BB12: Evening of Renom Chaos
The feeds have been on fire tonight. Everyone has put their two cents in and trying to be the master manipulator.
To recap:
- Britney, Monet, and Enzo want Rachel to put up Andrew.
- Matt has offered himself up as a pawn in a ploy to put Rachel and Brendon in the perfect position to be back doored. Lane is down with that. They congratulate themselves on fooling Rachel but she is on to Matt at the very least.
- Rachel is considering Andrew up as a pawn, and Andrew has said that she should do what she must.
- Ragan and Kristen are trying to make sure that Rachel does what is best for her and not succumb to other people's agendas.
9:50 PM BBT
Rachel & Kristen
They are talking about the situation in the house.
Rachel: It's a cat fight house now. First Annie now Monet...
They talk about the craziness of the house. Kristen is sure that none of the boys want the two girls around.
Brendon comes out. Rachel tells him that she is about to do something unexpected and what will give her more chance in the game.
Brendon: This house is crazy.
Kristen: I think the Britney, Enzo and Monet are allied.
Brendon: Really?
Kristen is adamant that she thinks no matter what Enzo says, he wants Monet in the house. Kristen doesn't think that it's a good idea to put Andrew up as a pawn because he wouldn't understand the concept. (**Which he does. Andrew is much more on the ball than others give him credit)
Rachel brings up an alliance between the two showmances.
10:21 PM BBT
The proverbial Bubbles....
10:25 PM BBT
Ragan, Kristen & Rachel
Rachel: Thay's how the game is gonna be. Reality television.
Ragan: To be topsy turvy just for the sake for topsy turvy?
Kristen: That's why we need to keep control this week.
Rachel: That's why we need to play with strategy... Today, things came into light for me.... ( *Thanks to our lovely commentators, the theory is Rachel believes BB rigged the competition.)
Ragan: I see exactly what you're saying..
Kristen: We need to go into a competition where we have control
Rachel: It came full force to me today...I can't say too much right now. I might say at the wrap party... I don't think we were supposed to take Annie out last week. And I also don't doubt that there's friend in the house...We each three have our own strengths. We can anticipate what maybe the competitions might be, but they can't anticipate our strategy. We were playing without strategy. We need to think ahead logically. If we want to make sure that certain players are gone.
Kristen: We need to know who those players are, even if they are people we don't normally talk to.
Kathy comes out but doesn't interrupt the conversation. Nor does she take part.
Rachel: Professionals put us together. I have a checklist and he is every single piece of the checklist. I didn't expect that, but I should have expected the unexpected. Kristen and I would have been in Jamaica together in January...
BRB Screen
Ragan: I feel like I am in the Matrix right now. (**You and me both honey!)
Rachel: I plan to work my way through the Matrix. Survive and keep my friends. That's all you can do. Work through the Matrix.
Prolonged silence. It's comfortable. Talk turns to the chicken Ragan cooked, and how yummy it was.
Rachel: Do you think when the house splits... do you think it will be me and Brendon and the other people I'm thinking about and then everyone else in the middle?
Ragan: Well, I ... (he is uncomfortable)
Rachel: Want to go upstairs?
Ragan: Yeah.
She asks Kristen too but she declines. Rachel says nothing to Kathy. Ragan & Rachel go up to HoH.
Ragan: So my thought is after the split there will be huge floaters. When that happens go after the floaters...Instead of splitting the house... You turn it to three groups. One being the floaters. Two teams going after one.
Rachel: I'm going to cause drama tomorrow.
Ragan: What?
Rachel: It's the only way I can ensure my game play... **she sighs
Ragan: What? Tell me...
Rachel: I think it's so weird that Matt has been paranoid. He has been acting like Brendon is the HoH. I'm the HoH. He wants to be put him up as a pawn... To me that sets up a red flag. He wants people to think I am blindsiding him. It makes me look like an a-hole. I'm thinking, he's probably not the best person to put up because he said that.
Ragan: Just say it. If I say a word to anyone. Evict me
Rachel: It's going to be Andrew.... I think Matt wants to be on the side with Enzo, Britney and Lane. After I put him up as a pawn... He will go into the room and play the victim... (paraphrasing), It's suspicious that he would volunteer himself to be put up as a pawn.
Ragan: So you think that...
Rachel: I think Matt is playing both sides of the house. He brought up Andrew... I don't talk to Andrew. I am not aligned with Andrew. I've heard that Enzo wants to keep Monet here. I've seen them all hang out. Enzo, Matt, Britney, Lane, Monet if she stays...
Brendon comes in and Rachel asks him to come back in ten minutes... (**Oh Snap!)
Ragan needs a moment to process.
Ragan: These past couple of weeks have been hard for everybody. The biggest lesson I've taken away is... we can think something about somebody and find all the evidence to make that work... I obviously think a lot of Matt... I like him a lot...
Rachel: I like him too.
Ragan: I have heard him multiple times say I like Rachel. I don't want her to go anywhere. I want to give credence to what you're saying. I just want you to make sure...(paraphrasing) I don't get putting himself up as a pawn to protect Andrew...
Rachel: To protect Andrew?
Ragan: If Matt to be put up, then Andrew is safe from the block...
Rachel: I don't want to protect Andrew... I want to make sure Monet goes home. Putting up Matt, I'm afraid he is going to use it against me...
The reel rewinds and repeats.
Rachel: I don't think I have a good chance of winning this game.
Ragan: I think you and Brendon have a very good chance.
Rachel: I feel like I want to make the right decisions. I'm a fan. I watch the game. Britney too. She is a huge fan. She watches the live feeds. That girl knows what she's doing. You, on the other hand, I completely respect your game.
Ragan: Thank you!
Rachel: I see what you're doing. I see how hard you think about the game.
Ragan: Let's call a spade a spade. The house is already split. The people who you have talked to before you became HoH are on your side. The people who have talked to you once you became HoH, is the other side of the house. They (BB) make it seem like it was some cataclysmic event... but it was happening all along. You think that Matt is in between and jocking for position for next week? The move to put Andrew up will ensure... BUBBLES...
Rachel: He's trying to play the sympathy angle. Dan and Danielle used it very well (paraphrasing) If I put up Andrew, and he goes? Andrew goes. I don't talk to Andrew... (**meaning she can live with Andrew leaving)
Ragan: Andrew is a strong player. You have to think who you leave in the house more than who leaves the house. I think it would be a bad idea that Andrew leave the house.
Rachel: Really? Okay.
Ragan: My only suspicion with Matt is the Enzo thing... They used to hang out, and now they don't which I think is suspicious because nothing happened...
He encourages Rachel not to say anything explosive in the ceremony, but to talk to the players (Andrew and Matt) before. That way she diffuses any issues that someone was blindsided.
Ragan: So let me get this straight. If you put Andrew up, and he goes, you'll know. (*where people stand). People can't hide.
Rachel is called to the Diary Room.
Feeds go to the backyard. Lots of chit chat. No game talk.
11:19 PM BBT
Kathy and Rachel
Rachel is filling Kathy in on Matt's volunteering to be put up as a pawn. Kathy is flabbergasted. She then quotes Ragan verbatum about the house is splitting. She wants to ensure the side of the house she is with is safe and the other side needs to fight. Rachel tells Kathy that's what she, Kristen and Ragan were talking about last night, and she didn't want Kathy to feel ostracized. She repeats the fact that Matt wanted to act blind-sided.
11:30 PM BBT
Lane, Brendon, Monet & Rachel are in stocks for an hour as a result of losing the PoV. It looks like Britney saved Enzo from the stocks.
Hiya Genie!!
Monet: Andrew:
Brenden Matt
Hayden Enzo
Kristin Lane
Kathy Britney
Regan will be torn between following what Rachel wants and what Matt wants.
I wonder if Kristen will mention the Matt thing to Hayden just as general chit chat/catching up (which he already knows Matt's side) and how Rachel plans on calling him out and then Hayden warns Matt and Matt gets one step ahead of Rachel. Oy, this could get interesting.
Genie!!! Where you been??????
You been gone forever this evening, girl!!!! LOL
Glad you are back!!!!
I may not last much longer, but so glad to see you back!!!!
Hi Genie & All!
If Rachel calls out Matt during the POV, he will still stay but that may turn Britney against him. But that's about all it will do; I'm sure everyone else will turn it around on her like Kristen just told her.
Hiya Blue!!! I went to spend some time with my godson and my friends. :)
Hiya Toni! :)
Hiya Michelle! :)
Hiya Kas!!
Heck. I'm not one to ask where people have been. I tend to get busy doing things and forget to check in sometimes!!!!
Hope you had a nice time this evening, Genie!!!!
"Matt has offered himself up as a pawn in a ploy to put Rachel and Brendon in the perfect position to be back doored."
Would someone please explain to me how "backdooring" works?
It seems like I haven't watched enough BB. :)
My comment looked much more organized in this little box. LOL
Good point Toni...that will certainly teach Rachel to stick to her own advice to Brendon and not tell anyone anything.
I love Regan...he totally reminds me of my brother...But please put on a shirt and stop playing with your arm pit hair!
Hey y'all! What's up Genie! ♥
Blue - LOL! It's okay :) I just needed a BB break and time with my family who I haven't seen in a couple of weeks. My godson is a little over a year old and I don't want him to forget me. He didn't! You should have seen his little face light up when he saw me. Priceless! :)
Thank god for Kristen. She's more than Tight pants!
Is Brendan the softest BB male ever? maybe Dustin BB8
i've been a lost puppy dog too, but I was 16
Hey Michelle!
I actually think Ragan will do what ever Rachel asks...I think the issue is what Hayden will do. I don't know if he'll go against the rest of his "real" alliance.
AWWWWWW, Genie!!! That sounds so wonderful!!!!! Aren't they awesome at that age?
My newest niece was born Feb. 5th this past year and is only just now 5 months old.........she's at that chubby, chunky, round face stage, and can only sit up on her own right now.
They are sooooo precious!!!!!
I understand EXACTLY where you are coming from!!!!
I'll bet you enjoyed and loved every second of your visit!!!!
Rachel has really been hinting about knowing "something" game wise today. Earlier she got all upset and told Brendon that she couldn't tell him and she just said something now.
Holmes, backdooring is when you nominate 2 people for eviction, play the POV Comp. and then deliberately take one of your original nominations off of the block and nominate a HG who was not given the opportunity to play in the POV Competition to try and save themselves.
Some HG's think even if they play in the POV Comp, but do not win, that - that is also backdooring.
It depends on who you talk to.
This week: Andrew would be a true backdoor if he was the intended HG that the house wanted to send home since he did not play in the POV Competition.
I can do without Rachel saying "Expect the unexpected" one more time, but her Ragan and Kristen are having a very good conversation about this game!
I really wish they would figure out the technology to just bubble one feed.
Welcome back Genie!
Does anyone know what the heck Rachel is talking about? I feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle in this conversation. They are not finishing sentences...
Blue - Awwww! I love babies. They are gifts to the world :)
Hiya Rhonda!! :) Huggies :)
Toni - Thanks for explaining! I don't think I have the brain to do that right now :) hehehe Huggies :)
BB fanatic- It's a great conversation if I understood it... LOL
Hi Genie, hi everyone
You're still up :) YEAH
Lots of back and forth going on today it seems.
To me this is real simple. Rachel puts up a Brigade member or she and Brendon and more are screwed. Say she doesn't put one of them up. Monet gets Britney's vote and the Brigade's, five votes she stays. Now the Brigade and Brigadetts have a six person alliance. Somebody Kathy, Andrew, Ragan or Kristen, from the other side is gone. Now the Brigade(etts) have a six to five shot at getting HOH. They do and Brendon, most likely, goes home.
Their, the others, problem is they think that Hayden is a vote against Monet. He only is if he has to save a Brigade member. They don't know this and that will be their downfall.
Right now on the sofa an alliance could be forming, they need Andrew out there.
Hi Genie! Hi everyone!
Everyone has such awesome comments, and many different theories, I love it! :)
Kas, I think you are right about Hayden and that would split the house. I stand corrected!
omg I can't believe I'm gonna say this...cuz I am way more into the subtle showmance than the rachel/brendon gaga showmance...but dang Rachel is one smart cookie. She is figuring everyone out and the situations that each person wants to see. If Brendon would just stay away long enough for her to work through everything with Kristen and Ragan...this could prove to be a very interesting week. Heck Monet might stay and one of the Brigade may be going home...which in all actuality would be best for both showmances in the end.
I am now a converted Rachel fan. Always loved Kristen and Ragan's Rachel is right up there with them in my book.
I'm so thrilled to finally have closure on who Britney's been reminding me of! Thanks, those who mentioned Dolly!
Blue and Genie, Little ones are so sweet. My cousins 1st birthday today was awesome.
Genie, I think Rachel hit her head. LOL!
I have no clue!
I believe what Rachel is referring to is production and how they purposely put people in the house that might pair up...they purposely play certain games they think certain people can win...all for the "show" she said...this is reality "TV"....that's my take...
Yw, Genie!
I sure wish AG would throw in a diamond veto this season!
I think she's part tipsy and part of it is she thinks she's had an epiphany. I think she thinks Brittany was given the win. But I'm really not sure. She did something similar this morning with Brendon but didn't go into any detail like now.
Today makes 12 months for me with no smoking. 4 more weeks and I will be 1 year (52 weeks) smoke free. I would have never guessed I was strong enough to quit! So proud!! :-)
Rachel's out of her gord right now, I see what she's trying to say, it ain't fool proof though.
she just needs to expect to put matt up tomarrow like Kristen said. They're coming after you anyway. You might as well put one out of the house.
Genie I am on Rachel burnout so I really don't know what is being said.
True backdooring doesn't occur anymore.
In it's original state, the two nominees and the HoH would get to choose who would play for PoV. They could shut out people they didn't want playing for it. So, if the house wanted someone out, they could nominate 2 people superficially, choose who would play for PoV, and ensure one of them would get the win, thereby taking one of the nom's off the block, and replacing with the person the house originally wanted out.
That unlucky person would have no chance or opportunity whatsoever to save him/her self.
Now the rules have changed, and they must draw names for who the other 3 PoV players will be, making it a crapshoot. The only 3 guaranteed to play each week, are the HoH, and the 2 nominees.
So, they do call it back dooring, when the replacement did not get to play in the PoV comp, but it isn't, in the original definition.
It was originally done to Jake and Holly. Jake was the intended victim, and he did go home. Several seasons ago.
Regan zip it!
hmm Were Rachel and Ragan talking about how they think the game is "fixed"?
I'm sure Kathy is shitting her pants right now after Rachel not really saying a word to her down there.
What is stupid is Rachel is worried about someone being mad at her for putting them up. If she only knew that half the house, at least, already wants her and Brendon out.
I actually think that convo between Ragan, Kristen, and Rachel was about the POV being rigged for Brittany to win to make good tv but thats just what I gathered from it.
natalie played an awesome game, she was not a floater. I just couldn't stand her personally.
Oh, I wish she wasn't telling Ragan! If Kristen tells Hayden and he tells Matt, Rachel may think it's Ragan who told Matt! :(
I have a very strong feeling that Rachel is suspect & believes strongly but will not say it out loud to them that AGP is very involved in the outcome of the competitions. I think that is what she is referencing w/out coming right out & saying it. Earlier today when she was talking to Kristen she said she thought it was strange the way that Britney won & someone wanted her around & to stay in the house. Those aren't the exact words but that is the gist of it. I was going to write that earlier but now I also know why she continues to be so cryptic in her words & keeps saying expect the unexpected. She is running that saying into the ground tonight but the light at the end of the tunnel seems to have shined brightly to her today.
I don't understand Matt saying he would be a pawn. I thought for sure the Brigade would insist that Andrew, Kathy or Ragan go up as a pawn. That one makes me go hmmmm.
I thought earlier Matt played it so good until he said he wanted them to act like he didn't know about it & he would act surprised when she put him up. That is what got her suspicion up. I'm so glad she saw thru him but she still seems to be wavering on what to do.
There's the flaw. Rachel thinks Hayden is on her side.
Sorry to be talking so much Genie. I know you're busy right now. Good stuff going on in HOH.
What is Rach taking about? What piece of the puzzle did I miss?
Matt called us weirdos. We love you too Matt :P But I do like him, he's hilarious.
Genie - this is what I get from what they are saying. During the POV comp today, the time didn't add up. Basically they are thinking that "BB" or AGP rigged it so that Britney won the PoV because it makes for good t.v.
I absolutely love Ragan. I can't even put into words how I feel. People who are in his life are truly blessed. I hope he knows how special he is.
Good evening.
Just got in from the club. Danced off quite a few pounds. If I just go out 4-5 nights a week, I'll be ripped!!!!
Not sure about putting up Andrew. The Brigade are going after Rachel and Brendon regardless, I think.
And, to add to that thought about Rachel & AGP...either she thinks they control, as much as possible, the outcome of a challenge or she thinks someone during the challenge figured out a way for Kristen to win. She said it more than once she thought it was strange the way she won.
Excellent points Michigan Man. Actually it would be 6-4 since Rachel couldn't play next week.
I think it's time Rachel approached Andrew and told him that he has to pick a side now, for his own good.
Okay, I know a girl who really looks like Monet, and she's just as expression-less as she is. So weird!
To late Rachel. Your showmance sealed your fate. It put you in a defined alliance and made you a threat.
Ragan: I don't get putting himself up as a pawn to protect Andrew...
Rachel: I don't want to protect Andrew... I want to make sure Monet goes home. Putting up Matt, I'm afraid he is going to use it against me.
Rachel, Ragan didn't mean YOU were protecting Andrew, he meant Matt. Sigh...
After the faux pas Brendan made earlier, I'm not surprised Rachel asked him to come back!!!
Good for her!!!
Hey everyone. Ok I am watching Showtime and I think what Rachel meant was that CBS fixed the POV comp today so Brtiney would win. I almost turned off my tv after hearing her say "we have to expect the unexpected" one more time. She kept saying it's REALITY..TELEVISION.and talk of "professionals" So I am guessing she thinks the show is rigged. Of course, I could be wrong,but that's my take.
I don't remember an HG having as good of an understanding of the game as Ragan. Maybe BB10 Dan?
Toni, congrats! Did you do quit cold turkey or use something?
I'll be 3 years quit around Christmas, I had to take Chantix to finally do it. Best gift to myself ever! :)
Brother Mouzone!!!!
I had no clue you go out dancing in clubs!!!! LOL
You go, Guy!!!!!!
For someone who watches BB shes got no clue.
OMG Ragan is SO smart!!!!!! He better win this game. But his BUDDY Matt put a target on his back with Lane.
I'll say this.
Yes, the Brigade are going after Rachel and Brendan. But, if Rachel puts up Matt as the re-nom, they have waaaayyyyyy too many good excuses to go after them.
Whereas, if she puts up Andrew, the Brigade can't make those same arguments.
If Matt goes up, he will absolutely not go home.
Hola nighttime dishers! Lessa's in da house - and will be ready to go in just about 20 minutes - if you're ready to pass off the reigns, Genie. :)
WTG Toni! I am 8 days.
Rachel better watch herself or she is going to get in trouble with production.
Matt wants to be a pawn. So Rachel isn't going to put him up? That would be genius, if we were living in bizarro world.
I am a newly converted Rachel fan. She is very very smart. The only piece she hasn't gotten yet is who Matt is aligned with.
and yes I love Ragan too
Hi Lessa!
Genie, thanks for another fun day! :)
You are so right Brother Mouzone. A 6-4 split, even worse.
Everyone - Thank you for your help interpreting what Rachel is saying! You are ALL THE BEST!!
Hiya Lessa!! Hells yeah I'm ready to give you the reigns! My head is spinning!! HOLYYY!
I will be hanging for a bit with you all!!
I just hope and pray that Rachel doesn't tell Matt that her plans have changed. It's gonna bite Matt in the butt tomorrow night after he has gone and told everyone that he's been put up as a pawn! I can't wait to see his face!!
Ya'll were talking earlier that you think Brit looks like Dolly....I think she looks like Britney Murphy....
I also looked in our phone book and found Kathy's phone number and address.... she needs to have that blocked out soon!
I have to admit, I was not liking Rachel, she just seemed so "fake" to me. But her and Ragan are my absolute favs. They are sooooo intune to this game, its not even funny. I love watching their minds working.
Hey Lessa!
Crazy night tonight. They have the right ideas they just don't have all the pieces in the right place. Hayden is a square peg and they are trying to put him in round hole.
you are right about it really being "backdooring" anymore Blue. It was Nakomis who originated it with her "5 finger plan" they put up 2 pawns, picked specific pov players and then took one off to put up Jase and evict him. It was a beautiful move. but now that they have to randomly draw players, it makes it much harder. no doubt in my mind that AGP made that change just for that reason
There are just some really smart cookies this season.. and a few not so much. But this game just got so good... I know I know. I 've said that four time already tonight...
This is the first night I have had to stay up and watch!!
Britney just brought up the pants!
She's just jealous
I have no hope in hell responding directly to anyone in this post! My head is literally spinning, and I have lost track of saying hello to anyone.
Well, I think Lane needs to go up just for his stupid conversation...hating the TX Aggies! I can go along w/ the hatred for Longhorns but not my Aggies!!!! ok, got my football talk out of the way.
I know there are not a lot of Rachel fans here, but gotta give it to her. She is smart and she is playing her own game. :)
I think Rachel is one smart cookie. I didn't like her at first, but her game play is awesome. She is extremly smart in my opinion.
lisa mason!!!!
Yes, it was Jase who was backdoored!!!!
I think I said Jake. His name is Jase!!!! Got that wrong.
Soooooo remember the 5 finger plan!!!! With Nakomis!!!!
I'm calling it a night, hope to see you all tomorrow!
As always, it's been fun! :)
Ok, going back to my soapbox on the couch. This puter chair is too uncomfortable to sit in for long periods of time....Makes my butt numb...
congrats Toni and Michelle. I quit the day after Christmas and I am so glad I did. My best friend's dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and it really made me start thinking about my own health. He passed away this Tuesday evening.
jluvsturtles, I also used Chantix.
Congrats, Michelle! Before you know it, it will be 8 weeks then 8 months. You can do it!
I won't be a Rachel fan until she gets rid of the clinger!
Rachel needs to stop telling ev1 though. I love Kathey, but dang girl ... Keep things quiet until things settle down and you get it completely figured out. Rachel likes to talk. Ragan likes to think.
Michelle - LOL!!
I'm a Rachel fan, Genie!!!!
I'm about to get got with a new Top Post, I just feel it!!!1
Less is coming on duty!!!
Kscooter, that's it! Brittany Murphy! Thank you!!!!!
Wait, Rachel is going to stocks? What did we miss.
Rachel is just trying to outsmart everyone, including herself. She's figured out the Brigade,but she's got no clue what to do and is considering sacrificing Andrew.
That was exactly what I was about to say, Genie! I definitely have to give her credit. My only issue is her not sticking by her rule of keeping it to her and Brendon...she's told everyone.
Genie - I go back & forth w/ Rachel. Mostly I don't like that she & Brenden hooked up so quickly & didn't give themselves a chance to play the game. But today, she seems to be letting the game play be a more important part of her existence in the house.
Thanks Lisa and Toni. Lisa so sorry about your friends dad.
What the french toast is going on with the stockade?
what in the world is going on?! very interesting..
Way to go, Lisa!
Sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to lung cancer when I was 14. She was only 40. Smoking is so bad!
Why can't Rachel remember the most important rule to being HOH?
Don't nominate someone that you don't want to see evicted!
It's especially true early in the game when you aren't sure where people stand and the evictee isn't on the jury. You run no risk when you don't have a pawn. If your target doesn't go home then at least someone you wanted out slightly less is gone.
She also needs to understand that no matter what relationship she thinks she's building up with the boys they will still target her and Brendon. They'd be stupid not to. She only reinforces that with all of her talk about who "we" are going to nominate.
Follow the K.I.S.S. plan. Nominate someone you don't want in the house!
There goes anymore game talk on BBAD
This is awesome!
I'm afraid I do not understand this "stock" thing!
Think I am caught up again! Lot's has happened tonight! I have been watching tv, trying to do some normal activities instead of sitting glued to my computer! When a few hours have gone by and I am still sitting in front of my computer, my eyes are a little crossed!
This stockade thing looks kinda stupid. My thoughts!
This last part of the POV Comp has something to do with what they lost. They have to stand there for an hour. I also heard that this doesn't stop after tonight. It goes on all week.
At 7:17pm it was posted that Rachel, Ragan, and Matt were chatting. I think Brendan was present.
Rachel says to Matt that she thinks her options are "you (I think she was looking towards Ragan) Kathy amd Matt.
Matt asked her "How did you come up with those three?"
She said because I think thats the way I'd get 9 votes for Monet to go.
She added "I dont want to do this to you because I like you"
Matt says "Let me think about this..."
It was after that when Matt offered himself, asked to use the HOH room to chat with the boys, and ask for it to look like a blindside so it wouldn't look like a plan.
I'm wondering why Rachel keeps telling everyone that Matt came upstairs and offered himself to be the pawn.
I see that Matt has other sneaky plans, I just find it odd that Rachel is twisting the story when she doesn't have to...does she?
Is it just me...or does Monet look waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to comfortable standing in stocks next to Rachel???
Brendon just passed on the game they're playing. Poor sport. Rachel ignored him, so he is pouting.
Kathy said catfish LOL little do they know.
Brendon is in a bad mood.
Rachel: Appletinis!!!!!
Those are yummy!!!!
Wish I had one right now!!!!
Brendon passed again and is not talking. He must be upset.
Jerky and Jelly Donuts~
Lollipops and lemon jello~
It is just me or everytime they show Kristen she is sitting as if she a pole up her back? She just always looks like she is posing. Especially in those little bikinins! I am not bashing her, just wondering if anyone sees that?
Brendon is a pouty poopy face right now. He's taking the snub not well at all... Maybe they'll get a showvorce
Why do they have to stand in the stockades?
well gang, I think it's time for me to call it a night (or morning,since it's almost 3am) enjoy the rest of the evening/day depending on your time zone :)
new top post - think i caught all the alphabet slop requests!
Brendon's being a pissy pants. Someone's true colors are showing. He ain't getting non tonight.
Thank you, Toni.
Evidently there was a change in the game since BB9, the last season I was able to watch completely.
Apparently, only some HGs play for POV, right? Who decides that?
Thanks again for the explanations!
Hi All!
I can't get time during the day to play (only lurk now and then) and this season I can only join in at night. But I never see the link for lessa at night. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
i am having the same issue as Izzy, I cant find Lessa's link
Go to the main page :)
new post on top of the page.
I would put up Enzo, that way Andrew would stay and the boys would have to make a choice either keep Monet or Enzo, either way one of them would be gone from that side of the house
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