Sunday After the Show on the Feeds
6pm BBT
As we turn the feeds back on after the Sunday CBS broadcast, Jeff & Jordan are taking Russell up on his general offer of some private time up in the HoH Room...
They are adorable as ever... Happy, fun, flirty, Jeff & Jordan.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the bathroom, Lydia's doing Jessie's hair.
***Give him a mohawk, Lyds!
6:12pm BBT
Russell comes up and joins them in HoH.
After sharing a giggle about their Beevis and Butthead routines with the spy cams, Russell tells them how Jessie is crawling up his bum now...
***ie, Russell did not fall for Jessie and Natalie's scheming this afternoon.
6:30pm BBT
Michele, Jordan & Lydia are doing lunges across the yard...

At the same time, Russell and Jessie are on the couch, alternating between laughing, offering advice on form and talking a little game... More, Russell is prodding Jessie for info, gently though, so he doesn't feel it.
Russell: So what's up, dude? You and Natalie seemed so stressed?
After wracking his brain to come up with a reason by repeating the question back to Russell 4 or 5 times, Jessie lands on jealousy... Natalie was pissed that Lydia was doing his hair.
Ironically, Jessie is saved by Jeff coming out to join them.
7:05pm BBT
Jessie & Russell
Russell's complaining to Jessie about Chima... He's still really put off about how she reacted to him giving another woman attention yesterday, and she's been sniping at him ever since.
They bring up the notion of the dreaded female alliance... oooh, scary... Russell says Chima's all about it. Jessie says Lydia is too.
7:13pm BBT
Jeff and Russell
Russell complains to Jeff aboout Chima... Jeff does his best to calm him, but he's really pissed. Jordan comes and joins them... the conversation continues, but calms a bit.
In under 5 minutes, Jordan has completely diffused the situation and brought a smile back to Russell's face...
7:55pm BBT
Alcohol is served!!
BB just provided the alcohol... Tonight's selection includes a bottle of wine, 4 Tecate's and 4 Coronas. The HGs are thrilled. Jeff wastes no time opening the wine.

Jordan's hopping in the shower. Jeff asks if he can come in too... Cute exchange..

7:59pm BBT
Pool Room
Ronnie & Chima
Ronnie: It's obvious I'm going home. Michele's not gonna vote for me. It just pisses me off that he asked me that... (he who) My only question is about Jordan. Why did she put his name in that hat? Is she working him?
Chima: Let's just pray I win the power...
Ronnie: Oh, believe me, I do.
Chima: He might put me up, though.. He's upset about all the comments I've been making... Does he really want you to go home?
Ronnie: Russell? Oh yeah.
Chima: Why ask you about ___ then?
Ronnie: When i went up there before nominations, he asked me what I thought about everyone... I lied to him and said I liked Michele, but that I didn't trust her.
Chima: I don't understand why he's so adamant about getting you out. Everything else he does is contradictory.
Ronnie: He wants to break us up. He knows, even though he hasn't been told, that the 4 of us are tight, and he wants to break Jessie and I apart... because that's an unbreaable bond otherwise. He told me when i won HoH that I was unreadable...
Chima: He told us the exact opposite - that you're so easy to read. And for sure he's not gonna get the power.
Ronnie: No, he wont get it. For sure he's viewed as the jackass on the show... Oh please, America, let me have the power. If I do, I'll take myself down, put Kevin up in my place and put Jeff out.
And on and on...
8:13pm BBT
Backyard - Weight bench
Russell & Jessie
Friendly chatter and weightlifting. They're alternating spotting each other.

In between sets, Jessie checks himself in the mirror to make sure his muscles are still there. Yes dear, they're still there...

8:20pm BBT
Michele gets called in to the DR while she's preparing dinner, again... She heads over there, and we have a very small DR leak.

8:24pm BBT
Pool Room
Ronnie's encouraging Chima to put Russell up next week... Then Michele the following week...
***He wants to keep playing after he's gone.
They continue talking on and on for quite a while.
8:6pm BBT
Natalie Enters the pool room and tells them Russell's heard everything they've been saying.
Natalie: But he also thinks Michele was in here with you, so tell him she was!!!
Ronnie and Chima say they will.. Then Ronnie raises his voice very loud, challenging Russell to come to him like a man!!
Natalie: Michele was in the DR, but you have to say she was in here...
Chima: I'm not gonna lie and say Michele was in here.
Ronnie: Me neither.
Chima: The thing is, if he really heard something, he would know Michele wasn't in here.
***3 points for Chima!
And... It's time for a new top post!! :) Please refresh the blog, and join GenieSea with Ready to Rumble!
Accidentally shave his head and leave him with a bald spot - might take the focus off the fact the poor boy is uneven!
They look so cute together!!!
Please, calling all snake hunters!!! 'King Cobra' on the loose and needs to STFU immediately!!
Still think it's priceless that Ronnie and Nat got nothing for 'graduation'!! Maybe that means they flunked! LOL
JEFF: "ah, the whole Terror Squad. Where'd they come from? Scheming?"
haha! I heart him.
Hi Carolyn!! Hi Everyone!!
Good show for the most part, I loved seeing Jeff and Russell connect. I would love to see Jeff, Jordan, Michelle, and Russell make it to final 4!! I SO hope something happens and Jesse goes out on week 4 again!!! Thanks again Carolyn & Co. for all of your hard work, I spent a week in the mountains in Gatlinburg, TN and wouldn't have made it without you!!
ps. vote for Jeff!!!
Hey Dont know if ya'll noticed but there is a new Have Not food voting up on! Just thought i'd let ya know! Thanks for all you do Caroline!!!
Sorry to repost but I was victimized by the "new post" :) and I know better than publishing before hitting F5!
Here's the gist of what I said ... cause I want to know your thoughts.
1) I only threw one comment out last night. All the props go to the rest of the crew. :)
Still making my way thru comments so this may have already been mentioned...
2) I don't understand why people aren't talking NOW (with their own alliances) about what they would do IF they got the power. That way, the rest of their group knows how to vote. Once they get the power, they can't let on. Get the talk done now so you're all on the same page.
Someone on the last thread thought they weren't able to vote for the Coup D'etat online anymore....
Just click on the picture of Julie... I have went and voted well over a couple of hundred times. It just changed a little because they have the Have/Have Not vote up again.
So please... Keep voting for JEFF!!!
lol king cobra. really, ronnie? idk, that was hilarious.
Loving Jeff, Jordan and Russell in the house!
For the "Trueblood" fan in the last post - Have you seen "Being Human"?
Caught it last night - about a vampire, werewolf and ghost who share a house (on BBC).
Reminded me a bit about BB but those people actually care about each other!!
Lovin' the heavy breathin' going on in the back yard right now.
I've decided if Jesse, Natalie or Ronnie get the mystical power, I'm giving up the feeds. I can't remember hating 3 people more in any season than these 3.
Judging by the comments, this show tonight is not looking good. I hope they (AGP and Co.) aren't trying to save Ronnie. Guess the feed and online viewers really got get their votes out there. I really won't buy it if Ronnie gets the Coup D'Etat. If anyone, I'd think it would be Jordan or Russell based on what I've seen at various sites.
From the last post:
Laura in NC said...
Gaytor -- well I hope the bank gives you the loan!
Blasphemy! Don't encourage that scoundrel, lol
imo, these two - Jeff & Jordan - are by far the most adorable (good-looking too)couple ever in BB history. there's a certain innocence in them that makes them different from the other made-in-BB couples.
im a little nervous that jesse and scatalie got to russell enough to make him paranoid, even if he doesnt believe them. i just hope he talks to michelle, his tone and whether or not he is guarded will be telling. i wish he would bring michell with him and confront jesse/scat. russ was a little guarded talking to jeff and jordan, which is not good. i give them credit for trying with russ but hope it just tightens the noose around their necks. i also hope russ saw enough through the bullshit to see they were still just trying to start shot to damage russ, but they did a good job of saying they still want ronnie out so russ may believe them to an extent.
Jane - From the previous post - I think the whole Jedi and King Cobra shizz made Ronnie look idiotic.
Why would AGP want to keep Ronnie? Probably for the same reason they brought back Jessie. They are hated, so people watch. Ergo ratings.
Two questions:
1. What does FOTH stand for?
2. Its shark week on DISC channel and as a Minnesotan who has only seen the ocean twice it is freaking me out. Do any of you have any shark stories?
Hi Carolyn
Keep the Jeff and Jordan stuff coming. They are so cute together!
Angela, I'm with you on the final 4
Oh, forgot to mention, I did finally get the vote thing to work.
Michele reminds me so much of Leisha Hailey!
Oh, Jordan.
Aye yi yi.
Take off the perv glasses, Ilissa.
Kevin is one big question mark to me.
Jessie was also saying to Russell that people who work out together are also in an alliance together....referring to Michele, Lydia and Jordon.
Hi Everyone,
Well, for the most part show was all right. Loved the fact Ronnie & Nat didn't get graduation presents. And, loved how they showed a hint of Jessie's true colors when he became a Have Not & when they got the squid. I think I'm going to call that line to give advice to HG & tell Jessie, "Yes, Jessie America knows you have big muscles, now would you put a shirt on when you go to the DR, we don't need to always see you bare-chested!"
I don't know why it bugs me but there seems to always be at least one session a show like that. It also amazes me how much air time he gets on every show.
Loved how Natalie was not in favor of the cliques breaking up. Ha-ha, losing her safety net? Yes!!!
I was po'd at CBS though giving Ronnie his own little PSA to vote for him! Really made me angry at CBS!
So please go VOTE JEFF!
I didn't think Russell was going to fall for the BS he was being fed by Jessie & Natalie this afternoon.
MG - I was watching Torchwood and saw that Being Human preview. Looks really funny. I have been meaning to DVR it.
llissa-That's who Michelle reminds me of! Geesh, that's been bugging me.
Chima is egging Russell and it's going to get ugly.
Whatever happened to tuna+mayo? They take tuna to a whole new level in that house.
Ronnie needs to get his facts straight, the Cobra wins only if it gets lucky. Most wins go to the Mongoose.
Last season Michelle was Jessie's bodyguard and this season it's Natalie. Creepie
yeah, what does IMO stand for too
My movie reviews for today.
I Love You Man - damn funny and i enjoed it!
Crank High Voltage - crap
Angel Of Death - so far crap as well.
MsFitz - I think AGP should give the men pasties cause i'm sick of seeing Jessies nipples.
Syn - ha sorry I won't provoke do enough of provoking anyways, you don't need my help!
I can't vote...everytime I click on the one to vote for sends me back to the have..havenots. vote.
I would give anything to see Jessie backdoored this week just like he did Casey..I cannot believe they brought his pouty butt back..I hate Ronnie but I think I hate Jessie just a bit more..Then Natalie could be someone elses pitbull til she got put out
Genie - the whole Jedi King Cobra thing makes Ronnie look like a quirky gamer. Even (kill me now) lovable, in a super dork way. The public does like that. I think clearly AGP wants the race to be between Ronnie and Jeff. I'm guessing after the last show Jeff is too far ahead for their comfort, especially since Jeff is now not on the block. It's just better TV is the dramatic happens. It's all about ratings, of course.
Hey Gang......
LOVED the show tonight....
I took a nap before so I missed the J/N run on Russel.. just watched the flashback... if you don't have it GET IT NOW... helps so much to really keep up with what's going on..
<------- link over there!!!
Genie... I think re Kevin he's just waiting a little tooooooo long to get in the game. He's playing for the jury house now only. I like him, but he's been a disappointment.. and really, Lydia throwing him under the bus re the chess analogy cost him.
Syn.. Jessie is "obsolete" hahahaha did you notice Natalie is saying it now??
IMO = In my opinion
IMHO = In my humble opinion
IMNSHO= In my not so humble opinion
Hope that helps!
A HG has returned from last season!!!
Ted's back!
Wendy - Good idea!
MsFitz said...
. It also amazes me how much air time he gets on every show.
That's cause he's so full of hot air!!!
re pasties and nipples ROFLMAO
btw- has anyone been watching "Miami Social" on Bravo...featuring Hardy from bb?! he seems like he's changed so much! But then again I was a TV only for that season so maybe he hasn't.
Jessie just doesn't know how to have a good time. He is a bump on a log out there right now. Can't laugh at silly stuff!
thx laura !
Ok so J/J are jsut too cute. How can you NOT love them!
And what was J/N thinking with telling all those lies? Its gonna come back and bite them in the ass. Might have the exact opposite effect they're looking for!
Rose, don't click on the vote now for the Coup d'Etat, click directly on Julie's face. That will take you to the Coup d'Etat voting page.
Why is Jessie in the HOH bed and Russell on the chair? Why is Russell venting to him?
Jessie is taking every opportunity to bury Kevin and tell Russell that he has his back. Transparent dude.
Genie... my hope is he's venting cause he's gonna keep up the facade... **fingers crossed
Laura - lol, exactly, I screw up enough on my own without help from others
Judy in NJ - I haven't noticed Natalie using it because I usually change feeds when they are on. I'm sure I'll notice it soon enough though. I think he means to say "irrelevant" but uses "obsolete" instead. Two very different things.
Jessie - Using sticks would be an obsolete method of starting a fire if you have matches or a lighter.
Jesse is so full of crap! I can't stand to listen to him try to turn them against Lydia and Kevin so much, he's gotta see it! Every time he says Chimas name, Jesse comes back with something about Lydia...
Jessie looks like a chipmunk when he eats!! Holds food in his cheek
What is Jessie holding in his mouth?
ooohh.. the dreaded female alliance...
also noticing that Jessie is using every opportunity to throw Lydia's name in there...
BB needs to keep one cam on Russell and one on Jeff at all times. They can use the other 2 for the rest of the houseguests.
Syn - you really gotta be careful how ya word things my dear straight friend! Gaytor can twist anything into something dirty - thats why we all luv him :0)
The great Buck Howard so far is good - Colin Hanks looks so much like his dad!
I might be the only one that thinks this is funny....
While cutting tomatoes, I just saw Chima do this...
Have you ever seen Jack (Will/Grace) do his Cher impersonation? Well, Chima just did it unintentionally.
Pretty funny.
roflmmfao....Russell venting about Chima and Jeff responds, "I just ate an ant if it makes you feel better"...priceless
Russell needs to take the stick out of his a$$, he didn't even break a smile and I'm on the floor hyperventilating
this is the link for coup d'etat vote
vote for Jeff!!!!
And now I am back. I had to take a True Blood break, and in vampire mode I had a rare t-bone steak and a salad with a roasted garlic balsamic vinaigrette. I am so full. But I saved room for dessert. Where's Syn?
Syn you don't need to give me ammunition. I make my own. *Evil Grin*
So now to catch up on this Front Page and see if there was a blowup ... I'm hoping, but sorta hoping they get alcohol tonight to fan the flames and then they do it, or start it, on BBAD.
I wish Lydia would let everyone know what her and Jess did under the covers. Would love to see how Jess would get out of that. I think he Lydia gets mad enough she might just throw it out there to Nat.
LOL! I love this conversation between Russell, Jordan and Jeff!
I'm Voting :)
How bout you?
Genie, I know LOL
Jeff: "a fan of what, laying around doing nothing. Sunbathing, going in the pool"
Jamison - It's because they're not as clever as you. ;)
I'm so glad I ate first.
Front Page:
6:30pm BBT
Michele, Jordan & Lydia are doing lunges across the yard...
I read that as luggies. (not sure how to spell that but I don't think I need to define it.
thanks for the tip, Alisa. I was having trouble getting to the CDT vote as well. Now I clciked on Julie's face and it worked. So now I can vote for Jeff a few more (hundred) times. I think that even if CBD was trying to make ARonnie look good so people vote for him, it may be too late because since voting has been in progress for so long, all the Jeff lovers have given him so many votes, Ronnie fans will never catch up!
Ha! I'd love to feed my ego that way but they figured out the power...can't seem to figure out when it'll be announced but still....
They have nothing but time and the idea was already thrown out there. Use that extra time to thrown around scenarios (Jeff!) so Jordan knows what to do when put on the spot :)
I have a question.....
What are in the boxes by the jacuzzi?
I'm lovin' Jeff more and more. Did you hear what he said about "fat" girls? He is such a mensch!
and the next food group...
sardines & saltines?
eggplant & eggnog?
liver & limes?
ok group, your preference?
Gaytor - just watched True Blood too. Very good, you think?
Trying to think if you could compare the HGs to True Blood characters....but there are no similarities at ALL!
Jamison - Jack's cher impersonation is possibly one of my favorites ever. I will have to Flashback that one.
Gaytor in da house!!! :)
Howdy Everyone! I couldn't watch the show tonight because of our local CBS station....when you could see video you couldn't hear audio and visa versa. I was so po'd!
GayTOR: aren't you from Baton Rouge?
Syn928 said...
Blasphemy! Don't encourage that scoundrel, lol
You know I love it when you call me names. Will you talk dirty to me when I get to Alabama? Do you have that sexy Alabama accent? That would make it even better. CYA tomorrow. *snicker*
So Russell is so tired of the pettiness he is working out to relieve stress. I have better ways of relieving stress. A little messy, but it still burns those calories. And it can even include a protein shake.
How funny that Nat's out back babysitting Russell. What kills me, it's their fault he hasn't talked to them today. They've slep most of the day away and Chima spent it all with Ronnie. Way to isolate yourselves.
Hey WendyLady :)
Hey RedRhonda! :)
Hiya GiggleChick! :)
Hi Angela!! :) Good!!
Hi Ashley :) Thanks fo rthe heads up!
Jamison :) 1 post or 10, you're very appreciated!
Hi Jaggers :)
Hi MG! :)
Hey ilissa! :) perv!
Hey Steph! :)
Hi Syn!! :)
Hi Anon@6:37 - i agree
Anon@6:38 - time will tell :)
Genie!!! :) Didn't know you were in here.
Hi NelliJ :) - Shark stories? Sure! I live on an island...
Hi Cindy! :) WIll do :)
Hey Bethra :) Good catch.
Hi MsFitz!! :) Voting!!! :)
Hi Alisa! :)
Hi LAura in NC :)
Hi Rose ! :) Click here to vote
Hi Jane!! :) I'd take that a step or 2 further and say Ronnie's edit wasn't just about getting him votes,
but also getting more text revenue and ad impression revenue for the cbs site.
Hi Judy in NJ! :) cute! :) lol.. Live feed free trial link right here
Hi LuciCate :) I haven't seen it yet
Hi Melanie :)
Hi Danyelle :)
Hi Pally :) I dunno...
Hi Steph :) I like your idea!!
Just had to mention this. after I went to vote for Jeff some more, I decided to chek out the forums. Someone( probably Ronnie's wife) is asking all the Jeff voters to just "give Ronnie one vote each as an 'act of kindmess'" Please, like we are stupid enough to fall for that one! Makes me want to vote for Jeff more and more. And I am
Bethra asked - "What are in the boxes by the jacuzzi"
Umm... remnants of Howie's DNA? ;p
OMG...Jeff would like his Valentine to MAKE him something, instead of buying. Can he get even better???
i have probably voted for jeff over 400 times and i actually sent a text vote as well, which i have never done before for any show or any other reason. ive never sent a text that cost money before this. also the cbs poll has jeff at 82% so if they somehow have ronnie winning it would have to be bogus. ok, off to vote another 100 times
Oh Sweet Mother............
I cannot DEAL with this *beep*......did we all see that vertical turd Ronnie yet again this episode?? Edit or no edit, the man is never capable of allowing my food to stay down....
The whole "America please vote for me, I will use it for good, THIS good" or even better the "King Cobra" DR.........oh christ, what is that comin' back up? When did I eat crabcakes?
Alisa...Thank you very much.
Carolyn - Re Howie's DNA ... ewwwwwww! :)
Laura - I was watching quad cam and it occasionally freezes on me. It froze RIGHT when she closed her eyes, did the mouth/tongue thing and flipped her hair.
Totally unintentional. I'm sure she was getting the hair out of her face w/o getting tomato all over herself.
Either way. It was funny. I've had quite a few funny moments when the feeds froze for a second and someone was making a stupid face.
Can anyone fill me in.. on a message board people are flipping their lids over J&J "breaking up"... did they fight or something when I decided to go read a book?
lee said...
I'm lovin' Jeff more and more. Did you hear what he said about "fat" girls? He is such a mensch!
Didn't hear.. what'd he say??
re. boxes by Jacuzzi... microphones no???
Carolyn ;)
LMAO! Russell just broke the eliptical machine! Talk about a hardcore work out!
Jeff: "Go to the Diary Room. 'Hey can we get some more toothpaste and new toothbrushes? Oh yeah and a new eliptical machine, too?'"
You're welcome Rose and Lisa. I couldn't figure it out at first either. They're just trying to make it difficult on us! ;)
Nelli J said...
Two questions:
1. What does FOTH stand for?
2. Its shark week on DISC channel and as a Minnesotan who has only seen the ocean twice it is freaking me out. Do any of you have any shark stories?
I haven't reached the bottom yet so forgive me if I am answering an already answered comment. By the time I get to the bottom I forget these things.
1. FOTH or FOH means Fish of The House. We use it when the feeds cut to the aquarium so we can't see or hear what is going on.
2. I have no personal shark stories and I am grateful for that but I have seen and heard some real horror stories. Just this weekend a local man was bitten by a shark in his fishing boat. The Coast Guard had to rescue him. I haven't heard any report on extent of his injuries or his condition. You know how local news in. Everything these days are just a tease.
(Much like what I do to Syn as often as possible. I know he loves me or he would have Carolyn, Mistress of the Dish, beat me senseless.)
Anonymous Cindy said...
*^*^*MsFitz*^*^*^ said...
...I think I'm going to call that line to give advice to HG & tell Jessie, "Yes, Jessie America knows you have big muscles, now would you put a shirt on when you go to the DR, we don't need to always see you bare-chested!"
You Geaux MsFitz. I feel the same way. sick of seeing him. Why do we get so little of that from Russell and none at all from Jeff? If I were AGP and was in charge of DRs for the day I would be calling in Jeff constantly, and asking him to remove his shirt (or all clothing) during our session.
Hey Jaggers,
Thanks for the heads up on the vote for jeff site. You can see where it's confusing though.
They got alcohol! Let the fun begin.
I haven't checked but if your here tonight or see this Jane what is your take on why Natalie is lying about her age?
She can't drink and you know she wants to, at least it seems like it all the time. It's the biggest thing that makes no sense as far as game play.
I love Michele's red outfit, seems the cameras do too :)
LMAO! I just read the forums on CBS and someone put "I would rather vote George Bush back in office rather than to vote for Ronnie! Vote Jeff!"
Then someone else put "CBS, please tell Ronnie's wife to stop putting campaign posters on here to vote for Ronnie!"
Liver and Limes... Thanks Alisa and Caro...I just voted again...again...
russ and jeff said earlier they want to go to brazil to pick up chicks. trust me, ive been there, they pick you up (for a fee of course) if you dont get robbed beforehand. i was there for new years a couple years ago in ipanema on the beach and someone got shot and killed. scary place but awesome at the same time
MG - "Being Human" Please, what channel and what time. Is it repeated during the week? I want to find it and DVR it if I need to. How long has it been on? Will I have a problem catching up if I've missed a few, or several?
Anonymous said...
Ronnie needs to get his facts straight, the Cobra wins only if it gets lucky. Most wins go to the Mongoose.
I was going to add that earlier, before my True Blood and dinner break. Thank you for pointing that out. You are absolutely right.
überpreciousness on the Jeff/Jordan HoH private time. can't wait to see the Veto Comp so I can see what chick Russell thought was hot, which thoroughly enraged Chima, and now has the house falling into the kinds of groups I can get behind.
w Kevin/Lydia sitting on the sidelines watching
sardines & saltines! sardines & saltines! sardines & saltines! sardines & saltines! sardines & saltines!
as much as i like russ, he's getting on my nerves with his Chili Pepper's bashing. Blood Sugar Sex Magik is an amazing album! not just the 2 songs he keeps talking about.
he's still hot though :)
Good grief! Jess/Nat can't leave Russell alone for 5 minutes now that they've finally woken up. He's better off in his new alliance, at least they don't feel the need to shadow him constantly.
You're welcome Rose, Lisa. I couldn't figure it out for a while. CBS is just trying to make it difficult on us! ;)
The only problem there Ronnie is Russel was blowing smoke up your bum during your talk with him.
He was gathering the information to bury you.
jane said...
Genie - the whole Jedi King Cobra thing makes Ronnie look like a quirky gamer. Even (kill me now) lovable, in a super dork way.
Jane, would you prefer hemlock, arsenic, or a complete surprise. Bite your fingers!
Looks like Chima is getting worried having heard about Russ' vent session.
I actually really like her, she just hasn't made the decisions I hoped she would make... kind of fun to watch her squirm for now.
Carolyn: Oh yeah.... I forgot you live on an island. That must be so cool. I love MN but me and my hubby have always thought of moving somewhere else for a few years before I have kids. This shark week business is making me want to stay away from the coasts though. I guess shark stories in Florida must be kind of like bear stories in Minnesota.
Personally, I think that Michele should use the veto on Lydia.
1. It will guarantee Lydia and Kevin on the technobrain side for now.
2. Russell can put up Chima/Nat/Jessie and guarantee the votes against Ronnie
P.S. Ronnie stop addressing me and the rest of America through the live feeds. I don't appreciate it.
Syn928 said...
Laura - lol, exactly, I screw up enough on my own without help from others
LQQK everyone. Syn wants to screw.
Between Jessie and Russell grunting and Ronnie groaning, the feeds sound like True Blood - The Dork edition.
Hi Carolyn! I have been rude and have not said hello to you! Forgive me, please? :)
I am voting my little fingers off tonight for JEFF!
Are you voting?
Why would anyone sit around with Ronnie and listen to him rehash something that has already happend?
I'm so glad he's finally going home. Ronnie is reaching for anything. He's talking to Chima and saying people have said stuff to him, when in fact no one has said a word to him in days.
Hi Everyone!! So is anyone counting the minutes down until Michele goes and talk to Russell about everything?
I really hate listening Ronnie talk, but it's either that or listen to Jessie. It's like picking the better of 2 evils...
~ Ryan ~
Laura in NC ~ Please stop addressing me...
LOL!! I know! I always keep saying for him to just shut the heck up!
~ Ryan ~
That's right Chima you're on the bottom now.
great convo w/Ronnie & Chima right now. pool room
Steph said...
BB needs to keep one cam on Russell and one on Jeff at all times. They can use the other 2 for the rest of the houseguests.
That reminds me I was going to say something as soon as I fired up the feeds this afternoon. I saw 5 shirtless Jessies. Yes 5... One on the main screen and 4 more identical ones on the quad cams. I filled a trash can.
Also forgot to say, I didn't even get to watch the feeds all afternoon and I woke up at Noon BBT. We had a huge power outage. The entire 9th Ward was without power for over 5 hours. (We live in the safe from floods Upper 9th.) It was so damn hot I woke up about to have a heat stroke, grabbed the car keys and headed out the door, with DQTD and Oscar following. We were just going to drive around but we needed to do some grocery shopping anyway so we sent DQTD into the stores while Oscar and I sat in the car with the motor running, to keep the AC on. A fun (NOT) afternoon in New Orleans.
I was so worried that the power wouldn't be back on in time for the show but it was, when we got home at 5:10 PM GaYToR Time. WHEW!
Quick and painless Gaytor, please.
GaYtor..forgive me for this, but isn't FOTH "front of the house?" They used to show the front of the house BEFORE fishies, in the first year or two. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I thought it was.
Just a reminder to vote for Jeff. We can't be sure that he has enough to win. There is someone on the BB forum campaigning for him (probably his wife, as they refer to him as "our beloved Ronnie") so keep those votes coming! THey even wrote a song about him. I mean, I would never tell someone they are wrong to like someone I don't (to each his/her own) but from the looks of it, the majority of fans are anti-Ronnie. I think he might just be the most disliked HG is Bb history) hey, there's something he has my vote for!)
I'm not really listening to the feeds but I have them on with volume way down low... not to be confused with being on the down-low... Ronnie seems to be working on Chima and Jessie and Russell are working out in the BY.
Would love to watch Russell but can't take a full screen view of Jessie's man boobs.
I watched Miami Social and couldn't figure out why the guy looked so familiar. Thanks for telling me why now. I can't remember who Hardy was but I do remember that face.
Ronnie can't get power he said he would send Jeff home. I will stop watching if he does.
Do you hear the garbage full of lies out of Ronnie's mouth? Guess it may be time for bed. The only choices now are Jessie or Ronnie. YUCK.
Carolyn doesn't love me anymore. I got left out of the roll call 'Hi's.'
A GaYToR can take a hint and know when he's not wanted.... except by SYN! *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!*
You know I'm kidding Carolyn. It was just another opportunity to bring up Syn. MUAH!
Jane - I love your doggie :) I read your comment and then look at her cute face and always smile :)
Please pass the bucket. Ronnie just compared himself to James! Poor James. How insulting.
Ronnie thinks the crazy James edit!!! OMFG he should be so lucky
You're welcome, I'm glad it helped.... yeah, I don't know what they did, but it's confusing.
Sorry it took me so long to answer back.... my youngest son is on the phone (he's 9 at has to stay @ his dads for a week) crying because he wants to come home... breaks my heart.
Luckily, I talked to his dad and he's coming home in the morning! :)
Oh, Gaytor! I love Big Brother Bloggers and commenters, True Blood and You! You are such a hoot! And look, over there. . . *splat* banana cream pie! ;}
Ronnie is to Crazy James what Pluto is to Jessie's head.
Ronnie? Edit like Crazy James? You are out of your bird brain. James was charming and sweet, funny and wacky in an exciting and thoroughly entertaining way. Also, a great challenger. You, my dear, are, uh, ..., not.
Oh and dude, you're an undergrad whole taught a summer course. Don't insult real teachers.
Lord, he annoys me.
OMG! Ronnie just told Chima he's sure he's getting the same edit as Crazy James!! Delusions of grandure continue! Puleeeeezzze!
sorry Ronnie, you have it backwards. Russell is not viewed as :"the jacka$$ on the show" you are. And by stating if you "get the power" you will "put up Kevin in your place and put Jeff out" makes us not want to give it to you even more. We want our Jeff to win!
Ronnie needs to stop playing the game cause he's not on the same page as anyone else.
He hurts mah head!
Gaytor - Being Human is on BBC and it reruns a lot. It is a supernatural twist on three's company. A werewolf, vampire, and a ghost all try living together. It is supposed to be really funny.
Ry - when you said:
Laura ~ please stop addressing me
it through me off. Then I realized you were replying back to me about my ronnie comment. LOL
Whats the addy to share on facebook for this site?
GayTor - I'm sorry honey :) I only made it as far down as right before Boquida... then the HGs started making me type again. ;)
Laura in NC - silly girl! ;)
4 feeds of Ronnie/Chima? I'd rather watch Jessie flex! And we all know how annoying that is!
WendyLady - if you wanna type it in yourself,
or you can just click the "Share on Facebook" link at the bottom of the specific post you'd like to share.
I just looked up who Leisha Hailey was...(I have seen a couple of seasons of the L Word just never knew the actress's name) WOW she really looks like Michele!
Carolyn - TY - just found out a old friend of mine from when i was a kid likes the show to but i don't think she has a clue to what really is going on cause she is a tv only - so i wanna educated her by telling her about this site.
"Let's remember they're (Ronnie included) all human, ok? :)"
Gaytor -
"Being Human" is on BBC. Last night I saw the 1st and 2nd episodes. I'm guessing Sat night's. On WC it was at 11:30 A.M. and 12:30 A.M.
Since I'm on WC I didn't need to watch BBAD cause I already saw it.
I multitask - comment on BBDish, check feeds, watch TV, vote and surf the net.
And sometimes I actually work.
Yes, I really need a life!!
For now I would really like for Ronnie to be out of BB and out of my life!!
Carolyn - Can you beat GaYToR senseless for me please? He asked for it, he really did.
And also, did you really have to bring up Howie's DNA? Just ... yuck, lol
Geez I take a work break and y'all go crazy with the comments, I've got to go back and catch up
Hi GaYToR ~ Hope you don't mind me answering DG's question, but I was on the 'Being Human' site and came back and saw your comment. (Is there a full moon tonight?)
It's on BBC America. I was just there to see when it started and if they had episodes online:
It just started July 25th, and NO they don't have epi's online yet.
But, the first 2 epi's start tonight/tomorrow morning, 2 a.m..
Advil anyone?
Hello everyone!! Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Carolyn said...
Bethra asked - "What are in the boxes by the jacuzzi"
Umm... remnants of Howie's DNA? ;p
Shame on you Carolyn. SHAME! SHAME!!! I say!
Now I would have expected that from Jun, or several others in the comments but from YOU?
*making note to clear mouth of all food and liquids before reading a Carolyn Post now.*
I'm thinking I need to keep my drink across the room on the coffee table. None of you are angels. I'm the only ^Ä^ here.
I may need to change my closing signature from :o) to ^Ä^
Ronnie needs to be taken down a peg. Let's hope Ross doesn't hold back & keeps Ronnie from monopolizing the debrief on Thursday.
Oh, for cying out loud...Come on CBS and give us another feed choice!!! I can't stand listening to Ronnie anymore!!!!!!!!
No advil here Genie..I just did a shot of tequila!
Syn - you work a lot! and all the time. I feel like you comment while working always! What do you do? Plus it's Sunday!
Laura in NC ~ I'm sorry! That's what I do when I refer to another poster. I'm glad ya got it, lol!
Genie Sea ~ 4 Advil Please!!
~ Ryan ~
Ronnie-you don't like it when people follow along instead of making up their own minds. Yet, Russell is the worst example of a human being right now because he is making up his own mind rather than blindly following you and Jessie.
ooh, Tell me more about this "Being Human" I never head of it. Must check it out. almost time for BBAD. I really am killing myself staying up every night till 3 am. My body clock is going to be way off when I need to get up for work Tuesday morning. But it is all worth it! This is the first season I am this obsessed about it.
Genie - not a great analogy. Jessie's head is quite a bit like Pluto.
Speaking about outer space, why is Chima so taken by Ronnie? She genuinely seems to like him. She's not my favorite person on earth, but she's alright. What is she thinking?
OMG Change the feeds!! Your testing my 27 years of sobriety!!!
Does any one remember the last time Ronnie told the truth?
Didn't think so!
EvelAlida said...
When did I eat crabcakes?
Working around the context of why you asked that question...
Gee Thanks! Now I am hungry again. Crabcakes or anything with crawfish are my two favorite foods. Now I did it to myself. I want some crawfish etuouffe too, and some seafood gumbo.
I want Chima on that Ronnie, Jessalie bus right out the door!!
I guess some people will never learn that the more disgusting you are DOESN'T mean the better game player you are.
Website for Being Human:
Syn - Sure thing... Any time ;)
GayTor - Swack!!!
We must have been bad feedsters. They are punishing us. :)
Carolyn can you suggest to cvenus to do a pic of Chima being a Bratz doll. Maybe it would be to much of a match but it would be funny.
LOL Ronnie called Chima an idiot by saying that it is the fault of the listener when they take the wrong perception and believe what someone says is true.
Chima needs to snap out of it and realize that he lied to everyone and he is not going to do it where you see it. She said that Russell's speech was based off of a lie that Russell made up.
Who said Ronnie? LOL Of course Lydia and Kevin is going to say that they were not talking about it they didn't want to be targets.
BB please change the feeds. I double dog dare Chima to go and confront Russell right now.Of course Ronnie wants you to wait because he is lyyyiiinnggg. I thought that you were smarter than that.
PLease change the feeds this is the most meaningless conversation this season.
I voted for Jeff. I hope America agrees.
OMG give us another choice here
Genie ~ percocet? I'll share, given the circumstances!
I have my feeds on MUTE!
Anyone else getting sleepy watching these two?
Hey everyone!!
There is something so refreshing while watching Jeff and Jordan's relationship. Haven't seen that with any other past relationships in the BB house. They are precious!
Really upset with the way CBS gave Ronnie time to plead his case to America while not showing any of the other houseguests! What is up with that? Are they trying to rally votes for Ronnie?
Someone shoot me now! 4 feeds - 4 of Ronnie and Lydia. (no not you Syn. I know what those Alabama boys do for fun. It's not nice to go GaYToR hunting when I am around... althogh.. I always do aim to please. :-p~~ )
I'm starting to really hate on the Sunday night crew. Obviously they already hate us back.
Oh it is all about to let loose! Gonna be good!
Impending blow-out!
Chima: I really wanna go out there and confront him.
Me: Do it! I'm bored!!
Oooohhhh. Something's gonna happen. And I was just about to turn off feeds. Hope everyone is involved and I can lay on couch and watch on BBAD!
Lydia off and Chima replacement nom. Mark my words.
Here we go. Russel and Ronnie are going to go at it tonight for sure. Ronnie screaming to get Russel into the room.
Get Ready to Rumble!
Carolyn..are you on post duty? Get those fingers ready!
Hi to All!!
Just got back from CBS site to vote for Jeff. While I was there decided to check out the forums. And was reminded why I became a BBdish lurker. Because all of you are so nice! Carolyn and Crew you are the best!
Oh and thank you to whoever gave the helpful hint about clicking on Julie's face to vote I would have never figured that out!!
Lurky Lu
There's gonna be fireworks tonight! Here we go!!
Oh, we are definitely gonna have a fight tonight!!
~ Ryan ~
Oh snap!
Did you just see Ronnie freak the F out?????????
Gaytor I had boiled shrimp last night... but would love some crawfish!
Thanks for posting the Being Human website, Marci, I am going to check it out (like I really need another show to DVR!)
Well, ladies and gentleman, I am going to go get ready for BBAD. I have to lay down for a while-sitting on this computer is killing my back. (hey, good excuse to buy a laptop) Have wonderful rest of the night. And I just want to add that this is my first year with BBdish and you all are so nice and welcoming! See you all tomorrow!
Oh Lord GayTor do NOT get me started, seafood is my weakness! LOL
With the vast amounts of it that I eat, I shouldn't be shocked that I snuck in a crabcake without remembering...............whats hurtful is the waste of it thanks to the likes of King Shmuck, I mean Cobra..........
Has anyone left any messages by the way? I left a few yesterday, would be a hoot to hear them and see if I recognize and of the people chosen amongst us dishers....
Now, funny thing is, I am known as EvelAlida, or EA for short, so the whole "leave your name" thing gave me pause.......almost gave another alias of mine, Anastasia Beaverhausen...........
might be some fights tonight better keep an eye on the feeds lol dont look like i will be going to bed anytime soon
Impending blow up huh?
I'm really impressed there hasn't been any huge blow ups for a few days. The amount of built up sexual tension and all these strong head ppl i figured there would be a blow up way before now. I'm super surprised no one has gotten in Chimas face for her attitude.
Peolpe dont stop voting for jeff a lot of people have stopped voting we need to keep pounding jeff til tuesday midnight we need him for the co-te-ta-tat!!!!! otherwise nat-jess-ronnie clean run to winning
Oh no, more paranoia happening. Now Jeff and Jordan don't trust Russel?
Hello, everyone, just got done voting several more times for Jeff, and voted for sardines and crackers.
Carolyn, the pics of J&J are awesome, thank you all who make it happen!
What am I saying? GaYToR is always senseless, lol :P
Wendy - Backing waaaaaaaay up here, but yeah, I know I've got to be careful with my words around GaYToR. He's like Ronnie in that way, BWAHAHAHAHHAHA He can take something complete innocent and twist into whatever he wants ... as I'm sure he'll do with this very post. I could almost say he was clever that way.
Laura - I'm a trouble tech for a telecommunications company. I actually only work three days a week, Sat, Sun, and Tues. But it's a 12 hour shift. So when I whine about being at work it's just because I'm here all freakin' day, lol. And my work schedule also seems to coincide with the most active times in the house and in the blog. But Hey, I've got 4 days off a week, so I can't complain too much.
Is Ronnie delusional...listening to him is hard.
I hope Russell doesn't fall for any of this.
forget the chima up stuff ronnie needs to go or its a walk in the park for ronnie
This really blows!
What the hell Ronnie. You isolated yourself not anyone else. They didn't put you in the bedroom.
Oh poor whoa is me story from Ronnie.
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!
That just threw me for a loop, did Russell REALLY hear the whole conversation between Chima and Ronnie?!?!?!?
Or dare I be this happy?!?!?!? Could Christmas really and truly be here so soon?!?!?!?
Anyone catch it on the feeds to know for sure if Natalie knows what the hell she's talking about and if he really did eavesdrop again?!?!?
Oh this is too delicious, I have to go to sleep and be up at 5 for work and now I can't!!
If this IS true, then I think Genie Sea, you're SOOOOO on the money and that Russell will be fed up enough to tell Michele to use POV after all so he can stick Cranium up there alongside Signor Weasel, whis is FANTASTIC news!!!!
Gaytor pass the trashcan and find me a dumpster.
Ronnie's wife told him he is to good a person. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG
Michigan Man said...
They got alcohol! Let the fun begin.
I haven't checked but if your here tonight or see this Jane what is your take on why Natalie is lying about her age?
She can't drink and you know she wants to, at least it seems like it all the time. It's the biggest thing that makes no sense as far as game play.
Amen sista! Let the fun begin. That always gives me hope for volatility. And it seems to be starting. Paranoia is starting everywhere the control room idiots let us see. They still can't get off 4 feeds of the same room. two of each view they give us. I'm starting to boil over on this.
BTW Sexy! Nice to see the real you. I'll grope ya and .... ya as soon as Syn goes to bed. You aren't my second choice but getting you is much easier and I do enjoy the challenge going on. (He WILL be mine... Even if I have to Glamorize him. [bearing fangs])
Carolyn, please post it again. Pretty please... who are the two @'s we need to twitter to for complaints to reach the right people that can actually do something about BB stuff?
I know one is @agrodner22 but can't remember the CBS one.
Thanks, you're a doll as always.
Did Russ really hear? That would be awesome to see Chima and Ronnie up.
Actually my dream for Thursday is, Ronnie out then Chima wins HOH. As long as Jess/Nat don't win POV, Jeff can then use the Coup d'Etat to replace her noms with Jess/Nat or Jess/whoever and Jesse's out!
Leaves all 4, Jeff/Jordan, Russ/Michelle to compete in that HOH and only Chima and one of the two-headed monster of Jess/Nat left.
Michele "I'm going to drink more beer"
Pssst!!! :)
New Top Post!!!
lee said...
GaYtor..forgive me for this, but isn't FOTH "front of the house?" They used to show the front of the house BEFORE fishies, in the first year or two. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I thought it was.
Lee, you could very well be right. I didn't watch the first two seasons but I have heard that discussion before. I think now that AGP has quit doing that one we have all, or everyone I know and discussed it with, say it for Fish, or sometimes any c'blocking by the control room. Last season was a very weird vortex, or was that the season before? AGP has used a variety of things, but the FotH have been used a lot more this year.
It's a good way to know if your feeds are frozen which happens a lot for me... the bubbles show movement. But, that being said, I like a lot of their other choices.
I remember when we used to look through the aquarium when it was downstairs so we could see motion behind it to get clues as to what may be going on or to get a first glimpse of someone wearing the PoV necklace before the feeds would come back. Everyone wants to be the first to report.
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