The Overnight Report
Good morning, BB Lovers! Happy Friday! With Derrick and Nicole in power now, it's a brand new house and a brand new game! If you'd like to see the earlier part of the evening, as well as their HoH Reveals and Letters from home, please have a look at the lovely Lessa's post: It's a Brand New Week.
While Devin remains the Backdoor plan, nominations are shaping up, and we've got quite the unique scenario building.. it involves Caleb volunteering (courtesy of the suggestive powers of Derrick and Nicole) to go on the block as one of Derrick's nominees, so he can throw the Battle of the Block and save Amber from being on the block as one of Nicole's nominees. Read on, my friends, read on...
HoH Room
Derrick and Nicole
Derrick: But we're in agreeance, Devin's not going on the block.
HN Taco and Pizza Feast
Derrick: Ladies and gentlemen, it was a pleasure.
Victoria: This was an amazing bonding experience.
Brittany: I slept so good with you last night.
Victoria: Oh, yay! That makes so so happy.
Frankie: OK.. All the girls in the Fire Room, except Christine and Nicole upstairs. Me and Cody in a bed in the Fire Room.
Victoria: Can you eat with us and not stare?
Zach: unreal.
Victoria: Detox after this.
Zach: Oh, I'm gonna eat all week.
Frankie: You guys are gonna crash so hard to night. You're gonna sleep so well. Stay up for an hour though, or you're gonna be regurgitating all night long. ♫All night long..
Brit: You better eat big now, Frankie, cuz you're gonna wake up and be a Have Not.
Zach has eaten so much, it's a wonder he doesn't explode. There's more than enough to share with all the HGs, and they are. Cody's eating as if he'll be on slop for the next 7 days. After much prodding, Frankie has a bite too.
Devin has already placed himself in the Have Not room. He snores and doesn't want to disturb anyone.
Cody, Jocasta and Amber are talking about making a swear jar.. putting in a grain of rice for each swear.
Cam 3
Victoria and Brittany
Vic: Today couldn't have gone any better. Devin was like, oh, I'm ready to compete.. I'll win the BoB and PoV. Amber's like, same. Nicole told me she's stressed as hell.
Brit: (inaudible)
Vic: But he did it to himself.
Brit: If he wants sympathy..
Vic: He doesn't deserve any sympathy, I'm sorry. Why do you have your nipple stickers on?
Brit: I like to keep em on for a couple days.
Vic: You're so funny. I'm so full, I can't breathe.. and beyond exhausted.
Brit: I know.
They make plans to exercise first thing in the morning.
Cody: Me n Hayden are gonna do a naughty one as well.
Amber: All the girls are gonna do a naughty one.
Cody: You do your naughty nurse.
Hayden: Me n Cody sandwiching Naughty Nurse Nicole.
Christine: oh my gosh, I like it.
Cody: I'm gonna do one of these faces, obviously.
Nicole: haha!
Hayden: I'm gonna lick your ear. First time for everything.
Cody: this is extremely naughty.. gettin' way too naughty for me.
Frankie: You almost did crack my back..
They make up a rhyme song right on the spot, Cody takes the lead, and it is truly flashback worthy. :) Go to 12:32am on Camera 1 :-) If you still need the feeds, here's a 2 day free trial.
The mood in the house is so light and wonderful. I think it's gonna be a really fun week!
12:34am There is still more pizza to be had an appreciatively moaned over..
Cam 1
HoH Room
Nicole: Thanks, Frankie. I think you're a great player too. You really don't have anything to worry about this week.
Frankie: Well thank you.
Nicole: I don't have a reason to put 2 people up. I wish Pao was here. I'd put her up in a second. I feel like I could've been one of the people used this week.. I'm not even safe this week.
Cam 3
Living Room
Amber: It just sucks. People I protected are doing this to me.
Cody: Derrick and I did the exact same thing.
Amber: This feels so good.. You can stop whenever you want. I don't want your hands to get tired.
Cody: Thats's ok. I'm not using my hands for a couple days anyway.
Amber: hehe.. Is Derrick.. He went back in the DR didn't he?
Cody: mm hmm. He's in there a lot.
Cam 3 flips to HoH
Nicole and Frankie
Nicole: If I had to pick a relationship guy, probably Cody.. but I'd feel intimidated with him cuz he's so perfect! Ithink that's how most grls would feel.
Frankie: Exactly.
Nicole: He has dance moves.. the way he moves his hips..
Frankie: I think he has to be gay. I mean, I don't think he does, but I think he should be. Like that would make it much easier. I mean, I don't go there. If you tell me you're straight..
Cam 3 returns to Cody massaging Amber in the living room, then widens briefly to include Hayden massaging someone in the kitchen too..
Amber: Oh my goodness, this feels so good, I'm about to fall asleep.. I'm trying to figure out, if it came down to numbers, if I'd have the votes to stay.
Cody: Me n Hayden would for sure.. I think Christine and Nicole would too..
1:07am The massage continues.. I'm getting envious.
Amber: I owe you.
Cody: No, that's ok. That's what best friends do.
Amber: Best friends. I feel like we have everything planned out when we get out of here.
Cody: I know.
Amber: And it's gonna happen.
Cody: I know. The worst part is I don't think any of this would've went down if it wasn't for Devin. He was a ticking time bomb.
Amber: What do you think your parents are thinking right now..
Frankie and Nicole
Nicole: Some people don't even know what the Veto is.
Frankie: I feel like Julie must be saying, "Welcome to Big Brother: Superfans vs Superclueless."
Nicole: She did say, "Some of you consider yourself superfans and some are students of this game." That's a good theory! The 2 that left are not..
Frankie: No, they've never seen the show.
Frankie: Me, you, Christine and Derrick, obviously are Superfans.
Nicole: Donny!
Frankie: Me, you Christine, Derrick, Donny.. I mean, Zach kind of is considered. What about Pao?
Nicole: Pao never saw the show.
Frankie: What about Amber.
Nicole: No, Amber was spotted.. Devin considers himself a student. He told me that.
Frankie: Well, that's pretty obvious. Caleb too.. if you ever want to know what he's thinking, just ask him.. He will tell you. "I'm protecting Amber til the very end" Why would you say that to people?
Nicole: Everyone knows who the target is.I wanna backdoor Devin.
Frankie: So does Derrick. Do you wanna be the one to do it?
Nicole: I don't need ot be the one who does it. I just wanna do what the house wants.
Frankie: Every single person in this house wants him out.
Nicole: Do you want him out?
Frankie: Yes. He's so volatile.. So unpredictable..
1:15am Derrick comes up to HoH.. then Caleb.. Nicole runs downstairs in hopes of redoing her DR session..
Derrick: What's she sayin? We haven't talked..
Frankie: Ummm.
Frankie: She doesn't know what she wants to do.. Honestly, we were mostly talking about girly things and boys.. I'm just trying to get a feel on her. But she did say I don't have anything to worry about.
Derrick: She did? Good. 1 down. We were up here talking for about an hour, and she wanted to clear the air about the Bomb Squad. I think we cleared the air..
Frankie: She's a formidable ally. She's smart.
Derrick: All I'm sayin', don't fall for it. He will be the best guy for the next week, but he will burn us if we ever make a decision he doesn't like..
Frankie: I know.
Caleb: He's already burned us multiple times.
Frankie: What I already said to him, word for word, You can either deflect the target, or you can win comps.
Derrick: No one will ever trust him. Associating with him will put larger targets on his back. We're probably doin' him a favor gettin' him out of the house.
Caleb: I think I know who the 1st showmance of the season is gonna be.
Derrick: Who?
Caleb: Cody and Amber.
Derrick: STFU! Why would you say that?
**I was wondering if he'd noticed the massage.. that's a yes.
Caleb: I've been layinin my bed for the last 45 minutes, and he's been massagin' her, and they been whisperin.
Derrick: Honestly, he massages everyone.
Frankie: He flirts with everyone.
Derrick: He's got a dime at home. I know it. That's why he's not gonna hook up with any girl in here. He's a good looking kid.
Frankie: He's a model.
Derrick: You're bigger than he is, but he's.. artsy.. I wouldn't stress it. I know he was datin' a Knicks dancer.. Everyone in this house knows you're gonna be HoH again..
Caleb: That's why I'm makin' jokes with him.. Hey man, I see you flirtin' with my girlfriend. I'm sleepin' up here with you tonight.
Derrick: Really?
Caleb: Yeah, I'm irritated.
Derrick: That's cool. I don't mind at all.
Frankie: He's a great roommate. He's silent and does not move.
Derrick: I'd have all the Have Not Girls sleep up here with me, but it would look bad. I would never do that do my wife.. not even create the impression.
Frankie: You look fine.. You lost weight.
Derrick: Donny said I had abs tonight. That made me happy.
Derrick: When she comes back, me and her are gonna have to talk, and you guys are gonna have to chill outside. She wont say anything in front of you. She already said, "When me and you talk, it's between me and you, and we don't tell anybody til we agree on it." I like that she said that actually. We're gonna hash it out tonight.. Let's just reiterate the fact that Devin doesn't have to know anything.
Frankie: Did you get any info from her regarding who was trying to flip the house?
Derrick: It wasn't her. I wanna see where her head's at, what she's thinking.. She's on board with backdooring Devin, but she's got a heart of gold. She doesn't wanna put anyone up.
Frankie: Do you know who the 2 votes were?
Derrick: Donny and Jocasta.. She had a sympathy vote. She didn't need 2.
Caleb: I think you should put both of em up. For voting against the house.
Derrick: Donny too?
Caleb: Either way they both have to go. Doesn't matter if it's this week or next week.
Frankie: They're both weak players, which is good if you need a target.
Derrick: I wanna talk to Donny tonight..
Frankie: Pao Pao's last words to Amber were "work with Brittany."
Derrick: What made you think that Amber flipped tonight?
Frankie: Cuz she told me she wanted to..
Skipping ahead...
Cam 1
Derrick, Nicole and Hayden
Derrick: Genuinely this week, these people are all pawns.
Hayden: Oh yeah.
Derrick: Any of them win, they're gonna use the PoV on themselves or somebody else.
Hayden: Dude, I wanna get picked for that PoV.
Derrick: I want the Haydens, the Codys, the Calebs.. What I don't want is Devin getting picked.
Time to talk turkey.. Who's going up..
Derrick: We basically know who we're goin' after.. But maybe we should take HoH to our advantage as far as makin' one week deals with some people..
Nicole: I know exactly what you mean..
Derrick: I'm not gonna be good at it.
Nicole: I am. Be like, this is so hard..
Derrick: Should we do it together?
They discuss the Bomb Squad alliance a bit more. Nicole's not letting him off the hook. Derrick's lying quite a bit, but he's doing it well. Still, Nicole wants to make sure their nominations aren't just people who weren't in the bomb squad. And.. they make a final 2 deal.
Nicole: You and I can stay as loyal to each other a possible, and we have social game, and we're smart..
Derrick: All I wanna know is that when it gets down to 3 people, if you win the final HoH, you will take me.
Nicole: I don't think anyone will think anything.
Derrick: Never.
They think about an alliance name for themselves.. Then..
Nicole: Jocasta's going up for sure. If you don't put her up, I will.
Derrick: I like the assertiveness on that one. OK. Cool.
Nicole: I hjaven't talked game with her, and the only people she talks game with are Amber and Devin.
Derrick: Jocasta and Amber are definites..
Nicole: What do you think about Caleb?
Derrick: I can't put him up without him being on board. I have to convince him to volunteer. You can be in the room or not. Your choice.. I'll tell him, Nicole's on board wanting Devin out, but we have to put up 4 people.. She doesn't have an excuse to put anyone else up. Amber did put her up, so it would make sense foe her to put Amber up. We have to emphasize, you have nothing against her, you have no intention of sending her home.
Nicole: He would fight for her so hard.
Derrick: He'd throw the comp. So.. if he'd throw the comp on my side, that means you can play next week, and you better kill it.
Nicole: Perfect. If it's endurance, perfect. or questions.
Derrick: Caleb would be on the block with whoever else goes up with me, and ultimately..
Nicole: Jocasta probably.. maybe Donny..
Derrick: Jocasta would be good.. I don't think people would vote Jocasta out over Devin. You do?
Nicole: I know a lot of people are talking about how he's the hugest floater.. I would leave Amber up there.
Derrick: But if you do that, they might vote out Amber instead of Devin.
Nicole: What if Devin wins PoV?
Derrick: If we put Caleb up there, and he's not on board with this? Were goin' home.
Nicole: You can't be scared.
Derrick: He's a beast. I like the kid a lot.
They create a scenario where Caleb volunteers to go up on the block to save Amber..
Derrick: Who are you thinking as a 2nd nom?
Nicole: I wanna talk to Donny and see if he'll volunteer. Victoria.. I know she's 100% safe, but she's one of my closest friends in the house. I wanna talk to people and see who they think should go up (and make some safety deals). It's gonna be between Donny, Victoria..
Derrick: You can't be everyone's friend AND win HoH.. I really don't think Devin's gonna get picked to play.
Nicole: I think we need to see if Caleb's up for this, first. Then I can decide my 2nd nominee..
Nicole goes downstairs. Derrick asks to talk to Caleb.
Cody: Is she real smart?
Derrick: She's a genius.
Cody: Oh mannn.
Derrick: Let's talk real quick.
Cody wants to come too, but Derrick says no and explains that Nicole is very suspicious about the Bomb Squad, and having him in for this meeting would blow it. Derrick and Caleb remina in the HoH room, and Derrick leads off telling hom how he just spoke to Cody and asked him directly if he was making a play for Amber. Cody said absolutely not, and that he would never do that. Guy code.
Derrick: I think she likes you bro. I really do. And this is where this conversation is about actually..
Caleb: What do you mean it's about that?
Derrick: It's about Amber. She's like, I'm adamant about one of my people.. She's in agreeance, we're backdooring Devin. She wants to put Amber up, because it would get no blood on her hands, because it would be justified. I said, ok. She said, how do you think he would feel about it? I said, if I'm being honest, and I've only known him 21 days, but I think he's gonna say "Put me up, Derrick," because he's gonna want a say in her future. She said, "Ya think?" I said, "I don't know." She said, "You wanna talk to him?" I'm like, "Absolutely.. because I am friends with him." So that's where that's at. Obviously, if we did that.. it would be on you how you want to play with it. She was like, "I have one that I'm absolutely adamant about, and it doesn't have anything to do with any of your people, and I'm thinking about Amber." ANd she wasn't askin' me.
Caleb: (laughs) She wasn't askin..
Derrick: But I will say this, she is 100% on board. She doesn't want Amber to go home. She just doesn't want to put a target on her back. And she's right. It's not malicious at all. She wanted me to talk to you alone. It's a lot to think about. You don't have to tell me right now. You can come out lookin' like a straight G.. a knight in shining armor for her.. or you could look like a fool. That's something you have to think about.
Caleb: I should be fine with the votes.
Derrick: I agree, but I don't even want you up there for that. If you're a nom, you're gonna play in the PoV. He might not get picked at all, but if he does, you're not gonna let him beat you.
Caleb: He wont beat me.
Derrick: It's a risk. It's a ballsy risk. It's a cowboy risk.. but it's a risk.
Caleb: That's what beastmode cowboy's all about.
Derrick: I'm not puttin' you up, unless you decide. It'll be in my nomination speech. They're all gonna know you're goin' in to defend Amber..
Caleb: That's why Amber was scared down there.. because she put her up..
Derrick: It's a great move..
Caleb: How bout, she put me and Amber up together?
Derrick: She wont do it.
Caleb: Have you said, if you put up Amber, you know Caleb's gonna come after you, because you know he's gonna win another HoH..
Derrick: Um.. possibly.. but she's a smart player.. If we come off like we're threatening her, done. Done. I'd rather work with her than have her think she was being strong armed. I'm on your side.
Caleb: If Amber goes up, I'm gonna go up. I'll throw it. (the Battle of the Block) But you have to put me up with..
Derrick: Jocasta. She's not gonna win anything. But it's still a risk. I'm not gonna sugar coat it. If it's something you decide to do, I'm gonna let everyone know you volunteered.
Caleb: Got my queen on the block. King's gotta come up and save it.
Derrick: There's a zero % chance that I'm putting you up without your blessing. That decision has to come from you. Here's the thing.. perfect situation.. She puts up Amber and Donny.. I put up you and Jocasta.. You somehow lose the comp.. Amber and Donny come off the block. It's you and Jocasta up. The only way you stay up is if Devin gets picked for PoV AND wins it.
2:22am cont'd -Cam 3
Caleb: I'm thinkin' she puts her up, I'm gonna have you put me up.
Derrick: It's a win-win for you.. But I'm not making this decision without you. Dont' give me a decision right now. Think about it. Don't talk to Nicole about it.. It's a big boy decision..
Caleb: It's beast mode. I'm gonna ask her. I'm gonna say..
Derrick: I gotta know this is bigger than Big Brother.
Caleb: I'm gonna say, I told Derrick to put me up, and I'm gonna do what I gotta do. If she tells me not to do it, I wont. At the end of the day, I trust my alliance and whoever I'm sitting next to will go home. Just make sure you put me up next to someone who'll go home over me.
Cam 3
Caleb practices his speech to Amber with Derrick...
Cam 3
Nicole returns. Caleb leaves.
Nicole: What did he say? He didn't look too happy.
Derrick: Well, clearly, but he's not mad at you at all..
Nicole: He's saying that..
Derrick: He gets it. He's like, well what's her 2nd nom? I said she doesn't know.. To speed it up, here's what's going on. He's gonna go talk to Amber right now.
Nicole: She's not gonna let him.
Derrick: I think she will.
Nicole: She's a mess. She wont even look me in the eyes.
Cam 1
Caleb and Amber
Caleb: You are olne of her people that she wants to put up, because it wont get any blood on her hands, since you put her up.
Amber: Right..
Caleb: I told Derrick to put me up, so I could throw the Battle of the Block, to keep you safe... and so Derrick would remain HoH.
Amber: Well if you throw it..
Caleb: Then I will be on the block. I just wanna know what you feel about that.
Amber: I feel ok about it. I'd just love to talk to Nicole.. I already knew that I was possibly gonna go up.. I'm just done trying to help everyone else out.
Caleb: It's a big decision. If you tell me not to, then I'm not gonna do it.
Amber: Well, I already know I'm up.
**oh dear.. Do we have to spell it out? She's just not into you.
Caleb: You're missin' my point. If you go up, I told Derrick to put me up, so I can throw the comp. You'll come off, Derrick will remain HoH, and I'll be up against whoever. Best case scenario Devin doesn't even get a chance to play the PoV.
Amber: As long as Derrick is HoH, he can put up someone to guarantee none of us go home.
Caleb: I need you to tell me, yes, I'm ok with you savin' me.
Amber: I don't want you to do that though.
Amber: Like, I rather you not do that for your self.
Caleb: That's the difference. I'm not scared at all.
Amber: Thngs are changing for me in this game, a lot. My circle is changing.. Did I tell you what Pao said to me today?
Caleb: Told you to work with Brittany?
Amber: And she said, people you think are close are not..
Caleb: All that he says, she says stuff..
Amber: I just think you and I should lay low.. You and I have targets on our backs. I just don't.. It's already like.. Even Donny is like, yeah, you're a target. I think when it comes to the game, we should keep the circle small.
Caleb: My circle's very small.
Amber: I don't know. I already knew. I'm ready. So.
Caleb: Oh well.
Amber: I just don't want any surprises. Who would you be going up against possibly?
Caleb: Jocasta, maybe? She told him she doesn't trust him at all.
Timecheck --2:44am
Cam 3
Storage Room
Team America got their 1st Assignment!
Derrick: OK, America has voted and our first mission entails, we have been assigned a task of convincing 3 houseguests that one of the current houseguests is a family member of a former houseguest. It's not gonna be easy. I know. This is the way it works. Me you and Donny, we have to tell somebody, and we have to get 3 people to spread the rumor.. We only have til Monday night at 12:08am.. so technically Tuesday morning.. Go to the DR. Amy's waiting in there for you.
Frankie: Can we just say that it's us?
Derrick: No.
They love the task, and they're excited to get it done for us.
Cam 3
Nicole, Zach, Hayden
Nicole: The 2 I'm kinda going back and forth with are Donny and Victoria..
Zach: She's goin' home in the next 3 weeks anyway, so it doesn't matter.
Nicole: But she's my friend.
Zach: Do you know who Derrick's putting up or no?
Nicole: I think Jocasta maybe... and maybe Caleb.
Hayden: If he does that, you can maybe put Donny.
Zach: Donny and Brittany, I catch them whispering all the time.
Hayden: Brittany is not to be trusted.
Nicole: I have a good sense about her.
Zach: Do you trust me? I trust you.
Nicole: I just don't want you to spit fire at me. Actually, I loved what you did.
Hayden: Yeah, I thought it was epic, dude.
Zach: Someone had to.
Hayden: I'm going downstairs.. You guys can talk for a little while.
Nicole: Alright. Thanks for talking.
Nicole: Oh Hayden.. Whoever's HoH next week, you'll be flirtin' with. Get outta here.
Hayden: hehehe.. Alright.. g'night.. later.
Nicole: Basically, Zach, What I want to know is, if you were to win HoH next week, am I on your radar?
Zach: You are the last person I would put up.. apart from Cody.
Nicole: I just wanna be able to feel safe next week.
Zach: I promise, you are my last target. You are not on my radar whatsoever. You can ask me about anything and I will tell you the truth. I just wanna make sure Devin gets out this week. You are in a tough spot.
Nicole: I'm getting blood on my hands. I don't feel bad about Amber.. but the other person.. Donny or Victoria.. if Jacosta's taken. I like Jacosta.. I'm just trying to think of a reason to put someone up. I don't wanna upset the house.
Zach; Victoria knows nothing about this game. She doesn't relate to anyone in the house. She has no social game whatsoever.
Nicole: Do you think I should see if she'll volunteer?
Zach: No, because she'll defend and deflect, and it'll put you in a tough spot anyhow.
Nicole: This sucks.
Zach: Me, you, Cody and Chritine are gonna go very far.
Nicole: I think so too.. I hope so. I'm not afraid to make big moves..
Zach: I feel like, if you put someone up, and you get dethroned, you're gonna fall right back in with the crowd. You're a lock for final 3. If you're worried about putting up Amber because Caleb's gonna be mad at you, you have more votes to stay than he does in any scenario.
Timecheck-- 3:19am..
Camera 2
Derrick and Jocasta
Dining Table
Derrick: Nicole's a good girl. She's nice. I think she's gonna be on board with what we want to do. I just hope that no matter what I do, people respect where I'm comin' from and that there is a bigger plan.
Derrick: I'm a huge fan of the show, and you don't get by by voting out weak players. I wanna make big moves. I'm doing it for the betterment of the house. I want people to respect my game. That means a lot to me, because I'm a huge fan of the show. You'll learn more of my background when this is over.. If I was outside of this house, I would not let some of the things that have been said and done happen.. It fires me up to even talk about it right now. But there are some things that I have let skate by.. In this house, I have to be more reserved and eat my bowl of slop.
Cam 1
Derrick and Caleb..
**Caleb is big of heart, but thick of skull.
Derrick: You're the one takin' all the risk. She has no risk. I've told you, I had no intention of puttin' you up. You tell me deal's off, you're not going up. This is a personal choice you're makin' as a man.. I'll tell her that, but that transcends this game, and she needs to appreciate that. You could take the week off and hang by the pool..
Caleb: I just can't come out and say it, cuz it feels like i'm pressuring her into dating me.
Derrick: I'll tell her. She has to respect the severity of it. You're a smart kid. If you get a hint that she's bs'ing you, you can duck out. I'd rather let Nicole be HoH so I can compete again next week. We got lucky one of us got in..
Caleb: Go ahead and call her in here..
Derrick asks Amber to join him in the BeeHive..
Derrick: C'mon in..Here's the deal. She's not even happy she won HoH. She wants as little blood on her hands as possible. She has one person in mind.. who hasn't done anything in the house. The other person is you. We both want Devin out of the house. The ultimate plan is for him to get backdoored. Obviously, I came to Caleb with the information, because I know how he feels about you..
Amber: mm hmm
Derrick: This week I have the opportunity to return the favor to him for not putting me on the block when he could have. I told him, he isn't going on the block, and he isn't going up as a replacement nom.
Amber: yeah
Derrick: If she puts you up, there is a potential that my 2 can beat you 2, and you could remain on the block. Caleb made a suggestion that he could go up on my side, and not give his best effort..
Amber: Will she put me and Caleb up against each other?
Derrick: I don't think so. She really doesn't want to send you home. We want Devin gone.. Everyone wants Devin gone. He can't leave soon enough. He tried to make amends with us tonight.. He wants to work with me. We are not gonna tell him anything. He does not need to know anything. But with that being said, I want you to understand the severity of what Caleb's offering to do.
Amber: mm hmm
Derrick: His suggestion, which is his own suggestion.. If he does do that, I'm gonna let the house know. Yous two need to talk about the severity of it, because what he's suggesting to do Doesn't Happen in Big Brother.
Amber: yeah
Derrick: Period. It just doesn't happen.
Amber: Are you gonna tell the house?
Derrick: Whether I tell the house or not, they're gonna know. He's a straight shooter. They're gonna know exactly why he's doing it. I can tell you right now. I don't think anybody in this house thinks I'm stupid, and it would not be a good idea to for me to put the strongest competitor in the house on the block.
Amber: mm hmm mm hmm
Derrick: Cuz he's comin' off, and he's comin' after me. I wouldn't worry about bein' attached to him. I'd worry about bein' attached to the other guy. And we're getting rid of him this week.
Amber: mm hmm
Derrick: Because the plan is obviously for you to come off the block. You're gonna stay safe. Our man here is gonna win PoV.. or I am..
Amber: I think it's best for you to stay HoH.. I think Brittany is forming her own little alliance.
This is ongoing. I'm waiting and listening, and waiting and listening, hoping for some sign of life or appreciation from Amber..Meanwhile, Caleb's developing a bit of a tick..
HoH Room
Nicole, Derrick, Caleb, Amber
It's looking like a done deal.. as far as the Knight in Shining Armor goes..
Nicole: He (Devin) wants us to put him on the block. That's not happening. Because then he has 2 chances to take himself off.
Amber: Do you have an idea of the 2nd person?
Nicole: I do, but..
Derrick: Whoever it is, if they happen to win PoV, they're gonna use it on themselves, and then we still backdoor him.
Amber: Do you think if Brittany (got to play and ) won the veto, she would use it?
Nicole: I do.. and I would talk to her.
Derrick: We're doing what the house wants to do. The house wants him out. The only way to make that happen is to backdoor him.
As of 5:33am, Christine and Nicole are about to get into Nicole's HoH bed.. Downstairs, Cody, Zach, Frankie, Amber and Caleb are up and chatty in the kitchen.
Frankie makes his hug and kiss goodnight rounds..
I graciously accept.. ;-) Go to bed, HGs.. This concludes the Overnight Report.
OK, first question, what the heck is a nipple sticker?
Why do the females in this game keep going after each other and let the guys skate?
I am tired of 'what the house wants" !!!!!!!!!
Do these people actually think they can nominate people without them taking it personal?
"I don't want blood on my hands" should be a banned phrase.
I think America's Team should try to convince the house that Caleb is related to Russell Hantz. :-)
As happens every season, I am wavering on who I am rooting for, I guess its still to early.
Hayden-Nicole is worth keeping for the cute factor.
Good conversation between Derrick and Jacosta at the dinning room table this morning.
I'm enjoying are early morning meetings. :-)
Thanks for the TOR. Pray for chaos in the house. :-)
Good Morning, Carolyn! Unable to sleep last nite, so I've watched the feeds ALL night! TA got their 1st task last night, 2:40am BBT, cam3/4. 6:50am, Hayden's hairy derriere made another appearance, cam 3/4! Playing 'truth or dare', he has to moon the cam and shake it! These people. This house. lol
Shouldn't they be putting up four strong players on the off chance Devin does get picked to play for veto? If he is playing against Jacosta or Victoria it's no contest.
I'm with Jerry, this men have to rule the world business is plain crap and I don't like the coersive nature in trying to make Amber an instrument of Caleb being on the block either.
I'm liking DCI Derrick (Tony-lite) less and less because he obviously likes playing with the boyz and sees women as tools.
Caleb, I never liked or trusted. Beastmode, huh! The guy's needy - needy, needy, needy. He's an approval suck who is more like Devin than he lets on. He may not be as mecurial, but he's just as dangerous.
Ask me tomorrow and I'll tell you what I really think.
Good Morning my dear Carolyn xoxo
Don't have much input this early,only on first cup of coffee,but I do have to say outside of Devin,fantastic crew this year!!
Thank you a ton for all you do!! Tip jar will be hit payday ;) xoxo
Good point
Hi Carolyn,
Hi Jerry,
Hi Judy,
Hi Cindy,
Hi gerritv,
Hi to everyone else that comments after that...
Great show last night...Nicole reminds me so much of Jordan...both of them so dang cute....
Haven't read TOR yet, going there now..
Have a wonderful day everyone...
Jerry I agree, I believe Caleb and Russell are related....they even sound alike, and I am sick of "I don't want to get blood on my hands"....HG's and future HG's, this is BIB BROTHER and you get blood do what it takes to win $500,000.00...We the fans may get upset at some of it(me, hehe), but that is the game...
<<<<>>>> (((((((HUGS))))))))
That's what I think too Cindy! If it were me, I'd get the whole house together (except Devin) and say "Devin's the target, whoever goes up is NOT going home if we all work together, who would like to volunteer?"
Or say, "we're picking the four strongest players and plan on taking one of you off to backdoor Devin".
Good Morning!
Way behind. Haven't read TOR or comments yet so do not know what has been talked about.
First and foremost-I hope that Nicole absolutely does not fall for the 2 person alliance or believe for a moment that Derrick was being honest about it (or anything else for that matter.)He is full of more BS than the Bomb Squad. Also-Quit throwing Frankie under the bus. At least he was loyal which should stand for something. The rest of the BS guys have done nothing but sell each other out.
I think Devin has actually been quite decent the last few days but this guy can't win. He wil go down as the tagline/joke of season 16. Yes, he and Caleb would still be my targets, but just like any other human being, Devin does have a decent side.
With the new HOH's nothing has changed. Derrick is really no different than Devin or Caleb. "I am big. I am strong. I am man. I make decisions while you sit around and look pretty." Shortly after feeds came on last night Derrick was talking about who would be nominated, who would win BoB and POV, who would be backdoored and who would go home. Yes, it's cler, he thinks he's the only HOH. I hope Nicole gets to make her noms first and I hope she makes the decision she wants to make. Based on Derrick's attitude, nothing would thrill me more than to see this go wrong and blow up in his face. In other words, I hope Devin stays and Caleb ends up evicted. Most people feel that Caleb is the bigger threat. Even Nicole has said that.
It also irritated me that Derrick had the main HOH room and Nicole had the smaller room when she was the one who actually won the comp. I am already so over the 4 nominee, BoB twist. I hope Nicole's noms lose and stay OTB and Derrick has to move back downstairs.
Derrick told Nicole he didn't want either of them discussing nominations with anyone else even though he already laid out the whole plan without her. He said he was never in an alliance and Nicole would be his first. I call BS in more ways than one.
Now I am caught up on comments and am so happy to see that Derrick's 'mist' is evaporating with a lot of people. I wasn't feeling this guy from the beginning. (The whole lying about being a cop thing reminded me of Survivor's Tony and I didn't like him.)
I still stand by the opinion that I actually don't hate any of the HGs this year. Some of them have been incredibly annoying and at times frustrating but none of them have yet been awful. I would not be sad to see Derrick leave. I feel he does use being a parent and I feel that he is just as dismissive of women as Devin. I also don't trust anything that comes out of his mouth. With all his 'TA Hurrah' talk, I don't believe he would really have Donny's back and he has already gone out of his way to make Frankie look shady. More than anything else, he is a risk to the people I do like therefore I want him gone.
I see that more and more people are joining the Hayden train. Since I was one of the first on that train, does that mean I get to ride shotgun? (Is there a shotgun on a train?_
To: Jerry W. ... I believe a nipple sticker is given to the girls so that their nipples do not stick out and show through their tee shirts or other tops that are sheer. The H-N room is very cold and they would be showing without them or in the comps where water is sprayed on them.
Derrick is becoming my favorite HG and I hope he goes far. He is telling Nicole some whoppers about The Bomb Squad (TBS) but the lies do have some truth to them. I don't think he was totally invested in TBS but used this huge alliance to protect himself. Having 1/2 the house in an alliance that was directed by King Devin was strange. It was bound to fail and what are you going to say in a room full of members? "No I'm good, I'll hang back for a few weeks and see who goes home as long it is not me". Hayden was not dumb enough to reject the offer when it was given and I thing Derrick was in the same mode on day 1 or 2 when TBS formed.
HI all & special hello & thanks to Caro. I buy the feeds through your site every year (since season 10) and read every post, I just don't comment a lot (been chatting in the chatroom on the feeds a bit, too, but mostly at night).
I'm thinking - I don't think he'll share this plan with any other HGs until potentially after the Veto..but I think Derrick is thinking that if he does nom Caleb & Caleb does throw/lose the BoB, and then doesn't win the Veto, that he'll leave Caleb up there to be voted out. If Caleb DOES with the veto, then he can put up Devin, and nobody needs to know he was thinking of ousting Caleb. He may share this with TA, but not sure. It seems like a prime opportunity. Dangerous either way. Anyway, just my thought.
Caleb is a walking cliché. Im not a Nocole fan, I thought I would be but BB tried a little to hard with her casting. Should be a fun week though
One more complaint-why is it that Devin and Derrick have both been able to talk the female HOH into nominating the 2 players that will win BoB while they nominate the players that will throw the BoB? If you are really working together as a team with your co-HOH and you are both working towards a common goal, why is it always the female HOH that has to be dethroned leaving the male to enjoy the luxuries of a private bed and bath for the week?
Good morning Carolyn and Dishers
Alright i'm all for amber and Caleb going up on opposite sides yeahh. i wish donny and brit wouldn't go up at all. put Vic and joc up please.
I can't believe they got Caleb to agree to go up hats like crazy but earthier way Caleb or Devin goes home this week so alrighty.
unless Devin wins pov and uses it on Caleb
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Good morning, Everyone!☺
I'm speed caffeinating.. just woke back up and I see BB already woke the HGs. Gahh!
New Top Post coming VERY soon..
Re comments about Devin getting picked to play POV and not being against a strong player. The other nominee won't be the only one playing. Derrick will be playing along with whomever the nominees pick so the numbers are stacked against him.
Plus he may not even be picked because he won't be sitting on the block at that point.
Good morning everyone. Another all nighter for me!
@Grendon....Nicole asked for the inside room that's why she is there. She said she felt more comfortable there. She wasn't "forced" to do anything.
I absolutely adore Hayden and Nicole. They remind me of the sweetness of Jeff and Jordan. "Can we just kiss it out?" lol.
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