WW3 in the Big Brother House
6:02pm BBT
The feeds just came back on, and there is a screaming fight already... The first fight was between Renny and Michelle, them Keesha and Libra came in and things escalated and grew to involve April. Jerry's puffing his chest and getting into it too...
Michelle (to Libra): It's ovah, B*tch. It's ovah!
Spark up the feeds, folks. There is no way to transcribe this. No way.
The fight is mobile and it involves everyone but Memphis, who is maintaining a very low profile.
Complete and total chaos.
6:12pm BBT
80s Room
Libra & Dan
Libra's telling Dan not to worry, and that she's the one going up, not him. She's lovely, gentle and reassuring with him. Keesha goes in to talk to him too, and AP comes up.
6:14pm BBT
Michelle's in the bathroom talking to Jessie as if he's a dear departed relative who's death she's about to avenge.
6:16pm BBT
Jerry comes to Michelle, kissing new HoH butt and badmouthing Dan.
Michelle: I knew they would turn.
Jerry: That b*tch gotta go.
Michelle runs through the list of people who've wanted Libra gone... Jerry agrees.
6:31pm BBT
Living Room
Memphis & Libra
Libra says Dan needs a psychiatrist. She asked Memphis if he requested someone for Dan. Memphis said no...
Libra: I'm gonna request someone. Dan needs someone.
Ollie, April, Michelle, Jerry
Michelle is comforting April. April is crying. She says she is sad Jessie went. Ollie and Jerry join them. Ollie holds April. Michelle hugs her.
Ollie: They are calling someone for Dan..
Michelle: He needs it.
April calls Dan a disgrace to her religion. She tells everyone she is Catholic.
Jerry: He is hiding behind his religion.
Talk turns to Libra. Michelle is telling them Libra is a liar,
Michelle: Her own alliance wanted her out a week ago.
Jerry: No one likes her.
6:44pm BBT
April & Michelle
April: I'll wear the green uni with you in honor of Jessie.
Ollie: We have three green uni's.
Ollie goes to get the green unitard.
Michelle: God, Jessie I wish you were here. There's a party in my room tonight!
Jerry & Ollie rejoin. Ollie did not bring the green uni.
Michelle: I told you that banner said Libra is a liar.
Michelle is excited about her win. She is telling April her family is having a big Portuguese party in her honor.
Ollie and April share a drink from the same Gatorade bottle.
April: Are you sure? This is a big step. He doesn't share his drinks.
Ollie: It is a big step.
6:54pm BBT
Living Room
April, Jerry, Michelle
Dan walks through the room and tries to say something, Jerry cuts him off.
Jerry: Go away. No one wants to talk you. Like you are some nice kid..
Dan: Wow.. (as he walks out)
Libra comes in looking for Keesha & Renny. She thinks they must be in the diary room.
Libra: Congrats, Michelle.
Michelle: Thank you.
7:00pm BBT
Renny, Libra, Keesha, Dan
Renny comforts Dan, who is not doing well. Dan thanks them for having his back and for their support. All three ladies tell him they have his back. Renny says if Jerry says another thing to Dan she's going to have to say something.
Memphis joins.
Memphis: If Jerry says one more thing to me..I'm gonna..ugh
7:21pm BBT
Libra & Keesha
Libra tells Keesha Ollie just called her a dumb ho.
**** A few seconds before we heard Libra say loudly, "I'm no HO!"
80's Room
Dan & Michelle
Michelle is telling Dan they are making him do their dirty work. She is surprised he voted the way he did. She tells him he doesn't seem like the kind of person to tell everyone he was voting their way.
Michelle: Did you swear on a cross and the bible to Jerry?
Dan: No.
Michelle: I don't understand why you did what you did? What did they promise you? Why? Why did you do this? You gave Jessie your word.
Dan: I understand you are mad at me. I don't know what to tell you. I made a mistake.
Michelle: Why, you said you were gonna do what the HOH wanted..why?
Dan: They called me in the room...
Michelle: I just don't understand..what happened?
Dan: I don't have a great answer. I'm embarrassed.
Michelle: You are a school teacher right? That's real? So, Monica is real? How can I trust you.
Dan: Yes, that is who I am. Yes, she is real.
Michelle ends the talk with come talk to me later. Michelle leaves and oddly Dan smiles to the camera's.
For more *gorgeous* pics, go check out DishCaps!
7:40pm BBT
BB: Dan please come to the dairy room..
7:44pm BBT
Ollie & Michelle
Michelle: I thought you don't cuss?
Ollie: I don't..but I almost..ugh..I'm close.
Michelle: She said she wants to see my HOH room.
Ollie: If you guys see me act a little out of character don't be surprised.
Ollie is laying on the kitchen counter..
Memphis & Libra
Memphis is telling Libra he needed to walk away..
Memphis: Let me outside bitches..
Libra: Huh?
Memphis: I need to go outside!
HG's are on edge..fighting is bound to erupt again any second. Spark up the feeds folks. It's gonna be a long night.
8pm - 8:16pm BBT
50s Room
Memphis & Michelle
Memphis: When Jessie left, he hugged me and said, "You and Michelle take this sh*t."
Michelle: Are you gonna stick to your word with them?
Memphis: I have no word with them. That's how I roll. The only thing I promised was that if I won HoH this week, I wouldn't put them up.
Memphis is doing a great job of reminding Michelle of their original alliance, and putting it into her mind that it's him and her against the world. He also makes a point of reminding her that it was April that put Jessie up and out.
Memphis is blowing smoke up Michelle bum with a skill I've rarely witnessed.
Michelle: It's about time I flipped this house upside down.
Memphis: You have everyone freaking out. You should make April give you 5 grand to not put her up.
Michelle: I should do it, and still put her up.
Memphis: I just wish we still had Jessie here. Just one more person. F'd up, man.
Memphis mentions that he thinks April's already divvied up the money to some degree.
Michelle: I didn't even have time to think about money... I tell you one thing - Jessie's a trooper. 3 weeks up on the block.
BB: Michelle, please come to the Diary Room.
8:21pm BBT
Ollie & April are talking on the bathroom couch, completely ignoring Libra's existence as she applies her makeup in the mirror.
Keesha and Renny are whispering in the Hippie Room about everything.
Libra comes back in and they ask her what scalawag means. Libra says it means ho, and it was in use in the 1800s.
Renny: You should tell him, Oh your daddy would be proud of that one.
Libra: Oh, I'm gonna say that on the thing.
Libra tells them unless she wins veto, she's done. Keesha reminds her that she will very likely be right there beside her on the block. They both agree they are the most likely targets, and that they both expected it, had anyone from the other side won. Libra insists that either one of them has an excellent chance up against her. Renny assures them both of her allegiance. Keesha too. They have some degree of faith in Memphis too.
***There are definite camps now.
- Renny, Keesha, Libra.
- April, Ollie
- Dan's playing smart and solo for the moment.
- Memphis is all over Michelle as her former alliance member, and he's playing it very smart, redirecting her anger away from his new alliance and towards April, without outing himself.
- Jerry's "with" Michelle, April, and Ollie til they decide otherwise.
- Michelle is the great unknown, truly. Memphis may have some terrific sway with her, and we could see a rather surprising nomination.
8:34pm BBT
Hippie Room
Renny, Libra and Keesha
They're trying to figure a way that none of them goes home this week, and having a good laugh about it. Talk turns to how much they could do with 50k, in terms of paying off bills. At the mention of bills, Renny tells Keesha, "What bills? A girl like you shouldn't have to pay any bills." Keesha laughs it off and says she supports herself.
8:36pm BBT
April & Ollie are still lying around being bitter, but unwilling to admit the truth of the situation: they're pissed because they were outmaneuvered.
April says her honor is worth more than money.
KIDS...cover your ears this week!
Good point Libra - she never swore on anyone! And who did.... April? ha. but I don't know if Michelle will listen to that.
AHHH The glorious aftermath. I knew this was coming. But i missed most of it. I forgot to turn the feds back on.
Didn't take any time at all, did it?
Carolyn, in advance, I really appreciate you for giving us all the juicy details!!!
love it. love it love it
I can't spark up the feeds because if it's a michelle fight there will be a million F-bombs and the kids are still up :)
So hopefully :) someone Will help me out and let me know a LITTLE about whats going on :)
Sundays Show should be cool with 10 past HG.
Libra's not a very good fighter...haha, just always just repeating what the other person says.
Holy crap!!!!!
There's nothing else to say. Holy crap!!
Although I'm a little nervous about seeing Libra, Renny and/or Keesha going up on the block, I signed up for drama and now I'm gonna get drama!!!
Libra just referred Jerry to Howdy doody (sp)......i spit my pretzel out from laughing......
all i can say is...crap! lol and that memphis is in a good position..i hope
I hope Jerry and April go very soon!!
~ Ryan ~
Does Dan EVER get to tell them he was americas player?
or do they have to wait to find out?
Luvs it!!!!!
This is better than the WWF Monday Night show.
We thought April had a big head when she was HOH, wait till Michelle's reign.
go april
go michelle
libra and keesha had this coming to them
biggest mistake for them!!!
bye byee
omg my ears are bleeding with all this screaming going on....everyone take a time out lol and talk only when ur spoken to
I am loving every moment of this!!
Dan and Memphis aren't fighting... everyone else is.
whooo! libra is just mad that she's next. haha!!!!! did yall hear when she said "it's just a game". o yeah it's a game now honey! she better bring it. she's just floating. she needs to go. but the best thing is to get keesha out first.
OMG This BLOWS!!!!!! Memphis is a Traitor!! Now He is trying to act like He knew nothing about it!! I Can't belive this Crap!! It SUX!!
Oh Well Theres always P.O.V. And Next Week!
Ughhhh...I seriously can not stand Jerry right now. I can not wait till his ass goes home!
~ Ryan ~
So, with the info about the comp with the 10 past HGs.. Carolyn, do you think that comp will be tonight?
I'd love to see them call it before they all calm down.
Nice to see Michelle is such a classy winner. She and Jessie really are a perfect match. It will be a fun week ...
Jerry really is starting to kiss Michelle butt already.....quite sickening really....he hasn't shown any game play other then that of a leech.
michelle looks like total trash with those shoes......
this sucks so bad =[
Michelle is cracking me up!! She is tooo funny.
April and Jerry and Ollie AND Michelle gotta go! Ollie is not The Christian He protrayed himself to be.. huh?? Jerry needs ta SHUT UP They are just usin him.. and He dont even know it!!
I have never like Michelle and watching her dance in the spa is making me sick!!!
OKay, this ban on no vids is really p*ssin' me off now! I'm not mad at you, Carolyn, I understand it is beyond your control and not your preference either. But SOME of us can't get the feeds even though we want them very badly!!! And to whomever said earlier today that they predict if and when the vids are allowed to come back they will only be available to live feed subscribers -- well, I hope you are WRONG!
I wish 'they' (TPTB)would realize that some people live where great internet connections just aren't available (yet)! And a BB Addict has got to feed their addiction somehow! The vids did it for me! Dang it all anyway!
Okay, rant finished...
oh my goodness. I hope she takes it out on Keesha and Libra or even April and not Dan!!!!
Memphis is the man. He just bought himself a while of not being a target. Yes!!!
Oh please Carolyn tell me what's happening....
btw love the stripper heels with the unitard lmao
does michelle realize jesse isn't watching the feeds right now?? cause her talking to him is getting VERY old VERY VERY quickly...
Poor Dan. Can I sneak into the house and give him a hug?
Once again, Libra gets the brunt of it. Ugh ugh ugh.
I'm scared, Carolyn, I'm scared.
This is worst case scenario for Dan. I think he'll be nominated alongside Libra.
Best episode in so many seasons!!!
And I just signed up for the live feeds..... this is addicting! :)
I love this HoH ....
It's great for the game.
I do hope Memphis gets some time with Michelle and focuses on a longer strategy. Michelle should not side with Jerry and April - at least not for more than a week.
It will be a long week with Machelle in power, and Jerry on her heels. Oh boy !
I really want to just go hug Dan, and not in my usual sexual innuendo commenting way. I hope they get told he was AP. He didn't have a choice in his vote.
Poor Libra. They are acting like she was the cause of this. Jessie was the one who acted the way he did to get him voted out. Keesha was the main one to get them to vote jessie out this week.
Libra betta win POV and then win HOH and put Michelle and Jerry up. Michelle is a ______. The way she is talking to Libra.
Carolyn, my ears can't keep up so I know your fingers can't. What a time to not be able to post vids.
Got the live feeds just for this blow up! IT'S FANTASTIC!!
Michelle shall be Jerry's new BFF. After this week, Michelle will want Jerry out just as muhc as everyone else.
~ Ryan ~
Jerry is really ticking me off with his snyde little comments. I expected it from Michelle, but Jerry attacking Dan's character concerning his religious beliefs, when Dan hasn't been thumping any of them with his Bible, is too much.
I'm looking forward to the day Jerry learns Dan's vote wasn't his own, but America's.
Really REALLY looking forward to that day.
Just brewed a fresh pot of some cuban coffee and watch the live feeds explode tonite. the unitard comes off and the gloves are on! Dan, Libra, Keesha, and Renny should tie some bed sheets together and jump that wall. it's going down tonite!
I want Jerry gone! He's getting on my last dang nerve!
I wish the hell we had "4 feeds" that we could choose from and not 4 cameras showing the same or 2 scenes to choose from. How the H do we have to do to get them to be professional about their offering before many of the feed suscribers bail on them?
It was so frustrating to sit and listen to them screaming and yelling while we had to sit and watch Dan and Memphis have a quiet chat.
Too much is going on I'm BB overload. Carolyn how do u do it?!
VIDEOS PLEASE!!!!! i miss them
I have lost any respect I had for Jerry. He's one of the Rats and Snakes Sue from Survivor was talking about.
Not really, because I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but wouldn't a quake aftershock happening right now be GRAND?
Michelle strutting around in heels and the uni.....i get a woody wood pecker flashback.
I feel for Dan now.. He is the vote that both sides counted on and he didn't even vote.. What irony. I hope we have another chance to help him somehow.
oh my...ok carolyn ive forgotten all about my health issues..wow..they went cuckoo...oh my...oh my...thank u soooooo much 4 the feed..it was so kind,and so generous..i dont have any $ to tip but i will when i can...i luv u..bree xoxo xoxo
Libra is doing Keesha a favor and with her screaming and fighting she is putting the bigger target on her own back.
And Jerry, what can I say. He is so misquided. Last week AO were trashing him and now he is the most outspoken. He will be putting the largest target on his back for the other side over the week's time.
I thought Ollie never swore?
(I assume he doesn't mean she's a pirate, so ...)
1. scalliwag
simply a Ho commonly used as a synonym for skanks, sluts, or skiwpskops.
Someone answer me: Dan never gave his word to Jerry. Jerry has just been saying Dan gave him his word the entire time.. but I NEVER saw it!
OK, so Michelle is all gangsta now...Rhode Island Gangsta???
Man, Michlle, Jerry, April...I would LOVE it to be 1, 2, 3 these next 3 weeks!
~ Ryan ~
P.S. - Libra, the most hated person in America?? Sorry sweetie, but the most hated person just went home!
Dan! LIE LIE LIE and cast doubt on Jerry or Ollie!!!
Game folks! Game!!!!
@pyke, Yeah, Dan was non-committal to Jerry and just indicated that he heard what he was saying.
I truly believe Keesha is a few steps ahead of most of these folks and has been for quite some time...
I love this and I love the spicy chica with Portugal roots. She can give it back to Libra.
I know, I am in the majority here and that's A-OK. :-) Jerry said it right, now it's up to play for Jury votes and there are at least two who won't win... no matter what side you are playing on.
I feel bad for Dan, but at the same time... I believe he would have voted Jessie out either way.
LOL@wendylady & gaytor!!
Carolyn and crew? How on earth are you ever keeping up with all of this? And boy, can you call 'em!!!!
Or rather, GIIIIIRRRRRLLLL, can you call 'em!!!!
So now what does Memphis do? It seems he's sitting pretty for now, but depending on who he allies with this week he could have storms to deal with in the future.
I can't wait to see what happens!
Jerry is kissing some major HOH behind.
Very sad :[
Dan won $20K, and it's more than most.
UUUUHHHHHHH April, shut your fake tears up! You are one lucky %&^%^%&&
I won't say it...I'm a lady!
Oh, Dan will be fine. He's not that much of a delicate flower. Frankly I think he was lucky to have America pick. Even if it's just for his own sense of comfort, he didn't have to make the choice, which I think would have been a lot harder.
Boy do we get to see who you are April!!
April and her crocodile tears!! GO HOME!! A nice romp with Ollie will make her feel all better.....hopefully Craig will spill the screw sessions to those 2. PLEASE!!
Ollie, u wanna hit Libra every time walk past her? Crazy psychopath.
~ Ryan ~
Is it just me or is Ollie such a waste of space?
the Butt kissing session has started in the bathroom how nice..I'm not liking Jerry at all
I wonder if Ollie's parents are proud of his actions now?
OMG It sounds like Dan was really attacked by those vultures before they turned the feeds back on. I feel so bad for him but he has to shake it off and get his game face back on.
Why does Dan need someone??
Ahhhhhhh, Not having the feeds is driving me crazy!!
would it be horrid to send the kids to bed a hour early:??? :D
Hey guys.. sorry for the hold up in the comments. literally hundreds are pouring in.. i'm taking over comments and reporterx is going to update in this post..
Libra says Dan needs a psychiatrist. She asked Memphis if he requested someone for Dan. Memphis said no...
Libra: I'm gonna request someone. Dan needs someone.
What are they talking about?
I love this... Ollie just said Keesha was just going along with the others in the switch... she is not smart enough!!! She is the main one pushing for the new alliance :) I love BB10!!
I'm not even going to bother making a chop about it because April calling Dan a disgrace to her religion is laughable on it's own.
Oh spare me!
This has to be the most wacked group ever!!! They really think that they're the most loved group ever. That house must seriously warp your mind. Love how Manchelle and April are BFF's now.
In all seasons of Big Brother, I think Michelle is the most annoying HOH. Ever. And it's only been a few minutes? Uggh, I went from cloud 9 seeing Jessie heading out the door to almost crying from witnessing the gloating.
I sure hope Dan can come clean soon. These religious slams against Dan are ticking me off!!!
Does april's Religion Include Premarital doggy style in the HOH room???
Because if so.dan is a disgrace to her RELIGION
that girl is on my last nerve.
OK..They are being a little to hard on Dan and his faith. He has NEVER said anything bad about ANY of them!
Also calling Libra a bad Mother....To far. And Ollie talking about keesha being a floater and not thinking for herself????? HELLO..What about you? Then april upset about Dan disgracing HER reliegion?? Helle, you have been having SEX with a STRANGER on TV for everyone????
This group is something else.
I wonder, Is Aprils Religion About having premarital sex doggy style in the HOH room??
if so , Then Dan should be GLAD to be excommunicated from that Religion.
She is on my last nerve
The arrogance and gloating are making me sick.
Too bad I can't peel myself away from it.
sWWWWWEEEEEET Bye bye libra its about time
I think it's quite sad they are all blaming this on Dan. It took FOUR votes! grrr. I thought I'd enjoy Michelle winning but not now. If I hear anything else about Dan's religion I'm going to SCREAM!
OK - They called Libra a bad Mother?? Who the hell are they to say that about her? That has nothing to do with her game?
2nd- They need to knock off the Dan bashing on his faith, he has never done or said anything to any of them.
3rd- Oliee said that Keesha was a floater and could not think for herself...HELLO..what have you been doing????
4th - April said Dan makes HER religion look bad?? YOU are the one having sex with a STRANGER on TV???
I have nothing nice to say about Jerry so I will leave it at that.
By far my best $12.99 investment!!
I love how this house can turn although someone really should tell Michelle that Jesse was voted out because she is still talking to him like he is in the room... luving it :)
Carolyn, can I be just like you when I grow up... as always you rock!!!
I wonder what bad things happened in Michelles life to make her such a mean bitter person....cause seriously ppl like this shouldn't be allowed to open their mouths.
Jerry is the worst. It's like all sudden everyone is holier than thou.
I'm not in the house and I want Jerry and Ollie gone. They are the ultimate floaters.
I soooo hope Dan can speak soon. And tell them what they don't want to hear. OMG they make me mental when they start flinging the religious stuff around. CRAZY!!!
How dare April call Dan a disgrace to Catholicism? That's like a kick to the 'nads.
Don't these people recall the previous seasons and see how loony they look when they go for religion and family? It makes you really wonder about human nature.
I so hope they truly do screen for the unstable and the average person wouldn't fall to that level.
Ooops I did the same comment twice :D
i got a error message :D
this is INSANE
Dang it--I kept refreshing the page waiting for the new post. I always get screwed by using the "Recent Posts" headers after live shows...lol
jane ....
skiwpskops ???
What the in the fried scallops is that? ;)
Michelle hopes Dan loses his job because he's a piece of Sh*t, and Jerry says to show him no courtesy.
It's so shameful it makes me sad. If you don't get what you want everyone else should suffer?
I feel SO bad for Dan et all. Does the Mob remind you of the reaction to Eric's eviction on BB6? Good God they are taking it WAY to far. I hope they are ashamed and completely embarrassed when they get out of the house. Dan has students watching them tear him to shreds and basically crusifying him. It is plain WRONG and it is pissing me off!!
RayRay ~ I know. I am really hating that group right now. They are acting like they are gonna have the power for the entire friggin season! I can not WAIT till all their asses are sent packing. Ugh, they are really irritating the crap outta me.
Ya know what, I hope someone really rips Jerry a new butthole over all the crap he says. He pisses me the hell off!
~ Ryan ~
P.S. ~ This venting is not working!
Michelle's gonna throw a Pochugeese style potty tonight! WoooHOOOO! Potty at Michelle's!
I find it comical that Jerry, April and Ollie really think they are totally safe with Michelle.
Michelle doesn't like any of them.
Let the ass kissing begin ....
i kept thinking Michelle was saying "Potty" - like "I gotta go potty". I just figured out she's been saying PARTY. RRRR, Michelle. Repeat after me.
I used to feel sorry for Jerry but now I can't stand him! Did everyone see how he hot in Keesha and Libras face? BB has to do something for Dan I feel so bad for him =( Also I now find myself rooting for Libra...weird...but i'm really tired of the way Manchelle keeps talking about her as a mom...and while I totally understand the point of the game I think she takes it too far. I have 4 kids of my own and if I had to choose btwn a letter from home, 10G, or a Hawiian Vacation I also woulda picked the $$ or the trip. That doesnt mean I don't luv my kids.
sorry for the double post, I did not think the first one took, an error came up! :)
I love this freakin' show because things will change next week.
This year is the year of the one week alliance.
Jerry has got to go!
can someone please explain to me why Dan needs a psychiatrist so bad?
Aww Jerry u rude rude man......Dan walked buy and he told him to go away no one wants to talk to you.....and something about ur not a nice kid.
How does everyone keep up with the comments here? Every time I refresh, it stays at the top of the page with my cursor in the comment box. :( Makes it hard.
Also, when is the WW3? ;-) I signed up for the feeds for tonight, but I don't think I am patient enough! Keep waiting for it...but I have to get to bed soon.
I sure miss those YouTube videos .... but love the transcripts you post here! Thanks! <3
Jerry is really mean.
For a guy who went back on his own word, it's pretty revealing of his character to trash Dan so hard.
Man Jerry is vicious to Dan, he just walked through the living room and said hi to the idiot crew and Jerry was so ugly. Every time I try to like him (Jerry), he makes it harder and harder.
Memphis may be ok with Michelle, but both Jerry and April don't like him so he will not be very welcome if he tries to rejoin that group.
Oh jerry.
You maybe a Elder, but you are something SPECIAL right now.
At this point with him, I'd lose it.
he's disrespectful to EVERYONE in the house besides the current HOH.
While it's good that jessie Is OUT
they should have gotten jerry out a couple weeks back
wow... Jerry- " It is so nice not liking people in the house" .... then poor Dan comes out and Jerry is putting him down so bad to his face on a religous and personal level.... I dislike Jerry more if possible!!
Dan ... you were great this week as AP!!!
LOL@ Beorn
You do an excellent script accent of Michelle!! LOVE IT
Why is Libra saying Dan needs a psychiatrist? I thought they were on the same team...?
it's official. I'm disgusted with Jerry. He's lived too many years to be that petty.
ARGHHHHHHHHH.......Michelle makes me sick. And Jerry is KISSIN A$$ BIG TIME. Poor Dan.......
Oops!! SOrry I forgot to add it to the recent posts link.
OH POOR DAN!! I feel so bad for him!!!!
April and Ollie have had sex on national TV multiple times yet Dan is the disgrace to the religion? LOL!
Remember the good ole days when Jerry was the lovable old guy that AGP n Julie said that everyone was gonna love. Yea...sorry to burst ure collective bubble AGP, lol!
~ Ryan ~
Hehehe! :) Right?!?!
Christy in FL said...
By far my best $12.99 investment!!
You said it Carolyn!!!!
I hope I'm not that vile when I'm his age.
What am I saying? I hope I'm not that vile NOW!
I can't believe how much I dislike Jerry. I'm starting to see the rage Memphis has for him.
I want to find a way to let Dan know how proud of him we are. Is his week over as AP?
Carolyn - I totally agree about Jerry. I was so feeling sorry for him and the way he was being treated. No more.
Ok Carolyn... I'm gonna have to give you a break from comments from me.
I just peed myself.
*snort* Kidding ;) But, I'll keep refreshing and reading and quit blabbering now. You are da bomb girl!!!
Oh yeah... I called the HOH comp too. *gloats a little*
Think they will put a file in Michelle's goodie basket to sharpen her fangs?
I have lost a lot of respect for Jerry today after he has hit way below the belt with his comments about Dan. Jerry's game is nothing but desperation. Pretty sad.
Honestly ... why does April think she's safe? April PROMISED Michelle that both her and Jessie would be safe, but then she nominated Jessie for eviction. No matter how the votes went, the "blood" is on April's hands.
I believe Michelle has a valid reason to nominate nearly every houseguest.
Dan doesn't need a psychiatrist, Libra just wanted the attention to be taken off her.
Nonetheless, Jerry et al are awful.
I'm not a religious person so all that jazz doesn't get to me, but someone like Ollie who holds himself up to those supposedly exalted ideals allows and perpetuates this - what does that say about him as a person - forget religion. I never had any illusions about Jerry, Michelle, or April - so they don't surprise me a bit.
I love Memphis! I hope he can work some kind of magic to get Jerry out! He'll need a really long wand, though. It'll be hard work, but I really hope he can do it! I agree with you Carolyn...he is too old to say things like that. It is a game people! No personal attacks...
Jerry has totally pissed me off. He's being a mean old spiteful man. No one, NO ONE deserves to be treated that way! Especially Dan.
Does this mean he's going to be a jerk all week. UGH. I hope not.
what's wrong with dan?
Carolyn, I know you're swamped, but I'm going insane here not being able to read about tonight's show, boo hoo. I sent you an email but I know you won't get to that for awhile....so can I see the video anywhere. I'm taking next Thursday off for sure. I missed the whole thing. Thanks
I hope somebody catches April and Ollie this week! That makes me sick, too. Why doesn't Jerry call him out? Ollie is a preachers son, and doesn't drink or curse, but has sex in front of millions! Bet his papa's proud!
LOL Carolyn.U meant me? No worries hon....I don't know how you do it....
Ollie reminds me of the little twit from the fat albert cartoon that always wore a hat in a stupid way and never had anything interesting to say.
All he is doiong to repeating what others are saying and adding in his 2 cents. What was this boys game play? Hook up with a chick and ride her to the end?
I love it.
This has been a great week.
Michelle or Man-shelly will realize Libra can go toe2toe with her every night all night.
I am sure Libra, Keeshia and Dan are targeted this week but only one is leaving the house...to enjoy a Jessie free sequester because Jessie will be at home.
Love the fact that Jerry no longer feels the need to hide his flip flopping. He now has the gang -Memphis, Renny and now Dan after his butt.
I am going to nap for Showtime but really- risk reaps rewards and as long as Baby Jessie is out.
I can get a good night's rest..I need to go watch the goodbyes one more time.
Ok, I'm turning this off for the night.
Ollie and Jerry's voices are about to make my head explode.
Manchelle is the worst loser ever, and an ever worse winner!!! I so wish when Julie talked to her at the end of the show and Michelle yelled (for the 10th time) "this is for Jessie!" that Julie would have said, "We know, we heard you the first time."
And Jerry can suck it! Picking on my DAN! NO! He's just pissed memphis is still there. I can't believe how Memphis and Keesha are skating through this! THey are geniuses.
Why is no one riding Aprils ass? She's the one who put Jesse on the block.
What about Jerry? He didnt use the POV to take Jesse down.
Why not go after them?
Ugh! I cant stand that crew!
Wait, I am a little confused! April of all people is calling out Dan's religion? Are you kidding!
She started a sexual relationship within days on TV with a stranger and from what I can tell, not using protection. ARE YOU KIDDING?
Good catholic girls also try real hard to hide pre-marital sex.
I hate the way A/M/P/J are acting, like they're hot s**t. Just because Libra has the loudest mouth they are dumb enough to think she is running the game. How could anyone be so stupid? I hope there is another twist and something happens to get one of these bozos out. I can't stand Jerry and Ollie. And, now Memphis is kissing a** to Michelle.
Alright, against my better judgement I have to go get some work done. I will check later for some answers to my very intense problems. LOL Good night all. Keep the comments coming so I will have something to read after work.
Dan, we love you!! Feel the love and ignore the wrath of Jerry!
I really feel like the HOH was a set up in favour of michelle winning...everyone knows how she was basically the only one along with jessie going over the wake up calls....what a coincidence that HOH consisted of those questions!!!
Also...michelle is such a disgrace to portuguese ppl...most annoying player ever!!!!!
can someone pleassse tell me why libra wants dan to talk to psychiatrist?
Who wants to place a bet? I say Michelle will move to the Memphis team in short order. They are far stronger and Michelle, while a lunatic, will put the game ahead of anything. She's a smack talker but she wants to win at any cost.
Wow Jerry, that was real low. I hope Dan's going to be fine, he's really been great to watch & seems like a great person. Jerry's now kissing up to the people who bashed him the most, & acting awful to Dan, who's probably talked the least crap about him out of the whole house.Jerry better go soon, I can't stand him.
Wow Jerry, that was real low. I hope Dan's going to be fine, he's really been great to watch & seems like a great person. Jerry's now kissing up to the people who bashed him the most, & acting awful to Dan, who's probably talked the least crap about him out of the whole house.Jerry better go soon, I can't stand him.
Im with Carolyn...I do not like Jerry at all anymore...He gets no more respect!
Im with Carolyn...I do not like Jerry at all anymore...He gets no more respect!
I have to pee.
I have to pee really bad.
But if I go I feel like I'll never ever catch up!!!
Carolyn--I totally agree about Jerry!
I've been sitting here with my mouth halfway open when he's on the feeds. It's hard to watch him behave like that; I'm really, really not liking the childish and petty and catty senior thing he's got going. If he's worried about bringing dishonor to the Corps and all that stuff, it'd be best for him to take off that shirt and cap and not put them on again.
Carolyn, ITA w/ you re: Jerry
Too old to be such a bully
CAROLYN!!! Hugs to you!!
I know I haven't commented much, but I have been here every day since the first episode. Had to comment tonight, because I was so excited the house was shaken up, I was starting to get worried!! Now I am addicted to the feeds for tonight...if only my job knew about you and this show...whew!
What did Ollie just call Libra?
is it just me? doesn't Jerry sound like Gary the retard from the Howard Stern Show???? Its going to be a crazy week !
i hope michelle gets a clue and realizes that siding wid april ollie and jerry will do nothing for her. Jerry is an idiot and is pissing me off, and for some reason, ollie bothers me more then april.
I 2nd what Jane said..Michelle will put the game before Jessie. I think she will put 2 of them up, but come POV, she might come to the non-crazy side.
come on memphis. talk sum sense into michelle.
Crisi- I believe April thinks she is a good Catholic girl for NOT using protection. LOL!
Beorn, you get WHAT when you refresh? lucky you! :p~
Julie, again we feel the same. Leave religion out of this.
She has nerve is all I am going to say about that.
I'm going to be so mad if Memphis crosses back over this week. I just can't tell yet. He might and then he will no longer be on my lust list. He needs to stick with those who saved his cute ass.
ollie the pastors son calling a MOTHER a WIFE a woman a hoe?
Yeah he'd make his CHURCH proud.
Seems like Michelle has a soft spot for Dan. Keep going, Dan! You play it!
hopefully memphis can get into michelle's ear and get her to target april and ollie this week. If she's smart she would come on board with the bigger side so next week she's ok because if she's planning on hoping for a win from april and ollie she is most likely out of luck. Hopefully this week will turn out to be better then it could go. If michelle is smart she'll listen to memphis when he said to think about YOUR game play and not your emotions.
Carolyn and crew....
Donated to the tip jar... please let me know if you dont get it.
Thanks so much for hooking us up with the live show!!!
You guys are the best!!!
Jerry's voice reminds me of Bobby from King of the Hills.
RayRay - Ollie called her a "dumb ho"
Beorn - Think of those links as a way to read stuff you missed... and when you arrive at the blog, just ignore the links and scroll down to access the most recent stuff.
OMG, I cannot believe how mean Jerry is being to Dan & calling Libra a H*! I agree with all. It is official for me too. Jerry will no longer have my respect or sympathy. This is insane! I can't believe the way Michelle is drilling Dan. Can she say "why" one more time??? Leave him ALONE!!!!
It's official, I no longer like Jerry and I've begun to like Libra. I've never like April or Ollie. They ought to be ashamed of themselves for treating Dan this way.
I LOVE IT!!!!!
Dan just gave us a grin after the Michelle grilling!!!
He's OK!!!!
I really do feel so sorry for Dan. He did accept the challenge but to be so ridiculed is uncalled for. April is on my hit list & Ollie is a waste of space in that house. April & her stupid tears. She asked, Am I stupid? answer from me: yes, you are!!!
Oh dan.
you just jumped up in my book
can someone pleassse tell me why libra wants dan to talk to psychiatrist? please, i am very confuzed :(
Michelle's speech to Dan is a good one - she's calm, clear, upset, and probably the most rational I've seen her yet. He isn't giving her any reasons (of course). He JUST CAN'T tell her, but is doing a great job of explaining that he now has to live with this choice.
Michelle: I don't understand! Why? Why did you do it?
Dan: *Thinking* 20K sweetcheeks!
I can appreciate that he's honestly embarassed, conflicted with his AP choice.
This kind of thing is why I love this show - everyone defines their 'price' somehow - be it their word, AP money, showmance... such a Psychology/Sociology dream. These people choose to put themselves in difficult situations by virtue of entering the house. 500K, fame, experience - whatever their reasons are, they quickly learn so much about themselves, humanity, and commercialism/reality TV... a truly life changing experience.
Ya, I'm hooked, and trying to give it good reason other than morbid catharsis ;-)
Jerry is such a jerk-off..."Oh is Memphis tryin to join you now?"
As if his nose is not shoved all the way up inside Machelle's ass!!!!
Puhleeze...can I just puke on him now???
The only thing that would make this week better is if Jerry, Ollie & April end up on slop!
Michelle is too dumb to look at the big picture. Don't worry she'll go the following week.
is it a little creepy that Dan just smiled at the camera after all of the talk about him needing a psychiatrist?
or is this all part of his game - stay with both alliances?
Ok, I am ranting right now. Jerry needs to take off that Marine Corp gear! No Marine would treat someone that disrespectful over a TV game show!
Did I just see Dan smirk? heheh, love him!
~ Ryan ~
Anyone catch the exchange between Michelle and Dan?
dan had me worried, but I hope that smirk to the camera means it's all an act. go dan!
Carolyn darling, I know how busy you are, but I just had to compliment you on your ability to type at what must be super fast lightning speed!
oh lawdy. I expected a blowout but DAMN. I'm disgusted with jerry's attitude, but really glad that Memphis is still in good with Michelle.
And Dan's smiling at the camera is cracking me the hell up. *L*
What i think would be so FUNNY is.. That if someone got the HOH key and hid it from the HOH.. Is this possible or ever happen i just started watching in Season8
I'm using my headphones to listen on the live feeds and I hear a crane like sound in the background...something is getting built in the backyard...maybe a comp is coming very soon!?
Ok, yes, I wanted Michelle to win HOH but, I really really want Dan to be ok this week
I personally would not want to sleep in the same bed that April and Ollie just umm talked about personal things on.
Dan is so great. He's playing a great game. His tactics are brilliant, I'm sure he's the nice guy he appears, but not the innocent. I'm willing to predict he will rival Dr. Will and Eric in game play when all is said and done.
I was wrong Jerry didn't call Libra the bad name, I just read it was Ollie. I can't believe he is so disrespectful. Well, he has now officially shamed himself, not just his family!!!
GaYToR--LMAO. Just by clicking a button. Don't I remember that happening on the Jetsons?
Carolyn--I understand, and I know I ought to do it that way. I just typically don't because then I have to refresh the main page, scroll down, and click to read any new comments. Thanks anyway, though. I'm sure I'll live! :-)
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