Big Brother 12: Live Show Viewing Party
We'll begin publishing comments at 7:55pm Eastern. :o)
Last night, we passed 14million hits, and it's all because of you! Thank you so much for making this our best season yet!
As with all BBDish Viewing parties, all the action happens inside the comment section. See ya there.
We'll be publishing comments before the show begins and during the commercial breaks, cuz, well, we wanna watch too! ;0)
If you're on the west coast, and you'd like to watch along with us, here's the link.
Tonight, the game of Big Brother 12 starts all over again! Who will stay and who will go?? Who will win the Comp and become the 2nd HoH of the BB12 Season?
On the CBS broadcast, we'll see the aftermath of the PoV Ceremony, some DRs and, the Live Eviction, Live HoH and finally, somewhere in there, we'll find out who the Saboteur is.

And we'll be here with pretty pics of the HoH reveal too! ;)
For the moment, on the feeds, there's a whole lot of preening going on. Everyone always want to look their best for the Live Show.

Someone even got her extensions back. Kathy's had enough of the insecurity around her, and she says to Brendon & Rachel, "Lemme help y'all out. Neither one of y'all could put anything on to make y'all look bad, ok?"
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Whoop whoop!! Who's getting antsy??? Yeah baby!!!
Hiiiiii everyone! :)
so...Rachel is going "pantsless" tonight?
Hi Carolyn! ♥ Hi Genie! ☺
Hi everyone! Did everyone get naps? I did.
I watched the first half of Happy Hour with Missy and Chelsia. Bigwig gave BBDish a nice shoutout. Hey girl!
ok, so I should have said hello first, but I couldn't resist when I saw the screen cap. Happy Live eviction day!!
Im on my knees that Rachel doesn't bend over on her way out......'n HI Genie:-)
Hi Carolyn,,,,
I see you met my little Meow Meow,,lol
Hello Dishers!!! Can not wait to see who the saboteur is!!
Hiya Genie! Much better mood today. ;)
W00T W00T for The 1st Live Show Viewing Party of BB12! Whohooo!
Oh how wrong Kathy is about Brendon and Rachel putting something on that would make them look bad. Rachel's "dress" looks really bad without anything underneath. She needs a belt or something if she's going to pass that shirt off as a dress. It does nothing to flatter her figure. And this is coming from a straight guy! She even asked Brendon if she needed a belt and I was nodding my head enthusiastically! But hey, I did work in retail clothing for a time, so I think I might have an eye for things like that.
The Happy Hour with Missy and Chelsia was awesome! Special Guest Danielle of BB8! Dani is a die hard BB Fan! Loved her input on this season. And they brought up an awesome point. BB3, BB6, and BB9 all had the evicted HG's in sequester, not just when it got to jury house and there was a chance to bring someone back. If the pattern follows, then we might get the same thing on BB12. That's exciting!
bigwigg (Hope I got that right, I'm doing it from memory), awesome shout out for the Dish on Happy Hour! Lots of love for the Dish shown there by you and Missy!
Let's get this party started!
Hi Carolyn,
Hi Genie,
Hi Lessa,
Hi Everyone...First evictiona and finally a new HOH, (I think that is why I was so pissy, I wanted a change, something exciting).....and we find out the Sab...
You got a great shout-out on Happy Hour with Chelsea and Missy...and Missy reads your Post..
Come on Show...
Thank you ladies for all you are about to do for us...
Have fun everyone...
Hi everyone!! Can't wait to see Annie walk out the door!!
I am Genie! I am ready for the show.
I have a few comments I'd like to make and I really hope they get published because I've wanted to get this off of my chest for a couple of days now...
Let me preface this by saying it's horrible that the BB12 cast has made so many comments that have forced Lydia to leave us. There's no excusing that. That being said, I don't believe we should be surprised that happened. One thing we learned from bios and interviews is that this season is made up of a lot of fans. Some might be TV only but the majority of them truly enjoy Big Brother and aren't just people that wanted to be on reality TV and BB was the one that was willing to take them.
Super fans talk. They take every bit of gameplay and scrutinize it not to be mean but because they respect the game and want to learn from past mistakes. That brings me to my next point. BB11 featured a lot of people making a lot of mistakes. I won't go into specifics but I strongly believe that a lot of less than intelligent decisions were made in that house by so many people that by the end of the game no one looked to know what they were doing.
Hey, who knows what will happen this time? Maybe BB12 will be filled with mistakes as well. I hope not. I'm sure this isn't a malicious group of people but of course, it's always easier to talk trash about someone when you're locking in a house far away from said person.
Anyway, I hope Lydia can return although I don't expect her to and quite frankly, I don't blame her one tiny bit. Onwards and upwards with tonight's live show!
Yeah baby!!!
Happy 1st Live Show of the Season Night!
Good Evening Carolyn, Genie, fellow BB addicts.
Tonight's the night. And the sabetour is...for my money it's Matt. Said it last week before the first show still thinking he is hiding something.
Will she or won't she. Annie's out the door. But I think she's out the door. Just like Brian it will be 10 to 0 to convict err evict ;)
Can't wait to see who's the new HOH. If Brendon or Rachel win it's going to be pretty funny. Run for cover brigade...incoming!
That's it, that's all, for now. Catch you on the flip side in about 300, 400 posts :P
Hi Carolyn! ♥
Hi Genie! ♥
Hi BB Buddies! ♥
Enjoy the show & I'll see you in the comment section after the show! I like to watch on my TV & the computer is another room. I'm not tech upgraded to a lap top, yet!!! :(
I'm excited to finally find out who the Sab is? Aren't you??
Who is gonna be the new HOH?
Who is going home?
Love it!!!!
Hey Everyone!!! First Thursday Live show yay!
14 Million Hits!?! Jeez, I can remember back to the beginning of Season 9/end of Season 8 when we were NOWHERE near that number, lol! Congrats Carolyn! You were still creating new "Dishes" for each individual season!
~ Ryan ~
Hi, all! Almost party time!
Hi everyone! Happy live show!
Baby's in bed, popcorn is popping.. I'm so excited!
Hoping to see Annie evicted but not sure who I want to see as HOH.
I am I am!!
Hi Genie, Carolyn and everyone!
Happy live show
Yay, Happy Live Show everyone!!!! Enjoy :)
Is this where the pardee is????
Hellllooooo BBDishers!!!
I've been antsy ALL day Genie Sea!!!
WOOO HOOO!!! It's time!!!
Hi Genie, r we all alone in here?
I could probably claim about 1 million of those hits, I am on your site all the time......Love It!!!
Hi Carolyn! Genie Sea!
to Everyone! :)
So HAPPY it's LIVE SHOW time! Let's get this party started shall we?!
Woo Hoo I am so excited! I just had my dinner delivered and I am ready to go :)
Congrats Carolyn on the 14 million! That's Awesome... I have been on the sight for at least 3 seasons now so I decided this season I will actually be commenting!!!!
Tina :)
Hey Genie! Hey everyone. I'm baaaaack. lol
Someone ripped Julie's dress, and exposed her cleavage!!!!!!
BOO! I made it, I made it, I MADE IT!
Hi everyone!
Ooooooo, Julie Chen looks amazing! She matches the house, lol!
I am beyond antsy!!
Hi everyone!!
I'm HERE....can't wait to see who gets evicted, who the Saboteur is and who wins HOH!!!!
Did you see on the BB page that the Saboteur has access to beeping devices???? Does this explain all the beeping noises - it does for me....
I'm on pins and needles...
Please evict Annie......
Happy Viewing everyone!!!!!
Ok, here we all r, evenin everyone...
Can't wait to see Annie finally leave the house and watch the entire house flip upside down once we get our new HOH
Good evening folks. Should be fun.
Any last minute guesses on who the Saboteur is?
I'm going with Kristen.
Am I shallow....I just do not like Hayden's hairatyle
Umm, Julie looks kinda hot today!
"Showmantic"? New Word for Julie!
~ Ryan ~
I think Julie Chen kept some of the weight on after she had her baby. she looks really good. She was getting a little to thin for a few seasons
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Hayden sounds like a tool in those DR sessions?
I think Enzo's the saboteur. I don't know why. Just a feeling....
I'm going with Matt as the Saboteur. He's definitely my #1 choice.
My #2 choice would be Ragan though.
I'm excited about tonights show!! I really hope whoever wins HOH will stir some stuff up and make the feeds MUCH more interesting than it has been!!! Hope Brendon pulls through w/ the win!! =)
Hi Everyone!!! :0) Thanks for coming to the viewing party!!
A thought before the Saboteur is revealed...
The Saboteur's job is to wreak havoc on the house. I believe the 2 people who have a life long relationship is exactly that... A lie to wreak havoc upon the house.
He's there to wreak havoc on them, not us. If it's true that should the saboteur make it past 5 weeks, he/she then becomes an HG w/no saboteur duties, it would be unfair for him/her to have information no one else is privy to...
that is all. :)
Running the house...come on Matt it is week one!
Man I hate the Brigade so much so...
~ Ryan ~
I'm here! Just in time to see Annie crying to Brendon! REally, Brendon evicting Rachel, ain't gonnna happen!
I think the saboteur is Lane!
We'll know soon.
Are they going to tell us who the Sabetour is tonight? I hope so!!! My guess is Monet!! If not her, my 2nd choice would be Kristen..
Aw Brendon! <333
Oh I started dinner too late now I'm stuck in the kitchen! LOL
I'll be in and out!!!
Something REAL???? From the same 8 days ago???? Gimme a brak Rachel!!!
So, America thinks it's Kathy....the Sabot.....
Stupid commercials!!! LOL
I was reading - what was the chenbot saying about Kathy?
Hiya Caro!!
Hiya Blue!!! WOOT! :)
Hiya Sassy! :)
Hiya Ashley! :)
Hiya Jluvs!! :)
Hiya Kantro! :)
Hiya Michelle!! YaY! :)
Hiya Red!! :)
Hiya PrincessPenguin!! :)
Hiya Shannon! :)
Hiya Lisa!! :)
Hiya Claire! :)
Hiya Rhonda!!! :)
Hiya Meredith!! :)
Hiya Sarah! :)
Hiya Syn!!! :)
Hiya Piper!! :)
Hiay MG!! :)
Hiya Pamela!!! :)
Hiya MsFutz!! :)
Hiya MM!! :)
Hiya Ry!! :)
Hiya Katieblue!! :)
Hiya Patty!! :)
Hiya Rose!! :)
Hiya Lucky13!! :)
Hiya Merry!! :)
Hiya MrEnwick! :)
Hiya Just Me!! :)
Hiya Becky!! :)
Hiya Julie B!!! :)
Hiya Nzinga!!! WB!! :)
Hiya KittyKat!! :)
Whoa! Kathy = prime suspect!!
LOL, I missed the lovers' quarrel on the feeds! the edit so far seems slanted for Annie's sympathy.
Identity of Saboteur after the break!
~ Ryan ~
It's interesting that viewers voted Kathy most likely to be the Saboteur. If I was TV-only, I might get that impression too.
It's interesting that viewers voted Kathy most likely to be the Saboteur. If I was TV-only, I might get that impression too.
I like Brendon but I'm still struggling with Rachel.
Anyone else thinking it's Kristen? She's just gives off Saboteur qualities!
~ Ryan ~
is that a fact carolyn they will enter the house? will the house know they were the sabetour? that would be intant target or would it all be kept secret till after the game?
Rachael's laugh is terrifying. Her DRs are almost Natalie-level torture.
im not tv only and i think that kathy is the sabetour
I've been beginning to think the sab isn't Britney, but I'm gonna stick with my first choice, Kristin is my 2nd choice
Hya Terry! :)
Hiya Brother M!! :)
Hiya girlgrl!! :)
OMG It's AnniE!!!!
live shows should be commercial free
If the house votes annie out they are stupid i see jeff and jordan all over again
Hi Genie! Thanks for the shout out. Carolyn and You are amazing and I appreciate what you two do sooooo much. Hope its a great season!
Yay! So excited!
Well, it finally hit me who Hayden reminds me of: Ryan Reynolds. I'm probably way late on that observation, but they look similar.
Thanks for everyone's hard work so far this season! It's going to be a great summer.
holyy moleyyy! totally sucks that the sab is getting das boot!
WHAT?!?!!?!?!?!!? ANNIE?!?!!?!?!?
Shut the front door! Annie
I definitely did NOT see that coming!
Annie good grief...that twist was over quick!
Hello Dishers!!
Here we go...
Yes Annie we did see it coming.
Hiya Stephanie!! :)
Hiya Mo!!! :)
If she gets evicted would they pick someone else to replace her???
Annie! Wow, that is great! They evict the Sab-o-teur and she doesn't get any money!
Oh lord...Saboteur fail...sorry AGP!!!
~ Ryan ~
It's Annie
Great if they get rid of her tonight then!
Annie! Hahahaha!
Color me shocked. Holy Shiznit. Annie's the saboteur. Wow.
So that the Sab escaped the block was a lie...what a surprise?
Hi BB Buddies!
I'm soooooooo disappointed ... not Annie!
Wow!! Knew it was female, but really didn't think it was Annie. She played way too hard to fast!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA I sure hope Annie is GONE - Ms. Sabatuer!LOL
I knew it!
omg annie wowww never would have guessed her
Wow...shocked it was Annie!
IF they evict Annie - will BB tell the HG's that they were right and evicted the saboteur
I have no words for this, this is insane!!!
No, don't send home Rachel, not yet.
Yipes! Too bad it's Annie! I would have liked to see the sab have a little bit longer of a life in the house.
Uh oh, not good for Rachel....never thought it was Annie...
I hope this doesn't mean the tv only's get a good edit of Annie for the rest of this episode, they need to see what a psycho she was this week
Hiya Dineane!! :)
Hiya Curlerchick!! :)
Hiya Ron!! :)
Hiya Andrew!! :)
Hiya Cindy!! :)
Hiya Gerri!! :)
Hiya Leigh Ann!! :)
Hiya Kas!! :)
Did I miss anyone!!!! L(
WOW!!! Annie.... Will the Saboteur escape eviction???
Anne!!!! Cool. I hope she stays. I so dislike the Brendon and Rachel alliance.
Here's my question . . .
If Brendon was the Saboteur, why on Earth would he say he "escaped the block"?
I know with me being only 23 I should love Hayden's messy hair cause its young but I just want to take clippers to it. It just bothers me.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie's speech may save her if she outs Brenden.
Hiya Rosaritoe! :)
Hiya Smileymom! :)
I actually envy the TV-Onlys . . . .they only had to hear Annie's pleas once!
Good show, so far!!!!!
Had noooooooooo clue it could be Annie!!!!! LOL
Wow! I can't believe the no drama, no crazy edit Annie's getting. Talk about creative.
Hi Genie Sea!
OMG!! I hope Annie's game doesn't work! I wanted her gone since day 1!!!!
I think she may pull it off after all the PDA's today and B/R over confidence, you never know what will happen. One should NEVER be so sure of anything when you are on the block, right?
Well done Annie!
Now I want Annie to stay...if she goes, what will happen to the twist, could BB bring in someone else???
Heh Well I guess this explains Annie's good edit for the TV viewers.
You would have thought the DR would have given her the hint that she was playing too hard so early on....just sayin'
Yah Jeff!!!!
Wow Oh WoW!!!! I'm stunned that it was Annie......So is that the reason she got such a good edit? They wanted her to look good to the TV only crowd.....I can't believe that the twist is going to be over so soon....I gasped so loud when I saw it was Annie my hubby thought I was having some sort of attack *LOL*
Annie's speech may be too late to save her. She should have just told everyone yesterday. Looks like the saboteur didn't work so well for CBS.
Jeffffffff commercial!!! Sweet!!
Hey Everybody!!
I made it and got caught up on reading comments while watching the first 20 minutes.... what a surprise!! I still hope she goes home tonight! But I want Rachel to go too; so we can see Brendon play the game the way he should have from the get=go!!
Let the games begin (again)!!
Wow! I didn't see that one coming. Now I hope Annie stays. I also think Rachel should go for Brendon's sake. She is too selfish for him and too fake.
If Annie leaves tonight, then I fully believe that BB will become the saboteur, and it will continue at least until Week 5. I mean this was the BIG twist of the season. They aren't going to drop it like it's hot.
Hi everyone! I'm watching upstairs (no computer up there), so I wanted to hop on here and say hello to everyone real quick."Hi". OK, gotta run back upstairs. {{hugs}} to all :)
Hiya Smackdown Genie!
Made a comment this morning how it felt like last year everytime they gave the guests alcohol and you were transcribing a smackdown was close behind .... am wishing for the old days.. no offence Lessa, Genie just seems to have the Karma!
We need less rinse,lather, repeat and more excitement!
Hiya Smackdown Genie!
Made a comment this morning how it felt like last year everytime they gave the guests alcohol and you were transcribing a smackdown was close behind .... am wishing for the old days.. no offence Lessa, Genie just seems to have the Karma!
We need less rinse,lather, repeat and more excitement!
I'm freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would still like Brendon after seeing his booty.
Great speech Annie.....
Oh annie. shut up please!
Oh S#$T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I think that was a GREAT SPEECH BY ANNIE!
Please send Annie packing!!!!! PLease!!!!!!!!!!1111
If Annie stays she will direct ALL her sabo messeges towards Brendon and Rachel. The connection of life long friends is a ploy towards the couple. Ack thats going to get old if she stays... blah...
curlerchick - LOL!!! I will send some smackdown karma to our fantastic Lessa
Lane votes to evict Annie - It's a done deal.
They didn't interview Hayden live in the HoH room this show. Must have been a time thing.
What's up with Rachel's plea, didn't sound like she thought she had make one.
I never guessed Annie! I thought it was a guy
annie is gone
Once Monet voted to evict Annie, that was it.
Bye Bye Annie! Sorry to see you go!
~ Ryan ~
Hiya Janice!!! :)
Hiya Robin!! :)
If I missed saying hi to you, I'm sorry!!! :)
So, will BB tell them that they got the Sab? They really did think it was Annie all along till the last message.
wonder what cbs will do know that there twist was a bust
Omgawd why does this matter so much to me!!!
I want Annie out so bad I feel like Im gonna puke!
It's Big Brother. They ain't going to leave the show without a twist. Though I would prefer it :) wonder Annie lathered, rinsed and repeated all week!!!
I really hope they don't tell the HG's they evicted the Sabot. Let the "idea" of the Sabot live on for 4 more weeks, to continue screwing with their heads!!!
W00t for me, I knew it was Annie! I thought so from the get-go. Just how she reacted when the houseguests were told about the sabouteur gave it away for me. but... pretty sure she's getting evicted. good, because I dont like annie, but bad, because I like the sab. messing with them! lol
MM - lol! Next!
The problem with Annie's speech is she already gave that information to everyone all week. lol
Thanks for the shout out Genie!!
I am ready for HOH competition now!!
Can't wait to see how this turns the house upside down on BBAD tonight!!
I have been following the site for a couple of seasons off and on now and more so this season. I love reading the blogs since I don't get the feeds! This is my first comment and I just HAVE to say I cant believe Lane voted Annie out! I figured he would be her one and only vote to stay!
Forget about not feeding the GaYToR...someone forgot to wake the GaYToR I'm thinking.
Annie's gone. But I don't think she's out.
It was mentioned that every third season in BB History a houseguest has had the opportunity to come back. Well, this is BB12. And now that the Saboteur has gone best, I feel even stronger about that.
Syn928- I have to agree with you. I think they will do something to keep the twist going. Whether that be BB playing the role or have another houseguest do it. Otherwise they are going to have to come up with some other twist to keep things interesting.
Really, remaking Hawaii 5-0 Damn I feel really old!! Now I have that stupid theme song in my head!
Really, remaking Hawaii 5-0 Damn I feel really old!! Now I have that stupid theme song in my head!
could friends in the house be the "back-up" twist? Or was it just another sab lie? I don't have a guess on potential HG that know each other, but I didn't see Annie as the sab either.
I will be happy if Annie leaves.But I think BB will continue with it somehow, right?
EEEEK!!! I just woke up at annie is the saoteur and she's at 3-0
Hi eveyone. Not going to try to catch up yet.
I love Ragan! :)
And the saboteur bites the dust. And I see some mad scrambling going on with production.
Bye Bye ANnie!!!! w00t w00t
Oh thanks heavens!!!!....Annie is gone!!!!....YAY
Yeah!!! Confetti and streamers fall from the sky!!!
NOW I know who Kristen reminds me of; its CHRISTINA APPLEGATE.......
Anyone else think so??
And it's a wipeout!!
Dang, you'd think that Rachel was the saboteur with the way she scalped most of the guys today. Yowzers!
It was the shoes Annie!!!
I guess this will teach BB to
"Expect the Unexpected".
Yes, she's gone thankfully! I wonder what they'll do with the twist now?
Hiya Gale!! :)
Hiya I4Git!! :)
Hiya Jenni! :)
Hiya Jennifer!! :)
Hiya Gaytor!!! Wakey Wakey! :)
Whoa ! Rachel's goodbye message...
Dear new HOH,
Please evict Britney now. Thank you!
Dayum Rachel!
good question of what CBS will do if Annie is gone? So much for the twist.
can we get a whatwhat for Syn - Check out the new top banner. ;)
Wow, those were some goodbye messages!
Rachel MUST go next!!! Talk about cocky!!!
OMG, I heart Annie. Why is she going!?!
"Sloppy Seconds" I'll miss her!
~ Ryan ~
"You tried to come between me and my friend"
"Let's talk about that!!!"
"She got my sloppy seconds"!!!!
What What! Syn!!! HOT Bannah baby!! :)
Wow Britney.. that was just so juvenile and nasty.
Rachel's goodbye
Annie RESPONSE!!!!
well, I guess CBS didnt expect their sabateur to be evicted week one!
Wow Britney.. that was just so juvenile and nasty.
"me and my man"..its been 9 days, just stop.
I was just going to say I'd be surprised if production didn't have Annie do a couple more things to make the house guests think the sab is in the house,looks like that's gonna Carolyn said, the sab's job is to sabotage the house guests and the game, not America
I'm with you Genie! I really like Ragan and I hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the butt cause usually when I pick people they turn out to be psychos lol.
It's bittersweet....soooo glad Annie is gone, but I'm sad because now what kind of twist will there be????? They have to come up with something else!
Yay Syn!!
You're right Britney, but really? Your last message to her? Really??
Loved Annie's response to Rachel's goodbye!
Wow, Rachel was sure p*!*@d, lol. I wonder what the last SAB act was???
w00t w00t, Syn!!!
I mean, whatwhat!! LOL
I can't believe I am going to say this, but here goes nothing...
Rachel has no class. She will be eating her words once she sees that Brendon wanted Annie first.
Kind of like how Nick said Jen was the prettiest girl in the house, but was in Dani. We all know how that fairytale ends. :P
Well someone is pretty spiteful...please make Rachel go soon!!!
~ Ryan ~
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