After the Live Show - HoH Spoiler
You New Head of Household.... Jeff credits his beer offerings to the budda!
6:34pm BBT - The comp is ovah! Waiting to hear the comp results from the HGs... It's not clear who the HoH is yet, but Michele and Russell are both on slop for the week...
6:37pm BBT... Sounds like either Kevin or Jeff have it... Jeff's sounding the happiest of the bunch.
6:39pm BBT - Jeff, Kevin and Russell are discussing the finer points of can spinning and dropping... Move on the a bit of Lydia/Jessie teasing..
6:42pm BBT - Many are reporting that Jeff won... I haven't heard confirmation of that yet, and I'll post when I do.
6:44pm BBT - Jeff announces - "I got 2nd last week, and I won this week."
Jeff is the new HoH!
6:48pm BBT.... The live feed updates will continue within this post momentarily. :) AGP - You owe us an endurance comp! Next Thursday would be lovely. You're running out of time!
6:58pm BBT - Everyone's on a post comp high... Chattering non-stop in the kitchen together. The mood is light. Welcome to the final 6!
7:08pm BBT - Jeff gets called to the DR. The mood in the kitchen tones down a bit.
7:08pm BBT - Jeff gets called to the DR. The mood in the kitchen tones down a bit.
7:21pm BBT - After the tension of the week and the excitement of the day, the HGs are winding down a bit... waiting on the HoH Reveal... We're wating on it too! We learn that Kevin lost this HoH by 1 can. The question of the week is, will that one can cost him $500,000?
7:30pm BBT - Natalie & Kevin head into the Haves Room and the scheming begins...
9pm BBT - Laughter has returned to the BB house. The HGs are having fun and laughs out back...
FYI - I'm hanging with everyone in the comment section til the HoH Reveal, for which I'll open a new post.... unless it happens after 12:30am eastern, in which case it'll become part of the Overnight Report. If you'd like to see screencaps of the HoH Reveal ASAP, please check out our caps site: BBDish-Caps
I'm buckled in and ready, Carolyn!!!
w00t w00t!!!
CBS needs a bigger server... feeds crashed. Grrrr!
UUGGHH!!! The suspense is KILLING me!!!! I so should have done the live feeds, lol..
Hoping Jeff pulls off the win!!! (Especially after that comment by Russell tonight!)
Did I hear Julie wrong earlier when she said the winner would be decided at the end of the hour if no one had reached the 24 cans?
I still have trivia!
Wow, server crashed and it's taken me like 15 minutes to get it back up. It doesn't look quite right, but I guess I have a feed?!?
Ohhh Holy Cow... down in front!!! *snickerz* Any one for more popcorn???
Thanks, as always, Carolyn. I had to quit those feeds to keep some semblance of a life, but on nights like this...oof. I don't think they'll last until BBAD.
Phew...i thought it was my computer...Feeds are not working right now for me either...
major game mistake leaving nat in house jeff michelle better win hoh
Divr- I heard that too!
That tricky tricky Julie! I thought I heard that too...
Anyone else notice there was no "Live" notice most of the show? (haven't read comments so it's very possible that was said many, many times before)
Divr... I thought the same thing. I guess she meant at the end of AN hour instead of THE hour
jeff or Mechelle Maybe rus. But wow i was so happy jordo won the pov
yes Julie said if no one has gotten 24 cans the winner would be whoever had the most at the end of an hour.
anyone elses audio kinda wonky?
Re-launching through RP not working so well. However, launching from your (Carolyn's) feed link on the right worked! Damn, I sooo ♥ you Caro!
I haven't missed anything yet even. *whew*
(sorry for hurting your eyes sweets *grins*)
I thought she said that also, but I called my viewing buddy and she said they had an hour to do it and if at the end of that hour the one with the most was the winner. Come on Feeds, let us in.
Everyone waiting on the feeds to come takes a few minutes to sometimes even a half an hour after a live show.......they'll be back!!!
Be back soon - torando touched down in north bay and i wanna try getting ahold of my friend.
Feeds are up and still trivia here ( in AZ).... is there a time delay here as well?? LOL...
Come on, lets get the 'HoH comp party' started with the live feeds CBS!!
It's just me tonight, guys...
If you've got complaints about feeds, please direct them to @BigBrotherScoop @cbstweet or @agrodner22
Carolyn, you are the most wonderful updater ever. Just have to say that.
Seriously, Jeff/Jordan aren't the best players of the game. They're cute as buttons but not cut out for BB. I want/need Michele to win HOH. She won't target Russell outright but she'll leave the door open to use him as replacement nominee.
I'm actually hoping that they all see how useless Natalie truly is and go ahead and keep her around. She's easy to take out at F3.
I cant wait for the feeds! I wonder if it will be over by time they come back.
my feeds are working fine( watch me jinx myself now) I turn them on once the live show starts,...Lets go BB turn the feeds on now
I could use a refill on my popcorn, Sunny!! :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bonniegirl :) Thank you!! :)
Julie was flubbing her lines tonight. I think she told Jordon that she won the PoV and was the new HoH.
Caro you totally got me. But I was prepared with a cut and paste LOL!!
Just ran outta the living and into my bedroom. As I said before I had to make a deal with my hubby and that deal was to watch the BB11 episodes with the fam and no BBdish. So im gonna jump right in. I'm sure this was covered but I totally wept with Natalie which even I was shocked about she had me bawlin'.
I was kinda hoping that Nat was evicted but @ least Michele & Russell kept with their word...Cause if not Nat woulda so been outta there. Glad that Kevin still gave Lydia his vote. And hoping with fingers crossed that Russell wins HOH.
I get why everyone wants him out but at this point he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Plus I would love to see how J/J would treat him.
One of them needs to ask if they can go through the gate bars or not. It would be soooo much easier if they could.
I didn't follow what Julie meant. The comp runs until the end of what hour? 9est or from when it started?
I'm having problems tonight. I can't remember my google password... my AIM open id wouldn't work just now... and I still have trivia on the feeds! GRR.
I probably won't make it much longer awake with this headache. I'm okay with that because I know I can wake up tomorrow, log on my computer, click the "e" and my homepage will be blazing with the news of who the new HOH is!
Thanks Dish Chicks & Chucks!
Everyone have a great night!
ahhhhhh...i can't get my feeds up. i had em up through the whole show, then refreshed and now can't get them back.....SAD STORY!!
Oh No, Wendy...praying your friend and everyone else is okay!
Wendy, best of luck, I hope all is well. You're in North Bay (where?)...
Sassy Sis
What comment by Russell? I missed it. Maybe he shouldn't win HOH. I'm worst than the HGs I can never make up my mind!
Here's a pat on the back, thumbs up, #1 to Carolyn! Thank you for all of your hard work. I know it's gotta be tough to blog and read comments!
Thanks Carolyn, I am now a BBDish addict. I can always rely on you to keep me informed and up to date on all the craziness going on in the house while I am at work. You do an amazing job, and you have an amazing support team. Thanks again everyone for all you do.
Carolyn... I am so glad you are on it tonight. I am not sure that my feeds will come back before this is over. This is why we love you! You keep us updated!!
Wendy, is your friend okay???
Bummed that it's not actually an endurance comp.
Super bummed that Natalie is still in the house.
Does anyone think that Jeff and Jordan should find it a little suspicious that Michelle fought so hard for the POV? I mean if M is really allied with J&J and she trusts them, why did she want it so bad? It was Jordan's HOH and her nominees. Once it was down to Michelle and Jordan, if M really felt safe she should have given it to Jordan.
I think I would tuck that in the back of my brain and maybe I would quit worrying so much about Russell and start focusing on Michelle.
I think their 4 person agreement has been damaged beyond repair. I actually tink in this case Michelle caused far more damage than the LML. And with the idiotic decision to keep Natalie, if Jeff doesn't win HOH I am afraid he and Jordan are in deep trouble.
it's back
Ugh, who's Orange and Red?
Darn, it's gone again!
Heyyy my feeds went back to trivia!! What a tease
The feeds are up and now back out. LOL. It looked like Kevin was winning when the show went off.
Why the tease, BB???? They are too quick fingered this season. It's annoying! Not complaining to you, Carolyn, just saying in general.
Feeds were up for a minute! Jars almost full
Thanks carolyn for info on who to direct complaints to. How do I launch from your site? can we get a link. I tried "the feeds" link on left hand side but it wont even give me a place to log on after i click the already a member link! ARRRGH!
Thanks for being there to help us all out! I knew I shouldnt have refreshed but thought I was stuck!
Feeds came up for a second - whoever had red and yellow looks like they are in the lead
Ugh, quick peak. Looks like Kev is in the lead. Not sure tho!
Yeaah! Go Kevin!
I'm pretty sure Julie meant that they had one hour to either get 24 cans in their tubes or whoever had the most at the end of one hour.
By my computer clock, that should be about 6:52BBT
Launch through the feed link on the right side of the main dishy bloggy page.
Carolyn's link works. Well, it did for me. Right away even.
☺ ☺ ☺
Carolyn, did your switch back to trivia or is it still working on yours?
Hey Carolyn and BBDishers,
Glad your all here blogging for those of us who don't have the live feeds.I can't wait to see who wins the HOH. I'm hoping Jeff or even Michele win.I'm afraid of the others winning.So very sure Jordan and Jeff would go up.
I'm in CA, had the triva up and waiting but then the real player server crashed and I can't get it running again. The rest of my programs run fine. I guess everyone wants to find out who won HOH... please tell us...
Does everyone still have trivia?
I just have to wonder why Jeff took the advice of a 22yr naive lil girl who can't tell time!
she's the one that started the whole "we can trust Natalie" crusade
Jeff needs to win this.
I got a glimpse for a 1/2 second,& I saw M R & J tubes
R looked ahead,then M,
kevin is winning has almost his 24 cans in russ in 2nd
Finally phone lines are up and running so i'm on the phone with her now. Tornado on Lake Nipissing which is 5-6 kms from her house.
I'll be looking for your post on Sunday. Any help is appreciated.
lmao...serves Ruselle and Jeff right...they thot it'll be 'endurance endurance' comp....gooooo kevinnn or natalieeeee :-D
WOOHOO I have trivia from using the link on the left hand side of the main blog page that says Launch the BB11 live feeds. We do still have trivia, yes?? Questions keep changing so i think i'm hooked up! Thanks so much Carolyn! You are the bomb! I knew I loved this site best for a reason!
I gotta go for the night!!!
I'll see all you peep tomorrow!!!
Carolyn, you are doing an amazing job, as always!!!! just proving to us all exactly why we say YOU ROCK LADY!!! *smooch*
Nitey nite!!!!
Orange and Red were Russell and Jeff I think
Come On Feedsssssssss!
If Jeff doesn't win this, he's screwed!
yep I have trivia
So, while I wait for trivia to go away, after the little blip of the competition I saw...I have a question...If Kevin or Natalie were to win this HOH, who would they go after. I'm thinking Michele and Russell, but I don't know...
Hello everyone the feeds came on for a sec who was red was that Kevin if so he is winning.
my feeds wont come on i keep getting an error
I'm sorry to see Lydia go, because she was so "interesting". However, she was/is starting to get crazy and to hook up with Natalie was her worst mistake. I hope Jeff wins HOH as well.
Night Blueeeee!!!!
Aarrrrggg!!! I can't get the feeds to load!!!!
Yes, still trivia.
Jeff needs to win this HOH, if for nothing else, for the live feed viewers, I think I'll have Jeff/Jordan withdrawals...
If kevin wins...
Bye bye to michele or russell........
I hope Kevin doesnt win this, because he will listen to Natalie and put up Jeff and Michelle......Michelle Jeff or Russ has got to win this
Thanks for "solo" updating Carolyn!! you rock!!
Jeff was green
Lots O'Trivia!
Good night Blue!
People, trivia is expected like this with an endurance comp. The other one we had this season kept giving us little teases for almost an hour. I'm hoping this one doesn't last that long. Normally after a regular live show they don't come back until about 30 minutes after the show goes off.
Firstly, Jeff made the deal with Nat first.
So why did they give us a peek, then spend the rest of the time on Jowdan's face? Feed 1, anyway? I only saw the cans, but wasnt sure who they belonged too. Red and orange looked to be way ahead, but could onlyo see the nearer column well.
What if there is a tie at the one hour mark?
Can someone fill me in on what Russel said tonight? I am waiting on the feeds to return.
You are the greatest and the best !!!
Just thought I would remind you...
Man I need joint! LOL!
Cheers and another corona!
Gooooooo Jeffffffffffffff!!
reeeeeeeelax, the feeds will be back soon!
Kevin would be stupid to not take out JJ.they are the fave to win
Carolyn I have been launching the feeds through real player. I didn't realize that we could launch them from your page until someone mentioned it earlier in this post :( RP wouldn't bring up the feeds, but after I realized where to find it on your feeds, they came right up! Do your get a kickback or something when we use your launch? I will use that all of the time if we do...besides it was easier, less steps involved :)
Thanks for having the best BB website EVER!!!! You Rock!
After trying several times to get the feeds back only to get the error message, I hit the "play" button at the bottom and have feeds now...still on trivia :)
OK...whats the deal?? Got trivia? I too heard Julie say whoever had the most by the end of the show would be why were they still playing & why do we not have the feeds!! Dang it....we've been waiting for this all week! GRRRRR!!
Ok i'm back again - phew i was so damn worried about her and it was driving me crazy not being able to talk to her. She didn't even know they were under a tornado warning cause they were driving home from a camping trip.
I noticed feeds came back long enough for me to blink then they were gone again :(
HG's colors:
Michele - Blue
Kevin - Red
Natalie - Purple
Russell - Orange
Jeff - Green
**thank you to DVR. Hope that helps everyone
I'm starting to think they are not going to let us watch...
heres the colors.. i have it on dvr
michelle blue
kevin red
natalie purple
russell orange
jeff green
Well this is quite anticlimatic :-)
At least Project Runway is on to entertain me at the moment!
That was a good show... I just want to see this comp! Carolyn, Thanks for the reminder to tell those who are in the power... I tweeted my annoyance of the proxy errors and trivia to them...
Fingers crossed... let's see a comp on the feeds!
If Kevin does win do you think he will actually go after M/R or J/J ?
Mommy of a Princess -
No, I don't get a kickback when people launch from there.. Just the satisfaction of knowing everyone's getting superior quality feeds and sound. :)
I do get a bonus when people use my links to sign up for the feeds though...
The suspense is killing me....Come on BB....let us see what's happening.
Pretty please BB!!!!!
Lot's of love Carolyn!
She did it to me again!!!
GaYToR snarls at Carolyn.
And I had several posts in the last section after the "New Post" call.
That will teach me to start at the bottom and read up I guess.
will trivia stay on until after the california show is aired? i hope not
Since we're killing time, I want to throw out a thought ... it's just a thought. What do you think?
I was reading some of the press about Chima's ousting and the huge ratings boot it gave the show. I wonder ... is it possible ... that production ultimately threw her out for ratings?
Sure, she was a pain in the rear, but they knew that. And yeah she broke a mic. But she didn't intentionally throw it in the hot tub, and they could dock her stipend - and let's be real, even if that mic was worth 5k (which I doubt), that's a drop in the bucket, craft services for a day.
So let's be real. It was the biggest ratings boost in a long time for BB. Hey, I'm not saying Chima did push the envelope, but I wonder about the motives of AGP and CBS. It ain't the integrity of the game the care about. We weren't born yesterday ...
Oh man the power went out in my house but good thing its back on. Still on trivia
Now we just gotta keep our fingerscrossed Genie is ok!!
if you're having technical feed issues, i recommend getting on with customer service.. they're great :)
Gaytor I also read from the bottom up It keeps me closer to the comment box.
This sucks.. Julie says watch the feeds yet they are not showing us jack poo....
I think...
red - Kevin
orange - Russell
green - Jeff
blue - Michele
yellow(?) - Natalie
Jeff and Michele's might be backwards.
Laura in NC!
Thanx so much for the can colors! Huggies!
Once again thank you Carolyn and Genie and everyone else that helps make this the best place to be for can just feel the love..and all the other stuff too.
Feeds are back
Hahaha... I was so excited my feed sparked back up from the main Dish page I put "right hand side" of page for feeds in my previous comment.
*mental head slap*
I meant my other right. LOL. Better known as the left hand side.
I am so mad at BB for taking that from us!!!!
There back up! I am betting that Kevin won, which I do not want
Feeds are back! Comp over!
Comp is over. everyone is inside. Waiting for Carolyn to tell us who won and another new post?
Thanks Laura and Gale for the color of the cans. I would use my DVR but it is taken hostage by my three year old and the Incredibles.
I really think that Nat and Kev would gun for Michele and Russell as they are stronger players. However, either Jordan or Jeff would win in F2 if America voted, I think.
who did they do have-have not in hoh?
Foiled by New Top Post again :P
Well the little glimpse we got looked like Michele and Kevin were still doing pretty good.
No one will probably agree with me but I think Michele threw the POV to Jordan. She didn't have anything written down then quickly put a 50 on her board. It would make sense.
Feeds back, who won? Waiting.
Michele won I think, request to dye her hair.
So what's up....feeds come back and Michelle's on slop....WTH
Feeds that the key around Jeff's neck?? Apparently
Michele is on slop again! Poor thing!
Feeds up
who WON??
I don't see a key! Anyone?
Did Jeff win, it sounds like maybe, it is killing me
did jeff win?
Did I hear that Jeff won HOH
Did Jeff win??????
I think it's JEFF! He looks happy....
I think Jeff won
comeon russell and michele..
No hoh for jeff please...he will keep natalie safe...
Wendy: Jeff Please pull your pants up!
I know its in style and all that crap but i have a huge HATE on for ppl who wear their pants so low their undies/a$$crack is showing.
Hmmmm, now that the feeds are back and the comp is over, I thought I'd post this from the blog to help Carolyn out.
If you have complaints regarding anything BB related, please tweet them to @cbstweet, @bigbrotherscoop or @agrodner22. Don't put them in the comment section here. Put them where people in charge will see them.
So I'm guessing this was some how also connected to Have/Have Nots since Michele can not eat apparently.
GaYToR, welcome to the current post, tehehee
They are all eating now but I don't see a key on anybody's neck. no spoiler yet;/
Jeff said he felt bad for them so he is not on slop, and Kevin said scr* you to Jeff when he said he was one stepping it, so that makes me wonder if Jeff won
Sounds like Kevin was close but ultimately lost...
Jane I watched her INTENTIONALY throw her mike in the hottub!
I think Jeff might have it...
I wonder if they're doing the 1 hour limit game instead of endurance because of all of that talk between Jeff and Russell about if Russell would drop or not??
Thoughts, anyone?
Jeff seems pretty happy!!!
what did customer service say??? I am getting the proxy error reading remote server (can not connect) tried restarting, any suggestions? I have to keep my phone lines open!
Feeds are back, can't tell who won yet.
I hope it was Jeff....
I think the key is laying on the bar--- i think maybe Jeff won.. he sure seems pretty happy... Is it laying on his shirt??
It almost sounds like Jeff got it... not sure though! I hope!!!
Omg who won??
hopefully jeff. keeping fingers crossed.
Tell us who won already!!!
I'm pretty sure Russell won. When feeds came back briefly, Russell needed ONE MORE.
I hope Jeff won!!
finally get rid of trivia,& now my feeds are acting wonky
Sorry, usually I agree with your posts, but "didn't intentionally throw it in the hot tub"? Seriously? Were you watching the same big brother as me? Cause it looked like she very much intentionally threw that mic into the hot tub.
Having said that, I think your idea about the ratings ploy might be right on. I did hear that this season was having very poor ratings and Chima's eviction certainly gave them a big boost.
Is that an HOH key around Jeff's neck or just a regular necklace? or am i seeing things? lol
Still don't know who won, but it must have had something to do with the have not's also
Good question johnny'sjodi! I thought the same thing. Both would be good game moves. M & R are so untrustworthy, but J & J are a package deal, and as much as I want them to stay, anyone would be smart to get one out...
OK we all know feeds are back....
Does anyone think Jordan is an 'old soul' for some reason? I just look at her and see an older wiser person who doesn't get caught up in misc. b.s. On the other hand she seems young and playful, but I think she is an 'old soul' ultimately. In a good way, of course.
Call me crazy, but she seems more mature than her age...
Why is Russell and Michele on slop for the week??
Now Michele is on slop?
kinda sounds like Kevin won to me
someone commented that jeff won, but it was so fast I am not sure.
Jeff won
I think it's Jeff, just by the conversation!
Jane - she broke many rules all the time. I watched the feeds/flashback when it happened, and she aimed and threw right for the tub. As to ratings, Chima gave them excellent ratings for doing all the things she had done, I believe they would have continued to get those ratings as long as she was there, no matter what - if she hadn't so blantly broke the rules. Her threats/complaints to and about production were her downfall, and not wanting to lose control, she definitely had control issues. I believe that many people contacted CBS/AGP complaining about her also, to get rid of her, more so than ED or anyone else they have had on the house.
At least that is how I saw it, IMO.
Now, where are those flippin' feeds? They game is probably already over.
what i am getting it is over now and it looks between Kevin or Jeff not sure they had said who got it.
I think it was Jeff. Hooray :)
Where's the key??? This is killing me!!!
Did Jeff say that why I won?
Ahh Ragz, CUTE yorkie!! We use to have one, named Muffin. She was a delight.... Just seeing yours makes me want another!
Come on! Say something someone...
pleeeease be Jeff!
Kinda sounds and looks like Jeff got it ... Kevin said when I was in the lead that one time ... Russell alluded to the same (when he was in the lead one time) so I don't think either of them won. Jeff is chatty, chatty, chatty! Everyone at the counter eating. Lydia bashing ensues ... Kevin looks a little uncomfortable but Natalie is all over the conversation.
Jeff won hoh. He just said :D
Yay!!!!! JEFF WON!
Jeff just confirmed HE WON!!!!!!!!
Buddha got beers... Jeff won HOH! YAY! :)
Yeah Jeff won HOH??!!!!?!?!?!?
I think Jeff just said he won...
Jeff won yes
JEFF GOT IT!!!!!! He just said it!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JEFF won HOH!!!!!!
Confirmed. Jeff just said it. He gives the credit to giving beer to Buddha. lol
Everyone wants Jeff!
Jeff: You want what you cant have. I do.
Kevin: you can't have any of this here, Jeff!
Michele: I've gotta go put on my wedding ring!
Jeff won!! He is giving the props to the Buddha! lol
YAY!! Jeff just said he won!!!
Jeff won he said thanks to giving beer to the budda
yesss jeff won woohooo
He just said he won HOH!!!!!
It's Jeff. He won cause of the Buddha.
They sure are hungry..Maybe they'll talk more after they eat.
Please let it be Jeff, don't want the J/J show to be over just yet.
Jeff just said he won!!!
Kevin doesn't look too excited...Maybe it was Jeff
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS GO J&J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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