The Overnight Report™
Good morning, BB Lovers! Happy Sunday!!
There are new Big Brother Auctions to check out from the HGs, and the Vegas Package featuring Casey is still up for grabs!
For the Overnight™ today, Sunday Funnies, Flashback Style! ;)
10pm BBT
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All HGs
Last night in the Big Brother 11 House, the HGs put on a fashion show for the live feed viewers.
If you'd like to see the run up to the fashion show, during which Natalie gives Kevin all manner of bad fashion advice and repeatedly insists he make himself look straight, as if it is better, start at 10pm.
If you'd like to start as the fashion show begins, go to about 10:25pm BBT, as seen in this pic.
It's actually really fun and funny! :) The HGs take a break from sniping as they judge each other - super sweetness rules the house. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Round 2 begins around 10:50pm... complete with a vajayjay flash... and the promise of BBQ'd basketball shorts. The end of the hour turns to nominating pieces of clothing to be BBQd... Natalie's Shorts, Jordan's Peace Sweats, Michele's Slippers, etc...
11:50pm BBT
All HGs
The 11 o'clock hour is filled with discussions of past HGs. It moves into talking about the show,
To Catch a Predator, which leads into a discussion on Porn.
Natalie insists her man doesn't watch it. The others beg to differ...
Funny sex talk follows.
12:40am BBT
Michele & Jordan
Cam 1
Jordan gets into the hot tub in her underwear. Michele's gone inside to get her bikini, because she was going commando.
Jordan: What do you think Jeff's doing right now? Playing solitaire?
Michele: I hope not. That's lame.
Natalie pokes her head out and says she's going to get her bikini and join them.
Michele: You know what he's doing right now? Wacking off.
Jordan: (laughs) Of course you would say that. He probably is!
Michele: I'm just kidding.
Jordan: After a couple months? I'm sure all the guys, the first thing they did was that.
Michele: Dude! The first time I'm alone and there's no cameras!
Jordan: omg, Michele!
Michele: Duuuude! It's driving me crazy in here. I was all horny before the competition, and I'm like, dude, stay focused! What is there to be horny about in here?
Jordan: Well, just a couple weeks and your husband can...
Watch it! It continues from here! :) Talk turns to game. Michele and Jordan agree that Kevin and Natalie are working together. Jordan thinks Kevin will keep Michele...
Jordan: Well, if he keeps you, you've got my vote and you've got Jeff's. Before he left here, he told me to stick with you... I know when he sees one of us walk through there, he's gonna be pissed!
Natalie comes out to join them. She changes from her bra into her bikini top outside, with Jordan's assistance.
Girl talk in the jacuzzi continues throughout the 1 am hour, until Michele goes inside at 1:40am to get some ice cream...
1:40am BBT
Jordan & Natalie
Cam 1
Natalie guarantees Jordan she's not going home this week...
Natalie: Trust me when I say you're not going home this week. Be like you don't know nothin'. I don't think he's gonna tell her til the end.
Jordan: Shut up.
Natalie: I'm being straight with you. You're not going home.
Natalie goes on to tell her how she followed Kevin's wishes last week, so he's following hers this week. Jordan interjects that Kevin went back on his word to Jeff last week, so he really can't be trusted. Natalie reassures her that she's safe.
Talk turns to endurance, and Natalie pumps Jordan full of sunshine.
2:20am BBT
Cam 1
Pool Room
Michele & Jordan
Pillow talk and giggles, both in Jordan's bed...
Enjoy! :)
It's lights out for the HGs after this.
Happy Sunday! :)
See you back here for the Sunday Show Viewing Party at 7:45pm Eastern/4:45pm BBT. I'm looking forward to seeing what Pandora really brought Natalie. Betcha bunches it wasn't her boyf! I lean toward Jessie...
Good Morning Carolyn
Been catching up the last couple of days.
Disappointing that Jordan/Michelle didn't win Veto but
I'm not sure Kevin is ready to let Nat-a-lie win. He has to be thinking who he can take and get the votes. Jordan is a risk for him, he and Nat-a-lie don't think Michelle is as risky for votes but they are afraid of her winning the comp. So I'm not convinced he's just going to do what Nat says.
Tuesday will tell the tale.
Happy Sunday, Carolyn & Genie! ♥♥
Happy Sunday, To All my BB Addict Buddies! ♥♥
Today is my birthday! YAY! I made it another year!!
My sister is having a b'day celebration at her house today & I won't be home till after the show is over. Of course, I am recording it to watch later.
I hope all of you have a great day today & hopefully, will see you here in the comments later.
Happy Birthday (yesterday)! Hope it was a good one!!
Good Morning Carolyn,
Hope you have a fun restful Sunday.
Happy belated birthday Tallen. That is so funny because I turned 43 this year too and my daughter will be
Hey, an overnight report! Is the weather terrible there?
I will repost this "important" news:
Just before sequester all the new hg's did interviews with Diane Henry of BB5 and All Stars. They are great. It's so interesting to see their personalities before the show, and some really cool stuff is revealed, like how a lot of them got on. Jordan was discovered on the street by a scout (and she is so adorable and beautiful in the interview, it's no wonder).
Anyhoo, he's the important news!
Natalie DOES NOT HAVE A BF! In the interview she say she was involved with someone for two years, but they broke up eight months ago, and although still talk, have not reconciled. She makes it clear she is single. This is not rumor folks, it's right out of Natalie's mouth.
Here's the link:
Now this is rumor, but someone who supposedly knows her claims she is a lesbian. I add that for pure speculation entertainment. I have no idea (though if it is true, I'm kind of sad she hid it, more for her sake then ours). I have to say she was quite flirty with the women during the fashion show last night (but now I'm just being a gossip monger).
Just one more observation. Who is Jason, and what's up with the letter from dad? It's kinda like the two of them planned this together. No?
Quirkydude has all the interviews in full (and nearly all the seasons) posted on his youtube channel. If you have a year to kill, it's amazing stuff.
Happy Belated Birthday Tallen!!
Happy Birthday MsFitz!!
On Thursdays show they said the LIVE VETO comp. AND ceremony will air on TUesday... im like 100% sure thats waht it said!! im so confused right now? why did they do it? maybe its a fake?
On Thursdays show they said the LIVE VETO comp. AND ceremony will air on TUesday... im like 100% sure thats waht it said!! im so confused right now? why did they do it? maybe its a fake?
Happy Show Day!
Morning Carolyn, Genie, fellow BB addicts
Not such a happy day for all us Michele fans but as Genie said in her wonderful "speech" :) It's about the game as a whole and being here with our friends that really matters.
Carolyn, thank you so much for this wonderful place you have created that allows us to come together and meet, hang out and have the best time we can possibly have.
My story is like many others. I've been a fan of the show since season one. I used to hit a few sites for spoilers but never commented. I found the Dish a few years ago. I lurked and enjoyed all the wonderful banter. Last year I created a name for myself in tribute to home town boy Dan the Man. This year I started out with my name still in gray but then stayed up late a few nights and became a Dish corespondent :) on the late night activities. I had to become "legit" with my name in blue and pic, very happy I did. So many here make me laugh and entertain me in so many ways I can't imagine watching BB without it.
Can't wait to see what Pandora brought in that box this time. I feel there will much head shaking during the Red Queen's nomination speech. We'll see the clothes comp but not sure how much of the fashion show they'll get to. If you haven't watched you really need to, very funny. I thought I was watching the Surreal World LOL
Have a wonderful Sunday all. See you back here at show time.
Mr. Flashback
Happy Happy Birthday MsFitz,
Have a stupendous day!!!!!!
In Jane's words..."Holy Crap"
Saw the video Jane posted a link to on yesterday's post "Big Brother the Dish" about Natalie & b/f. How did we miss this all season? Good detective work, Jane!
Natalie & her b/f broke up 8 months ago & in the last few weeks prior to her being on show had been seeing each other & she hoped to reconcile. He did not know she was going on the show.
What makes me curious is her Dad mentioning her b/f & then pictures of her & b/f. Of course, that might not be him in the pics but geez this chick is really a mystery. And, maybe after b/f found out she was on the show got w/ Dad to watch w/ him. Who the heck knows? But, now I am even more convinced that it was Jessie she will see during the PB segment & not b/f proposing. She is an amazing liar & that is not something I would classify as a good trait. But, I guess if she wins 1st or 2nd place it served it's purpose for her.
About the Blog last night...
Genie, ♫ you are so beautiful to me ♫
What a sweet blog to come home to. You said what (I hope) all of us feel. We must feel it or we wouldn't be here. Carolyn and you and Kim and Dawn and all the other behind the scenes 'busy bees' make this the site to be a part of because we want to be and we don't have to put up with the abuse others suffer and so many of the other sites.
(That is except what Syn has to put up with from me, but we all know he really loves it and wants more of me. :-p~~ )
I'm humbled and even embarrassed to be called out by name in such great company. I don't contribute so much as I antagonize (any man I can) and I always feel blessed to have found a place where I can just be me.
It sounds so understated but even I know when sometime less is more.
Thank You!
Well, BB11 may be almost over, but I think that we may have a solution for Health Care Reform if NataLIE is up for it - we simply elect her to Congress (oh snap, she's not old enough at 18?) and get her to work her 'magic' on those old farts - I'm convinced she could sell ice to an eskimo - so why not put her to work doing something positive?
Oh well, probably won't work but at much as we all despice her tactics it does make for great TV - a "love to hate" thing I guess. BUT IF THERE IS A GOD please let her not win the big bucks and PLEASE humiliate her in the finalee... she needs some lessons in humility.
HaPpY BiRtHdAY MsFitz!!!!
And good morning Carolyn!
Last day of Decadence so I won't be around much again today and won't be here for the show viewing party because I have another show at 5:30 PM GaYToR time.
Last night was crazy and packed with half nekkid menz and some were more than half. ;) I think I saw Syn. I know I saw some synning going on! *giggle*
I should be back before last call tonight. And tonight is the final night so I will be back on schedule by Tuesday.
Happy Birthday MsFitz! xoxo
and shaking head re:Natalie. :o
Prediction-she is one of those HGs who will never be seen or heard from again once this show is over. Everyone in this season is going to hate her when they watch the show.
Honey HUSH!
*runs to Youtube*
oh for crap
she could be lying to Diane
lil lyin mess!
Good Afternoon...Happy Carolyn and all our dishers ;)
Happy Birthday MsFitz!
Great find Jane! Going to watch now! Thanks :)
Not surprised about Nat at all. I wonder if the bf can sue her for putting his personel stuff out there.
I know I saw someone say it was their birthday yesterday. Was it Tallen?
I don't remember now but whoever it was, happy belated birthday.
Patti C
Thanks for the link to Jeff's EW exit interview in the last post. It was awesome.
Just finished watching the fashion show from last night! They really looked like they were having fun!
I sure hope they do burn Nat-a-lie's basketball shorts!
I am going to go find the pre-show interviews discussed earlier.
Also, they talk about finding Jordan, I thought that there is a process for getting on BB, guess not!
Hello everyone. Im normally just a avid dish reader, but wanted to make a comment today.
I think from a producers stand point Jeff brought in ratings.And if im not mistaken producers get paid more with better ratings. Well, why not bring back jeff and boost those ratings.
So I am going out on a lim here and saying that natalie knows something about a housequest coming back which will be a backlash to her opening pandoras box.
Why would she continue asking each housequest and reassuring them they would have opened it too. I think something worse is going to unleashed to the housequest and she has that fact that they would have all used it in the back of her m ind so she can remind them all when they are upset with her for Jeff coming back.
just my assumptions of whats going to happen.
and if you cant tell I am def. Team JEFF!!!
I wish Kevin could find out all of Nat's lies. He doesn't trust her as is. I think Jordan will be in F2 for sure.
I just watched the interview where NataLIE talks about her BF.
So, the question is was she lying then or is she lying now?
The pictures could be her bf the one she broke up with. Her Dad could just be talking to Jason and that is her EX and not current..
What i would say is 100% true is that her BF was NOT in the BB house.Unless it is Jesse all along !!
I did not believe for one sec that BB let him come in for 20 minutes.
Natalie is a pathological liar, she has no problem making them up and she has less problem adding the details to make them seem real.
I do not believe NataLIE knows the truth vs a lie she combines them and makes them real to her,
Sunday, Hi gang, thanks for the B'day wishes. I cant beleive I ve made it this long!
I just finished watching BBAD, IM sorry to say that Im just not into it since Kev won the POV, those 2 have drained my spirit towards the game, of course I'll watch, but without much interest or enthusiasm,if it has anything to do with Nat or Kev they seem to make my veins run cold.
The CBS BB website has a email address posted to protest the POV comp if your interested, I wrote em but I doubt if it has any effect? ya never know.
Msfitz have a wonderful b'day as well!
And IM still Asking everyone to vote for for Michele tha Americans Vote, at the end of the game. she so much deserves it.
I heard the same thing Katie, I even went on demand and ff the whole Thursday night show to the end and heard Julie say that it was gonna be a live veto competition thats why I was so shocked to see them do it Saturday. I even thought after hearing that that is was gonna be boring in the house with nothing to do with the veto not being played until Tuesday. Maybe the one Saturday doesnt count. Wouldnt that be great?
Happy Birthday Ms Fitz!
I think it is sooooo Jessie in the PB... she slipped too many times and would game changing part would come from her seeing Jason.
Afternoon BBDishers...
WOW.... Thanks Jane for the confirmation!
I have told my hubby from the start that nat had no BF and that I figured her to be lesbian or bisexual!! When they showed a pic of her with a man. I told hubby that I bet thats just some neighbor or an old pic. We both got a huge laugh of the link and her interview. There were high fives all around.
Since the PB will be shown on tonights show. I hope it sways Kevin to do what his heart is screaming for him to do and not what nat screams at him to do.
They only have til tuesday, thou they dont know that. So I hope Kevin shakes this up a bit. I love Jordan to pieces, but still like to see Michele in the game and in f2 with Kevin.
Why does Nat feel the need to torture Michele so much. She wants to take credit for sending her home etc. I hope Nat is sent home F3. She is so mean.
For the first time since BB1, given Michele is gone, I could care less who wins between Kev, tang, or jordo. Sad, sad season.
Vicky and Katie,
At the end of the show on Thursday, Julie stated that the live show on Tuesday will feature the final POV competition, the LIVE veto meeting, the LIVE eviction and the start of the final HOH competition. They never said that the POV competition was going to be a LIVE competition.
Reposted: If you all haven't read 'Big Brother the Dish' by Genie Sea, take a look, well worth the read!
Genie, I have no idea if this will make it to your eyes, if not, Carolyn, would you make sure she gets this?
Genie, thank you for reminding us of the reason we watch BB, it is a game. I have been to other sites and they must not have any rules because there are inappropriate attacks on people, vulgar language directed at HG and comment makers, etc . . . the Dish is trully a place that I feel comfortable sharing my ideas, opinions, and hopes without the fear of being attacked.
Thank you Genie for reminding us!
Thank you Carolyn for being BBDish! Yes, I gotta have it!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, just because she's single and tomboy doesn't mean she's a lesbian or even bisexual, people. And nor should it matter or be the puzzle-piece type of thing if she is. This line of reasoning makes leaps make me uncomfortable.
Maybe Pandora's Box gave Natalie (hey, BB was all about handing out big power this season...) the POV but in exchange they had to do a "fake" veto comp and make someone think they had the veto and she is not allowed to say anything... or maybe she had the option of having a "fake" veto... that seems really odd and not right, but expect the unexpected...
I just listened to natalie's pre show interview with Diane, and there were a few "lies" (?) in there as well.......
She says she doesn't have a My space (she does, search natalie.martinez) and that her "ex" what she calls Jason did not know she was going on Big Brother. If he didn't know, wouldn't that mean he didn't sign a release, and that she wouldn't be permitted to talk about him?
I know, new top post. right? ;P
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