The HGs Know & HoH Pics
3:10pm BBT
Michele, Natalie & Jordan
Natalie's just finished blogging and begun taking HoH pictures. The HGs now know that the live eviction is tomorrow.
Natalie's snapping a few pictures here and there... not too many though.
3:16pm BBT
Michele steps away.
Natalie whispers to Jordan
Natalie: Unless he betrays me, you're safe. That would be a big betrayal. He would lose my vote.
Jordan: Geez, it's tomorrow.
Natalie: Expect the worst for tomorrow. Lots of water.
Jordan: Oh, I know! I wanna know by tonight (if I'm safe).
Natalie: If I win tomorrow, his ass is grass. Will you take a picture of me with the veto on?
***The one you've never won?
Kevin comes out of the DR. Michele gets called back in. Kevin joins Jordan & Natalie in the Kitchen area.
Jordan: Can you believe it's tomorrow?!
Kevin: Oh, I know. Michele said they told her. Yup. Live show tomorrow.
Natalie: I put you in my blog.
Kevin: What'd you say?
Natalie: I said, if Kevin stabs me in the back tomorrow...
Kevin: Oh, so you knew it was tomorrow.
Natalie: I said this week. But that was the last thing we talked about.
Jordan: Kevin, do you wanna tlak to us tonight? I was gonna wait til Wednesday to talk to you, but now...
Natalie: If you want my room right now while Michele's in the DR...
Kevin: I forgot what I wanna say now.
Natalie tells them what she wrote in her HoH blog, "all good except for Michele. Talked about the week, broke it down, and to my future hubby... I gave him a couple shout outs.
Which, of course, naturally progresses into fake smile HoH pics...
3:32pm BBT
Kevin, Jordan & Natalie
Talk turns to goodbye messages. They're in the process of doing them. Then on to how Michele thought about using the Veto on Jeff that week and the DR talked her out of it...
Kevin: Tomorrow's gonna be some grueling ass bullsh-t.
BB: Natalie, please come to the DR.
Natalie: Take more pictures, cuz I gotta take it back in 15 minutes.
Natalie goes to the DR. Michele comes to the kitchen and has a look through the pictures and offers to take some of Jordan and Kevin... Then Kevin requests one of him with Michele...
Jordan tells Michele how good she looks...
3:41pm BBT
Natalie's out of the DR... They begin rehashing BB10 to see how it compares to this season. They say Kessha had a couple days to think about it and realize they were getting rid of her...
Then some group shots of the final four....
Kevin suggest they do some strangling ones - that these are too lovey dovey, and Natalie poo poos the idea, saying there's no more fighting at this point.
Natalie suggests they all jump on the beds. Kevin says they should use the Splish Splash room...
3:58pm BBT
Pool Room
More discussion about the upcoming Final 3 HoH Comp. Natalie thinks BB will give them the day off on Wednesday after the Endurance Comp, and that the Thursday show wint be live, and the next live show won't be til Sunday...
***The correct information is as follows:
- Live Eviction Show Tuesday, which leads into Endurance Comp on the Live Feeds.
- Wednesday: Part 2 of the Final 3 HoH.
- Thursday: Live Show & Part 3 of Final 3 HoH. Then, the Final Eviction.
- Friday or Saturday night, Jury Inquisition of Final 2.
4:05pm BBT
HoH pics finish, Natalie and Kevin get a moment together, and she checks in with him, asking if everything is still according to plan. He says yes. Then he suggests she resurrect the water suit that Lydia made her... Production wouldn't let her use it, because of sound issues - too much crinkling... She doesn't think production will allow it this time either.
Natalie: What about wearing a hat? Do you think that's a good idea? I'm gonna ask Jordan if I can use the hat Jeff left.
Kevin: I'm just gonna go out there with a bunch of layers and strip down to whatever..
Natalie: You don't want a lot of layers though.. It absorbs too much water. Russell even took his shirt off. We know tomorrow there'll be water.. It's guaranteed. Guaranteed. I wanna wear one of your hoodies, so then I can just take it off real quick.
Kevin: I'm gonna make them wait til tomorrow morning, cuz the whole point is to f-ck with their sleep.
Natalie: She's gonna ask you, cause she wants to know what to wear, so tell her you'll tell her 1st thing in the morning.
Kevin: So she's never confirmed a final 2 to you?
Natalie: I've said it all the time to her, but she's never confirmed it to me. I've always said I'd take her, but she's never said she'd take me.
Kevin: I just wanna tell you. Nothing is changing. B-tch could offer me a million dollars... I'm still not changing it.
Natalie rewards Kevin by telling him her HoH blog details...
Kevin: This will only work for final 2, if you make Michele feel like this was your decision. Otherwise, I have no chance in hell.
Natalie: I'm going to!
She continues with telling him about her blog, about Michele, "She got Chima expelled."
Natalie: A lot of you may think I can't beat Kevin in the end, but I'm gonna ride it out to the end as a lonesome ranger with Kevin, and may the best person win... and in my goodbye message to Michele, I'm gonna say that...
4:16pm BBT
BB: Natalie, please come to the Diary Room.
4:30pm BBT
Michele and Jordan are packing... Jordan's trying on different outfits to wear on the live show...
4:36pm BBT
Natalie: So you need to leave out an endurance outfit and a nice outfit.
Jordan: What if I don't have enough time to change, if I stay?
Natalie: I woulda told you a long time ago. I woulda told you the second I won veto. That's just how I am.
Michele returns to the room.
Jordan: Has he let you know, Michele, if you're staying or going?
Michele: He hasn't told me anything.
Jordan: Me neither. I'm gonna have to ask him later tonight. Are you gonna be able to fit everything in your suitcase?
Michele: I think so. When I came in, it was half empty.
Jordan is shocked at the prospect...
Jordan: Oh my God. Final 2? That would be the best thing ever. I wouldn't care if I won or not, cuz 50,000 is a lot. Either way, you know you're gonna get money. It would suck to be the 3rd one out, cuz then you're so close, and nothing.
5:10pm BBT
Still packing... Incidentally, Kevin's packing too. It's part of protocol, since he hasn't actually taken himself off the block yet.
i am sorry but this natalie kid (in reference to her blog) i really hope she gets hit with the reality stick like april did last season. hmmm both from arizona? thats interesting. j/k arizona!
Hi Caro, Nice bike ride? Bicycle or harley Bike? LOL...
Jordan and Kevin are dumb, dumb dumb. Michele don't trust anyone...anyone, Kevin is even having doubts...wake up Kevin, talk to Michele.. to Michele, Kevin!!
~ Ryan ~
Pamela, tell her louder! TELL MICHELE LOUDER.
I cant get over this BBAD last nite (sunday) edition. Jordon is just like walking into eyes wide open...blabberin away.
Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...say it with me...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...
Hi Everyone,
Can someone explain to me, how the pb effects the game? I think bb sets us up for a let down for 2 weeks. I think I have a right to be upset. I have invested all this time into watching this game. Maybe I just like happy endings.
I am still hoping for another twist...last night's episode was horrible...I think the whole proposal was set up by BB to make America like her...she didn't even act in the slightest happy to see him..and why does she keep saying there was a reason she didn't play in POV...what's that about...maybe someone else got to come back into the house and play in her place...still hoping for something!!!!!
Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...say it with me...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...
Did I misunderstand this or did Natalie say that DR talked Michelle out of using her veto on Jeff.
If I hadn't seen my husband in that long I would have been all over him when I opened that door! Not like "la de dah, hey how you doin"" lol I would have been sitting on his lap, not in the chair across the room, I mean that whole thing looked so sadly, poorly staged! And the way she acted didn't earn her any points as far as I'm concerned, as if a proposal could make america like this season's most despised player IMO. lol Hope that wasn't too mean, don't wanna break any rules.
two clean little sweet boys and soon-to-be bedtime = one happy mama with more time to devote to BBdish
Serena you are so right, I would have been ripping his clothes off. BB would have had to pull us apart..giggle
I wish Kev would ask Jordan what Nat has told her. I still don't see how Kev thinks he has the votes. He has Lydia than ?????? I think he will have the votes because we know the jury knows Nat's age but he doesn't know. He has to think that Nat has Jess, Russ, Jeff, Mich, Jor.
Call me crazy, but I feel like the PB twist was twisted drastically and didn't play out how it was originally supposed to.
I really don't know if I can take any more of Natalie's Michele bashing! The nerve of her to say that BB involves lying, but that Michele has crossed the line and deserves to go! Huh?? I'm really hoping for something big to go down, something that will make Kevin go, hmmmmmm, and seriously turn on Natalie. After that vile speech she has planned for tomorrow to call out Michele and take credit for her eviction, I'd love to see that smug look wiped off her face after Kevin says, "I vote to evict Jordan." I'm sorry, I have loved Jordan since day one, but ever since Jeff left, it's like he packed all of her brain matter in his suitcase and walked out the door with it! As much as it appears Michele is going tomorrow, I'd love to see her stay and win! Especially after all the abuse she withstood from Natalie's actions...which includes J & J's treatment toward her....caused by Natalie's lies!
You PPL this BBAD last nite is soo very revealing...
IM seeing alot of distate in Kev. towards Nat...there talking about Jessie as HOH..IM thinking K/J/M are you seeing this!!! wtf!
ya know if she gets she deserves cuz she's dealing with 3 idiots!
I so hope IM wrong.
i wonder if when the show is over and players then watch the tapes or real player flashbacks,of the show,what changes for them. do they see themselves as we do, or is the denial to ingrained. there have been many players just like nat and there will be one of the questions apg asks" have you ever seen the feeds,or the blogs?" no? good your on tv then.
Now watch what you say about Az...I'm there. But again I admit we have been so poorly represented on the BB. Does anyone remember when we were able to vote on live eviction, I just remember the "mole" we had was told on the way back into the BB house and he voted that way. Please Lord, I don't ask for much, and it's frivilous as heck, but let us get either Kevin or Nat out and let the only one in the dang house to deserve it to win
Natalie, Natalie, what are we going to do with you. She says she has a great body and works hard at it, I have yet to see her work out. I do the same thing she does (nothing) and I have a body like an apple with legs and arms and a head..
khopelitner....Not only are Natalie and BB10 April both from Arizona, but Natalie's dad works for the same car sales company that BB10 April does/did. But that's BB's incestuous casting for you!
OK, Tallen is on the train...Everybody...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...Jordan will leave the house on Tuesday...
Nat was just saying the splish splash room feels dirty - doesn't know how anyone could sleep in there.
I'm wondering how anyone could sleep in a clean bed without a daily bath ... Don't want to name names, but somebody has some oily hair! ewwwwwwwwww
This may be too mean to print. Sorry!
***Cockroaches and Waterfalls Endurance. Cockroaches and waterfalls endurance...
Serena your right, there was something wrong with that whole ordeal.Even the twisty tie for a ring, "I left the real one back in AZ" yeah like at zales jewelery's
Kevins lil dance recitile at the SD superbowl try out was the Kev that is so frickin funny..I like kev when he's keepin it real.
Back from lunch out & a trip to the boats!! Didn't win anything but had fun!
Kevin......RUN, not walk as far away from Natalie as fast as you possibly can!! She is gonna use Kevin & if he's smart he'd keep Michele!
:::waving hi!!:::
Did everyone eat enough at BBQ's today?
I'm full & stuffed.
Would someone explain what is going to be on the live show tomorrow night?
What will be on Thursday & Sunday?
Thanks y'all
:::smooching&huggin' - Hii!!!:::
Why do I have a feeling that if Michele goes tomorrow that the endurance will be very short. Jordan's mind is not in the game anymore. She even thinks she is going. She might but to think it considering what is going on seems odd.
i'm on the train, julius - jordan will leave the house on tuesday...jordan will leave the house on tuesday...jordan will leave the house on tuesday...i just want to add that this boxcar is only hitched up to the rest because michele is still in the house.
Why is Kevin packing??? Maybe he's going to be evicted for using the cheat sheet??? Can't blame a girl for dreaming ...
***Hissing Cockroaches and Waterfalls Endurance. Hissing Cockroaches and waterfalls endurance***
Hiya what is it a bicycle or a Harley?
what kind of bike do you have a beach cruzer, Mountian bike, roadracer???
This just a thought its not meant with zero malcontent towards Kevin, But when I think of the past episode's during the game, I felt that Jefe, Jessie, Russell, felt very very uncomfortable around Kevin becuz he is gay. Its kinda of a young mans Machismo thing. and they were scared of him, and put up big walls to show TV world they werent gay.
Me IM a male flight attendant and I think alot 98% of gay flight attendants are super funny and really nice guys, IM steriotyped as gay but IM far from it,its a 2nd career, But I know alot of the cockpit guys are terrified by gay flight attendants, so with that said I dont think Jefe Jess Russel will give them his vote for that reason..and I think that is so bad/iggnorant of them for thinking that
yall are so funny...aahhhh, this place gets me through the heartburn i get from this show. (literally and figuratively)
Well, I'm just beside myself, when I first saw the HOH pic of Kevin and Michelle, I thought great I'll change my pic to that, maybe get some Karma going for Final 2. (I know wishful thinking.) Then I continued reading what Kevin said about keeping them wondering so they couldn't sleep. Is this the way it always goes toward the end? I know its a game, but why such poor sports? Hence same pic, my preferred final 2 !!!
i cycle about 30 miles a day... not this season though.. these hgs wouldn't allow it.
I have been thinking about F2. If the worst happens and Nat and Kev are there I see the votes going this way.
Jessie for Natalie
Lydia for Kevin
Everyone else tosses a coin LOL
Good evening you all why would we think Natalie would be thrilled to see her boyfriend come on the girl is not into boys. Am I the only one who thought that whole tampon thing was way beyond sick there is not a girl her age in this country who needs someone to explain that to her .Now I know she has no mom but she does have friends she is 24 years old she says she has a degree in somthing.and she doesnt know what to do with a tampon .
Greetings Pilgrims!!!
I have spent the day watching the beginning of Season 8, since I started watching BB in the middle of that season... I just couldn't bring myself to listen to K/N today.. boy oh boy would I love it if ED would come in and give Natalie the dose of reality he gave to Jen!!!
waterfalls & cockroaches!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
dayum, carolyn! 30 miles a day? that's impressive. but not unexpected. after all, you ARE wonder woman.
*may i borrow your cuffs? - ooh and the invisible plane?*
Tallen - Being gay is your 2nd career?
I disagree with you on this subject.
Jeff was far from having a problem with Kevin's sexuality. Far.
Russell.... I think he was socially awkward in his own little way. He was this one day and that the other. I think he was just straight up paranoid from day one to the day he left, and I don't think he is anything like the guy he was in the house, in real life. gay. The only reason he'd be uncomfortable around a gay male is because he wouldn't want anyone to find out that he is gay also. Jessie is far from macho. He's all air.
jmho :)
tallen - I'm on the east coast of fl. If you cycled Miami, chances are excellent you cycled my island.
brook - lol re wonder woman.
DId you all see when Nat & Kevin were talking about maybe having a BB wedding?
One of them said ABC did one for Trista and Ryan?
LMAO.... they are so clueless!!!
Obviously, Kevin will be more effectly than robot Natalie.
Miami is one of the places on my bucket list.
waterfalls & cockroaches
ok, I guess I'll read her HOH blog. But seriously? can she give up on the whole Chima thing? Chima got Chima expelled-not Michelle! Doesn't she understnad people watch the feeds. we see and hear (most) everything. We KNOW she is a bigger liar than anyone in that house. She can talk down about Michelle all she wants. We know the truth.
My little brother cycles 40 miles to the beach and 40 miles back. I don't now how he does it...I can barely get around the block. I didn't know you went THAT far, Carolyn! Wonder woman indeed.
Hi everyone!
I just got thru watching BB4 with Jun, gosh that ending was awkward!! But it was fun to watch.. Good job Jun!!
So my question to everyone is.. having only watched since BB8 up and BB4, can you guys suggest which season I should watch next..
Thank you
Katie :) Watch 10 - It'll be a nice reprieve from this one. And then catch some on the flashback too. :)
kevin has become a punk in y eyes. can i say that? i really liked him in the beginning and middle but the end just yuk. i am really hoping he did 'lower himself' to natalies imposed environment for game and game only.
p.s anyone else having trouble getting onto i can't get to the vote page, i think it must be jammed.
tks Carolyn but i watched BB10 and loved it!
BB8, 9 10 and 11 & now 4..
which next?
LLIsa ...thats a no, LOL i reread that, I shuda worded differently.
I had retired form 1 profession and I was still young + liked the benifits of traveling anywhere in the world for next to nothing.And the op to live anywhere I wanted as long as there is an airport near by.
hi yall!
Just got home and didnt catch up yet but... wheres Natalies Blog?
Gonna come back after I read it lo
Evening Carolyn and Dishers,
This situation has me so depressed I want ice cream, cookies, cake and chocolate! Anyone want to dig in with me?
Carolyn, 30 miles a day!!! Impressive. I am sure living on the coast makes it easier to do.
Way to hot to even be outside where I live.
Season 10! We got really lucky with the ending in that season. We were all a little ticked at Jerry over Keesha in the F3, but other than that we loved those two Renegades.
natalie doesn't realize that america didn't appreciate chima either. i have noticed since she decided to bond with kevin and lydia, then jeff and jordan through jessie bashing. (which is still one of all of their dumbest mistakes, thinking she wasn't really jessies bff). since she 'dropped the jessie flag' she picked up the chima flag. she does all the call outs and comments about michle dissing chima b/c she actually think that might be the way america saw it. this girl is delusional, but i really do think she thinks america is probably bummed about the boot in chimas bum.
Jane - yup. ditto.
RubyRoo - count me in! i just ate a chocolate covered graham cracker... and called chinese for reinforcements
Carol I only started watching BB last yr, I had seen it but never cared much for it, But I agree 100% about last yrs show..Dan was the bestest ever, and when him and Memphis made that alliance, they pulled it off like soft butter.
I was hoping Jefe and Russell or jefe and Michele did the same thing as a repeat, they would or could of done it, they would of had run away with it all.Game over LOL and we wouldnt of been here now hating Nate...
I can remember back when Casey and Jefe sat out there smoking both giving up. they were they were talking about defeat, any of them did any schemes plans of attacks, it was buggin the crap out of me...yelling at the TV "DO SUMTHING!" I was thinking watching the movie Patton b4 going on the show...he didnt know the word defeat...
Katie - What you'll be surprised to know then, is that Ollie and April were having quite the fling on the live feeds... Also, Jerry wasn't nearly the sweet old gramps he was portrayed to be...
Next up - Season 6, I'd say.
I really cannot stomach reading nat's blog, so when it comes up, if someone would please just give any unexpected highlight, I would appreciate it very much.
I am on the waterfalls and cockroaches bandwagon....can we add some wasps and hornets? please?
Mmmm...Chocolate covered graham crackers! Sounds yummy!
Chinese food, I think I will do Thai, cause I can actually cook it. Not so great at cooking Chinese.
Gonna do a store run! Be back in a bit to hang and chat. I missed all of you this weekend! (((hugs)))
Anyone wanna answer me?
Bout the Blog.. ya know... Natalies one? Purdy Please?
LOL jerry reminded me of an OLD JESSIE....all sour n mean
Oh season 6 is one of my all time faves too! Janelle, Howie, James, and Kaysar! Right!!!
Thanks Carolyn.. season 6 it is then..
Evening Everyone!!
Hi KHope :) - I think it's a comin! A big fat reality stick!
Pamela :) Who is this little cuteness in your pic? She's yummy!!
Hi Ry!!! :)
Hey Julius! :) Keep hope alive...
Hi Jennifer! :) Agreed - PB was a big let down.
Hi AJS221 :) - ditto.
Ruth - You heard right. MIchele told them this the other day... That she was considering it, and that when she went into the DR, they told her it would be stupid.
Hi Serena :) Ditto! omg.. I would've melted into him at first sight!
Hey Brook :) - :) yayyy!!!
Hi FL Girl :) - sigh
Hi ilissa :) Smooch!
Hi Amber! :) Ommmmmm
Tallen - I have no idea what Kevin's gonna do.
Hi Carolyn :) - interesting question... i imagine it would take some time and distance to really see the experience through objective eyes, especially for those who made it past the jury mark...
Hi ACrisityP :) Amen.
Hi Dabugd :)
Hi HanHaysMom :) - Sounds like a fun day!!
Hi PattiC :) - Veto Comp, Live PoV Ceremony, Live Eviction, Endurance Comp.
Hi Michigan Man! :) I think Jordan's playing along..
Hi Just LU :) I wish!!!
Hi Judy in NJ! :) Me tooooo!!!!
Taking a typing break to eat my dinner...
I'll still be publishing comments
Gale - What about it? I keep refreshing to see if they've put it up yet...
I thought I read some of you all in here say u read it... musta read wrong !
sorry.... imma sit on my fingers and wait ;)
Now this question I have always wanted to ask, but afraid to,
Jessie muskels were huge! freaky huge, the question he is on steroids? and if so how's he get them in the house? or into the jury house? I didnt even think they were legal, I know alot of strictly health conscienous body builders and they dont look anything like Jess, Isnt his phyique unnatural? or is it real?
Who do you think would loose it forst if they made each house guest go to a room and stay in isolation until comp time?
Who would Nat have to lie to? Kevin would sleep and smirk at himself, Michele would talk to herself and be fine, Jordan would get lost.....I love her dearly, but she is a social bug and needs companionship.
lol loved 1
*I am on the waterfalls and cockroaches bandwagon....can we add some wasps and hornets? please?
Yes... please do lol!!!!!!!!
Natalie has talked to herself and the cameras since day one so it would be easy for her.
Michele would talk to herself and phsych herself out to win this thing.
Kevin would make lots of faces and mumble a lot.
But Jordan, would be lonely and we could read her lips sayin.... I need Jeff!
Tallen: Jessie has stated in interviews that he never has taken any steroids or drugs of any kind. Not everyone who works out and is built like him does. Based on how he ate in the house,and how much he worked out, I tend to believe that he is being honest (I hope so) and that he just works hard to get that body.(I myself, find it very unattractive)
tallen - i remember distinctly last season jessie continuously bragging about how his physique was attained 100% naturally.
in fact, i may be wrong about this but i think his little bio said he was a "natural body builder" or something like that. this is not to say i did not cynically roll my eyes when i heard/saw this - i'm just tellin' ya what he told us...and everyone else within earshot whether they were listening or not.
tallen-jessie has made it his job to tell us all that he is basically mr. Natural everything. he goes on and on about how he is the biggest all natural body builder. puke.
Hi Caryolyn!
Any chance they told Kevin to pack b/c they are re-doing pov?
ps. Did you ever get my email?
I hope Michele gets America's Vote. I'm still bummed she is leaving. This house will be very boring now. Who will Nat bash now.
So does anyone see this Michele & Kevin Talk part II chances dwindling more and more by the hour? Is Natalie watching Kevin like a hawk or is Michele & Kevin just not talking to one another?
~ Ryan ~
Is the show still at 9 p.m tomorrow? is the first time I haven't had to reset my password...did the Google Gods..give me a break?
angela-i haven't thought that one through yet hmmmm.
Fl girl-lets not kid ourselves naalie will continue to bash michele. and now she will probably start bashing jordon to kevin and kevin to jordon.
ok.. it seems you've all gone for the night, so i think i'm gonna pack it in and have an early night too.
I'll see you back here in the morning ! :)
Hope everyone had a great long weekend! Natalie's own words she said she was going to stick to Kevin like glue 'co#kblock' him from Michele talking to him. They both agreed last night that they were going to isolate her and make her miserable!
Nice people, huh??
Ok Carolyn, I had a litle cinnamon bread (ok alot) and I have figured out how to blog with the current date!
Anyway, I am so sick of Nat and Kev! Jordan winning would be a wishful vote for Jeff winning. I would like to see Michelle in F3 and knock Nat out. I have liked Michelle ... not as my favorite until Jeff went. I think that I would be looney spending all that time with so many insincere people. Plus she is a person who reads books and does scientific things. How long can you be scientific about solitare?
Natalie: I said, this is a game, and there has to be lying, but Michele has crossed the line. She has to go. She doesn't deserve to be here anymore.. And then I went into the Chima thing.
LOLOLOL best laugh I had since Thursday!
Nite carol and thank you
Have a good night Carolyn.
Michele is looking all over the house for her gloves
night night caro!
Just wondering, have any of you had a problem voting more than once at CBS? I voted Sunday night and then tried a second time, but got the message, "Sorry, you have already submitted your vote."
Went back tonight voted once and am getting that message again.
Is anyone else getting to vote more than once?
I re ally no like that girl 2 Questions...Whats up with the key jeff foung???/ What is the piece of paper on the bottom of a upturned garbage can say or mean. LAST......PEOPLE 'HOPE' IS STILL OUT THERE!!!!!!]I hope]
Good evening to everyone!!!!
I feel that the votes should go to Jeff, He is the only person who played the game the best. He took out all the strong players and played honest, and kind..
I like Michele, however I do not feel people should vote for her just because people feel bad for her ,for being treated badly, not even treated that bad, it was all behind her back.
Everyone in some way was treated badly, talked badly about, I mean Jordan was called fat, dumb, and trailor park trash, that is as bad as it gets, so feel bad for her...
PS: Hello to everyone & Thank you Carolyn for doing such a wonderful job.. This was my first year on your site and it was amazing to see what a great job you do & what patients you have, and how welcoming you are to new people!!!
thousands oif little spiders and a hose for NataLIE
I have been a regular reader of this blog since season 9 and hand out the website to any bb fans I cross paths with like it is a business card.
I love reading the banter back and forth and always happy to find I am not the only addict in the world. I have commented from time to time but usually I am just a set of eyes secretly peering in on the happenings.
I do have a question and I know you guys will know the answer. Why is BB allowing Natalie to steal Michelle's gloves and not give them back? I know they have put a stop to moving things and hiding things but stealing is ok?
Thanks for all your hard work it keeps me going!
Just wondering. Did anyone else loose respect for Jeff after the way he treated Michele? I was a fan of the guy until he started bashing Michele.
And is anyone else thinking Natalie is a lying, back stabbing, manipulator in real life? She plays the role all to well in the BB house. I don't see how any one of the jury would vote for her with the way she's playing.
Every villain is compared to Dick or Will but we saw some emotion from those guys. And we had a better understanding of who they were. We don't see this from Natalie at all.
:( I didn't pack it in. I finally woke up. A buffet on the way back from the airport run wore me out so ZzzZzz I went. I'm sure it won't take me long to get back there again.
Wanted to check in and wave it at everyone. *waving it*
CYA tomorrow.
Drat! I missed you all!!!
Well MY football game SUCKED big time. They play again Friday and it had better be better...hell I'd be happy if the team just showed up this time!
Will catch up with all of you sometime tomorrow.
Good night Carolyn and everyone!
I am going to bed with the hope that Kevin is packing because he will need to return the pandora favor to Jeff tomorrow! hehehehehe
Michelle in Indiana said...
Miami is one of the places on my bucket list.
I've done Miami but it was so many years ago and a family vacation so I was much to young to enjoy it like I would now, but...
Above Miami on my bucket list is Key Biscayne. It's historical. It's the home of the Mistress of the Dish and the pics she has posted.. on Twitter I think... show what a beautiful island it is. Obviously, since Carolyn lives there is is full of beautiful people too... inside and out. ;)
Of course A*******, Alabama is on my list too. But that's just to torture one of our DishChick Family favorites. :-p~~ I'm not sayin' who.
I'll be in and out tonight until I pass out or I grab the bucket while watching BBAD. Not sure which will happen first.
I still haven't begun to try to get through the 1,000+ posts I missed over the weekend. I've read the Front Page Blogs and a bit of the comments but I haven't hit every section from top to bottom. It's my goal but not sure if I will reach it before the Live Show Party tomorrow... or today when this gets published.
I still have hope.... I agree....
Good bye Jordan! Good bye Jordan! Good bye Jordan! Good bye Jordan!Good bye Jordan!
I like her enough but I don't think she has a chance of winning a comp against Team N/K if that's the choice. I think Michele could pull it off and oust Natalie, and that alone should give her the $500K if she can do it.
oh, and ...
Cockroaches and Waterfalls!!
Cockroaches and Waterfalls!!
Cockroaches and Waterfalls!!
Cockroaches and Waterfalls!!
Cockroaches and Waterfalls!!
(and a plague of dragon flies and praying mantises thrown in for good measure, along with a spider or 20.)
So far on BBAD... GAG... and all but total dead air time.
N/K on the HoH landing playing chess in total silence. Well silence is always a good thing when Natalie is in the frame, but I still call *GAG* just for having to look at her.
Michele alone and obviously contemplative in the Splish Splash Room so I have to guess Jordan is in the DR. No sign of a lump under a blanket anywhere.
Riveting stuff. You who go to bed early have no idea what you aren't missing.
There is something I have noticed but I think failed to comment on since it has to do with the BB Season. I try my best to stay away from comments that pertain to the game going on which is what this blog is supposed to be about. We all know we have a place here and we all know what my place is... Class Clown and Collector of Menz (or should that be Syns?)
Michele is actually quite beautiful. I've noticed this from screencaps of her doing her morning routine in the bathroom mirror. She has great bone structure and when she gives that final look in the mirror after her morning prep she truly is a beautiful woman.
That says a lot coming from me because I rarely see physical beauty in a woman. It's just not in my genetic makeup to pick up on those subtle things that make the physical stand out. I'm all about inner beauty and always look for that first, in a woman.
Men? Yea I am the first to admit it. It's physical first. Inner is nice but I'm not going to try to have a one night/5 hour stand with their inner beauty.
Sorry I missed everyone. New meds knocked me out.
Sweet dreams Carolyn and all.
Oh Carolyn, that is my granddaughter. She is almost 2.
Good night.
FYI Everyone trying to vote for America's Choice.
With Firefox, all you have to do is close Firefox and reopen it and it allows you to vote again!
So get out there and vote! Oh wait, you don't have to get out, let your fingers do the voting!!!
Hey everyone!
I know all are gone now & I'm glad everyone is getting some rest especially Carolyn since the next few days will more than likely be hectic.
Just wanted say hello! Read all the updates & comments from today. Geez, I just do not understand Natalie & her insistence that Michelle has crossed the line in lying....OMG, that just made my blood boil when I read that.
I'm gonna throw it out there too....Jordan gone roaches, waterfall, dragon flys, waterfalls, live roaches, any kind of bug known to man, water, water, water, water, any bug known to man, hissing cockroaches!!
Saw the move Julie/Julia today. Very cute movie, I highly recommend it if you want to see a cute, funny movie. Then when I got home I fell asleep for about 3 hours.
Carolyn, Dang, 30 miles. You are lucky you if where you do to be able to bike like that. It's way tooo hot here the majority of the year to do that. I am very impressed.
Michelle in Indiana said...
Prayers for your grandmother & her brother & your whole family♥♥
Carolyn! OK, so I'm sure u've been hearing this RUMOR, but I thought I would letcha know just in case you have not heard yet.
Apparently, the rumor is that since Natalie opened Pandora's Box, that the JURY HOUSE will actually be making the decision as to who to evict come tomorrow. Again, this is a total rumor, but it would make total sense with that advert that was out there that said the Jury House would be "packing a punch".
It will be very interesting to see how the rest of these events play out tomorrow. Would Michele be saved by these events? We shall wait and see.
~ Ryan ~
Michele is a smart cookie. She comes out of DR and Natalie is called in. Michele runs up to talk to Kevin while Natalie can't be there to C*Block.. or would that be K*Block?
He's still noncommittal damn it. He tells her he will tell them tomorrow before the live show.
Kevin is at least telling the truth. He's been threatened/intimidated by both Natalie and Jordan to turn the jury against him if he sends either of them home. At least he is weighing this.
I wish he could hear me yelling to him that Natalie hates Michele worse and would never try to sway anyone to give the big money to Michele over either.
PLEASE KEVIN!!! Use your brain and grow a pair. Stand up to the biggest liar in the house and likely BB History!
Nat was on Twitter last night....
I suggest have the bucket handy before reading further/this chick is delusional & in for a rude awakening when she gets out of there.
***to read in order she wrote start reading from bottom & go up***
# I hope to make you all proud and bring home a victory
# Well guys my time is up, thank you all for your support, words of encouragment and blessings
# If my girl Chima is out there reading this, i love you, miss you and will avenge your expulsion by getting Michelle evicted from this house
# Even though many of my allies have been evicted, they havent been forgotten and I continue to fight for them
# I would reccomend this experience to anyone and if you dont make it your 1st shot keep trying, as it took me a few myself
# it has all been worth it and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
# It is extremely hard being stuck here for 3 months and no contact to anyone or anything in the outside but
# As far as the BB 11 house, well YES it is as amazing as it looks on T.V.
# a house for my hubby and I to start our lives in and pay off my student loans from ASU.
# For all you wondering what I will do with the money, well of course pay for my wedding, a11
# I hope to continue with my same game play throughout the rest of the game
# Iv'e played this game with as much loyalty, integrity and honesty that the game allows
# I hope I am making you all proud and I hope to make all my fans even prouder by walking out with the $500,000
# I want to thank all of you guys for the support you have given me this season
# So for all of you wondering when the wedding will be, well hopefully asap and yes it will be in Arizona
# So this has been a great week for me in the BB house because I got engaged this past week1
# Hey all you Tweeters out there, this is Natalie, HOH from BB 11
Yet another GAG!!! Nothing going on in BBAD so I have moved on to "King of the Hill" on Adult Swim.
But while catching up on Twitter, I found that Natalie has just done her HoH Tweets.
Of all things... And I really hoped AGP would have told her she couldn't tweet it.
"BigBrotherHOH - If my girl Chima is out there reading this, i love you, miss you and will avenge your expulsion by getting Michelle evicted from this house
(10 minutes ago from TweetDeck)
She made 2 other tweets but they were nothing of substance.
I've never done this before, but I read the blogs all the time. Last night Jordan said she didn't know Ronnie gave the space suit costume to Lydia which is why Nat-a lie got the question in the HOH right and Jordan and Michele got it wrong. The question should not have been asked. Michele or Jordan should of won HOH.
Carolyn, On 9/3/09 question # 7 was "2 weeks ago Ronnie went to Si Fi convention dressed in his space princess costume." fact or fiction ? how can that be a fair question if Nat-a lie knows he gave the costume to Lydia and M/J didn't. The other questions do not involve pervious knowledge. Proof of unfair HOH...........
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