Big Brother 12: 3rd Sunday Show Viewing Party & Howie's Blog!
Good evening, BB Lovers! Welcome to the Sunday Show Viewing Party!!
Live Feed viewers, prepare to rewind your minds! The tv only folks don't even know who won the Endurance Comp yet, while we're miles ahead with a PoV winner!
Updates will resume on BBDish at 11pm BBT!
Until then, enjoy the live feeds!
To get you acclimated to the TV Only perspective, tonight's Live Show Viewing party will include Howie's Blog on the Thursday Show. Howie's going to do another QnA session for the Dishers this week. All we need is your questions. Please put any questions you've got for Howie into the comment section of this post. :0)
Take it away, Howie!

Now, I don’t know who won HOH yet, so I will find out tonight. Do I want the Brigade to start rolling? I am at a cross-roads.
I want to see a good show. I like vengeance... But I don’t want Britney getting any!!!
A floater getting HOH would actually stir up the house a bit. That would get the Brigade and Rachel/Brendon jacked up.
In Big Brother 6 everyone got involved. Which made for one of the greatest shows... But it is still early, and more people will be getting involved soon.
I am surprised there is an Endurance competition so early (3rd HOH) in the season? That might mean that other competitions have been rearranged, too. So... it might be different/BETTER?
Maybe BB has some openings for new criteria since their twist ended in Week 1. But Week 3 or sure by Week 4 the House will really start to open up. Floaters are going to have to start coming out of the wood-work.
I can’t wait to see the HOH and the Nominations tonight!
Love, Beefcake Howie
As Howie mentioned, on the CBS broadcast tonight, we'll see the culmination of the Endurance Comp, the Nomination Ceremony, DR sessions, and whatever storyline AGP decides to include in the limited time they've got for the tv broadcast.
West Coast BB Fans!
If you'd like to watch along with us on the east,
here's the link for the east coast feed.
If you'd like to watch along with us on the east,
here's the link for the east coast feed.
As with all BBDish Viewing parties, all the action happens inside the comment section. We'll begin publishing comments at 7:55pm eastern.
Let's get this party started! On with the show!! :) See you in the comment section!
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Great blog Howie!
Can't wait to see some DR's tonite!
Hello Lovely Caro, Genie, and all you beautiful dishers!
Hey JLuvs! :) Welcome to the Pahty! ;) Did you bring the guac?
Hello Caro, Howie and all dishers!! Very excited for tonight :)
Hi Carolyn! Hey dishers! I brought fresh homemade salsa! It's a bit spicy!
Good Evening to eneryone.
Happy Sunday Show!
Good Evening Carolyn, Genie, BB addicts
I feel like a tv only this weekend. I've seen almost no live feeds. Between work, 13 hrs. on Fri., and actually getting out and doing something no time. I saw the movie Salt on Sat., loved it.
Oh the irony, Brendon winning POV again. So much for the back door. I think noms will stay the same. He can't risk Rachel going up.
Let's see the end of this HOH and DRs :)
On with the show.
Hey everyone!!
Hi Everyone! What a mess this house is! :) Thanks for keeping me advised when to tune into the live feeds with the twitter updates, Carolyn!!
Hi Everyone! What a mess this house is! :) Thanks for keeping me advised when to tune into the live feeds with the twitter updates, Carolyn!!
Hey BB12Sunshine!! :)
Hi RhondaM! :) Yayyy for homemade salsa!! :)
Hi Machelle! :)
Hi Michigan Man!! :) Welcome back!
Yes girlfriend, I got the guac!!!
Good evening dishers!! Enjoy the show!
Hey Everybody
I'm here ready to watch the show and try to keep up with all your comments here!!
I wish I were fast enough to comment too! LOL
Hi RhondaM! Is the hubby better?
Hi Patriots Girl!! :) My pleasure! I try to always notify, but sometimes it gets too crazy to even hop off to do that. Always a good idea to just refresh periodically. :)
Hi Boquida!! :) Welcome to the Sunday Show Party!
Hello Carolyn and Company!!!!! Ready to watch...especially can't wait for Brittany's diary room comments.
JLuvs! Sweeeet! :)
Hi Smiley MOm!! :) You too!
Hi Janice! :) Yayyy!! Glad you made it!
Hi Lee!! :) Ready freddy!
Thanks for the blog Howie..
Hi Carolyn,
Hi everyone..
Happy Sunday night show...
Here we gooooo!!! :0)
Hi Everyone! Happy Sunday Show! I hope they show something that hasn't already been shown on AD! I'm ready for something good!
We worked on our new house all day today, it's almost ready for paint!! I'm so excited. Looks like it will be move in time sometime in September or earlier!
On with the Show!
Hi everybody, here's to some good DR, now just gotta rewind our brains.
Hi Pamela!! :) Happy Sunday Show Night! :)
Hi KScoot!! :) Happy Sunday Show! :0) Congrats on the house progress!
Hey Barbara! :0) Amen to good DR! The brain rewind.. That's always the toughest part!
Hello all...enjoy the show everyone!
jluvs - yes, he's finally feeling some relief. Thank you! ☺
Hi Heather in MN! :) Happy Sunday Show Night! Enjoy!!
RhondaM - I'm so glad to hear he's on the mend.
I always love it when a housemate makes a bonehead move and then justifies it with some cliche line about how they made the move for themselves and they're okay with it because they stayed true.
Chivalry is dead, Kathy. And you do suck at competitions. It's not you fooling people, dear. ;)
Hi All.....
Kristen that dive was just too obvious.
Does anyone else hate voiceovers that were clearly done well after the fact in the diary room? It's only compounded by the fact that Rachel is the one doing them. Ugh.
Hi everybody,
Kristin totally dove. And love Enzo's Joiseyness. He's totally channeling Frank Sinatra meets Al Bundy.
Hi Mattitude - :) Show some love, darlin'
Hi Didi!! :) Happy Show night! :0)
Oh Brendon, bleeding from every pore in your body? You did not just say that. big sigh...
I think Andrew looks adorable in those shorts!
Not liking Matt more and more....
Enzo is so funny- those shorts Andrew are wearing aren't kosher, lol!!
Um Matt seems to have the safest strategy. Why did Brendon and Enzo insist on hanging ten?!
Yuck....I can't stand Matt's DR sessions :P
Hey MONYC!! :) Yayyyy!! You're here!!
And they cut to commercial. I wonder what's gonna happen, LOL.
CARO! Hiya darling!
Mo - The HGs were told to choose their boards carefully.. If you notice, while Matt, Ragan and Andrew's boards are all relatively on an even plane, and have open space behind them, Brendon's board was at a horrible tilt, with no backspace at all.... and his stance didn't help either. ;)
Agreed MoNYC....and it must have been rough on their backs too. It did not look comfortable at all!
Boquida - LOL
wow they jumped off so fast. they should have been the have nots
I'm sorry, but that comp almost looks like it was made for Matt to win. It was all just too easy for him.
I think its only a matter of time before Matt's over-confidence and cockiness (not to mention the lies about his wife) come back to bite him in the tush.
Hey all! Better late than never!
I love my family, but they frustrate me. The first time I've been home for a show in a week, and I still can't watch yet. I'm always behind! :(
Evening friends! Hi Carolyn, Genie, and all of you fabulous BB folks! :)
This HOH comp feels like weeks ago already! Can't wait for the DRs!
Hi Jadaz!! :)
Hi Ekmurf!!! :) Holla at the roomies.. Hopefully I'll make it in at least once before season's over!
Hi With It! :) Having brain rewind difficulties?? ;)
Hi Carolyn!!
Tuchas! love it!
Hi Everyone! :)
I've often thought to myself I want to punch someone in the face but in a good way. ??
Didi - I got a giggle there too.
Lane: I want to punch you in the face but in a good way. LOL
Hey Michelle in IN! :)
Brendon: "Matt winning puts a huge target on our back. I just want to go be with Rachel and not talk to anyone."
Brendon? Your desire to isolate you and Rachel from everyone else... THAT'S why targets are constantly on your back. Be social instead of a two-headed monster!
I really hope Rachel gets out next week. I'm done with her.
Hi Genie
Hello to all!!! My name is Aleece and I'm in the great state of TX!!! This is my first time to comment but not to the site. I'm watching with my family who are TV onlys and I'm cracking up watching them try to figure out what's going to happen :) Thanks for the best site ever!!! Enjoy the show :)
Hi Aleece!! :) Thanks so much! Welcome to the comment section! I'm so glad you've decided to join us in here!
Hi Genie!! HUggggs!!
Hi all, I knew that Matt one but for some reason watching it ticks me off.
Late to the pahty but I'm here now! Hi Everyone! :)
EEK! My manners. Hi everybody!
Hello all! Can someone clear up if Ragan and Andrew are for or against Brendon and Racheal?
Hiya Pamela!! :)
Hiya Carooo!! Huggies :)
Hi Genie!!!
Yay - I love Jeff! Brendon you are no Jeff and Rachel you could never be a Jordan!
Britney said something nice in her DR!! :)
LOL@ Brtiney the Beverly Hillbilly!
Hi Aleece! I'm in Texas too :)
Hi OcalaRob! :))
Hi Merry!! :) Welcome!
Hi J! :)
OMG @ his letter...
Pfft, as a New Yorker (pronounced "Yawker"):
Enzo's English > Britney's English!!
NOBODY uses "reckon" here! Fuhgetaboutit!
Hiya Leeeee!! :)
Nooooooo that's why Andrew hasn't said anything...he believe him now!!!!! :(
Sorry, I was caught up in my last post lol...
I love, love, love this site and thanks to all that contribute. I get so much info and my constant fix. Being in Canada, it isn't worth it for me to have the feeds because of the time change. Did it a couple of years and I was an exhausted, back-logged girl :)
You are ALL awesome!
Evening, dishers!
Happy Sunday Viewing Party!
I am watching from my hospital room still! :(
I am feeling better though! My levels are up and I am done with the heparin, but my hemaglobin dropped overnight so they need to recheck those levels in the morning.
My family is making me stay with family for a week or two so I have to get a wireless internet card from Verizon Wireless. I understand that they run $60-80 a month which is fine, but can I get it for just a month or do I need to sign a 2 year contract? Verizon is my cell phone provider already. Any information any of you have will be greatly appreciated it.
Oy Vey Andrew!!!
Andrew don't believe him!! Andrew will find out at some point Matt's lying and at least he will know his first instinct was correct, which was to not believe him.
Oh Matt...I almost had a tear in my eye when you were reading your letter...and then you brought up the lie...sympathy gone!
Hi Sparklin!! :) Thank you!!
Hi Toni!! :) I'm so glad you made it! And very happy to hear you're feeling better!
Ugh *and the Enzo (mental) stiffy deflates* with the "Bros before ho's" line. :(
Mo - Ditto.. Sadly, I've been waiting for that pathetic line since the show started...
Thanks Caro! :)
Hmmmm... I missed the Brigade's convo about Hayden the other night -- that certainly paints a picture huh? They are paying attention to him and are careful what they say about Kristen in front of him.
I do wonder - who he is more aligned with. In his DR he said the Brigade but wanted to keep Kristen too --- when it comes right down to it who will he choose?
I think Matt thinks he's Johnny Fairplay from Survivor???
Andrew and his sexy legs :)
I am so ova the Brenden/Rachel thing. I was so impressed with him week 1, now I can't stand the both of them. Too bad. He is a cutie!
Poor Andrew.
I love this bit on Andrew walking in on Rachel and Brenden! LOL That is funny!
Toni!!! So happy to see you!!!
Oh good grief! Straddling Brendon cutting his hair...who does that?
Wonder how his school feels about his escapades?
This whole Brendon/Rachel thing is Week 1 footage.. From before she was HoH
Also, since I'm confessing my likes/dislikes, I dislike Brittany's pettiness, but she does have a fun sense of humor!!!
Rachel- what else are you going to do? How about not flaunting your "relationship" in front of everyone. Why exactly are you two on Big Brother? Obviously they are not here to play the game!
Britney and Lane are hilarious.
Lane cracks me up! Wasn't my favorite in the beginning but I am really starting to like him.
Whatever, they just edited it like Rachel and Brendan are trying at all to be discreet. I love Andrew for interrupting them! AND I love the Brit & Lane "role play!"
Lane's DRs crack me up! "I role played back in Texas, mostly w/ horses..."
LOL @ Andrew vacuuming around Brenchel
Evening everyone! :)
Lane - "I love roleplay, I used to role play back home, mostly with cows and horses!"
ahhh Poor Andrew, being uncomfortable with B&R 'affections in bed' ~ how rude!
and... lmao at Enzo, not much of a player, but he IS entertaining.
and...Lane? Role playing with a bull/horse? hahahahahaha ~ too cute!
LOL @ Enzo: a bootleg piece of lettuce.
Hey NCMomof3! :) Welcome back!!
Love this edit of Andrew with Brendon and Rachel...
He's so funny with the vacumn...
And that music again, lol.
Lane & Brit are too funny with the role playing....
I am trying very hard not to laugh over Britney and Lane dialoguing to Rachel and Brendon. My lung still has the clot and pneumonia on it. Sigh...
Glad you're doing better Toni. Cricket has a broadband card that only costs $40 and there is no contract. I have one that I simply activate when I need to.
And we all know how the diabolical genius's plan worked don't we?
I'm afraid Brit would have a field day with me and my speech. I have several accents, speech patterns at different times all combined having lived in different locations. I have Jersey, Boston, PA (yeah they have one), and now NC southern!
Michelle in IN - I think it actually did... I don't think he wanted to remove the biggest targets from the house just yet...
Toni gentle hugs for you!
Hi Rose!! :) Welcome!
Hi Caro, Genie, and fellow dishers :)
Watching the show and wishing the tv only viewers knew what we know.
Sigh. If it weren't for diary room footage I'm not sure I could handle the Sunday show...
Hope everyone is having a great night. It's been a stormy day here in Delaware.
LOL at Michelle!
Very true Carolyn, the target is off him for possibly 2 weeks.
Britney has her annoying moments, but she's really starting to grow on me! I think she just has a really sarcastic personality, and Monet brought out her catty side...
I had a thought, I wonder if Matt and Stacy developed some kind of code or something. Back in Evil Dick's rein, wasn't there a letter from his son or something coded? Well couldn't Stacy do something like that, or even in the products she chose to send him send a message to him? I mean he does think "out side the box" to some extent?
Hi Janeen! I'm glad you made it in! The Sunday Show has always been 3 steps above slow torture for feed watchers... Diary Rooms are the only thing that save it.
Oh no! Rachel even has the kissy lips in her pic on the memory wall.
NCMom - yup! exactly!!
I am rollin on the floor over Andrew vacuuming around B/R!!!
Hi everyone,
I wanted to jump in quickly to say hello. My son was using the laptop for his English homework. I have it back now and I'll start getting caught up.
Hi Aimeee!! :0) Glad you made it!
Heather...I agree about Britney. She is growing on me, too. Especially without Monet egging her on! Her and Lane are quite the pair...
NCMom...that thought popped in my head, too. I was thinking she wrote it like that on purpose to go along with the lie.
I can't stand when people wear winter caps in the hot summer! LOL
OMG, having to listen to Matt, this is the first episode of BB that I have not enjoyed. My hubby doesn't watch and walked by and said who is that obnoxious idiot when Matt was doing one of his boring DR sessions, lol. Good for my hubby, great judge of character.
Carolyn, it occurred to me when he replied about the shot glass. He hesitated a bit and said (and this might not be exact) "um, that was from when we got married" and the only picture of her seemed to be older, nothing of new. Just seemed odd the pictures he had.
Andrew: TNT blowin' up in your face Matt.
I hope we don't lose Andrew! :)
Have a great week, all! See ya Wednesday! :)
Ha! Even in the end credits, in slo-mo, Andrew walks in on Brendon and Rachel.
Lol! "three steps above slow torture"
I'll be saving that for future use.
Was too late to watch the show East Coast style ;0
Did skim through the afternoon blog and saw more discussion regarding Ragan being a professor at Cal State Long Beach. One of my son's friends went to Cal State Long Beach and Ragan was her professor so she is rooting for him! She commented on my FB yesterday or Friday to tell me!
What a small world . . .
Andrew is cracking me up. And I have always been on the Brittney bandwagon. I think she's hilarious.
I still think it so hilarious that the Brogade talks right in front of people and they don't see/hear it, hehe.
We're hanging here for a while guys... Don't get all shy thinking there's a new top post about to scoop your comment.
So earlier today on feeds Brenden and Rachel were in the Cabana room having a "lesson" as Rachel put it and Ragan walked in and she asked him if he wanted to give her one in what he "taught".
Did I miss something? Did he tell them he is a professor at some point?
LOL Caro!
I think my favorite moments from tonight's show as the impersonation of Britney and Lane. It was so spot on and felt so natural and actually funny not mean, if that makes any sense?
I have enjoyed my very first viewing party and can't wait to be back for more...time for my Leverage fix then back to the feeds. Later ya'll!!!
I must have missed this but can anyone tell me what the tat on Ragan's arm says? Also, is the a good pic of it anywhere?
what really surprises me tonight s tat lane has more of a personality than I have seen online.
Thanks fellow dishers!! :) Your comments and the feeds have kept me quite entertained while I wait here on the west coast for our "live" show! The conversation that's been ongoing with Enzo, Brittany and sometimes Hayden has been a have to catch it from the beginning of the 5:00 hour.
See you again soon!
I'll be back, going to go watch True Blood!
Have fun!!!
Funny conversation on feeds, Enzo trying to convince Britney to hire a manager so she can be famous, her response is first she has to plan a wedding then when he persists, she says it would be neat to do a voice over for an animated film, no need to get dressed up. Enzo sounds like he is for real which makes me think that he expects some major action to come his way as a result of being on the show, good luck with that, lol.
Later, JLuvs! :)
Hey PatriotsGirl :) Glad you popped in! :) Thanks for the heads up about Enzo/Britney on the feeds! :)
OcalaRob - He's pretty funny at times, especially with the zingers...
Janeen - Not I! And I've been keeping my eyes peeled for a close up!
ABR - I'm so glad! :)
Barbara :) That was funny!
NCMOM - He's told them that he's a grad student, and as such, does teach.
I am really over Matt. I lost everything for him when he lied about his wife. I would never claim that one of my loved ones was ill. Karma can be bad, what if you lie about something and then it really happens...
...The brigade guys are going to be MAD (as well as the other houseguest) when they realize he lied about something so serious!!
Britney is starting to grow on me too. Still liking Kristen. I am in disbelief that Kathy or Andrew have to go home!!
I4GIT - It seems that she's quite in on it...
Janeen, go back to the post before this one and look in the comments section. I dug up the tatoo quote and its English translation. If you can't find it let me know and I will post it again.
Hello Carolyn and dishers,
Hated Enzo`s bros before ho`s comment.
That phrase has always made my blood boil.
Barbara - Could you please post it again?
Hey Marie Andree :) Me too!
Hi Carolyn and Dishers! I have to wait almost two hours to watch the West Coast version, thats okay - they tell us all the secrets since we have to wait for the show . . . there are HG's coming back, there are twists that the East Coast wouldn't believe, there is actually another house that we get to see where there are another group of 12 people playing the game! jk
I just read Ragan's profile on the CBS website, it just says professor. I am glad someone clued me in to which college he teaches at! I always thought that would be weird watching someone you know on a reality tv show.
How long ya'll hangin in?
Carolyn :) Wasn't that letter from Matt's wife amazing. He tried to play it off in the DR session like it was a coincidence but it was so obvious she is in on the scam, I mean come on no full length picture so he doesn't have to explain her legs look fine. Not only does Matt think the HG's are bozos but apparently he feels the same about America.
Thanks Barbara :) I'll look for it and if you can repose I'd appreciate it.
Hi Steph! :) lol @ the west coast fake spoiler. ;p I'm gonna hang in til 11 eastern i think...
but unless something explodes on the feeds, we'll be hiding here in this comment section, chilling together.
It's a Sunday night tradition. ;)
Lessa will be on at 11pm BBT with a late night update.
Ok, I'm caught up for now. I still don't like Matt. He's too cocky without the personality of Will or even ED.
Also, I could love Brittney if she would stop being so mean to Andrew.
And I'm with every one else. I'm tired of Rachel and Brendon. I'd like Rachel to go home next week, if only so I don't have to listen to her and her DR's.
I know that was a little mean. I'm sorry.
My z sticks on my laptop - I am not a happy camper . . .
Barbara - Definitely... The wife has to be in on it.
Yeah Carolyn, I get that his wife is in on the "lie"...but still, that is just horrible in my opinion.
My pleasure folks :)
Ragan's tattoo and translation
"Quelquefois un reve est ce qui vous fait un esclave"
It means "Sometimes a dream is what makes you a slave"
It is from a song called Sometimes A Dream by Liz Phair
Carolyn, if you want a link to the lyrics I have that as well. Hunted this down doing a google search.
Hey Everyone, I have to say, I think Ragan will take this to the end. The Brigade will self distruct and the showmance X 2 will not see what hit them when Raganomics take hold...That's Ragan!
From the sound of that letter I do believe that Matt's wife is in on his little lie. They could have concocted the lie together!!
Barbara :) Merci Bien!
Break Point instead of Point Break LOL
Andrew: TNT blowin' up in your face Matt.
That goes so well with my tribute to our current HOH.
My name is Wilie E. Coyote Super Genius
Hey Janice :) YUP!!
Hi Propfan! :) Nice to see you again! Your vote for Ragan is duly noted. ;)
I don't know who mentioned it, but Matt's wife appears to be real. That pic is her facebook picture and she makes a comment regarding his band and finding a husband. Though she clearly does not want to be public, so it you want anything else you are on your own.
I listened to his band and I liked it much more than I expected. They call themselves Drunk Punk. I don't know what other kind of punk there is, frankly. They are more like pop punk. Punk with a catchy melody. Matt is the lead singer. He's good, though he can't sing.
LOL @ Michigan Man!
I'm afraid we're going to have to call the fashion police on Andrew again tonight!!!
I see we have a lot of Rachel fans in BBDish. Can someone explain to me what the allure is there? Is it the showmance? I think she's a nice girl (honestly, so far she doesn't seem like a mean girl) but I see in her a lot of qualities that make people dislike someone like Matt so much: she lies quite a bit (take the Kristen/Monet vote thing, which she even lied to Brendon about) and she is extremely cocky, I think even more so than Matt, she just conveys it a little differently. I don't like the way she plays the game (wanting to keep Monet because she'll "play the f___ing game" over Matt, who they even admit is playing the hell out of the game too- then wanting to keep Kathy over Andrew because she thinks he's "mean" to her). I see a lot of inconsistencies in what she says vs what she does, and even what she says vs what she says two minutes later. Also, it's annoying how she concentrates so much on how their season is viewed rather than let the drama unfold organically (as Ragan told her). I guess I just needed to vent because I haven't been commenting this season, and it really surprises me how much support she has, when my friends and I can barely stand to watch her- between her horrible game play and her nonstop chatter about her showmance (like the other HGs, I have to run away whenever she starts talking about Brendon...) She's easily my most disliked HG now that Monet is gone. And I so wanted to love her as someone born & bred in Vegas myself, and because as I said before, I don't think she is a mean girl at all.
One thing I do love about her: The way she refuses to call other women our rule #5 :) As a WMST minor, I feel a huge relief when other women stick to that rule in their everyday life- and it's the big reason why I choose BBDish over other BB sites.
I would like to Answer Andrew's questions about Keanu Reeves. The first movie I remember him in was The River's Edge. He was also in Parenthood and then Bill and Ted's Awesome Adventure.
Yes, I am a fan.
Sidenote: Brittney is wrong again. Kaysar was on All Stars. I wish she would quit that.
Okay, here is my take on the so called kissie face that is made often by women. If you hold your face a certain way and do the kissie face, it makes your checkbones stand out more and makes you look slimmer. It is the same thing as women standing with one foot in front of the other, in a way, this trickery makes the female look slimmer.
The other thing is actually dieting and working out - this really helps to make one slimmer! And no, I am not one of those that are slim. But that is okay. I am going to the gym, swimming and eating right. It is about time, but hey, I am making a go of it!
Carolyn :) You are welcome!!!!! I have a picture that I downloaded that shows it pretty well, if you want it just tell me how to send it to you.
Hayden's birthday is on my anniversary.
Speaking of Matt, he also lied about his age. That one I'm not clear on at all.
Hey Carolyn, How can I reach you in private? I have a question for you.
Hi Ella :)
Nice to see you. In the future, if you've got a lot to say, please insert the occasional paragraph break.
It's make your posts much easier to read, and therefor, much more likely to be read.
Remember when BB had that lame date night construct for BB8 Mike?
Watching the feeds - Doesn't anyone tell the BB HG's that California is on a water shortage and to sweep your patios and not use a hose??? Shame on him for wasting water!
Does anyone know if that is even real grass or is it fake?
I guess Andrew only got a warning. He changed from the blue socks with his flip flops to his tennis shoes.
Hey Janice :) YUP!!
Hi Propfan! :) Nice to see you again! Your vote for Ragan is duly noted. ;) dishchicks at yahoo dot com.
Stephanie :) I think it's fake grass...
MG - Hey you!! :)
Getting rid of Mo last week was the best thing that could of happened to the feeds. Brit is so funny and pleasant now.
Enzo "God's vagina is B-B-Q sauce" What?!?! Where does he come up with this stuff?
Geez all this commenting talk about diets and such, I couldn't take it any more so just put a batch of brownies in the oven. Be out in about 45 minutes, anybody care for some? Will send them out by virtual airwaves, lol :))))
Barbara, my mouth is watering at the very thought!
ahhh. luckily i just went for a run so bloodflow hasn't fully regulated back to my stomach haha... the things i would do for some sweets right now..
Hey Shannon :)
Everyone -
I'm shuttin' it down early tonight, so I can wake up extra early, do the overnight, and get a decent workout in before they wake up...
They're waking them so early this season!
Don't forget! Lessa starts up at `11pm BBT :)
Nitey nite, dishers! :) Thanks for hangin'!
okay, I have a question I have been wanting to ask but I have been putting it off.
I have heard Ragan and Kristin saying that they want things in the house to happen "organically" And I saw a commenter use that term tonight.
Do they mean naturally? Or is tere a difference?
Can someone please explain?
Night Caro! Check in sometime tomorrow!
Good Night the rest of my Dishers!!!
You can send a virtual brownie this way Barbabra :)
Night Carolyn, sleep well.
Gn Caro, sleep well. I just checked on my headset and they are scheduled to be delivered on 7/28 and I will still be with family. I am hoping I can schedule a dr's appt. for that day and pick them up. :D
Well, Rachel is telling stories of receiving expensive gifts in Vegas. Either she is lying or Brendon better watch out.
Tonight's episode basically epitomized why I dislike Rachel: Her acting like Andrew had no right to be in the room with them- what was that all about?
This is why the HGs (and almost everyone I know IRL) can't stand this particular showmance: they have no problem making everyone else uncomfortable. Hayden & Kristen go out of their way to keep everything under wraps, but much like Jeff and Jordan, it's more than that: They don't want to exclude anyone, and they keep it super classy. I just don't get why Rachel can't see how uncomfortable she makes everyone not only when she makes out with Brendon in a shared room (and then acts like Andrew is annoying her) but when she talks about him nonstop.
Also, I don't know if I can handle one more drunk DR session where she's YELLING AT THE CAMERA!!
@Toni, BestBuy sells the Virgin Mobile broadband USB connector which is available on a pay as you go basis.
Approx. 9:40-9:45 camera 3 Regan puts on Rachel's one piece bathing suit. Screencap/flashback must but I don't know how to do screencaps.
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