Wednesday Early Afternoon in the Big Brother 11 House
Happy Wednesday afternoon, BB Lovers! I hope the day is treating you well, and that those of you not at work right now have taken advantage of the morning hours to get all caught up on all the key points from last night on the flashback machine on the live feeds interface. Best BB invention ever!
This afternoon, the HGs will be doing HoH Pictures, and Jordan will get the opportunity to Tweet via @BigBrotherHoH and to Blog. Incidentally, if you're not following us on twitter yet, you should be!! We're @theREALbbdish.
Checking in on the eBay sales of former HGs from this season and beyond, there are some active auctions for you to check out... Here's the link for that. Here's the link just for BB11 Laura's Auctions. When more BB11 HGs start listing, we'll let you know!

BB: Russell, please go to the Diary Room.
Russell remains in bed, dead to the world. Up in HoH, Jordan mumbles something, then says, "I'm out of it. I thought they said Jeff."
Checking in on the Pool Room 2 minutes later, Russell is up and out of bed, and Michele's now awake... or getting there... until she decides against it and closes her eyes again.
Carolyn: Hey, BB! How about an outside lockdown?
12:25pm BBT - Michele gets up and starts to head out of the pool room, then stops to check herself out in the mirror and fix her hair a bit... She is getting soooo thin!!

12:27pm BBT - Michele walks into the kitchen and pours herself some juice, peels a banana and has a seat at the kitchen counter...
12:29pm BBT - Russell passes through, and Michele instantly perks up at the presence of another human... but he's just passing through.
12:32pm BBT - Russell returns and starts fixing coffee... light chatter between the two of them turns to game talk...
12:36pm BBT - My volume is cranked, and I can't make it out.
12:38pm BBT - Someone in the control room adjusts their levels. All better now..
12:42pm BBT - Jordan's just come back up to HoH from the DR. She starts to tell Jeff that while she was passing through the kitchen, she heard Russell and Michele talking... Jeff asks her to scratch his back, and she's just about to when Michele enters, looking for her hairbrush, so she "can go into the DR without looking like a freak."
12:46pm BBT - Jeff rolls over to face Jordan... and this is the face that greets him.
Michele fills Russell in on quite a few details from last night's conversation around the pool table.
Russell: Did she mention my name?
Michele: Oh yeah...
Russell: Great, so Natalie told him all that last night, so now he's gonna be even more...
Michele: Natalie was just being Natalie, "I'm so honest, " let me tell you a bunch of half truths...
Russell: She's just trying to make me look bad and you look bad, and Jeff n Jordan are too f'in dumb to realize it.
Russell's very calm.. He and Michele are very matter of fact about how everyone in the game lies... It's a part of the game.
Michele: And we heard her sob story about how she needs to win because she gambled her $$ away...
Russell: So you don't think it's worthwhile me addressing them?
Michele: No...
Russell: All we need are 2 votes to send her home anyway.. there's no point. We need to get rid of Natalie, cause she's the one f'ing with our game. We can do this, me n you, right now... we'll get rid of her. That's why I need to win the PoV... Lydia has really nothing going for her... and Natalie, she really just pretty much bought her ticket home.
Michele: It's the same Natalie from a couple weeks ago.. she'll take any random thing and run with it.
Michele & Russell decide it's time for a group meeting to quash the nonsense...
Russell: Natalie's f'in sh-t up. Jeff is so easily convinced.
Michele: I don't know that he's convinced.. He was just listening. I think we should just go upstairs. Sh-t floats around about the both of us, so there's tension...
Russell: Uch.. This is so f'in irritating... I gotta send that girl home (natalie)... I'm gonna hop on the elliptical for a half hour, then we'll go... I hate this thing.
1pm BBT
Jeff & Jordan, then Michele, then Lydia.
Jeff's preparing food for himself and Jordan... Michele starts talking to them and gets called to the DR.
Lydia's present but not talking.
1:06pm BBT
Michele returns.
Jordan: I need to go to the DR. I locked myself out.
Michele: That sucks.
Jeff: We're soupin' up these White Castles...
Lydia: White Castle's an east coast thing.
Jeff: We have em in the midwest.
Lydia: We just don't do White Castle on the west coast.
DR Leak: Hey Jordan, ---- you HoH Room.
Jordan: yeah. Was it me that did it?
Control room brb screen, very briefly.

She sticks her head out over the landing, and calls down to Michele, asking what to blog about. Michele tells her she can say anything... thank her mom for the letter, tell the fans what she's really thinking, what it's like being in the house.
Jordan thanks her and goes back into the HoH Room.
1:12pm BBT
Around the house...
- Jordan's up in HoH
- Jeff & Michele are eating sliders at the counter.
- Russell's doing his cardio out back on the elliptical
- Lydia's preparing food...
1:15pm BBT
Lydia: Michele, did you get to twitter?
Michele: Yeah, and it was weird, cause I wasn't really HoH anymore... and their questions... They all wanna know about the sleep talking. I'm like, maybe you should ask the other houseguests...
Lydia: Yeah, cuz I was sleeping.
Michele: All sorts of silly questions. Then at the end, they were like, you can do something silly for the fans to prove it was really you... I decided on a tumblesault.
Lydia: I wish they'd let us have a trampoline or a bouncy house here one day. That'd be so much fun.
Michele: Somehow we'd end up breaking it though.
Lydia: yeah...

Jeff is present..
Lydia: Jeff, I think you're gonna have the most fans of everyone.
Jeff: Why?
Lydia: Casue you're like the handsome hot guy of the house...
Jeff: There's other hot guys.
Lydia: Like who?
Jeff: Like your boyfriend.
Lydia: He's not my boyfriend...
A little sniping ensues... Then they return to Jessie... Lydia's flustered.
Jeff's teasing her about never washing dishes, so she washes 3.
1:22pm BBT
BB: Kevin, please put on your microphone.
***Just went to check on Kevin. He's solo in the bathroom.

1:26pm BBT
Lydia, Jeff, Michele
Lydia: I'm gonna tan today.
Michele: How're you gonna do that with your suit?
Lydia: If Jen can do it, I can do it.
Michele: But yours has so many components..
Lydia: The goggles are optional...
Lydia will figure something out. Should be intersting to see.
Chatter about food, baseball, etc...
1:30pm BBT
Haves Room
Natalie & Kevin
Whisperfest on 3 & 4
She's filling Kevin in on everything that went down last night... She tells Kevin she made a "deal" she has no intention of honoring with Jeff & Jordan, that if she wins HoH next week, she'll put up him and Michele.
To Kevin, she says she'll put up Jeff and Michele, and if either of them wins PoV, Jordan will go up in their place.
Kevin's sharing all of his info with her as well... and he promises her that if he wins the PoV, he'll take her down, not Lydia. They make an f2 deal.
***To hear the spcifics, please go to flashback...
1:42pm BBT
Around the house...
Jeff, Kevin, Russell and Natalie are in the kitchen.
Lydia's out back tanning.
Minimal chatter about last night's pool playing... then Natalie & Jeff head out back to the couch. Russell remains in the kitchen.
1:46pm BBT - After a brief Control Rm BRB screen interruption, we return to find Kevin has joined Jeff and Natalie on the couch. Eve
BB: Lydia, please come to the diary room.
Lydia: Why are you all looking at me like that? Jen got to do it.
They all tease her about her tanning time being over... Jeff tells her if she goes crazy, she should ask for an ipod this time.
1:50pm BBT
Natalie finishes her cereal and heads in to the kitchen, where Russell is. I'm following... Russell hasn't said a word, but you can see the wheels turning.

Natalie washes her bowl, and heads back outside where Kevin and Jeff are talking about poker..
Kevin: Texas Holdem Sucks.
Jeff and Natalie explain a bit to him. Kevin wants to play more later.
Russell comes out with the food he's prepared.
Kevin: That's where the farts come from, Russell. The boiled eggs.
Natalie: I want Lydia to get outta there, so I can ask if they need anything from me before I take my braids out... It's gonna take hours.
Jeff: Don't you feel like just cutting it off? It would be so much easier.
Natalie: No. I love long hair.
Kevin inquires as to Russell's post workout food choices...
Lydia joins them and they have a nice discussion about first dates, and dating. Russell inquires about the others and gets up to find out where everyone is. Russell comes back with a coffee and they go back tho the relationship discussion. Natalie joins them. The discussion continues.
Russell is telling them that his whole family yells to deal with "stuff" except his mother. They yell instead of getting sad. Lydia questions him some more. Lydia is quiet the great interviewer.
Russell: When I get super quiet, that's when you have to be afraid.

Russell: When I get super quiet, that's when you have to be afraid.
Jeff is passed out in the Pool Room.
Outside the conversation switch to families. Russell talks about his sisters and how they are super strong. Lydia talks about her siblings (2 brothers and a sister). That her family owns two franchises of Gold's Gym.
Russell moves to lie in the pool. Michele joins him.

Jordan comes down from blogging in HOH with the camera. She takes pictures of those in the backyard.

Jordan gives the camera to Kevin so she can change. Michele goes to wake up Jeff. Lydia pretends to save Russell and he pulls her into the pool. She cannonballs into the pool and BB tells her not to get the microphone wet.

Finally! OMG these ppl can sleep! Poor Michele looks rough this morning - that will teach you to drink too much!
You got me Carolyn!!!! However I had a premonition that you would so I copied and have it to paste here LMAO
OMG I have been trying for two days to create a google account!!!!!! SHEESH!!! The capticon thingy would NEVER accept what I typed or even take the numbers I heard.
Determination,Determination,Determination, I DID it!!! w00t w00t
I'm a bit nervous watching Nat worm her way into the parinoia of Je/Jo.
Russ going now rather than later Really makes no difference, I know, I know it's numbers, however he's a strong competiter both mentally and physically, But so is Michelle, and I think she'll be able to hold her own and win things. He's got to go at some point for Je/Jo to have a chance.
I hope it all works out for Je/Jo to make final three with Michelle.
On another note.....I am hoping the behind the wall people start messing with the Hamsters with the flashlights and masks like they have before. I always get a kick out of the Scare Tactics, watching the responses are priceless!! I can hear Jordan now, OH MY GAWD
I got so excited about FINALLY being able to comment I lost my manners.....Good morning/afternoon Carolyn, Genie Sea, GaYTor, Wendy, Judy in NJ, Stephen Ritchie, and EVERYONE else.....LOVE to you all!!!!
Is Michelle's mic on?? I am going crazy trying to listen to her!
Teresa - good afternoon to u too! You definatly not the only one who is nervous about this whole Natalie situation but if it saves her from being evicted you just gotta give the girl props for playing a good game.
Wow, Michele looks elderly in the morning.
Just for anyone who is tempted to feel sorry for AGP or CBS because of Chima's behavior, she was the best thing that has happened to ratings in several years. Isn't that ironic.
"The much-anticipated ouster of Chima Simone on Tuesday attracted a record audience for Big Brother 11 this summer. Just over 8 million viewers tuned into see Simone make her final visit to the diary room — BB11’s largest audience since a BB9 episode on April 13, 2008, according to preliminary ratings. It was also the highest-rated episode among adults 18-49 (2.9 rating/8 share) since the season finale of BB8 on Sept. 18, 2007. Tuesday’s episode posted a 19 percent gain in viewers over last week. And as for year-to-year gains, BB11 is up 5 percent in viewers and 6 percent among adults 18-49."
Maybe control room follows your blog :) Wouldn't that be a hoot!
I have to go cut the grass, I should say, bush hog the yard, it's a jungle out there. I've been under the weather and haven't done my duty in so long I'm surprise my neighbors haven't called the homeowners association on me. lol
I just LOVE LOVE LOVE you all and this site!! It's been killing me to have not been able to comment and Now I don't want to go, but I must, I'll be back just as soon as the deed is done, Have fun with that one GaYTor!! hehe
How do I get a picture to go with my new blue name? Can I do it easily or will it be days for that to work as well lol. Thanks for any hints or answers in advance.
Doing a happy dance for having a blue name !! w00t w00t w00t
Jane - ty for that - i was wondering about it last night.
*Huge shout out*
Good Afternoon Everyone!!
Hi Carolyn ;)
Hi Genie ;)
I know you're both out there doing what you do so very well ... and that which we all appreciate so very much!
Hi WendyLady!
Hi Teresa!
Good to see you're up'n'about ... unlike the HGs at the moment .. hehe.
I've been lurking the past few days cuz it's been a crazy week and I have only been able to hit-and-run on the blog this week ...
But, catching up (and I'm not completely caught up yet), I have to wonder if J/J would be so paranoid if Michele didn't contribute to the story by throwing Russell under the bus so often herself. I mean, if their own alliance member is convinced that Russell needs to go, that gives more credence to the LML from Nat/Kevin. I can imagine it would be very, very difficult for them to separate fact from fiction under the circumstances. Still wish they would keep Russell this week and patch things up with him. The paranoia gets to him more than others at times so he'll need reassurance and they are not giving it to him right now. A recipe for potential disaster, imho.
*Sigh* I know he has to go sometime if J/J are to be in F2, but not now guys, pleeeeeeeze ... *am I whining too much?* Wait until the numbers are more in your favor ... like next week or at F4 or ... basically any week other than this one ... need to weaken KNL more before giving up on your own alliance ... my 2cents worth ...
Ok these peole are still sleeping, With all thats been going out of wack and off schedule for them you would think they would get up and get ready incase they go into a lockdown either inside or out, or st least get up and eat something and enjoy the outside while they can, instead of complaining they didnt have a chance to go out.
If they had an indoor comp, I would have to think it might be set up in the have not room as it is the only room not in use right now, so they could have an out door lockdown during the day and set up for a pov comp in there then, while they r playing pov comp, they go into an inside lock down so that production can set up for the hoh comp,
Just my thoughts
Hi Jane! Wow! Interesting information on the viewership for BB11 ... have to admit though it's ironic that everyone turned out in droves to see her exit ... oh the drama of it all!
I had this to comment on the last post...was too slow..Carolyn? Do you ever feel like your in ..groundhog day.. and keep answering the same or similiar questions all day???? LOL Just wondering. Hope everyone is having a great day. I'll see you all in comments later.
Is anyone else having trouble using their google account?
Hey, check this out, the Jessie video (the article about Chima is interesting, but not what I mean). He's such a tool, but on the other hand, people ARE so condesending when they talk to him (yeah, because he's such a tool, it's a vicious cycle). There are moments where I actually appreciate why he's so hostile. Kinda, well, sorta. He's still a tool.
Maybe I'm the dumb one but I totally believe Russ right now talking to Michele. He is planning on being loyal to J/J...unless J/J turn on him first. Russ and Jeff have to battle it out at some point. Russ is smart enough to know that it is in all 4 of their best interest to stick together now.
Russ HAS kept his word when it matters most - votes. He needs to win the POV tomorrow. Michele needs to step up and realize that she is probably the one that can calm everyone down. Let's hope she can pull it off.
yeah Russell! group meeting and settle this stupid thing once and for all! maybe catch nat and kevin in the LML !
Oh, I'm so very impatient. I want to tell Russell - no - do not go on the elliptical machine. Go upstairs NOW before you lose your window of opportunity! UGH!
Bless Jordan's cranky heart. She didn't deserve HoH. I can see that clearly now. It has completely ruined her perspective.
Just think fcs!
Tomorrow there will only be 6 people in the house! One of those will be HoH-the winner of a killer Endurance Comp. Why are you so worried about "protection" at this point? The protection game is almost over. Maybe a good long rest will clear thy head precious lady.
Stop worrying about who might come after you, and play some offense. sheesh. I hope you make to Final 3 sweetie, but if Jeff aint there, ain't NO WAY you make it to Final 2.
Good Afternoon Carolyn,
Traverse Town
and anyone I accidentally missed!
Deejay - hiya back atcha!
Jane - i saw that video and laughed so hard cause he kept saying obsolete when he didn't want to answer a question.
Keeping my fingers crossed Russell and Michelle keep their cool and make sense when they talk to J/J!
Can't wait for Jordan's HOH blog. Looking forward to hearing how she really feels about Jeff. I'm hoping for lots of Jeff mentions in her blog. You would think shed give him a few kisses. What's the big deal.
Oh, by the also me Rose...I can't get my google account to accept says "unable to accept request, please try again later"....Crap!!!!
Please Please PLEASE let them go up there and talk to them and hammer this all out.
I know this is going to be a very controversial statement, but I don't think J&J deserve to be in the final 2. I like them a lot, of course. I hope they get married and makes lots of pretty babies. But Michele and Russel "deserve" to be in the final 2, from a game playing perspective, IMHO. From there I hope Michele wins the whole banana, but that's just me
MsFitz...I was just reading your comment on J/J/M from the overnight report and I swear it could have been !! I totally agree with everything you said. Michele has been totally loyal thru all of this even though at times J/J treat her badly and makes her cry i.e. last night. I felt so bad for her. If they do fall for Natalie's lies they deserve to lose and I will vote for Michele to get the 'favorite' bonus. I can't believe they don't catch Natalie's lies, especially in regards to the poker playing!!! Do they really think she can win $10,000 and collect it with a false ID?? Besides anyone that is a championhship class poker player is obviously very good at lying!!
Sorry this was so long, I'm just frustrated with J/J. Maybe Jeff isn't as smart as we think he is! (God that hurt to say that!!!!!)
You know Russ Voting to keep Jessie over Natalie was in his best interest. He knew Chima was gunnin for him and that she was aiming for an all girl alliance, so his vote makes sense to me. Now if he can just explain that to Jeff amd get Jeff back on the right page, we will be golden.
Hiya RubyRoo!!
I'm snarfing on pb toast so i'm slow to repsond :P
Awwww please dont talk about White Castles......We dont do White Castles in Florida either.....Unfortunitly. Hmmmmm
Here's the lesson none of the BB HGs ever learn. If there are a bunch of people sequestering themselves for hours at a time in a room like K/N/L do in the Have Room, then they are probably plotting and scheming against you. Do not believe a word out of their tiny wormy mouths. Alas, this lessons seems to get relearned every year.
R/M also make it easy for Gollum (Kevin) and Dainty Natalie to score with their lies.
I hope the group meeting with J/J/M/R goes well!! I wish Michelle wasn't saying so much to Jordon. She isn't helping anything and I don't really understand why she keeps throwing Russell under the bus so much...what is she afraid of? Thank you for your great that I've found it I can't imagine how I managed without it!!! Thank you!!!
Khopekitner...AMEN on your overnight post!!!! You took the words right out of my mouth!
Jane..I totally agree!
wow. Jane I just watched the Jessie video - I thought it was painful to watch.
You guys are great! No more Jorff Fan Club! yes!
I like those two, but maybe the game has made them crack. I agree with the hopes of a Michele/Russell F2, based on pure Big Brother gamer ability. I don't know how the Jury would pan out, but I'm not sure Russell would win in a clean sweep.
Natalie is spilling it to Kevin in the REd Room.... I knew she was up to no good.
Nat showing her true colors to Kevin in the RR. She's a snake. J/J are in big trouble. She's putting up Mich/Jeff if she gets HOH.
Jane - I'm with you.
ShiShi - I also thought the same thing about Natalie. How can they believe her after she talks so much about playing poker...Jeff plays poker he should be able to figure it out. She has also drank a few times & although they have discussed it among themselves it floors me they don't call her out on it. BB wouldn't be letting her drink if she wasn't 21.
Jane - it Natalie pulls off this lie and not get evicted she deserves to be in the final two.
1:29 BBT It’s official. Natalie cannot hold her tongue. She spills to Kevin about the convo with J/J. DUMB MOVE. Now, to whom will Kevin repeat it first? Lydia, then who … ?
Jane I respectfully disagree...Jeff laid back and waited for them to knock each other off. Then when the time was right he made a major power move. Him giving Jordan HOH was another power move. He is much more likely to win the next HOH comp and he gave himself safety and the opportunity to play the following week. He has been every bit as strategic as Michell and Russell.
I love Jordan, but she has managed to get where she is cause she is so sweet. Not a game move, but it has worked for her thus far. If she is going to turn and it isn't just PMS then I think she will leave sooner rather than later.
My ideal final 2 will be any of the 3 Jeff, Russ, Michele.
Natalie hasn't done anything and I really hope she is in the Jury house with Lydia and Jessie soon.
Jane & Genie
Make room on that bench. I agree with y'all and am on team Michelle/Russell. In that order. =)
Have a good afternoon everyone.
Good afternoon everyone!
jane - although I don't think they deserve to be F2, I would to see one of them and Kevin. I can't stand Russell or Michele, Lydia hasn't won anything and Natalie shouldn't win for being a bully most of the game.
Jane I agree too. I hope Russell wins POV.....and I hope all the way to final 2....
I hope Jeff and Jordan realize that they are getting played. If they don't Kevin and Nat may just take it all the way :(
Jane - Thanks for the video link! I was laughing myself @ Jessie! I agree w/ you @ Russell and Michelle too. I do definetely hope that J/J see Nat's lies, but if they can't pick up the "many" times Nat keeps bringing up the poker thing than the torch needs to be passed.. I am still big fans of technobrains, but game wise.. Michelle and Natalie are playing great!
Hello to all dishers out there.. waving to everyone and wishing you all a wonderful afternoon! thanks for the updates guys!
Geesh! I hope J/J realize they are getting played! I don't want Nat and Kevin to win!
I am thinking about dinner and they are eating cereal!
FL has White Castles are in the Publix freezer section :) Not exactly the same, but close enough.
As I see it:
1- Russell loses it in front of the house, talks way too much, and pulls couple of shady voting moves to hedge his bets. He has become someone no one trusts.
2- Michele's paranoia has caused her to bring stories back and forth from Russell to Jorff (love it Kevin!) causing a huge rift in the "alliance".
3- Jorff's paranoia has caused them to believe people who the whole time in the game have been gunning for them or on the side of gunning for them.
On the flip side:
1 - Kevin has masterfully introduced a LML which really isn't but was enough to make the crack into a gaping hole. He let them spill their whole game play but has divulged nothing.
2- Natalie came in for the closing move by playing up her sweet side and seeming oh so concerned about Jorff's welfare. She spilled a bucket full of lies with just enough truths to make it credible. She blew that "alliance" out of the water.
Kevin and Natalie have an alliance of two. They tell each other everything and stay on the same page at all times.
Neither of them have won anything significant yet (except for Kevin's POV), but that doesn't mean they can't, it means they chose not to.
Who are the true strategists? The ones shooting off their mouths? Or the ones playing them?
Hey everybody;
I just heard Natalie telling Kevin that she is not going to hold up her end of the bargain with J/J; she is going to put up Jeff and Michele with Jordan as the backup if someone takes themself off.
Jeff is gonna be so mad; he may be the next one to get escorted out and I sure do hate to see that if Natalie follows thru with what she is telling Kevin.
She also said she would take Kevin to final 2 with her.
Janice from GA
Russell has to win POV. He just has to!!! Or Jeff and Jordan have to get a clue. Only guarantee is Russell winning that veto! Come on, Russell!! And it will happen live with no discussions, ahhhhh!! Natalie has to go!
Just goes to show that Chima is dillusional; instead of being embarrassed by her behavior, she is taking credit for good ratings (see her tweet).
Looks like you just pointed out that Kevin and Natalie are playing too.
I guess we will have to wait and see how the cards fall and how they are actually played when it counts.
I am still rootin for Jeff, Russ, and Michele in the final 3. Then let the duke it out.
If Kevin was real smart, he would go to J&J and tell them what Nat said. He could confirm his alliance with them and go F3. Let's see if he can figure that out.
They should get Nat out and wouldn't have to worry about the R and M lies. Michele is still making me nervous!
Hiya Rubyrooooooo!
I had to change my password...let's see if this works..
Well, what do you flippin works...grrrrrr
My ideal scenario would be for Russell to win veto and remove Lydia. Jordan puts up Kevin and forces Natalie out of the house.
I don't know why Russ and Jeff are so sure they can win the next endurance comp. Many actually favor a smaller lighter person. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see Nat win. She is one determined little sh*t.
As its been determined its ok for people to lie directly to your face and tell you they will not put you up and then do the opposite. I believe that is what Russell is doing to Jeff, so ita ok for Nat to do it too right? How well we like the person doing the lying or being lied to should not be a factor :)
JJ were my pick to win it
but they are being so damn dumb,I'll be glad when Jordan is done with HoH,I kinda don't wanna see Jeff with it,or it will be the same again.
I can't believe he is going to follow the best move in BB history with the most stupid
There is no doubt about it, Kev and Nat are out playing everyone right now. It's funny how Lydia has just kind of given up and isn't trying to talk any game to anyone. She wants to get to her Jessie ASAP lol. If Natalie and Kevin pull this off, they deserve a lot of credit.
Hey live-feeders...I'm at work still and I noticed that there hasn't been any updates on a few different sites in a little while. Are they in fishie-timeout or something?
Gotta say...I really enjoy popping in here for updates. It's definitely the best out there. Good job, Carolyn and peeps!
Catching up on reading, been off the feeds a little bit. Just sitting tight until POV tomorrow gets me going again.
The Minton's....
Kim is that YOU????
Hi everyone! Just popping in and getting out...I'm swamped!!
I hope Jordan can see tweets. Michele seemed to imply that she could see questions. I wonder if they are heavily screened? The HoH Blog should be up sometime today. and you can see HOH tweets on twitter @BigBrotherHOH
Rubyroo - I am actually pointing out that Kevin and Natalie are playing a smart game and they are more consistent with each other.
At this point, I am not rooting for anyone. I am on a wait and see holding pattern. :)
JT _ There isn't much to update right now. Russell, Kevin and Lydia are chatting and now Natalie has joined them.
no no no...let's not give up on Jeff & Jordan figuring out the truth here. Let's keep sending them positive vibes/energy.
If Russell would hurry up and go talk to Jeff then he'd see that he's been set up by Kevin and all the puzzles pieces would fit together.
I probably missed a post on this sometime earlier, but I sure do miss the C=Venus Chops! Is everything okay? I hope so!
For C=Venus Chops go here ...
HOH cannot see incoming tweets. Producers select a few that have questions to the HOH, not about game play, & the HOH can answer them.
Thanks Genie Sea - I guess what I should have said is that the chops haven't been updated in quite some time, and I was worried that something had happened. Glad to know that's not the case!
I'm trying to send Jordo not-so-hidden messages on twitter. I hope at least one of my tweets doesn't get screened out.
JTinAtlanta said: really enjoy popping in here for updates. It's definitely the best out there. Good job, Carolyn and peeps!
I "cheated" on Sunday since you finally took a well deserved rest and have to say no site is like this one!! Kudos to you all!
Trisha - While I agree with you that it might not be too late for Jeff and Jordan to figure things out. Me fear is that they have done way too much damage in the meantime. They have now confided in Nat and Kev more than either Michele or Russ. Even if J/J keep Russ this week surely whoever remains between Kevin and Natalie will RUN not walk to Russ to tell him J/J were considering booting him this week. Russ is already unsure of Jeff's commitment to the final 4 deal. Won't matter that Russ thinks Nat and/or Kev are full of it. His paranoia will work over time and he will go after Jeff.
But as a few have pointed out, it really all hinges on who wins POV and HOH. There are a few scenarios that favor J/J surviving a bit longer but they have made it much harder for themselves. I'm not off the J/J train quite yet but I'm close. As much as I think Nat is playing a good game I want anyone but her to win in the end.
Genie said....
At this point, I am not rooting for anyone. I am on a wait and see holding pattern. :)
Me too! I am holding out a lot of hope for J/J to get it together.
What always cracks me up is when a HG is paranoid like Jordan has been & they walk thru a room & see ppl, i.e., Michelle & Russell talking & they go to their ally & tell them, M/R are talking...I think it's hilarious! She just spent the whole night alone in HOH talking to Jeff but they aren't allowed to talk in the middle of the kitchen where everyone could hear them if they wanted to.
I don't understand why Michelle & Russell do not go & talk to Jordan & Jeff. What is the hold up? Jeff is sleeping, well wake him up...enough of this sleeping business. I want this alliance to talk. I think that has been one of the greatest faults since they decided to become an F4, they hardly ever meet to make sure all is going as planned, all are on the same page...grrrrrr!
JULIEB: The Minton's.... Kim is that YOU????
It is me. I got tired of just lurking. Lurking feels like stalking . . . not that I really know what stalking feels like, but you get the point. I figured I'd make my presence known. Plus, people here just aren't into BB and look at me like I'm crazy when I talk about it.
Oh and my family drama is crazy so BB feel like a breath of fresh air lately!
Hmm, love that last pic of Russell in the pool, guess Chima was wrong! lol
I really enjoy reading every post on this sight but I have to give a special shout out to Kevin. It's like you can read my mind or something... :)
What always cracks me up is when a HG is paranoid like Jordan has been & they walk thru a room & see ppl, i.e., Michelle & Russell talking & they go to their ally & tell them, M/R are talking...I think it's hilarious! She just spent the whole night alone in HOH talking to Jeff but they aren't allowed to talk in the middle of the kitchen where everyone could hear them if they wanted to.
Great Point!
I wonder what they think when they see themselves later. lol
LMAO at the Russell pool screen cap! the "muscle" that loves & his shorts all bunched up. LOL
Hi Genie Sea and BBDishers,
Could you help me out.You see I won the random drawing last night and I don't know what to do.I do not have Carolyn's e-mail for this site.Please e-mail me at the address shown on my Google account.I would love to pick something out because I want to show it off and brag to everyone how great this site is.Thank you so very much.
JudyD in Tennessee
Does Russell need to adjust his swimming trunks? lol
The pic of Lydia wearing the costume in the pool floatie is HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for that one! It made my day!
I am sorry J/J do not deserve to win. The way they are thinking is redonkulous hope I spelled that right. Hello 18 yrs olds can not gamble. Also wanted to say hello to everyone and that you dish chicks are awesome.
Jeff and Michele in HOH - Why does Jeff think Russ is throwing away the final 4 deal with his F2 deal with Michele, real or not. They are not mutaually exclusive. To think that is not the way it will go down is ridiculous.
Good Afternoon Carolyn,& Genie...
What a longggg day its been at work, I have been jonsing all today to read the updates, our servers at work were being worked on so I had no way of knowing what was going on...As I read looks like I really didnt miss much good thing they slept most of the day...
Well I go home and read some of the twitts and came across this a statement from Chima
also she has a twitter account that she has been tweeting on
OK I love Jeff and Jordan but how can they be so gullible. Natalie is the puppetmaster. She was w/Jesse and now that her alliance has started to crumble she is working on them and causing so much doubt. But it's their fault if they fall for it. Natalie has everyone doing her dirty work.
Vicki said...
Awwww please dont talk about White Castles......We dont do White Castles in Florida either.....Unfortunitly. Hmmmmm
Sure we do! They're just called Krystal. :)
re; Genie's post at 1:50pm, I am totally agreeing with you and would not be surprised to see Kevin, Natalie, Jeff and Russel make the final four. I think there's a chance Michelle could be in trouble this week and Jordan could go next week via the back door. Which by my count would leave only Lydia to finally get rid of.......i guess we will see!
Trisha said, "If Russell would hurry up and go talk to Jeff then he'd see that he's been set up by Kevin and all the puzzles pieces would fit together."
But the next stage is the "cross-examination" wherein Jeff/Jor confront Kev/Nat/Lyd about the LML. and then the Big Lie kicks in and the chorus of shrews (K/N/L) denies, denies, denies that the LML is anything but the God honest truth. Russell really needs to time his defense well so the either the Big Lie crumbles under cross-examination or they don't get a chance to drive the final coffin nail into him.
I love Jeff and Jordan and really want them to win. Having said that I must confess, Game Over! They have lost their minds and said way too much to too many. I believe Russell would have stuck to f4. Why is Michelle not pushing for it with them right now? She is smart enough to know the numbers are in their favor and the other 3 can't be trusted at all!! I just don't understand. Did I miss something? Watching them in HOH right now is hard.
Helene from NJ
My ally - my team - with me
jeff is sounding like a mule right now.
Stay Classy Jeff! Grabby McGrabass. boooooo. but LMAO at the same time. Did anyone catch that while Michele took Jordan's last HOH pic? Jeff had a momentary lapse. If Jordan REALLY was "we're just friends" wouldn't she have smacked him? I think she's just concerned about what Grandad thinks.
Hey, I don't WANT Russell to win, I just think that he has been playing hard the whole time and if he can pull this off he has played a "good" game and earned his spot.
I know Jeff made a power move, and I have no problem with the twists in the game (fairness is a ridiculous concept in BB), but still, it was handed to him. The public loves him because he gorgeous and incredibly sweet to Jordan, and we all have a crush on him (most of us). It's not because he has played a great game. I don't think he has "earned" his spot.
It's hard for me to judge Natalie because I have a hard time putting my personal feelings aside. She is so creepy. I know this game is all about lying, but she freaks me out. But, I suppose if she makes it, she too has earned her spot.
As for Michele, I've been a fan since day one and I think she has managed to wade through some pretty deep waters, play hard, and win challenges when she needed to. She also made the biggest power move, IMHO. Putting Chima up was way bigger than putting up Jessie, in my view.
Kevin is doing pretty well now, but I see him as similar to Jordan, likable and lucky. They both have their game moments, but I'm not falling all over myself impressed with their season.
Evening all, I guess Carolyn and Genie are on a much deserved break. The real time feeds were boring me. So I cranked up the FB Machine.
Wow, it's kinda scary how me and Jeff think alike. I was just flashing back to Jeff and Jordan cuteness around 5:18ish this morning.
He talks about how he thought Elisabeth Shue is hot. I so agree. Adventures in Babysitting? I wanted her to babysit me. Cocktail? I wanted to mix her a drink. Hollow Man? I wanted her to check me out under her microscope.
Jennifer Love Hewitt? I like her for the same reason he said, 'cause she has that girl next door look.
Rachel McAdams? Dude, right there with ya.
Claire Danes? Yup, love her too. Although now that I think about it, she's a bit awkward like Michele.
Then he says, I like girl next door types. OMG! I've always said that.
Cameron Diaz? Nope, I don't really think she's HOT hot either.
Rock of Love Girls? Um ... yeah, they lost me on that one.
Julie Stiles? Nope.
Amanda Bynes? Um ... No, she's a kid right? That just makes me feel like a dirty old man. And I'm only 29! Had to google her, she's 23, so Amanda's on my list! w00t!
Then they move on to 'The Hills'. I would so date LC it ain't even funny. But I liked the bad girl in Kristin Cavallari. But I like LC because of how she was in Laguna Beach and the girl next door type.
Angelina Jolie? Kate Beckinsale? DUDE! Sign me up! Kate's accent, wow. I freakin' love Kate Beckinsale. See what I mean? Me and Jeff are like the same. So weird. I think that's why I like him so much. But together we'd be competing for the joke crackin' so he can stay in the BB house.
Alright, I'll stop now.
But I will point out that probably the reason Jeff likes Jordan so much is because she too has that girl next door thing going for her.
I gave up on Jeff and Jordan a couple days ago. They're super nice people and cute as a button together sometimes but, they are not cut out for Big Brother and should not be rewarded for their ineptitude.
I don't know how you wait to take HOH at this late a date, then try to play like it's week 2 or 3. You can't have everyone in the house on your side. It's impossible. If they just open their eyes they see that Nat/Lydia/Kevin are inseparable. A block of 3-all eligible to play HOH. Michele/Russell? Talk to no one but each other and J/J. And poor Michele isn't really allowed to do either without it angering Jeff. Who do they think is better to go with? The 3 amigos who've been mourning Jesse and Chima and have been against them for 5-6 weeks!
Now if Michele doesn't open her eyes, get her scientist brain to working and quit bashing Russell, she's gonna let these 2 drag her out of the game too.
Why can't Laura still be there? ;)
Psst!! :) New Top Post!
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