Mid to Late Afternoon in the BB11 House
After a wee bit of early afternoon drama following the Veto Ceremony, during which the HGs were all sent out on a lockdown while Jordan was in the Diary Room, and Kevin speculated that she was leaving the game, we returned to complete calm... and Jordan's still quite there.
BB: House guests, this is a lockdown. Please go outside, and close the sliding glass door.
One by one, the HGs file outside. After a few brief mentions of why the lockdown - Production needs to fix a door - all that is heard is Michele's eating her sandwich.
It's so loud, I thought it was Natalie, but she's conked out on the couch next to Kevin.
BB: Jordan, please reattach your microphone...
***Shhhh, they're hunting 500,000 dollars.
3: 05pm BBT
BB: House guests, the lockdown is over. You are now free to move about the house.
And back in they go... Michele grabs a seat at the kitchen counter. Jeff goes straight into the Pool room, drops his pants and gets into bed. Natalie returns to her bed in the Haves Room. Jordan joins Natalie in there, lying down on another bed.
3:05pm BBT
Michele passes through the haves room to the pool room and grabs a bed in there...
Cams 3 & 4
Jordan and Natalie exit the room to go talk in the Green Room...
Jordan: It's like, I keep thinking about it...
Natalie: You can't just think about yourself right now. You have to think about your family too.
Jordan: I feel bad right now.
Natalie: Don't feel bad. It's a game. Only one of us can win.
Jordan: I feel like if I stay, I'll be gone next week.
Nat: That's not the case. None of us are even coming after you.
Jordan: Who 're you voting for?
Nat: You. You don't wanna go, Jordan. Your mom will thank me.
Jordan: Here's what I'm thinking... (jumbled)
Nat: Who says Kevin's gonna win? You could win. Don't sell yourself short. ONce we get to final 3, it's questions. You could win that. If you win, you stay. If I win, you stay. I don't wanna go against him in final 2. I'd lose.
Jordan: Do I have your word? If it's me against Kevin, you would pick me to stay?
Natalie: Yes.
Jordan: I just feel bad, because I feel like he deserves it more than me, because he's done more than me.
Nat: There's different ways to play this game. Dan played last season, and he didn't do anything til the very end. Nothing's changed with your friendship, but unfortunately, one of you has to go, and it's going to be him (paraphrase). Your mom, right now, is like yelling at the screen...
Jordan: I know.
Natalie: And Michele's gonna vote for Jeff. You want me to vote for you to stay?
Jordan nods yes.
Natalie: I will. I give you my word. You're pretty much safe next week. If I win, I'm taking Michele out. If Michele wins, she's taking me out. You're in the same place I was in when Jessie left. I wanted to leave. I went in the DR and they had to talk to me... (fishies) Do everything you do normally... I know he's your friend, but he's gotta go. It's his time. Tell him that my mind's made up.
Jordan: What is it's a tie?
Natalie: We already know it's gonna be a tie. Kevin's gonna send Jeff out.
Jordan: I have to ask you this... Did you say in your goodbye message to Russell, I'm gonna send you a birthday present next week?
Natalie: No. Russell said that's the birthday present he wanted.
Jordan: Michele said that you said that in your goodbye message...
Natalie: I don't care what Michele says. Nobody should ever believe what she says.
Jordan: Oh, I don't.
Natalie: I need you to stay strong, because we're partners.
Jordan: Oh, I'm gonna try hard... I already told Kevin, if I win HoH, I'm gonna put him and Michele up.
Natalie: Me too... Michele keeps pushing me to evict you and keep Jeff. She woke me up this morning to talk to me about it. She just kept pushing... She wanted me to make a final 3 deal with her. I'm like, why would I make a deal with you...
Natalie's working Jordan hard, as if it were even necessary...
3:33pm BBT
Kevin & Natalie
Cams 3 & 4
Natalie: She's all, you have to give me your word, and I said yes, and I said you have to give me yours too... If you win PoV next week, Michele has to go home. She said ok.
Kevin: So we should hang out less...
Natalie says that's not necessary, and that she explained as much to Jordan, that she and Kevin are friends, but they have no deal...
Kevin: That means I have to work Michele more...
Natalie: You need to be like, Natalie's acting suspicious lately.. and seeing as she and I don't have a deal, I'm gonna be going after her next week. I don't think we should do anything though... until Jeff's gone.
Natalie explains that Michele is no longer telling Jordan anything, only Jeff, and Jeff is relaying it to Jordan. Natalie tells Kevin that Michele told Jeff about sending Russell a birthday present... and Jeff told Jordan, who just told her.
Kevin: Bitch tells him everything. By the way, this whole thing about Michele not talking to Jordan is straight up bs.
Kevin says he may just vote Jordan out. Natalie tells him not to mess around...
Kevin: They're trying to work all the angles to get me out.
Natalie: I don't think so. Jordan just said, Jeff really wants Kevin out, and Michele wants you out...
Kevin: You need to throw Michele under the bus too...
***because the tread marks all over her body aren't sufficient?
Kevin: about all the stuff she said about Jeff... She's a swinger. How can you be bisexual and not have sex with women?
Natalie: She uses her marriage as an excuse. She'd be with him.
Natalie and Kevin continue another couple minutes, making very personal attacks against Michele's personal life and her marriage.
Natalie: Seriously, you wanna keep Jeff?
Kevin: Would you calm the f-ck down.
Natalie: If Jeff stays in this house, we will not win... We won't even make it to final 2.
Natalie and Kevin head inside to make some food for Natalie.
3:55pm BBT
Around the house...
- Jordan's napping on Cams 1 & 2
- Natalie's at the kitchen counter.
- Kevin's gone to fetch something from the Storage Room for Nat. He returns promptly to the kitchen
4pm BBT
4pm BBT
Backyard - Couch
Kevin & Natalie
Natalie eats her sandwich...
Nat: The real reason Michele wants Jeff to stay is because she knows it's us against her next week. We're lookin' pretty, and she's not. We're smart too. We know our stuff. It's not quesitons about rocket science.. It's things we would know.
Kev: We've been underdogs since week 4ish...
Nat: Since Jessie up. Week 4.
Kev: It was 4 against 2 at one point.
Natalie mimics Jeff's earlier conversation with her...
Kev: I can't believe we turned it from 4-2 ... And out of the 4, we were the stronger. Chima wanted to go. Her mind wasn't in the game. Same with Lydia.
Nat: Lydia's mind was never in the game really. It was more of an experience for her.
Kev: But Chima said week one she wanted to go.
Nat: She never said it again til the end...
Kev: At this point, I think it's up to Big Brother. They gotta let us win.
Nat: No it's up to us.
Kev: No, but they can bust out a veto that's completely favoring Michele. And Jordan has a shot if it's some completely random skill thing...
Nat: They wont do it this late in the game.
Kev: They did in season 8.
Nat: I will knock a b-tch out to get the ball I need.
Kev: I think I might cry if I win the veto.
Nat: You need to get this if sh-t out of your head. If you win or I win, it's the same thing.
Nat: That would be really messed up if you screwed me, Kevin. I'm always talking good about you all the time.
Kev: So am I. Throughout this game, I've never ever come after you...
Nat: Neither have I.. and as much as people think I've had no power, I really did have power. Week one, week 2 and week 3... and I never came after you.
Kev: They only thing is, Lydia was coming after you, and I never told you.
Nat: But I knew that.
Kevin and Natalie are now claiming they've been alligned together since day one...
Natalie: The Lonesome Rangers make it to final 4.
They rehash all the alliance shifts and names...
4:12pm BBT
All cams flip to Jordan sleeping in the Green Room... a welcome respite.
BB: Kevin, please go to the Diary Room.
4:13pm BBT
BB hates me. All 4 cams back out to Natalie. She's alone out there now. Look out pillows! That sense of peace and togetherness you've known since your days at the factory is about to be ripped apart, thread by thread. You'll never know what hit you!
4:25pm BBT
Natalie has relocated to the Haves Room and is shuffling the cards, repeatedly. The Diamonds and the Clubs are still licking their relaitionship woulds from the last time she had her hands on them... Now, the whole deck is in peril.
4:35pm BBT
Kevin joins Natalie in the Haves Room and lets her know he'll be doing a lot of c*ck blocking this week: Whenever Jeff tries to talk to her privately, he'll be there, because "Jeff always wants to look cool," and this week, Kevin's not going to let him.
4:44pm BBT
Pool Room
It's nap time...
Rock-a-bye Jeffy,
Solo in bed.
Holdin that blankie,
Like Jordan's head...
4:49pm BBT
Pool Room
Michele & Jeff
♫Two Blue Lumps
See how they sleep!
I can see Natalie and Kevin's mouths moving along the bottom bar, and I feel duty bound to flip to their feed.
C'mon, Jeff! Michele! Jordan! Anybody! Wake up!! Save Me!!!!
♫ Man in a banana suit....
4:59pm BBT
Around the house...
- Jeff is stirring.
- Kevin and Nat are as they were.
- Michele is still sleeping.
- Not sure where Jordan is at the moment.
5:00pm BBT
The stirring turns to full blown motion, as Jeff rises up from his bed, puts his shoes on and walks through the house to the bathroom, where he forgets to take his mic off and we hear him peeing. Gross? Perhaps. But preferable to the alternative... He exits the loo, washes his hands and brushes his teeth. Then it's off to the kitchen, where he cleans up after Kevin and Natalie's mess, before fixing himself something to eat...
5:15pm BBT
Jeff's cooking... Look on the bright side, Jeff. You're not on slop, and you're not in a banana suit.
Yay!!! New Top Post!!! I love a New Top Post!!!
Only a couple more weeks and we won't be getting any more New Top Post's until next summer and Big Brother 12!!!!
*sobbing uncontrollably*
Genie Sea,
As you can see on my previous comment on the previous post, I too am a Michele fan. I will be upset if Natalie wins the game without winning one competition... has she truly one anything?
Ah nice and clean :)
eeeep I wasn't paying attention!
there these make much more sense over here under this post :D
(MnM)- Michelle said...
Well I be dipped in poo
Jordan is thinking of HERSELF for a minute & Natalie is giving her some decent advice.
*feels almost proud*
(MnM)- Michelle said...
that was short lived
they are talkin michelle smack again,& nat is lying like a rug
(MnM)- Michelle said...
OMFG Jordan,YOU told Michelle to try & get Jeff to stay & vote you out!You told them both to campaign for him to stay, so she did,& now you think she is against you & backstabbing.
Holy damn!
Smooooch!!!! :)
Hi Blue!!
Hi James! :)
Hi Melia! :)
Hi Genie Sea! :) - and it's gonna stay that way... :)
I just opened a new can of Nasty-Bugger-Be-Gone
Greetings fellow BB addicts!
Regarding that chat Michelle and nat had this morning, does anyone thing that they could be in some super double secret alliance?
Carolyn: "I just opened a new can of Nasty-Bugger-Be-Gone"
Is that the same thing as a can of "Whoop-Ass"?
Good Afternoon All!
Carolyn, you did get my email didn't you?
I'm not certain, but it seems like Jordan & Jeff stopped being unreasonably mean to Michele. which makes me think that Jordan's recent affinity for Natalie & agreeing with her on many points that are anti-Michele are simply Jordan fishing for more valuable info and/or sympathy to ensure that Jordan makes it to the final 3.
However, I do think that Jordan will become less friendly to Natalie in the next week, especially when she's on the block next to Natalie. Natalie will follow Jeff to the Jury House, unless by some miracle she wins the Veto..
Carolyn - tee hee :)
:) Smiles for all of you lovelies. Off to take my nap now. SMH @ Natalie's boldfaced lies. That chick is just too much. I think someone said it before in one of the earlier posts, but she must really believe her lies to be so convincing and get away with them. Scary.
Hiya Syn - Yup, missed the memo!!! LOL!!!
Afternooon all!!!!
The boy survived his first day of school and i enjoyed my first day of freedom so much! Mind you my hand is sore from all the forms i had to fill out :P
Not even gonna bother with the comment left on the last post cause we all know its a huge steaming pile of poop :0)
I'll be back and forth for a bit cooking and talking with my grade 6er!
Every time I see Natalie sitting outside now, I keep hoping for the biggest, meanest, nastiest bugs on the face of the planet to fly her way and terrorize the crap out of her!!!!
hehehehe, I know, I'm bad!!!
Syn - Thanks for the reminder!! :) I had totally spaced it.
Blue - lol! :)
I give up on Jordan. Natalie has her and Kevin wrapped around her finger.
Michele needs to win pov. Otherwise she goes home next week.
I am sorry..Hi Carolyn..
It can't all be Natalie's fault if Jordan is too gullible to believe Natalie's lies.
A liar is only as bad as the people who believe her lies.
Carolyn and Genie - Hugs to both you ladies, you keep me going at work when I can't live feed.
As far as your pic Carolyn, you are beautiful. You have my full support to axe the nasty poster! :)
Go Michelle! Jordan is just getting on my last nerve these days! I wish I could be there when Jeff and Jordan finally watch the entire season and see how much Natalie has screwed them and how nasty they were to Michelle.
Thanks again for all you do Carolyn and Genie. You ROCK!
I'm pretty sure LA is burning because Natalie and Kevin are going to the final four.
If Natalie wins there may be a nuclear explosion.
Afternooner ladies :)
Carolyn your an very attractive lady, and what you do on here is So super.
I have to comment on Natalie, no I dont she takes to much effort.
IM wondering why these people rely on what Natalie is saying as if it were gospel, although nate is starting to get a god like image of herself, its just beyond me why no one calls her on anything, do you "dudes" think im right when I say were thinking these people have less credit than what were giving them?
"dudes" (they call even girls dudes) if Jefe is eye candy can I say Jordon is like a lemon merainge pie the topping is sweet an fluffy and the rest....well its lemonii :)
The Hgs are really keeping us on our toes with all this flapping! Thursdays show will be a goodie cause we will finally have an answer!
How is all of you????? hehehe
MnM and everyone else????you, too!!!
LOL, No problemo Carolyn! Just making sure it went through. I was a little delirious when I sent it.
Well, It looks like Jeff is gone Thursday. Unless Pandora is keeping her watchful eye out for him. (Jane, let me keep on hopin' until Julie Chen says "Jeff you have been evicted from the Big Brother House")
So, since that's the case, It's on to the Natalie Sub-Train! Gooooooooo Natalie!
Blue, stop wishing bugs on my new favorite!
I'm really sick of watching Natalie pray over her food. I'm pretty sure God did not give any exemptions to Big Brother contestants for lying and back-stabbing and trashing, and cursing out and treating other human beings with any thing other than true love, just to win a stupid game.
Syn, seriously?
Tallen said...
MsFitz, the question about a "remora" reminds me of one of the cast members in BB
I wondered if that is why you asked what the word meant.
Kevin: Unless it's super brainy next week (The veto)
Natalie: Dude. She's not like a... (Doctor in Neuroscience?)
**rolls eyes**
Blue - hiya!!! I'm great!! I enjoyed my freedom today and got a lot accomplished and had a great chat with Marci for a bit and even got a walk in with the dog and a walk on the treadmill - i love this time of yr :0)
How are you???? Hows the Blue???
I have so much hope cuz once someone starts getting cocky with their belief they are in a great position something happens to knock them down....r u listening Natalie?
Syn - I know a good therapist for you :) Jane!!! Where are you? Boy needs help! Hahaha :)
But Genie! Natalie works at Blockbuster. Come on, who's smarter?
Carolyn you worried about what will happen if I am serious?
Syn, you only switched to Natalie to try and make the Jeff/Jordan haters mad.
It won't work on me. I have been a Michele fan for a very, very, very long time now. I have enjoyed Jeff/Jordan for their cuteness and flirting, but have not turned on them for their game, because I've been rooting for Michele all along.
So you can love Natalie and make her your fave all you want. I actually respect Natalie and the game she has played. I can't stand her on a personal level, but she has done an amazing job of advancing herself and her own agenda in this game, as well as orchestrating the demise of many other HG's. I wouldn't be upset if she won.
I hated Evil Dick with a passion.......still do kind of, but he definitely played the best game that season!!! and deserved the win.
I hope it comes down to Kevin, Michele, and Natalie, honestly. Because I think those three have done the best job this season.
I just hope and am personally pulling for Michele to win.
At the beginning of the game, Natalie did not pray before eating.
I was just thinking what a different week this would have been if Natalie were HOH instead of Kevin. With Kevin as HOH Natalie can influence the nominations without getting blood on her hands which she could not have done if she were HOH. At the moment, Kevin is taking all the heat, Jordan & Jeff are none the wiser, and Natalie is sitting in the catbird seat. At least for this week anyway.
Hey Blue...*waving*
Syn - If we hear those words that you just typed about Jeff on Thursday & you are seriously jumping on the Nat sub-train...then you better pull into harbor cuz I want off the ship!!! LOL!!
I can't help Syn, he has Pandora's Delusions. It's untreatable. :-)
Genie, No, Natalie did not pray at the beginning of the season. She only started doing it after Jessie left. You are very sage and observant!!!
Jorff messed up by getting rid of Lydia. This is were their game turned. And I am still holding on to the belief that had Jeff kept Russell he would have remained loyal till final 4.
Syn I am sorry but I could never join you on the Natalie train. I am going to continue to ride that Michele bus with the busted tires.
Kevin has been around Natalie so long that he is behaving just like her with that little Natalie smirk, waddle walk and lying, lying, lying!! Wasn't one of them in the house enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't listen to them anymore. I just mute and wait for something else to come on!
I hope to goodness that neither of them gets one cent more!
Natalie's just been throwing the comps. She's so going to win HOH Thursday. Then Michele is gone gone gone.
Genie, Natalie found religion in the BB House. Jameka and Amber must have left it behind. Maybe that's what she found instead of Pandora's key.
I personally think that anyone who makes it to final 5 in this crazy game is a good player. Whether its from lying/backstabbing/winning comps/aligning with the right ppl - doesn't matter to me cause you obviously did whatever was right for you to get here and that alone makes you a good player.
It's funny how they attack Michelle for telling different things to different people when everyone in the house is doing the same thing! *insert eyerolling smilie here*
Evening Carolyn, Genie, all
Well before I left this morning I said a wanted something to happen LOL
Craziest conversations going on today that could be thought of. Letting you guys keep me up on the current happening, I'm deep in flashback.
My latest find.
July 9th about 11:20-11:25pm Cam 1,2 Kevin and Casey talking in the kitchen about who is floating in the game and who should probably go. Casey mentions Braden and Chima.
This is interesting, I think, because during the Braden vs. Lydia and Kevin fight, Kevin says it was my idea that you go up.
UGH! The Lonesome Rangers!
I live pretty close to CBS, its just over the hill.IM thinking of driving over there and perhaps throwing a rooster over the wall, It might wake the people up! any requests what else I might toss over the wall damn ( i jus got a visual of the ) me of CNN and Fox new THIS JUST IN NEWS ALERT BB FANTATIC Throwing items over wall at BB set!
Oh confession:
I loved Evil Dick,still do!
kinda thought he was sexy too =O
that said,I didn't agree with EVERYTHING he did. but given the HG he had,he was usually saying what most of us were thinking.haha
I wish he was in there with Natalie
♫Shoo Nat don't bother me. Shoo Nat don't bother me♫
I have so much work to do right now, that I should turn off the feeds but I can't.
*le sigh*
BTW the cup i ordered came in today and i wanted to let you all know its a damn good mug! Can't wait for my morning coffee now :0)
Hi Ev1. I feel really bad for J/J. It started when Jordan won HOH. Remember how she was going to share her HOH with Michelle? How Michelle was in tears just because someone was being so kind to her? But then Natalie went into overdrive as her alliance was crumbling and J/J fell hook line and sinker into the pit of her mounting lies and master manipulation skills.
I do feel bad. At the time, it made me sick. I held out hope that J/J wouldn't fall into Nat's web. But she outwitted them. Plain and simple. Nat's pulled off some miracles and without winning a thing or getting her hands dirty. She deserves some credit for that. I may not like her as a person, but she's playing the game and it just might get her to the F2.
I think Michele is the only one who recognizes Nat's strategy and how much of a threat she truly is. But, no one believes Michele.
Even if by some miracle Jeff stays, he is blind when it comes to Nat. He would have to win every comp to get to the f2 and even if he did, ugh I think he'd bring Nat with him.
So, whether we like some of these people or not isn't the issue. It's who is smart enough and skilled enough to get to that f2 and win over the jury. Nat has been slowly and steadily sliding into that position. Next week, the three will be gunning for Michelle and then Kevin and Nat will have their pick of each other or Jordon.
If Michele wins HOH or veto, only one person votes. Hopefully at that point, Jordon will wake up and vote out Nat. I'll tell ya something though. I think it would take multiple neon signs to get Jordon to see how big a threat Nat really is though.
sry for long post. needed to get that off my mind :)
Tallen - A few thousand bugs would be fabulous. Plague style.
Alright Everyone! Put your phones down. Don't go a dialin' 1-800-HELP-BBAddict! Just joking about ole' Natalie. If Jeff goes, I don't know who I'll root for. I guess it's Jordan or Michele.
Good one Jane! That one had me ROFL!
I'm getting so tired of hearing how much power Natalie thinks she's had in this game. She hasn't won anything! She has even made mention of how much power she's had this game to Kevin. And she has screwed up a couple of times this week basically telling him to his face that she's responsible for his HOH win, more or less. I don't know what game she is playing, but the one I'm watching, she hasn't had any power! I'm sorry but if Kevin truly trusts her, he's not as smart as I thought he was. She can't be trusted at all and I just hope he sees that.
I would love to see some twist with Pandora's Box where she's on the block against Jordan.
I've wanted to ask this before but don't think I did.
Would anyone in here want to/or has auditioned for going on BB?
I would never do it in a million years.
Just curious>
You all are such a fantastic group of people. Seriously! :)
Jane - Natalie has a degree in Bovine Scatology. :)
Syn - Yup, and Natalie isn't picking her nose all the time. She is simply tucking her overflowing brain back in... :)
Wendy! - Absolutely! :)
Hiya Mr. Flashback :)
Carolyn: "Tallen - A few thousand bugs would be fabulous. Plague style."
You think like me!!!
KatieBlue - Not I.. Not even a little interested in being on the show.. Never Ever Ever.
haha I wouldn't last one week!! lol
haha I wouldn't last one week!! lol
katieblue: good gawd NO! lol There is no way I could go through all that they go through locked up in that house. I much prefer to sit back, watch and pretend that I would do a much better job!
GenieSea: "Syn - Yup, and Natalie isn't picking her nose all the time. She is simply tucking her overflowing brain back in... :)"
really *must* pump more air into my pilates ball and buy a new desk chair..
the pilates ball was not meant to be sat upon for 16-18 hours a day... so it goes a little low, and my shoulder gets out of wack...
so i switch back to my chair, which just needs to be replaced, and it hurts my lower back...
so I switch back to the pilates ball...
fingers crossed! :)
Katieblue - i've stated quite a few times already this season that i'm in no way BB material - unless its a gibbled version :0) But even then i wouldn't ever go on a show like that cause i can be a mouthy SOB when i'm mad.
Genie Sea said.......
Syn - Yup, and Natalie isn't picking her nose all the time. She is simply tucking her overflowing brain back in... :)
OMG LMAO!! That one made me spit my tea at my monitor.
katieblue - I'm Canadian and so I can't but if I could... oh hell to the no. :)
Carolyn - you need a nice looking spanish man to be your seat !
GenieSea - LMAO!! That was a great one!
katieblue if I was more athletic and thought I had a chance at winning some of the comps, then yeah, I'd give it some thought. I'd have to check in on all those skeleton's in my closet and make sure that none of them would be talking first! ;)
katieblue- my son is going to try out for next season.
Oh, Carolyn, just buy yourself Russell to serve as your chair. He *comes* with lots of extras. (use your imagination)
hi all...
Did I actually hear Natalie say that she wants to win or lose with integrity, honesty and loyalty??
I think I just threw up in my mouth. Blahhhhhh.
Carolyn, lower your chair all the way down and then put your pilates ball in the chair and you're all set to go! :D
Genie, lol, I wish Natalie was more afraid about it seeping from her constantly open mouth!
oh my...
Blue, on behalf of my BB deadened libido (due to lack of use, general tiredness and no damn time), i'd like to thank you for that insanely fabulous image.
A Russell seat.. indeed.
Someone would make millions.
But I'd want to keep getting up and down so often, I'd never transcribe again.
Ok that is it between Genie's comments and Carolyn's commentary I am going to need a new monitor and keyboard.
The whole deck is in peril....LMAO
I have a box with a pilates ball, 2 vcr tapes, and a black cord and some sort of tube and all manuals (never opened).
Do you want it? I am selling everything soon.
Oh MY! *blushes*
Carolyn: "Blue...
But I'd want to keep getting up and down so often, I'd never transcribe again."
Genie would become head-bitch-in-charge, I guess!!!! LOL
Does this mean you would retire your bike?
haha Syn,
lol Wendy,
Michelle, good luck to him, really!
Genie Sea - LMAO!!
Katie - They would escort me off the premises after 1 week. No way I would be on BB.
Ms Fitz...yep remora's its exactly what I was refering to, they swim with sharks but never get eating...but she is much worse than that. shes what i refer to as a truely dispicable human with no redeeming qualities, unless you can just blame it to game, IM an honest beleiver in "Moral Characture in a person" game or no game, like the dude that won this past survivor. that cattle rancher dude
You are cracking me up with the talk of the diamonds and clubs being pitted against each other by Nat! LOL
Tallen said....
"dudes" (they call even girls dudes) if Jefe is eye candy can I say Jordon is like a lemon merainge pie the topping is sweet an fluffy and the rest....well its lemonii :)
Now that gave me a great good giggle!
Posted a little quick.
That conversantion went on between Kev and Casey. He thought Ronnie and Michele were going with the flow. Very perceptive of him. Then on to Jeff and how he threw the first HOH in a far to obvious way. Very suspicious of Jeff. They both thought Natalie was a liability and Kevin thought Natalie would get herself put up like Chima by running her mouth. Casey wanted Laura as an ally. He thought she was very sharp. Another thing that Casey says "and there are some of us that are going to get sent home, it's unfortunate , might be me, might be you, might be Jessie.
Carolyn - I'm crying...LOL at your commentary!!!
Poor pillows...poor cards.
I have noticed that Ducky has not put an appearance today. Wonder if he has flown the coop after hearing Natalie say this morning how she is going to win this w/ her honesty, integrity & loyalty...think he went to the DR & begged to go home?
KatieBlue - that's so sweet of you to offer. I've actually got 2, and a pump.. Just too lazy to use it! lol. I need to make time to go to the athletic store where i bought it and get them to pump it up for me. :)
Blue - LMAO! Yum! Can I get one of those too please? Hahaha I like the "extra features" ;)
Carolyn said...
But I'd want to keep getting up and down so often, I'd never transcribe again.
Stop it!!! My husband is starting to look good to me ;)
I'm about ready to clock GaYToR upside his reptilian, scaly mega-jaw!!!! Where the heck is he??????
Watch, he will complain that DQTD drugged him again.......when we all know the truth......he always gets lost on his way to the Dish! GaYToR's have it rough!!!
MsFitz - Honestly, that poor ducky. I feel for him.
Ok i gotta go cook dinner!
Have fun people - I'll try and get back later on!!!
"Look out pillows" LOL, Carolyn.
Sometimes, albeit rarely, you let it slip a bit concerning how you really feel.
And I hear ya, sista.
I would like to go on BB *sometimes*
but I need cripples season.
I have a horrible back & I hate being on camera.so if they work around that, I am ready steady!
This one I absolutely love.
Later after the Casey/Kevin conversation Jeff is in the kitchen talking to Kevin. Kevin asks him about the comp. and why he fell. That doesn't really matter, but this.
This is said in a joking manner but...
Kevin "if you ever nominate me I'm coming after you"
Jeff "no, no man I think were cool"
LOL foreshadowing
The ducky was threatening DOR last time I checked. Natalie disguised herself as the 'Praying' Mantis and let all the air out of their alliance.
Genie....The Clubs got wind of it, and put up quite the defense, even threatening to unleash the Spades and throw dirt on Natalie if she tried to advance any further.
Got ya Carolyn, but really I need to get rid of it so if anyone could use it I will send it to you.. no charge .. free
Honestly, is Kevin serious about wanting to go F2 with Nat? There is no way he would win. Nat has the votes of Jessie, Russ and now J/J locked up. He would be a fool to not see that.
I wish I could go keep Jeff company in the Jury house *waggles brows*
I need him t leave just so I can focus on my household again hehe
Carolyn? pump what up? your ball?
I just have to comment on what Nat just said Nat": Neither have I.. and as much as people think I've had no power, I really did have power. Week one, week 2 and week 3... and I never came after you."
what was thyat lil slimey thing in the book the hobbit, that was always after the ring refered to as "lil precious"<~~~Natalie
Genie - top notch reporting. I knew someone would have the answer for me.
Poor Ducky, another victim of the Nat.
Genie, it's funny that you say that about Nat not praying in the beginning. I was just going to comment about that myself. It only started (as far as I have seen) after Jessie left.
Tallen - that's gollem.. or golum.. not sure on the spelling, but i just sent CV a request for it!
Ooooooo, that might be a chop I could do! And it goes with my "mole people" comment from last night.
Blue - And the pillows, who were minding their own business got backdoored...
There is no way I would make it on BB. I would love to think I could, but I hate lying and have never been able to do it an keep a straight face. I do not fit in a bikini or have muscles out the gazoo.
If you think Jordan is gullible, you have not met me...lol I would be roasted in the comment section.
With all that said, I would love to try, if I were a few years younger and had some sort of talent, like hypnotizing everyone to think I was actually capable of playing the game...lol
Gollum :) Yes. I'm a geekette :)
Ooops Melia! Sorry, I just saw your comment! I'm not a good multi-tasker! Beep! Beep! On Board the Michele bus! :)
Just before midnight July 9th cam 2
Natalie talking to Russel in bathroom. Natalie says that Lydia and Jessie were in the green room for over half an hour, she is suggesting what of course was happening. Russel says "well she did come in here and use mouthwash"
Sometimes the timing in the house is perfect.
can someone please tell me what DQTD means in regard to GaYTor?
Hi all.. I have been reading the forum on cbs.com.. there are a lot of posts to cbs production to keep Jeff somehow. One guy suggested that during the live show on Thursday it is revealed that the key that Jeff won is another POV and that he can use it right then and there. He takes himself off the block, k has to put up nasty nat and michelle and jeff vote her out.. Wouldnt that be priceless.. the look on her face.. I am hoping and praying this happens. What do you all think.. think its possible?
Genie, I've backdoored a pillow or two in my earlier years.
I shan't elaborate any further.
OH! LMAO! Natallum is turning out fantastically!
Just the thing to get my evil creative juices flowing!
Carolyn whats "Golum?" that lil slimey creature in the HOBBIT, was that his name?
I also have 1 more comment on the Praying Natalie is doing b4 a meal, yes thats new since Jess left I to noticed. plus she stores food inside her cheeks like Jess did.
NOW 4 MY question has anyone else noticed how Natalie makes excuses for her boyfreind as far as not attending any post show ceremonies, might have to go to Boston and a few more, I was just wondering anyone else witnessed this..and MGR. To blockbusters and Mickee d's..college degree waz wif dat dude!
DQTD stands for "Drag Queen Taxi Driver", or, in other words, GaYToR's husband.
Why do they all eat like they have been locked in a room without food for days?
bluex1969 said..."I actually respect Natalie and the game she has played. I can't stand her on a personal level, but she has done an amazing job of advancing herself and her own agenda in this game, as well as orchestrating the demise of many other HG's. I wouldn't be upset if she won."
Thank you ~ my sentiments exactly! When I saw Michele crying her heart out the other night, I wanted to scream at the nasty, ignorant, rude attitudes in that house. No matter what the game, no body should be made to feel like Michele is feeling. There is no way to live that close together and not overhear their horrid remarks. Sickening! GO MICHELE!!!
Hi Everyone!
Late to the party in the comments tonight.
Couple of things -
1. When Jeff walks out the door this week I'm hopping on the Michele train. choooo choooo full steam ahead!
2. I would LOVE to be on BB! LOVE LOVE LOVE to. ....but like someone else said, I think Syn (not sure) - I'd have to check the skeletons in my closet first! No telling what you people would learn about me! haha
Thx, Sparklin!!! hehehe Usually when people start agreeing with me, I'm left scratching my head and wondering where I went wrong........LOL
*blue waves*
Oh Blue... That comment alone will bring Gaytor out of the swamp :)
Michelle - I know! Right?
Carolyn/Genie, you are going to have to stock-piling the Jeff pics this week, 'cause once he is gone from the house, I will be looking for the obligatory half-naked Jeff hottness pic everyday.
I'm rooting for Michele all the way, but let's face it, Jeff is awfully purdy to look at!!!!
A couple of Kevin's expressions make him look like Gollum. Checkout the one on the CBS Big Brother page...
Now would be a good time for Jeff and Michele to have a good, note-comparing conversation. I wish she would really, really talk to him so that he would understand how lethal Natalie is. She only hints at it, unfortunately.
What if Jeff does get evicted but the key he has allows him back in.. like a key to the front door? He leaves, talks to Julie and then walks back in... The "kicker" would be that the 2nd person on the block, a.k.a Jordan, would have to leave instead. What if the key will allow him to stay, but he has to "greedy"..... Anything to keep Jeff in the game, please!
Very interesting happenings in the house. I have been reading the reports while at work, and am VERY HAPPY that Michele used the Veto on HERSELF! I was sort of afraid for a second. I know she is working all angles in the game, but yea...my heart beats were very quick for a few minutes, lol.
How is everyone doing today? Hope all is going well! 13 more days!! Insanity!
~ Ryan ~
Sorry if I'm behind, but I always thought that production just cut their mikes off when they use the bathroom. I never see anyone take them off. Hmmm...guess they take it off or shut it off themselves? I always wondered how it worked.
I'm soooooooooo ready for the Whitney Houston album release!!!!!
w00t w00t!!!!
She's my Diva Lady!!!!
I would like to start off by saying thank you to BBDish. You are all wonderful and BB11 would not be the same without you and all your hard work to keep us entertained. I was wondering if anyone thought that there would be a twist to the key Jeff found? Do you think it will help save him as CBS would not want ratings to go down if he leaves the house. I can tell you that I will definitely watch the feeds less if I have to put up with Nathalie for the next two weeks. Please someone....give me hope!!!
*** Angelica****
Carolyn...you know what pic I want to see? Russell's ear. I never noticed the "cauliflower ear." I googled it and it's yucky looking. Did you or anyone else ever notice it? I never did.
Oh my what an afternoon! First Carolyn your are beautimus as are all of the family members on this site. Second if you want to be on BB you have to be 21 at the time of shooting according to the official reg.form. These du## bunnies had to have read that. It was rule #7! Anyhoo still hoping for a hail mary for Jeff.
Patti a very good point...to bad she has "TALLEN SYNDROM" fumbles for words,starts slurrin and stutterin..smitten isnt funny its da'zee's
Syn...I agree about Nat winning HOH this week. I do think she has been holding back!
She actually admitted today that she really ran the first 3 weeks. She is not my fave, but she has been playing brilliantly. Just look what she has done throughout the game, without any dirt on her hands.
Ok..sorry...have to mention this - I'm watching the CMA Music Festival on tv and Miranda Lambert is on stage - she and Jordan look a like!!! OMG. They act nothing alike but boy do they look alike.
I totally had a dream about Whitney Houston a few nights ago.......I was walking home from the I.U. campus, and noticed a van on the side of the road with a flat. I offered to change it for the lady, and it turned out to be Whitney Houston.
As a thank you, she sang every song from her new album to me and gave me her autograph......then she turned into a drag queen and I thought I had been had......then I woke up......weird........huh?
Is there a New Top Post coming? There is, isn't there?
I feel one coming on!!!! I know I do!!!
Does anyone else think Kevin may be getting sick of Natalie? This is at least the second time in a couple days he has said to her, "We should start hanging out together less.." LOL She just refuses to take the hint! I hope, if Jeff goes, it will be Michelle and Kevin F2...
Random fact of the day:
Under extreme stress, some octopuses will eat their own arms.
so wait,now Jordan wants to stay,& Jeff is still figuring out a way to stay,which means sending Jordan home
eeeeek,someone needs to compare notes lol
Where did everybody go?
I wish Michelle would go Balls to the wall & tell Jeff every thing she suspects about Natalie
I'm back with dinner!
Debi - i too think Natalie has been on Kevins last nerve - wish he would just drop her like a dirty sock already.
Blue - i'm hoping this new album of hers is as good as her old ones. Been a long time since she put anything out.
Attention BBDishers! I present to you: NATALLUM!!!
Queen of the Mole People!
Enjoy! Muwahahahahaha!
I'm trying to figure out how many more runs to Starbucks Carolyn has left this season..............
Had to consult M.I.T., but I think I have it figured out.........it's almost 118 to the 5th power X pi - mass divided by E(nergy).
It is pretty interesting that Jeff is fighting to stay in now - wonder if he will share any of his conversation with Michele to Jordan? Doubt it.
LOL!!! What a riot!!! LOVE it Syn!!!
Syn!!! HaHa!!!
Isn't Photoshop great?
Syn - That is fabulous!!! OK by you if I twitpic it?
LOL! Thanx Carolyn! And absolutely!
Syn - LMAO!!! You evil evil man - pure genius but evil none the less. I shall now call you Brain from Pinky and the Brain!
I had no idea how close Gollum's quotes from the movies were to actually stuff Natalie would say.
Check it out!
Thanx y'all! It was a blast to do.
OMG Syn that is to funny. How do you do that? lol
Syn - It's uncanny...
It's sooooo exciting watching these idiots...I mean, HG's.....sleep.
BB really needs to make a new rule for next season. No sleeping except during BB specified times, and make those times during the night hours only.
OUCH!!! M tryin to visulize Mich running head on balls to the wall...
what does balls to the wall mean where did that cliche come from..balls to the wall
Syn, you need to do more of those!!!
I don't want to see C=Venus replaced at all.........LOVE HER WORK!!!!, but Syn, you would be a great addition for sure!!!
SYN!!! xactly whom I was refering to, that lil slimey dude...glad you could make it a visual.
This is my first time posting, but I just have to say that Carolyn you are fabulous as well as all your devotees. I love your site and have been addicted to it since BB8, but never spent time in the comment section. Now I am here and loving it.
I have a question for everyone. I did the math for the next couple of weeks and think it is impossible to not have a double eviction before the season ends. If the finale is the 15th--the last eviction happens on the 10th leaving 3 hgs. Is 5 days enough time to have 3 comps and a tribunal with the jury house? Won't CBS want to milk the season for all it's worth, by stringing the tv onlys along for as long as possible?
I am living in hope that the PB key enables safety or re-entry for Jeff and that Kevin has to redo noms forcing him to put up Gnat and Jordon, because the original POV keep Michelle safe. And then we get a real double eviction this season.
Sorry so long, but it's been years just reading and not saying anything.
Quit with the cookie dough already!!!
I could care less about weight, but I'm tired of J saying she's fat while she's holding an entire roll of dough!
I'm just sayin...
I really want to know how Michele would know what Natalie said in her goodbye message to Russell about sending him a birthday present this week of Jeff.....hhmmm How would Michele know this to be able to tell Jordon this....I think maybe Natalie is starting to get sloppy with her lying. But nobody but us seem to hear it and question it. Wake up HG's and listen to Natalie lie and start questioning her
Balls to the wall means nowhere to retreat to. Have to fight.Visualize it Lol a guy thing.
Is it wrong to pray for a miracle so Jeff can stay? Is there any chance that his finding the key to unlock Kevin could save him? I may have missed that and I sure hope it isn't an impossibility.
OMG Your side bar comments are crackin' me silly!
[Are you trying to prove to yourself or someone else that you have power? Are you caught in an illusion that weakens your true feelings or minimizes your abilities? If so, you may have contracted "Dragonfly-Dive-Bombing"]...This is a excerpt from one of my Animal Medicine books by Jamie Sams. Native Animal Medicine explains why certain creatures are drawn towards us at times in our life. Like finds alike -energy
Thanks for the great laughter Caro**{\O/}* I adore you
I was thinking the same thing "ktth" ... seems like the final two should be decided on the 10th ... that makes the final 4 down to 3 happen on the 3rd ... but we've still got 5 in the house.
Does anyone else have thoughts on how this is all going to happen?
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