Big Brother 11 Sunday Show Viewing Party
***The internet voting lines for America's Favorite BB Player are open! This season, it's open to all of the HGs, minus Chima, but there's a catch. You're only supposed to vote once, so vote wisely... unless of course you're willing to clear your cookies and cache each time. ;p
Normally, I wouldn't say anything, but since we all know what happened with the last vote, the only way it's going to be a legitimate vote is if everyone has the same information.
Here's the link to vote for your fave! :)
Good Evening Big Brother Lovers! I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday!!
Good Evening Big Brother Lovers! I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday!!
Welcome to the Sunday Show Viewing Party on BBDish!! Thank you again for making this the best season ever here on the blog!!
After tonight, there'll only be 1 more Sunday Show to the whole Big Brother 11 season. Can you believe it? 1 more Sunday show, then the 2 hour Finale Tuesday Show on September 15th, then it's all over for the BB11 Season!
After tonight, there'll only be 1 more Sunday Show to the whole Big Brother 11 season. Can you believe it? 1 more Sunday show, then the 2 hour Finale Tuesday Show on September 15th, then it's all over for the BB11 Season!
Make sure you're here this Tuesday night for the Live Veto Ceremony and Eviction, which will lead straight into the 1st leg of the Final 3 HoH: Endurance Comp on the live feeds!!
I don't know about you, but I'm hoping for waterfalls and flying cockroaches. ;p Talk about must see feeds.
Tonight, get ready to rewind your minds!! We've got Nominations, DR sessions, and Pandora's Crotch making another appearance...
Come join us here in the comment section, so we can chat, blog and analyze the edit of the broadcast show together... while it's airing on CBS.
If you're not on the east coast, and you'd like to watch along with us, right click on either of these links: NYFeed or DreamAngel.
If you're not on the east coast, and you're watching the feeds, waiting til the show hits your time zone, *please* let us know in the event Natalie miraculously DORs... yeah, I know.. aint gonna happen.
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Click Here to get your Free Trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds,
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Good Evening Carolyn, Genie and Dish Lovers!!!
I hope everyone had a great quiet day!
Can't wait to find out the truth tonight!
Thanks Jane, for pointing us to that interview with Nat!! Interesting!
Happy Show Night Everyone!
Happy Birthday Ms Fitz
Let's open this box and see what's up. Saw the commerical for the show tonight and a DR with Nat. She said I'm not safe. I'm wondering if the first in BB history twist is that the HOH can go up as a replacement nominie when Kevin uses the POV.
If it is Jessie in the box that would figure since AG wants that guy to get as much tv time as he can. For some unknown reason.
Can't wait to see the giant bug girl, stinky baby and copy cat. Make it good BB.
On with the show!
Hi Marci!! :)
Hi MIchigan Man!! :)
Happy Sunday Show Night, Everyone!!
Good evening Carolyn and all my fellow BB lovers! I am here because i fully support your site. I don't know how exciting tonight's show will be, but I am very curious to see the truth about Pandora and the possible "faux engagement" .
Hi LisaM :) Thank you!
Happy Show Night All!!
Carolyn, Genie, everyone...I hope you had a lovely day!
Can't wait to see what's a going awn!
Michigan Man - I'm with you....Jessie has pics or sumting on someone! :)
Hiya Marci!
hey all...pop your corn and pull up a chair. BB starts now....soon
Michigan Man- you might be on to something there! Especially since she could not play.
Hi Carolyn and Everyone!!
Hi Carolyn. First time here, but have been really, really enjoying this blog. They should make you part of the show. (I love your comments!)
OMG a week and a half before the show ends I finally remember my password. Been MIA for the last 4 weeks as my hubby had surgery in Rhode Island. Had him transferred back home to NJ earlier this week.
I just wanted to say that I did follow the blog while I was away and it kept my mind off hubby for a bit.
Just wanted to say Genie Sea you did a great job filling in and hope you do again next season.
Carolyn as always you do a magnificent job.
Back after the show.
Good Evening Carolyn and Genie!! Hope you both had a good Sunday off and getting rested. Hmm, Genie, school starts tomorrow? good luck with that!!
I soooo hope that Natalie gets booted from her spot!
I'm so depressed. I have to keep reminding myself that every season can't be season 10. Well, I guess I'll hope for Jordan in the F2. If she wins at least I'll feel like Jeff wins in a way, too.
If you haven't read 'Big Brother Dish' by our very own Genie Sea, it is so worth the read!
Genie, I have no idea if this will make it to your eyes, if not, Carolyn, would you make sure she gets this?
Genie, thank you for reminding us of the reason we watch BB, it is a game. I have been to other sites and they must not have any rules because there are inappropriate attacks on people, vulgar language directed at HG and comment makers, etc . . . the Dish is truly a place that I feel comfortable sharing my ideas, opinions, and hopes without the fear of being attacked.
Thank you Genie for reminding us!
Thank you Carolyn for being BBDish! Yes, I gotta have it!
Hi Carolyn,
Hi Genie,
Hi Everyone,
I hope we see if ir her "boyfriend" or Jessie..
Rnjoy the show.
Hello my little BB chickens!
*settles in*
I'm in a sad mood,so I hope this cheers me up!
Ugh! Where are my manners? Hi Everyone!!! Hope you all had a good Sunday!! Hurry up Andy Rooney, let the show begin!
Does anyone else think that the baby was Russell, the bug girl was Lydia and the copy cat was Jeff, while Jessie was upstairs, er, "proposing" to Natalie? ;)
I watched the interview with Nat-a-lie and she broke up over 8 mos. ago; however, the past three weeks (prior to going on BB) they were reconciling(sp). Probably when he saw her on TV he started hangin with her pops! Deciding maybe he did want to marry her. Well, we shall soon see . . .
Happy Sunday Viewing Party! I wonder what we are going to see tonight . . .
going to watch in the living room with the BFF my wife....BBL!
Hey Carolyn! :)
Hey everyone else! :)
I can't wait to see what happens!!!!!
Michigan Man - I would LOVE it if the HOH could be a replacement nom.... but I'm not going to get hopes up.
Hellooooooooo !!!!!! :)
Hey Everyone...Can't wait to see what happens with Pandora Box..
JudyinNJ present!!!
Bring on the laughter!! **tongue in cheek...
Carolyn, praying for the waterfalls and flying cockroaches. now THAT would be funny
Caroyln, you are the best! I'm home from my bluegrass birthday weekend - had a blast! And thanks to you, I'm caught up on all the BB (bad) news. My hubby is trying to stretch this weekend out though, so I don't get to watch tonight. Still listening to music and drinking Natty Light. I hope the promised twist is a good one! Y'all have fun tonight :-)
Hi Carolyn and all the dishers.. I am so happy you provide such an awesome sight. With living on the west coast I am so excited every show day that I can watch it as it's happening. I am going to miss not flipping to BB page to see the updates where ever I go.. I am going to need some counseling and recovery time.. I just know I am gonna click on the page and stare at it for a few minutes .. cry.. pray and then try to find something to do with my day.. Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication. Oh and that goes to all the people that help out keeping us informed..
Happy Birthday MsFitz!!! :)
Hi Carolyn and Genie and my favorite BB Lovers! I'm catching up with all the Diane interviews. Interesting to watch after the fact!
I did notice there are "you ask, they tell" mini 3 minute interviews, with fans writing in questions. I assume it was done before the season started, but the HGs are IN the house!! I thought the first time they entered the house was the first day! Maybe they do it that first week? Carolyn? Any answers?
Stephanie...great pic of my boyfriend!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday MsFitz and Tallen, Happy Birthday to you!!!
Stephanie - Thank you sweetie :)
Hi JulieB!! :)
Hi DavidB!! :)
Hi KatieBlue! :)
Hi Jeff in Toledo! :) Welcome to the comment section! :) Hope we see more of you!
Hi Pat :) Welcome back! :) I hope your hubby's on the mend!
Hi KScoot! :) Very good, very rested, and ready to tackle the rest of the season! :) Thanks!
Hi Janeen! :) Don't be sad!!
Hi Stephanie :) hehehe! THank you!
Hi Pamela! :) Boyfriend.. hmph. lol.
Hi MnMMichelle! :)
Hi Patti! :) Not, but I could be wrong... The announcer just said a "life changing moment" hm!
Hey Carolyn and dishers
Do have the feeds but someone told me that they showed a close up shot this afternoon on the feeds of the calendar that Nat and Kevin used.
Anyone know about this? What do we think it means?
pffffft life changing moment!! guess she is engaged... he probably smells a half million dollars LOL
a "life-changing moment for one HG" ? wow! maybe Jason did propose?
Hiya everybody. Here we go!
Hiya JulieB!!!!
awwwwww Jordan...
I'm putting it out in the universe AGAIN....I sooooo want to find a man like Jeff. I ♥ him
Can you tell...I need a date (I need to get laid!) hahahaha
Hello all of my BB addict buddies.....
I'm looking forward to this show tonight!
I listened to the interview with Natalie and oh my goodness!!! Has that girl ever told the truth in her life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At this point I'm not even sure her name is Natalie!! I don't think anything she has said and done this entire BB is true. This girl has a serious problem to be able to lie this good!! If I was in her life I would seriously be worried.
Do you think the picture of her with her BF in the HOH is her brother?
I definitely believe she had a meeting with Jessie for PB, probably by Skype, and he reassured her she can beat Kevin in votes or she would convince Kevin to take Michele instead. She definitely has a plan!
Today has been such a cute day with Michele and Jordan...Jordan giving Michele some of her clothes and them just being girls without the nasty presence of the other two. By the way, the clothes looked fantastic on Michele! Jordan can be such a sweetheart. I think she feels guilty about all the things she and Jeff have said and done toward Michele.
I wish it could have been more of this atmosphere for Michele in the house. My heart is aching for her. That girl has more courage and ability to bounce back from all the nasty treatment than I have ever seen. It amazes me!
Did anyone hear Kevin and Natalie talking last night out at the hot tub re Michele while she was being nice and getting dinner for everyone.. Kevin said "get in that kitchen bitch and cook our're our servant now!" Michele wasn't present but that was just a nasty thing to say and Natalie agreed with him.
I'm so sad for her and wish Kevin could find out the truth about PB. He and Michele were talking on the outdoor couch and they neither one believed that she was with her BF but they didn't carry it any further! They are both fans of the show...wonder why they can't figure out the twist!
Heya Peeps! Queen Carolyn and Princess Genie! I hope y'all have had a great restful day!
Happy B'Day MsFitz!
On with the show! I hope y'all have an enjoyable time watching. I'll have to catch it whenever cbs puts it up on their site. But in the meantime, I'll have all you lovely commentators to keep me informed!
I've come to really not like Kevin at all, i think all the time he has been spending with Natalie is making him turn into her a little bit.
I forgot that we were going to have to see Nat-a-lie win again!
Life changing moment, maybe a proposal????
I am starting to wonder more about the Pandora thing since they started the show tonight saying it would change someone's life.
if she was proposed to I will sh!t myself
Lee, the picture is of Jordan's Showmance boyfriend!
We so need to have CBS put him on the Bachelor or some show where we could watch him more and more and more and more!
Nat: I did it by sticking to my word
Pass me that bucket quick!
awwwww Jordan. Cruddy day. :( Just wants me to send more huggies her way.
Kevin better clue in quick! He is all ready not trusting Nat, maybe ... just maybe!
Why does Natalie blink so much?
Kevin, tell us how you really feel about Nat-a-lie!
Being ineligible for $500k could be a life-changing moment, no?
Just wishful thinking on my part.
Here's a word of advice for everyone who doesn't like Natalie.
Everytime she talks - sorry, YELLS - in the diary room do your own impression of her screaming in a monotone voice for no discernable reason. It makes her way more entertaining (which, granted, isn't extremely difficult.)
♫♫♫♫ Happy Birthday MsFitz ♫♫♫♫
MnM - LMAO all of us will!!
Isn't Natalie wearing her bikini from the luxury comp? Or am I thoroughly confused? I didn't get my nap today.
Been watching all day -
Pretty boring, except for "Jordan" getting back to her old self and giving clothes to Michelle and just behaving like two old friends...
I give!
Hi Everyone!!! :)
Stephanie...I believe Jeff is too classy for the Bachelor! Watch me eat my words. haha...I have never loved an HG more! I was watching his interviews and they make me love him more. He was my pick after the interviews with Ross at the beginning. (Don't worry. I'm sane. Wishful thinking! ;))
If Pandora's Box changes someones life tonight, I hope it changes Jordon's or Michele's for the better and Natalie or Kevin's for the worse.... I can't stand a person that lies all the time, you just can't trust them, and in the past few weeks that is all Natalie and Kevin have done.
And just why does Natalie think she has to pull pranks now? Isn't it a little late in the game for that? All it's gonna do is piss people off and I wouldn't vote for someone that pissed me off..... Can I get a hellz yeah?
Good catch re the bathing suit!
I dunno Carolyn, I gave you all day off. I think I deserve a personal greeting. ;)
Happy Birthday, Ms.Fitz. Hope you had a wonderful day!
Hi Carolyn
Hi Genie
Hi Dishers
Where is Jane? She may collect on that bet!
I have a question.. im not sure if anyone answered... how come jeff didnt see any goodbye messages?!
Loves Michele's and Kevin's poses
This is freaking hilarious! Loving the poses! LMAO
Jordan's poses are the same. So funny!!! Lovin' Kevin's poses.
lolol @ jordan's poses
lol @ Jordans pose everytime
Michele's eating this posing stuff up! Love that girl's attitude!
;p Hi Syn!
rotflmao @ Kevin demolishing the mannequin for clothes
OMG! Kevin: "gimme the scarf, b@tch!" lol
Lindsay - they ran out of time on the episode.
Kevin and his "biznatch" just crack me up!
Kevin: Anything can happen
And the misleading of the tv only audience begins...
Kevin!! Listen to yourself! Keep Michele! *breathes*
omgoodness! Kevin attacking the manequin had me laughing out loud over here! He can be sooooo funny!
I think Jeff didn't see any good bye messages because they had so much that they had to pack into the TV only hour.
We could always contact CBS and ask . . .
Happy Birthday MsFitz!
I just started watching (DVR)...and whewwww Natalie is already annoying me! I Love how Kevin called her out in the DR "She's celebrating like she won an 8 hour endurance" LOL
LOL@ Giving us a day off... thanks Syn :p~
Can't wait to see the PB outcome of really took place! Or Vidication for Nat-a-lie (just kidding)
Jane, DavidE, Claire & Nikki
Thank you very much!!! :)
Good evening dishers!
checking in and still hoping nat was offered $ to leave game so last evicted hg could come back in but she had to remain totally silent about it until tuesday night show! I know I'm dreaming!
Still no cheers!
"I cant lie" hahahhahahha
MsFitz -
♫ ♫ ♫ Happy Birthday to Youuuuu
Syn928 -
I'll second that emotion!!
Happy Sunday show all!!!!! Sorry I'm a little late, lol. The corkscrew got the better of me, but only for a minute, lol!!! I'm enjoying my Riesling and watching the show, even though we know almost everything that will be shown.
Genie, I just wanted to make sure I got something out there in print about your post yesterday.
It was straight from the heart and beautiful, Just like our community, that Carolyn has provided for us.
HI "Dudes" Nats word
thank for all the shout outs for my B'DAY.
I came on read your feeds LOL and I still hate that lil Nat.
and Kev just as much, why be so mean and nasty.
SheMichele shows so much class, around those 2, thats just her nature I bet , she's dealt with it whole life.
IM still giving her my vote at the end, no matter if by some chance she comes from behind tonite.she deserves Ameicans vote
Nat to Jordan:
"I haven't lie to you at all"
Is the HOH allowed to consult the other HGs before opening PB?
Good grief!
She told the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!
holy crap!!
she actually told the truth!
Hey Kristin!
OMFG *Sh!ts*
She was telling the truth! OMG!!
O M G !!!!!
*passes out the depends*
What she was telling the truth???
I just threw up.
Thanks Carolyn- He is actually still in the hospital I had to get him ambulanced back down here.- had a few complications and the surgery only helped a little. Tumor was not operable. Has been slowly regaining his strength but have more hurdles to go.
I was so into thinking nat couldnt tell the truth... this just shocks me to no end. Almost disappointed she did tell the truth. blah
I be dipped in dogdoo
*bows to Jane*
She actually told the truth!
OMG! He's for real!
jesus begorah she told the truth
OMG I feel so bad... this should be so romantic and I am not finding it that at all!!
About Natalie seeing her boyfriend/fiance....Awkwaaaard!
Eating Crow!!
Ahhh . . . she only kinda told the truth.
It would be smart for Kevin to keep Michele. Michele might have a promise with Jordan but if Jordan is gone then she has no one. If Kevin keeps Michele then he has both Michele and Natalie willing to take him to the final two. If he keeps Jordan then Jordan would take Natalie and Kevin would only have a 66% chance of going to the finale instead of 100%.
I know they're misleading the TV onlys but it really is in Kevin's best interest to keep Michele around despite her being a stronger player than Natalie.
OMG A freak show!
Holy crap...I am laughing so freaking hard! Too funny!!!
No talking about game between Jason and Nat-a-lie so I guess that part was all a lie. How did she guess that there are a lot of haters on the blogs?
Ok I give the engagement 30 days post BB
Jason seems so lovely!!
LMAO at the annoyances!!!!!! This was sooo funny!
hahahahahahahaha tied, earmuffs, and blindfolded.... ONE COULD WISH!!
That lie was the stupidest shit ever.
The only thing Natalie is a professional at is spinning BIG FAT lies! She is so good at lying!
Final 2 Reversal??? Kevin's a smart cookie.
Final 2 reversal? Who would believe that? Wow.
oh lord
Who Hoo -
I was wrong!!
Holy BB Batman!!
Natalie was telling the truth!!
This is me, bowing down to Jane and all the others who insisted she wasn't lying. Got me! Geesh!
So where did her game info come from?
stop the world! Natalie actually told the truth for once! OMG! I think I even got a little misty-eyed when he got down on his knee. For just a minute. (can't help it, I'm a sucker for that stuff)
I'm sorry but that was the stupidest twist ever..
Can anyone tell me if they are having the clothing competition (luxury comp) then how did jordan and michele get the same swimsuit and i've never seen natalie in that suit before?
i'm floored. she actually told the truth to the HGs and lied in the pre-interviews.
Bizarro: Natalie not lying.
Kudos Jane! We're not worthy! :)
YOU SUCKERS SOOOOO OWE ME MONEY! LMFAO. See, you had me doubting myself and searching the internet to prove myself wrong. I even paid up with a fat donation to the tip jar!
LOL! Yeah me!!!!!!!!!!!!
your stuck with her....until the big D and I dont mean Dallas
Wasn't feeling the chemistry between Nat and Jason, though.
ok SO NOW where does the jury come in to play?
She seriously got engaged? How the heck is that game-changing?? There MUST be something else coming up, or I'm gonna be REALLY disappointed!!
Okay I am totally shocked!
Not only did she tell the truth, but BB gave one of the most hated HG's ever one of the best prizes ever and she didn't even have to do anything to win it. This pisses me off, much like bringing Jessie back knowing their loyal fans hate him pissed me off. Why couldn't they do something nice for a nice person?
And is it just me or did Natalie seem not that thrilled with this guy? ;0
Somebody cook Jane dinner.
I would if I didn't star fires every time I tried.
sorry stephanie...but they only showed a couple minutes of their visit. cbs is not about to show tv only's anything that could mke it look unfair
Jane - lol! I was wondering where you were!
Kristin - they were in teams for the comp...BB gave them those outfits, same as other comps
w00t! Thanks Carolyn! I feel all special now with my very own personal greeting!
And Genie! lol, I did send Carolyn an email advising that I thought y'all should take last night off to avoid the negativity stream after Michele's loss.
I can't believe Natalie knows how to tell the truth. That's something I never thought I'd live to see.
I just missed that part. Is there a final 2 reversal?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lee..... she had no chemistry toward him!!!
Hi Nzinga! See you in Vegas in less than 6 days! AHHHHHHHHHHHH
oooooooo keep thinking Kevin!! Keep thinking!
Favorite Houseguest vote....oh this is so hard!
Forget Jeff. I'm voting for MAN IN A BANANA SUIT!
lol Kevin "right over here"
Be back later going to vote for Jeff!
Michelle!! vote Michelle!
Why not just go ahead and hand Jeff the check right now?
And Jane comes out to gloat :p
They are including everyone this year for America's Favorite!
All I can say is you LOSERS better put your losings in the tip jar!!!
I put my WINNINGS in there!!!
LOL again.
OMG we can vote for Casey .LOL
I'm still thinking Michele... but.......Where we going team?? Team dish decides together???
Favorite Houseguest?
Wow - They opened it up to all the HGs (minus Ch), not just the Jury..
I got my votin' fingers on! I am going to break it down! I thought we could vote for our favorite HG's, I kept seeing people saying that it was only the HG's in the JH! Well, my fav is in the JH!
So they opened America's choice to all players.
Still gonna vote for Michele.
Jane I bow at your feet!
Yeah there was NO chemistry
I've never seen someone so blah about something most in the house woulda gave an arm for! let alone the proposal!
she has issues
what? we get to vote fro America's choice now? isn't it early? and people evicted before jury house can win? OH NOOOOOOOO! Well, Michelle will be getting my vote.I was going to vote for Jordan originally, but I feel Michelle has played an awesome game and I feel bad for her not getting to F2.
I assume the people who make final 2 can't win this
and why did it say the jury house was packing the box? Is there more to come?
VOTE JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I voted for Jeff and the website only lets you vote once....UGH!
Brother Mouzone - lol! :)
Is the voting always this early? I don't remember. I'd like to see the final 2 first, so I can spread the wealth! OH, who am I kidding? JEFF all the way!
I don't think it's fair really. I mean what if the perosn who wins make is to final 2? Of course, CBS probably figures Jeff will win it anyway. lol Ok, well, more time to vote!
it usually is just JH people
Jeff is my favorite
But man,Michelle deserves it,especially if she goes home
Ima wait to see if she goes home
How long we got to vote?
lolololol Jane!
I'm gonna wait until I see who gets out on Tuesday before I vote. I'm still torn between Jeff and Michele. It's going to Michele if she gets the boot on Tuesday... But if she stays in the house, I think I'll go ahead and vote for Jeff.
Actually, Jordan needs it more than Jeff. Guh! I dont know.
I just want to give it to whoever will piss Natalie/Kevin off most LOL
Im sorry but i just think that Kevin and Natalie cheated with the cheat playdoe game board. They took Natalies away when it was made of finger nail polish and paper towels so what is the difference? I really think it was cheating
Yup. You can only vote once. And there is text verification.
Michele got my vote.
Kristin, I can't wait for Vegas. Going shopping either tomorrow or Tuesday.
Quite the Nomination get up Natalie has on.
Natalie looks like the biggest moron to ever walk the Earth.
WTH is that get up all about??? She does think she is the queen, though. UGH.
GOOD GAWD!! She makes me ill!!
i really really really really really do not like nat
I am voting for Michele too...
I love Jeff, but but but truly if it wasnt for his paranoia.. they would both be in final 4, 3 2
Bummer! I've been exercising my voting finger for nothing all these months! Just one vote! Now all I have to show for it is an abnormally large index finger :D
Apparently you can only vote once online.
Does anyone else think that she's trying to imitate Dan's "replacement nominee roulette" thing with that speech? Though I highly doubt it's going to make a difference other than annoy everyone.
Also, good for Michele for not letting it bother her.
Ronnie is got my vote.
10 votes by cell phone for those who feel strongly about their choice!! ;)
Hi Carolyn,
I find it interesting how Natalie can keep her lies straight. I'm happy that Kevin figured it out. At least she wasn't lying about her engagement. I can't wait for those who don't already know about Natalie's real age to find out the truth. I'm surprised the jury already knows about it. I wonder what Jeff's reaction will be when he finds out. As for the vote, I would go with Jeff. I can't wait for Tuesday!!!
Kevin keeps saying he's on to Nat, but he keeps doin exactly what she asks him to do.
Take Michele!
I'm voting Michele.
That nomination ceremony was like watching a South Park episode entitled Don Natalione... ugh.
I know!
she really does look like a lil shrunken wizard,rejected from Harry Potter or someshit
Hmm, CBS fixed it so there can't be any bot votes!!
Jeff for tha 25k allll the wayyyy
Ok sorry but that episode really blew cat poop.
The only glimmer of hope I saw was that Kevin may have come to his senses and is going to boot Natalie...Finally!
ROFLMFAO..... Genie.!!!!!!!!11
Don Natalione!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Wow . . . I hope Natalie watches this season when she gets out and gets some perspective on her behavior (then again, she will probably put a spin on that too)
She looked like a complete idiot in that getup . . .
since all of the gamers will doubtless know to do this, i'm gonna go ahead and say it here...
clear your cookies and cache
vote again. ;)
Ronnie's getting votes? wth?
Seriously,,, what was the think with the Jury packing a punch??? I dont get it???
Gotta vote for my man, Jeff!!!
Favorite HG -- Honestly I'm really torn between Jeff and Michelle. While Michelle isn't the smoothest - she has really shown tenacity in overcoming the treatment of other house guests and she doesn't seem to resort to insults like the others. She seems to be winning me over.
So...who should we vote for JEFF OR michelle...MICHELLE I'm sure isn't hurting for money and Jeff probably could use it more...what does everyone think
STILL can't believe that Nat's story about her bf was true!! (She sure wasn't excited to see him or excited about getting engaged!!)
I voted for Russell because he is sexy and he's giving the money to his dad ... and because he is sexy. Oh, also because I appreciate his use of psychological gameplay.
Wow! I'm gonna have to think about this vote if I only get one. I'd have spread the love amongst several if i had multiple votes. I'll bet they are doing it now so that they can have computers ready to tally a tie breaker for final 2. probably smart thinking on their part.
That was a great show .... for ME!
I am soooo gloating, Genie.
OK, where's my money in the tip jar, huh? Let's see that cash!
(I'm a very annoying winner :P)
Not a very good episode tonight. The annoying people not very creative. Interesting to see where the ratings are for the rest of the shows. All in all not the best or interesting season. Miss Dan and Renny. I even miss "baller" help me Rhonda.
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