Big Brother 10 Feeds Are Live
9pm BBT
The feeds are live, and we enter the house with everyone running around screaming like crazy!
9:02pm BBT
They've calmed down now, and BB is already telling people to check their microphones...
We're ba-ack!! :)
If you're having a sound problem, you are not alone... The only audible sound is coming from the microphones outside, none of the personal mikes seem to be working. Grrrrr!
Pick a feed, any feed!
9:12pm BBT
OK.. sound issue persists... General chatter... just getting to know them and trying to see if the PoV necklace is hanging from anyone's pic...
It Appears
Jerry won PoV...
but with no sound, can we really call it?

Jerry won PoV...
but with no sound, can we really call it?

9:28pm BBT
Guys.. it's really difficult to update with little to no sound. My apologies.
10pm BBT
There is also speculation that Jessie came off the block and Brian is the ReNom.
I'll see you in the morning with the Overnight Report. Hopefully they'll have the sound at 100% some time soon! My ears just can't squint anymore tonight.
***Ahem! Scratch that! The sound's working now! :) New post!
Guys.. it's really difficult to update with little to no sound. My apologies.
10pm BBT
There is also speculation that Jessie came off the block and Brian is the ReNom.
I'll see you in the morning with the Overnight Report. Hopefully they'll have the sound at 100% some time soon! My ears just can't squint anymore tonight.
***Ahem! Scratch that! The sound's working now! :) New post!
Did you happen to notice that someone has won P.O.V.? I wont say in case somebody doesn't want to know :)
Well as much as I'd love to stay on for the next couple hours, I must turn in, I'm exhausted. Will be waiting anxiously for the overnight in the morning :) Have a good night everyone, and thanks again Caro for all your hard work. I hope you stocked up on coffee!!
Look how awesome you are. I saw the pov hanging from jerrys picture i think.
bry - if you saw it, please say it.
Sound is not fixed, they only have it on outside. Not mics.
Jerry won POV.
i saw it on jerry
Jerry won the POV. Michelle
I saw it too. It was Jerry!!
jerry won!
I am still having audio issues - only hearing the outside chatter
POV necklace is hanging in the box on the side at the top - next to Jerry's picture, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything, as it's in/on the POV pocket. All keys seem to be in the same order as we left tonight, but I haven't seen close enough to verify just yet.
POV hanging next to Jerry!
Thanks for the info where to watch east coast time! I am on the west coast and rely on BBdish for all my BB needs!
Okay All, got to call it a night. Enjoy and have fun!!! Carolyn, thanks for being here, you are the best. Feels great to be here, almost like coming back to a 'home' of sorts.
See ya'll in the morning...get some rest! Night!
Wouldn't the POV be on the pic rather than next to it?
The last part of that is just /Picture1 . jpg
Wow...I can't believe there was a POV...I'm so confused on what's really going on with the real time.
we're patient. we know you're on your A game.
Gnite Rhonda :)
Jewel.. The first night is always a big bunch of catch up! ;)
Genie.. with so little sound, I'm not ready to call anything...
I just read in a real player chat room that CBS is working on the sound and "should" have it fixed in a half hour. He said he talked to a tech there. I sure hope this guy is right! Just wanted to share
I am soo happy Jerry won POV!!! I love him!!!
Hmmm, Like watching silent movies. Clear video though. Come on BB, with as many subscribers as you have to your live feeds you can afford to call an audio feed tech..LOL
Renny is so retro glam...gotta love her. I sure hope she stays. I think she will add a lot of zest to this season. Since she is near my age, I am loving it.
Wow, I am so enjoying the bright colors popping off my live feed. Now if they will just hire someone with Audio 101 experience.
I am on west coast. Is the sound good on Showtime? Just wondering if it is internal within the BB house or a real player issue.
Rebecca S.
Renny's slot has no key, I still haven't been able to see jessie's.
Jessie's has no key either.
Sound is fine on BBAD
Tara :) Thank you for the great info!
Anonymous@9:30 - Thank you. You're so nice, I wish you had a name!
Sunshine - Honestly, right?! I wonder if the screaming had anything to do with it...
The sound on BBAD isn't that great. Too much of everyone. They aren't focusing on anyone that's speaking by turning down or up other mics.
New sound engineers ???
Jessie just said to Jerry "are you going to bring down my key?" he said something back about they won't let me - then Steven said "you can just put Brian's key in your slot" laughter after that.
I'm watching AD
Ok... Time for me to watch feed 5 (my dreams)! I will definitely be checking in the morning for the overnight.
Carolyn, thank you so much hunnie, you rock!
Night all!
You are very welcome, I just spent the last 10 minutes staring at the dumb wall since I can't hear anything but smatterings of Dan and Brian's bball game. ;)
i heard 14th houseguest
Oops forgot my name - the one watching AD - Michelle
Anyway - Brian is definately nominated he is giving Dan advice for the game
hello, this sound is really upsetting me.. i want to records videos. i have hardly no sounds. it like there mic is not on. just the house mic. i heard bb voice a-ok.
but other than that iam so happy bb is back. the first show was great.. i got my beer and popcorn ready for the night.
Dan and Brian chatting in the backyard just said that they think the twist is that America is the 14th HG (doubt it) and if that's the case... "You guys need to vote for Brian to stay.. [cut to commercial.. crap]"
So Brian may be the re-nom.
It sounds like April may have orchestrated it.
no sound issues on showtime
jerry won POV and took of Jessie to put up brian. If you watch after dark the conversation between brian and dan confirmed it
I forgot what it sounded like in the house with so many HGs in there. There all just trying to talk over each other to make sure they are heard!!!
Thanks again Carolyn for everything you do for us. I'm very happy to be back with all of my fellow BB addicts!
america as the 14th houseguest? sounds about right since they said america was going to have involvement and there is a BB10 picture hanging
We have sound!!
False alarm... they are just tricking us!
I can't wait for Marcellus to call Lenny ... er, Renny ... a fashion disaster.
What is that mess? A red MooMoo with some kind of alien repelling skull cap.
Okay, am I the only one that sees a strange resemblance in Keesha and Danielle from season 8? I know they are not built the same but watch closeups Keesha's face and her expressions. Either I need a stiff drink or she could pass as a relative of Danielle's. With her hair pulled back in a pony tail and her body language sitting at the kitchen bar,,,,,,it looks all too familiar.
I swear, I am not high on caffiene or drinking. LOL
I think that's an insult to Dani.
seems from the Sho2 that Jesse is off the block and Brian is now on it. Just from some talk around the house. I heard Jesse ask Jerry if he brought his key back down and Jerry told him that "they" took them from him.
thank you i thought it was just me she loks kinda like danielle
I forgot what it was like with sooo many people talkin in the same room at the same time lol :)
I agree with you! Keesha at some moments does look like Dani from S8. I think it's the nose!
Didn't mean for it to be an insult to anyone. Danielle is beautiful. I meant some of Keesha's gestures and facial expressions remind me of Danielle. Danielle was one of my favorites. I was just having a fun moment. Hope we can all have a sense of humor this year. :-) In the words of Renny...."Lighten up"...LOL
Wait a minute, isn't Brian the one that Jerry was trusting to be part of the "secret" alliance?
I'm watching it on Sho and I'm pretty sure it's Jerry. Brian and Dan are plotting outside and refering to the POV. Bri was saying to vote with group and Dan said "no, I'm not a sheep." I think they are not sure about Jerry now....
What is this London thing????
Hey all
Im sorry to hear about biscuit, wish him a speedy recovery for us pls.
some initial observations
- im glad that steve and angie seem to be mates on the show, i definetly like these two the best.
- whats up with the fat albert look ollie? i think theres a handsome black man underneath all that. let him free
- is dan tethered to brian? i can see brian gettin sick of that real quick
its funnny how quickly as a viewer i get right back into the flow of things, my F5, BBAD, etc,
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I so wish I had the feeds or at least Showtime! I have to check and see how much it would be to upgrade the cable, lol.
Why would Jerry put up Brian, his "X Alliance" partner? Further, Jerry said he respected Brian because they are both service veterans.
Something happened ..... duh :)
I don't have the feeds but I can see after dark on east coast feeds. Is after dark the same as watching one view of the feeds?
yay! we have audio!
Well i thought the ;) at the end of my comment denoted my less than serious tone. Guess not.
what's this "x alliance" people keep talking about??
that guy -
On the CBS show, Jerry made an "X" with his arms, and said to Brian, "if you ever want to go meet and talk, use this signal."
Therefore ... "X" alliance ...
I have on AD and the feeds - when the sound came on the feeds, I noticed the feeds are a few seconds behind After Dark. (I noticed it when they discovered the new food in the storage room.) No biggie - just wondering if that delay has always been there.
Hey Izzy - I don't think so.. I have a slight delay like that between my laptop and my desktop...
shamrock -
Ahhhh.. right right.
That was so embarrassingly corny, I think I had tried to purge it entirely from my mind. I mean, I'm pretty sure HGs from previous seasons arranged private talks with others they were working with, without having to mimic a third-base coach.
He must've made mention of that somewhere else as well, because I read about it prior to today. Regardless, lame.
Thanks for the explanation.
youd think with all these costume changes renny would get one right by accident, still waiting for it though
lol, charlie :)
there's a new post on top hon
that guy ....
" .... mimic a third base coach."
Too funny!!! It was beyond corny.
Sounds like Jerry didn't like that Brian had already made an alliance with other people, and that's why he put him up on the re-nom.
Here I am. finally checking it. Looks like I'll be on Vampire time once again this year.
I'm still learning all the names, or is it that I am putting faces with the names. Does anyone else think their publicity pics are really bad this year. I try to look up a name to go with a face and they just don't match. HAHA! Maybe I had a bit too much? Oh yea, I don't drink. :0)
Does anyone think that Brian is this year's first pawn to be put up for the season. I'm just taking a wild guess but I think anyone would be a pawn up against Rennie. (In shivering fear I state this with tounge in cheek.) I'm afraid I'll be ostrasized like the Dixie Chicks when they said that about Texas when talking about Dubya.
I'm now ashamed to be a New Orleanian. We are NOT all that crazy. I can think of 2 right now that are normal. Hmmm. Did I count myself? OOPS! ok there is one normal person in this city.
More later from the guy who can't say hi in less than 300 words. I'm off to catch up on TRD's vids, and get through all the earlier comments.
GayTor :)
nite nite hon...
All the running... Yeah, in the clip you can hear Libra saying something along the lines of 'I gave all I got, they'll be wondering why we're all running around...
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