Big Brother 15: 1st Night Overnight Lite
Good morning, BB Lovers! Happy Thursday to you!
Having stayed up playing getting to know you with the HGs til 12:30am BBT (3:30am my time), I'm running a bit late with The Overnight Report this morning, and it will be more of an Overnight Lite, but I'm determined.
- Nominees: Jessie and Candice
- Have Nots: Andy, Elissa, Judd, Howard and Helen
- MVP: TBA..
- PoV: Today, I believe.
- Aaryn is SO paranoid about Elissa becoming the MVP and nominating her, she's talking like she's already on the block. Aaryn wants Elissa out ASAP. Kaitlin and Candice agree.
- They all know that Elissa is Rachel's sister.
- Judd and McCrae appear to be aligned and want Elissa to stay in the game as long as possible. She's a great buffer zone.
- Jeremy is already getting cozy with the ladies. He's got a love triangle with Jessie and Kaitlin.
As I flip on the feeds at 7:30am BBT, I'm treated to the site of the Have Nots sleeping. Someone is a SERIOUS snorer. I don't know how any of the others are sleeping. If it's Howard, I forgive.
I'm just happy I guessed something correctly! The Have Nots ARE sleeping on airplane chairs. Granted, I had envisioned 1 single line of chairs to accommodate ALL of the Have Nots, but production's mean streak isn't as deep as mine. Each HG has their own row of chairs, and they've made makeshift beds of them, as one would when blessed with an entire row on an airplane.
Please give me just a bit to write up a 1st night summation for ya. Refresh the blog at 8:45am, and it will magically appear. Actually, it seems BB has other plans... 8am BBT and we just went to fishies on all 4 feeds. 8:08am - still fishies... I believe we have a Wakey Wakey.
OK.. adding more bullet points at the top of this post.
8:15am - They're up!
Elissa: I love how they have to tell us, "you are the sloppiest hgs ever. Get ready for tv. We've never had to tell the houseguests, "get ready for tv.' "
Yay! First overnight report! I had to work last night so I am just now watching last night's show. How did they find out Rachel is Elissa's sister?
Good Morning Carolyn! So happy to be reading Overnight Reports -- glad BB is once again upon us!
Good Morning Carolyn!!! Looks like the fun is beginning a little early this season!!
Good morning, IndyJan :)) We don't know how, but she's being open about it, doing shoutouts to Brenchel Army last night.
Good morning, Ainslee :):)
Good morning, David :)))
Good "First BB Overnight Lite" morning to everyone. Even our lazy Goddess of the Dish.
I still don't have my feeds fixed and my cable company doesn't do TVGN so I'm at the mercy of the mistress.
I know I signed up through BBDish but I have logged into CBS with every email I have ever used and all I get on the BB page is the video of Jeff trying to sell the feeds. YUCK. Never been crazy about him anyway but try listening to him over and over and over and over and over again ad nauseum.
I'm almost done charging the phone so I can call tech support. Hope they have a way of looking up what email address I used.
<--- Dumbass
Psst! :) New Top Post!
Good morning Carolyn! Good morning BBDishers! I absolutely loved the premiere last night. I was finally able to get on the feeds at 5:30am (2:30am BBT). Right in time for who I've labeled the "cat sisters". Amanda and Kaitlin. Wow, they were just picking people apart! Do we have flashback with the feeds? I would love to see this Candice blowup that they were discussing. They have it in for her (and she's one of my favs). Amanda is one of my four favs too (I picked four based on the pre-season videos). I'm willing to hang in a little while longer with Amanda, because I think she's just putting her strategy to use, but it seems cattiness is in Kaitlin's nature. She has now moved to the #16 on my list, meaning please BBMVP, nominate Kaitlin and let's get her outta there!! Just my very early opinion/rant. Have a wonderful day everyone!
Andy is the serious snorer.
What are the various "alliances" that have formed so far, their name for their alliances & who is in them?
Hello GaYToR!! Good to "see" you!!
You're not missing much with TVGN... More bleeps and blanking out language than anything else.
Good morning Carolyn <3 And fellow blogger's :)
Good morning, Lucky13! :)
Good morning, Carole! :)
Yay, Elissa got MVP and I got my feeds. I clicked your link Caro(as always) but once I was redirected to CBS, everything kept freezing and being stupid, so if you can, please let me know if it went through for you.
I really hope Noms stay as is, I don't want to see Elissa go just yet. As far as the 2 home so far, I would rather see Candice go. Just for the drama of Jessie staying and the showmance triangle that is brewing.
Isn't it funny how one hates drama in RL but when it comes to BB and reality TV, more is better.
Great TOR(lite) and MR. Thank you! Hugs to all.
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