Ready to Rumble?
8:46 PM BBT
Pool Room
Chima and Ronnie
Natalie came into the room to give them a heads up that they were overheard. Then Ronnie raises his voice very loud, challenging Russell to come to him like a man!!
Natalie: Michele was in the DR, but you have to say she was in here...
Chima: I'm not gonna lie and say Michele was in here.
Ronnie: Me neither.
Chima: The thing is, if he really heard something, he would know Michele wasn't in here.
***Ready to rumble?
8:52 PM BBT
Jordan & Jeff
Jordan is all fired up about Russell and is doubting his allegiance to them. She goes inside to talk to him
Pool Room
Chima & Ronnie

More of the same. The Poor Ronnie Show.
Ronnie: I used to be a horrible person. I was a bastard. I used to think the worst in people. SO when I met my wife and we started being serious, she showed me to be a better person. She saved my life.
He says that his wife told him if he had gone in the game before he would have breezed to the end, but that he has "too kind of a heart" to win now.
Chima: There are people lying in the house, and we don't know who they are.
Ronnie: Jeff
Chima: One of the people who raised their hands is a liar...I wanna see if I can catch em. I can't have a conversation with you without it being negative? It's annoying.
(***wasn't she busting Russell's chops for talking to Lydia and Michele?)
Feeds 3 & 4
Dining Table
Jordan, Michele, Natalie & Lydia
Chowing down. Not talking much.
Back to Pool Room
Ronnie is saying he wants to see how he was portrayed after he leaves the house. He gave his wife specific URLs. He wants to see who wins HOH. Now he is bashing Michele calling her a "mentally ill lab worker". He has moved on to burying the evicted Casey. (***note: This is the nice Ronnie.)
Natalie comes in and reignites the fire. Chima and Ronnie are riled and ready to engage in a fight with Russell. Jessie comes in and tries to shut them up.
Jessie: Now he knows we know. It's a done deal.
Natalie: We don't want you to go down with him.
Russell is going outside to eat with the others.
(**Sorry. I'm done with the Chima and Ronnie show. I'm going to check out what the others are doing.)

Russell, Lydia, Michele, & Jeff.
Lydia: I don't think he has it guys. He is trying to make people believe he does. He is trying to play with people's heads.
Jeff goes in. Natalie and Jessie come out.
Discussion ends. Russell goes to play pool with Jessie.
Natalie: It's time for Ronnie to go.
Lydia: Get the rat out. We should bait him with cheese.
Lydia: Did Ronnie make anything for you guys? He made me a bumble bee and told me not to tell anyone.
Natalie: I don't hate Ronnie like other people in this house, but I told him it was done.
BB Voice: Please raise the two southwest awnings between the poolside and the deck.
Lydia: Como se llama? (**LOL)
Jeff and Kevin join the outside group.
Talk turns to alcohol and who gets what and missing alcohol. Again.
Chima joins the outside group. General chitchat.
***Don't worry. I'm on smackdown duty tonight and will report it here as soon as it happens. :)
The calm before the storm.

9: 49 PM BBT
Pool room
Ronnie: I'm just ensuring you're not going home.
Lydia: For all I know you could be the wizard.
Ronnie: If I had the wizard power I know who I would put up but not you.
Lydia goes to Green room to report this exchange to Chima and Michele who are in there. Chima is venting to Michele about Russell. Lydia goes outside and reports it to those outside. Kevin and Russell are not buying it. Jeff is calming Russell down ( ***NO! WE want drama!).
Jeff:People will say whatever the f*ck they want. Who cares?
Russell: Chima is talking sh*t.
Meanwhile back in the Green Room.
Chima is busy bashing Russell and making Ronnie look like a saint. (**Interesting to note: 10:03 PM, Chima says she sees Russell in a different light now and Michele says she knows Russ is a liar.) Michele is playing her part well.
Kevin, Lydia & Natalie are bashing Casey. Jordan is there but saying nothing.

Kevin & Lydia
Lydia is begging Kevin to tell her something but he doesn't want to. He says it won't benefit her. She wants to know if Jessie & Natalie want her out.
Kevin: Natalie said you're safe this week.
Ronnie comes in to use the washroom and talk turns to scabs. Natalie joins them. Ronnie washes his hands and leaves.
They talk about Chima being pissed.
Kevin: Why would she believe Ronnie. Nothing he says is truthful.
Kevin: I don't know.
Natalie says Jessie is in HOH with Russell. (**He is the backyard with Jordan and Jeff)
Kevin: I know he blames me for being on slop. (***Huh?)
10:17 PM BBT
Russell, Jordan & Jeff.
Russell tells Jeff and Jordan that Jessie and Chima are his next targets. They are worried that Michele is spilling stuff. Russell is getting antsy. They are talking about the fact that Jessie and the others are scrambling. Paranoia is taking hold.
Jeff: The only reason they want him to stay is cause he's an ally.
Russell is on the hammock. Jeff asks Jordan why she fought with Lydia over Casey. What was the point. He is worried she is talking to "all of them again". Jeff is sounding annoyed with Jordan.
Jeff: You can't say sh*t to Lydia. Don't get people pissed off. They will turn against you. Casey is gone.
He is worried that they are all in there "like a happy family".
Jordan wants Russell to go inside and "break it up". Russell says what's the point.
BB Voice: Michele. Please go to the Diary Room.
Russell: Now it's broken up. Watch they will all come outside.
Jeff goes inside. Jordan goes to Russell and tell him Jeff is mad at her about the Casey incident. Russell gets up quickly off the hammock and goes inside.
10:31 PM BBT
Around the House...
Chima, Kevin & Lydia.
Jeff and Russell went in but said nothing to them, and left.
Meanwhile, in Doom Room, Lydia and Jessie are whispering. (**hard to hear) Jessie is lamenting his fate and playing on Lydia's sympathies. He is saying he can't stand a chance against Russell.
Outside, Jeff is telling Russell to play Chima like Jessie plays Lydia. Russell decides to go look for Jessie. He doesn't look in the Doom room. Instead he goes up to HOH.
Outside. Jeff and Jordan are panicking. They are saying they need to get Lydia and Kevin on their side.
**Folks... The house is bubbling. Something is going to break.

Michele comes out.
Jeff: Are you still strong?
Michele: Yeah I'm still strong. I was with Chima. She wa shaving a min nervous breakdown.
Jeff: Everyone thought you were with Jessie.
Michele: No. This house is gets to people.
Jordan: Jessie is freaking out. He wants you to save Ronnie. He told someone that he wants Jeff out of here.
Michele is calm and blowing all this nonsense off. "Dude. If you want to stay safe, win the Veto."
Jeff: Where's Russell.
Michele: We need the Harry Potter map to keep track of where people are.
Jordan brings Michele up to speed on the day's happenings.
Michele: Jessie is orchestrating b*llsh*t.
Michele calms them down. She tells them she was talking to Chima abut personal things, trying to help him.
Talk turns to the Wizard Power.
Jordan: Please America don't give the power to Ronnie.
Michele: I will be a good witch.
Jeff: Please give me the power. I want the power. I need the power. (**You'll probably get the power.)
Meanwhile, Jessie and Lydia are play wrestling in the Doom Room. (**Lydia? Really? So easy?)
Jeff is recalling the mean things Chima said to him. Jordan says she like Chima.
(**Jeff is a little feisty tonight. It's sexy!)
11:12 PM BBT
HOH landing
Russell. The Love Muscle 007! Spying. (***** hahaha)

Meanwhile, Ronnie is getting ready for his close-up.

11:23 PM BBT
Jeff and Russell
Jeff tells Russell they over reacted and thought Jessie was with Michelle and Chima but it wasn't true. He tells Russell everything Michelle told him and said they all over reacted. Russell asks if Jeff trusts Michelle and he says 100%. Jeff tells Russell that Chima and Michelle were talking personally about her relationship with Russell, Russell asks Jeff how to tell someone you're not into them. Jeff assures him Michele is not using POV and Ronnie is going home. Discussion moves to speculation/hopes for next HOH comp.
Russell is asking where everyone is. Jeff doesn't know. Jeff tells Russell about the Jedi training they were doing with Michele about the comp.
Jeff: You can't trust Lydia. She is stuck to Jessie.
Russell: Dude. She is easy pickings.
Their talk rambles over comps and the craziness of the house. They figure out that Jessie is with Lydia somewhere. Jeff is relating how Jessie is very condescending towards him. Russell doesn't understand why Jordan didn't put Ronnie on slop.
Jeff: Do you think that if Natalie could pick that Jessie's name would be in the hat? No. I don't know man.
They talk a bit about that and then Jeff decides to go outside. Russell stays in the HOH room.

A few minutes later, after checking every room to see where everyone is. Russell joins Kevin, Jordan, Jeff and Michele outside.
General pleasant chitchat. Michele joins Jeff at the jacuzzi while Jordan goes through her whole family history. A lot of personal information, about finances, and their relationship. Russell still looks "cloudy".

Russell: Since when does she have all access to the HOH room?
Lydia: Just so you know Natalie said she was voting for me. So is Chima, that you have nothing to worry about.
Russell: She told you to tell me that.
Lydia relates Chima's meltdown about Russell earlier. Russell says he won't be blowing up. Russell says that he can make her cry, but he won't.
Lydia gets up to sit elsewhere because she doesn't want to get into trouble.
This is so hard to listen to.
Take the feeds off of them!!!!!!
blah, blah, blah ronnie!
Yeah, cause Jeff would totally vote out Jordan both weeks.. *rolls eyes*
Whoa whoa whoa, what the hell did I miss??? WHY is Jordan "all fired up about Russell and question his allegiance to them?"
What happened that made her get all riled up to this extent and make her think this?
Oh this is madness! LOL
Ya can't friggin BLINK in this damned house!
I really think that if it IS true what Natalie is saying and that Russell really DID hear those 2 in the room, then Genie Sea you are ON POINT that then Russell may get fed up enough to pull Lydia off and put Cranium up against Signor Weasel.........
I am pacing here people, pacing! I don't know WHAT I would do without this blogsite I tell ya, I dont have the feeds!!! The one year I had them it was a total waste of money cause of the hours I work, never get the chance to utilize them!
I should go to sleep need to be up at 5, but who the hell can sleep now?!?!??!
I wish Chima would go in and start! I'm tired and have to be up early tomorrow, dang it!
Made supper, did dishes, and still Ronnie is talking!!! Help!!! Doesn't he know when to stop. I sure do hope he goes on Thursday!! Maybe the house guests will be more at peace!!
Thanks to all of the Dish Chicks and Guys!! You guys do an awesome job!! Keep up the good work. :)
Ronnie: I used to be a horrible person. I was a bastard
No but seriously, could ANYONE resist this here line?!?!?!?
He USED to be a horrible person?
So tell me, if this is in fact some form of a past life we're talking about here, were you perhaps Musso-friggin-llini?!?!??!!?
"rebuilt his ego up" - did the rat actually just say that? i don't think there is any problem with the size of his ego
Why does Ronnie hate Jeff so much? He didn't do anything to him. Ronnie is the little snake that everyone claims to be and I am tired of hearing the let's blame it all on Jeff and Jordan spills.
I would love to see those two at the end just so everyone has to vote for one of them after all they have said and done to them.
I love underdogs and sorry Ronnie but you never have been an underdog you are just a snake.
Ronrat doesn't want Chima to confront Russ, because he is so lying! Liar, Liar pants on fire!
I'm sorry, but Ronnie makes me ill. He is just so mean-spirited & spiteful that he got played. When the others were angry at him, he was laughing and smiling and saying "It's a game. DUH!!" Doesn't feel so damn good when the shoe is on the other foot ehh??
~ Ryan ~
Praise the lord and hallelujah, I've seen the light! Ronnie is my big hearted savior. Heal me Ronnie from my evil ways, you god-like teddy bear or a man.
I'll tell you this though, I wish I had a man who had the unconditional love of Ronnie's. She must be a saint.
My goodness! If this is the nice Ronnie i scared to ask what the mean Ronnie was like. So far he has been attacking ppls personalities/careers/character and their sense of much lower can the boy get?
Chima is getting all types of riled up in the Splish Splash Room. We are DEFINITELY seeing a fight tonight!!
~ Ryan ~
Why is Jordan so upset with Russell?!?!
I seem to be having a hard time voting on CBS. It will only let me vote for the Have Nots, but everytime I try to vote for the Coup D'etat, I wind back at the Have Nots. Anyone else having any problems???
Lacey -
Please Right Click Here to go vote.
Check that last comment, I tried it again (5th or 6th time) and I was able to vote. No worries..
But what did happen? Did Jordan even talk to Russ? Stupid feeds!!!!!
Nothing I said in my last post made any sense. I must be drunk.
Went and took a bath and missed everything! Feel better, smell better, but I missed it! What happened?
I didn't catch why Jordan got riled up. Anyone?
Anyone notice how Natalie & Jessie always suck the fun out of everything they touch??
~ Ryan ~
Who thought I would enjoy watching Jessie play pool. After that Ronnie/Chima talk I wanted to give myself a lobotomy.
Sheesh i have really bad luck! The tension is building and a fight might go down and now it looks like another storm is heading my way! We've been in the yellow all day with nothing and of course now that things are getting good somethings coming!!!
I so hope Russell lays into these ppl and shows that hes not gonna play the bow to Jessie/Natalie game!
Anyone else feel like this is the calm before the storm?
I'm waiting for..."Houseguests, this is an outside lockdown..."
Long time reader of these boards but never posted.
I can't listen to Ronnie anymore, I dislike him more than I did Jessie last year.
Did anyone just hear what Natalie just said to Lydia, that she is voting to keep her?
I voted for Jeff at least 10 times tonight, I hope he wins!
I just talked to my mom and told her about BB, which she doesn't watch or really get, but I was telling her about Jeff and Jordan and their funny conversations. I told her the spider and what animal would you be one from today and she busted out laughing when Jordan responded, "I would be a squirrel."
I love the fact that people who don't even watch the show still find Jordan hilarious.
I am glad I am not the only one who's really confused!
I'm sick of seeing Jesse on the commercial in his hot pink suit flexing his muscles trying to look all hot!
Come on fights - lets get it started~!!!!
Trying to stay awake cause bf is due home late tonight but after such a mellow evening and double dose of meds i'm struggling - need the bb house to perk up and keep me entertained :0)
I dont understand what happened between Russell and Jordan, or what happened between Jessalie, Chima, Dorkopotomus and Russell....someone tell me tell me tell me tell me!!!
has anyone in here yet said wut Jordon was upset about ?????
I miss everything!
Genie - your doing a great job tonight btw - i never can tell the difference between you and Carolyn unless i see the end of the post and your name! Thank you lady!
Anon - The feeds cut into Jordan's rant so we don't know exactly what got her riled. The rest has been reported.
Jamison - There will be a storm tonight and not for Wendy :)
I believe what happened with Jordan is that she is seeing Russel hanging out with Jessie and Nat and thinking that she and Jeff are getting played. She doesn't understand that Russel is feeding them BS to throw them off the scent of his new alliance. She is also not doing what everyone always say, come talk to me instead of listening to others. She is paranoid and then passes it on to Jeff. Once they do talk they will be fine but for now. We sing the song once again.
Paranoia the destroyer
Aww thank you Wendy! I try to make it as seamless as possible :)
I think Jordan got upset because someone told her that Russell was talking to Ronnie just to put doubt in her mind.
I really should include everything in one comment instead of separate ones. Shizz I did it again! :)
Michigan Man - Thanks for clearing that up hun! :)
And Michelle too!
See? I did it again! :)
I concur Wendy! Genie always does an awesome job!! Half the time I do think it's Carolyn! Then I feel like a dorkopotumous like Ronnie when Carolyn pops in!
I forgot to tell ya earlier but i figured out what it is about Jeff that has me in a tither - he has George Clooney eyes!!!
Hi Joc :) I'm glad you've decided to post something!!
JanineDesiree :) Thanks for the pic!
EvelAlida !! :) Hey Mama!! I'm so glad you're feeling better.
Leee!! :) You n me both.
louielouie :) Hello. :)
amberinmwc :) hiya!
RonaP :) Hi!!!
Hey Ry! :) Yup, they're big funsuckers.
Jane!! :) you crack me up...
WendyLady33 :) Right?!?!
Jaggers - I'm not sure yet.
tchr_mom :) Time will tell :)
Kscoot! :) Hi!!
Genie - Me neither...
MichiganMan!! :) hehehehe!! agreed!
Jamison - Big time calm before the storm...
Joc - hi again :) I didn't hear that, but it's been Jessie and Natalie's plan all along to lull Lydia, Russell et all into a state of submission until after the PoV ceremony.
Laura in NC :) I love it!
Blueeeee Where are youuuuu?
GayTor -
Oh where,
Oh where,
has our little blue gone...
MsFitz - Just in case :)
Happy to help Genie.
Genie Sea,
Thank you for the amazing reporting!!! High fives for you from Nashville!
I'm watching BB After Dark now, but I still seem to miss a lot of what goes on.
I have to say, this is probably my least favorite season of BB thus far. Hoping it will get better now that Jeff & Jordie will rise to the top (((hopefully)))..
Jessalie are driving me insane. I honestly have to say I'd rather see them gone before Ronnie!
It was interesting to see that Ronnie, who claims to know so much about this game, and thinks he can read people so well...he looked straight at the camera and said, "America give me the power and I'll put it to good use, I'll get Jeff out." I guess he can't read people as well as he thinks, cause America, and us in particular.....L O V E Jeff.
Hiya Carolyn! Hope you had a good day today!!
"smackdown duty" LOL
Carolyn *waving* Nice to see ya hanging out with us here in the comments!!! I bet you are super stoked for a fight night after all your hard work the last few days!!!
Hey Everyone.. Got 50 votes in for Jeff tonight.. don't know how many counts are allowed..but it helped kill some
Joc said:
"I can't listen to Ronnie anymore, I dislike him more than I did Jessie last year."
I am with you on that but I am seeing it as neck and neck.. I can't stomach either. Glad you posted.
God..I hope they don't find a reason to bring Jessie back again next year...Just his voice makes my ears want to bleed! Ronnie is right up there and is two tacos short or a combination platter!
Natalie is driving me INSANE with all of her chomping noises while she eats...
My hubby just out of the blue said, Natalie looks like a monkey when she flares her nostrils!
Carolyn didnt talk to me!
going eat worms!
Just scroll through the comments and your blood pressure will go down.
You all (EA,Jane,Ry,WendyLady33, Gaytor,etc.) are so amusing that I usually can't help a chuckle or two.
Now, Let's Get Ready to Rumble!!
I think its so cool that a lot of ppl are coming out from the land of anon and seeing some of the regs putting up pics! I think we all need a nice big ole group hug!!!
Carolyn. Glad you got it. I wasn't sure if I was emailing the right place. ha.
Wendy ~ I was just going to say Jeff looks like a cross between Matt Damon and Ben Affleck! Watched movies of both today and it hit me. Especially the dimples and smile. But I LOVE George Clooney!!!!!
GaleLuvsBB!! Oops!! DIdn't see ya there. You're too thin! ;)
Hi Michelle in Indiana! :)
Hey Glen!! Yayy!! Nice voting! I've been heading over there and clicking a few times every time someone mentions voting here...
Testing cause I have tried a couple times before and they did not seem to go thru.
So anyway if it does I had just wanted to say how much I appreciate this site, for all the updates and the friendliness of the environment.
I dropped in to the CBS site to do my voting (of course for Jeff) and decided to check in on the forums, and was reminded why I was drawn here! Because everyone is so much nicer!!!
** Lurky Lu **
Jane - Can I have what you're having please? :)
Anon @ 9:26 - Thank you :)
Gale - Sour gummy worms? :)
Huggies Carolyn!
hehe I sorta broke rule # 1 :)
OOOOHHHH! Jesse's pissed now! It's too funny!
Hi Carolyn! Glad to see ya hanging out in the comments!
Carolyn -- Hey there :)
I am so far behind. So easily distracted. How much is Syn paying each of you to do this to me? I'll double it.
Still catching up on comments from last section but will be putting new ones here.
Carolyn, thank you for the SWACK! Please Mistress, may I have another?
Hey Michelle in Indiana! I'm orginially from Evansville.... what a small world :)
Now this is funny. Dog pile on Jessie.
Lydia "f*ck you I got Natalie's vote"
Natalie and Lydia high five.
Lydia "kiss my a*s muscle man"
Marci - Mr. Cloney is the very epitome of sexy!! I so lust after that man!
BBfanatic007 here:
Is it me only that gets totally disgusted watching Natalie eat...she is like a little child scarfing down food!!! She is disgusting
Gaytor - SPLAT! Russell pie! :)
Is anyone else have the Wizard of Oz song running in loops in their heads?
If I were Jessie I'd hide from her too....what a follower man seriously she is a little puppy following him around. OK I need to quit dogging on Natalie but she really irritates me.
Jaggers, I'm sorry! LOL I really do love it here, been here all my life.
It is a very small world.
Marci - Jeff smiles with his eyes just like Matt Damon and Clooney! Those eyes get me everytime!!!
We moved away when I was 6.... my parents owned the Waffle House on Green River Road. I still come to visit friends and my broter & his family.
What's up with Natalie? I thought she was on Ronnie's side?
Hey Carolyn.. not done. I am going for 100 and maybe more before the deadline. Read that that the CBS message board is voting for Ronnie? WTF? Did I hear that right? I know the live feed peeps can push that the direction it has to go.
At lease Ronnie is realizing he is going home and Jessie knows his side is in the can.
I love listening them all talk about the magic power or wizard.. Oh the paranoid drama.. hee hee.
**Gaytor said (previous post)
If I were AGP and was in charge of DRs for the day I would be calling in Jeff constantly, and asking him to remove his shirt (or all clothing) during our session.
If that happened I would have to be in charge for more than a day!
The BB Gods must be loving me!! The weather prediction for the whole week is.......RAIN!!!!! Yayayayayayaya i can sit on my big ole butt and ignore yard work!
Jaggers where are you now?
I hope Michele listens to Chima like she does Ronnie.....just cuz she has to not because she believes her!
Kscooter - Natalie is covering her behind :)
Had a busy day today, but got in another vote for Jeff.
If everyone thinks Ronnie was bad today, then wait for when the clock is ticking toward Thursday's eviction.
Wednesday is going to be nuclear in that house.
Genie Whats going on between Chima and Russell?
Wendy ~ I keep forgetting to ask. Can you email the, um, site you were so pleased with??? You peaked my curiosity! LOL
Let's get this fight started!
BB ~ more beer please!
The BIG town of Bedford, lol. It's not so bad, I like it. We're close to Bloomington (Go IU)!
I was just in Evansville on Friday.
I kind of have to agree with Chima on this one. Why is Russell trying to control who people can speak to in the house? And he really needs to stop making things up when he eavesdrops. Dude! People know that you are lying!
Once again Chima, Ronnie is making himself a leper. No one made him go to the bedroom and read the bible.
Thanks Genie!
Wendy: sounds like you are getting the weather that we've had for the past week! Our grass is getting high from all the rain but we can't mow because the ground is still too wet....
Chima is a hypocrite hypocrite...she won't let Russell dictate who she talks to but she can dictate who he talks to???????
OMG just woke up the entire house, laughing about Jeff's baseball story. Too funny
Is it just me, or have the house guests got more annoying over the seasons? - Particularily Ronnie and Jessie, and Natalie's voice when she's in the DR.
Maybe i'm just getting old and irritable.
So is this chat w/ Michele & Chima a chance for them to bond a bit? What is the reasoning for this convo?
~ Ryan ~
Saint Ronnie??!!!???? Are you kidding me Chima???
My goodness i feel like i'm gonna toss my cookies!
Chima and Michele chatting in the green
Cracking me up!!
Hiya, Carolyn, Genie!!! I'm here...just being quiet!!!!
Nite ALL! Have to work tomorrow, need some sleep. I hope I don't miss anything - but will catch it on the flashback - thank goodness for that!
I think I'm gonna shut down the laptop and go to bed to finish watching AD. Have a good night everyone! See ya in the morning!!
Looks like i'm in the clear on a bad storm - the cell that was moving towards me fizzled out - thankfully still gonna get rain!
Anastasia Beaverhausen...........
Syn928 said...
What am I saying? GaYToR is always senseless, lol :P
...Backing waaaaaaaay up here...... He can take something complete innocent and twist into whatever he wants ... as I'm sure he'll do with this very post. I could almost say he was clever that way.
I'm trouble
Now that's what I wanted to hear. You will back up. Yea Baby!
Of course I'm clever that way, but you make it sooo much easier.
"I'm trouble" ... Don't you mean you are IN trouble?
I'm almost ready to come over here to current post. At least I am typing in it.
BLUE!!! Stop being quiet!! :)
I have a friend who grew up in Bedford. You are close to another Disher..Blue is in Bloomington. Can't wait for bball season to start.
Watching BBAD, I hope Michelle isn't buying any of this that Chima is feeding to her. She seems smarter than this.
LOL Sorry, Genie!! Spent some time this weekend with the nieces and got a lot of sun today, too much actually.
Now I have a super bad headache that will not go away.........
I'm watching the feeds and reading everything though!!!!
Chima, you misandronist!
Kscooter - all the storms i've been getting are coming from the north.
Marci - you've got mail!!! And i can not be liable for any and all damages caused by viewing that site :P
My brain is turning to mush. Everyone keeps rehashing conversation from week one aka broken telephone.
Goodnight! I keep waiting for something to happen...and nothing. Have a great night! Had fun watching the show with everyone!
And now with 96 comments to read here I have to catch up to.
Forgive me if I didn't acknowledge any questions or 'heys' from the last post. I tried.
One thing I have heard every night they get alcohol. A beer is missing. I'm pretty sure I have seen Natalie hide one every time I have heard that. She's keeping up her ruse of being 18, but she wants her beer. Not sure where she drinks it.
I'm waiting for the day someone besides the other half of her brain sees her doing it.
Did I use brain in the same sentence with Jessalie? My bad.
I hope that Chima is digging her own whole right now and he puts her up next to great would that be!!!!
One can dream!
Vote JEFF!
Blue - Sending you 'headache go away' vibes :)
Nite Kscooter and Ronap! Sleep sweet! :)
Has Carolyn turned into a pumpkin??
Night Laura, Ron and Kscooter - sleep well!!
I'm ready for bball also. My youngest son and myself never miss a game!!!
Hey Blue.... I just found out you're my neighbor!! :)
Glen :)
There's rumors all over the net that people close to Ronnie (let's not make accusations) have set up bots to vote for him non-stop...
Our friend Kevin informed us that because it's a java based vote, it's not bot-able...
Either way, Jeff fans have got to keep voting...
The polls don't close in the west til Tuesday!! ;)
Look! Here's that Voting Link again! :)
While I'm linking...
Anybody Need the Feeds??
Night Laura! You know as soon as you go to bed something will happen! :)
YAY! Carolyn is still here!
So, Blue's a Burnt Smurf?
So if Blue is a burnt smurf do we get to call him Papa?
Russell is Stupid!!! Get him out please!!!!!
LMAO!!!! Yes, Carolyn, Blue's a burnt smurf!!!
Starting to match my shirt in my pic!!
LOL Wendy ~ Thanks, hopefully I can save it for when we are waiting on trivia. Yeah, like that will happen! Seems like we have the same taste in men!
Carolyn I am sorry I missed your "hi". HI!!
Now I need to go to bed before my head hits the desk.
Watching Passchendaele now and so far not a bad movie - minus all the mushy crap - but a lot better then some of the movies i've watched today.
I've truely been one lazy mofo today!
Hi everyone
its late i kno...jus wondering wat every1 thot was good to vote for the have nots?
the options are liver & lime,
eggplant & eggnog or sardines & saltines.
Now I'm a pumpkin!! :)
Nite nite everyone...
I leave you in Genie's capable hands..
See you in the morning with the Overnight Report! :)
Good night, Carolyn & Genie!
Good night, all my BB buddies!
Everyone have a good night!
Marci - It would seem so! Thats how i ended up with my bean pole bf - he smiles with his eyes and the first night i met him (met him off a dating site online) he brought me christmas oranges so i knew then he was a keeper!
Goodnight Carolyn!
Nite Nite, Sweet Carolyn!!!
Sleep well!!!
Night night Carolyn sleep well and i'll see ya for coffee tomorrow :0)
Hi wendylady
plz hook me up w the "special" ive searched only to come up empty =(
im SO curios ;]
good nite carolyn!
sweet Russel dreams...
hi genie!
SuperB - need an addy to email it to you as i can't post it here and you don't have a addy in your profile :0)
Why wouldn't Russel just put up Jessi or Natalie as a re-nom to secure the votes??? I hope he figures that out....
Nite Carolyn! Sleep sweet! :)
Well the techobrains alliance isn't going to go far if there is no trust.
Night Carolyn
Hi again everybody. My internet is not being so slow. Sometimes watching the feeds slows my computer down big time.
Good night sweet Mistress. Sleep well. Not sure I can stay up and report all night again but I'm going to hang in as long as I can, especially if things get violent. I love violence in the BB House.
So we are having Blueberry Crunch Cake for dessert? I want mine with fresh whipped cream.
I am trying to stay caught up now. I haven't even been able to read the front page, so I am going to pass over quotes and names for a bit.
Whoever threw that Russell pie at me, gracias. I love me some Russell.
And from the last section, someone threw a banana pie at me. I love big bananas too. Was it made with real Syn?
HaHA Michele to the DR. First thing Jessie says is 'I guess Michele won the secret power.
Woohoo. Voices raised in the bathroom. Could it be about to begin or are they just going to talk about the toilet seat?
Jessie and Lydia in the Have Nots room. Whispering. I want to know but I don't want to turn up the volume.
Blue about time you show up, but how dare you try to stay quiet, no matter what. And be careful about that too much sun Mister.
I'm waiting on infection to clear up so I can have surgery to remove a very possible melanoma. Had my Cipro, go to the surgeon on Thursday for him to look at it again and likely to schedule the (in office) surgery 2 weeks later. I'll have a nice 4 inch incision on my head but I certainly hope that is the most that comes of it. Melanoma does run in the family.
(Or have I already told everyone this? Sorry if I have. My memory is shorter than.... No... I'm going to be nice to Syn the rest of the night.... MAYBE.
Russell is so f***ing paranoid!!
THanks for the update on the vote bot Carolyn.. I certainly hope its not true or possible. I think CBS should be aware of the possibility of this. But I will be voting my fingers off.. the honest way.
Going to turn in too. Goodnight all... Thanks Carolyn for a nice day!
(shakes head) All that paranoia and boom. You talk to your group and it's all okay.
I've just come to realize there is a comparison I don't think anyone has brought up. Maybe I missed it.
I loved and still love Janelle, but her downfall in both her seasons was drinking. Give her a bit to drink and she forgot how to play the game. She got clumsy with her secrets and flew off the handle at the drop of a pin.
I see Jordan doing the same thing. She really wants to call people out after a bit to drink. She would be committing BB suicide if she didn't have Jeff there to reign her in when she gets like this. I'm not even sure Jeff will be able to protect her. They are together almost 24/7 but it only takes 5 minutes to blow your game to hell and back.
I'd hate to see her do that, but I would hate it even worse to see her hurt Jeff's game. He needs to be very cautious.
Gaytor - I'm sending you good good thought honey! As well as the Russell pie I splatted you with.
Peeps - Don't hate me for what I am about to say. Jordan is sweet, but she is a liability to that alliance.
Yayayayayayay Bf is home!!!
Smoked a little something something again so heres my agenda.
in 15 mins i wont feel any more pain
in 20 mins i'll have me some serious munchies
in 40 mins i'll be passed out in cloud cookie land dreaming!
Good evening umbeta. Is it too late for a birthday spanking? I've been trying to catch you. I'm ready. Bare hand, paddle, or riding crop, or something a bit more kinky. It's up to you. :-p~~
Why does no one trust Michele? She's the only one that doesn't blab everything.
how do i put an addy on my profile???
Genie - i actually agree with you - she isn't too smart and doesn't know what to keep to herself ands what to share and she has no clue that sometimes you have to play the part........i'm not saying shes dumb i think she is very sheltered and naive.
I love Michele even more with her Harry Potter reference.
Okay, so Jeff and Jordan talk to Michele and Russel but never at the same time. Jeff and Michele and Jordan talk to Russel but not at the same time. These four need to get together all at the same time so they know where the heck they are at as an actual alliance.
Genie...I agree & that sucks because I really like her.
I wish J & J would suggest that Michelle go up to HOH to calm Russell's nerves (NOT like that).
i love ur 15,20,40 min plans ;D
im on the same page!!
i went to my profile n chose to show my that wat i needed to do?
SuperB - you've got mail!
Gaytor - you are such a little trouble marker!
Umbeta - hiya again!
Gaytor, you are next in line. I have had 2 paddles broken already. My bum is so appealing for some reason. LOL.
bluex1969 said...
LMAO!!!! Yes, Carolyn, Blue's a burnt smurf!!!
Starting to match my shirt in my pic!!
Does this mean with the red shirt on you are turning into a 'state' of purple? *I quack me up* Not going to get into politics but I'm really hating the Red and Blue state things all the pundits use. Every state is purple.
Why does Jessie have his foot up Lydia's ass in the Have Not room? Actually he has both feet in that general vicinity. Is that what he REALLY means by his two fingers comments?
Jeff, enough with the gay slurs! You can't just say them and then take them back later. We get it, you don't like gays! the f-word slur is ALWAYS derogatory!
And Michele is going on a power trip. She's trying too hard to fit in. It is pathetic.
I feel like Jeff muzzles some of the things Jordan says. For her own good too.
Let Natalie walk into the Have Not room right NOW!
So is Jessie trying the two toe technique now?
Ok ppl i'm off to here all the stories from his ultimate trip!
Have a great evening and i'll see you tomrrow for coffee !!!!
Almost hitting the 15 mins mark and i'm not feeling too much pain but i am feel like i'm going in slow motion and my eyes aren't :0)
Marci - LMFCAO!!!!
Nite Wendy! Happy travels ;)
Marci - LOL caught that just as i was leaving!!!!! You are one hell of a funny lady and you should get on facebook so i can keep in touch!!!
Good night Wendy ~ Sweet crazy dreams!
Interesting how Jessie can't sleep in that room (with Nat), but he can wrestle in it with Lydia.
r lydia n jessie doin "it" again???
is that y some1 said natalie should walk in??
Anon @ 1059... During this conversation, J didn't call anyone the F word. He said that someone else was walking around saying that he called Kevin that or something.
He did make some other comment right before that about Ronnie and he said homo but he immediately apologized and said he didn't mean it.
Not exactly sure when it happened but it was probably right around the 1040-1100 mark/cam 1.
SuperB - It's horseplay, but Natalie won't like it.
Oh nice Jessie: 'You know by now my word is good right?' 10 seconds later: 'Can you go make me a bowl of slop with honey?'
What a charmer!
As the saying goes I'm becoming a pumpkin, squash or some other vegetable. Have a great night all.
Is Russ on the floor of the HOH landing eavesdropping?
Boy is Russell a paranoid or what?
Nite Michigan Man - Sleep sweet! :)
Good night Michigan!
I love Mr Russell Stealth up on the landing laying on the floor listening to conversations! His hunter's hat works well, but the blue shirt is a little loud for blending in.
WendyLady33 said...
SuperB - you've got mail!
Gaytor - you are such a little trouble marker!
Umbeta - hiya again!
Moi? Trouble maker? Whatever could you mean by that? Remember I am the Dish Family ^Ä^. I never cause any trouble. *giggle*
And WendyLady, good for you about the pain reliever. I confided in someone that I do it rarely but when my back gets really bad, it is a best way to relieve the pain. My ortho surgeon suggested it. The one from Dallas. Not legal here or there, and I was shocked he mentioned it. But 2 years later I kept thinking about it and tried it. It REALLY worked. I first tried it about a year ago, now, about once a month or so. or PRN as the prescriptions all say.
nite wendy!!
n thxs a million..
Seems more like Russell has issues with Chima than the other way round. I mean wth is he doing on the balcony?!?!? listenin to chima and kevin talk about a pedophile?...russell is WEIRD! he's stalking chima...lmao
HAHA @ Russell laying on the HoH landing trying to hear whatever he can.
He crawls on his belly like a reptile... just like me.
Hi bbdish bloggers... Carolyn, you are my hero!! I've been reading your site for years along with having the live feeds..BUT.. for some reason I can't the feeds this year. I've tried 5 times and even called for help but they keep saying the address doesn't match my account???? Same address for 12 years! I watch bbad but you are my info go to gal. Plus I work 13 night shifts at a hospital and every chance I get between patients I check for new info... Mwahhhh... I'd be lost without you.. and Blue's not too shabby himself :) LOVE the Diva doggie stories..
thank u genie!
that is one jealous chick, my bf would dump me in a heartbeat(as i would him) if acting the way natalie does toward jessie...
Nice facial mask Ronnie. Need a screen cap of that! haha :)
Michigan Man, we have enough squash. Could you be a melon? A cucumber would be a great image for you.
Check out the screen caps. :p
Hi again y'all. I'm all snug at home finally. So glad work is over.
I was settling into the feeds and hoping for a good fight only to find it's all fizzled out between work and home. *pout*
Blue, sorry you got burnt today, that sucks. I hope you brown over night instead of peeling.
GaYToR, good luck at the Doc's office. I hope everything works out well.
TraverseTown, I agree, I love the harry Potter reference!!
I am so happy that Carolyn and all the others take their time to blog for us. Thanks so much.
I just voted 10 times and I'm from Canada and that option usually isn't open to us. I had tried the other day and nothing. I used the link in an earlier post and for sure it took my vote for "Jeff" ten times.
Someone may have written about this earlier and I missed it, but in Natalie's good bye message to Casey she said "I'm not an immature 18 year old, I'm 24." Did she mean she was an immature 24 year old.?
Jamison said...
Nice facial mask Ronnie. Need a screen cap of that! haha :)
DQTD saw that and said Ronnie looks like Grandpa Munster with that mask on. (He's waiting for me to get up so he can check his mail.)
He's good at matching people with other faces. He hit on Bill Maher (Real Time on HBO) looks just like Linus from 'Peanuts'.
You're so funny Genie. I flip back to main page and refresh and see the Ronnie screen cap :)
Glad to see Jeff up in HOH w/ Russ. Wish Michelle would work her way up there now.
Russ just said that Lydia told him..."we could throw a towel over by the shower so the cameras can't see"
Thanks Syn. I feel good about it. I buzzed my hair for the summer and found it early.
(see, I can be nice in at least one post. It's HARD, ... oops, maybe I can't... but I tried.)
Ugh! GMAB Ronnie! You give your network of World of Warcraft friends a bad name. I know WoW players and you are a poor example. Don't drag them down with you!
Hi Syn ~ Have faith, the nights not over!
I'm taking a orange creme cheese cake break so DQTD can check his mail. Hope I make it back before Genie goes...
If I don't, g'night e1 and see yas tomorrow.
Is Ronnie ready for his close up or turning into a mime! He's used several years of his word allotment already.
Seriously Chima? Russell should stop talking about people? He should quit making things up? Um, Chima, there are like 148,000 mirrors in the house. Pick one and take a long gaze!
And the level of delusion that Ronnie has trapped himself in his warped little mind is shockingly scary. I hope he's made of strong stuff, because when he gets out of that house, he is going to see that it is he that is the most hated houseguest in BB history, not Russell.
Hypocrisy Party of 2, your table is ready in the restroom, our special tonight is a large portion of reality. Please Enjoy!
Well, guess he isn't a mime. He's back to the same ol' bla bla bla bla bla!
Night GaYToR ~ good luck with the DR.
GaYToR: Grandpa Munster is dead-on!
It's my lunch hour. So please tell me what's going on in the bb house. I'm dying to find out...
Jeff: Love the man, cute and funny is a great combo.
Jordan: Such a sweetie. Seems like a good all around girl.
Jessie: couldn't stand him last year and this year is even worse!
Natalie: OMG, makes me crazy. The biggest "jessie" lap dog I've ever seen
Lydia: Love her tat's but I don't think people included her before she had them... abit on the odd side
Kevin: really liked him at first, now, ughhh
Michelle: repeats herself ALOT, okay so far but I think she has more to come
Russell: I could look at him all day. Seems a bit paranoid, jury is still out with him. Could end up loving him, could end up hating him????
Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie, Can't stand him! I hope they send him home soon. He is so mean and hateful, stands on his soapbox then does the things he preaches against. (Lord hear my prayer..make them send Ronnie home, Amen)
Chima:... If I hear her laugh at her own jokes ONE more time I might have to poke out my eardrums with a pencil.
do you think there is likely to be a big blow up tonight still?
Eww...Lydia is sitting on chair arm (laying across Russ) and picking that nasty scab on her ankle. So gross.
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