once in a lifetime gig! Even BB10 can wait for this one!!
anon with the border issues... i saw your other comment.. i'm not fami9liar with that program at all. sorry. i recommend you contact the people who run that site.
I REAAALLY hope none astronauts get nominated for eviction.
monyc - roflmao!
Carolyn- It's true. You didn't hear this from me, but the sequester shuttle isn't nearly as fun as everyone makes it out to be. =)
Ok So i did it..I signed up for the live feeds....Buttt I need some help...I just signed up and its not workingggggg...I clicked on the buttons one the left side of this page and real players opens and this circle just keeps spinning int he middle of the page like its gonna load but nothing happens...what am i doing wrongggg HELPPPP.....
Yayyy... ok honey, you're almost there. Try launching real properly first. then, while it's open, click the launch links on the left sidebar.
Tell me if that works for ya. :)
quick question, or clarification really....the only way to see the test feeds is through the launch on your page, correct? my feeds are ok if i'm still watching the big she when i launch directly from real? just wanna be sure everything is a-ok!!
i downloaded a real upgrade & am excited to see music downloads are now compatable with ipods...finally! that $10 of music every month is my justification for spending $15/month on the feeds (since i'm too lazy to cancel in between seasons).
can't wait for sunday! caro, do you have a healthy supply of your cuban crack ready and waiting?!? looking forward to reading your words instead of completing my work for the next 3 months!!!
mary elizabeth :)
yup. you're a-ok.
and I'm fully stocked! ;)
p.s. ditto on the too lazy to cancel in between...
Mine fired right up too! YAY!! This is soooo exciting!
lilbets - Yayy!!! :) Gotta love BBC world. lol.
nite nite all... this is my last chance to sleeeeeeeeeep, and i'm takin it!
Carolyn can you PLEASe help me? I am trying to download RP for the first time on my MAC and it just wont download. Is there something different for a MAC? Its so frustrating cause I have an account but cant get the RP to my computer screen.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Anon Mac User - I just added Mac Specific Links to the tippy top of the blog, as well as the sidebar. :)
I hope those help!!
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