Back on the Technotrack
7:26 PM BBT
Around the House.
- Lydia is in DR.
- Jordan and Michele are preparing dinner.
- Jeff and Russell are playing pool.
The plan seems to be back on track. Russell has been spared eviction at the hands of his alliance. Michele is still upset; Russell doesn't want anything to do with her. This alliance might not last forever, but it will do for now. As of now, the plan is to evict Lydia.
Jeff: Her time has come.
7:29 PM BBT
Michele, Jordan & Natalie
They are talking about the competition. Natalie is all smiles and eager. It seems that Jordan must have told her she is safe.
7:31 PM BBT
Jeff & Jordan
Russell is saying he can't believe Michele did that to him again. Jeff says it doesn't matter. Some of things she said were off the wall, but now they need to look forward and see what they can win and who they need to take out.
Jeff: There are still 7 people. If we start taking out each other, we won't make it to F4.
They play pool in silence for a while.
Russell: Dude. I can't even be in the kitchen right now.
Jeff: F it. It's over.
Russell: I'm hungry.
Jeff: I think I will cook pasta.
Russell: I'm so glad it's settled.
Jeff: Forget it. It's over.
Russell: It's not the first time though.
Natalie comes out to watch. She will be playing the winner.
7:47 PM BBT
Michele & Jordan
Jordan is helping Michele make meatballs.They are quiet. Russell passes through. There is no exchange.
Natalie & Jeff
They are playing pool.
Natalie: We both respect that. He doesn't know which way it will go. I hope I win next week and I will get you back. Do you believe Russell though?
Jeff: I think they are both lying. But we never got to the bottom of what is actually going on. Obviously people will lie in here, but I got to the bottom of what I wanted to.
He tells her not to say anything, then proceeds to sayt that Russell had a F2 with Michele. He tells Natalie that he put it all on Michele's shoulders.
Natalie: So next week if I win do you want Russ and...
Jeff: You can do whatever you want next week. It doesn't add up some sh*t. It doesn't make sense. I confronted Russell about the Jessie sh*t.
Natalie: Oh he admitted it?
Russell comes out and end of that conversation.
They hear music.
Jeff: They are partying while they make our sh*t. It's weird we aren't on lockdown.
Natalie: It will be something quick. At least we know it won't be endurance... (**Do they?)
Jeff: I heard them building.
Natalie: Yeah, I heard "Voooooo"
Their pool game is over and they go back inside.
Red Room
Natalie & Lydia
Natalie goes to Lydia to undo her braids. Kevin comes in.
Lydia: Is it in our favor?
Natalie: I don't think so.
Lydia: Who's going?
Natalie: He keeps saying I'm a strong competitor and it's worth the risk to keep her.
Lydia isn't buying it. She thinks it will be her.
Natalie: I told them I'm playing in the POV tomorrow
Lydia: Will they backdoor Russell?
Natalie: I don' know. It wasn't said. One of us has to win POV is all. I'll tell you later what was said.
They go on to speculate tomorrow's events.
Natalie: It's going to be live. I guarantee you.
They move onto general chitchat. They start talking about Chima and what she looked liked at the first call. They go on to talk about other contestants who didn't make it.
The turbo whispering begins.
Kevin: So why don't they want to get rid of Russell.
Natalie: Because he wants to stay with the final four. He was only talking about later final two, not about taking Jeff out next week.
Silence for a while.
Kevin: I hope I don't go home.
Lydia: You're not going anywhere. I'm the one going. If Russell wins it, I don't think he will change the nominations, unless he is really p*ssed at you Kevin.
Silence. We hear Michele talking in the kitchen.
Lydia: G-d I hate her voice. I hate her laugh.
They all agree.
Kevin wants to talk to Jeff. They tell him he is in the DR. They finish her hair and go to the kitchen to find food.
8:43 PM BBT
Kevin and Natalie
Sith whispering. Natalie tells him if it's a tie, they will evict Lydia.
Cut to:
8:47 PM BBT
Red Room
Russell & Natalie
Quick exchange.
Natalie: But you allied yourself with her.
Russell: What can I say? She's an idiot.
Natalie: She denied the Green Room incident, but it's true.
8:55 PM BBT
Now it's time for eating, not scheming. They keep talking about the "holding room" and production so we keep getting brief CTRL BRB.
Lydia: This is how 5 year olds eat it.
Jeff: Well you're not exactly adult.
Jeff starts singing ♫I'm in love with a Jessie♫ ♫I wish I were Jessie's girl♫
Kevin: I thought that was Natalie's song.
Jeff: It's for both of them. It's on their iPods.
Natalie: Don't you want to see him tomorrow Lydia?
Lydia: Oh! Well played!
Russell comes in. They mention how dark he is getting. Russell farts. Lydia gags.
Natalie: We're not just eating cochino!
Natalie and Kevin
Natalie takes this quick moment alone to fill Kevin in on the discussion.
Natalie: He said that nothing was confirmed or not confirmed from the argument. That Russell is a liar. That Russell did say he wanted him out after the final 4. That if you won the POV you could put him up but he wasn't going to do it. (**?)
Russell and Lydia come out and she changes the subject.
8:15 PM BBT
Kevin, Natalie, Lydia, Jeff & Russell
Natalie and Lydia go into a mini argument because Lydia was saying that Natalie noticed Jessie's "j*nk". Natalie said she told him as a friend that he was hanging out of his shorts.
Lydia: Well at least I know I can make someone c*m.
Kevin tells Natalie to cool it under his breath.
Michele goes into the Have/Not room and sits for a quiet breakdown.
(**Le Sigh)
9:40 PM BBT
Everyone except Jordan who is in DR.
They got tie dye and t-shirts. They are not allowed to write on it, or do shout outs. They are not allowed to wear them to a live show. They have to lay it on trash bags.
Lydia is super excited and has commandeered the process. She will make Russell and herself one.
Jeff: I'm going to make my own.
Lydia: Excuse me! Excuse me!
Jeff: Who made you captain of tie dye world? I'm going to make mine and it's going to be awesome and I will make millions. (*LOL)
Lydia: We got tie dye!
Jordan: Oh fun! I love tie dye.
She goes over to Jeff.
Jordan: Why are you tying it?
Jeff: Because you have to tie it, to dye it. That's why it's called tie dye.
Lydia and Jeff are throwing good-natured insults back and forth. It's very funny!
Lydia makes the first one. Michele watches and asks her questions.
Kevin, Natalie & Jeff
Kevin: So he wants to take you out at final 4? Interesting.
Jeff doesn't say a word.
Natalie: I will just be grateful if I'm still here tomorrow.
On the way in the house, she says to Kevin. "I could use your vote. I haven't ask you yet so I'm asking now."
Michele comes out.
More tie dye...
Kevin, Natalie & Lydia
Kevin: You have to pretend that you're upset about the LML. We told them about it.
Lydia: You told them it was a lie?
Kevin: No. We told them the lie. You being upset right now is perfect. You have to act like we betrayed you. (**Act?)
And more tie dye...
While Jeff is about to unveil his masterpiece, Jordan lovingly looks on. :)
Jordan decides to go to bed.
Jeff: You going to bed bed?
Jordan: I'm going to lie down.
Jeff: I will join yo a little later. I am making a snack.
Jordan: Okay! Might as well enjoy the bed the last night.
Jeff: You bet we're going to enjoy the bed.
Jordan: Jeff! (She dissolves in a fit of giggles.) tee hee
11:35 PM BBT
Jeff & Michele
Jeff makes an antipasto plate. Michele joins him in snacking.
Michele: Are we okay?
Jeff: Yeah. What's the point of getting worked up at this point?
Michele: Giggle.
Jeff: He will be a target to them.
Michele: Giggle.
Russell has heat stroke. He is burning up and has chills. (**Uh oh!)
11:48 PM BBT
Natalie & Jeff
Natalie: When I saw him in the room, he said Michele is an effing liar, and I said well you're allied with her and he said she is with the numbers.
Jeff: What goes around comes around.
Jeff gets up to go inside. Jeff gets ready for bed and goes up to HOH.
Jordan (happily): There you are! :)
And on that happy note, that concludes the night time report.
(**I spoke too soon. Michele just came in)
Michele: If I do get the POV and take Natalei off the block would that be okay.
Jordan: Do whatever you want. I don't care. I mean if you want to show Natalie good faith then go for it. It doesn't make any difference.
Michele: Either way Lydia is going home.
Jordan: I hope you don't mind. I warned you I was going to do it. It was driving me nuts.
Michele: No. I'm glad. It will make all this chatter stop.
Jordan: Um. Whatever you want to do with the POV is okay with me.
Michele: I just wanted to check with you.
Okay. I'm out. And scene! :)
take it easy on Michele. She's trying to support Jeff, bc he originally said HE heard the LML first hand (Kevin told him)
Finally, Jeff said something that continues to make sense - there are still seven of us. Natalie still has the upper hand if she is not sent out of there. Lydia or Nat will not win anything, they are usually one of the first two out of any competition. Kevin, well he could make it to final 4 before any of them.
Hi everybody!!
Geez I have a headache from reading the blog and the comments.
These people are CRAZY!!
Hi Everyone!
I think the fact that the target has shifted from Natalie to Lydia has to be a pretty big sign that Jeff and Jordan still aren't sure if they can trust Russell or Michelle. They may well still have reservations about keeping Russell.
At the very least I'm guessing Jeff and Jordan want to keep the door open to teaming up with Natalie and Kevin to take out Michelle and Russell once Lydia is gone.
Good Grief! My stupid internet went out for like ever! And I missed a smackdown too! Grrrrr!
Hi all! I'm back, but I'm going to go get caught up on the comments from the last one now that I'm caught up on what happened in the house while I was gone. Thanx Carolyn and Genie for keeping the details so detailed!
Gosh, my head is still spinning!!!! HaHa!!!!!
So Jordan, especially, is all bothered by Michelle and Russel's lying yet she and Jeff just conveniently suggested that Lydia, not Natalie, be the one voted out. Wonder what Michelle and Russell would think of their "honesty" if they knew of the side deal. Or am I missing something (often am.)
Nnewblooger, aka Anon/Ann
Oh no, Nat is working Jeff again. Stop already Jeff.
Why would they send Lydia home, Natalie NEEDS to go before she causes anymore lies and problems....What are they thinking?They need to listen to Russell...I really cant wait until tomorrow so Jordon can go back to being her sweet self again. HOH doesnt go well with Jordon and Jeff for that matter..
Jeff!!!! Please stop talking to Natalie!!!!!!
Hi all...Im still thinking J/J might change their mind again if Natalie or Kevin get to them.
Lydia really needs to win POV, so that they put up Kevin and then get either Kevin or Natalie out. Preferably Natalie.
Hey Genie!
BIf they really are going to protect Natm best case scenario now is for Lydia to win POV tomorrow so at least Kev/Nat are broken up.
No Jeff, don't throw Russ under the bus with Nat. He needs to be true to Russ at east for now.
Oh ye of little faith. I really felt they would come back around. Want Nat or Kevin out, but will take any of the 3 based on where they have been the last couple of days.
But then, it's only Wednesday.
Hi everyone! :)
Michele - lol. I have a headache from writing it! (last post)
Good grief!
I can't make sense of any of this....and round and round and round and round...UGH
I'm going to bed. Genie keep them under control!! :)
Carolyn - great job today, as usual.
Hello and goodnight everyone.
I'm glad the kissed and made up, but it pains me to watch them keep Natalie. Their reasoning is completely off the wall!! Lydia has been defeated, her chances of winning anything are slim to none! Russell is the only one who sees that Nat is the one playing the game still, and not Lydia. It's frustrating yelling at my screen!
As of now, unless things change again before I finish this comment, I am no longer rooting for Michelle in any way, shape or form. I am giving her the benefit of the doubt that some of her actions may actually not be under her control. I am in no way making light of mental illness but I do believe that there is something wrong with the girl.
However, as much as it may not be her fault, it is not the fault of her alliance either and they are suffering because of her.
I am back to liking Jeff and Jordan since they found their real selves and seem to have banished the evil pod people that had taken over their bodies.
I am really upset that the plan to evict Nat has been shelved. Best case scenario-Kevin wins POV, takes Lydia off and they replace her with Michelle. I think Russell would be loyal to Jeff even though he is pissed at Michelle right now. Then the vote would be 2-2 and Jordan would more than likely send Nat home over Michelle. If Michelle did get sent home, who cares? Better to lose her at this point than Russell.
Second option would be if Lydia won POV and took herself down. Then Kevin would go up. I would still like to see Nat go, but at least one of the stronger people would go. I think getting rid of Lydia first is kind of a waste.
If by any chance Michelle is thinking clearly and this is some type of strategy, it doesn't make any sense. I have tried to look at every possible scenario to see how this could possibly benefit her and I have not found one way it could possibly help her in this game.
Hi Kevin! :)
Hi RonaP! :)
Hey Michele in Indiana! :)
Hi Trevor! :)
Hi Syn!! :)
Hi Sassy Sis! :)
Hi NNewBlogger! :)
Hi Confused! :)
Hi Vicki! :)
Hi WhiteTigers! :)
Hi RayRayFad! :)
Hi Jaggers! :)
Hi ltc!! :)
Carolyn I do not know how you and Genie do this. You two are AMAZING!!!
Hey Julie B :) Sleep well!
Hi Grendon :)
Hi LeighAnn :)
Hi MrsH78 :)
thanks :)
right now, i'm feeling like my brain melted.
I hope Lydia stops taking her crazy pills long enough to see what K& N are up to and blow them out of the water.
Lol I'm on board with the duck in the pool. that cracked me up!!
I just hope that Russel wins pov and Hoh at this point because I will not be able to sit thru another week of J&J paranoia, it doesn't sit well with them.
At least now maybe just maybe if n or k wins hoh they will go after russel or michele. I don't know whast to think anymore. They just totally fried my brain cells and made me as dumb as they have become.
does anyone else feel hungover?
Hey Carolyn!!! (I think your poor little fingers need to take a break...they've been BUSY today! HaHa!!)
Jeff is working Nat right now. Telling her just enough to see what gets repeated. Let her keep talking and she will get flushed out. She has not had to do that the whole game, has always had someone to do it for her. Before the night is over, this might just put the target back on her back.
Please, oh please, let me be right.
None of this is in any way a "strategy" by Michele. She's caught up in not knowing the facts, & trying to support her alliance when they mislead her
Wouldn't it be funny if the LML that Kevin so expertly executed (after coaching by Nat) ends up getting his butt out the door tomorrow. Please, please Lydia win POV tomorrow!
YaY! finally caught up on the Blogs. The comments are going to take a lot longer but I want to read every word tonight. Hopefully BBAD time will be low-key.
So, I am still commenting somewhat blindly.
Someone please unplug Jeff. He's talking to Natalie and it's scaring me. (or is it scarring?)
And out come the braids. At least Natalie and Lyida are alone for now but AG is pissing me off again. 4 on 1 is my biggest, or one of my biggest gripes of the season. I see Kevin came in and flopped down.
If J/J can't see what is going on there, I will say it again. they really do deserve to lose the game.
Syn, my Syn, I'm ready to rumble. Get caught up and come play with me.
Oh!!! Now we have St. Genie of Smackdown. Hope you are ready for a long one. *giggle* I know I am.
I crowned Carolyn St. Carolyn of something earlier today. See I don't even remember what I post 12 hours later. But is it right to make a Saint of a nice Jewish girl from SE Florida? I don't think so but I stand by my feelings that she is one.
Okies, I think I'm caught up. Technobrains are back on for the time being but still strained. They want Lydia out which makes no sense to me. Hopefully this will change to Natalie by tomorrow night. Or Kevin will win POV and pull Lydia off. Then at worst it'll be a tie. But I don't know what Jordan would do. I think then she'd go with her own plan rather than what Jeff wanted. But who knows. Hopefully they'll discuss it at some point.
I really really think Michele's "I don't remember" has sealed her fate as #4 in the Technobrains. And if she had just kept her mouth shut, she had a solid chance at Final 2.
Basically nothing really changed from the time my internet went out until now.
Hi Carolyn!
Hi Genie!
Great job today!
I walked away from the feeds during the majority of the smack down..couldn't take it, but cat confirmed I am nuts. I was so po'd, shaking my head, talking & cussing to myself & kitty just sat in the living room watching me as I paced from room to room w/ a very quizzical look on his face....I know he is convinced now that I am certifiable. And, much longer of this insane house & I will be. Guess I better check on making reservations at the BB Rehab Clinic.
Still blows me away though that Jeff just pours all it out to Natalie. I want her out & they are going to vote out the weaker gamer, Lydia! Great move....NOT!
Hey Carolyn - I didn't even know you were here.... but I'm glad you are!
Hi MsFitz!! :) Thank you!
Hey GayTor! :) Smooch!!
Hi Blue - whereever you are...
Hi Jane - When you get here!
I have to tip my hat (if i were wearing one) to Carolyn and Genie... I can't remember half of what was said 20 seconds after it was said. This is the first place I come to look to find out what's been going on. You guys have Big Brother covered better than the tent covered Jessie and Lydia! I love this site and its up to the minute updates... You Rock!!
Never thought i'd say this i hope Lydia wins POV that way she can put up kevin and they can send Nat home.
Hi Meg :)
Thanks, MrsH :)
Syn - Are ya still mad at me?! ;)
Syn - I do love Jordan but what she will do if it is tied is....Jeff, what do I say?
Unfortunatly I do not think that Lydia will even try to win the POV. She wants to go to jury.
How rude of me -- never even said hi to Carolyn and my BB buddies.
HELLO everyone!
Now, off to bed. So goodnight, sleep tight and sweet dreams!
Thanks for everything Carolyn & Genie!
GayTor - i'm flattered :)
first off, hello Carolyn, Genie Sea and bbdishers!
Carolyn, i can't understand how you can follow all these people's craziness.
wow... i felt like i just came out of the spinner after reading that stressful-head-spinning-aggravating-mind-blowing rollercoaster-like ride - first with J/J, then J/J/R/M.
if either Kevin or Natalie wins, they - the technobrain(s)(dead) - have only themselves to blame...
they give me a headache... my brain is a mush right now...
cynthia aka cai
Jaggers - it depends, are you still agreeing with GaYToR ;) j/k
MsFitz - Yeah, probably after the POV Ceremony and if it's used and then during the voting she'll ask him. I forgot they would have a chance to quickly speak while everyone is voting. I was thinking if she was put on the spot directly. But yeah, you're right.
Kevin & Natalie talked today, and kevin told her that he would use the veto on her, and went on to say that he told lydia that he would never put her up or vote her out, never did I say I would use the veto on her.
Nat then asked well who would u rather play the game with and he said you because Lydia doesn't use her head in the game. Then they went on to say u & me F2.
Tried to say hello to everyone but got error message instead.....So hello everyone! Just gonna lurk, not feeling up to par.....Have a good evening all!
Itcmek, I hope you're right too re Jeff working Nat.
Grendon, "As of now, unless things change again before I finish this comment..." LOL
How rude of me, "Hi Carolyn"
Evening Everyone
Just checking in. Been on the road for 9 hours so not staying up. Two days gone and nothing changed. Paranoia is a killer. Would rather Natalie go home, big time, but if they at least get one of them out I'll be happy. Of course from what I read I'm not believing anything until I see it. I can't believe Jeff and Jordan still don't have a clue and they believe Natalie!? It's to much.
Had a great time up north, my nephew graduated and is now ready to become a police officer. Very proud of him.
Have a great night, talk to you all tomorrow.
Sweet Dreams
Let me take this down time to say how much I enjoy your blog.You do a Wonderful job! I don't know how,but you do.It's magic! lol
this season of BB might kill my marriage,the lusting over Jeff,the constant staring at the screen.Watching live feeds nonstop.I pretty much ignore my husband,unless the BB house is asleep.
Carolyn said...
GayTor - i'm flattered :)
Well the title is well deserved. Of course all the titles I have pinned on you are. My favorite is still Mistress of the Dish. I still love the fishnets and 6 inch stilettos. Ad I know Syn and Bama want to feel the crack of your whip, and the snap of your handcuffs. :-p~~
And yes indeed. Where is Blueballs? Probably out chasing cars again. Or cars driven by the cute college boys. Now as things are slow I am going to start catching up on the comments. I have 4 tabs of comments open.
I'll be popping back in here to answer and comment on earlier posts, and to comment on anything I can think of to lure Syn into my traps for the night. Muhahaha!
Is there any chance Kevin realizes his butt is on the line now and comes clean to J/J?
Are u all finding fingernail marks embedded in ur palms? Talk bout tense!!!!!!
Please make the 4 of em behave at least till they send the right person home tomorrow.. which hopefully is Natalie!!!
Your both doing a great job but I know you know that lol!!
Syn - I don't remember!!! :P (just taking a page from Natalies book!)
Hi MIchigan Man! :) Are ya kidding? It's changed and changed and changed again!
Hi MnM in IL :) Thank you!
Hi Gale Luvs BB :) Thank you!
Hiya Kevin! Ronap! Michelle! Trevor! Syn!! Sassy! Newblogger! Confused! Vicki! Whitetigers! RayRay! Jaggers! ltcmek! JulieB! MrsH78! Grendon! MiamiGlow! Khope! Gaytor!!! MsFitz!! Meg! Cynthia! Kim! Michigan Man! MnM! Gale!
Hi Kscooterfox - Hi, been thinking of you!
They are always cooking pasta in the House. All those carbs!!! How can any of them be losing weight?
Oh yea, They only eat what their side cooks and if they aren't on slop.
Russell is definitely putting on the weight but that's because he can't stay out of the candy drawers. Those things look like the bins they bring in to stock a 7-11.
But back to pasta. Now DQTD is cooking some. Just what I need, but I think I will eat mostly salad. This is my last day of garlic and a few other strange things on the list of what I can't have for 10 days before surgery. Garlic? Not sure I can go a day without it, much less 10.
Back after the GaYTor is fed and watered.
I am SICK of watching the unbraiding of Natalie. @agrodner is about to get a nasty tweet from me and after I actually said something nice to her about the Tuesday show.
Hiya Genie Sea!
Hiya Genie Sea!
Hi KScoot :) How did I miss you?! I'm sorry about that!
Hey Genie!! :)
Are you poor little fingers tired too??
All of us really appreciate all the hard work you and Carolyn do!!!
Wish I was still a CA girl in the BB time zone but I'm now an East Coaster so....Night All!
Oh, I had to vote for the Chitlins for the Have-Not's this week! That would be so funny!! I know most Southerners know what they are, but do they have those up North?
Hi everyone. Boy, the house is nuts! Kim..I hope you feel better..
I am a little off Michelle..she is being awful...why, why, would she do that? I love when Jeff said "Michelle..C'Mon" he is awesome..
Hi Cindy Texas :)
Hi ROse! :)
Carolyn, have you seen this?? Just read it on
© CBSBig Brother 11 contestant Chima SimoneBooted 'Big Brother 11' contestant apologizes
Aug. 19, 2009, 6:16 PM EST
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Chima Simone is saying she's sorry — but not for getting kicked off "Big Brother 11."
Big Brother Chima Simone The 33-year-old freelance journalist is apologizing for calling a houseguest of Lebanese descent a terrorist.
Last week, the show depicted Simone, who was kicked off the CBS reality series last Saturday for multiple rule violations that had nothing to do with the name calling, feuding with Lebanese-American mixed martial arts fighter Russell Kairouz.
At one point during the heated exchange, Simone said Kairouz was a "terrorist because you're terrorizing everybody in the house." Kairouz retaliated by calling Simone, who is African-American, "the true racist." Fans watching the live Internet video feeds have reported that harsher words concerning the Sept. 11 attacks were also uttered by Simone.
"I used a phrase that was insensitive given his Middle Eastern descent, and I apologize to all who are justifiably offended with my use of that racially charged term," Simone wrote in an e-mail to, the celebrity gossip Web site where Simone appeared in videos as a host and red carpet reporter before entering the "Big Brother 11" house.
This doesn't mean she's apologizing to Kairouz.
"Russell constantly demoralized many of us on a consistent basis and his conduct was alarming, daunting and terrifying," Simone wrote. "Fortunately, for me, I do not have to be subjected to those tirades anymore. I am going on with my life in the real world. I wish the remaining 'Big Brother' housemates the best of luck!"
Simone was expelled from "Big Brother 11" after refusing direct orders from producers to wear a microphone and then tossing it into the backyard's whirlpool spa. "Big Brother" executive producer Allison Grodner announced to the houseguests that Simone needed to be eliminated from the show for multiple rule violations.
There goes Nat saying shit about Michele to Russ. That girl just doesn't stop.
Hiya Cindy and Rose! :)
Sassy - Not as tired as Carolyn's fingers must be. She took the brunt of it. :)
One of the few positive moments of the night:
Watching Natalie and Kevin running in the house grinning at the camera, giggling like schoolgirls and high-fiving the human troll only to have their spirit of celebration deflated faster than Jesse's ego last Thursday.
I know things could change again before I finish typing this, but it was fun while it lasted.
What are Chitlins?
Rose - I know, right? Michele has to realize that her excuse is transparent as glass.
My mother needs to go take care of that. When I was in elementary school, I had a nasty habit of saying "I forgot" when I wouldn't do my homework. She made it clear and under no uncertain terms that the word 'forgot' was no longer in my vocabulary. I still chuckle every once in a while when I say that word.
Hey Carolyn and Genie, On the main blog there is not a post on top for the Teckno back on track.
Hi Carolyn and guys are awesome...I would be a tv only if it wasn't for you two.
Hi Genie Sea, and to all.
My head finally stopped spinning. Did you all just catch Natalie try to start things up again with russel about mihchele? This girl doesn't stop, hopfully if she keeps it up they will catch on to her & boot her but out.
Carolyn/Genie...I was wondering do you guys have two or three computers going at once? I can't imagine having to go tab to tab and do what you do
hi nina :) thanks. i've been up and at it since 4am bbt... i spaced it. it's there now.
What are the chances they are having a endurance comp. they haven't even started setting up for it yet and plus don't they usually get some kind of hint it's gonna be endurance? I could be wrong. Just a thought
rose - i often work off 2... one just for feeds, big screen. the other feeds and blog.
meg - i wouldn't count it out just yet.
Sassy Sis - Thanx for sharing.
I would bet the winnings of BB on the fact that the only reason that statement was issued was so that Chima could keep her job at HollyScoop. It was probably only one of the first professional consequences that she's run into.
wow. carolyn..just wow
Chitlins are Pig Intestines. Most people eat them fried....please note I said, MOST people...I've never tried and NEVER will!!
Hi everyone!
As much as I love Jeff and Jordan I am so disappointed in their choices. They are forgetting the very reason they forged this F4 alliance. They knew how manipulating the other side was and that they could not be trusted...and thats when the other side was in power. How can they not know the other side would only get worse once the power was no longer in their favor.
They (J/J) are being so arrogant in thinking they can't get got. Jeff keeps saying that maybe Kevin is lying maybe Nat is lying but then saying NAH! WHY NOT what have they done to show they are trustworthy?!?
Sorry but I had to let that out.
i didn't post it, because the statement is bs.
she doesn't acknowledge calling Russell a muslim extremist terrorist. she lays it all on the same lame excuse she came up with for spin while she was in the house.
OK, first of all I feel kind of responsible that I perpetuated the idea Michele in bi-polar on our beloved blog.
Does anyone know when she told Kevin, it would have been very early on. I really want to her if she was being literal, or not. Some off the cuff remark about being bi-polar because you are feeling emotional is not unusual.
I just fail to see any sign of mental illness in Michele (and I see mental illness in everyone :) She's socially awkward and totally shuts down during conflict, but I'm not sure what that has to do with mental illness. She got the "crazy" label from Ronnie and it's been used against her ever since. She's not a particularly good liar, but that doesn't make her crazy.
you are welcome, have you been getting any bad weather from the storms.
Carolyn, she'll never admit the levels went to. If she continues to stick her neck out like this though, CBS will be forced to show the facts again and list how many times she called him that and it's variations. And also equating her situation to the tragedy of 9/11.
She does not know when to shut up. That was her downfall in the game. And that will be her downfall in life. Unfortunately for her.
Hi Jane :)- I never heard her say it.
nina - so far so good, thanks
Second comment, I'm not thrilled with the whole mafia-like inquisition J&J initiated. I don't like the high horse they are on, it's dangerous and power hungry, and just as irritating as when someone like Jessie did it.
On the other hand, that they are summarily believing Kevin and Natalie and feeding them info is pathetic. Just pathetic. I adore them, but their game is embarrassing me at the moment.
I am a strong believer in the best player winning the game, even if I don't like them personally. That leaves me in a very uncomfortable position of possibly having to route for someone like Natalie. God forbid.
Oh wow. I've succumbed to watching the feeds too much. As some of y'all have done, I just audibly said "God Bless You" to Natalie. And almost said it the second time before I caught myself.
Was I alone there?
Carolyn said...
i didn't post it, because the statement is bs.
Agreed! She also doesn't apologize for the 9/11 reference she made. It was extremely hurtful & offense for families & friends who lost someone & for all that experienced the terror of that day.
Syn said...
that statement was issued was so that Chima could keep her job at HollyScoop.
First thing I thought of too!
i'm fadin' fast...
i thought i'd mentioned the twin towers statement. lol. i did in my mind. :)
Hi Carolyn, Genie and everyone.
Thanks for all the updates, work has been crazy and I haven't been able to keep up with the feeds.
Does anybody have flashback info on the Lydia table flip?
hi kegas :)
i never saw it...
If Carolyn didn't hear it, then as far as I am concerned it didn't happen. I want to officially state that I do not believe Michele is bi-polar. It would be fine if she is, it's an illness caused largely by genetics and there is no shame in it. But she doesn't show a single sign of the illness.
Is it confirmed that Michele has actually lied all the times she has been called out? She twists the details around when she is recalling actual events but I haven't heard her actually make things up. She just ends up looking like a liar because she gets so flustered. Just the opposite of Nat who couldn't tell the truth to save her life but she can lie up a storm and everyone believes her.
I'm afraid Nat is going to end up getting Michele sent home tomorrow.
I'm back :0)
Did i miss anything good?
Oh, about Chima, there is no way she wrote that statement herself. She's hired a publicist and/or a lawyer. I'd bet money on it.
ok why is Michelle is the have not room
Kegas - I'm pretty sure that happened during the HOH competition when the feeds were shut off. CBS chose not to show that part on Tuesday's show.
I'm getting the feeling that Michele is feeling very isolated now. Where else could you go in that house except for the Have Not's room?
I get a sense of self-imposed solitary confinement watching her there.
Where is Jordan and why is Michelle sitting in the have not room?
Ok so I think Michele is about to go off the deep end. She is now in the insane asylum room talking to herself. all she is missing is the straight jacket. I have a feeling this is not over. When she does go off on Russel who is she going to run off and tell on him too? Chima is no longer in the house.
Jane - Michele told Kevin she was bi-polar the first week before the feeds were up. She told Jordan this. I reported it but not sure which day.
Genie - I remember you posting that Michele told Jordan. But it wasn't clear whether she was being literal or not. You reported she said it because she was missing her mother. But was she simply saying "I'm feeling all over the place emotionally" (so to speak) or was she actually revealing a secret?
Poor Michele her alliance needs to support her right now. I'm really getting annoyed with Jeff and Jordon right now. They are being way nicer to the three trouble makers than to her. They are absolutely going to be ashamed of themselves for making her feel so bad. I am 100% convinced she was commited to final 3 with them.
Jane - she did mention that there was a "history" there when talking about possibly wanting to adopt instead of having biological children. That could have meant anything of'course. But I do think I remember her telling Russell that she couldn't trust Kevin because she told him that she was Bi-Polar the first week and then he told other HG's. But I'd have to flashback to it to be certain, and I'd have no idea where to start looking for that moment.
Wendy - the funniest thing, IMO, that you missed was Jeff's song for Natalie regarding Jessie. "I wish that I was Jessie's Girl"
I think its so wrong that J/J wont do for Michele what she did for them. Michele used her HOH to try and get rid of Chima, even though she admits to it being shady on her part, to protect Jeff and Jordan cause they knew that because of the CDT, he was on her hitlist and yet they won't do the same for her. They all know that Nat is after Michele and they are chosing to protect her. Jeff keeps refering to Michele as his all but how is he showing his loyalty? J/J ahve become the other side.
And I would totally love for M/R/L to come together and go against J/J and vote Nat out. Just to teach them a lesson.
P.S. I still love Jeff
UGH...gross...any kind of intestines..blahhhhhhh
Dang,Michelle is sitting in that have not room all alone
she is struggling,I feel bad for her. :(
I really worry about her mentally.She seems so fragile to me.
Jane, It happened a while back. Kevin & Michelle were playing pool. After their pool game Kevin was on the b/y couch w/ Jeff, Jordan, & Casey & told them about a conversation he had with Michelle while playing pool. I think it was about her being so quiet & moody at times & about her not being good at remembering conversations. He said she told him she was bi-polar. I got the impression from the way he told how the conversation went that it was an off the cuff remark. But, Kevin & Casey seemed to take it as a true statement. Casey kept repeating, I knew it, I knew it. Eventually Kevin pretty much told everyone in the house what she had told him. I do not believe that she is.
Goodnight everyone :)
See you in the morning :)
I leave you in Genie's care...
I'm glad I'm not the only one!
I sat up watching them play cards last night,I felt like I was in the damn room *weird*
Nite Carolyn..sweet dreams about Jeff..
Nightie night Carolyn!
Jane - According to her discussion with Jordan, she revealed to Kevin that she is bipolar. It was not a turn of phrase. She told Jordan that she felt very betrayed that he blabbed it to everyone.
That being said, she is taking medication. I am concerned about her right now. She seems to be unraveling.
Goodnight Carolyn! Sleep well!
I'm gonna take a break for right now. I'll catch whoever is here when I get back. Goodnight to those that leave! Pleasant Dreams!
G'nite Carolyn!!!
Now you're stuck w/ us Genie!
Carolyn - I read your mind & typed it for you...
Good night!!! Sleep well!!!
Genie - did she say she was on meds?
Jaggers - I love being with you guys! I never feel stuck.
I have been feeling the need to follow Michele around on the feeds because she seems so alone. :(
Genie - I do recall Michelle telling Jordan that. Until that point I had thought it was an off the cuff remark but you reminded me of that conversation she had w/ Jordan.
It was on the feeds when I saw Kevin telling others. He was sitting on the b/y couch. I remember it mostly because Casey immediately said, I knew it!
Syn - i heard a bit of it. I was on the phone yaking with Marci about cats! She is a funny funny lady.
Michele looks so depleted. I really wish they didn't push the limits with the HGs. There are too many who should never have been allowed in that house.
Syn, I heard her say the thing about not having kids, but she didn't say anything specific about why, except that she works with chemicals. She didn't elaborate on "history."
Jordan is MIA-- she was not in HOH when Nat went to find her for the tie dye tshirts. Did anyone hear them call her to DR? Maybe she is letting the stress of the game get to her so she went to DR?
Jane - In that discussion, she did not say whether or not she is on meds. I am making the assumption. If she has been diagnosed, it follows that she is on medication?
The pic of Lydia gagging over Russell's fart made me choke on my beer. By far, the funniest screen cap yet in my opinion. I completely lose my mind with laughter when I look at it!
How cool to have heard both Genie and Carolyn being interviewed on Inside Dish? Very sexy voices ladies!
Hopefully Jordan can calm down long enough for Jeff to have a coherent thought and see what needs to be done. I feel very bad for Michelle. She cannot for the life of her engage in normal conversation. I have a son with Autism (blessedly high functioning) and he is so smart it is scary but he has such a hard time with conversation to other people. The give and take that we all take for granted is excruciatingly difficult for him. I am certainly not diagnosing Michelle but I see many of the same traits and mannerisms in her that I see in my son. Jeff and Jordan are going to feel awful when they get out of the house and see how crazy and paranoid they were this week. They will also feel bad when they read Michelle's HOH blog and realize that Michelle worships the ground they walk on.
Good Evening Everyone!
Hey, I was so happy that final 4 alliance has weathered the storm!
As for Chima - gate, we need to not give her any attention or we could have another Omarosa issue where people start confusing these reality TV people as real celebrities.
When I watched Celebrity Apprentice, I was mortified that they put Omarosa on as a Celebrity, please, she is not worthy of celebrity status!
If we continue to give Chima attention, she could wind up on another TV show because some TV producers will think that they could make money - then she would make money. She needs to just go back to whatever life she had before and put this all behind her.
Goodnight BBdish family see ya in the comment section tomorrow!
Genie - sure, if she has been diagnosed she is probably on meds. I am still not at all convinced she was being literal. She would feel betrayed by Kevin if he spread it around, even if it was off the cuff. That's a big deal thing to spread around in that house, true or not.
I guess we just don't know for sure. All I can say is I have seen quite a bit of bi-polar behavior and I don't see any of it in Michele. We've see clinical depression with Lydia, clear as day, but that's all I have really seen, except some random anxiety - and some seriously screwed up personalities - but that's not illness.
Oh, and I think Jordan has an eating disorder. Not just from her behavior, but from the things she says she does at home to stay slim.
They got tie-dye stuff now?
So who threaten to leave now?
I never understood why everyone got so annoyed with the brb screens - i completely understand now :P
Oh, Syn, taking about not having kids, I think Michele was referring to a history of substance abuse in her family. I can't remember exactly what she said, but that was what it sounded like to me. She had also said previously she got interested in studying cocaine addiction because of some stuff she witnessed her past.
Lol! Watching the HG's doing arts and crafts makes me want to that too! I want a Tie-Dye shirt!
I love watching them do their shirts!! Jeff is cracking me up!!!
Nightie night Carmen
Another thought on Michele and meds, if she was on them she wouldn't be allowed drink. Alcohol is contraindicated with mood stabilizers, and although people don't always follow those recommendations, BB has been very conservative in the past about allowing people to drink when they are taking meds with those instructions.
Just an observation.
Goodnight Genie! Wendy! MsFitz! Syn! GaYTOR! Michelle! Jaggers! Rose! Julie! And everyone I have missed. Hope you all have a wonderfull BBAD evening! (the tye-dye shirts look like fun!) I'm gonna lay down and watch AD...Love you all for all your thoughts and prayers!
PS I hope everyone in hurricane Bill's path is safe!
Night Kim! :)Huggies :)
Jane - Excellent point!
Nightie night Kimmie!!!! Big hugs lady!
Night Carmen :)
Thanks Anthony :)
Michelle is truly acting odd. I find it hard to believe that CBS would allow someone with bi-polar illness to be on the show. If you are truly bi-polar you have to take medication and sometimes alot of it. I can't imagine they would want the responsibility when there are so many people that want to be on the show. It may be discriminatory, but they don't have to say that was the reason. There is a very complete screening process and I don't think she would get thru. She may have some issues, and lots of them...but I think the bi-polar statement might have just been a flip comment. Being bi-polar is the new "popular"mental illness...but it is no joke!!
Hi to everyone...Thank you for this site!! You do a great job!!
G'nite Kim!!! Have a great night!
Lydia must be pms'ing now cause holy moly she is boss/rude and so grouchy even Oscar would be impressed!
OMFG Kevin pull down your socks man!
Nite Kim...have pleasant dreams
Even us Mainiacs are on the Hurricane Bill watch....We don't see that too often
OMG..Will and Grace is sooooo funny..I love Jack....Gaytor...there's a good one for you...(I know it's only tv)...but he is so funny
Lydia knows she is getting evicted. Ergo the mood.
Okies, I'm back.
Jane, all I remembered Michele saying about adoption was the thing about her handling chemicals, and then she said something about there being a "history" but I had no idea what that was alluding to. Thank you for all of your imput, it's very insightful.
Lydia gets so bitchy and snarky when she's trying to do something. I most definitely could not put up with that.
I've never made tie dyed shirts, but wouldn't the soaking part be imperative so that the dye didn't really screw up everything when you washed it? But according to Lydia, you don't have to. Really?
Anyone catch Kevin slip and tell Jeff that Russ said he was gunning for him after final 4? Did I hear that right?
I really don't feel sorry for Michele. She knew exactly what she was doing when she ran to tell Jordan and Jeff everythig Russell had mentioned in confidence.
She did the same thing with Chima and Russell when Russell was HOH. I guess she thought Russell was going to explode again, but he didn't.
I guess she finally figured out that Jordan and Jeff really don't trust her with all the information she seems to forget after she tells it.
Genie - this is reason #937482 why i love this site :) I never have to worry about missing anything - cause someone here always knows!
Well, naturally Lydia is turning something that should be fun into it being all about Lydia & her stinky attitude!
Lydia looks like she painting not tye-dying the t-shirts.
Read chima's email on - she is not taking responsibility for the things she did say, only her edit of them.
Ever since the J/J/R/M blow out Nat has been making the rounds keeping an eye on everyone. She never misses an opportunity to play someone.
Lydia is on my nerves!!!
Syn - ♫ Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome back!!! ♫
♫Have I told you lately that I love you...♫ :)
Genie - ♫ Did you ever know that you're my hero,
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings. ♫
We ♥ u Genie!!!
Glad I didn't miss much while I was away getting my Vin Deisel fix.
We're gonna get fishies if y'all keep singing!
So it's looking like no smackdown tonight. That's probably a good thing. I hope that everyone keeps a cool head.
♫No Smackdown. No cry♫
I'm glad because I need to reserve my energy for tomorrow night... :)
G'nite all!!! I'm so tired tonight!!! See ya in the comments in the morning!
♫ What you want
Baby, I got
What you need
Do you know I got it?
All I'm askin'
Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home
(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit) ♫
Jeff is cracking me up! I like that he, Michelle & Kevin did their own.
My RP crashed. I might have to reboot. BRB
Lydia or Chima?
♫ Her ego wrote cheques incredibly fast
But her personality didn't have the cash
I laughed out loud to my total dismay ♫
Hi everyone!
Thanks Genie and Carolyn for all you hard work.. I live on a lake in rural Oklahoma and sometimes I get live feeds and sometimes I don't. Most of the times I don't. I am addicted and I would have withdrawels without you.
Hiya Rebecca and Marci! :)
Night Jaggers! :)
Syn? are yo lurking?
Speaking of which... where's Gaytor? :)
And I haven't see Blue in too long :(
Hiya Genie~
Wendy - You're cracking me up :)
Here's something new for y'all to sing.
It's Rhapsody's Free Song of the Day
Right this second it is:
'Rock Lobster' by B-52's
So close to midnight on the West Coast, it could easily change soon.
♫Our scripts were rejected
Expect the unexpected
Cause Tiny Toon Adventures
is about to start ♫
♫ Tin Roof ....................Rusted ♫
Genie!!! Don't say his name! The G one. It'll bring him out of hiding.
Sorry didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. I was playing Solitaire on the PC.
Syn - Love that song :)
Genie, I don't think I had ever heard it before tonight. I've heard their more popular songs, "Roam" and "Love Shack", but not that one.
♫ I can't take any more illicit drugs
I can't afford any artificial joy
I'd sure look like a fool dead in a ditch somewhere
With a mind full of chemicals
Like some cheese-eating high school boy
Sometimes my head hurts and sometimes my stomach hurts
And I guess it won't be long
Till I'm sitting in a room with a bunch
of people whose necks and backs are aching
Whose sight and hearing's failing
Who just can't seem to get it up
Speaking of hearing, I can't take too much loud music
I mean I like to play it, but I sure don't like the racket
Noise, but I can't hear anything
Just guitars screaming, screaming, screaming
Some guy screaming in a leather jacket..........'Cause I'm an adult now! ♫
Michele stated she told Kevin about her bi-polarness at some point before the live feeds came on
Good night, Genie, Syn, Marci, Wendy, Rebecca & all!
Have a "Gucci" night!
Wonder, oh, wonder what tomorrow will bring!
Syn - Who? Gaytor? hehehe :)
Wendy - Whatever you're smoking, it's got to be good stuff! :)
BTW, The free songs of the day usually stay free until the following Monday. There are no free songs on Saturday or Sunday. So just five free songs a week.
I kinda already know what Thursday and Friday's will be if you want to search for them. They are free right now.
Look for:
The Cars - 'Drive'
The Police - 'Every Breath You Take'
And if you missed them:
Monday's was Talking Heads - 'Burning Down The House'
Tuesday's was Blondie - 'One Way or Another'
All should still be free. Some you have to dig for because the free version could be on a different album than the one that comes up on your first search result.
Carolyn said: "i didn't post it, because the statement is bs."
"she doesn't acknowledge calling Russell a muslim extremist terrorist. she lays it all on the same lame excuse she came up with for spin while she was in the house."
I concur! She acted 'stupidly'!!!
And sometimes the 'apology' makes it worse!
Night MsFitz! Have a Gucci one :)
Syn - I play solitaire too haha
Okay. Last call! 15 minutes :)
Nighty Night MsFitz!
♫ Ooh what a funky lady
She like it, like it, like it, like that,
Ooh he was a lady
Dude looks like a lady ♫
Nightie night MsFitz!
Genie - its great stuff :P
I'm finding songs that remind me of the Hgs.
Genie? How many hands do you really have? There's no way you've had time to transcribe, approve, and comment + play solitaire! lol
I hadn't played in a long time until the HG's got the cards and started playing it.
I hope everyone has a great night!!
I've had fun - but then i always do when i'm here :P
Genie the octopus from the sea!
Night Wendy! Sleep sweet when you get there :)
TY Genie and sleep well urself!
Sometimes I wonder if, even after he watches the show unfold at his leisure, whether he will still "believe" the schemers over his Technobrains. Jordan isnt helping, but since she's HOH & pmsing, I wouldn't expect her to.
It's hilarious to me that Natalie & Kevin came out to the backyard & "confirmed" w Jeff that they "heard" the LML. I guess because Russell didnt call them out on it then & there, & Jeff seems inclined to believe them (why, Jeff? why?) they totally are getting away with the LML.
Jordan & Jeff have sufficiently scrambled their brains & convinced themselves the someone on their team must've been lying, so they're so focused on catching someone in a lie, rather than realizing that the source of the lie (Kevin).
Good night MsFitz!
Wendy - Hope you have a great night too! G'night ... pleasant dreams!
I guess I'll head out too. Hoping for some J&J Cuteness.
Genie thanx for all that you do! G'night and sweet dreams!
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