HoH Reveal

HoH Room
Michelle is in tears, reading her letter from home.
Libra: Did you get your wine? Your Portuguese wine?
Michelle: No, Napa Valley.
Keesha: Is that your dog?
Michelle: OMG!! I didn't even see him!!
Keesha: Well, congratulations.
Michelle: Thank you. Man, my nieces are having such a good time... they get to stay up late.
Keesha: (looking at a pic) Oh! Are those your nieces?

Michelle starts going through her goodie basket.
Meanwhile, Renny has gone down to the Hippie Room and is having such a good cry, I wanna hug her! Poor honey.
Back upstairs in HoH, Michelle is very graciously offering her goodies to everyone.

Hippie Room
Dan comes to comfort Renny. Keesha too. Keesha gives her a good hug. Libra comes back down too, and talk returns to game, and how they're sure April & Ollie will stay up there kissing butt for ever.
9:06pm BBT
Michelle is so happy to have all the pics from home. She looks like she feels grounded again, perhaps for the first time since she entered the house. April & Ollie are asking all kinds of questions about her family and life. Jerry is perched, not talking much.

Memphis is perched on the bed, not shovelling any bs, but spot claimed and firmly.
April leaves the room, just for a moment.
Michelle's just thrilled and bouncing around the room... looking at all her stuff.
Michelle: I wish you were here, Jessie! But that's ok...
Pleasant chatter continues...
So far no game talk. It seems as though April may be waiting, hoping Memphis might leave. Then she offers to leave, if Michelle wants to jump up and down and scream.
BB: Michelle, please come to the Diary Room.
Michelle tells them they're welcome to stay, if they like. She goes. Memphis follows. They're hoping alcohol may be involved.
hey carolyn and dishbloggers.
great night in the bb house! didnt wanna post as i saw you were overwhelmed.
sad to see the tool go, as i wanted him in sequester, but the fall out was well worth it. finally bb10 springs to life.
i was watchin the live show and was shocked to see that GAYTOR is in fact Dan's mom! OMG
for the benefit on the show michelle winning hoh is really the best thing,
thanks to you reporterx and the other at dischiks u are really the tops!
Thank you so much for everything carolyn! I love this site, and frankly, I cannot deal with that "other site" anymore! <333
Michelle may surprise us now that Jessie is out of the house. She seems so happy & proud to be able to show off her family.
So I'm moving tomorrow and love the BB and all of you are keeping me company b/c I procrastinated (sp) and waited till the last minute to pack. lol Then again this is distracting me from packing, lol.
While I miss the videos (terribly!), I want you to know I really appreciate the pictures that go along so nicely with the updates!
Best BB update site ever!!!
Thanks so much for your hard work!!
I'm done for the evening. Thank you all for keeping me updated and posting the goods.
Poor Renny ... I feel for her and want to give her a big old hug too.
I'm happy for Michelle, but sad for Renny. Bittersweet ending tonight.
Goodnight all!
Yay BBAD is finally on! Have a wonderful night, Dishchicks, look forward to your overnight report tomorrow!
Carolyn, X and all the DishChicks... AWESOME as always.
Since you usually call it a night before BBAD is over I am going to get my g'night in first. :p~
I'll be popping back over here if a fight starts and I hope it does, but I think it's going to be calm the rest of the night.
Uh.... Carolyn.... do you think there will be a food comp tonight? still on lockdown.... the former HGs coming in for something, and the rumour you posted about one flying in tonight and back out tomorrow?
Are you ready for an all-nighter?
Ok. I have to put this out there. In watching Dan (his diary rooms, his smirk after Libra left his room tonight) I think Dan is a FAKE. I think he is playing an amazing game and I think he has the wool pulled over everyone's eyes. Including ours.
Nice to see every could be polite after all the going's on earlier.
Going to be interesting to say the least :)
...still at work.
Thanks for keeping me entertained Carolyn!!
Carolyn, ReporterX, thank you for all the unbelievable hard work tonight! Good nite all, it was a fun evening & we all got what we wanted & that is to see Jessie gone.
CAROLYN!!!! When does Jessie go grey on the Blog page? I'm shivering in anticip...........
anon@9:15pm - which other site? i'm curious.
there's a new top post, everyone :)
thanks for hanging in there with us!
gayTor - lol.. as soon as stacee gets to work in the morning and sends me the pic ;)
hey carolyn...
the site is jokers...can't take it over there anymore...the mods play favorites to certain members based on who they like in the house..and they are rude, and fake.
thanks again for this site, its my homepage now! i love it! ((hugs))
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