Wednesday Morning in the Big Brother 16 House
Wakey wakey, Houseguests! It's time to entertain us on the live feeds! You did a stellar job last night, and we thank you for that.. and so many nights before.☺ BB Lovers, if this is your first time on BBDish today, be sure to have a look at The Overnight Report. Last night was a hoot!
This Wednesday Morning Live Feed Update will be updated Live throughout the BB morning. Please refresh the post periodically, and more info will magically appear until Noon BBT. FYI - The Season Pass on the Live Feeds will disappear very soon!
10:02am BBT Annnnd they're up!
By Frankie's demeanor, I think it's safe to say, he has not been told of his grandfather's passing.. He's in the kitchen preparing a large pot of oatmeal for whoever would like to partake.
Frankie: You guys, who wants fresh steel cut oatmeal? I love looking at it. It looks like a little choo choo train.
Frankie offers to Donny, who declines, and Nicole, who's a yes. He promises to "make it nice."
Camera 1
Amber, Christine, Brit, Donny
Donny: Amber, have I ever told you that yellow's my favorite color?
**wonder why? here...
Camera 3
Amber: How'd you sleep?
Frankie: Pretty well, actually.
![]() |
straight guys.. don't say i never do anything for you. there, you've been fed. |
Frankie offers Amber, but she declines as well.
Amber: It's a texture thing.
Christine is a yes.
The HGs are quick to get up today, because they've been told they'll soon be locked inside.
Camera 3
Amber and Donny are lowering the awnings, per BB's request.
Amber: You get up with the music, or before?
Donny: I was layin' there just waitin for it. I usually wait for it, cuz I hate to get up too early.
Amber: pool looks so clean!
Donny: It does. The other side's easier. No obstacles. Well, there's the little date station right there.
Amber: Oh, Donny..
Donny: That was the 1st of many dates there..
Amber: (makes a guttural sound of disgust or exasperation)
Donny: Ya'll can tell ya'lls children..
Amber: No, Donny! Don't. uh uh uh uh..
Donny: ..that you had your first date in the Big Brother house..
Amber: Don't even, Donny. No way. That's my 1st and last date in the Big Brother house.
Donny: Really?
Amber: I wouda felt bad if I said no. Ya know what I mean?
Donny: Yeah.
Amber: I woulda felt awful. I just sucked it up. Whatever. Do you think I was harsh? After?
Donny: No!
Amber: I'm just not interested, and it sucks, because I've said that several times, ya know?
Donny: mm hmm . He might've never been turned down before. In his little town, bein' so good lookin'? He might've always had his way.
Amber: yeah..uuuch..
Donny: He thinks if he lkeeps tryin' it'll work.
Amber: I feel like it'll make it worse. I'd like to just be like you, Donny. Just kinda lay back and do my own thing.
Donny: Yup. It's a wonderful feelin'.
Amber: At least you understand.
Donny: I understand. I don't blame you. You got plenty of time.
Amber: Thanks, Donny.
Finished with the blinds, Amber heads inside, and Donny hops on the elliptical, which he calls a bicycle, though I do not know why. Amber returns a minute later to keep Donny company and get some sun while the gettin's good.
Cam 1
Brittany's searching high and low for her hairbrush..
Camera 3
Brittany and Frankie and Amber are on Chaise lounges.
Donny is working out.
Christine is on the Hammock
Brittany: It's gonna be hotter today, but we only probably have til like 1?
Frankie: Yeah. Christine, what time did they lock us in last week?
Christine: I think it was like 3? Does anyone know if Jack has a girlfriend?
**Jack is someone in production..
Frankie: Jack is my future husband.
Brit: I figure he's the one who runs the poop camera..
Frankie: Exactly. He's like, I've seen your everything, soooo.. let's go to the bathroom together!
Frankie: I think one of my favorite moments in the house so far is, (softly) "Donny, Will you come to the DR?" "WELL SHORE!"
Christine: hehehe
Brittany: That was just this morning, right?
Frankie: Yeah, like 7am.
10:52am Chatter about how the DR people tell them to freshen up.. or not..
Frankie: Do you think they've just abandoned the Activity Bracelets?
Christine: I don't know..
Victoria comes out for a quick minute to talk Tums and Gluten Free things with Christine..
Camera 3
Frankie and Brittany are talking healthy cooking.. I'm all about it..
Frankie: We're missing soft shell crab season, which is my favorite thing on earth.
Brittany: I've never had it.
Frankie tells her about it.. Amber joins in the cnversation.. They're all envisioning themselves on a beach with cocktails.
Brittany: You should come to some of the Patron events.
Amber: I am so down. So down.
Brittany: You'd love em.
Frankie: I can't believe how much weight Derrick has lost. From the picture on the wall to now? I think he's lost 10 pounds.
Amber: I feel like it's more than that.
Frankie: Really?
Brittany: Yeah.
Frankie: Wow!
Amber: I feel like I'm gaining weight here, and I LOVE it!! I just need to tone my body!
Frankie: Yeah.I thnk I gained about 3 pounds.. maybe 5. I'm starting to look more like I did when I was in MamaMia, and I was 10-15 pounds heavier then.
11:01am cont'd
Amber: Frankie, what made you want to come on Big Brother?
Frankie: I love the show. LOVE the show.
While Frankie and Brittany continue chatting, Donny is walking the yard, humming a tune..
Cam 1
Nicole and Christine
Christine: I just don't want to go out there alone..
Nicole: He just wants to walk with you.
Christine: Keep his enemy close.. Did he tell Hayden that? Brittany told me. But, I'm gonna let him think I'm a naive little girl.. and then I'll go POW!
Christine: Here's the thing.. If I win HoH Next week, Caleb and Amber would not be smart.. for them to be my targets.. Cuz they're not coming after me.. or you.. or Hayden.
Nicole: He's not going after Hayden?
Christine: No. He's going Zach, __, Cody.
Nicole: So who would you go for, Donny?
Christine: Donny. I'd have to convince them though.
Nicole: I'm going for Amber.
Christine: We're getting closed down early today, so I think it's gonna be rigs this time, which means..
Nicole: Endurance.
Christine: Yeah.
**From your mouth to the BB gods' ears!
***Oh Look! A 2 Day Free Trial Live Feed Plug!*
Camera 3
Frankie and Brittany
Brittany: If I was HoH, I would put up Victoria, send her home next week. Like, obviously, whoever's HoH next week has the easiest HoH ever.
Frankie: Right. But then if she wins the Veto, who are you gonna backdoor?
Brit: She's not gonna win the Veto.
Frankie: She won it this week. You don't know.. It could be counting strawberries..
Brit: Hopefully somebody wigs out and there will be a backup target.
Frankie: I feel like people who aren't even on the block are starting to crumble this week.
Brit: Like, Zach.. He's such a shit stirrer.. But when you talk to him, he's decent and funny.. and it's a strategy I think.. But for me, the only person I would like to see out is Victoria. It's nothing personal at all. I just feel she doesn't wanna be here as much as the rest of us. Like we're all sacrificing and trying really hard and kicking ass, and it's more like a fashion show for her.
Frankie: Yup. I agree. I totally agree. I just feel like, she's off the block, which sucks..
Brit: I want the people who really want to be here to be here, and weed out the people who just got here by luck (**like by being cast? Like YOU?) to be here and be chosen to be here.
Frankie: I'm so happy you're talking to me.
Brit: You've been distant.
Frankie: Me, personally, as a human being, I suck at, like, coddling?
Brit: me too.
Frankie: I'm like horrible at it. So when you were suffering? I'm the worst, just as a human being, I'm like ok, feel better.
**on a day like today.. this is too poignant.
Brit: yeah.
Frankie: Like, I don't know what to say. I only want to be happy. My goal in life is to only be happy and only deal with things that make me happy, which is so selfish, I understand that, but, like, it's who I am..
Brit: Yeah. I think it's just because you don't know how to deal with stress and drama.
Frankie: Exactly. I want to run away and hide until it's over.
Backyard Couch
BB: Houseguests, this is a lockdown, please go inside and close the sliding glass doors.
In they go..
Christine: 11:52, eh?
Nicole: Lockin' us down a little early, eh?
**Yup, Yup.. I agree. Build that Wall, BB!!! Build that Wall!!!
Whispers between Caleb and Frankie..
Christine: Goodbye, Sun.. It was fun..
Caleb: Next time we open that is when I put that HoH Key around my neck.
Christine: Hahaha! Don't jinx it.
She walks back to the bathroom, leaving Caleb and Amber alone in the kitchen area for a moment.
Caleb: Amber, I would have to say, if there's one girl who would beat me, it would be you.
Amber: Huh?
Caleb does not repeat..
Frankie's in the shower, chatting with Brittany, who leaves him mid-sentence.. Christine comes out of the WC to chat with him..
And this concludes the morning update. See you back here in a new top post in a bit!! ☺
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Poor Amber! (And I only say that in relation to Caleb being obsessed with her)
She's trying to be nice about it, but Caleb is just SOOOO obsessed!
I always thought having a stalker would be flattering... until I had one. It's scary. She's gonna have to be mean to get through to him.
Look at that yellow bikini. And people wonder why Caleb is obsessed... The closest thing I can equate it to is eating a steak a foot away from your dog's face...they cant help but drool
Carolyn, I didn't know what camp followers meant either so I was not offended.
Oh Brittany, what the heck are you doing? Jocasta and Amber mentioned that sleeping in Cody's bed is something Brittany's ex could use against her. I hope that's not the case but she definitely is making herself look bad. I'm not implying that she has done anything wrong. Everyone is sleeping with everyone this year (not in a sexual way)-girls sleep with girls, girls sleep with guys, guys sleep with guys. I didn't know that many people could even fit in the HOH bed. On screen it looks kind of small.
The problem with Brittany is the complete about face based on her position OTB and Cody's position as HOH.
Before Monday Brittany had a strict 'no kissing HOH butt' policy. She was so extreme about sticking to this policy that she wasn't even playing the game. She wouldn't go up for the obligatory after HOH/before nominations talks. She would never try to make deals or offers of safety in return for safety. After noms she wouldn't talk to the HOH about what they would do if one of their noms won POV.
It's only now, after nominations have been made, POV has been played, renom has been put into place that she has finally decided to lower her policy/standards and make the trip up the spiral staircase. And her only strategy seems to be sleeping in the HOH bed. It just comes across as looking very desperate and kind of sad.
Caleb's friends and family will have to intervene. I'm hoping with his background they will
Rant in 3, 2, 1...
Someone else nailed it earler. Caleb is from a small town and is not used to being rejected. He's locked in a house with a beautiful women he cannot have and has to watch her flirt with another extremely attractive man. I'm sure women all over America are waiting on him to get out of the BB house so they can help him get over Amber. It is going to be ok. I think it is unfrortunate for Amber's game, but everyone knows that being extremely good looking is hard.
Anyway, I just think that you cannot judge an entire person based on the BB house.
I don't know why, but I just feel like that needed to be said.
Good morning all. Happy Wednesday!!!
Sunshine and Silence - Defender of Lost Causes OUT.
Agree! Until he is sacrificing small animals and leaving them on her doorstep, I dont see the problem. He is in love with her.. So what? Im sure he isnt the first she has had to deal with and wont be the last
The philosophy of Caleb
Eating a pickle is the way to show love
don't judge a banana by it's peel.
Hi Everyone! :-) I'm dashing out to pick up my mother for an appointment.. I'll be back in a bit..
@Misaliss73...I'm so sorry to hear of the trouble your father-in-law is having. I'll keep you and him in my prayers.
Good afternoon, Carolyn! Thank you SO much for your wonderful blog. It's the first thing I check every morning. I'm a long time reader though I have only commented once or twice (don't know under what name so I'm going to have to set up a new account).
This is probably too much unnecessary information, but I just wanted to pop in to say, contrary to what one of your commenters said this morning, a camp follower is not really a derogatory term in the sense of it referring only to prostitutes that followed armies from camp to camp. A camp follower is ANY class of person who followed the movement of armies. It could, of course, be prostitutes, but it also referred to people who sold many types of goods and services to soldiers while in camp - food, laundry, photography services, liquor, etc. I believe even soldier's families could be called camp followers when they packed up their lives and followed the soldier from camp to camp. Prostitutes were camp followers; camp followers were not prostitutes.
Sorry for returning to an old subject, but I didn't like to see you called out for something that wasn't correct. And, yes, I'm a bit of a history geek, too.
Thanks again for your wonderful blog. And thanks, too, to your many commenters. I love to hear all the differing opinions. This year has been a breath of fresh air after last year.
(I am obviously doing something wrong when I try to open an account because I'm only getting a long alpha-numeric address instead of a name. I'll work on this after I publish. I'll just use initials "KCW" for now. Sorry.)
Hello Sistah, queen of the web, goddess of the dish**
Hey just a little tid-bit of info I might have shared once before. The timing is right, so I’m going to share it again.
During the first or second week of the feeds I watched Frankie explain to someone (can’t remember whom it was now) that his grandfather was very sick and could most likely pass while he was in the house; he said he and his grandfather discussed it, he and his family discussed it, and he gave it deep thought before entering the BB house.
His grandfather gave him his blessings and encouraged him to play BB.
Pally, my sweet! Thank you so much for remembering and sharing this!
My thoughts, purely speculation of course:
Frankie possibly knew of his grandpa's failing health, and made his choice to come on the game anyway. Reading what he just said, he would possibly run off & seclude himself. Maybe being in the house is where he needs to be at this time.
I know when my mom's health was fading, she didn't want me at the hospital. She didn't want my final memories of her to be hooked up to machines, barely alive. She wanted me out, living life, being a kid. (I was 15.) The day she passed, I came & said my goodbye & left because I couldn't bare to see her like that. Every person is different, every family is different.
I wanted to say something about Christine. During her intro, I thought I was going to like her. She proved me very much wrong! Her Andy-esque style of game play sickens me! I really don't understand her hatred of Donny. And her mean girl high school gossip childishness is ridiculous! Yes, I know they all do the mean girl bit. But hers stands out to me the most.
I'll shut up now. Enjoy the rest of your day! ♡
Thank you for that tidbit of information. Having read Ariana's tweets around July 4th it was clear her grandpa was not well... your addition explains that Frankie knew so it must have been long in coming. It is still sad... but I think Gramps and Frankie had a deal... and knew the love for one another before he entered.
@Silence and @Jumbo
I agree with you both. Caleb is so obsessed because he has nowhere else to go, is not used to being turned down and Amber is just beautiful. There is nothing else to do in there.
He'll be fine when he comes out and gets to focus on other things.
It's funny... he'll eat a pickle for her... but then he talks about killing animals and that bothers her. Some are clueless. SMH
KCW, Thank you so much!!!!
Grendon, Lol!
After I sent it I realized that it would be easy to misconstrue what I meant by camp followers. In this case I simply meant they are just followers, and will hang onto whichever camp is in power. I meant no aspersions on the character of the young ladies.
"like by being cast? Like YOU?"
Amen Carolyn! So true! You were recruited Brittany. You didn't do anything to get yourself on this show besides sit down in a bar and get noticed by a recruiter. Boo hoo hoo.
Thank you for sharing Pally. I'm glad to know that he knew he was saying his last goodbye before he left.
Happy Live Show Carolyn and Dishers! Here we go!
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