BB12: Week 2 PoV Spoiler and Aftermath
1:45 PM BBT
Feeds return from trivia!
Will Britney or Monet have won? If so, who will Rachel put in their place? Will the house be turned on its ear? No matter what, get ready for some serious campaigning, lying, backstabbing and drama. That's why we love this game so much!
PoV Winner is....
Feeds return to Britney, Enzo Matt and Ragan talking about the competition. They are all talking at once.
BRB Screen.
Insect Room
Enzo, Brtiney & Monet.
Britney is all set to back door Brendon or Rachel next week. They wonder if they have to votes to save Monet. She has gained strength in her convictions again.
Rachel & Brendon
They are regrouping, trying to put their alliances all in a row. They are considering Kathy. Matt would be too risky. Rachel is wondering if they can convince Britney not to use the PoV..
Taj Room
Matt & Enzo
They are scrambling. They want to make sure that Monet is evicted and are afraid who would go up.
1:57 PM BBT
Enzo has joined the two. There seems to be a dispute about the time and the results. He is upset.
Rachel: We already knew we wanted Monet to go home.
BRB Screen
Feeds come back to Rachel saying she does not to back door anyone. She wants Monet gone.
Matt comes upstairs. The Brigade is scrambling... well, the part of the Brigade who don't have an understanding with Rachel and Brendon.
They are still trying to figure out who to put up against Monet. Brendon thinks it will be a house vote and Monet is going home no matter who goes up. (**Brendon? Have you watched Big Brother?) He doesn't want to make enemies because of this.
The HoH is busier than a Macy's sale... Ragan comes in
Ragan: You need to figure out who would not have guaranteed votes as a pawn.
Ragan cautions them that notoriously at the beginning of the game, the pawn goes home.
Brendon: If someone votes against the house, then...
Ragan: It's not votes against the house. It's against you.
Matt: You can find yourself against the house.
Ragan: The house is not split yet. There are fractures... You need to think who would get the votes to stay before you decide (paraphrasing) Endurance. Britney is small.
Rachel: She's dumb.
Ragan: That has nothing to do with it. She's a small girl. She can win Endurance.
Matt: She told me. I'm a small girl, I can do Endurance.
Talk switches to the upcoming types of competitions.
Ragan: It needs to be someone who you're not tight with but not on outs with. Someone you can approach to say, this is our opportunity to talk game.
Brendon: My most important thing is to go as a house. Not to cause a schism... (**le sigh)
Ragan also advises them to figure who are the people Monet and Britney are going to go to, in order to get votes for Monet, and go to them first.
Brendon: I think Britney will distance herself.
Neither Ragan or Matt agree. This is the girls' opportunity to flip the house. (**I can't help worrying about Ragan over-free sharing of his fantastic game strategy and knowledge)
Rachel: Britney told me that she wants to get Andrew out.
The others laugh at her and assure her, she and Brendon are Britney's prime target.
Matt: Be careful who you put up as a pawn. They might put you up as a pawn. (**veiled threat much?)
Ragan and Matt leave HoH.
Brendon: There is no way she will beat me in Endurance. I will hang in there with everything I have. She might be small, but she is weak minded.
Rachel: Expect the unexpected Brendon.
Brendon refuses to see the possibility.
Rachel: We have to consider the TV audience. They don't want to see us winning week after week.
Brendon: What about Matt? Is he in the door?
Rachel: Matt is sneaky... I'm scared of Lane. And Enzo...
Brendon wants to work on Enzo for his assurance if they don't put him up. RAchel wants to talk to Hayden.
Rachel: The only person we can put up is Matt. If we put up Kathy, she will be going home.
Brendon: Matt or Enzo.
Rachel: Enzo will be a problem.
Brendon: Will Monet and Britney be able to flip it on Matt? What about Lane?
So it goes back and forth. They go over the votes: Hayden, Kristen, Ragan, Lane, Kathy and Brendon.
They are solidifying on picking Matt as the pawn. They want to tell him that the reason they are putting Matt up is because he is very popular with the vote.
2:36 PM BBT
Jumanji Room
Matt & Lane
Matt is giving Lane the heads about about what was discussed upstairs. He advises that he go to HoH to ensure he isn't be put up as a pawn.
Insect Room
Monet & Britney
They are talking about who they can get Rachel to put up as a pawn. They think they have enough votes to save Monet.... They think it would be best if Hayden goes up. Britney wants Andrew to go up... (**Hi. You won the PoV not HoH.)
Lane, Brendon & Rachel
Lane: Okay Lowdown.
Rachel: We're good. Don't worry. We need someone to go up as a pawn...
Kristen comes up.
Talk turns to their shock that Britney won the PoV.
Rachel: Lane you would out Monet right?
Lane: Yeah.
Rachel: I think everyone would vote her out... (She goes over the reasons she wants Monet gone)
Kristen: It sucks that you have to put someone else up. It's hard, but it's going to get harder every week. (paraphrasing)
Talk turns to the PoV competition. Dropping and counting the time. They were being slapped with something.
Rachel: The thing is no matter who goes up against Monet. Monet is going home.
Kristen: But you have to be careful. Whoever goes up will be insulted
Lane leaves.
Kristen tells Rachel she has her back no matter what. She believes that Britney will come after her and Rachel.
Kristen: If we play this right, We will go to the end.
Rachel: The girls always come after each other... You and I haven't talked... but
(**sounds like a budding alliance between Kristen and Rachel.)
Brendon comes in. The discussion continues.
Rachel says she doesn't want to put anyone from their side, but if she puts up a strong man from Britney/Monet's side, he would come after them.
Kristen: That leaves Matt or Kathy.
They talk along the same lines.
Rachel: Do you mind if I tell Brendon what we were talking about?
Kristen: No at all. I am up front. I can't stand Britney... What pisses me off is she thinks I'm a floater.
Rachel: I know! I consider you a strong.
2:55 PM BBT
Britney comes in. She shoos Brendon and Kristen out.
Britney: I'm sorry. I'm about to be called into DR. I have two minutes. I need to talk to you...
She starts by creating a smoke screen of gratitude towards Rachel.
Rachel wants assurance that Britney will not put her or Brendon up on the block. She thinks Monet will come after her.
Rachel: If Andrew goes out this week. Who would go after?
Britney: I would put up the other people I have in mind who are floaters.
Rachel: You won't back door Me or Brendon.
And the reel repeats...
3:02 PM BBT
BRB Screen.
3:17 PM BBT
Andrew, Rachel & Brendon.
Rachel: For sure though we want to vote out Monet.
Andrew: You sure you don't want to back door anybody?
Rachel: I don't want to back door anyone. I don't want to play dirty.
Andrew: What do you think about Ragan? He is strong. He will be my target.
Brendon: You say that we're considering you to put you up. As soon as you distance yourself from us, the sooner will they start talking to you.
Andrew leaves.
She thinks if we put Andrew up and he goes home, then she will be on our side and so will Monet. They both decide they can't trust them. Britney told Rachel that her targets are Britney and Kristen.
Kathy comes in and hops into bed.
Rachel: So what happened with Monet earlier?
Kathy: she came to the bathroom and said she was sorry. She heard some stuff and blah blah blah. (Her words not mine) She said you wouldn't look at me. The same stuff, and I said I tried. Then Britney said I saw her. She (Kathy) tried to talk to you.
Brendon: Do you think it's a genuine apology?
Kathy: No.
Rachel: You know Monet... You think she's dangerous?
Kathy: Yes.
Brendon: Do you trust her?
Kathy: Nope.
Rachel: She needs to go then. They have been up here trying to cut deals.
Rachel goes on to say that she thinks Britney and Monet have an alliance despite their assurances that they're just friends. They also gave away their plans to Rachel by telling her to put up Kristen and Andrew before the nominations. She is convinced that their prime targets are herself and Kristen.
More Bubbles.... It's almost like taking a dry shower. :)
The discussion in HoH is continuing along the same lines. Brendon at one point offers to go as a pawn. Rachel nixes that. (**No kidding! Hello? Brendon. Connect with your upper head please. Thanks.)
In the Cabana room Lane and Kristen are discussing the possibility that they will be put up as pawns...
3:41 PM BBT
Insect Room
Enzo: The best would be if they put Kathy up. The best would be if they put Andrew up.
Monet: They will probably put up someone they know will be safe.
Enzo: If they put me up, I'm going to go gunning for them if I stay.
He goes on a mini rant...
Enzo: They don't have the balls to put up someone popular. I told them. Put up someone weak.
Monet: If Rachel were smart she would put her (Kristen) up. She's a floater. She goes where the power is.
Enzo: I don't see anyone else. It has to be Kathy. If Kathy goes up, we could....
3:49 PM BBT
Cabana Room
Kristen & Hayden
For a lighter mood, this happy couple is getting to know each other. Talking about their families. Talk turns to game.
Kristen: Brendon and Rachel being together takes the spotlight off us.
Hayden: Their showmance is disgusting...
Kristen agrees.
Hayden: It's just in bad taste.
ObiRaganWan joins them. Talk turns to working out.
Meanwhile in:
Kathy, Brendon & Rachel.
Brendon:If people are gunning for us because we're competitors is okay. But to gun for us because we are happy is ridiculous. I think the girls are the only on after us because of us. I think everyone else is okay with us being together (**Irony much?)
Kathy: I think the think you're cute together. (**Smoking is outside sweetheart)
They talk a bit more. Kathy says she's going to give them some time together.
Brendon: Having you in the house grounds us (*paraphrasing)
Rachel: Don't worry. We won't put you up as a pawn.
She leaves and they settle in for a nap...
4:00PM BBT
Storage Room
Hayden & Lane
Hayden is filling him in about what was discussed in HoH. Lane says that if they put him up as a pawn, he will return the favor, and back door them.
4:17 PM BBT
Rachel and Brendon are up and go downstairs to the Insect Room where Enzo is sleeping. They lie down in there. (**Go figure) It seems Brendon was told he can't sleep in a real bed. Rachel went with him for support. General chit chat ensues with Enzo.
Britney comes in.
Britney: Sacrificing the HoH room to be with the notties. That's dedication.
BB: Rachel. Please go to the Dairy Room.
Obviously Monet didn't win the POV - who did?
I am on pins and needles!
I think Britney won it :( that would figure.
Well something happened because Enzo, Brit and Mo are talking about just needing five votes. Talking bad about Kathy or Rachel, not sure yet, maybe both.
Oh Snap! Bitchie saved her ass! Or is she Twitchie?
with the way they;re talking/discussing, it seems like britney won it ...cos they keep talking about replacement nominee like britney's definitely coming off the block......i dont care...i want MATT or WITCHY (Monet) to go home!!!!
There is some heavy duty sceaming! I think the brigade has other plans . . . they want to keep Monet . . .
Well, I just signed up for the live feeds. Can anyone tell me if it's normal to not have any sound on the quad cam? Thanks guys.
this is my first time posting but i had to because my girl won pov...i so happy
Damn you new post *lmao*
story of my life...
always 2 minutes late : o P
Kathy would be a dumb move, too risky that she would go, I don't think she's as good a pawn as Sheila.
They are to scared to put Matt or Enzo up. Kathy's only chance is I don't think Kristen will want her up.
Another one of those timed POVs. That's why it took so long.
Popped in on Kristen and Kathy - who were they talking about and what did Kristen tell her???
Rut ro! I can't wait to see who is targeted now. Hopefully Monet will remain the target, if not Rachel is going to be leaving the house soon. Britney and Monet already said they are gunning for her.
I feel like I'm the only won who's happy Britney won...If Matt gets put up in Britney's place and goes home I'd be cool with that. However, if Kathy gets put up in Brit's place and goes home I will NOT be happy about that...
The Brigade will keep Monay over Kathy. This is bad. We thought BritMo was bad before.
You know Rachel should let brittany use the POV and then put up Kathy. Then monet will have one less sympathy vote. Enzo seems to be a sure vote for Monet so why mess up a good thing... personally i"d get rid of someone more thretening but its Rachel so what evs *L*
Oh thank god for Ragan!!! :)
I'm sorry to say this, but for such an intelligent man, Brendon has no idea how this game works. Would they please listen to Ragan?
I think if they use Kathy as the pawn, Britney would be forced to show her true colors or not fight for Monet as much. Who knows.
I think Rachael should put up either Hayden or Ragan because everyone likes them both!
Blogger is acting up again.
Hopefully this will make it through.
Time for work. Back around 8pmish BBT so if you're still up see you then if not tomorrow.
Bye Genie, everyone
I must say that I am surprised that Britney won it.
And, the plot thickens!!!
Hooray for Britney!
As long as Andrew, Ragan and Matt are safe I'm happy but at the end of the day I'd rather Monet goes over anyone else. I hope Rachel puts up Kathy because that way I'll be happy with the results on Thursday no matter what.
Off to go get some sun! I don't know why I want to go outside to the infirno (sp)
I am not on lock down!
I like Ragan - he is kinda growing on me . . . not like a fungus, or a rash.
Hi Horse ::snicker:::
My quad had no sound. And, my sound is lousey. I'm wondering if switching bands would help?
Hi everyone !!
These HGs have me too busy to comment right now! :)
Did everyone else loose the links on their page that allow you to click on current posts?
It used to be just above the EBAY announcements. I have to use several tasks to find the current posts with comments attached.
I aagree %100
LOL Hi Pally ;) Oh well, no quad for me :( Thanks for your suggestion!
Highhorse - the feeds have not had sound on the quads all season. It's normal! BBFeeds says they are trying to fix this but...
Well crap! Was hoping a non-nominee would win.
Ohhhh thanks for the info MsFitz!
I should really look at what I'm typing before I hit publish.
I think if Ragan agreed to go up he would be more able to keep his cool.I don't want to risk losing him tho.
Hayden might be easier to approach because he already put up the 2 people who would be approaching /informing him.
Please don't boo and hiss but I have something shocking to say. Here goes...I am glad Britney won.
I know, I know, but hear me out. I don't really care if Monet goes home. She kind of bores me although that could very likely change this week. I know there is always a chance whoever is put up next to Monet could leave. But I am not so strongly attached to anyone yet that I am on the edge of my seat worrying about safety like with Kaysar. There are a couple people I would definitely miss (Ragan most especially.)
It's kind of the nature of the beast. No one wants the meanies to make it to the end (last years Natalie). But if the drama gets sent home too soon who really needs the feeds or BBAD?
I thought that the house wanted Monet or Britney to go, so if they put up Kathy they would vote for Monet to go. I thought that Lane and Enzo both wanted Monet gone
Hi everyone, bah I hate that Britney won POV I am so tired of the mean girls
Happy Saturday Late Afternoon, Dishers!!!
I can't believe Brit won PoV!! GRRRRR!!!!
I wanted her to go home this week.
Sorry for the delay in comment publishing!!! I am being kept VERY busy by these HGs! :)
Hi Pally, Carolyn removed the links until she returns this evening.
**Blowing bubbles around the room*** :)
I know Blue, what are the chances?!
I can't believe Brendon is thinking he can outlast Britney on an endurance competition. How can he be certain!?
I think instead of the HG's having to watch previous seasons of Big Brother, they should be forced to visit BBDish. Just sayin'!
I thought Rachel was too smart for Britney but I don't know...
So, do you like pinky swear you put us up?
I hope Ragan agrees with the Matt choice, I know he's close to him but he has to admit that Matt is the perfect "close but not too close" person for Rachal.
Oh this game! I love it!
Re Endurance Comp: Jeff and Russell outlasted all the small girls last season. :)
Smoochies Blue! :)
I think I greeted everyone else today, right? :)
If I missed you. My apologies... :)
smoochies back atcha Genie!!!
I know, right, Toni!!LOL
Matt or Lane are really only the safe choices, the brigade will be forced to vote out'll be a 8-1 if Brittany sticks by her.
Re: Endurance Comp.
Last seasons girls weren't as catty and mean. LOL!
Toni - I have one name for you...Natalie :)
Genie! OMG! How did I forget her? Oopsie! Sigh...
I think Britney could pull this off and save Monet. I see her as being a potential strong player.
Oh my!!!!!!!!!
Are we gonna have a girl fight between Genie and Toni!!????
Them's fightin' words!!!!
Blue - You instigator!! :)
Toni - Britney could do it if the Brigade weren't in place...
That was a long Bubble session.
Lol, Blue! Never.
I can't believe I forgot about Nat-a-lie. Even when Genie mentioned her name, my mind immediately went to Matt's Natalie (BB9). I think my mind has a permanent block on Season 11 Natalie. :)
I think as long as Matt goes up, Monet will go. Kathy is probably an OK choice, but B&M could effectively flip the Brigade.
Hiya Brother M - I agree. Matt is a safer choice than Kathy. He is probably the safest choice to evict Monet.
Not happy Brittany won POV, but happy Monet didn't because I want her gone more. I think if Rachael puts up either Matt, Lane or Enzo Monet will leave. Hope you are feeling better today Carolyn :)
Hi all,
I am shocked tat Britney won. I honestly did't think she would/could win any comp.
But I even more strongly feel tat there is no way she can save Monet.
If I was Rachel I would put Ragan up because it's too early in the game for anyone to want to vote him out.
Well that didn't play out like I thought! Can't believe Brit won what a predicament for
Rachel! Now what? I am tired of predicting because I AM ALWAYS WRONG....Lol
Wow AGP is in overkill withe the bubbles tonight
I was thinking along the same lines with Natalie Toni, can't believe I forgot about her.
I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I don't like Brenden much. Nothing against him personally, but I don't think he's a smart player.
Regarding Brenden being so confident that he can beat Britney in endurance, it might just be my opinion, but I think Britney could be a perfect player for an endurance comp. Seems that over the years, many have favored a shorter, smaller person over the tall, muscular guys.
ocalarob!!! Bite your tongue!! LOL
no-no to the Ragan going up, even as a pawn. Pawns sometimes go home!!!
We no want Ragan to go home!!!
Breny and the Jetts are reminding me more and more of Jeff and Jordan. No strategy, naive. At least Jeff was cutt-throat. i like um personally, but bad bad players.
Unless Matt or Enzo is renom.
We all know Matt's the best choice, Monet would have little chance.
The problem is Rachel doesn't have a clue. She keeps thinking she can get some meaningless assurance from BritMo.
Hey Hey fellow Dishers=-
For Brendon being so intelligent, he's pretty naive by
offering himself up to act as a pawn so the rest of the household won't get mad at them.
And now he's pissed that anyone that doesn't want to see him and Rachel happy while they play the game, oye!
And in other news... My tush is SORE from sitting :)
Okay now you're just F'n with me. There's no way Brendan just volunteered to be the pawn.
*Blue massages and kneads Genie's tush
ooooo, it's a nice one, too!!!!hehehehe
Blue - LOL! :) And it's ALL mine! hahahah
Brendon just makes me shake my head in dismay sometimes. I can't tell if he is naive or arrogant...
Is everyone still locked out of the backyard from today's comp?
I'm guessing yes, since everyone is inside.
Blue- Yup. Still on lock down. Was probably a very complicated and messy comp. :)
Tonitoni - HIYA! I actually responded to you earlier but forgot to put your name in... Sorry :)
I'm a very bad hostess this afternoon. I have not been greeting everyone as you have been coming in.... Le sigh
Hi friends! I'm back from Toy Story 3D (which was absolutely amazing, by the way)
WOW! Britney saved her own butt, I am soooo surprised! It HAD to have been a crapshoot comp! lol
Jluvs - Nice! Actually it sounded like a really tough comp.
Back in from baking outside in the sun!
I have caught up on comments and the posts.
Me thinks the house is underestimating the tiny bot - Britney!
I remember when Danielle was on BB#, I kept thinking she isn't going to win anything and I believe she was the one that won the most I think.
Ragan has a lot of good thoughts, maybe he should keep them to himself!
Stephanie - Agreed about Ragan! About Britney. Time will tell. Hopefully if Monet gets evicted, Britney won't have anyone to be vicious with.
Her laying in there is annoying the crap out of me...UGH.
McYummy, I will let you use the magnifying glass on me . . . not that you would need it ;-)
Monet is working on Matty - back away Matty - don't listen - even if it is true.
Genie, really, wow I'm impressed with her then! Can't wait to see it! :)
Genie Sea - that's true - she doesns't have her daddy there banging pots and pans either!
Tell me they're not sharing a lawn chair.
if kristen doesn't think it is dire for her game to make sure at least monet goes home, i might have to reconsider her as my favorite.
pants and all.
Hello fellow Dishers...
OMGoodness!!! Im glad the links are all back where I can find them. Sheesh... Ive been a clickin mamma jamma today. Using BBDish on facebook to get to the updates. Didnt see any comments.... Whewie... I was feeling like Dorothy for a while. My slippers may not be of Rubys... but they seemed to work.
Blah... so much to sift through...
Whats the matter with Rachel and Brandon... wished they would quit acting like they were at home and play this game. They go home, it will be their own fault.
I am so disappointed in the way Brick-a-Brack are treating Kathy. She has been so good to them. I wonder if this is how they treat their real moms at home... its sad.. truly sad.
Lane and Enzo's threats of back dooring R & B if the are put up as pawns.. not much confidence in their own "Brigade" to keep them.
Kristen is playing pretty good if everyone still thinks she is a floater . . .
The ant problem is back already this year. Every year they have an ant problem.
Hi everyone! ☺ Took the kids to see The Sorcerers Apprentice. Awesome movie. I love Nick Cage.
So Britney won huh? Shoot far! She's really gonna push for Andrew now right?
Why is there always an ant problem???
Hi!!! :)
New Top Post!!!
Late Afternoon into evening
Okay! Caro is back and she will be opening a new top post soon! See you all later! :)
Andrew and Kathy!!!!
The Ant Brigade!!!!
Who all are in the Brigade:
Aren't they the ones that came up with nicknames? I have totally forgotten all except for Meow Meow!
Genie and others
Im on my free 3 day trial for the live feed. Can you please tell me do the feeds always go to bubbles as much as they have today? Minus being down for the comps....
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