Thursday Morning in the Big Brother 11 House
9:08am BBT - The feeds just cut to the Control Room BRB screen, and we can see the HGs beginning to move around on a few of the screen.
Wakey Wakey House guests!! It's time to get up and entertain the live feed viewers!! You've got a very big day and night ahead of you!! There's the Live PoV Comp, Ceremony, Eviction, and then the "battle for HoH begins" on the Live show!! :)
While we wait for the feeds to come back on, here's a funny pic GayTor capped of Jeff yesterday, imitatiting Jordan's "look," or as GayTor called it "Jeff Does Jordan."
Since that's as close as he's gonna get to that, we'll go with it. ;)
HoH Room
Jeff & Jordan
BB: Good Morning, houseguests, it's time to get up for the day.
Jordan: brrrrrr... it's so cold in here.
They're moving about the room as if they've lived together for ever.
Jordan: You fart so much.
Jeff: That wasn't a fart.
Jordan: Yeah it was. Shut up.
Downstairs, Michele is showering...
BB: I said, it's time to get up for the day!
Jeff: Woah.
Jordan: He really means it.
9:25am BBT - BRB Screen, briefly, while production tells everyone else that they really need to get up.
Around the house...
- Jeff heads to the downstairs bathroom...
- Michele's still showering in there.
- In the haves room, Natalie's just lifted her head off the pillow...
- Kevin's awake, just not moving yet...
***I'd offer him a penny for his thoughts, but I'm betting they go something like this, "I must win veto, I must win veto, I must win veto..."
Jeff makes his way to the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast, doubtless for himself and Jordan... then he's off to the storage room to exchange his batteries.
Lydia & Natalie have joined Michele in the bathroom... For Natalie, it's a pee stop. For Lydia, Hair maintenance...
9:33am BBT
Jeff continues breakfast prep...
BB: Russell, I said, it's time to get up for the day.
***As mentioned last night, Russell says he's under the weather, running a fever. No cam on him yet.
Jeff: C'mon bagel.
9:36am BBT
In the bathroom, Michele's out of the shower and dressed in a yellow tshirt of her own, and Lydia's putting some ointment on her own upper back...
9:37am BBT
BRB Screen while someone from production gets on the PA system and tellls them all to go up to the HoH room for the weekly HoH Lockdown.
2 minutes later, everyone's on their way up... Russell's the last one...
Russell makes it halfway up the stairs to the HoH, and BB tells him to please exchange his mic for one in the Storage Room. Back down he goes.
Russell makes his way back upstairs, with a new mic and a hoodie... Into the HoH Room he goes.
Jeff's playing solitaire. Lydia keeps stealing his cards.
Lydia: What's the magic word?
Jeff: The magic word is you're going to visit Jessie in about 12 hours.
BB: Jordan, please go to the Diary Room.
Lydia: What??
Russell: Something's happening. We're all gonna be expelled.
***Unprecendented. No one gets called out of the HoH Room during an HoH Lockdown.
BRB Control Room Screen...
9:57am BBT - Feeds are back
Chatter about the PoV Comp and packing... Natalie says she hasn't finished packing yet...
Chatter about the PoV Comp and packing... Natalie says she hasn't finished packing yet...
It seems PoV Player Picking just happened,
and that Russell is the only HG not playing.
Russell: Hmm. I wonder who she'll ask to host.
Jeff & Lydia are playing war... Russell's watching. Natalie says it's too early in the day to be playing war. Kevin and Michele are chilling in HoH Bed. Jordan's in the bathroom doing her make up... Some excited chatter about costumes for the PoV comp...
10:08am BBT - Trivia on all 4 feeds... Hmmm.... Seriously? PoV Comp now? Hmm. I wonder.
Almost 90 minutes later...
Waiting on more info... The HGs are just coming out of the HoH Room... Jeff & Jordan head immediately for the Pool Room and their bed. Giggles aplenty.
11:37am BBT
Pool Room
Natalie: I just wanna make sure I'm straight with you guys...
They indicate she is.
Natalie: What about if Lydia takes herself off the block?
Jordan: We got your back!!
Lots of giggles from Jordan, under the covers with Jeff in the Pool Room... Back in their "little" bed.
The giggling stop and they start talking game... Jordan wonders if she should go talk to the DR to help her figure things out. Jeff says that's a good idea, because they ask so many questions and help you see things from all angles.
Jordan: I need help... because here's our chance...
Jeff: I know... The numbers though. It can't be more perfect. I say just if Kevin wins, we do it, cuz then all the signs...
Jordan: What if it's Lydia...
Jeff: Remember he said 5.. Know what I'm saying?
***Stealth whispering. I grabbed what I could hear.
11:47am BBT
Jordan returns to the pool room.
Jeff: So?
Jordan: Ok.. they can't tell me anything with Veto right after we have...
Trivia!! Back after 2 minutes...
Jeff: Jordan, we've been over it 10 million times... WTF was all that dance for if you don't care? Why do you make me do all that sh-t? If I get f'in evicted because of all that... You do all this behind the scenes stuff...
Jordan and Jeff are play wrestling in bed.... They start talking game again. Backdooring Russell is still very much on the table, in spite of yesterday's big talk. It's still very up in the air. And then it's not...
Jordan: So if Lydia wins, Kevin goes home... If Kevin's here, he's gonna come after you, cause he's not gonna worry about Lydia or Natalie...
Jordan: I'm freaking out. I'm scared if we do the wrong thing.
Jeff: I'm glad we had the talk, or he'd be gone.
Lydia leaving seems to be the plan of the moment... An insane level of cuteness has returned...
A little more game, some food plans talk, then "let's make out."
Carolyn thanks for all your hard work... if it wasn't for you I would never know all the on goings work takes soo much of my time!!!
Second does anyone know where on the flashback does Chima talk about her attack?
I'm excited to see what sort of endurance competition can be set up in time after the disassembly of the veto competition. What do you think. I hope they bring back the pressure cooker from BB6.
I just follow Jeff wherever he goes, on all the feeds..........*siiigggghhhh* follow follow follow........hehehehe
They seem to be on lock down finally.
Good Morning Sweet Carolyn ~ Ah, your run to SB's worked again!
Good Morning ALL!
The FB of J & J's giggle fest was too cute! Nice way to start the day.
And then Jun's blog, couldn't get much better, unless they evict Nat tonight!
Morning Vanessa! :)
Morning Traverse! :)
Morning BLUE!!! :) OH.EM. GEE! I missed you!!!
Good Hiya Genie!
Blue ~ where you been? Morning!
What high school did you graduate from? I was born and raised in Birmingham and did not know if you are a transplant or raised there too? and rolltideroll!
Morning Marci! :)
Morning Renee! :)
omg I'm watching the JJ's
damn Jordan is back on backdooring russell
Jeff,"yeah me too"
I swear,they can't get them out of that HoH room fast enough for me
Morning Traverse!
Morning Blue!
Morning Genie!
Moring Marci!
And everyone else!
So pumped for the live show and I can actually watch it!!!
Hiya Genie!!! *smoochies*
Hiya, Marci! Oh, you know, out running down all the hot college bois moving back into town.....Blue is still in heat!! hehehe
bluex1969 said...
I just follow Jeff wherever he goes, on all the feeds..........*siiigggghhhh* follow follow follow........hehehehe
Me too!..I feel like a creeper,but not enough to stop....
Well! Look what the cat dragged in... or his college boy finally managed to evict him from the poor boy's dorm room and kicked him to the curb. :-p~~
About time you showed up!!!
bluex1969 said...
I probably have more to say, but I haven't finished conferencing with myself yet today, so I'll have to get back with all of you.
Funny you should say that. My t-shirt today... "Don't Interrupt Me While I'm Talking To Myself"
Morning MnM! :)
Blue! Smoochies :) It's okay to go after the hot bods, but put in a word in here so I don't worry about you! :)Seeing you brightens up my day :)
Good Afternoon (in the east at least) Carolyn, Genie, patti, Nicole, khopekitner, Gerri, THE MINTON'S, David B, Jim H, Tangela, wendy2, Grendon, ajs221, carolyn, diane1015, kimba777, kevin, johnny_5, Lucky13, Renee, mikeinbama, Tangela, Lisa M, ScottDish, thomascod, and of course GaYToR and Blue!! (waited for the new top post to greet everyone from first post so I could get everyone. :-))
Can't wait for tonight. Thanks for all the great info from last night and overnight Genie and Carolyn. Again, you ladies are the bestest!!!
Morning Gaytorific! Smoochies my lovely one! :)
HOH lock down already! Boom POW! :)
LOL Blue!
Good Morning Vanessa!
Does anyone else wish we could hear BB's last 'get the F up?' LOL
Hiya Bonniegirl! :)
Good Morning St. Genie of Smackdown!
Hope you rest up today. It's gonna be a bumpy night... And hopefully a long one too. I L O V E long ones.
Good Morning Bama's Tush too. I know you said something I wanted to reply to but 'out of sight out of mind' is my mantra as usual.
Good Morning (insert your name here) too!
WOW, guess their not messin' around today!
Hiya Vanessa!!!
MnM in Illinoi..Hiya!!!! I know exactly how you feel!! hehehe
GaYToR GaYToR!!! My baby daddy!! No one, I mean no on, kicks the Bluester to the curb!!! hehehe
GenieSea!!!! I promise to make more of an effort!!!! Love ya, Darlin'!!! *smooch*
Oh my manners are decaffeinated this morning
Morning everyone!
Just a quick comment this morning; doesn't Lydia's hair look like straw now. Even if it was two colors before, at least it had body.
Can tell my thoughts are getting scattered after all these hours. ;p
Just a thought.... Could Russell possibly be faking his heatstroke/fever as a set up for the big endurance comp drop? So as not to be so obvious about his agreement to Jeff? Or, are my schemer antennaes up too high?
I feel like this should be National Pick on Blue Day.
Smurfette said...
... Oh, you know, out running down all the hot college bois moving back into town.....Blue is still in heat!! hehehe
Running down or running over and dragging them into your car?
Still in heat? When do you ever go out of heat? Someone needs to have you spayed.
I ♥ you Blue, and I have missed you too.
Mornin Caroly, Genie, Blue, Gaytor and everyone else in BB land!!! much love to yall!!!
I was gone for a day and a half with the hubby and im just not getting caught up, lots happened since Tuesday afternoon!!!
Hope all is well with everyone!
Good morning everyone. I am new here and I have to tell you I enjoy your posts and comments so much. I think this is far better than any other BB sites. All I can say is THANK YOU to everyone.
I have to say I watched tuesday nights episode so many times I have it memorized. LOL I love J/J and I like Russell and Michele also. I hope they stay final 4 and get the others out. I want Jordan to win, she seems to need it more than the others. Just my HO and 2 cents. LOL
BB is in a cranky mood today! Hahaha LOVE it!
Gaytor - I'm definitely storing up my energy for tonight.
Good Morning all!! Hey Carolyn, have you heard anything from c=venus? I just noticed that there has not been many chops this season. Just curious is real life has her tied up or if BB11 made her stop watching!!! Thanks!!
Did anyone hear the story on the news today about the man who found his wedding ring on the bottom of the ocean floor????? That just boggles my mind!!!!
Back to BB: They certainly called Lockdown early today!!!
Lydia teasing Jeff and Jeff getting annoyed with her is too funny!!!
good morning all! =) I was shocked just now when they called Jordon out of the HoH lockdown! Wonder what could be going on..
come back feeds, please we need to know! lol
how sweet that you went to all the trouble of including each and everyone of us..i must admit i get a little thrill when i get a "good morning wendy2"
GaYTor.....hiya babe..*wink*
(im having fun with this stalking thingy, but im new at it, gimme time) lol
hmmm... Jordan to DR... interesting
Morning all :)
Thanks for the greeting Bonniegirl. I feel special.
OK I am blubbering now, I am so excited about the show tonight, I hope it is a good one and not a bunch of past stuff. It's only 10 AM here what am I gonna do all day. Hang on every written word that I see here, ROFL!!!!! Oh Boy!
I remember back in BB6/BB7 when the decor of the HOH would actually be changed for a new HoH.
Good Morning Carolyn et All!!
Can't wait for the live show tonight- Does anyone know if they ever have had a show longer than 1 hour? I would love 1 1/2 or 2 hours!!!! Especially with all they have to cram in tonight....
See ya'll later,
LOL ~ Someone said 'you woke up on the wrong side of the bed?' Jeff says, 'no, woke up with too many room mates again'. Too funny!
I think Kevin needs to spill the beans about Natalie.
Good Morning/Afternoon everyone!!
Morning Chloe! :)
Morning Lucky13! :)
Morning Kent! :)
Morning Cillysue! :)
Morning Sarah! :)
Morning Wendy2! :)
Too bad, they should have had the final PoV player picking ceremony live.
With 7 people left in the house I have to ask if they've at least picked the 6 player for veto. I assume they haven't but I've yet to read any conversation about the houseguests typically worrying who gets to play.
This is not national pick on Blue day, GaYToR!!!!
That's it!! I'm going to grab my giant lizard repellent!!!!
we are in for a very exciting day..i just wished the be right back screen would go away
Good Day BBDishers!
I've planned my entire day around the show tonight down to what munchies I will eat while watching! So excited!
Vanessa - Chima talked about her attack on July 10th in the evening. Sorry I can't pinpoint any better. It was in the evening in the spa (green)room and i think everyone was present.
Love the J&J stuff always. They remind me also of my hubby and I. Which I why I think they really could have something together. I'm a hopeless romantic at heart.
Have a great day all. I guess well be on the BRB screen all day with them on HOH lockup. And I hope Jordan being called to DR while on lock down doesn't mean anything is wrong...
UGH!! Now we have trivia? What's up with that?
huh? are we going to be Trivia for the next 7 hours?
trivia already...wowziers its already beginning........
Ditto on "Bonniegirl..
how sweet that you went to all the trouble of including each and everyone of us."
I would love it if Showtime (or any network) would block out 4 channels and run the feeds 24 hrs on tv!
I'm not so good with the hugs and kisses, but here goes...
Wendy2, Lucky13 {{{{{huggies}}}}} Glad to have your comments along with everyone else's to read through today to keep me somewhat distracted from watching the clock and counting down to 8pm!
I am rooting for Lydia to win POV and Kevin/Nat on the block.
Kevin: You should keep me because the lie was started by Natalie and MIchelle is just too stupid to remember it never happened, and Natalie told me about the deal she made with you Jeff and she told me she is still coming after you.
And thank you too for the personal greeting Genie! I'm feeling like family now. : )
Could this be the 'live' veto comp??!!??
Morning RayRay! :)
Morning Mattitude! :)
Morning Colleen! :)
Morning Becca! :)
Morning Kevin! :)
Morning Diane! :)
They are probably picking POV players. That's why Jordan was called to DR. I doubt it will be on trivia until the show. But who knows?
Theresa the Tarheel (sorry, I know I spelled that name wrong but saw your post. I don't remember what is was now but I know I meant to respond. Sorry!
Machelle I saw your post late in the night also. That would be great. 16 and/or 18 (W's) would be fantastic. Sounds like a fascinating place. wish I could go there. Almost all my drag comes from resale shops, there or eBay. Thanks.
poop! I am still watching JJ overnight
what the hell do I think I'm gonna see that I haven't already?
I wonder what's gonna happen to them when this is over,Jeff has no idea how his life is going to change,he is gonna have women (and men) ;) ALL over him.
*get's in line*
Lordy. Two seconds after I ask my question about picking players and it happens. Maybe I have magical powers. What other BB dreams can I make come true? Hmmm...
*wishes for Casey to replace Natalie in the house*
It's worth a shot!
Morning Pyke! :)
Morning Kelly! :)
That's weird Russell is hosting. Wouldn't Julie host it if it was live? And if it wasn't live, wouldn't they just have done it over the past few days so they'd have time edit.
Afternoon all, I was so hoping that Russell could play for POV, Caroline I am still willing to chip in on that plane! I want Nat gone. I changed my name to Reneep because there is another Renee blogging with us, as to avoid any confusion. I cannot wait until tonight, I may have to just come to work and camp out, as I do not have Internet at the cabin. I have the phone but it takes so long to download all the updates!
Morning Kent! :)
Lucky - You're welcome and I'm glad you feel part of our little family! :)
there I think they are asleep now
how the hell they can get that close & not explode is way beyond me!
Aww Genie, I just looked at your picture, you are so pretty! Thanks for the shout out. Rest your "pingers" for tonight!
Morning Heather! :)
Morning DiDi! :)
Kent- I greeted you twice cause I know you love it! :)
I think Production is just trying to mess with us as much as they mess with the HG's!! lol
Well, be back later to catch up. Have to do a little work for a bit.
You all are awesome!!!
Good Morning Geni!
I finally was able to log in to my google account!...Been here everyday though!(and night!)Gooo Jeffy Baby!
when did they pick for pov? i misses it on my feeds
Good afternoon, Carolyn!
Good afternoon, Genie!
Good afternoon all my BB Addict Buddies!!
****waving at blue****
***humphf**I don't like it when you are gone for a couple of days in a row!! Welcome back!!!
10:51 PM BBT
Kevin, Natalie & Lydia
Kevin: You have to pretend that you're upset about the LML. We told them about it.
Lydia: You told them it was a lie?
Kevin: No. We told them the lie. You being upset right now is perfect. You have to act like we betrayed you. (**Act?)
I didn't hear this conversation & missed in the report last night but went back to confirm it this morning. That is why Lydia was acting so mean last night...but I also heard when she & Kevin were playing badminton one of them say we are playing our roles just right. And, in front of the others she also made a comment to Kevin, he had asked her a ??? & she said so if I tell you will you run & tell everyone?
It came to mind after I went to bed...oh yeah, she was playing acting & that mood was fake...kind of hard to tell w/ her.
I am still so puzzled over J/J believing them so much over Michelle & Russell. They will definitely kick themselves when they get of the house & see how stupid they were. I mean, come on, it's common sense. Why in the world would Nat/Kev all of a sudden be on your side & be truthful to you?
Happy Show Day! Can't wait for tonight to see what happens. As usual I get butterflies in my tummy for excitement & being nervous too. ha-ha!!!
bluelubex1969 said...
I'm going to grab my giant lizard repellent!!!!
Syn tried that a couple of nights ago while you were MIA, or is that GSA (getting some action).
It didn't work for him at all. I'm immune to everything but Jun's Blog.
GaYToR, I have some heels in your size I can send you!! (I wear your shoe size hee hee) Do you also need like pageant dresses? Have a friend with tons!
2 4 6 8 who do we appreciate?
The Control room!!!!!
{s}sarcasm off{/s}
Good Morning Carolyn, Genie Sea, & all the fantabulous BBDishers out there, (I've missed you all!!!)
Just got back last night from a whirlwind trip to Georgia & back. (6 hrs. each way) I was computerless, but actually stopped in the Public Library Tuesday afternoon to catch up on BBDish. (No, I'm not additcted. hehehehe)
I was too tired to check in last night, but I'm recharged, rejuvenated, and ready for tonight's Live Show.
Does anyone think that maybe they're doing the POV today? I thought the ads said Live POV Comp. Who knows? This has definitely been the season of Expect the Unexpected!!!!!
Good morning all!
Peeling back the eye lids and trying to catch up - thankfully we got triva going on so i can take my time.
Jun - funny funny lady - but you aready knew that :P
Marci - did ya get a good sleep???
What the heck!?!?!
Is this trivia an indication that once again this week we are going to get a "not so live" show tonight?
We should sue AGP/CBS for false advertising. I half way understand the need for it last week, but NOW?
I want the element of the live events and the short time they have to react to results. Just as if it were a real Fast Forward week.
Hiya MsFitz!!!!! (((hugs)))
GaYToR, you won't be immune to my repellent!! It's full of boobies and vajayjay's!!!!
can someone please explain why russell has to drop if its endurance??? thats just a bunch of crap! jeff and jordan are starting to be me least favorites. they are crazy power hungry. i never thought id say this, but if russell goes, im rooting for someone other then jeff.
Morning/Afternoon All.... *yawns & stretches*
Yes.. I read the story of the lost wedding ring... Amazing!!
I too think that Kevin needs to get away from the "bus" nat has put him under.
gnat zapper... *giggles* love that one.
Im off for a bit to gather supplies for the evening show. Too bad I cant get a few of those Jeffsicles before tonight. lol
Happy reading all.. Sunny
Hiya MsFitz! :)
Renee - Aww thank you! :)
Kelly - YAY! :)
Have I pinched your cheeks lately?
Well consider them pinched. And guess which cheeks! :-p~~
Oh! Oh! Oh!!!
I saw a new name and face in the posts from last night.
I hope he comes back. I need a new man to torture.
I know what the deal is with the trivia........AGP is being kind to Carolyn and Genie today, to let their little transcribing miracles they call fingers, rest until the hubbub and mayhem ensues again tonight!!!!
I wouldnt be surprised if they r doing a pov comp now, then doing the pov ceremony on tv along with the eviction and hoh, They (cbs) must have to do some editing for later on,
I have been so pumped for to nights show, just me talking about it has got my mom into it, and she went and got the live feeds for herself, thru this wonder site link
Good Day Carolyn, Gaytor, Genie and all bloggers
I am ging to be out of town next week.I'll have no puter & I'll be gone for Tuesday & Thursday's show!
oh this is will be the suck
Ha GENIE!!! You can greet me how ever many how how ever often you want to ;-)
Thanks for the luv!!!
oh poor russell! damn!
Thank you Carolyn for keeping us up to date. You are so sweet, thank you for all of the hard work you put into this.
Another strange Thursday. It should be a great show. I wonder if we will have trivia all day so we won't know what is going on until the "live" show.
well ladies i bet we get trivia all day today....i hope not tho...
i hope no one back doors russell.... but who knows what there going to do in that house it changes from day to day....cant wait till the feeds come back on..
you could torture me Gaytor ;-) hahaha!!!
I was really hoping that Russell would win POV today. I am soooo upset he is not playing. This really scares me now, I hope they dont backdoor him......Please Jeff and Jordon think think think. Natalie has never had anything to do with you guys why would she be on your side now....
Hiya Ninjagirl! :)
Hiya Wendylady! :)
Hiya Sunny! :)
Hiya Lynn! :)
Good thing they killed the back-dooring of the Russell plan or he would have been truly scrod. :)
Oh, Gaytor. It just wouldn't be a new day in Dishland without a little groping. ;)
Thanks for keeping me regular!
he he Wendy ~ as a matter of fact I did! And you?
if kevin wins the pov and removes lydia and jordon puts michelle up. i bet it will be a split vote and jordon will have to choose...just a thought there..
They may be doing the POV comp early so that they have time for editing, afterall there will also be a HOH comp on the live show tonight as well and that is a LOT of editing and they only get so much time for a show. This way we get to see the after effects of the POV comp. :)
But in the FB on JJ,they were back on the backdooring him again.
lord knows it could be different again by now tho.
Jordan was like " I really want him out"
"I would hate to let Natalie go after we just told her she was safe"
Jeff.. "Yeah me too"
Marci - i feel like i'm hungover but all is GOOD now!
Was singing this morning i was so glad!
Audrina... Russell had promised after Jeff dropped for the last endurance, that he would do the same for him given the position to do so. Its not something Jeff asked him to do its something he promised Jeff to do!
Good Morning Dishers!
Wonder what they are doing?????
Pyke said...
I am rooting for Lydia to win POV and Kevin/Nat on the block.
Kevin: You should keep me because the lie was started by Natalie and MIchelle is just too stupid to remember it never happened, and Natalie told me about the deal she made with you Jeff and she told me she is still coming after you.
Would love to see this happen tonight. Isn't Nat always saying speeches don't count. This one just might. Kevin could still be the one to go home but Nat would really need to some fast talking to stay in the game.
I got too many count downs going on around here.
little over 6 hrs till BB
2 days til my friend is back from basic training (she has been gone since May!)
10 days til school starts!
I am so ready for tonite!
I told everyone I am off on Thurs. No calls nothing. I have unplugged both phones.
I have my treats all ready and a hand fan for when it gets too hot(JEFF).
OH no, with Russell hosting the ole backdoor scenario is gonna come up again. At least with these HG's it won't be a sign from GOD as in past bible dipping seasons.
I want the J/J/M/R four to stay together.
It was so beautiful to see the way Jeff handed the HOH to Jordan. There's a Man with a capital MMMMMmmmmm.
Good Morning/Afternoon my Favorite Peeps!!!!
I just love spending my lunch hour(s) with you guys!!!
Thanks for all the hard work!!
I can't wait to see what happens tonight..
Hiya Genie how are today?
If anyone backdoors Russell I believe GaYToR's first in line.
I'm slow to come back here. Too many things going on at once and we all know I don't multitask well.
GaYToR throws a 'beef curtain' at Blue. That'll teach ya to mess with me!
I have a trivia waiting game. No prizes, just something to do.
Actually this is a question and a trivia.
Out of the millions of names out there why has there been so many Natalie's on Big Brother?
Is it because of the spelling?
N a t a L I E ?
Gm Carolyn and Genie... wonderful to be here this afternoon!
I am really, REALLY hoping that they don't backdoor Russell tonight. They need to stick to their F4 alliance and get the other 3 out, preferably Natalie first! If not, she could be clear sailin to the finals from here.
Dambit! Dambit! Dambit!!!
Russell not playing for PoV?
He's the one that needs it the most.
I don't trust any of them today to do what is right. If Russell goes out the door tonight.... welll... GRRRRR!!!
Hey everyone!
No feeds all day again? Chima's spirit is still screwing up our feeds!
I had a feeling they would have to prerecord the POV, if only slightly earlier, because it will be really hard to cram so much into one show. If they do prerecord, I'm sure they will only edit for time, not to slant the happenings, like last week.
Lucky, I was totally thinking the same thing about Russell faking his illness so he could drop in the HOH comp. Then he can tell Jeff he was faking as soon as it is over. He needs to rebuild that bridge. If he is still there.
I missed you guys yesterday because the drama and then the cuteness kept me up all night, so I slept all day yesterday. I may as well move into the BB house! Thank you Carolyn and Genie for keeping me updated on the goings on since yesterday morning!
I can't wait for tonight's show!
I just don't know what to say. I'm at a loss for words.
Okay, not really!!! teehee
Yo yo yo!!!! I just noticed I.U. Auditorium is showcasing Yo Yo Ma this coming season!!! (the violinist) May have to get tickets for that!!!
audrina parker I totally agree with you. As I see it, Jeff has already been HoH... this week.
Mattitude Glad I could oblige. ;-)
Kent Here comes some heavy duty 'GaYToR Nipple Torture©'
Genie Sea
I just noticed you're in Toronto..OK maybe I don't keep up so well.Toronto is my favorite city.Lots of fun there!I remember going to 'speaks' in the 80's. In warehouse areas where you had a map and had to climb up 4 flights.Bo Diddly was at one I went to.They would start about 3 or 4 A.M. I remember some of it!
I just saw on the trivia screen that the HG's are playing a game for the next live show! I can't wait until the feeds come back so we will know who won the POV! I hope either Jeff, Jordan or Michelle win it, let's get Natalie out of there so she can't stir up more s*^%!
I'm not sure, but I think I said in my earlier comment that Yo-Yo Ma is a, that's incorrect, he's a cellist!!! D'oh!!(I knew that, still typed violinist anyway..I think, it hasn't been published yet.)
I guess I can see a need for an early PoV Comp for the day but I don't have to like it.
PoV should have been something that could be played in the house.
If tonight is Endurance, sure, they need time to build it, but how are they going to get anything that intricate put together in less than 6 hours when it usually takes overnight even for the simple ones.
Carolyn*{\O/}* Genie*{\O/}*...Been watching and reading. Not a lot of time to comment..know that I'm cheering you gals on 24/7!
Wendy* gator* Blue* Syn* Pamala, and all ya'wl..I so appreciate you!
Too excited for tonight! I have a client at 6:00PM pacific..hope she doesn't show up early so I can watch tonights show on the feeds LOL
Hope this note finds you all doing fantabulous!
p.s. Ross..if your reading along with us..I just adore you. I never knew who you were before the DishChicks introduced you to me. I just wanna snuggle you up!
I am going to miss the show this evening because I have to teach a workshop. Won't be home till 11:00 CST. Since I am one of the few people left that do not have tivo, does anyone know the youtube link that I can follow to get to the show. I know I found it last Thursday, but it was by accident.
Thanks in advance!
Here's to hoping that everyone keeps the plan in their mind and keeps paranoia abay!
Does anyone think that if they would have done the POV maybe Monday or Tuesday if the meltdown with Jordon and Jeff wouldnt have happened? I mean I think with having Jordon win HOH on Saturday and then nothing happening that maybe they all lost it. If the POV were played then Jordon would know if the POV would have been used (if Russ or Mich won it) and everyone would have been calmer and would have felt more in control? And then maybe the lack of trust wouldnt have been such an issue and Jeff wouldnt have talked to Kevin or Natalie.
Does anyone know what time it is in Timbuktu?
im afraid that if kevin takes down one of the girls, that russel will go up and michelle will give one of those wonky votes and bye bye russel. im getting more and more worried that russel will leave tonight thanks to michelle and her nonsense. grrrrr
I wonder what Carolyn's up to? She's probably rolling her eyes at all us dummies for sitting here watching a trivia screen for no good least she has an excuse!!!
Yippee Wendy!!!!!
HI Everybody!!
I wonder if tonight is an endurance, did they already build it in pieces so all they have to do is put it together and it will be ready to go.
Good Morning/Afternoon All!
Finally a day(well, night really, because I work nights and sleep during the day) off, so I can come play at my favoritist blog site!
Again, I have to thank you Carolyn, Genie, and all those with the late night comments for your efforts. It's been all I can do to keep up with BB this year since I've been ridiculously busy at work. Without the flashback finds and the updates here, I would have given up on this season already. I catch up when I get home in the mornings since the HG have all just gone to bed. Nothing to see on the feeds but snoring makes it the perfect time to watch the highlights from the previous day. Thank you all for making them easier to find.
Which brings me to my (incendiary) comment for the day. I'm sorry! I've really tried, but I just can't get on board with the Jeff/Jordan love. Watching the flashbacks from yesterday really highlighted Jeff's arrogant attitudes and game play. I'm sure he's a nice enough guy IRL, but now that Jessie has been deposed as ruler of the house, Jeff has stepped right up to be the new king of the castle. His comments to and about Russell smacked of arrogance and entitlement. "He's not on MY team, so he's not an ally." "When did you become friends with one of MY allies?" like nobody else in the house should have any. He accused Jessie of having all these other people playing for him to win, and has the exact same attitude in regards to his final 4, and if they don't want to play for Jeff to win, they're out the back door. "I think, if a seat becomes available, we throw him in it and send him out."
Good thing Jordan won HOH this week lol!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bitter Jessie fan. I don't like anybody's game this season (and I've seen them ALL). I don't even know who I'd like to see win this year. Maybe Kevin.
So, don't hate me please, and sorry this is sooo long, but I've tried for a couple of weeks to appreciate Jeff's game play, and he's just not doing it for me. Mostly because he morphed into Jessie in the last 6 days.
Have a good day, all!
Anyone have any idea of what kind of comp they are doing now?
Cant wait Gaytor!!! Sounds like fun!!!
I wonder if they would do the veto come in the house, like if its just a question game...
and have the set outside ready for tonights HOH comp???
OH i wonder if this will be and all day black out for live feeds,, so that there are no leaks to te net and the show will appear as a LIVE show in full... Hmmm
Hiya Gale! :)
Hiya Confused! :)
Hiya Audrina! :)
Hiya Rosaritoe! :) Yup! Toronot rocks! :)
Hiya Autumn! :) I'm well thanks! How's you?
Hiya MrsH! :)
Hiya Erin! :)
Hiya Gerri! :)
Hiya Stephanie! :)
Gaytor - It's very possible if not certain that the POV comp is being played in the house.
As for Endurance comp. They have been on lockdown since around 2 am. If the building has been done at another part of the site, bringing it in and installing it should give them enough time. the live feed trivia is saying that the house guests are playing a game.....earlier it was the one about them preparing for the live show tonight.......looks like it might be a P.O.V. comp going's being played in the house, because the HoH comp is being built in the backyard.......
Want it Nat that mentioned she could here building sounds when her and Jeff were playing pool?
I really hope it ends up being Natalie gone tonight, for Jeff and Jordans sake. UGH this day is gonna drag by cause I want it to be Show time already!
I'm off for a couple of hours, maybe more. We all know I need naps before a live or 'not so live' show. And on Tuesdays and Sundays too. 7 days a week actually.
In 40 minutes there will be an installation of our new Archbishop of New Orleans. It's going to be shown on all channels.
I'm not catholic but I love the pageantry of it all. I would go down to St. Louis Cathedral but I doubt there would be an available seat. Besides, it's like football. I'd rather watch it on my big flat-screen TV.
I feel bad for the GH fans but my soaps will be over for the day.
Hmmm. The POV was supposed to be live or so we were supposed to believe but I'm guessing that that would probably take to long and they would have to go over the hour they were hoping for is my guess.
And btw regarding Tuesday nights show it was the best yet they cannot top the fact that even my husband wanted in on the action :-)
Random thought on POV.
If they play one of those games where everyone competes separately, and not reveal the results of the comp until they are live. That way they can still maintain some of the fast forward feel and have a chance to edit.
(What the heck were those egg things just on my screen?!)
Hiya Pally! :) \M/
Hiya Margaret! :)
Hiya Vicki! :)
Hiya Michelle! :)
Hiya Shi Shi! :)
Hiya Stacy! :)
Hiya Melia! :)
Hiya Janea! :)
Okay! I'm off for the day! I will be back for the show! Rest well everyone! Huggies :)
Feeds are back
See everyone around showtime..
Have a great afternoon full of anticipation!
I think Blue answered the question I had which is, they aren't playing for the POV in their jammies, right? They had them first get dressed? But were they in their jammies when they picked the players, in which case they won't show that part? I know, those of us without the live feeds are a nuisance.
I bet its the POV where they go seperately and won't know the results until Live Show?
The BB Lunch Express link is not working for me, says page cannot be found.
I continue to have problems finding new top posts. I use chrome for this site. Last time I opened it in firefox and that worked. The link says the page is not there in both chrome and firefox.
The wind here is out of the north and strong already.It was cool last night and should be cooler tonight.That should make it tougher if it's an endurance comp. They usually include water or some liquid.
I saw someone say they could watch the East coast feed on the bb feed. Is that true? If it is I'm gettin 'em today.
Has Lydia washed her unitard????
good random thought!
I was thinking that it will be time soon for the "morphomatic" comp- where they put pieces of the hg's faces together and they have to figure out who it is. I can't remember how close to the end they usually do that one. probably when it's final 5? anyone? lol. I am at work waiting for my next client to arrive and bored so I decided to cathc up on the action here. Oh, here he is- see you all later!
If J/J backdoor Russell now they deserve to lose to N/L/K. It would be the dumbest move of the season.
So what was going on during all that trivia??? I am lost...someone just told me Lydia won POV but it doesn't seem like that is the case at all...
IF they get a TARD streak and evict russel this week i hope one of them is next week
reposted for BBAddict, per #7
Hi all y'all from Oklahoma. I am addicted to this show and have been reading all the comments for quite some time. I finally decided to weigh in on the situation. I am now wanting Russ to win. J/J are loosing my vote because I just can't believe they are falling for the big lie. I also am amazed that they have not caught on to all the inconsistancies in nats stories and how old she says she is.
August 20, 2009 11:42 AM
I love love love this cuteness! Makes me all warm inside!
Hey everyone!!! :)
It's naptime in dishville :)
We've gotta get rested up for tonight! :) In the event that our tinglies are on target, and there is an endurance comp on the live feeds, it could be a very long night.
I'm hoping for it!!
I LOVE Endurance Comps!!!
See you all back here at 7:45pm Eastern/4:45pm BBT.
Wow. Missy thinks that Michele and Kevin will be final 2. And Chelsia said that Missy is always calling things, from one week to the next........interesting. Chelsia also wants to see Michele win. (me, too)
Not that I don't luv♥♥♥Jeff and Jordan, 'cause I do, but I don't think they will get there.
ok got it thanks gale.....
Have a nice quiet restful afternoon Carolyn.
I think J&J's brains have turned to slop. Why aren't they getting rid of Natalie now. They need Russell and Lydia is useless without Jessie..
They are thinking to hard, they need to relax and not talk about the game for awhile.
Good thinking Janea - but I hate the thought that Jeff has morphed into Jesse. OMG - well at least he doesn't mug in the mirror and flex his muscles randomly. ROFL!!
Good afternoon to everyone.
if you're looking for your post, perhaps reading #7 would be a good idea.
I'm not publishing negative nicks for HGs.
~and now i'm taking a nap.
see ya later :)
Hi everyone! Has anyone, including the HG's think of another type of endurance, besides hanging? Everyone seems so sure of Jeff or Russell winning, but do they remember the glass boxes, or the wall thingy that April won? Some seem more suited towards females, with smaller bodies being the advantage. We'll see....
OH Lovely Carolyn, again I must tell you how much I enjoy your writings about our lovebirds. It is better than any romantic novel I've read, seriously, it gives me butterflies! I admire you so much.
Is there a new post Im missing or is this the right one for now?
oh... and Heyyyyyy lol
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