Big Brother 11 Sunday Show Watching Fiesta

The Have/Have Not - Luxury Comp sounds like a hoot.
Please join us here in the comment section of this post around 7:55pm Eastern, just a few minutes before the show airs on CBS. Let's enjoy this week's edited version of Big Brother together...
Tonight, the tv only folks will learn who gets nominated and who becomes a have not. My question is, what will the tv only audience get left out of tonight? ;)
If you're not on the east coast, and you'd like to watch along with us, right click here.

Please join us here in the comment section of this post around 7:55pm Eastern, just a few minutes before the show airs on CBS. Let's enjoy this week's edited version of Big Brother together...
Tonight, the tv only folks will learn who gets nominated and who becomes a have not. My question is, what will the tv only audience get left out of tonight? ;)
If you're not on the east coast, and you'd like to watch along with us, right click here.
So happy to see Father Dan, Dan the Man again!!!! *happy dance*!!!
Is it 8 o' clock, yet? Is it 8 yet? Is it 8 yet? Is it....
I feel like a little kid!!!!
Howdy everyone!!!!!!*waving*
Hey Carolyn and all you BB addicts! :)
I'm here and ready tonight! I missed part of the show last Sunday. Not this week!
Loved how Jordan called Ronnie on playing everyone in the house! He didn't know how to react!
Let's get this show started! Can I get a woot? (blue ... where are you?)
Jordan is my heeo. She took Ronnie down. I havent seen him pout like that at all.
Team Jordan
Good evening Carolyn, fellow BB addicts.
Dan the Man tonight. Now we get to see what the heck happened the other day. Well hopefully some of what happened.
I skimmed through the last post, see we are back to Jordan going up :( Ronnie's head didn't explode yet I guess, maybe soon.
Russel did actually call Ronnie a fat f*ck but it wasn't last night it was Friday when he came out to drink with the lepers.
Yikes this group is driving me nuts..
Carolyn, thanx for ALL the work that you do for this blog. And when it's not you, it's RepX, Genie, Blue, etc. who really put out ALL the information we need to know. Again Carolyn, THANK YOU!!! ;)
~ Ryan ~
Carolyn, thanx for ALL the work that you do for this blog. And when it's not you, it's RepX, Genie, Blue, etc. who really put out ALL the information we need to know. Again Carolyn, THANK YOU!!! ;)
~ Ryan ~
Good evening Carolyn and fellow dishers!!! Can't wait 4 tonight's show!!!! YAY for Dan coming back, I wonder if they're gonna show any of the barbs that Dan and Jessie traded during that comp??? I bet they edit it out
well I am heading to the living room so i can watch with the family. should be intresting to catch up with dan tonite.
Somehow I missed Jordan going off on Ronnie. Did anybody see it? What happened?
Getting a little teary eyed watching 60 Minutes
Since I'm watching the feeds waiting for the show, let me proclaim: Ronnie is such a pu$$y! Can I say that here? Lol.
Heyyy!!! :) I have groceries!!!! :) & I'm fresh n clean! :) Woohoo!
All y'all were making me so jealous with all the summer fruit, I had to go get some... after a quick bike ride. :)
Very nice tribute to Walter Cronkite on 60 minutes this evening!!!
Looks like BB might be starting on time tonight!!!!
w00t w00t!!!
Here we go!!! :)
Hi Carolyn, yay for groceries and being fresh and clean!!!!!
Hi everyone! Hi Carolyn. Can't wait to see Dan.
Sherry C .... it was between 7:15 and 7:30 on cam 1
Of course Natalie and Russell were playing chess and heard everything. Ronnie then goes outside to report everything to Jessie. (Why must he go and blab EVERYTHING he thinks)
Blueee!!! :) Welcome back to the land of the living! ;)
LaQuita!! Smooch!!!
NewGirl!! Hi!!!!
MichiganMan!!! We're not back to Jordan going up.. Looking like Casey at the moment, actually...
Good Evening. I was gone today to the lake. Can't wait to see Dan!!!
Hi Carolyn! Hi fellow addicts!!!
Can't wait to see Dan!
Hi all, can't wait to see Dan!
These HG's are driving me nuts! Can u imagine how different it would be now if Cowboy, Jessica or Brian would have come in?
Hi Andrea! :)
Evenin' Ry!
Hey, Spyke! :)
Hola David!
Hi Sherry :)
Evening everyone! :)
Carolyn!!! :)
Blue!!! :)
LaQuita!! :)
Newgirl! :)
Michigan Man! :)
Andrea! :)
Ry!!! :)
Spyke! :)
David! :)
Sherry! :)
Got some cherries and grapes here! :) Can't wait to see Dan the Man! :)
Did I see Natalie go in and tell Jordan good job? Was this a set up fight?
I got fruit yesterday .... honeydew, watermelon, mangoes and plums! Yummy!
Smoochies right back Carolyn!
I can't stand Ronnie! (Dark Ronnie lol!)
Good evening all! I'm here. :) Only going to comment during commercials though since the hubby is watching with me. :)
Can't wait to see Dan. :)
Newgirl said...
Jordan is my heeo. She took Ronnie down. I havent seen him pout like that at all.
Team Jordan
I totally agree!!! She rocked him!!!
I'm sure he'll flip again. He's like a dying fish on the deck... flipping
Here's hoping then after tomorrow's nomination, they let Russel know how they all tried to turn on him and put him up, and about Laura hiding in the bathroom when Natalie came up
See you all after the show
Whew, made it back in time!!
So I'm trying to watch and trying to feed my kids....I do still have to be a mom. We're having sliders and sweet potato fries and cucumbers.
Can't wait to see Dan and all the real stuff I miss on the feeds.
Chima (gag) it's time for her to take her big mouth and GO!
Hey Genie, cherries and grapes sound good!
YUMMY! A pic of Dan, my MAN! Still as hot as I remember him.
I'll be back after the show. My brain is fried and I can't do two things at once.
Welcome back Blue. At least this desertion is shorter than the last one. You better have fed LilBlueBits GaYToR and not slept all this time.
Carolyn.. WWSS? She would say 'well GaYToR, ya gotta eat.' But she probably would have denied KFC on the way home. (Haven''t had if for years... maybe 10.. and damn!!! it was goooooood!)
Helloooo Carolyn!
I seriously missed a lot didn't I?
From an older post...
Shag? Jeff
Marry, but never Shag? Russell
Throw from a Cliff? Ronnie
I just bought a bunch of fruit and veggies today too! I love summer time!
Dan, Dan, he the man... if he can't do it, no one can!
this is so exciting...
hope everybody had a great weekend and going to end it even better with Dan, our man !!!
Enjoy the show !!!
Hiya Carolyn and everybody in dishland !!!
Oooh I'm kinda digging Laura's stealth sleuthing and cover up when Ronnie walked back in.
Ronnie has some big moves in store... erm... Safe moves?
I must admit - I'm feeling a little smug about my assessment of Ronnie.. Last week when people kept asking who's side is he on, my answer: Ronnie's on Ronnie's side.
OMG, I can't wait till Ronnie gets evicted, I hate watching him, he swears he's ruling everything, and Jessie's the one that's really running his HOH!
Hi TG! :)
Hey JaninesDesire :) Short version - your man won PoV ;)
Evening all! Just want to take a second and thank Carolyn and her crew for all of the time and hard work they put in to enhance our BB addiction! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!
Now..let's see Dan the Man!
I agree Carolyn, he is going to get his butt voted out! He is soooo up on BB details how could he not know he is hurting himself in the house?
Sounds yummy JulieB. We are making personal pizza's, so everyone can pick their own toppings. I smell pizza!
RhondaM said...
Dan, Dan, he the man... if he can't do it, no one can!
Blue would have typed "Dan, Dan, he the man... if he won't do me, someone else can." :-p~~~~ *I quack myself up*
not actually able to watch yet...thank the TECHNOTRONIC gods for dvr - my little sweeties are still awake after a looooong weekend - but not too much longer. i, too am looking forward to seeing dan - not sure if he's surface ye4t. anyone else think michelle and russell would make for an interesting alliance? *Hi everyone!*
Hey Lee! :)
Hey RhondaM! :)
Hey GayTor!!
Hi Genieeee!!
Carolyn ~ I saw that! xD
I skimmed the page.. so tired..
Still haven't turned on the feels. Stressing at the Sunday Show right now.
Thanks LaQuita, somehow I missed it.
Every time I think I know what direction Ronnie is going in, he pulls the 'ole switcharoo. Jordan's outburst just played right into his hands.
Yummy Rhonda. I'll take a big one with mushrooms, onions, bell pepper, sun dried tomatoes, and roasted garlic. Add some jalapenos too.
I'll be ready to pick it up in 30 minutes or less.
I'd also like some cinnasticks please.
The expression on Casey's face when Ronnie got so excited about his bubble maker ... priceless.
Casey always makes me laugh!
Hi Carolyn and all my BB lovers. Caseys' face was priceless (bubble maker) lol!
I'm so jealous of y'all tonight! I'm at work and can't watch the feeds OR the show! So I'll have to be content reading y'alls comments, which are a hoot and a half!
Jane, about your proclamation of what Ronnie is ... you are SO right. I was thinking he was actually going to stand up for himself for once and go through with the plan to backdoor Russell, and then the almighty Jessie speaks and he quakes in his little booties. OMG! Does he not realize that Jessie is only protect himself and Natalie? He's golden next week. He's got 4 chances at being 100% safe if either he, Natalie, Russell, or Jeff wins HOH. None of them can put him up. All Ronnie has is people's word. And as we all know in the BB house, a word ain't worth that much. It's so frustrating to watch a supposed "bb expert" fail so miserably.
Strategically and Emotionally, Russell is the best choice to send home this week. (Sorry, Ladies I know a lot of y'all like looking at him, but you can totally use Flashback to look at him once he's gone) I think Ronnie would be safe except for maybe Casey if he went with Russell.
Sorry to rant, but why o' why would you continue to keep the clique that has the most numbers in the house.
[end rant]
yes yes and yes to ronnie being o-v-e-r
it does make me feel a little sorry for him though because don't you just know how LONG he has been waiting to play this game for real?
Ronnie is acting like he is HOH for the entire game.. I want him gone. Michelle needs 2 kick it up a notch. Chima is way to stuck up. I love Jordan. She kicked Ronnie's a$$. Hey is slop oatmeal?
Hi Carolyn I love all you dishers
Julie? What's a slider? Sounds sexual to me, but then again what doesn't. Since you are feeding the kids I'm going to assume this is something to do with food.
hi all new to this but wanted to check it out. ppl on the feed chats can be rude but ya'll seem nice so can i hang out with you?
Oh!!! Ronnie is a terrible liar!!! I can't wait for him to watch this. His family must me so proud. UGH!
Hi everyone! Gawd, I hate Ronnie. Power hungry wuss. I'm liking Laura a lot more than I thought I would. And Casey, and Jordan ... anyone but Ronnie!
Agreeed - Casey's expression about the bubble wand was my favorite edit of the segment.
We know Ronnie fooled them but the way they are editing this they are making him look so smart when they all knew he was lying.
Casey has grown on me big time, and i didn't like him at the beginning
Bring on the Competition!!!!
Ronnie just told Casey he is NOT putting him up...guess we'll see soon. Sounds like it may be Jordan now. Back and forth...
Welcome, Melissa!!! :) We're a nice bunch. Please join us.
LOL! GayToR! And I have all those toppings! Plus feta, artichokes, ham, pepporoni, olives, basil, pinapple, oh goodness, what else? Ready in 20 gorgeous!
Hiya Mo! JulieB! Red! Gaytor! TG! Lee! Janine! Spunky! :)
Sometimes watching Ronnie elevates my blood pressure...
Good Evening all!! Loved the Casey expression edit! So who is going up right at this point?? Ohhh here's where Dan comes in (I hope)!!
Syn - I know you're right... It's definitely the best move strategically. I'm just not ready to see him go. :)
Casey & Bubble Wand ~ Hysterical!
Ronnie ~ Ugh...Sorry.
~ Ryan ~
Thanks! I love you site! I have been starting my morning with you and a cup o joe for years.
Ugh! I can barely stomach watching Ronnie. He makes my skin crawl. I am so hoping he is on the block on on his way home next week! I give up on anything reasonable this week with him in control. He's on hormonal, mood swing overload! "Ronnie's side" just might get him on booted side. Here's hoping!
Ronnie kills me with his 'I might not be able to uphold what I said before' He said that to Casey on the show and around 7:30 on cam 3 when he was telling Jessie all about his conversation with Jordan he said he was going to tell Jordan the same thing later tonight and see how she feels about it tomorrow.
OMG!!! Jessie still hasn't processed that Dan wasn't the reason he went home - We Were!
Jessie's expression!!! LOL Priceless!!
OMG Kevin is funny during random times. But I agree I had a little crush on Dan last season if I hate the way he does his hair.
Jessee, Dan was not the reason you went home, it was America who sent you home.
What part of that can he STILL not understand?
OMG....I just got mad at Ronnie all over again!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!
HanHaysMom (DonnaT in Louisiana)
Russell in sunglasses just made me pop wood.
Jessie is whining that Dan's the reason he got sent home.
Does he not remember he was America's player?
Why r they giving Ronnie so much credit..he is the worst player i have seen.
Ha Ha - there's the Jessie we remember! (when Dan walked out)
Hey Paul! :)
Melissa - Well, then I'm doubly glad you decided to join the chatter. :)
Your so right! Last year Jesse was not much more then a royal pain. I think I like him better this year! He may be a pain but you have to admit that so far he's got some good game play going on.
I was thinking the same thing Carolyn about Jessie. Sometimes common sense can't help everybody. LOL.
Holy smokes!!!
Jordan in the cowgirl outfit!
Thanks Carolyn... what a warm welcome!
THis game is cutey-petutie!
Welcome Melissa! You're gonna love it here! :)
Chima! AHHH! She needs to go!
And it wasn't that bad Jeff. Cutie pie!
Genie Sea said...
Sometimes watching Ronnie elevates my blood pressure...
And not in a good way right, lol!
Carolyn said...
Syn - I know you're right... It's definitely the best move strategically. I'm just not ready to see him go. :)
I know you aren't ready for him to go, and if I didn't have a little mancrush of Jeff, I might be right there with you, lmao!
I just feel really bad for Ronnie because it's like we are looking at the writing on the wall and that writing says "Eviction Imminent"
Wonder if that was editing or if Lydia was really po'd and made that sour face st Nat's "I've got junk in my trunk".
Oh, God NO, Ronnie. He's just making awful television in every way possible now.
Oh Ronnie! Gross! I just threw up in my mouth. So much for pizza now!
OMG! I spewed.... Ronnie in a princess Lea costume!....
This comp is hilarious! I can see why it took so long! haha
LOVE Dan! :)
Chima... Boo!
OMG Did they seriously put Ronnie in that outfit?? LMAO
Gaytor... it's almost your wish of the guys in drag! :)
OMG! Ronnie in the gold Space Princess suit almost made me puke!
Dan has enough $ to get a jacket that fits properly ... Just sayin'
I love Dan! OMG I threw up in my mouth Ronnie looked a mess! ha ha ha!Mmmmmmm Russell :)
OOOOO Love seeing Dan the man! What a cutie!!!
Could Chima be any ruder? What a witch!
I'm not sure, but I think I would read what I could get my hands on after I got out of the house! At least watch the whole season. Or at least hit up this great site that I go to for all my BB updates.......
Oh HELLLLLLLLLLLL No!!! Chima better be put out of this house sooner rather than later!!
~ Ryan ~
Wow...Chima and her mouth...she's gotta go! Loved Jessie's look with Dan. Cute comp!
Can we vote that they eat Chima's larynx?
Ewwwwwww ... gonna be lots of fart jokes next week with those food choices!
oh chima has got to go. i heard the hg's talking about that comment, but to actually hear the way she said it... i can't stand her and her arrogant diva ways.
I understand this is a game. But is their a reason why Chima is so mean and hateful? I mean I see no dignity with her at all.
The luxury comp was a hoot! Loved seeing Dan. And them boys sure dressed up well....LMAO
What a regiving the have nots?? I'm going cabbage and cocktails weenies!
Gaytor - sliders are like baby hamburgers. Supper was delicious! Munsters fed, they are cleaning so I can hang out properly now! :)
I'm in the T.v. Only bunch BUT never out of the loop because of Carolyn's updates :)
Ekmurf! LOL!
JulieB - Munsters.. hehe!
I hate it when skinny popular girls say they need to diet. Seriously Laura?
oh, oh, oh..... text 3! LOL!
I can't believe Chima said that!!!
And those food choices?? Yikes! Talk about the hot air movin' around that house next week! I'm pick number two, just because that would mean protien!
Caro, on CBS it shows Ronnie's last tweet as saying "Today was the veto meeting... One for the ages"
Okay, it's official in my mind! Chima will never be liked in my book...she is so evil and I believe it is b/c she is so uphappy with herself. She degraded Jeff, which was uncalled for and she argued with Casey for no reason!
Someone said it right the other night, she is the Omarosa of BB...
I wish Ronnie could nominate her so bad!
YIKES - sure did type my last post fast!
What are you voting to give the have nots? is what that is supposed to say!
SOOOOOOO awesome to see Danny Boy again!!! He was looking gooooood!!!!
Can't next week be a double eviction week? Please??? I am shocked at Chima. Can she be any more obnoxious. Her comment at the beginning of the game to Casey. Then at the end of the game when she threatens him with going home if he doesn't choose the populars for the Have Nots. She is doing some serious power tripping. There's such a large power trip group this early in the game and they all have serious entitlement issues (one of my personal pet peeves). Please get rid of Chima and Ronnie!
AHAHAHAHA!!! LMAO at Ronnie in that costume! What a dork!!!!! And OMG, i can't deal with Chima either, I really wish they would've voted her out last week.
I'm pissed they didn't show any of the barbs that Jessie and Dan traded! I knew they would edit that out!
BB's letting up on the HaveNot rules... Jordan was just napping in the red room next to Jeff.
Well Jessie might be playing a better game but who wouldn't 2nd time around.
OK, Chima is even more evil than I originally thought. I now dislike her more than Jessie and I didn't think that was possible.
Jordan's Northern accent - hysterical!
I picked pickled eggs and pickled herring... lol just cuz it sounds gross and I think it would be funny.
LOL @ Jordan's NY accent - too cute.
Oh yeah, and Dan looked SO cute! LOL
Welcome Mrs. Ronnie
I ♥ Jeff! Love this whole giggle on accents!
Jordan doing the northern accent is hilarious.
With every show of clips I haven't seen on the feeds, plus live watching, I find myself hoping that Natalie and Chima are off my screen as soon as possible.
Dan is was looking very good.
Jessie and Chima came across as turds on the Sundays show.
I'm going to go ahead and say it, Chima needs to GO. She brings absolutely nothing to the show.
Good accent there Jordan! That was cool!
I can't wait for Chima to get back what she's dished out. Does she really think anyone in there likes her?
Yippies we gert to vote... hummm I say # 3 pickled herring ( gags)
Bad edit! They are making it look like this was J/J/L/Cs idea to backdoor Russel.
Not true! Ronnie had already said he wanted that!!!
Bad, bad edit!!!!
Okay, I seriously don't think Jordan could get cuter! I'm bummed that we didn't get to see all the nastiness in that comp, the tv onlys are so in the dark. Dan though, looked terrific! So great to see him again. Having Jesse this season it's sometimes hard to remember there were people I couldn't get enough of last year.
I DID NOT need to see Ronnie in that outfit.
Melanie - that's what i was thinking too. give the poor souls some protein...
RhondaM - Right?!
Spunky - I just checked the hoh twitter - that's not correct.
Re Chima - She did seem rather a bit unnecessarily vindictive, didn't she? yikes. It' was such a Mean Girls moment.
Ok that edit on the Ronnie/Jessie talk.... the one section in the middle with Natalie there... That was done a different day or at least a different part of the day then the beginning and the end!! He was wearin' different clothes!!
Why was Chima so mean? "Jeff I shoulda known you would like a dumb girl because you arent smart yourself."
What?!? Ah I wish she could go home!
TO anyone watching the feeds right now, so how many times has Ronnie changed his mind. Last I remember, Casey was going up w/ the ultimate target being Laura.
~ Ryan ~
Okay, anyone want some ice cold watermelon? :)
I am so glad that everyone has Ronnie's number and he is so blind he can't see it!
I really do like Jeff. What got him so hated again? A homophobic comment? Is that right? Was it really that bad? Would I sell my soul if I liked him?
Ek - you'd be in great company, actually... He's apologized..
seriously, how many of you have googled "technotronics"?
Bad edit on the Russel backdooring plan!!!!!
Thank's Carolyn! I feel good with your blessing. Cuz...I'm really worried about Russell :( It really is Ronnie's only move.
It's so arrogant and condescending to say I respect you as competitors and I'm giving you the chance to prove yourselves. Grrrr. He irks me.
Love Casey's DRs...
He more than irks me Genie!
Anybody know how tall Russell is? I just want to get my fantasies right in my head. If I am looking down at him, up at him or straight at him. LOL.
I'm gonna open a new top post in just a few minutes. :)
Ummm... Jeff is yummylicious! I just got my appetite back.
You guys, they did show Ronnie talking about Russell before the Jordan crew. I think the edit was so-so; you had to cath it.
Nice talking to everyone...I gotta go run off these damn crackers I can't stop eating. Catch you guys later tonite.
Anybody else notice how AGP/BB is trying to set-up a backdooring of Russell scenario. They'll be so disappointed AGAIN when he puts up Casey or Jordan as a pawn, lol. Dumb Ronnie!!
~ Ryan ~
LOVE CASEY!!!!! His DR sessions are hilarious!!!!
Is Jordan not the cutest thing!! I still think she's hiding hert lite under a bushel & she's gonna break it out at just the right time & all of those mean, ugly, backstabbing, rude people will be floored!!
Enjoy the rest of the evening. About to go watch True Blue. Got to get my vampire fix for the week!!
HanHaysMom (DonnaT in Louisiana)
I wish that Jordan would of waited until after the renom before calling Ronnie out.
I loved seeing Dan again.
As usual Chima was her nasty self.
New Top Post!! :)
I am back froom watching the Sunday show...Hi everyone!
As much as we all dislike Ronnie and Chima, AGP will probably keep them around because its good tv
Caro, you are right... That was on the home page and I didn't go into the HOH Tweet page to verify. Sorry for that. This is what I saw and my fingers got faster than my brain...
Follow the current HoH @BigBrotherHOH for the up-to-minute deets via tweets! Follow this week's HoH, Ronnie.
Top Tweets:
"Today was the Veto Meeting; one for the ages!"
"Love all my family, Friends, New and Old Fans!"
Follow @BigBrotherScoop for the real, behind-the-scenes news.
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