BB12: Afternoon Coin Hunt!
Good Afternoon BB Lovers! Happy Friday!
What do my eyes behold on the live feeds? They got the mini table! For some odd reason I always hear BB9 Natalie's voice when I see the mini...
To see what they've been up to, please read Carolyn's awesome Morning Report !
And... They're on Lock Down!! WHooP!! Luxury?
To recap: They had a competition which was based on each of them hiding a coin somewhere in the house. If their coin was discovered, they were eliminated. The person whose coin was last gets 10K. The winner of this competition is Britney.
Noon BBT
Enzo, Lane and Britney are gathered round the table chatting about TV shows, while Hayden is lying down in his HoH bed. Doesn't Lane look thrilled?
12:06 PM BBT
Stand by Screen!!!!
Luxury Comp commence!!!
Come AWN AGP!!!! Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
12:55 PM BBT
1:52 PM BBT
Feeds back!
The HGs are looking everywhere for something.
The HGs are looking everywhere for something.
Britney: Did they say all bedrooms?
Enzo: It's got to be in the Cabana somewhere...
They looking for a key? Hayden isn't on the feeds. Could he be locked in HoH? Pandora?
Britney: So we did all that to the bedrooms for nothing?
Enzo: It's gotta be here. I found one here, I'll find another... (**What? Talk to us!)
Enzo found his (what?), and they're looking for Lane's.
Enzo: Bedrooms are done.
Lane: Did they say Cabana?
Britney: They didn't say Cabana...
They're turning the house upside down!
Lane: The Cabana is off limits. Now it's the damn kitchen that's left.
Britney: They said the Cabana is off limits.
Lane: Yeah...
Holy BB Tornado!!
Britney: Look under all the chairs. Can they stick it under the chairs?
Enzo & Lane take a moment to snack... WTF peeps! Tall to us!!
Lane: Can we get another hint? Is the living room off or is it still on? (*Umm can WE get a hint?)
Enzo: I know how you operate, yo?
Lane: Me? Did you check this? (The other vase) Are you trying to throw me off?
They check.
Lane: They would hear that. There's no way... (*Hear WHAT??)
Britney: is the Cabana off?
Lane: Yeah.
We get bubbles so they can get more instructions...
Lane: Of course I;m stressing cause all the other ones are ... (*missed it)
Enzo: So everything is off right?
Lane: So what's considered the kitchen...
They're still looking and they only have the kitchen to look in... What they're looking for? Who knows...
Enzo: I found one already so...
The camera zooms in on the recycling bin. A hint Skippy? Then on Lane. Then back to the recycling bin! Thanks Skips!
Enzo: And the Cabana room is off.
Lane: We just checked everything...
Enzo: And the Cabana is off?
Britney is standing, trying to figure it out. This is looking like Pandora... They are looking more and more confused. Look in the recycling containers peeps!
Enzo: Hayden is losing it up there.
Lane: Is the game over yet?
Yup. Hayden is locked in HoH. This has Pandora written all over it....
Britney gives the recycling bin a cursory look but doesn't dig through it... Come ON!
Lane: So all kitchen cabinets.... bubbles
You're getting colder....
Enzo: Is it the plant? I gotta go back to the plant.
Enzo: So it's not in the cabinets.
Britney: They said it's not in the cabinets or under the cabinets.
Enzo: Did they say the halls.... Come on. I found Hayden's. Now you guys have to find something too...
Lane: I don't think I know where mine is...
Britney: I looked in the dishes...
Lane: So are all three of ours in the kitchen?
Britney: Are there any rooms we haven't checked?
Lane: They said Cabana room is off limits...
Britney: They said no stairway.
Enzo: And no bathroom.
Lane: So it has to be in the counter and I have checked everywhere... So can we play rock paper scissors now?
Enzo: Or hot cold?
Lane: Yeah! Hot cold... I:m going to start breaking sh*t.
Enzo: I checked the same stuff like five times.
Lane just checked in the recycling bin too... Hmmmm
Still nothing.... Skippy zooms into the recycling bins again... Hmmmmmmmmm
Enzo: This place is trashed...
Lane: Can we get a hot or cold?
Enzo: Let's think this through. Where did you guys go when you came in?
Britney: It has to be in the kitchen...
Enzo: This place is a mess...
Lane: Who wants to split 10 gees...
Enzo: I don't think we can do that.
Britney: I don't have any pockets.
Enzo: Did you look in the garbage.
Britney: Yeah I looked all through it. That's how I split my hand open.
Lane: Did you look all the way inside...
Britney: How can there be three coins hidden in this?
Enzo: And we haven't found none of them... Did you use tape?
They keep asking BB questions, and they get no answers. They apparently have to find 4 coins corresponding to each of them for 10K. Who gets the 10K and how is up in the air at the moment; but they can't split the money.
And Skippy keeps panning to the recycling bins...
And we keep getting bubble-swamped...
2:45 PM BBT
They decide to each take turns searching by themselves for three minutes. Britney, Enzo and Lane... But no one budges...
Enzo: I should have the money. I found at least.
Lane: What's searching by yourself gonna do?
Enzo: One of you are the saboteur and your sh*t is not even in the house...
Lane: Take your shades off...
Enzo: Yours is here somewhere.
Britney: Where's yours Lane?
Lane: Is yours in the kitchen or outside the kitchen?
Enzo: Is yours in the kitchen or outside the kitchen?
Britney: Is yours in the kitchen or outside the kitchen?
Lane: Mine is in the kitchen.
Britney: I don't know if I believe that...
Enzo: Okay. It gives me hope to look.
Lane: All of ours is in the kitchen...
(**I feel like I'm watching a remake of "Who's On First") It now sounds that they each hid their individual coins not BB...
Britney: Gives a hint Lane? Give us a hint Enzo?
Lane: Is it food?
Enzo: Is it in here somewhere?
Wouldn't it be hilarious if they all hid it in recycling and are just pretending to look through it to throw the others off, meanwhile all three coins are there....
Enzo: We've been at this for three hours, yo!
We get bubbled.
Enzo: Yo, come on, yo. Where'd you put it?
Lane laughs.
Britney goes outside to look through the garbage and tells Hayden that the kitchen is a huge mess... (**So Hayden isn't locked in HoH...)
Extended bubbles...
....and return to them still searching... searching...
Britney: What are we missing?
Lane: Go to the Cabana. Let me check my spot.
Enzo: Let me just find yours if you want...
Lane: We've searched every cabinet and drawer.
Enzo: Let's think about it... Where were we last?
They move to the bathroom.
Britney: Did you hide it in the condoms?
Enzo: Is that considered the bathroom?
Britney: I don't know. You're acting weird about it...
Enzo: Where'd you hide yours?
Britney: Hayden's been outside asleep for two hours...I'm cold but I don't want to get my jacket and miss the action
3:15 PM BBT
Britney finds Enzo's in the leaves and runs out with it.
BB: Enzo you have been eliminated.
He joins Hayden outside. **Looks like the last coin to be found will win the 10k....
Britney and Lane continue their search.
Britney. You're getting hot.... And she leaves again...
Britney: You won $91. Tell me where you put it.
Lane: And 17 cents.
Britney: Where'd you put it..
Shunned from the 10K...
Britney has moved her search outside, while Lane is still inside. She goes back inside.
Britney: Did we put it in the same place?
Lane: I don't think so.
Britney: What does this mean? Did we put it in the same place?
Lane: I don't know. You didn't look where I hid mine.
Britney: I split my finger and I want the 10k. We can search but we're not on speaking terms.
They call each other "d*uchers* and won't budge.
Britney: I'm going home this week. You're not...
Lane: You're not going this week... I'll give you 2k.
Britney: Okay Lane. You're sneaky so tell me where it's at.
Britney resorts to whining about not winning anything, her split finger, getting evicted. She isn't pulling any stops, but Lane ain't having it. (**Note: Almost everything in the kitchen has been taken out and torn up except the recycling bin...)
3:37 PM BBT
Feeds back from bubbles
Britney found Lane's coin!!! The winner of the 10K is Britney! Lane of course is saying the BB cheated...
3:41 PM BBT
BB: House Guests. This is a Lock Down. Please go inside and close the sliding glass door.
They go inside. Hayden heads up to HoH with his food. The other three go to Jumanji and prepare to nap...
3:47 PM BBT
The Lock Down is over...
Hayden has moved to the dining table and all feeds switch to him. Britney joins him with a bowl of cereal. Enzo had been called to DR. We get the privilege of hearing Lane pee.
Britney put her coin in a bag in a Cinnamon Toast Crunch with a bunch of chicken parts on top in the garbage.
4:06 PM BBT
Hayden & Enzo are chilling in Jumanji.
Enzo says he doesn't care about the 10k. He wants the PoV.
Hayden: Nominations are in an hour. We have to clean up.
Enzo: F that sh*t.
Hayden: If I ever had a chance of coming back, I don't know because I broke all that sh*t.
We can hear Britney putting things away in the kitchen while they lie in bed with their eyes open...
Britney's making a lot of headway. **Girl can clean when she has to... :) Can't wait to see her DR about this! Hayden comes out to help. Enzo is straightening up the living room. Britney is called to DR. The three affirm that they want her out this week. Lane suggests Hayden put him and Britney up. They wonder if Britney will fight as hard if she's not on the block. Enzo and Hayden continue cleaning.
Hayden: All I see is cereal bowls. Apple Jacks. Fruit Loops. Cheerios.
Enzo: They are hers...
4:39 PM BBT
Hayden & Lane
Hayden: I don't know what do to about nominations.
Lane: Put me and Britney up... I don't care.
Hayden: If I do that I don't want you to think... that...
Lane: I know...
Basically Hayden is telling him that he will take Lane to F3 no matter what... Lane goes to the kitchen where Enzo is finishing straightening up.
Enzo: I hope she (Britney) used up her luck winning the HGs and he can get the F outta here...
We're going to take a short blog break and be back here with a new top post with the Nominations spoiler! Please mind the critters and enjoy the feeds! :)
Hi Genie!!!
w00t w00t w00t
The Shirtless Summer Hollywood Hayden Express will be making the rounds all over our lovely country picking up anyone who would like a ride on the Shirtless Express . . .
Now, I am really gonna go get shirtless and put on my swimsuit to catch a little afternoon sun . . .
HiYa Barbara!! Whoop! You're first! hehehe
@ Michelle, no apology necessary, lol. My brain was just dead tired, you could have been mean and just let me keep trying to figure out the code matched to HG, that would have been funny. Although I have been reading this blog for years, this is really the first season I hung out in the comments section. I had no idea what I was missing all those years. As Genie would day, le sigh!!!
HI Genie!
I am beyond bummed! I hope they don't block the whole thing.
Hi Genie, Barbara and whoever beats me to this post :)
I typed more than two words so that is probably why I didn't make top billing, that is okay, seeing Barbara's baby boy is fun, too . . .
OMG, that is the second time I was first this season, Whooop whooop, I used jluvs trick and it worked. Now I am gonna have to print this down when the comments are done and frame it with my other one.
HiYa Shirtless Steph! :)
HiYa Michelle!! Keep your fingers crossed honey! It might still happen! :)
HiYa Chrispie! :)
@ Steph, I should change that picture to a current shirtless version, let me go through my files and see what I have. I can put it up for just a short peek but then have to take it down cuz you older women love these pecs on these young men, lol.
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Chant with me!! hehehe
@ Pamela, sorry hope I didn't make you spit on your grandbaby, I just couldn't resist, Enzo just brings out the worst in me, lmao.
How many others are waiting anxiously to see if we get to see something??
Genie thanks for being here for us!!
Can't believe BB12 is almost over!!
I know my family will be happy to have me back! LOL
Hi Genie!!!!
Hi Everyone!!!!
Just getting back from working with my HHBL, and ran to turn the live feeds on and freakin trivia!
Barbara, LOL!!! :)
HiYa Janice!! Freedom for them and us sounds good! hehehe :)
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Stephanie, I saw what you wrote last nite, and what am I, chopped liver?
HiYa Jluvs!!!! Whoop! You're here! :)
Great chanting Fajita!!! :) hehehe
Oooh Michelle, nice flamingo!!!
Yeah, I ditto the chant! LOL
Genie, MWAH!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Yeah, I copied and pasted . . .
Fajita Falmingo -- Great porn name! heheheheheehehee
LMFAO Salsa!
You GO Shirtless Tortilla! hehehehe
Thanks jluvs!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
NO NO NO Genie
Freedom from the DishChicks is not what I am want!! Just freedom from being tied to the TV and Live Feeds and everything BB.........LOL
I love this show dearly but towards the end it gets a little b-o-r-i-n-g at times when they sleep 24/7!! LOL
I will dearly miss Carolyn, you and Lessa
P.S. I am friends with Caro on FB; how about you and Lessa are yall on FB too??
Hehehehehehe Lookie at my name... hahahahaha
I decided to follow in Barb's footsteps and post a picture of my boo :)
Genie, LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!
JLUVS - How gorgeous is he??? Squishies!!!!
jluvs he is adorable!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
I am guessing no leaks???
What a cutie jluvs.......adorable!!
Genie you are now "Salsa"??
Just so happens my hubby and his mother are making salsa today! Its delicious and this is their second batch this summer!
Hiya Salsa! It is me Left, Shirtless Tortilla . . . take your pick . . . oh Goddess of the Dish
Thank you Genie and Michelle!!!
Steph did you not see my post to you?
Genie, he takes after his daddy!
Janice - I'm Salsa at heart! lol :)
Shirtless Left Tortilla! hahahaha
Thank you Janice!!! :)
Crap, what did I write . . . please tell me I didn't forget you . . . I could never forget my PR buddy!
Hi Genie..
Have to go to store..want mexican food...been thinking about it all night..wonder why...
Jluvs - I want to squishie him! hehehehe Sooooooo cute! :) And I'm sure he has more than a little bit of your cuteness as well! ;p
HiYa PAM!!! LMFAO!!! Inorite???? hahahaha :)
I hate you AGP! :(
Genie, LOL! He does take his fairness from me, his little cheeks are always red, you'd really want to squish them if you saw them! hehe :)
Yeah, we just knew we'd get a comp leak!!!! What the heckola???
JLuvs - I LOVE squishing little ones... hehehehe not in a hurtful way of course! :)
mmmm, someone's definately ignoring me....won't name any names....Bendict Arnold!
hehe ;)
Me too, Genie, I'm a squisher! :)
*gets all Enzo @*
More aliases JLuvs?? hehehe
Go Genie Go Genie!
Jami, what did I do? I could never forget you or omit you intentionally, you are my PR buddy . . . did you watch last weeks yet????
And I did respond 8 minutes ago:
Crap, what did I write . . . please tell me I didn't forget you . . . I could never forget my PR buddy!
September 3, 2010 12:32 PM
I tweeted too!
Genie, LOL!!!
I'm referring to Left, or Sopapilla, or Enchilada Sauce, hell I don't know which alias at this point! lmao!!!
jluvs, he is so cute, how old is he? I promised Steph I was going to change to a more current shirtless picture but have like a zillion of him on my pc and alas I never get around to naming the files so a hunting I must go.
Steph, LOL! I was referring to you telling GaYToR that he was number one, so I asked ya 'what am I, chopped liver?"
LOL!!! It's all good!!! I love ya girlfriend!!
NO I haven't finished PR yet, but that Casanova is on my ever lovin last nerve!!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Lu-xu-ry! On. The. Feeds!!!
Good afternoon all!! {{{{HUGS}}}} to all!
Barbara, he's 6, my baby! I've got my 20 year old that just graduated tech school, an 18 year old daughter, and this little gorgeous boo :)
We have been shunned!
Go Michelle Go Michelle!
HiYa Plymouth! :)Huggies!
JLuvs - WTF @ True Blood!!! OMG! Did you see it??
Michelle - We have totally been shunned! :(
He was only number one because he got top billing in that post. So Barbara is number 1 right now . . .
You are not and never will be chopped liver, maybe filet mignon but definately not chopped liver . . .
Shirtless Smoochies To JLuvs!!!!
Genie, Eric will NOT die!!! Bill has got to save him!!!!! If Eric's not on, it won't be worth watching! And where the heckola is Alcide?? We need more of that deliciousness on there!!!
Damn those shunners!!!!!
Okay you True Blood fans, I have a question for you. I never heard of the show until you guys started talking about it. So I found it on HBO On Demand and they have all of shows starting with Season 2. If I start with the backlog and also keep current will I be able to enjoy the show? I watched just one episode late at night after BBAD (not a brilliant idea) but it was a good show.
@jluvs, your boo is so lucky to have older bros and sisters to spoil him rotten. My baby (almost 23) has much older sisters and with being an uncle at a very young age he is wonderful with kids and one day is going to make an awesome dad.
A little secret for when your boo is a teenager, taking his nieces and nephews to malls is a huge chick magnet as they all line up to get your number so they can "help" you babysit.
Maybe we should ask to see the LUXURIOUS comp on the feeds!
I'm useing my lap top and I can't see anyone's pitcures. Does anyone know who to fix that?
Stephanie, I'll take those shirtless smoochies and raise you a Tim Gunn hug!!! ;)
Barb, the show is excellent, but I have to cover my eyes over the bloody parts!
Jluvs- They better bring back Alcide. That's all I'm saying. I don't find Bill attractive at all...
Barbara - I would watch it in sequence to better understand the ins and outs
Barb, LOL at the chick magnet!
Genie, YES they better bring back some Alcide!!
HiYa BiggWigg!! LOL@Luxurious... ugh... Hey! What happened with the missing kid??? We've all been wondering hon!
ohhh jluvs tooo cute...wanna eat him up :)
Yep, we been shunned . . . this is sad . . . we will have to wait for BB to let us see it maybe Sunday night?
Hey, did you all catch that there will be a live eviction Wednesday night???? Then Thursday starts the HOH stuff . . .
*out of the True Blood loop
chrispie, thank you!!!!
Yeah bigwigg, update on that baby please!
bigwigg! Welcome back!
chrispie22, love the furry babies!
Okay, speaking of mah boo, it's time to pick him up from school. Be back later, lovelies!!!
Happy Friday!!!
p.s. for bigwigg, in order for me to see everyone's pics, i have to choose "no" when asked if i want to only view secured images.
Oy vey!!! So after Sept 15, I will start watching tv all day and night until I get caught up. I will have to see if I can hunt down season 1 online. Next year I can talk about it.
@ Michelle, sorry forgot it with new top post but Lane knowing Slade how funny is that!! lmao.
Can't wait to see the Wives Beverly Hills, they should be a hot mess.
Hurry Back JLuvs! :)
bigwigg, was the little boy the one from Woonsocket who was found safe and sound the next day, please let it be so.
Thanks for asking about the pictures, I always used to just click on the blank space, lol and wondered how everyone had the time to always know different pictures were up.
Genie we need a handbook of instructions for newbies, like how to load pages, comments out of order, how to be first in comments, etc. lol.
Thanks Michelle.
Barbara, Can't wait for Beverly Hills. Not watching DC,I refuse to give the White House crashers more fame.
They found him in someones camping trailer 2 houses down the street. He was found with just his underpants on.
They found him 24 hrs after he went missing. They looked in that yard that night. We were not allowed to look in anything without permission.
The news said that the little boy will not talk about it.
Bigwigg, I know it has to do with security but have no idea how to change it.
Barbara I couldn't agree more. My puppies are there because I just figureed it out how to do it hehe :)
BiggWigg - It's good he was found alive, but I'm assuming not unharmed :( Any arrests?
Glad to hear the boy was found alive. Hopefully he will get whatever help he may need.
Yes he was Barbara. They live a few streets away from me.
They still don't know what happend to his shorts and shirt?
I just hope the little boy will be okay and that his parents at least will be able to find out about whatever he had to endure so they can help him heal. The world can just be a horrible place sometimes, I can never understand or accept it.
Afternoon all my lovely Dishers!! And how are ya'll?
So, they truly are not showing us anything on the feeds this year it seems :(
Michelle I think you can change it under your Internet Options by changing your security settings, but don't recommend that unless it can be done on a site by site basis. It happens because we have our password and this section is an https page so secure (password) content is mixed with unsecure.
HiYa Red!!! Yup! AGP are carrying over the punishments to us this season :( How was your day yesterday?? :)
More Birthday Hugs for RedRhonda!!
bigwigg, when you didn't come back I did a google search for missing children in Rhode Island and came up with the news story that he was found but had very little information and indicated that he was unharmed and just wondered off and fell asleep. The scary part was that there had been another child abducted and killed a few years prior just a few blocks away.
I am sure all of us will keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers that he will be fine.
Oh BB is giving me a pain!
too bad I still can't lift my arse off the couch & WORK
Gonna go hang with my daughter so missed making it outdoors for some sun . . .
Shirtless Summer Hollywood Hayden kisses to everyone . . . check back in later . . .
Love you all . . .
Real glad the little boy was found . . .
Hi everyone,
Yikes this is taking forever. I still love having the feeds but not as much this year. Wahwah. I know I'm breaking rule#6. lol
I was glad to hear the little boy made it home :)
Genie, it was a wonderful day!! Gaytor and Danny are just amazing people. We had a great time and it was so fun. Can't wait to go to the shows tonight and tomorrow.
Our resident Gaytor is more amazing in the flesh! I feel so special to finally be able to meet and this won't be the last. My husband said it was like we were old friends and we never missed a beat! That is just how it felt too.
HiYa MnM! :)
Have fun Tortilla!! :)
HiYa Sandra! :)
Wow sorry I didn't know "other things" may have happened to him...I will keep him in my prayers.
Hugs Michelle!! And the next trip here will be with all us girls!! We are going to have a blast!
RED!! So glad you're having a blast! Your hubby is GOLDEN! I have no doubt GaYToR and DQTD are amazing peeps! :)
Michelle - Le sigh...
@Jluvsturtles thankyou. I don't have to do that on my desk top. I always answer no.
No love from AGP :(
HiYa Andrea! :) Yup... shunned :(
I changed my pic to my babies...10 or so years ago. I hope it worked.
Hiya Genie sweetie ;)
Sandra - SO CUTE!!! :)
Can't wait Rhonda!
The only thing that would make this up is when the feeds come back we find out that Enzo can only wear dresses and skirts this week...
LMAO Genie!
Feeds are back and it is a mad search for something!
A teaser leak? That is whacked.
There looking for something!!!!!
They are hunting for something...hmmmmmm
Omg...even cans all over the floor in the kitchen ~ Dear God!! maybe if they cleaned up a bit they would find it lol
Okay Hayden seems to be missing, is he in Pandora's box until they find whatever they are looking for. Have fun transcribing Genie, lol.
LMFAO!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! I am going to peepee on myself!!!!
The way this group leaves a mess behind and now with the search, we are gonna have bubbles forever while the house gets put back together again, lol.
Hey Genie
Been lurking for a few days, have laptop issues again UGGGHHH!
Maybe it's not luxury maybe it's the POV early cause the live eviction's going to be earlier.
Happy Belated Birthday RedRhonda. Sounds like GaYTors swamp is a great place to visit. Glad your having fun.
Hi Genie,
Maybe it's a Pandora's Box??
Happy belated birthday RedRhonda!
I love True's almost over for the season too...already waiting for the next season...will probably watch the whole season over again on demand.
AHHHH! I have to go out. BRB!
Have they opened the microwave?
Well this is better than watching them sleep :)
Thanks Genie Sea!! Smoochies back at ya! Did you just see them pan in on the decorations on the wall?? My guess whatever it is ~ is there
Enzo, didn't your Mother ever teach you to at least take off your shoes if you are going to climb up onto the counters. I just hope Enzo doesn't find what they are looking for or we will never hear the end of it, lmao.
Hi everyone!! :) Just hopped back in to help with comments, so Genie can focus on the feeds and transcribing..
maybe they are searching for 15 minutes of fame . . . LOL
Whatever it is, it's in the recycling bin. Skippy gave us a hint...
Maybe a h int..Lane's wall picture...the recycle bin???
Good afternoon to our wonderful Mistress of the Dish, Carolyn!! So nice to see you. As always thank you for all you do to keep this place the best BB hangout ever!! **Smoochies**
So glad to hear that the boy was found. Will be praying he is ok.
Sookie will save Eric!
Happy Friday Everyone! Howdy Genie!! I just gotta know, did y'all hit the bar while I was away today? lol. Everyone seems so happy and excited today! Hayden must have opened another Pandora's box I''m guessing? I've been at school almost all day today and now am brain dead! But we did get a 504 plan set up for lil man, which is a good thing! He isn't dyslexic which is a good thing!
Rhonda I hope you are having a good time in Nola! I know I do everytime I get to go! Give GaYTOR hugs for me please!!
Hi Carolyn Darling :D
BigWigg - Oh that's wonderful news!!!! :)
Hi PlymouthLighthouse!!! :) So nice to see you too! Smooochies!
Hi CHrispie!!! :) I think Skippy gave us a hint when he panned to the metallic looking containers at the end of the counter...
Hi Doodlebug!!! :)
Hi KScoot!! :)
I so totally agree with you Barbra!!
Hi Caro! Hope you are having a good day without too much rain!!
Houseguests: Please talk to the live feeds, the one time we want to hear you talk to us, you don't.
Hi KScoot :) Thank you! I was cycling between the raindrops to get home just now. :)
It doesn't appear to be in the recycle bin
Hiya Carolyn, welcome back!!!
Kscooterfox, so glad your little man is not dyslexic, good luck with the plan. Don't know who you saw for your professional test administration but I found neuropsych tests gave much better results and therefore solutions than the regular battery of psych tests especially as my guy hit the later years when things got toughter in school.
THerese - did anyone look in there? The camera keeps panning to it and going in for closeups.
Hi Barbara :) Thank you!
Britney checked in the recycling but barely
LOL Carolyn! Since you lost 18 lbs you can cycle between raindrops? Awesome! Did Earl pass you by yet? (He's heading for me.)
Plymouth :) 21 now!! :) Thankfully, Earl passed us by, and as I understand it, he's now a weak 1. Still - Be Safe!!!!
Yes, I saw Brittney check in both bins. It is by Lanes picture right? She moved it out and looked inside.
Did the check the flamingos????
Barb: He goes to therapy several times a month to help him thru the trauma that he's been thru in the past few years. They have a guy there that works with disabilities and he has helped me thru the process. Also there is a special teacher that did the testing. the score for dyslexia is 85% or higher, he scored a 65%....thank goodness! We are putting him every program possible to help him make it thru school...
Sorry I had to pick up one of the kids..I'm back and lost...
It looked like she stuck her hands in both bins. You think it could be tapped to the bottom, or something?
Have they checked the shark
Wow Carolyn! That's so awesome. How are you doing it? And thank you. I am on the waterfront, so flooding and winds are an issue. I'll keep Riley (pictured) and myself safe. Earl "hisself" doesn't scare me (Laneism!!ha!)
Caro, Brit did just a fast look in the bins but she didn't really pull stuff out and didn't check underside or back of bins so it could still be there.
THanks, THerese
KScoot - Phew! :)
They do keep zooming in on it. Someone turn over the recycle bin. So they are searching for 10 G's
I wonder if they have picked stuff up, like the tea pot, etc.
What about under the rug?
Coins!!!! Ha!!!! Goona be a long search....LMAO!!!!
They have to find each of the HGs coins to win 10 grand. I wonder what Hayden gets?
For future reference..
I would kill at this one.
I *am* the Finder... of all things.. especially keys and glasses, almost since birth.
Volunteer to help Caro....they sure need it,lol!!!
Kscooterfox, I so feel pain. I can't tell you how many school meetings I went to where I just cried my eyes out begging for someone to help my son. What tore my heart out were teachers who didn't understand kids with LD and over time he used to cry and beg me not to make him go to school, actually had a teacher call him stupid once and I just about lost my mind.
I think I joined every online website for LD and found some great support there in the chat rooms with parents. Even got an attorney who gave me some advice on how to fight for my rights. Fortunately we had a great private high school that had a superb program and once I convinced the school to take him in (cuz he didn't pass the admissions test of course) things began to turn around. Good luck and just know these kids are usually super bright, they just learn differently but they can do so much in life if they just get a fair chance.
Andrea - I would, if I could! :)
Is their a carpet, I was trying to tell if that was a carpet in the kitchen, but then it looked like the tile, just different pattern. Is there a carpet somewhere else.
I wonder if they would put it inside of the food? To find a coin you would probably need to empty everything out.
Skippy is just messing with us now...
lmfao at them, they are just so unorganized in their approach. Just start in one place and methodically search and then move on in a grid format. They just keep skimming over stuff, this is fun.
Thank you BB for finally letting us be entertained on the feeds for a change.
Hi Therese, isn't that a carpet in the middle? ( : Have they checked the flamingos?
It's like watching my kids search for things - they go back to the same place over and over. lol
Wait Enzo.. I know.. Check the Big Leaves on the wall again. THat worked so well the last 3 times.
UGH How ANNOYING is Enzo saying everyone else needs to find one now too. It's like he wants them to remember HE FOUND HIS FIRST!
On a side note: HELLO GENIE!!! Hello lovely dishers! Happy Labor Day weekend! Today I officially made it to the 3 week mark in bootcamp and I'm losing inches and weight faster than ever! and I FEEL GREAT! My blog is going wonderfully and I just hope I can keep it up!
Now if only Enzo would go home this week it would be the PERFECT Birthday present for me!
You know this is a perfect comp for them. They are bright but so typically can't see what is right in front of their face.
Afternoon all, hope everyone is having a GREAT friday.
What in the heck are they looking for? I remember last night on the feeds they kept going to some jars in the corner. Wonder if what they are looking for may be there. Man Iwould hate to have to clean that kitchen up after this, lol. Maybe this is their way of getting them to clean the kitchen, lol.
I noticed somewhere that someone said something about making salsa. I would love the recipe if you would be willing to share.
Hey Kristin! :) Yayyy you! :) Congrats!
@Kristin, just picture me with eyes tightly shut, hands clasped in prayer that you get your birthday gift.
I think Enzo's is in the bins...he is the only one who hasn't looked there.
NOW that would be some funny crap!!!!! If they all hid it in the same spot!!!! OMG!!!!!
Hi JBC! :) They've all hidden coins somewhere. And in order for them to win 10k, all the coins must be found..
I think???
I wonder if they are right and more than one put theirs under the bin. I guess they didn't have tape, so it couldn't be tapped to anything.
under the fruit? in the toaster?
I bet they put all their coins in the recycling bin. How are they all going to find them if that's the case?
Ah okay!!! This is getting hilarious, lol.
@ Kristin, just read your blog. Awesome is all I can say. I bet you will reach your goal and that is just so cool. Decades ago (I used to have the same goals) but never did what you did, right it down, make a plan and commit to it. Best of luck to you!!!!.
Lane looks nervous I wonder if his in a food
Afternoon Genie, Carolyn, BB addicts
I come home to chaos LOL So much for Brit cleaning. I think this is a punishment and they did the bad thing to themselves.
So did BB hide the coins and the HG aren't working as a team to help each other win when they find the other's coin? Or did the HG hide the coins?
Talk to us HG, give us better clues!!!!!!!!
Wonder if Lane will tackle Enzo if he finds his, lol.
Why can't they look where they hid their coin and ignore their own?
*Poking my head in** Hiiiiii!!!
Looks like they hid their own coins not BB...
Holy Tornado!
I'm baaaaack!!!
Hi Genie!
Hi Carolyn!!! I haven't talked to you yet today!!! :)
I thought the same thing. I am thinking they have and or at least one of them has, and just hasn't said anything.
Hey Genie! Great job of transcribing this one! Not easy, eh? Thank YOU for all you do, too!! xoxo
Happy Friday and hello to everyone!!!
This is fun - I would love doing this. Makes me want to be in the house, but only for the hunt.
Wow! Hurricane Earl hit the BB house.
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