First Night on the Feeds!
Good evening, BB Lovers!! Now comes the moment we've all been waiting for! Spark up the feeds!!
If you're having difficulty accessing the feeds, try these FEEDS FIXes...
1. Locate the small calendar icon in the large black screen, Click on it. Set Flashback to 9:01pm on 6/26 on Camera 2. Click "Go Live" after the feeds start.
2. If that doesn't work, reset your computer time to the pacific time zone, and reboot.
Let's get Big Brother 15 party started!☺
We know from the Premiere that McCrae is our 1st HoH. Ordinarily, the HGs would have played for PoV already, and we will be listening for that just in case, but with the MVP situation in play, I'm not sure if they have yet.
During the premiere, Julie said,
"Every week America will vote for the HG they believe is playing the best game. That person will be named the MVP and that person will make the 3rd nomination. They will be informed in secret, and he or she may also make their nomination in secret... The player America chooses will be revealed right before the POV every week."
So have they, or haven't they? We'll soon find out!
Transcribing on the first night is nothing short of impossible, for me anyhow, and I'm pretty good. For me, the first night on the feeds is all about sitting back and getting to know them, and listening ever so intently for the key points, while we hang out together in the comments section, chatting with old BBDish friends, adding pics to this post, and giving the general gist of what's going on in there.
With 16 HGs, I predict mayhem... The feeds should cut on right around midnight, or a few minutes after. If you haven't got them yet, here's the link to give them a try for 2 days. :)
Nominees: Per the missing keys on the memory wall, I believe our Noms are Jessie and Candice.
Have Nots: Andy, Elissa, Judd, Howard and Helen
See you in the comment section!
The HGs are putting on a fashion show/pageant.. Here's David in his pink finest.
10:10pm The Fashion Show/Pageant begins on Camera 3...
Hello Carolyn, everyone
I had to work late, did catch the show, but didn't make it to pre party :( and then had more stuff to do but I'm here now so let's see some HGs :D
I had fish, now I have loading. I hope they have the bugs worked out.
I still have a Black
I cant get the feed to come up or any chat rooms!!!!!! UUUGGGHHHH!
NOW the fun really begins!
Same screen and no chat rooms
I cant get in the room again since the feed started
Anyone have feeds? I have nothing and can't get into chat either. Well this sucks.
Hello! Is anyone else having a problem with the chat rooms?
Oh no. No feeds yet, but they are muting fowl language on TGN. That stinks!
Still nothing!But I do have TV Guide network
my feeds are black :(
Feeds are working for me but I can't get the chatrooms to come up :(
My char and feeds dont work at all! I'm watching it on TVGN...this sucks. So much for the early special!
No live feeds yet, right? Just want to make sure I'm not missing out on that. ;)So disappointed on the TV Guide channel.
CBS should have made sure the feeds were working before tonight...this is ridiculous! I'm so pissed right now!
i AM WATCHING FEEDS, (1ST TIMER) Is there only cams in HoH & bathroom & quad (of hoh & bathrm)? So only 2 rooms on live feeds??
Hi!! :)
I refreshed, got the black screen with the 4 camera choices below, lost my ability to chat... lol
I think it's just first night jitters. They don't know how absolutely committed BB folks are.
I've managed to get the chat rooms going a couple times tonight, but 99% of the time, they won't load. I still have a loading screen.
I'm sure it will improve. Let the fun and craziness begin!
OMG. It's very annoying watching when there is silence every other word. I miss Showtime! I will be finished complaining about that now. Thank goodness for live feeds! (if they ever come on....;))
10 min into the tvgn after dark and I feel like they are going to bleep out any curse words....
lee, you're going to have to do play by play since you seem to be the only one who can see anything.
I'm gonna keep on refreshing..
I don't have tvgn :( -- still have showtime thanks to bb though.. and am completely dexter and homeland addicted.
You would think they would know since they make millions each summer from us feeders. I'm annoyed!
That's because us real fans never posted on CBS dot com. They never knew how big the fandom is.
Carolyn...♥ Dexter and Homeland!
Hello! Is anyone else having a problem with the chat rooms?
No chat. Black screen.
Don't worry Caro its random convo's!
ugggg nothing yet on my end....
Michigan Man...nothing much going on. Girls doing make up and some people in HOH. And, I cannot tell you how many "silences" we have gotten cause of the cursing. Ugh.....One big happy family so far, I think.
They're calling McCrae, Cray Cray. Joking with him. Cute.
Good evening! Got the live feeds - but when I refreshed lost the chats. Oh well. Watching on TVGN and laptop. Tried it on iPad, worked fine - got to go to bed soon, and will plug in headphones. So I am not quite ready for all night watching.
Ginamarie big potty mouth. Shocker. Being silenced every other word whil doing make up on Helen. ;)
i've still got nothin..
Feeds working chat rooms though. They are going to be filled with trolls anyway. We all know the place to be if you really want to talk BB anyway. Good to be back and see some familiar faces...where's my boy blue though?
BBAD is on but no feeds :( I wanna cry :( have it on ipad? I haven't gotten it on that yet.
HoH has been a revolving dooe since TVGN came on. Most are in the HoH room looking at the screen and coming up with the convos people might be having.
Oh, crap those rooms are a mess!! I hope they clean up. Messy people.
ronap - You have feeds on the lap top?
I think CBS made a huge mistake switching to tvgn. I am going to write them, as we all should. I liked waking up to BBAD and watching. I'm sure they knew about the language and bleeping. It will especially suck if there is a huge fight (which often happens during that time)
Somehow I knew this would happen. You ever try watching Survivor on CBS dot com, it's horrible. They don't even have HD, or if they do it never works for me.
This is like EA and Sim City launch all over again. Task more servers CBS.
Oops. Said I wouldn't complain. K. I'm really finished. ;)
Have not room is terrible. Its decorated as a plane and for beds they have chairs like at the airplane...more hurt backs. lol
I just read to try logging out of cbs, clear history, close browser and restart browser. And to use chrome. Maybe that will help?
Hi guys! Watching on TVGN (OMG the cut-outs for cursing are so annoying!). Nick and Howard just started talking strategy in HOH.
There is an airplane room! Were there airplane seats in the lounge? I don't remember seeing airplane seats. Amanda is being the stewardess. Very cute, but she must be cursing. :(
Nick and Howard talking game - Nick says he wants MC to focus on getting Amanda and David out.
TVGN is editing!! They silence the bad words! That probably means they won't show anything else - boring!! One of the girls, Helen was changing into a dress, and they turned away when she went to take her shorts off. She had on undies. Not that I want to see her undies, but that is stupid. CENSORSHIP!!
loved the first show. cant wait for more. let the game begin!!!!!!
Surfer Dude made a comment to I'm All That girl about wondering how the veto would happen, so I gathered that hasn't happened yet.
Anything? This is getting frustrating, huh? (she says with a smile cause she's not going to complain anymore)
I have a screen shot of the wall but can't 100% make out who is in what spot. Like I know where keys are missing but I don't know who they belong to. Feeds are working on my iPhone.
it sounds like they have an alliance of 5 and they're called "the moving company."
We have our first alliance name! :)
air plane chairs for have not's, and lol they are playing trivia
Still nothing here either...tried logging out, clearing the browser cache, closing browser and reopening...nothing...
I am trying real hard to be patient, but inside I am having an anxiety attack!!!!!
Nick, Howard are in HOH game talking.Just trying to keep you abreast of the situation. ;)N-Aaryn is smart. She's using him.
Not sure who (a he) they are talking about.
They're talking about "The moving company" is that an alliance?
I keep hitting F5 and expecting something different than a black screen. That is the definition of insanity right ;)
Nick saying there are 5 of them. He and Howard talking about future weeks and who can win blah blah blah
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Go to flashback and and pick the time of 1159 June 26th Quad cam click go, the feeds should load, once loaded press the go live buttton
I have a screen shot of the wall but can't 100% make out who is in what spot. Like I know where keys are missing but I don't know who they belong to. Feeds are working on my iPhone.
OH, I got it!! That airplane must be the Have Not room!! It's an airplane!
feeds not working !?!?!
in Wilmington DE
I think I will spend tonight catching up on BB UK ON YouTube.....
I have live feeds, but no dish blogging updates! Caro are you still trying to get your feeds to work?
I think I am going to catch up on BB UK on YouTube....will hit the blog in the am for the feed updates...looks like they need to work the bugs out.
FEEDS FIX... SET FLASHBACK TO 9:01pm on 6/26 on Camera 2. Click "Go Live" after feeds start
Carolyn...I tried the flashback thing too...still didnt work for me...also tried clearing the browser cache opening and closing browser afterward...still black screen...
Followed the tweet instructions and it worked!! I then went to live and I now have feeds :)
any one get the chat working again?
Thanks Carolyn! I LOVE YOU!!!
Sorry for the caps but I just had too!
OK.. In the blackness of the screen, you should see a little icon that looks like a calendar..
Click on it! Then,,
SET FLASHBACK TO 9:01pm on 6/26 on Camera 2. Click "Go Live" after feeds start.
Yay!! got it...had to go to 10PM though...feeds up and live now, but still no chat
Looks like we have a showmance already!!
a/o 123:47am est...Still NO FEEDS, NO CHAT ROOMS....Tried the fix twice, rebooted... Nothing!! (Crying)....
Thank you Queen of Dish!!
Sorry for the delay everyone.. I was trying to get it figured out!
Anyone have the feeds on ipad? Mine is still black, and there is no calendar icon there. Grrr....(again, with a smile ;))
That fix isn't working for me. I click GO and nothing happens :(
Jessie nominated. I think it was Jessie.
What a terrible rule to have in the handbook! You have to wear a bra...This must be new with the move to TVGN....thank goodness for the live feeds, cause this has to be by FAR the best looking bb cast ever. I expect the cattiness at an 11 all season long.
OMG!!! I am ashamed to share my name with that guy!! LOL
David looks hilarious in that pink
MI Man - I had to try it a couple times.. and make sure the date is on the 26th.. and 9:05pm..
@Eileen---how did you get yours working on your iphone? I can't. Thanks! (hope you see this)
@Lee. I just went on and there was a button that said click for feeds or something. I've been on since a little after 9.
Well Thanks to Carolyn I have finally figured this mess ya Caro!
Thank you the feed fix
worked!!! You're a doll. Gonna share on tumblr and give you a link credit:)
Awesome new drinking game with BBAD...everytime they miss censoring a curse word you take a shot! "Sh#t show" just made it past production
Howard and Aaryn are the nominees?
Correction: 12:47....
Update: 1:06, nothing :-(
Well this sucks, nothing is working for me, signed out, cleared everything out, closed browser and reopened and signed in and still nothing. Looks like I talk to tech support tomorrow :(
There's always flashback I guess. Have a good night, talk to you later.
Amanda is pretty funny!
Playing stewardess in the HN room and then with the "Dear diary" with the typewriter.. haha!
I have feeds on the iPad but had to go to highlights and then picked the most recent one and then hit the live feed line ate the top....only one camera angle but better than nothing!!!
Def Jessie and Candice as noms.
Good night and good luck with the feeds and chat - there is always a glitch or two during the first couple of days. Thanks Carolyn and fellow dishers. I will have to watch the pageant tomorrow.
Gotta give them credit for trying on the first night of BBAD...but so far this pageant is a train wreck...hopefully they don't keep forcing the pageant stuff on us cause of Miss Staten Island. AND HELEN WINS ALL THE POINTS FOR CLAIMING TO BE CHENBOTS BACKUP!!!
David has a key. I tweeted you a screenshot Caro. Well two, but the second is better.
Thank you, Eileen! :) I just got it and added it to the post!
Rona :) I'm so glad you got it working! :)
Finally Feeds! Still no chat rooms...
Oh my,I am dying here!!!! lmao!!
i'm just thrilled to have feeds.. Let's give em a grace period on the chats.
I'm so confused though. I wonder if Jeremy took his key to the DR or something because the first screenshot I took was further away but no key in his slot. Later his was in the slot. At no time did Jessie or Candice have keys.
I can see chat but not live feeds :( It just says loading...
Anyone from Canada able to access theirs? I have a VPN and have also changed CBS's cookie from CA to US. I can see a chat room but just says loading. Flashback and Highlights don't work :(
If you're having difficulty accessing the feeds, try these FEEDS FIXes...
1. Locate the small calendar icon in the large black screen, Click on it. Set Flashback to 9:01pm on 6/26 on Camera 2. Click "Go Live" after the feeds start.
2. If that doesn't work, reset your computer time to the pacific time zone, and reboot.
Seems like Jessie is one of the ones nominated. She is in the bathroom talking to Kaitlin and Aaryn about it.
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"Holy Sh#t"....drink
ok.. no comments in the past 5 minutes or so.. i'm gonna get horizontal and let the HGs rock me to sleep..
while i sing..
♫ getting to know them...
♫ getting to know all about them..
getting to (blah blah blah)
♫ Hoping Howard hops in the shower soon..
Oright...I have to go to sleep. I haven't worked since 2007 and I've been able to stay up all night with my Dishers watching the feeds. This summer it's different...I'm working and I have to go to bed. I'm going to have to get used to this new change.
Night night Carolyn and Dishers!! Happy BB15 Premiere!
According to CBS' help desk, if you change your time zone to Pacific Standard time and then reload the site, the feeds should load. That's how I got mine to work!!!
Still no chat rooms though, but just as well. As least I can TRY and learn who these people are.
Love her hope shes around awhile.
If you're able to see the chat rooms - mine JUST came back - join other dishers in BBDishBaby!
Love is apparently in the air in the BB house! Kaitlin and Jessie have fought over one of the boys...and ginamarie and nick are hooked up!
This twist with the MVHG is the best...everyone is playing hard and fast because they are going to want the best edit.
Jessie and Aaryn are definitely nominated. Check the HOH feed around 11:21 pm
So it seems like Jesse (the one who thinks she is the prettiest in the house & described herself as sexy) is on the block & in a love triangle with Jeremy & Kaitlin. Jesse is jealous of the attention he is giving to Kaitlin. Kaitlin knows this & has told numerous other girls that she doesn't want to make Jesse feel insecure so she is staying away from Jeremy who has been hanging on her & she also decided not to stand next to her during the beauty contest/fashion show & make her feel bad about herself so she opted out. Wow the jealousy & cattiness has begun! Man Jesse is a whining crybaby & already on my nerves! Also it seemed like Aaryn & David are hooking up bcuz earlier he went to hug her & fall on top of her on the bed & she stopped him by saying "No, we are live now." So i think they are together. (Not sure)
Judd is a MUMBLER! Are you dying already, Caro?
Can't believe the critters are so busy so early (or maybe I just block it out every year?)...
The feeds are working for me on my iPad this morning, and McCrae is awake and talking to a girl in HoH...I think it's maybe Ginamarie?
Does anyone know how to use the flashback feature on an iPad? I don't see the calendar icon. Thanks!
i am sorry to anyone who bought the feeds in canada and even with a VPN wont work based on information i thought would help us and posted to FB. i didnt know they would cancel canadian credit cards. I called in and got a refund. so disapointed in CBS. you have customers who want to pay you and you turn them away.....not giving up on BB but very sad. at least i got my refund in like 5 minutes but a bit of a downer for sure.
Im with you 100% lee!!!! BBAD is absolutely horrible on TVGN. Im okay with them wanting to edit out the curse words but the way they're doing it makes it to where we miss damn near the entire conversation!! BBAD has always been one of my favorite parts of the show and at this point im not sure im even gonna watch this season!!! Thank god for BBDish or I might be so disappointed that I don't watch the show!!
How come McCrae couldn't change his appearance? Seems weird he can't and the girls are......
hate hate hate tvgn! The Blockout more words in a sentence that you can't understand what anyone is saying. you don't hear half of what they're talking about very very annoying and frustrating please bring back show time next year
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