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Bravo! Great job! I LOVED the part after the credits, how perfect!!
You guys and gals must be exhausted! Goodnight and pleasant dreams!
Thank you for another fantastic evening!
What a great stress reliever after tonight's events.
Oh did I laugh!!!
Great job TRD!!! :)
funny when you watch michelle up on that wall with april, jessie didn't seem to be encouraging her. yet all we hear is how this is for jessie, she misses jessie, oh jessie. she was a really bad sport for the unitard(having to wear it). michelle is not one of the most memorable players of big brother. can't wait to forget her!
TheRealDeal, EXCELLENT as always. Again we tend to forget there are a few smiles each week because we dwell on their fights. You find some good in everyone in the house.
And what a way to end. The saddest happy birthday song ever sung by a group of 10 people... well 9, because Keesha didn't sing to herself.
Anyone want cake?
lolol. omg, TRD... That was awesome! From beginning to end.. Week 4 goes into my all time TRD faves. Bravo!
Anybody want cake?
That video was fabulous!!! Can not stop laughing at the birthday singing (I missed it the first time)!!! Loved it as always :)
Great job as always TRD. Has anyone seen The Early Show yet? I'm just wanting to know what Jessie's reaction was to finding out about Dan being AP and America wanting him out.
I'm STILL laughing about the ending, with the pathetically awkward and miserable Happy Birthday.
I propose that this line should go down in the BB book, (asked by Libra in one of the most painfully awkward scenes in BB history, after one of the biggest BB fights ever):
"Anybody want cake?"
BB lovers from here on in will know what that simple question evokes.
Do we have a list of the HGs that are coming back for the comp?
TRD -- Thanks soooooo much!
After all the drama, I watch your vid at the end of each week and it always reminds me that all of the HGs are just people, doing the best they can in their own little world (and it's getting smaller by the day).
While I was watching this, I actually liked every single one of them as you caught some great moments ... but I'm sure my opinion will change as soon as they all wake up!
One problem tho. I don't think anything could happen the rest of the season that will make for a better ending than this week. That one will go down in history!!!!!
Thanks again for reminding me that it's just a game. Great work!!!!
Randall Miner:
Yes, I saw the Early Show this morning. When Julie Chen told Jessie about America's Player, he wasn't too surprised and he immediately guessed it was Dan. Btw, she did explain that AP was for THIS week only, and that America voted for Dan to be AP. Although he might not have been surprised that there was an AP, and that it was Dan, Jessie WAS surprised and seemed very angry when Julie told him that it was "America" that wanted Jessie voted out, so Dan had to vote Jessie off.
Jessie tried not to show it, but I think he was genuinely surprised that America wanted him out, which means that he is NOT liked by the viewers, (rude awakening!). He tried to play off that he was happy that if America did want him voted out, he was glad that it was this week and he could go home, rather than next week where he would then end up being stuck in a jury house for two months.
Yeah. After watching Jessie on the Early Show this morning, which samantha_M summed up very nicely, I like Jessie even less.
Very arrogant.
Someone give him a dictionary. He needs to learn what "arrogant" and "deviant" mean.
You ARE The Real Deal!
Great job! I totally admire your dedication and truly appreciate the entertainment you provide us.
Thank you TRD...
LOLOLOL love it.
That right there, is award winning.
Anyone want cake? :)
Great Job!
"Anyone want Cake?"
Makes me laugh everytime.
LOVE it! I think Itcmek said it best, your vids show the side of the HGs that we can all admire and love at different times. It is so easy to forget they are all decent, likable people when the game and craziness of living in the BB world take them over.
So, TRD, thank you, once again, for bringing us all back to that. I always enjoy your videos and perspective.
Grrrreat! TRD you are wonderful! Thank you.
Best by far! That was just great. Hit the nail on the head everytime. I laughed my a$$ off with the Happy Birthday singing ( tell me we all havent had one of those). Great keep it up.
I loooved the video! I bet the houseguest will love them as well when they get out :)
I am rooting for Michelle as well. I just wish she was aligned with others blech lol. Go Michelle and Dan!!
Great job!
That was great! Just awesome! Once again nice job TRD!!
In one word that was, AWESOME!! Nuff Said!!
That was awesome!..Made me laugh..
Quite possibly the funniest weekly recap yet.
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