Sunday Evening in the Big Brother 11 House

As I turn the feeds back on after the Sunday Show aired on the east coast, this is the image that greeted me.
Whatcha wearing under there, Lyd?
Flipping feeds over to Russell and Chima on 1, whispering at the Dining table.
Just as I arrive, Ronnie walks in from the backyard, and their conversation becomes chatter about chewing tobacco... Natalie passes through as well...
6:08pm BBT
Back to the Spa Room
Feed 1
Ronnie, Jessie & Lydia
A closer shot of Jessie and Lydia under the covers.
Lydia: I'm just sayin, Ronnie, if he goes up, I'm never tellin' you anything again.
Jessie: Do I smell? I swear I put deodorant on.
Chatter about Ronnie's teaching...
6:10 pm BBT
6:10 pm BBT
Feed 3
Natalie, Kevin & Casey
Chatter about Rob Lowe's behind.
Kevin: What blows my mind, too, is we're barely on the 2nd week.
Casey: I know, man.
Natalie: What day is this?
***Flipping back to Russell and Chima on 1.
Feed 1
Dining Table
Russell & Chima
They're talking about Jordan wanting to be in Playboy... Russell flatters Chima, telling her she's gonna have a "sick-ass job" after this.
They wonder if they've been on the Soup.
Russell: My family's like, "Control your temper, Control your temper, Control your temper."
Chima: And mine's like, "Control your mouth."
Talk turns to the pre-show talks with Allison Groder.
Russell: I told AG, yeah, I'm probably gonna just lay low. She bust ou laughing, looked at me and said, you're the last person... Know what I'm talking about?
Chima: Yeah.. The only person that probably fooled em was Natalie...
Russell: Right? She probably came off as such a little sweetheart.
Chima refers to a kangaroo costume...
6:21pm BBT
Laura & Jordan
Jordan: Whathisname.. Jeff Said, I told you to just keep your mouth shut...
Laura adjusts. Jordan apologizes for looking at her boobs. Laura's not offended in the least.
Laura: The way I see it is... If he leaves me in this house, I'm gonna get him outta here. If he leaves Russell in this house, Russell's gonna get him outta here... I just wish I didn't have to stay on the floor, taking cold ass showers and eating slop when they're just gonna send me home. I wish I could just leave..
Jordan: We should go out there and sit in the jacuzzi, get really really hot, then get in the cold shower. Sound good?
Laura: Yeah.

Jordan: I'm just gonna wear my underwear... No one'll know. Do these look alright?
Laura: Yeah... I wish I could just be a quitter an leave.
Jordan: Well, he doesn't know what he's gonna do yet.
Laura: Yes, he does. He's gonna put Casey up.
Jordan: You sure it's ok with just my underwear?
Laura: You can't tell.. it's fine.
6:28pm BBT
Laura and Jordan hop in the Jacuzzi... Casey and Natalie are out there too.
9:35pm BBT
Russell joins Kevin
The conversation is personal and friendly, about relationships and jobs outside the house. Kevin's been in a relationship for 9 years. His partner didn't want him to come on the show at all...
Russell doesn't have a girl outside the house... he had "f buddies," but he doesn't have any left, because they all found out about each other...
Most interesting to note about this conversation is how Russell is making his rounds, reconnecting on a very friendly level with the members of his alliance that were gunning for his departure 24 hours ago...
9:42pm BBT
Backyard Couch
Casey & Ronnie
Ronnie: Maybe I just shouldn't have trusted Jordan in the first place... This week (proves) that as much as you plan, things change constantly... You can plan more than a competition in advance.
Casey: We're straight though, man. I'm gonna win some stuff. I can't guarantee.. but I'm good at stuff.
Ronnie: Next one'll be questions again... I had no intention of doing this til Jordan forced my hand... That being said, there are no real allies in this house.
Casey: Ron, man, I'm not mad atcha.. I'll be mad if you put me up, but I understand you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
Ronnie: We can't just all be hunky dory friends like some people want. There was just no advantage to keeping Braden... Aside from for Laura and Jordan..
Casey: (turns it to Chima) I just don't like being bullied.. Even if I wasn't gonna pick somebody else, at that moment, I wanted to just to remember I had a spine.. and at that moment, it was better to piss of 2 than 4.
Ronnie: Like for me right now.
Casey: I get it. i got no problem starting to pick off some of these floaters... Let the big guns play at the end.
Ronnie: It wouldn't matter who I put up against her, exceot who we talked about. If I put Jordan up, she's just as safe there, as she would be off.
Casey: Well, I wouldn't go that far.

Ronnie: I mean.. in this scenario.. If she were up there against Jeff, that'd be something different. WIth her up there against Laura, you know all the athletes'll vote her out.. except Jeff.. but in this case, he;ll vote with the athletes too...
Casey: I'll vote with the group on this one.. I hate the mob voting mentality of last season, but I'll keep Jordan in thew house.
6:53pm BBT
Jeff joins them on the couch...
A couple moments of silence...
Jeff: Why all the long faces?
Casey: I'm tired. That movie.. Man, it made me feel human again. D'y'all blow some bubbles last night?
Ronnie: It didn't work very well...
Casey: Better on tv?
Ronnie goes inside.
Jeff: What were you guys talkin' about? Is he talkin' about putting Jordan up again?
Casey: Who knows what he'll do til he does it?
Jeff: I can only take Jordan so far... I can only take myself so far...
7:07pm BBT
Chima, Laura and Jordan are getting gussied up.
Natalie's showering.
Ronnie's hanging out on the couch.

7:17pm BBT
Jeff & Jordan
Jordan needs help getting her post boob job self into a pre boob job purchase (her words). Jeff's on boyfriend duty... Cuteness prevails.

7:25pm BBT
Red Room
Ronnie is telling Jeff that with Jordan on the block, it'll be a blowout 9-0 to evict Laura, and that's who he wants gone. Jeff's wondering why Ronnie spilled all the beans - both Casey and Russell know they're in danger too.
Jeff: All you did was put the weakest players up. You're not playing strategically.
Ronnie: I went into this with the best laid plans.
Jeff: You're not playing strategically, that's all I'm saying. No one's gonna knock off these guys if no one makes a move, ya know what I'm sayin'?
Ronnie: I know what you're saying.
Jeff: I mean, how long do you think they're gonna carry you along?
Ronnie: There are certain people that if they win, I know I'm not going up... and there are others I'm not so sure about...
Jeff: I told you I'm not gonna put you up. I consider you an ally in this house, but... I can see why it's easy for you to me me up, and then Jordan..
Ronnie: I'm just beating myself up a lot, because my best laid plans have gone awry..
Jeff: You named everybody in the house today to put up..
Ronnie: I know.. It's weird, cause outside the house, I'm a really decisive guy.
Jeff: I'm not mad at you, bro. In life and in this house, you gotta do what you want ot get where you wanna be. Turn that frown upside down, bro. You'll live to fight another day.
7:33pm BBT
Kitchen/Dining area
Kevin, Ronnie, Jeff
Feed 3
Kevin comes in. Ronnie asks him what he and Russell were talking about. Kevin says we were just getting to know eachother, reconnecting.
7:45pm BBT
Amicable Chatter
Russell, Chima, Kevin
Just hanging out, talking a little too much about interactions with producer Allison Grodner for the control booth's job feeling of job security, so we get fishies, briefly, while they either get scolded, or until the conversation plays itself out. Kind of ironic, since we already heard Russell tell the story to Chima a little while ago.
7:50pm BBT
Jordan & Jeff
Jordan: So who's he putting up, me or Casey?
Jeff: You.
Jordan: Because I told him off?
Jeff: Because you're the weakest player on not on their side.
*** For anyone trying to keep score, it seems Ronnie has decided he wants Laura out, and he doesn't want to alienate himself from the larger alliance at this point. Of course, this could all change in the 16 or so hours between now and the Veto Ceremony.
Jordan: Casey.
Jeff: It's gonna go you, then me or Laura next week...
7:55pm BBT
HOH Room
Chima, Natalie, Ronnie
Ronnie: So Jordan hates my guts now...
Chima: So put her up. She's not goin' home.
Ronnie: Jeff told me...
Natalie: If he cares so much about her not going up, then tell him not to use the veto.
Ronnie: I told him, I didn't want you going home, and I don't want Jordan going home. I want Laura to go home. He said, well finally, you said wha tyou wanted. So I said, but here's the thing, even with Laura going home, besides Jordan, I'm your only real ally. he said, ou know what, dude, you're right.

Chima: Just put her up.
Ronnie: You swear Russ isn't gonna put me up?
Both women confirm. Chima takes it further, saying tha tRussell is actually gunning for Casey.
Ronnie: Russ doesn't wanna put me up.
Natalie: He said he didn't. And if he does, then we just keep you, and thats our excuse to get rid of him.
All agree that Russell has been very nice to them today.. Chima said he's been really nice period.
8:04pm BBT
Backyard Couch
Jeff, Jordan & Casey
Jordan tells Casey she's going up as the replacement nom, because she spoke her mind to Ronnie earlier.
***Jordan truly is the safest person to be in that chair next to Laura. She may actually be the perfect pawn of the season... but as far as Ronnie nominating her, I'll believe it when I see it.
Laura comes out asking Jordan's opinion about some clothing choices. She asks why everyone looks so sad. Casey tells her to guess.
8:06pm BBT
Natalie comes downstairs, breathlessly looking for Russell and Jessie.
Natalie: Dude, Where's Jessie? Ronnie said he just needs to hear it from you one more time that you're not gonna put him up.
Russell: My biggest concern for you is this.. I know you're very close with Jordan...
Ronnie: I'm not so close with her anymore...
Russell: Just don't let the emotional side with Jordan mess with you.. She's all they have to get in your ear, and they're using that.
Talk turns to Casey. Russell sets out all the reasons he cannot be trusted... citing his betrayal on the Chima vote.
Russell: Just remember it.
Ronnie: The tough thing is, until someone's in the position where they actually get to make the decisions, everyone is so trying to plant seeds that you're putting me up if you win.. You swear to God, you are not putting me up if you win HoH?
Russell: In front of everyone here, I am telling you, I am not putting you up if I win HoH.
***Love that he didn't swear to God, btw. ;)
7:18pm BBT
Ronnie: That's it. Jordan's goin' up.
Talk turns to Laura's claim that she knows something about the season that she can't say... but she'll tell it to Jordan on her way out the door.
Jessie: Even if she does, by the time it comes out of Jordan's mouth, it'll be like, The Dog is Red.
***i.e., completely meaningless...
I really can't stomach this season much longer. Now Ronnie is going to put up Jordan? I thought he SWORE on his wife? Ugh, he just had to listen to Jessie. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO BRING HIM BACK?!!! He is ruining a season that could of been good. UGH!
Carolyn...Lydia has her bottoms on!! I saw her get under the covers.
Carolyn, have you always put the links at the top with the oldest date first? I thought last season it was like... Friday towards the bottom of that section and Sunday at the top? Maybe I'm just delirious(sp?) today...
Rob Lowe???
Whatevs I LOVE Rob Lowe!! I had posters of him in my room when I was a teen. LMAO
I am back from the Sunday show, I everyone!
As much as we all dislike Chima and Ronnie AGP will probably keep them around...last season I coult not stand Jerry and he lasted a long time
watching my other addiction...The Next Food Network Star.
I wanna be it!
Chima - Amen sister, you sure do talk out the side of your mouth!
Ronnie - acts like a little kid to me, he needs to wave his bubble wand and poof!
Umbeta - Your question had me giggling like crazy!
But while someone is answering him, I'd appreciate the same info on Jeff. hahahahahahahaha
Be back in a bit. I'm going to have some raspberries and ice cream.
I was listening to Chima and Russell talk, and it sounds like BB told them what their answers were to the Have Not Comp. Chima was saying she would never egg a car. Do you really think the producers tell them their answers? That doesn't seem right.
From the Show comments:
melissafoss Welcome. Don't believe a word anyone says about me. I'm innocent. Innocent I tell ya! I'm a victim of my own typing because everyone reads naught thoughts into what comes outta my fingers.
Rhonda, hold that pizza in the warmer please. I have to get that picture of Ronnie in a bikini out of my head. I'm scrubbing my brain with Comet now.
Spunky @ 5:35. Bite your tongue! That was the last thing I wanted to see. Where is Bama's dirty fork so I can gouge my eyes out?
Now, back to work on the all the words we can't say here sound. I've uninstalled RP and still not working. I'm guessing it really is the sound card. SCREAM! But I will be here and commenting and reading the Blog to stay up to date as much as I can.
Is Casey really the target at this moment in time, or did I read that as wishful thinking just to keep Russell off the block.
I'm thinking Russell is short but will have to check his bio. I WANT him to be short. Guess if he is more than 5'9" I can put on some 6" stilettos so I can keep with my love of short men.
From the last post
thezanyone said...
seriously, how many of you have googled "technotronics"?
I Googled it as sound as I heard that word.
Oh God, Russel is a fire fighter, someone throw cold water on Carolyn before she faints.
A few minutes ago Casey was explaining how the he told me that she said about you thing works. First of all Kevin. Why are you even in this game? You have no idea how to play it. No one should be spoon feeding this guy anything and just let him be clueless and get evicted.
I don't think it's fair at all that people who have never seen this show get cast over other people who have.
At least Jordan is way smarter than him and shut Ronnie's little play act down a few hours ago. I was so impressed by that. You go girl! Hopefully you don't go home though.
Well dishers, it's time for me to scoot! My twinsies will be here to spend the night with me in a few. I had fun tonight! I will be checking the posts on my phone but I can't post a comment from it. :(
See y'all tomorrow! Good night!
lol - i knew he was a firefighter from like day 2.. icing on the lovely cake.
Later, Quita!!! :)
Russell's smart. He's doing the flirting rounds. First Chima. Now Kevin. :) Gather ye supporters while ye may...
JulieB somewhere in my VHS tapes I have the infamous Rob Lowe video from his Nat'l Dem. Convention self made sex tape. VERY NICE. I always see him with his clothes off now. and very.... excited.
I'm voting for the pickled eggs and pickled herring. Thought about sauerkraut and seaweed. Didn't consider plain cabbage. Figured they would make slaw out of that.
Any of the above will cause nasty gaseous odors in the house. All over the house. i love it.
Just saw the show & I will give CBS some credit this time. They are portraying Chima exactly for what she is, a pompous, angry person. The fight she had with Michelle & then throws something at her. She threatens Casey as if she is HOH or has power over the HOH because she is on his team to put the Populars in the Have Not position. She throws her jab out to Jeff about not being bright. To me a not so bright person is her making so many enemies. Jessie is so ridiculous carrying a grudge against Dan & he still blames Dan for voting him out. Has anyone explained to Jessie it was America that voted him out? Well, they must have but he is so thick-headed it probably didn't compute. I love that Dan was there & introduced as the BB10 Champion just to irritate Jessie more since he is so jealous of him. Ronnie & the explanation he gave in the DR of how it felt when he was given the HOH key just further shows to America what a nerd he truly is. Seeing the show & what he said in the DR about Russell makes me also think he is just playing the whole house right now & will put Russell up in place of Jeff. Casey's DR sessions were hilarious.
zany - Oh yeah! I'm taping it and will watch later. I love to cook too. But I'd be horrible in front of a camera.
So what's the plan? Who's going up in Jeff's place? Give us some drama t'night HG's!
Umbeta and JulieB - It all evens out horizontally... :)
GaYToR - just watch Jeff and Russ for awhile and Ronnie's awful image will go away. I had to wait awhile too before I could eat. I mean, C'Mon AGP!!! Ewww! You and your bubble wand need to go.
Hey Carolyn is it just me or is NO ONE going into the spa room to peddle on the bikes? Didn't someone say the rulebook said if someone did that for a certain amount of time something would be revealed?
And ugh! Chima is awful and it soooo sucks because she always seems to be around Russell! I just wanna watch him and not her loud annoying complaining self.
I think I knew Russell is a firefighter too. Is there anything that man 'can't' do?.. well he can't do Carolyn or anyone else here who is in Russell lust.. until he does me that is. At that time I will decide if I will pass him on and let him become shareware.
Trying my very last attempt at fixing the sound. Reinstalling RealTek HD directly from After that... play with the old one (no not DQDT) and see if I can switch them out.
I wish that BB would break up the clicks on Thursday. I think that when that happens Ronnie will poop his pants.
Would say the same for Chima but she is to vain to consider that having work alone will seal her fate.
has anyone noticed russells beard?? what the hell did he do to it?? lol
I think I have to go horizontal now... I've let the weekend mess up my schedule again and 6:30 am comes SO early for someone who isn't really a morning person to begin with.
Everyone try to get some rest... I know, the HG's aren't letting you... I'm sorry! LOL
Carolyn, Genie, RepX, and all the other DC's, have a great night and I look forward to getting updated tomorrow evening after work. Thanks for all you do!
Chima was mean to Jeff, what a thing to say and Jordan was right there. Slap in the face for Jordan.
Doesn't Ronnie realize that when he walks out of the HOH door he is no longer safe...
I don't think these people remember Kaiser and
Ronnie is a real pain in my arse. Could he be any more annoying? Is there anyone here who like the cat?
Indigoprince...I missed that what do Jordan do?
Did I miss something on the show or on the feeds. When did Jordan go off on Ronnie?
Oh no. Conversation between Casey and Ronnie right now isn't looking good for Jordan. Did she "raise her voice" to him? When? C'mon Casey, I know you want to save yourself, but defend Jordan and push for Russ.
Ronnie is so full of crap. Blaming everyone and taking no responsibility.
ugh. Ronnie just said he had no intention of putting Jordan up "until she forced my hand" !!??!! He is not so BB Brainy after all - he's just whiney!
Just getting back on. Haha. I will just guess his height depending on the fantasy. LOL. I mean when a guy his on his knees it doesn't matter how tall he is right? Is that TMI? haha.
Kristin - it's not just you. ;)
Spunky :) Sleep tite!
Jane - his wife? ;p
MsFitz - during the sunday show...
Lee - I figured she did.. i was just being cheeky. ;)
Yeah, I've been giving a lot of though to Ronnie's wife. It's a mystery to me. He must be really really really really nice to her.
Carolyn - Me thinks you should post that site again for the "horndogs" this is way too much fun.
Gaytor - I do not have that particular video...and some things (in my mind) are just better left as a dream.... I mean what if I ever met him!?!?!?! LMAO
Julie - ask and you shall receive. ;p
Save up to 50% on vibrators at Offers end 07.31.2009.
Hi everyone! I've just spent the last few hours catching up on all this weeks stuff here. I haven't been on because I had to put my cat to sleep (his name was Sleepy)on Wednesday and hubby and I were taking it pretty hard. But I'm here and all caught up now, thank you Carolyn and everyone for all the updating that you do! I've read all the posts from Carolyn (and Genie, yay, well done!) since Friday (cause that's as early as it goes back) and tried to read as much of the comments as I could. I love BBDish!! Kisses *Muah* to you all! ~Robin~
Hey Robin, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat... Big Hugs!!!
Jordan called Ronnie out, while the Sunday show was on, basically called because he changes his story and won't make up his mind, and will do whatever he wants, so "whatever". Now he wants to put her up. Yeah. He is playing a very strategic game... *rolling eyes*
Rose Ronnie went into to talk to Jordan and said he had not choice but he was about to tell her that he was probably going to put Casey up in Jeff's place. She got on him and raised her voice saying, "Why do you even come and run your decision by us when you just go and do what they want (NBK Natural Born Killers) anyway.
You can see it on flashback at between 3 and 4 I think.
Someone else may be more accurate and post the actual time.
I was just sitting there amazed that she got on him like that. He was so flustered and surprised he couldn't even play his broken record.
He might as well push play on a tape recorder because he says the same thing all the time.
Huggies sleepycat! Sorry to hear about your kitty :(
umbeta, excellent point. And as someone said, I think it was Carolyn, It all evens out when you go horizontal... Of course there are so many other positions. Carolyn must be a very sheltered girl... NOT! We all know that dominatrix has a closet full of whips and chains and cuffs and I don't even want to think of what else is in there. I'm sure with her hawking that toy store URL there will be things added very soon. But... WWSS? (Probably she would say, "See if you can get a quantity discount."
Now off to vote on pickled eggs and herring.
Hey Everyone!! Just logged on to read what's been going on. I always scroll to the bottom first to see if the last comment is from Carolyn saying she was taking a break, etc.
Welp - the last comment was from Carolyn - 50% off, eh? LOL - can't wait to get started reading to see exactly what's been going on in here!! I love this place!!
Be back in an hour or two. Have to finish up the last 2 segments of this " John Adams" HBO movie before it's due back at the library tomorrow.
Aww, thank you Carolyn and Genie :)
go jordan!!! :)
ronnie needs to grow a backbone and actually do something for himself and not what jesse wants
as long as jordan doesnt go home then everything should be fine and everyone will vote wimpy ronnie out next week :)
genie, strategic to Ronnie is to put up whoever last hurts his feelings. Ronnie would have cried if Dick was in this house.
~Robin~ my sincere condolences on the loss of Sleepy. I've cried more over the deaths of 2 of our dogs than I did over some relatives. Our dogs are our children. I still get misty thinking of them and the two that have passed, passed 14 and 12 years ago.
Big HugZ!
Izzy - I'm soooo glad someone does that!!!! :) Love it when dishers totally know me and how i operate.
GayTor - LOLOL. It's a drugtore for goodness sake. ;p Discreet packaging and billing.. ;)
Robin- I'm sorry to hear about your cat:(
Robin/Sleepycat....I'm so sorry about your kitty. I know how hard that is. Many (((hugs))) to you & your husband.
Carolyn, ok, Thank you. I remember that part. I thought maybe something else happened since Ronnie was talking on the feeds a few minutes ago how his hand has been forced.
I would vote on the eggs and herring if I was sure Chima would be eating them. But the good guys might get "have not" and ick.
Ok I wanna see Jordan in that shirt from the front!
There's something I just don't like about Jeff...
Okay I'm such an addict... I had to come check on you all... lol I haven't even checked the post for updates yet... I had to catch up on comments. LOL
Sleepycat, sorry to hear about your kitty. I can't imagine what I will be like when that time comes. On a happier note, if you go to the home page, there are "Archives" on the left. You can see ALL posts there, even from the past. :)
Back to bed I go... Maybe I'll return, maybe I will be able to go off to dreamland...
Gaytor I have never been in a swing, but the fact that Russ has one I would gladly try it out. Haha. Than height wouldn't matter at on. But what I want to know is how many times do you think Russ has been the one in the swing. Haha.
Russel mentioned f'buddies? Do straight me say that about women? Serious question because I am clueless. Do straight women say that about men? Someone educate me. I thought that was just a gay thing. I do know we started it, but we are always the first to set a trend.... except Crocks!
I don't know about all of you but I think this week is even more grueling than last week. The amount of fights and arguments has been slim to none. I am not referring to that at all. What I am having trouble with, to the point that I am sick to my stomach, is Ronnie and his decisions while he's been HOH.
Ahhh when is someone else going to take that spot?
So who do you guys want to win HOH next week?
I am rooting for Jeff, Jordan, Laura, or Casey. Permitting that Casey and Jordan and Laura are still here. Unfortunately one must go :'(
Discreet??? We're all about discreet now...ya right! But those are some good deals :P
Robin - sorry to hear about your cat. It's so hard to lose family members.
Izzy - I do the exact same thing! Then I know if I have time to catch up on my reading.
GayTor - It was Kevin who used the term.. Russell just went with it.
Gah! Why are Jeff & Jordan so freakin' adorable?!
lol, re discreet.
But Gaytor, men and women both use that term... at least they do where I'm from. LOL
Carolyn don't ruin Gaytors fantasies. He is just doing what any sane gay man does. He finds everything that seems gay about his fantasy. I find the swing fascinating and he thinks eff buddy is interesting. LOL.
And yes Gaytor - straight people have f buddies...I call them f friends
Thank you Gaytor! And even though it's been years, sorry about your two pups too. *Hugs*
I have two more kitties, 15 (Shakes) and 17 (Puffy).
Boy oh boy, week two and things are at about week four/five status it seems! These ppl don't waste time do they. But that's OK, they entertain us :)
It's offical Chima's my new favorite and I think she's got what it takes to win the whole game!
I just cannot take Chima. The minute I hear her I have to turn the feeds & when all the feeds are on her...aaaahhhh!!! Natalie chews liek a cow, food & gum!
Gaytor, men & woman use that term where I'm from or they call them "friends with benefits."
GaYToR ~ I've used the term f'buddies on many occasions, at least when it comes to guys.
oops they probably got an ear full for talking about AG
Gaytor - Swings and f*ck buddies are used by straight peeps too. Just watch Sex and the City. LOL!
Did you notice on the cbs site that they put PICKED eggs and pickled
Did they just cut the feeds because Chima was giving away the end of the movie? Like it's any surprise as to what happens at the end!
Genie, Sex and the City was written as if it were four gay men in NYC but casted by four women. So the swing part I still have a hard time with. LOL.
Johnny 5.. ??
Sorry to hear about your cat. I've had cats all my life and that is so hard. My last cat was 20 years old and then her kidneys failed. She had operations but in the end we just had to let her go.
I just pulled a Ronnie! actually I hate Chima! somebody needs to go E 'effin D on her! And I hope once princess leaha cowards out in POV cermony and has no more power that people go E 'effin D on him too!
Yes Gaytor, straight people say/have f'buddies. I'm not sure the dynamics are always the same, but the concept is.
flashback 4:15-20'ish BBT .... jordan going off on ronnie and ronnie losing in this 'debate'... priceless!!!
How do Chima, (i hope I'm pronouncing that right)Kevin, and Lydia get a pass from Russ for calling Jordan to the HOH and telling her he was gonna be backdoored?
Thanks for the education. I am really completely clueless about straight slang. I learned something tonight. This site is not only about BB but it's also educational.
I do have a question though besides the statement I am going to make about 'discreet'... Everyone is calling it a swing. I have a SLING in my dungeon. Has the term changed since the last time I ordered a replacement? Of course the places I shop aren't so 'discreet' :-p~~
Now to 'discreet'. Yea, so a drug store uses a brown paper wrapper. Some of the things I have ordered on eBay does the same thing and they aren't even toys. My hip pads came in discreet packaging as did my silicone boobs. A lot of the eBay cross-dressing sellers use that term for many things. even wigs and gowns. Not sure why. I don't care if the post office opens it up first. I know they scan some things in 'discreet mode boxes.' Can you imagine what they see. Sorta like the new TSA full body screeners. WoW would I love to have the job monitoring those cams.
So is Jordan still the plan. I'm gonna keep asking because I know how fast it changes. I'm not switching out computers until The CarolynBot goes horizontal tonight.
On that bot subject. I didn't want to log out or I would have posted back the other day when we had the one post from the fake "Julie Chen" and say "That bot is not my mama." Then sign it BabyBot.
Straight women I know call their F buddies mechanics. I heart my mechanic...wonder what he's doing.
I think Ronnie wants to be the puppet master, the Dan or the Dick, but he's started WAY WAY too early and he's terrible at it. I think that he's kind of feeling that a little and that's why he's bak peddling so much. I would hate to lose Laura, I think she's really bright about this game.
If Ronnie says to be perfectly honest one more time I'm poking my ears out with a rusty nail.
Indigo, my prince... I want Russell to win HoH next week. I want to see everyone in the house kiss his fine ass.
Oh. Did CBS say how many times you can vote on the food for the Have Not's? It's not as easy to get back to vote again as it usually is, but I'm doing it.
Ronnie just paraphrased Donald Rumsfeld. He's really not winning many brownie points here.
Night everyone! :) Don't let the HGs get to you :)
I can't take it anymore!! How is it that the most interesting, cool and funny people are all getting the shaft this season?
If Russel doesn't get evicted I am seriously thinking about finding another show to watch... Just don't think its going to be much fun for me to watch NBK pick each other off after they have eliminated everyone in the house that had any substance. They are boring and thier conversation is so shallow and boring. Only one of them gets the half a mill, but the strong arming bullies and shallow hal's collectively...still win. Yuccckkk!!
I am so tired of the sensitivity/race card. Really? Can they be any more victimized? They have poison in thier veins and they can still get away with making others out be bad people?
Ignorance about certain things does not make a person bad.
The cruelty and mean heartedness from Chima that came accross on the show today was far more disgusting than an ignorant racial comment.
**Whew, got that off my chest! I actually feel better! Thanks for listening, ya'll are great! Looking forward to trying to figure out what Rat Ron is up to tonight... :-)**
Sooooo my question is..... has Ronnie ever considered keeping his month shut and stop "just putting this out there"
Yea finally the fun peeps on the feeds... peace out Rnnie
HAHA Genie, I did watch Sex in the City and LOVED the movie. Still can't get over the freeze frames of the shower man... can't remember his name but he was also on DWTS. It took me 6 hours to watch that movie because I kept going back and freeze framing... MERCY!
Thank you for your condolences Melanie, MsFitz, Spunky and JulieB! And thank you for the archives tip Spunky! I didn't even realize that! Guess I'll be doing some more reading in the morning :) Hehee
Lol, on a funnier note, before I knew about "swings" (this was a long time ago), I had gone to a friends house and had no idea why they had these hooks on their ceiling in the bedroom...I couldn't resist asking her, I guess I should've waited for her mom to leave...oops :O Let me tell you, I've never seen someones face go so red so quick! We're sill good friends though :)
Hey Fellow Dishers..
Even though Carolyn posted this last night I just wanted to let you know that doesn't carry swings but I do!
and I'm offering dishers a 20% discount on orders of $50.00 or more. Just type bbdish in the promo code. And just fyi - either man or woman can be the swingee. There's pics on the box that show lots of examples. (don't worry if you order, all orders are discreetly packaged). Have a swinging good time! LOL
Jeff to Jordan about Ron: "Things change by the hour... Someone trips and then they are going to be nominated." LOL
I am so happy that Russ was nice today if he keeps his cool he can stay off and take out the RAT next I HOPE lol!
I can not take Ronnie with his going back and forth. I am pretty much set on the fact that Laura is going home, but we all know Ronnie will change his mind 10 times before the freakin' Veto Ceremony. Now I REALLY wanna see Jordan/Jeff/Casey win this HoH and boot Ronnie outta this house. My head hurts so damned much over Ronnie, lol.
GayTor ~ I'm 5'6" ;) What that would make me in heels, only you would know, lol!
WOWSER! I just got a look at Russell's new look. Loving it. And it makes for smoothness. No stubble burns on your ..... well umbeta gets what I am thinking, I'm sure.
Carolyn you said something about if it doesn't change in 16 hours. Didn't you mean minutes?
Thanks for the great transcription tonight. I feel like I am keeping up. I have the feeds on and I can just switch cameras for the best eye candy. Luv ya GF!
I thought the POC Ceremony was on Sundays? Are they doing that today?
joe Thank you!!!
Russell - I am not digging the lambchops. Take off your shirt, so I can refocus.
Meredith - I thought so too this morning.. I was befuddled.
if I win HOH next week I'm puttin up "Ronnie the Rat" and Chima. and I always got natalie for the renom. Chima might not seem all that important to get out strategically but remaember how much easier it was to get stuff done after libra left last season.
The only thing I could think of is it would be later tonight? Maybe I can watch it on BBAD!! I thought that they avoided having ceremonies on Ad though unless it was an endurance. Oh well. I hope BB isnt doing it to try and get one more night for thinking who should go up.
Hi Carolyn I am so happy you are are back for another year you make BB so much better.
Cecilia from Canada
Annnnnnnd last night, he said "That's it, Russell's a$$ is going up!!" before he stormed outta the back yard in a hissy fit.
Like Carolyn said, I'll believe it when I see it.
~ Ryan ~
lol you are funny Carolyn
is it me or does Ronnie kinds resemble Harry Potter?
Ronnie is sounding so decisive....wonder how many times this will go round tonight and tomorrow....good grief!
I have to say I think Ronnie is playing a horrible game. And I mean no disrespect put did BB find the one fan Jessie had and put him in the house LOL
I so need to go back and read last nights stuff, Becca I missed your post! Wow now we have lots of choices!
And let me tell you, from a Canadian just getting home from the States, I didn't like that machine thingy. I had to stand in a clear box and then I got moved to another clear box that blew puffs of air. And I didn't ring off any bells in the metal detector. I was a whole lot freaked out. (I don't do so well at the airports by myself)
Last time I had to get home they were saying I was going to end up bumped, I phoned my dad in tears!!
Casey & Jesse really have some great soundbites this season.... I love this one that C posted because I didn't hear it...
**Jessie: Even if she does, by the time it comes out of Jordan's mouth, it'll be like, The Dog is Red.** hahahahaha...I like Jordan but, come on, she's not the sharpest tool.
Just watched the show and I agree w/ most of you. Loved Casey, not Chima. Jordan's impression was funny. Still on my limb alone here, I still like Jesse.
I totally agree w/ you Indigo. The back & forth seems excessive & it's driving me nuts. Whatever respect you may have had for his gameplay goes out the window because he appears to be so easily persuaded.
Haha Gaytor, My Mussys on fire!!
well my friends have a good night with these crazy HG's I gotta go to sleep
Hey Gaytor, I don't know anything about slings or swings, although I think I have heard them called swings. I'm not sure if that's a technical term.
But I think the whole discrete packaging thing came from when playboy started subscriptions. Not only was it discrete for privacy, but it's illegal to send obviously sexually explicit things through the US mail. Then when mail order sex toys started getting shipped, they were "discrete" in the sense that the company wouldn't use a return address like "Massive Dildo's R Us." Anything from is going to be discrete in that sense ... since there is no giant itemized list on the box: 1 extra strength vibrator 1 tube super lube 1 diving mask with fins, etc.
Meredith - I'm thinking tomorrow afternoon...
Cecelia!! :) Thank you!! :) I'm very happy to see you back too!
Jay, what'd i do? :)
Tabatha :) I can see that.
Julie - really? I've only had that machine thingy once, but i thought the whole air puff situation was fun.
Jane - Choked on my cereal - lolol - massive dildos are us. LMAO.
His name is Gilles Marini who was in movie Sex & The City & DWTS.
Carolyn...when you were talking about Russel taking his shirt off to distract you from the lamb chops
Gilles.. yummmmm
Carolyn - I was in a dress, so I looked uber cool tucking it in between my legs. And I hollered when it started since I was not expecting that.
It reminded me of the puff thing when you get your eyes checked.
RY, you just gave me enough wood to start a campfire and toast marshmallows. 5'6" ??? Now tell me you are blonde and have a stocky build and your new name will be Barney Rubble. It would take too long to explain that but DQTD and I both love Barney Rubble's.
Now for height in heels. That would depend on the size of the heel and if they are platform shoes too. Do you prefer 3" heels or 6" stilettos? You pretty much gain the same height as the heels you put on your feet. I have some that give me nose bleeds.
Russell has done his beard. DR did tell Ronnie he couldn't do a mohawk until Sunday night for continuity. Do you think he will still do it? It won't change my opinion of him but I'm hoping it would be enough to make me forget about his gold bikini. Still filling the bucket by my desk over that one.
Jane that was hilarious! I don't think I can eat or drink anymore when I read the posts! I spend far too much time coughing! Priceless!
why is russell so jealous of jeff?? hes always talking crap about him. it must be cuz he has jordan and i always felt like russell liked her. know you have a closet full of those ugly little shoes! Tee Hee!!
Have heard the term f-buddy used by straight & non-straight friends. Also the younger folks call it friends w/benefits! Me.....I don't call it at all anymore!! LOL! Been married so long it's called a chore!! LOL! But if it's Russ he can all it whatever he wants!!
Ya know....I would love to see Ronnie play 1 week w/Evil Dick!! He would chew him up & spit him out!! GRRRRRR!!!!
HanHaysMom (DonnaT in Louisiana)
Jane ~ I love diving mask w/ find being mixed in w/ lube & vibrators, lol!
It's beddy-bye time for me. I got work in the morning and I really don't feel like watching the script as to who goes up as replacement tomorrow change 5 bajillion times. Have a good night all!
~ Ryan ~
wow! they are such cheaters! i cant believe theyre gonna cheat in the hoh comp. they just said if its majority rules theyre all gonna choose a the whole way through. i am shocked. im hoping the producers hear this and definitely switch up the competition if this was the next one!
Trust me Ronnie! This is your final chance to get Russell out! If you don't do it this week he'll make the final 6 no problem!
Don't forget the next HOH will have only 10 people in it (Minus Ronnie, Laura, Braden). Russell has a 40% chance at immunity, especially if the competition is like this weeks where having more people on their team helps them.
Ah yes, Gilles. I have trouble remembering because of that french pronunciation which sounds nothing like the way it is spelled. I just remember that there had been no snip snip. He's most definitely not Jewish.
JANE!!!! I've been expecting something from Jun, but you took her place tonight with that one. I now have to go hose down my monitor. :-p
While watching the feeds, all I keep thinking is...I can not wait until I don't have to hear Ronnie talk!!! I can't stand him!
i agree - CBS ruined it by bringing back jesse - they totally set it up and it ruins the game
Jay - ahhh :) thank you. lol. i forgot about that.
Julie - the scene you describe sounds like something out of a movie, when our heroine is having a rather trying day. p.s. i hate the eye puffer thing!
Sarah - I actually thought it was pretty clever... and i was surprised no other alliance had every thought of it... :)
Ry, I kind of thought the diving mask and fins would be used for deep sea events, and I'm not talking about a trip to the ocean.
Hooray, Casey gave them a official name. The Dumb Five. LOL
Jane, Massive DildosR Us! cracked me up. LOL
GaYTor, This is our Love swing
(if link doesn't work it's under the fun and fantasy items on website).
I googled "sex sling" and found this.
appears to be quite different. Maybe try something new??? LOL
Becca ;-)
I hate to leave such wonderful company but it's time to pop some popcorn and get ready for BBAD which has sound. I just know by the time I chase DQTD off the keyboard Carolyn will have shut this down for the night so she can plug in her battery charger and vibrate herself to sleep. :-O Did I say that? Will she let it be posted? :-p~
I will be back for my late night comments though, unless I decide to play with the dead computer as soon as BBAD is over.
We have fishies. I guess BB is telling them it's 7 minutes to BBAD. I hope they get booze tonight, and it kicks in before the 3 hours of BBAD is over.
Again... MOST EXCELLENT job tonight Carolyn. But you are most excellent EVERY night.
Gaytor, that is not my first entree, you just haven't been around during dinner.
I'm fading fast, kids...
I'm gonna hang out here in the comments with you til 12:30am my time (9:30pm BBT), then I'm a pumpkin. ;)
P.S. wanted to thank Carolyn for being up and publishing updates/comments this late. I'll be off to watch BBAD for a bit (I hope they are boring because I've got to get on a normal schedule here)!
Wow, I must be a little slow tonight. You all are talking about "Dildo's are Us", fun toys that can be ordered & are mailed discreetly then all of sudden
JulieB says...
I didn't like that machine thingy. I had to stand in a clear box and then I got moved to another clear box that blew puffs of air.
& Carolyn replies....
Julie - really? I've only had that machine thingy once, but i thought the whole air puff situation was fun.
& MsFitz is thinking...
What in the world have I been missing out on?
Went back up to read JulieB's post again & caught the part
And I didn't ring off any bells in the metal detector. I was a whole lot freaked out. (I don't do so well at the airports by myself)
Ok, I get it now topic of conversation switched but my little mind did not!
i have to agree with carolyn it is clever. i just wish they werent the ones who had thought of it. lol
MsFitz - LOLOL!!!! it's kinda like playing telephone, huh? ;)
GayTor - that one was a little over... but you're special... and, darlin', i'm so tired when i close up shop here, all i can do is collapse.
Caro... TY for publishing it. You can spank me tomorrow when you are refreshed and re-caffeinated. I TRY to be good. I really do. It's these darn fingers that make me type bad things. *mmhmm that's it... it's the fingers.*
Good night Sweet Mistress.
Oh MsFitz - that was too funny!!
Well I'm going to call it a night too, I have to work in the morning and I just know my daughter will want to leave early so we can walk around and see what else was wrecked in the storm downtown.
It has been a very very very entertaining evening!
Sweet dreams everyone mwah
Ok, I'm going to go to bed. I am sad for my good guys who are the only ones in the house that make any sense & I am feeling sad for them.
I can't stand to listen to those creeps in HOH bashing all the ppl in the house that are not on their "side."
Oh, girls if you only knew how much the majority of us do like you!!!
I agree with whoever said it, the whole dynamic of this house is because CBS brought Jessie back & had him be the first HOH. If this had been a whole new group of ppl w/out bringing someone like him back that America voted out I don't think it would have started off so strong & these good guys w/ brains might have been able to do better.
Good night, Carolyn!
Good night, BB Addict buddies!
Sleep well everyone!!
Wonder what Laura is gonna tell Jordan?
I really wish Laura wasn't leaving :( I really hate half of the house this year. I only like Jordan/Laura/Jeff/Michele.
Gnite JulieB :)
Gnite MsFitz :)
Sleep well, ladies!!!
Carolyn I know your going to sleep soon so I'll just say goodnight now.
Sleep well. Doubt much will happen tonight expect wash, rinse, repeat.
Thanks, Michigan Man :)
Sleep tight!
12:35am Lydia's making dinner. Natalie scratches her butt inside her pants.
Alright, I am going to keep the feeds on but with sound off in case anything good happens. But have to watch today's Next Food Network Star before I go to sleep. Good night Carolyn and everybody here. It's been fun.
Um, zany...don't go trying out for The Next Food Network Start when I go on it haha. I soooo want Debbie Lee to GO so I can be THE KOREAN on Food Network! Hahaha.
GAYTOR, you crack me up! It's equal opportunity...I don't like using "common" convential terms so I usually use "on my roster" or "i'm playing with." I do currently have a "buddy f*ck" right now...meaning, we are amazing friends first.
Jordan says tomorrow when Ronnie puts her up she wants to say "Grow some fucking balls". Laura says they won't air it.
Laura comes up with some other good ones. "Check that's lie number six".
G'nite Umbeta :)
Thanks, Michigan.
G'nite dishers! See you in the morning with the Overnight Report!
Jordan says to Jeff: Sit down and talk.
Jeff: All day I wanted to talk now you want to talk.
Jordan: I'm on my period now I want to talk.
anything exciting on the feeds at the moment??? I so miss getting to watch them
Jordan: Now I have a new bff in Chicago and you have one in Charlotte, to Jeff, and Laura's in the middle.
Laura: I'm south of you.
Jordan: You are?
Laura: Atlanta is south of Charlotte.
I don't think big brother should give them gum because you can't hear over people smacking.Smacking drives me crazy!!!
Laura says: He's my bff, Jesse.
Jesse was on his way to DR
Jordan: He can lick my ass, I'll spread it for him.
Laura talking about casting. "I don't know who was drunk and decided to bring him back"
Jordan: If I look like the big thick girl on tv I'm going to be pissed.
Jordan: I want to go to the DR and talk.
Casey: I don't.
Voice: Casey please go to the DR.
duh, I'm such an airhead! I just realized the sauna was gone in the "green room". I think it was used more than the lightbulb charging bicycles. It was SO much better for people trying to have a private conversation.
Jesse wants to tell Chima something in the bathroom. He puts a towel over there heads and they whisper.
Voice: Jesse, knock it off.
Voice: Jesse, stop that.
Hi everybody. I am baffled by no one talking more on here about the Jessie/Casey connection. They obviously have at least met and worked together before. How can they have gotten away with that?
Interesting convo at 0120'ish / cam 4(chima/ronnie/kevin)
They had a discussion re fallout in the event that Laura tells Russ about her hiding in the bathroom and scheming with them.
Ronnie: "Guys, Kevin, you're making this overly complicated. All it boils down to is this - if you, you, Lydia and me go 'no, that didn't happen', Boom...that's it."
minute or two later...
R: "Guys, seriously, I mean, it's way overly complicated & it doesn't need to be. It's cut & dry. It's absolutely simple. If WE say she's lying, that's it. They're going to assume she's lying."
C: (clarifying) "OUR alliance?"
R: "OUR alliance. Yes. They're going to assume she's lying. The only way they're gonna know is if one of us crack. I'm sure as F*** not cracking, she isn't, are YOU going to (K)?"
Chima tries to clarify for K.
K: "No, no, no, I'm worried, ok, we can deny deny deny ...that's what our plan is, right? BUT, that only works when a lie has like no fraction of truth in it."
I guess the significance of this to me is that, Kevin & Chima know what happened w/ the Braden vote. They know that Ronnie lied about it. He just exposed a bit of his game play right here. I think that they already knew what he was capable of doing but he just came right out and said it. If he's willing to lie straight out to his boy Jesse, who they all assume he's so tight with, why on earth would they trust him?
I think Kevin gets it. Don't know about C...don't care.
Ronnie is a waste of a HOH imo. For someone who claims to be so smart he is stupid. He can't even make up his mind. It changes from minute to minute. It is really getting old and boring. So far this season sucks with morons like Ronnie and the most hated player Jesse on this season.
This season sucks with Jesse back. Casting did a shit job this year.
Why would they bring back last years most hated player?
okay I need some clarification being a non live feeder, anywhos didn't I recall Ronnie saying something along the lines he didn't want to be like a hated player. I hope he understands if he goes through with putting up Jordan, he will be hated. From comments I seen from friends and some of the ones here he seems to be disliked.
does anyone who watches
hospital think Jorden looks like Lulu
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