Big Brother 10 to Explode Tonight
With everything that's gonna go down during the live show tonight, in terms of Operation Mutiny and the fallout, the live feeds are going to be very explosive this evening.
We need to be in top form for that, so in the interest of serving you better when it really matters, we're gonna take the rest of the afternoon off and rest up for tonight... when the hooey hits the fan!
If you haven't taken advantage of the 2 week free trial of the live feeds yet, right now would be a truly excellent time to do so. Click here & gettem all set up before the fireworks start tonight.
We'll be back in plenty of time to do the live show spoiler at 5pm BBT/8pm Eastern for everyone on the west coast and beyond, as well as all the folks for whom BB is being preempted for football tonight... and all the follow up after that!
The Pre-Show Memphis' Mutiny Martini Party kicks off at 7:30pm eastern! ;) Be here!
I have a question and I hope someone here will know the real answer. It will solve a arguement in a chat room!! LOL! We know that Dan has swore on the Bible to vote to evict Jesse. If it comes down that America has voted for the AP to vote out Memphis is it an automatic thing or can Dan refuse and forfiet the money for being AP? Some are saying that he goes in to cast his vote but doesn't sctually get to vote. I can't remember how this all works. Thanks!
April is going to throw the biggest tamtrum tonight. There's no way she's not going to blow up on Keesha, Dan or Libra. I'm going to make myself a stiff drink and watch the trainwreck.
Besides Jessie getting evicted, if Memphis, Keesha, or Libra get HOH would be like a cherry on top.
Michelle is going to have a meltdown of all meltdowns.
Thank God for Canadian, non-football showing, BB stations. Soy glad I don't have to wait till tomorrow morning to watch WWIII!!!
NO NO NO tell me it ain't so!!! I'm on the list OMG I'm on the pre-empted list. I'm gonna cry.
It says (moved) after it? What does that mean? (providence)
I'm watching Housecalls and there is someone named Pyke? Is that the same Pyke from here?!?!
I wonder if Jessie has to practice to be such an A-hole or if it comes "100% NATURAL" like his shirt says?!?!?
Can't wiat, can't wait til tonights show. Hope is goes as planned and Jesse is OUT. Then hope Keesha, Libra, Renny get HOH. I want Ollie and April out next-hopefully double eviction.
I can't believe it. Of all the nights for the live shows to be preempted. Damn! I want to see Jessie and April's faces when he gets the boot.
What the hell is this mutiny talk about/ I couldnt find the post on here. TIA
I am so excited about tonight! lol Making sure I am still able to log on !
do the live feeds show the actual shows? my station is being pre-empted because off foootbal and Im upset that I will be missing the best show so far of the season.
I don't know if anyone has posted this, I usually read just the blogs and skip the comments, but couldn't this all flip in April's favor with her new crew tonight if America chooses to evict Memphis and Dan goes along with voting that way?
It is quite obvious that Keesha, Renny, and Libra will vote to evict Jessie and Ollie, Jerry, and Michelle will vote to evict Memphis, meaning that Dan is the deciding vote, making America the ultimate choice. It seems like America dislikes Jessie, but who knows, I wouldn't jump to too many conclusions just yet based on the fact that this could be seen as "normal" to April's crew if Dan votes in their favor, leaving the drama to Keesha's crew and a bit more exciting hatred from Libra.
Just throwing a scenario out there, I don't know what will happen, but let's not count our chickens before they hatch ladies and gents.
Pally, Bogart & Patty - (unpub)
I'm sorry, but the law prevents me from posting the link or name of that site.
Wow have I missed all of you this afternoon!!!
For those of you interested, Steven has listed more items. (I'm sure you know where, but I'm not saying)
Three hours to go until I see BB!! Can't wait, but I'll be here with you all the same reading the comments.
Ok, I have to leave and won't be back home until after the live show is over. Just wanted to wish you all a great party and have one (or several) for me!
I'll catch up when I get in later. Can't wait to read all the wonderful posts and comments!
Hi everyone! Drinks in hand by the way! I've looked at alot of other polls and from what it seems, its Jessie hands down. I'd be very surprised (and upset) if Memphis left.
Do you think the time could go any slower this afternoon? I went out & ran errands, took a nap, washed 2 loads of laundery & folded all them. Watered plants. Played with the cat & I'm still looking to fill some time. But, only 45 min left, guess I'll go make the celebration cocktail, get the muchies ready & wait for the explosion!!! Cannot wait. I wish they could have separate cameras on J/A/O/M & Jessie!!! Want to see each & every expression. I bet Michelle is the first to explode or maybe April, just don't know!!!
Dan swore on the bible that "HE" would vote to evict Jessie, and gave his word to Jerry that "HE" would vote out Memphis.......
However what the HG's don't know is that Dan doesn't get a vote tonight, AMERICA does, so he can swear on the bible and give his word all he wants, he doesn't have a vote. Once he accepted the task of America's Player, he agreed to do whatever we asked of him so he does not even have to say who he is voting out. However, BB needs to tell us and him who America voted for.
(just going back to Eric-BB8-he never said who he was voting for as we knew)
Hope this helps!
Hello everyone :)
I'm looking forward to seeing Jessie's, April's and Michelle's faces when Julie says by a vote of 4-3 Jessie who have been evicted from the Big Brother House.
From the almost unanimous dislike of Jessie, I doubt the vote went any other way.
On another note: I was craving sushi all day but didn't get a chance to have some. I have my pop corn and pink lemonade ready for the fireworks!
Get ready for the unleashing of the Nuclear F Bombs!!
Oh man I am so so so excited!!! Are Margaritias ok 2??? I hope!!!
I'm so excited I can't even spell. haha!
Genie Sea - I did go get some sushi to enjoy during the show. I was also craving it big time. Wish I could share with you!!!
You realize ur truly addicted when u LOVE WALMART, but rush home to make sure ur all nice and comfy to watch the Eviction on BB lol!
I wanna make sure i see JESSIE GO OUT THE DOOR!
who has the recipe for the Memphis Mutiny martini?
AGGGH no vermouth, I may have to invent something.
Actually if its a mutiny it should be a rum drink! Got plenty of that!
Gonna go to work on that! Let's see, a little rum, a little more rum, ooh needs more rum, a little pineapple juice, some cranberry juice, sweet n' sour, a few fresh strawberries, and a dark rum floater on top. (taste) hmm missing something! Guess I'll have to try again, I'm no mixologist!
I'm so p****d about not seeing live show live show until 2 am!
Hanging here for the play by play, got my Yes dance all practiced.
Hey Gaytor met your friend in pogo today at cribbage.
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