BB12: Early Sunday & Hurricane Rachel
Good Morning BB Dishers! :)
Phew! It's not even 24 hours since Rachel made her reappearance on the live feeds, and already the house is in turmoil!
Like any hurricane that snaps things up that are not secured and uproots things from their foundations, Rachel's 24 hour visit has already done some significant damage. In the wake of a couple of shattering arguments with Ragan and Britney, and some critical conversations with Hayden and Enzo, Matt and Britney are Public Enemy #1 in the house. Rachel's visit, along with the volatile energy in the house, has served to wedge the growing rift in the Brigade into a gaping chasm. Britney's life in the game was already in jeopardy before the tumultuous visit, but now it's tenable at best.
The fact that this has happened before replacement nominations is crucial. Whether Rachel has the opportunity to talk to Brendon or not (and I side with not), Hayden, Enzo and Kathy are determined to tell Brendon everything and to sway him in putting Britney up as a replacement when Ragan takes himself down with the PoV.
If you want a complete guide through the first hours of Rachel's explosive visit, please refer to the following:
What new devastation will the day bring? Will Brendon come back before Rachel leaves? Who will get through these 24 hours unscathed? Who will get to Brendon first when he does come back, and how will it affect the game? Join us, right here on BBDish to find out! :)
8: 24 AM BBT
Enzo wakes up, goes to the bathroom, and returns to bed.
8: 40 AM BBT
Wakey, Wakey House Guests! You have to get up and batten down the hatches!
8: 55 AM BBT
They're up! Sort of.
- Ragan and Britney replace their batteries and hop into bed back in the Insect Room where Matt is still buried under the covers.
- Enzo and Hayden are still passed out in Taj
Rachel and Kathy are up and perky. Rachel is making breakfast and Kathy finishes drying her hair and joins Rachel in the kitchen. They are chit chatting, speculating about where Brendon is. BB says, "You're Welcome." Rachel says, "Thank You." (**They played a Vegas song this morning). They further speculate what the reason would be for BB to bring her back in the house. They decide that Brendon is probably not in the Jury House, because BB wouldn't want him to see it, yet.
Kathy is telling her about the last PoV Competition and the Robot who hosted it.
Rachel: I need to think of a creative way to tell Brendon what to do without writing... I need to tell him.
Kathy: That's a good idea, if you don't get to see him.
Rachel: That's what they told me what to do. But I don't know how. I'm so lost. How do you tell someone without writing. I don't think you're supposed to spell something with clothes.
Kathy: I don't think you can... I'll go have a cigarette and think of something.
They go outside.
Kathy: I can tell him if you want.
Rachel: Matt has been going around the house stirring things in the house. He's the reason me and Kristen turned on each other...
She reinforces the belief that Matt is the root of all the happenings in the house. She says she doesn't trust Britney, but she thinks Matt is key to get out this week.
Rachel: I think Lane needs to stay in the house.
Kathy: I don't know where he stands.
Rachel: I don't know either....
Kathy: Enzo told me last night, "I believe everything that Rachel says. She has no reason to lie. She didn't even tell me." And I said I feel sorry for Rachel. I said I'm not here to make up stuff...
Rachel: I don't even believe Enzo is the Saboteur...
They start talking about the psychiatrist and we get bubbled.
Feeds come back and their laughing...
Rachel: And make sure that you tell him, I don't want to see him for another 30 days. I miss him, but I don't want to see him.
Kathy: (Unintelligible)
Rachel: And if he can win every PoV if he's on the block
Kathy: You are in a point where you have two options. Given up something for something else, and to be honest with you... (**I don't understand what she's saying...)
Rachel: Last night it hurt. Like I was missing a part of me. And I felt that way for the past few days.
Kathy: He's feeling the same. I'll tell him what you told me.
Rachel: I think I'll take the pink elephant.
Kathy: I think it's his niece's...
Talk turns to stuffed animals and the finale. Rachel says they only get one guest each for it and we get..... you guessed it! Bubbled.
Rachel asks Kathy if her mom would be hurt if she asked her sister to come. Kathy tells her, that her mom will be hurt. That it's important to have her mom there. Rachel agrees and says her sister would come anyway.
Kathy: Your mom is your mom.
Rachel: My mom will be so hurt by the way I acted on the show.
Kathy: I don't think so... (**planes)
They go inside. Rachel starts on preparing breakfast and Kathy goes to see what her roommates are doing. She tells Enzo that Rachel said Brendon didn't show up, and she gets back in bed.
The mystery is solved!
Rachel was brought into the house to cook for them while they all sleep.... heh
9:42 AM BBT
BB: Rachel. Please go to the Diary Room. (What do you have up your sleeve now BB?)
Rachel asks Kathy to watch the hash browns.
Kathy: It's scary, but I'll do it.
Sous Chef in Action!
Rachel comes out a few moments later. Rachel tells her she has to talk to someone and do some other stuff. Rachel asks her if she can handle it, and Kathy says she can't cook. Rachel goes to get Lane. They exchange pleasantries on their way up to HoH.
9: 53 AM BBT
Lane & Rachel
Rachel: How come we didn't get a chance for us to become friends in the game.
Lane: I don't know because once me and Britney got connected... I guess I distanced myself but I never was against all ya'll
Rachel: I always liked you and respected you... I didn't get it. I thought you didn't want to be my friend. I had never put you up or anything...
Lane: I consider you my friend.... In the house the way I play it might look like I'm against ya'll... When the votes came..
Rachel: Brendon and I asked you to specifically vote for Brendon... What made everyone decide what you decided.
Lane: When Brendon said he had 3 votes... and I said I would be the 4th person... But in the every end. I found out he didn't have those votes and I didn't want to stick out.
Rachel: I get that no-one wanted to vote against the house.. but I don't understand why the house wanted be out of the house over Brendon.
Lane: They considered you a stronger competitor...
Rachel: I guess, I want to ask you why I should vote for you if you make it to Final 2. What's your game strategy.
Lane: I guess it's not my time. I don't know.
Rachel: You beat Kristin, but I was super fast.,
Lane: It's getting closer and closer. I don't know why I'm not winning these competitions... I'm not throwing competitions. (He goes through them)
Rachel: Are you the Saboteur?
Lane: No. I swear...
Rachel: I thought you were the Saboteur. People were telling me last week that though you promised Brendon to vote for me and people told me that you wanted me out....
Lane: I swear on anything you want, I'm not the Saboteur.. I've heard Britney was doing this stuff weeks ago.
Rachel: I thought you were the Saboteur because you were such a chill guy that you wouldn't cause drama. I thought that was not Lane's personality.
Lane: That could be my downfall... The thing with Britney...
They go on to compare notes about what Britney said and didn't say... Lane says that it's come to their attention that Matt was doing Shady stuff.
Rachel: He told Kristin and Hayden that Brendon and I were gunning for them. We didn't tell him. We wouldn't tell someone like Matt, we wouldn't tell anyone who would we put up the block.... Between Matt and Britney... they are both causing drama. I know a lot of people are saying that I'm causing drama but it takes two people to cause drama.
Lane: Britney will hide behind her shell
Rachel: And she will cry
Lane: You and Brendon are smart players and you're catching ontp stuff that the rest of us didn't... and you were right. We should have seen it a long time ago.
Rachel: What I don't understand why nobody wanted to be on our side... We wanted to work with people. Brendon and I wanted to be friends in the house. Of course you wanted to split us up... The people we didn't like were Matt, Britney and Ragan. They were the ones mean to us. They were the ones turning everyone against us.
Lane: We didn't team up with ya'll because of what they told us. We thought we would be back-stabbed if we talked to ya'll.
Rachel: I told Matt every single move when he volunteered to be a pawn.... I called his moves before he did them. The week he didn't put us up, he told us he would put up Brendon as a replacement... Everything that we've done, our backs have been against the wall. The only option we had was to fight or win or we would be going home. We didn't have the time to make friends.
Lane: When you said that people in the house hated you. I know I didn't hate you. The whole game is a lie and you have been a victim of this..
Rachel: That's why I'm back to call out people... Ragan says he wants to play the game with integrity but he is scheming with Britney and Matt.
This is ongoing.... RAchel emphasizes that Brendon is a really nice person with a big heart and advises Lane to get to know him. She says she is sure that Brendon put him on the block to insure that whoever else he put up would go home. Rachel tells him that Matt was in her ear telling her that Hayden and Kristin were coming after her and Brendon. She admits they were stupid for believing him and wishes she had back-doored Matt. She also emphasizes that Ragan threw the two HoH competitions to Matt. When his back was against the wall, Ragan tore up the competition (PoV). Talk turns to Britney. Rachel urges Lane not to trust her.
Lane: I'm not (stupid). I know I can't get anywhere in the game with Britney.
We get Bubbles and when the feeds come back, they amicably end their conversation.
9:21 M BBT
Britney is telling Lane that Matt told her to throw him under the bus to Brendon. That he knows he has the votes against Lane and will be the one to take Brendon out. Lane says he thinks Brendon is not going to put Britney up. Britney asks if she should go suck up to Rachel. Lane says no, Rachel wants Matt gone. Britney is concerned that Rachel will tell Brendon about her confrontation with Britney.
Britney: Matt keeps saying. "I have the votes. I have the votes." But I don't know where he is getting the votes.
They both agree that Matt is doing shady stuff and trying to fish for information.
Ragan is up and passes by to use the washroom ending the conversation.
Rachel is upstairs doing her make-up.
Breakfast no doubt might be burned.
10: 30 AM BBT
Ragan goes into Jumanji and asks Lane about his conversation with Rachel. Lane gives him very little information, telling him that Rachel asked him why they weren't friends and that she was never gunning after him. He also says that she told him he should watch out for Matt, Ragan and Britney. Ragan says he's tempted to stay in his room until 3 today.
10: 45 AM BBT
BB: Rachel. Please go to the Diary Room.
11:17 AM BBT
All feeds still on Ragan and Lane chatting, chatting, chatting. Rachel was in Taj with Kathy but the feeds have stayed put.
11: 22 PM BBT
Ragan: Disgusting human being.
Britney: Disgusting.
He goes in for water. Rachel greets him. He mimics her. And bubbles
Bubbles come back. Kathy has joined Ragan and Britney outside. They are talking about Rachel. Nothing new to report. The interesting thing about this conversation, that Kathy is no longer participating in trashing Rachel. Kathy leaves and goes to Lane, Hayden and Enzo telling them that Rachel's gone. Kathy has the HoH key.
Kathy: She's gone. She left a message for Brendon to tell him who to take out.
11: 45 AM BBT
Cam 1&2
Ragan is telling Britney how much he hates Rachel etc.
Cam 3& 4
Kathy, Enzo & Hayden sleeping.
12:06 PM BBT
Enzo, Hayden, Lane & Kathy are up.
Enzo and Hayden go to the kitchen. They spy Ragan and Britney outside and say they're game talking. This leads to a quick Brigade meeting in the Cabana.
Lane tells them everything Rachel told him and what Britney said in the Cabana earlier (reported). They say the need to decide whether they want Britney or Matt out.
12:19 PM BBT
- Hayden is doing is doing dishes. Kathy is puttering around the kitchen.
- Ragan tells Matt that there will 1138 hours in the house as of Thursday. He says it's not that they have anything to worry about because Brendon can't compete.
- Matt comes out to the kitchen repeatedly saying that there is such a calmness in the house now. No one comments. His Brigade members are unresponsive to his presence.
12:36 PM BBT
Brendon is back through the HoH door. He tells them he had a massage with no happy ending. The others tell him that Rachel was there. His response is not one of surprise. (**Reinforcing that maybe he saw her?) He is about to tell him what happened and we get bubbled... (*Evil Glare @ Skippy and all his spawn)
12: 36 PM BBT
Feeds back
- Ragan and Britney are sunning by the pool.
- Kathy is having a smoke.
- Lane is doing push-ups.
- No sign of Brendon.
Brendon, Hayden & Enzo
They are telling him about the fight between Britney and Rachel.
Hayden: Someone's making sh*t up.
Enzo: It might be Matty...
Brendon: I'll tell you something. Britney didn't tell me directly but she insinuated.
Brendon asks about Ragan and Rachel, if the patched things up. Hayden and Enzo say they sort of did. Talk turns to Britney's goodbye message and her being shady.
Brendon: My biggest concern is Lane coming after me next week.
Hayden: Naw. You're cool.
More talk about the Saboteur fuster cluck.
Britney comes in.
Britney: Hey... What's up?
Enzo: We're just talking.
Britney: I want to know everything...
Bubbles. When the feeds come back they go everywhere but HoH. (*Skippy...)
12: 58 PM BBT
Brendon is telling them about his exit from the house. He was blind-folded in the car and Skippy takes objection to this line of conversation....
Britney: She slept up here.
Enzo: Yeah, it was an interesting night. Definitely crazy.
Brendon: I have a few beers and some wine, and I passed out... So how did she say her CBS interview with Julie Chen went.
Britney: She told me all the questions were about you.
Enzo: It was probably good you weren't here. All that drama.
Britney: I told her she probably wouldn't see you. She told me to tell you that she loves you and missed you.
Brendon: I hope she gets the letter I left her.
Britney tells Brendon about Rachel's fight with Ragan but that she thinks they patched things up. Enzo and Britney both say it was the worst fight this season.
Enzo: But the good thing is they squashed it.
Enzo leaves and Britney is making it sound like she and Rachel had a great time together in the house.
Brendon: When I found the letter, and I found out she wouldn't be here.... (Bubbles)
When we get back Britney emphasizes that she did not tell Rachel that Enzo is the Saboteur. She says she thinks that someone is going around saying stuff.
Brendon: I think Ragan for sure.
Britney: No.
Brendon: Who do you think put something in her ear?
She won't answer. She says she can think of only one person but she won't say. She tells him for the 4th time since she came up that Rachel told her to tell him that she misses him and loves him. They talk about how great it is to be outside. She says she doesn't want to put words in Rachel's mouth but Rachel wanted someone out this week.
Brendon goes on to explain again his reasons for putting up Lane and Ragan, wanting to see them compete. Since he has said this multiple times, there is no reason to transcribe. Britney tells him she is probably winning HoH next week and she has promised not to put him up...(*Truth or lie only time and circumstance will tell) Brendon says he doesn't feel he can trust Ragan and Matt. Britney is pushing that Ragan's fight with Rachel was very bad, and downplaying her fight with Rachel. Brendon finally says he would love for Britney to win HoH next week...
1: 24 PM BBT
BB: Brendon. Please go to the Diary Room. (*So you can find your clue.)
Britney joins the rest by the pool. Ragan asks her about it and she says they were mostly talking about his time away from the house. Ragan starts again on his usual spiel.
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Just in case you didn't see this in the mammoth Overnight Report... :)
Good Morning, Terri! :) Thank you!!
Good Morning, MInta! :)
Good Morning, ltcmek :) Thank you so much! :)
Good Morning, RubyRooo! :) Thank you, honey! I did! He's so yummy! And, he's Isabela's baby brother. She's 2 now...
Good Morning, Deb! :) Thank you! :) mmmm :) baby smell!
Good Morning, CurlerChick! :) Thank you!!
Good Morning, Dom's Mom! :) Happy Sunday! :)
Good Morning, Kevin! :)
Good Morning, Pyke! :)
Good Morning, Kassie! :)
Good Morning, DavidB! :) Welcome back to the world. ;)
Good MOrning, NCMomOf3! :) Thank you so much! :)
Good Morning, Kristin! :) Thank you!
Good morning, BigWigg! :) Thank you! :)
Good morning, GayTor! :) hehehehehe!! Thanks again SO MUCH fo rthe heads up yesterday!! MWAH!
Goood MOrning, LisaM! :)
Good Morning, Johnny5! :)
Good Morning, Pam! :) Thank you! I did!! :)
Good Morning, Grendon!:)
Good Morning, Mike! :)
Good Morning, Toni!! :) Thank you!!!
ok... time to hit the gym. Genie's on the morning report. I'll be back shortly. xoxox
carolyn congratulations!
genie if you're out there, great job in a pinch last night.
i love this blog and this game.
brendon puts up matt, he "promised" not to bd brit, and i think he stays the course.
however, as caro noted, brit is in big trouble. putting up matt, as brendon is sure to do, puts in play the dpov. matt takes down himself and lane and puts up kathy and brit. as matt wants to show loyalty to the brigade.
brit joins rachel in the jury house.
that's how i see it.
Hi Genie! I was going to comment in the last post, but decided to put it here . Did you all see Kathy kissing Rachel's butt last night?
Kathy: " oh Rachel, Brendon was doing the HOH for you" (paraphrasing)
Rachel:' I misee Brendon so much"
Kathy: "oh Rachel, he misses you ,too"
Kathy:(whispering)"Oh Rachel, I think you will win the $25,000 (America's Choice)"
me: "oh, Kathy, give it up" *gag*
Afternoon Genie, have a good workout Carolyn, howdy Dishers
Since the POV was played and done before I went to work last night I figured nothing much was going to happen. Around 9pm my time last night I checked just to see and there it was, Rachel is Back. WTH!! Started reading and thought this will be fun to read. Then I saw that you weren't going to be blogging it. NOOOOOO!!!
It was a rough couple of hours until I could get home and watch some of it unfold and watch FB.
I'll forgive though Genie. You are one of the three hardest working bloggers in BB fan land and you do deserve a break every once in a while. Just don't let it happen again :) j/k
I like the fact that Brendon is not in the house right now. We don't have to be subjected to non-stop Brenchel smooching in HOH.
Please Rachel. Please, please please, do yur best to help brit and get Matt on the block.
And then within in the next 6 hrs please, please, please leave and never come back
Congrats Caro!!
Good MOrning, Jane :) Thank you!!
Good Morning, MIchigan Man! :) hehehe.. duly noted! ;)
Good morning, Charley! :) Nope! For once, I was 1st! lol!
Good morning, LisaM! :) yup.
Good morning, LScott! :) Thank you!!
And then after matt's up, Brigade please, please, please turn on him so that he puts Enzo up and out on eviction night!
Is it me or does this group of Houseguest think too much..I mean they'er always talking about past seasons and not just playing the game as itis???
*Sticking my head in while I can!*
Thank you for all the sweet compliments last night! Much appreciated :)
Good morning everyone!
Forgive me if this question has been asked and answered; I'm a little behind this morning as I was catching up on Pillars of the Earth.
If Brendon does put up Matt and Matt replaces himself with Kathy (he only gets one, right?), I think they will vote out Kathy. Do you think Enzo, Hayden and Lane will gravitate back to Matt thinking his "weirdness" was due to the power and forgive his seeming "betrayal"?
Kathy may be the best smoke blower in history, and I'm not talking about cigs. It's pointless to talk game with her because she will always tell you what you want to hear. It's really incredible!
If you were HOH and told her you really wanted to put up Kathy, she would completely agree and give reasons why its a good idea.
Did I just hear Rachel say she wants Matt to go home?
Can Matt take both people off, or just one?
I'm not ready for Britney to go home yet!!!
lscott -- Think the DPOV only allows Matt to take one player off and replace with one other player.
The double was the Coup d'etat. Right?
If it is only one, Matt will put Kathy up and she's gone.
Oops ... Morning Genie and thanks again!
Argh! I have become as paranoid and neurotic as the houseguests!
Rachel and the Brigade both want Matt on the block, if anyone can screw this up its Brendan. But if Rachel leaves it up to Kathy to tell him who nows if she'll tell him the truth
Morning LScott! :) Thank you! :)
Morning Lisa! :)
Morning Charlie! :)
Morning MM!! :) Heh Thanks! :)
Morning Johnny :)
Morning Jane!! :)
Morning Aimee! :) Who knows? A lot of IF factors :)
Morning BiggWigg! :) He can only replace one nominee :)
Morning LTCmek! :)
Morning Wrestlemom! :)
Good morning! I was commenting like a fiend yesterday because I had to get it out and I couldn't talk to anyone that only watches the show lol...
Genie and Carolyn ~ you girls are truly amazing and I have to thank you (so does my husband) for giving me an outlet :)
That being said ~ I think this Rachel return is wrong on so many levels. They bring back someone from jury that was just evicted, who already has issues with some of the hg's ~ of course she is going to influence the decision of who is going up. And the largest 'alliance' in the house gets to tell HOH anything they want (that she said/or not)...
I'm not concerned that it's Rachel/Brendon and it could have happened regardless of who was HOH, but the circumstances here are just too one sided. I'm truly disgusted with BB for this. Rachel can lie and stir up trouble, but in the long run she is making the re-nom decision and I thing that is just wrong.
when do you think CBS will show Rachel's return? She talked about game, so not tonight b/c it's noms and she knows about it, not Wed b/c she knows who won POV, so my guess is Thursday before evictions.
lscott: I think Matt can only use DPOV on one person, so Lane will stay up
Good Morning!
Rachel has wrecked more havoc on these house guests in less than 24 hours than we have seen the entire game.
What will be interesting is how everyone will spin this to Brendon.
Johnny, you are so right re:Kathy.
I think Matt will put up Britney. The Brigade may be paranoid, and partially right. But Matt is playing to win and getting out Kathy is pointless at this point.
Good Morning Sweet Sunshine and all Dishers.
Thank goodness for Flashback since I am heading out for the day and I will miss more of Hurricane Rachel. I have to say it's been fun. :-)
Congrats to the friend's baby Carolyn!
Heading up to Santa Barbara for the day to watch some yummi polo players to benefit rescued horses (and my eye sight... the players, that is). Always like a good cause.
Have fun and don't hate or think you know what is in somebody's heart. <3
╭∩╮⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠╭∩╮ from afar.
at thia point, I don't know why anyone wouls believe what Rachel tells them. A houseguest you all unanimously evicted 3 days ago? oh course she is going to stir up trouble, duh...
Morning Sparklin :)
Morning Michelle! :)
Jane - I tend to agree. :)
Morning Tage! :) Have a great day! :)
I agree with you,jane. Kathy may be a pain, but she is no threat. Britney is a troublemaker and even if some of it is made up or encouraged my Rachel, the others still believe it. They will want her gone. Lane will have the votes, Brit goes.
@Jane Putting up Britney would be his wisest move. That would go a long way to regaining the trust of the rest of the boys. That of course does leave Brendon hanging in the wind, but it does happen.
oh and Caro, congrats to your friend. funny, I had a dream my MOM had a baby. lol!
Another reason Matt would put up Britney, is it focuses Ragan's allegiance to him.
I don't think that Rachel returned to break up the brigade. Being gone for 48 hours has not given her the benefit of hindsight. She is still pushing the same agenda she was pushing when she was in the house. And it is completely personal-not strategic. I think it will be funny when Rachel realizes that it was indeed EVERYone that was responsible for getting her out. And if Brendon somehow or other ends up in final 3 with Enzo and Hayden, I hope it costs him the game.
Rachel is trying to turn everyone against Matt, Britney and Ragan. That's fine. I know I would have a hard, if not impossible time seperating my strategy from my hurt feelings or anger. But I really want her to quit talking about the game in terms of how she thinks it should be played. If she honestly wants people in the house that are playing as opposed to those who are letting other people play, she would be targeting Kathy, Enzo, Lane and Hayden. Out of the 3 people she is targeting, love them or hate them, at least 2 of them have been playing a better game than anyone else.
On that note, Rachel thinks Matt is more dangerous than Brit. I'm glad. I hope Brendon does put Matt on the block. I suspect Kathy will be leaving if that happens. After crying to Rachel about how much she misses her and how mean everyone treats her, they deserve a reunion, preferably sooner than later.
Kathy can't handle hash browns? Didint she ever cook her soon food? She seems to not be able to do anything. I really wonder how much is real and how much is an act to appera helpless and therefore not a threat? She is a police sargeant-how did she make it through the academy?
jane, I soooooo hope you are right!
Hi Genie,
Did you and Carolyn get any rest last night?
I am glad Gaytor is sending more fingers, goodies and fun things you need for today..heh heh
I love reading all the different opinons and thoughts from everyone.
Besides Carolyn, Genie, and Lessa that is the best part of all this..I love to read all the joking back and just makes my life so much easier and nicer..
Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart...((((group hug))))xoxo
Oh no, the hashbrowns are ruined -- Rachels' been gone more than a minute!
If Matts smart he'll throw a grenade in the brigade. His other alliance is stronger and more trustworthy. I know everyone wants brit out, but if Matt knew what the Brigade was up to last night, its a no brainer. No going back.
Wow Carolyn...Time has flown. Isabela is now the big sis! Too Cute :)
Good Morning EveryOne!
Good Morning Genie :)
Did you get some rest? Are you ready for the madness?
I guess putting up Brit would take alittle heat off him, but the real problem in the brigades eyes is Ragan. matt's always gonna be 4th in the brigade. He has to be willing to take a chance if he wants to win. sticking with a plan from week one, at some point it has to be outdated.
Morning Grendon :)
Morning Pam!! :) I got some rest but not as much as was planned lol Damn BB for putting Rachel in the house on our night off lol :)
Morning RubyRoo!! :)
I don't think Rachel is being personal right now. I think it's all game.
She obviously wants Brendon to win. I think she's trying to set that up, not get revenge.
Her argument with Ragan was VERY personal. Other than that, I think she enjoys still "playing the game", even if it's from the sidelines and for someone else to win.
Good morning all!
What an eventful night! Love it!
I think some of the HG's are missing the point of Rachel being back. IMO, her coming back was their chance to campaign for her vote. Just like Dan won a dinner with someone from the jury house, they all have the chance to convince Rachel that they are worthy of her vote in the end. Apparently, some of these people don't think they need it.
I can't wait to find out where Brendon has been! Was this good for him, or bad? The HG's might see Rachel coming back as punishment, but it could also be considered a reward...they get the chance to explain themselves to a jury member.
Carolyn: Do you think Rachel is lying about jury house? Isn't it normally in Mexico or somewhere far from where the media can stalk the evicted HGs? Why would they take her to jury for one day and then lug her back to Studio City?
She also talked about getting alcohol and I thought that other than the champagne toast for the TV when a new evictee gets there, they aren't allowed to drink?
Further, she is talking about getting to go online and knows about the ratings and all this stuff that I just can't imagine that they would tell her...
Some of the stuff she said made sense, but a lot of it didn't... I don't think she is back in the game to play because Brendon wouldn't be gone this long if it wern't Pandora's Box thing... But I think we don't have the full story.
At first I thought it might be a double eviction week and she would be the HOH while Brendon was gone and then when Brendon got back there would be a missing HG (and this if she put Matt in harms way, the Diamond Veto would already be used) and that we would see it all on tonights live show... but that doesn't seem to be the case now.
I am wondering if production gave Brendon limited access to inside the walls to watch whatever house guests he wants and see what they are saying behind his back... I can't imagine they would ever give a HG that much info about others' game play...
I don't think Rachel is merely there to mess with people's games because she isn't able to see Brendon and convey the information to him for it to do any good regarding this weeks renomination, etc...
What are other people's takes on this? This is crazy!
Why is everyone so afraid to just tell Rachel that they came there to win and teaming up with Brenchel was playing for third place?Even she would have to realize that.Its not an insult its just the truth.
Morning Christy! :)
Morning Stephen! :) Caro isn't around. There is alcohol in the Jury House. I recall several occasions where CBS showed the Jury and they had glasses of wine. If they can drink in the BB house why not the Jury house?
Morning/Afternoon fellow addicts...
*Specifically waves to Genie*
Congrats Carolyn on the new nephew... he is sooo adorable!!
Since I dont have the live feeds and only have BBAD. I was about to pull my hair out. Rachel coming back and it was a long time off before BBAD started.
I believe WE have a saboteur amongst us. Who on earth would schedule Rachel to come back while our gals were taking a much deserved day off???
*peers about the room* Come on... who is it??
Morning Marcia :)
Hi everyone I think Lane and matt need Brit. to win challenge God knows the three big talkers cant win a thing Another thing they didnt use Brits goodbuy speach but one from the show they put on at nite. maybe cbs thinks this is all fun and games but its not to the contestants Rachel was voted off and that should have been the end of her its not even fair to brenden this was his hoh and now Kathy is going to give him her version on what went on with rachel.
Stephen, I don't think the jury house has been in Mexico for years. It's become an urban legend. It's always in CA now within a reasonable driving distance.
bigwigg said...
Did I just hear Rachel say she wants Matt to go home?
Can Matt take both people off, or just one?
I'm not ready for Britney to go home yet!!!
It seems like AGP is ready for her to go. Allowing Rachel to come back, knowing her feelings and knowing Brendon is HOH, she is literally throwing Matt and Brit under the bus. I am truly amazed that more people don't think this 'twist' is totally wrong and gives total power to Rachel for who goes home. Unreal!!
Rachel said there is alcohol in the jury house, but not an unlimited supply. The one thing she said that I didn't know and thought was really interesting, is that they can't take game at all unless the camera crew is there. So it's very limited.
I think Rachel in back in the house because it's good television. Reading too much into BB motivation is fruitless. It's all about good TV, the Sab is a bust, and Rachel stirs up what was becoming a very pleasant environment. Ragan may not want drama, but CBS does.
If Matt is forced to se his DPOV, replacing himself with Enzo or Brit could be a good strategy. Enzo, as a way to show the other brigade members that he no longer trusts them and he is sick of doing all the work. Britney as a way to not piss Brendon off. I think Brendon wants her gone but this way he can keep his word and not backdoor her. It also buys back a little trust with the brigade because they want Britney gone. And it takes the heat off Lane-he won't have to vote her out. (I still think his bros would slit his throat though.)
Either one of those moves also helps him in Kathy's eyes as she always assumes that everyone is out to get her.
The safer, less strategic move is to get rid of Kathy. He can still say he saved Lane. He can say he was trying to cause the least amount of drama since everyone is always saying they want the floaters out. And if Brit really is starting to suspect the boys alliance, Matt is going to need Ragan and Brit on his side to help him fight for HOHs, POVs and to have the votes.
THANK YOU Stephen! I think Rachel DOES have power here though. She can and has influenced Hayden and Enzo to tell Brendon what she says, thinks or even what they want him to know. It would be good if he was in the walls and hearing things, but that would be even more cheating and they've gone far enough bringing Rachel in...unfortunately it can't be undone.
I'm hoping it's like 'Dallas' and it's all a dream segment :)~
Stephen -- I think in the early years, jury house was in far away exotic locations.
However, in recent years it has been nearby in the Hollywood hills.
fancyp, I think what we saw was Brit's real goodby speech to Rachel.
She got busted and was lying very badly, trying to cover it up. Just the look on her face alone said she knew she had been had!
Then, she paused quite a while before coming up with the story that they must have edited it. First time I had ever seen Brit at a loss for words.
Hi Genie! :)
Hi everyone! :)
Wow, so much happened since I left out yesterday!
Yes, CBS LOVES Rachel, Julie Chen made that very clear last week in her blog. I think it's hysterical!
Happy Sunday Show Day!
Morning Sunny! :)*specifically waves back* :)
Morning FancyP! :)
Jane - Most definitely that is the sole reason BB brought Rachel back.
General Comment - There is no such thing as BB cheating. Their game. Their rules. Not ours. :)
Morning All :)
Genie, I was watching a video on superpass yesterday or the day before where a few past HG's said the worst thing about th Jury house was not being able to drink while they were there.
Then again most HG's only got a bottle of wine every three days before this season...
I think I remember a few seasons ago the discussion that the JH had to be in the country because of the need for passports to fly to Mexico. I could be wrong about that of course.
Good Morning Genie! And all others! :-)
I don't know why I thought no alcohol in the jury, or maybe it is no hard alcohol? She talked about tequila no? Maybe she was joking. And telling her about the ratings, and that America loves Enzo? She is voting!!! They can't tell her who America loves, etc. She can only know about her own experience in the house.
I haven't finished reading everyone's response comments, so let me do that real quick and I'll give some more of my own thoughts!
I still think we haven't learned everything....
Morning JLuvs!! :)
Morning Val! :) Honestly, I don't even know why we're even talking about this lol
Genie said: General Comment - There is no such thing as BB cheating. Their game. Their rules. Not ours. :)
How true. Besides doesn't BB just make up the rules as they go along?
Stephen - Before Rachel getting Patron, no other HG got hard alcohol in their HoH basket that I know of
@Jane: That very well could be... and I have noticed in recent years they have shown very little of the jury house... probably for the exact reason that people in LA could probably identify the surroundings and potentially find it. Since they have shown so little, I am probably thinking back to the last shows where they gave a glimpse of it every week... Although when I auditioned for Season 10 and got past that open audition phase, they were very detailed in making sure everyone had a valid passport before they were to enter the house (obviously I didn't, but wouldn't it have been awesome?! LOL) So maybe that is why I thought it was still across a border.
Genie, LOL just thought I would comment on the fact since I just saw it and it was people from BB11.
Just kinda ties into the fact I agree Rachel is lying about ever going to the Jury house and there's something we don't know.
LOL, we are at THAT point in the season already.
There is no FAIR in this game. Loyalty only takes you so far, there is no right strategy, and CBS/AGP has the right to do whatever they want because it's their game and they make the rules. The only point is to do what it takes to take you to the end ... you decide how you make that happen.
Do I like it? Not when it harms the game of MY favorites, but it happens every year.
I wonder how sick these guy's guys are of Ragan's constant self analysis and feelings talk. They barely tolerate that kind of thing from women who have boobs and tempting holes.
Val - I know! :)
General Comment (I am using this to address multiple concerns and comments) - There is no earthly reason for Rachel to lie about going to Jury. It doesn't affect anyone's game. She has lied about other things to stir trouble in the house, but that's game related. :)
@Genie: The reason I am bringing up the alcohol conundrum and the other stuff is that it seems like maybe Rachel hasn't really been to the jury house or she is straight up lying to them about stuff.... I am a proponent of the idea that if things don't make sense, and it seems like a piece of the puzzle is missing, then it probably is. I am just trying to figure out what else Rachel is there for... It could very well be that she is just there to stir up drama but I just feel like there has to be something more... especially if it was Pandora's Box...
Good Morning Carolyn! Man the fireworks were on yesterday.
I had to walk away from the feeds. Negativity spues more negativity. I just think a few of the HG's have crossed the line, when they get out and can view FB to see what the live feed viewers were preevy to, their eyes will be opened . . . There is no uncrossing that line, we have it on FB . . .
I am not even going to name names anymore unless it is positive. The line has been drawn in the sand and I ain't goin to the dark side . . .
Congrats to your best friend on bringing a darling little life into this world . . . love babies . . .
Well, I hope the renom is Britney, just because if Brendon puts up Matt, he will be able to use the DPOV and pick the person to go up on the block.
Don't know who Matt would choose at this time, he might put up Enzo . . . could you imagine the HG's trying to pick between them?
I hope after today, we will really see where the HG's loyalties lie and I don't mean untruth . . . just who is loyal to who . . .
Let the games begin . . .
Im thinking they figured that between her Early/Morning Show interview and that Pandora's box would be open that maybe she hasnt been to the Jury house yet.
I could see them(Early/Morning interview or production) telling her about the ratings.. could also be where she may have heard people liked her and Enzo... but Im betting the last part, she made up.
She also mentioned not having libations since she was evicted.
*ps... I cant remember if its the Morning Show or Early Show. I dont watch either.
Jane - You should warn me before you make comments that make me spew my coffee pout my nose! :)
@Genie: I can think of two earthly reasons, LOL!
(1) Rachel may be a compulsive liar and just wants to make the HGs think it is a great place so they are let down when they get there
(2) She was told by production that she had to make it seem like she is really only there for 24 hours just to stir up the pot so they don't suspect she is there for a bigger purpose... if she is there to act as HOH for a double eviction or something big, CBS will want the HGs to be caught off guard as much as possible..
My gut has been dead on this week about the crazy stuff that has happened, and I really feel like something more is going on... I could be wrong, but I still want everyone's input. LOL
Jane @ 11:03 -- Love it! So very true!
and I know bb has the right to do whatever they want, their rules and all but didn't Rachel say she got her cell phone and read blogs? Doesn't that sway her vote for the winner? Only fair if all jury gets to read blogs and chat with people.
OPPSS . . . good morning Genie . . . just realized you are at the helm, if you are out there Carolyn, I already said good morning . . .
Have I told you all lately how much I love the dish . . . I think it is mainly due to you two and Lessa. You state your comments and posts without too much of a bias . . .
Love it when you add in your two cents . . . or five cents . . . love it . . .
@Jane: I am also sick of Ragan going around the house telling everyone "I don't even want to have that conversation with Brendon... I don't even want to have that conversation with Rachel..."
Then he goes into a room with one of them, makes it so congenial and tries to put himself up on a pedestal (like when he told Rachel how better he is now and drama doesn't follow him anywhere, and she needs to learn from him and he is friggen Yoda or something) and he doesn't even let them talk, he just talks about how insightful he is, and how great he has learned in life... he talks AT them and not WITH them. I want him gone soooo bad!
Could Rachel have been offered some sort of incentive if she figures out who the saboteur is? It definitely seems like she has something specific to do in the house along with stirring up the drama. She has made references to it every time she comes out of the DR.
Morning Steph in WC! :) Just as a clarification, Matt can use the DPoV regardless if he is on the block.
Stephen - That's seriously over-thinking things. :)
Hi Dishers!!!
Great job Carolyn and Genie. I am just finished reading the reports and not trying to get caught up in comments. I stayed up with the feeds til 3am bbt and I am so tired, working on my coffee IV now.
I feel like a dirty voyeur wathing Rachel in the house. You know something bad is going to happen but you still watch rather than calling for help, lol. It is obvious to me that Rachel isn't there to help Brendon's game but to seek vengence for her getting evicted. And the funny thing is if Brendon had been evicted, Lane would be HOH and Rachel would be on the block and my guess is Ragan or Brit would have won the POV.
I will be happy when she leaves and I just hope BB doesn't super tarnish the game any more by allowing her to meet with Brendon to spread her venom.
Stephen, I'm sure production keeps their options open. But a passport may be for other reasons, like background checks. Only serious criminals forge those.
Genie, they gave Crazy James a box of premixed bloody mary's. I don't think BB realized how much alcohol was in it because he and Chelsia got wasted.
This is a dumb conversation, huh? :-)
This my opinion so take it or leave..
Rachel was voted out of the house. 6-0. I do not think that allowing her to come back and play for 24 hrs is fair. She was voted out end of story! She should be sitting in the jury house.
There seems to be some doubt whether or not Rachel has been to the JH, what does that matter . . . from watching the past few seasons, it is always been the same . . . a very nice large house, maybe even considered a mansion. Huge TV in the living room . . . if she hasn't seen it physically maybe she has seen pictures or they told her . . . what does it really matter?
I have no meaningful comment, opinion or input on the jury house debate. But right around the time they are going from 4 HGs down to 3, I wish we had the option of 24/7 cameras there cuz the BB house tends to get really boring those last couple weeks.
Stephen if Rachel were there for a double eviction, can you imagine the uproar from the viewers? I'm laughing just thinking about it. There were so many people mad about the coup d'etat (notice spelled correctly) and people loved Jeff. It would be hilarious. Is that mean?
Also, someone may mention this before this gets posted, but the Early Show interview is taped that night after the audience leaves the studio. I don't know about the other interviews though.
@Genie: My over thinking isn't always wrong! LOL!
Stephen, I'm with Genie. You are thinking like a house guest. It's just TV, and mostly the BB master plots are pretty lame.
LisaM, it also drives me insane that Kathy can't cook! I mean, come on, she can't stir hashbrowns??? Her poor kid probably ate nothing but Chef Boyardee and ramen.
Morning Leen :) Rachel did not say that she had access to cell phone or blogs.
Morning Aussie Fan :)I strongly believe that Rachel was offered something to do this, however from what I have observed of Rachel she would go back into the house for free lol
Morning Barbara - Thanks :)
Jane - Right! I forgot that! LOL! :) Thank you.
Michelle - I'll take your opinion any day :)
i haven't had time to watch everything so can someone please tell me: is Matt aware that his Brigade boys are now turned against him, especially Hayden and Enzo?
this week would be a very smart move for him if he used the DPOV to put up Enzo or Hayden as the replacement nom along with Lane...
@Stephanie: I think it matters because if she hasn't REALLY been there, why is she lying about it? It makes me think that she has to lead the HGs to believe that she isn't there for any other purpose than to be there for 24 hours when she is actually there for a bigger purpose...
I am not saying it is necessarily something as big as a double eviction or anything... but maybe she was able to look on the live feeds for the past 2 days and part of Pandora's Box was that it is good for Brendon that she went into the house to call people out on their BS but it is bad because he is locked away for 24 hours...
Also, I am confused because Pandora's Box is something good and bad. If Brendon is locked away for 24 hours, that is bad. Rachel being unleashed on the house is bad for the house. Rachel had to go be by herself in a house full of people who hate her and don't want her there.... that isn't good... where is the good in this? I guess Brendon got a 24 hour luxury getaway somehow... I dunno.. things just don't add up for me.
Michelle, I know how you feel about Rachel, but to me it's way more unfair that they're handing Ragan 20k for doing absolutely NOTHING
@Michelle In Indiana: Much like life, the BB house isn't fair! LOL I don't think it was fair when James came back into the house 15 minutes after his eviction and got to play the game again and made it another month in the house in S9... it wasn't fair when Chima got her whole HOH week taken away from Jeff's coup d'etat last year... a lot of things aren't fair, but its BB! I think Rachel coming in to stir up the pot (if thats really all she is doing) is pretty mild compared to injustices of other seasons.
@Aimee: I agree... it would be so crazy if she got to be HOH for a double eviction... I highly doubt that is what is going on, but that would be my ideal situation... Expect the Unexpected! LOL
Everything you wrote about Ragan, is exactly what I have been thinking every time Ragan is speaking.
I just thought if I say it, it isn't going to come out as nice as it sounded when you said it. So I kept my mouth shut.
Even now I am biting my tongue on adding anything to what you said, cause I think it might be mean.
All I know is that I do not side with Rachel or Ragan. I think they fight as much as they do cause they are exactly alike. It is a fight to be the best and they both come out looking like jerks. As Ragan is telling someone else to take a hard look at themself, he should do the same.
@Jane: But they were adamant that the passport would be valid for up to 6 months (can't remember the exact period of time it was) but if it was just for background check, I would think it would only have to be current at the time you went through the audition process.
My dream POV ceremony:
Ragan speaks, gives Lane a chance to tell why Ragan should use the POV on him, he of course uses it on himself.
Ragan: "Brendon, since I have vetoed one of your nominations you must now name a replacement."
Brendon: "I didn't want to backdoor anyone. That being said, my goal is to break up the pairs. Since Ragan took himself off the block it is only fair that his partner takes his place. Matt, please take a seat next to Lane."
Matt: "Brendon, take a little walk with me. There's something in the toilet I want to show you."
Grendon - Agreed about the camera switch lol :)
Stephen - I didn't say it was wrong. :)
Jluvs - inorite? I mean come on! :)
Morning L :) Matt is not aware of the Hayden/Enzo/Lane flip. But then again he has been leaning toward Ragan and Britney over the Brigade. It's that time in BB season when allegiances are tested :)
Genie, lmao!!!
jane said...
I wonder how sick these guy's guys are of Ragan's constant self analysis and feelings talk. They barely tolerate that kind of thing from women who have boobs and tempting holes.
All these bubbles must mean Rachel is making her nominations! LOL j/k,,,, lunch break! be back later
Waching boys sleep or . . . thanks for the options Skippy . . . I prefer cameras three and four right now . . . I'm just saying . . .
Stephen - Have fun :)
So Rachel left early? Not so surprising.
The integrity of the game? Hilarious
What we really want to know: what happened to breakfast?
Stephen, so right about James!!!
I can only laugh at Britney and Ragan now. They are such "disgusting human beings."
I think Kathy just said Rachel's gone and wrote out who she wants gone with pretzels and sprayed the HOH room with her perfume.
jluvs, I agree that this whole saboteur twist is ridiculous!
Do you think Brendon is coming back right now?
LOL Grendon! I love that!
Michelle - Huggies! Love you girlie :)
This is one rule I am adament about. No written messages. They took away the crib notes Natalie wrote in nail polish and that was a study guide about the house. They weren't passing notes.
If Rachel left a note for Brendon up in the HOH, someone damn well better eat those pretzels or I am jumping on the BB is cheating bandwagon.
For CBS, this has been up to now a rather boring and quiet season. I can see why they brought Rachel back. Rachel is reality TV's greatest dream come true. She is like Omarosa was to The Apprentice, like Simon Cowell was to Idol and so on.
Good or bad, sadly we viewers do enjoy the drama and it shows in the ratings, the uglier the drama the higher the ratings.
Love her or hate her, Rachel is all about drama. I would bet we will see her on BB All Stars and you can expect to see her on more reality TV as the viewers will all tune in to watch what drama she unleashes.
And lest I forget my bad manners again, Genie thank you so much for coming back to update the post last night - twice I believe. And I am so glad that you listened to us shoo you away to finish your much needed break.
Carolyn, the proud Auntie again, congrats. Babies truly make the world a better place.
Dose anyone think the HGs will go up into the HoH room to see if they can figure out what her message is to Brendon?? If they find it will they tamper with it??
Toni, how are you doing? It is so good to see your smiling picture . . .
Hi all lurker 1st comment. Like this site for it's tempered comments. Also have a major weakness for green eyed redheads. Carolyn I presume.Anyway, BB is Jerry Springer w/ production. We love the catty and the vile. With the exception of the anti-gay.fat putdowns. No excuse for those I cringed. But personable folk would not get ratings or renewal. And WE love BB. Bill exteacher Genie
RubyRoo - I have no idea honey :) None whatsoever lol
This comment has been removed by the author.
Genie . . . I so didn't know that Matt can use the DPOV no matter what . . . for some reason (probably because I am still a newbee in your dish eyes) I thought he had to be on the block to use it . . .
So, if Ragan takes himself off duh he will, and Brendon puts up anyone, Matt can stand up after the renom has been made and say, yeah, that ain't gonna happen, so and so you are off the block and so and so will be the replacement nom . . . man, that would be tight!
Aimee, LOL
Michelle, it's so lame, isn't it?
Britney is making production demands!
Darnicle, I was hoping Brednon was coming back right now!
Good Morning/Afternoon EV1.....I went MIA again because of ummm I guess blogger or maybe Google.....I couldn't sign in. It finally worked today. YAY!!!
I must say a HUGE Thank you to the wonderful Dish Chicks and Chucks for this arena for all of us voyeur's who can't get enough.:)
Oh I cannot stand Perez, he's not worthy of mention. GAG.
I'd try to be unbiased but I don't think I know what it means.
Johnny, it's the Botox!
Istead of saboteur, sabo-flop . . . I think he should have been told which thing to do and actually have to do something, not just hide behind the DR door and talk . . . sure he caused some doubt and stirred stuff up, but for $20K? At least make him do something where he could have been caught . . .
Hi Stephanie,
I am feeling better and on the road to recovery with just one surgery in the next month (taking part of my lung that died due to the clots). Thank you very much for asking. :)
I am still holding on to my theory that she came back to give them all a chance to win her vote. Which would be good for the house. As soon as she had met with all the HG's individually, she left. I think she was instructed to meet with them individually to find out their game and strategy, and they had their chance to earn her respect and vote in the end. I think CBS will explain it that way, but we all know the added drama was a big bonus:)
Since Thursday night have felt like I was in an alternate universe.
But alas, all is right with the world ... Rachel is causing drama and calling everyone out for both truths and untruths while the Rachel/Brendon bashing continues in the backyard.
Don't think I have ever heard the word disgusting so many times in one season.
Go ahead Ragan, talk about how disgusting it is to see an obese person eating a hot dog, you sensitive soul, you.
Next week-Kathy cooks for the have nots---LOL
This is totality from left field, however why the heck are people wearing boots? Rachel wears them, as does Brittney. Why would people down south wear boots in the summer?
Grendon - They will remove it.
I am not 100% sure, but I believe HoH is inaccessible to HGs at the moment.
Hiya Wanderer! Welcome to the comments! *Throws confetti* :)
Rachel's pretzel message could be just that she loves her man, it may not be game related - because of the rule . . . or maybe it is game related but because pretzels are not a form of a writing instrument, her message will be there for Brendon. Now, will he be able to read pretzel?
Very sad how someone can say they hate someone after only knowing them for a month.
I am sure they are removing her message and geting ready for Brendon to come back in.
Good Afternoon all......
An interesting night indeed. I sorta began to feel like Brendon must, with no one to talk to about what is going on, cept for Genie's short visit.
Yes, I feel that AGP is attempting to put some life back into the season. I find it interesting that it happened that Brendon was HOH and Rachel had been the first Jury Member and available to come back.
Stephen, a thought I have about what we dont know yet. We need to realize Brendon ISNT back yet. And perhaps he wont be back, but Rachel will in fact take his place. She may not have been made aware. Afterall, she wasnt aware he was HOH.
The irony of it all is, Matt uses his DPOV and wham, everyone is playing for HOH. Whether Brendon or Rachel
Marcia, LOL! Excellent idea!
Stephanie, will he be able to read pretzel? LOL!
When do you know it's time to step away from the laptop?
1. It's time for the Britney and Ragan show
2. It's a repeat
3. Your download of Pillars of the Earth malfunctioned, so I don't have the excuse of multi-tasking.
Guess I'll go get ready for the day. What? It's only noon BBT, who care what time it is here.
Rachel should have taken an item that was undeniably the HG she wanted evicted and left it for Brendon along with an item of her clothing covered in her perfume. The DR specifically told her she couldn't write anything.
Hiya Toni! :) Did I greet you yet? Sorry, if I haven't! I tend to lose track sometimes hehehe :)
Hiya Paula! :) inorite?
Hiya Divr :) Yep. My short visit cut into my plans. But, hey, anything for the dish :)
Since Rachel left early and Brendon is not back, could they be meeting some where?
Don't really think it's happening, but makes me wonder.
Ragan thinks so highly of himself he thinks he'd be asked to do All Stars. Doubt it.
I would LOVE to see Rachel and Evel Dick have a smackdown. As Eric would say, "I'd pay a dollar to see that." (Actually, I'd pay double.)
Hiya The - Please observe the Golden Rule and I will be happy to publish your comment.
The Golden Rule: Please be kind and respectful to one another. Leave the drama to the House Guests.
You lady's at the dish should be sooo proud.
I was standing in line at the store, and the 2 ladys in front of me were talking about BB and THE DISH!
They said "of all days for Rachel to come back. Caroline and Genie took the day off"
Hi to the 2 lady's at Stop and Shop in Cumberland RI. I wish I knew who you were on here.
Love you too Genie! :)
Marcia said...
Next week-Kathy cooks for the have nots---LOL
Great idea!
Does kathy have what it takes to rearrange a pretzle message? Does the message say Matt? Does BB have enough mercy in their hearts to not allow her in the house again? Will bendan know what to do, or will he just eat the pretzles? How do you spell pretzles?
I don't know the answers to any of these questions. Do you?
ChristyinAL, makes sense.
Especially because she was told in DR that there was someone she had to talk to (Lane, the only one she hadn't had a one on one with yet) and then she was gone shortly thereafter.
Good Morning everybody....hope sunday is treating you all beautifully.....:) should be a crazy crazy next 2 weeks plus! i love what @stephanie on west coast moment when matt changes everything...that to me will be huge moment....
bigwigg, that is soooooo cool!
Aimee - Have a good one! :)
RubyRoo - Excellent idea! Too bad Rachel isn't as resourceful as you! :)
LTCmek - Anything is possible. She did have the opportunity to talk to all the other HGs so why not Brendon.
BiggWigg - LOL! Fantastic! :)
Yup and when you google info about BB Dish is one of the top sites to come up :)
This site has come such a long way!
Grendon, I wonder what ED thinks of Rachel. I don't read anything anywhere else but would love to know.
I feel a dish break coming on . . . even if not, I am going to go outside and rejoin the living . . . I so love my Sunday afternoon laying in the sun by the pool . . . so relaxing . . .
Toni: good to hear your doing better, surgery soon? Please keep us posted . . . make sure you designate one of your family members to keep us updated . . . you are like family here at the dish . .
*you don't have to designate anyone, I just added that to hopefully put a smile on your face . . .
@bigwigg - that is too cool!!!!!
Let's try this comment again:
@Jane: Ragan is the smartest person in the house, and smart people tend to self-analyze (sometimes too much). The only reason we don't hear talk about "feelings" from people like Rachel or Enzo is because they don't seem to have the depth of thought required to articulate those feelings, or maybe even recognize them.
Bringing Rachel back, even if for hidden and nefarious reasons, is fine. I don't think it will alter the game much at all, as everyone in the house was quickly reminded of just how much they loathed her. Brief drama flare-ups, sure, but nothing lasting.
And finally --- Rachel's homophobic comments last night to Ragan were beyond the pale. And frankly, I'm peeved that Ragan "made up" with Rachel. There's no excusing her.
I just don't have anything in common with the young generation.
THIS is why I despise Ragan so very very much. He has the clear capacity to be a wonderful person, and he has chosen to be a despicable one. Yes, BB is partially to blame, but it has to be in us to express it. More than any other HG, this man has broken my heart.
Johnny - The HGs do not have access to HoH and I will presume they won't until Brendon comes back.
Hiya Bree! :)
Why didn't Rachel lock the key in the room? That would have been smart
skippy musta fell asleep b/c they usually bubble wrap us when the houseguests talk about interviewing for the show and sequester before the show and the entire process they went through.
hmm....skippy is either asleep or tending to other more important things, eating pretzels! lol
I just thought of a great idea . . . what if during the down time of BB, we could rent the BB house out for the night, or weekend . . . kind of play our own mini version of the BBhouse . . .
I'd pay a dollar to see that . . .
I just looked at Evel Dick's myspace, and his last status was that if they brought Rachel back he was through with this season. I guess that answers your question:)
I can't wait for Brendon to get back into the house. Given how he surprised us viewers and actually played his own HOH this week and impressed us.
I am pulling for Brendon to have enough time to sort through the drama and figure out for himself what he wants to do with his renom. Before he left, I was very unclear who he would really go after. Yes Matt and Brit were possibilities but I think Enzo was a possible as well.
Guess we will just have to wait and see. I can't wait to see how BB will fit in the editing for this week to capture all the excitement. Especially if they have to do a double eviction, Matt's use of the DPOV and Rachel's entry into the house and Brendon opening Pandora's box and let's not forget the DRs associated with all this.
oh, I thought Kathy had the key. i know I'd be up there rearranging twisty snacks with salt on them?
@ltcmek I was thinking the same thing. Since Rachel was supposed to be there on "vacation" for 24 hours and has left approx 3 hours earlier than expected, maybe she is getting to spend some time with Brendon.
Also, with the theory that Pandora's Box is something good and something bad, I think that Brendon got the good (24 hours outside the house) and the house got the bad (Rachel's return).
Finally, I haven't relatively new to watching BB for a whole season, but wasn't it mentioned that they usually bring a player back every 3rd season? So bringing Rachel back would fit in with that, even if she's not staying in the game to play.
Steph in WC - No breaks. I;m just not updating because there is nothing significant to update yet :)And HELL NO @ the re0enactment idea lol
Hiya The - Thanks :)
Hiya Merry :) (Did I say hi?) You're absolutely right.
I'd pay maybe as much as 5 dollars to see that. i think I know how it would go.
Also, if Rachel coming back is explained as her coming to give them all a chance to campaign for her vote, then that is good for the house and Brendon won't get a prize. But the HG's will believe that her coming back was bad so he must have been rewarded something, and they won't believe him, which will cause more drama.
Good afternoon Carolyn and all my other BB buddies!
What a night!
I can't wait to see what happens today!
The - "stupid" people can't self analyze? Being able to articulate what you perceive does not mean your perceptions are correct. are so on with Regan. He is so quick with his comments about other people's lifestyles. Whores, obesity, etc. Yet he is so quick to anger when his sexuality is commented on.
Hi Genie! :) No worries dear. You've had your hands full. And doing a mah-vah-lous job I might add! :)
There will still be drama if Ragan is still in the house . . . it follows him, gee I wonder why?
Thanks for the info Christy!
Hiya Nzinga! :)
Hiya Shi Shi! :)
Thanks "Teach" good to finally remember my Login LOL
found post it note in a drawer
w/ the info. Lost only 20 months lol
on now tho.
The fact they are discussing taking out Matt voids the Brigade deal. Whether matt's on the block or not he better use DpoV and take out America's favorite- Enzo
Im thinking that Rachel will be allowed to see Brendon. Only based on the fact that they did let Nat see her fiancee, thou he wasnt a previous cast member either.
Hey Genie! I missed you ladies last night. I finally broke down and got the feeds Thursday so I could watch the HOH comp. And I found myself talking back to the computer screen/Britney during the whole Britney/Enzo/Rachel confrontation. LOL
The - I will never be lulled into a conversation about Rachel's comments referencing being gay being "worse" than any other hateful comments. It makes her an easy target, but the analysis is complex. People are marginalized in many different ways. No one gets a free pass simply because they belong to a group with a particular history. I could easily make the argument that Ragan's words were equally damaging, based on the context. There is no pale to be beyond. The rules are not that simple.
Hi all-
Does anyone think that brenden also got a power from his pb? Or maybe learned what Matt got? Or maybe they took him shopping for a ring a la the bachelor? Expecting an engagement on Thursdays show ;-)
Well I am still firm in my opinion that Rachel and Ragan have both lost control of their emotions and been jerks to each other. In my opinion one is not better than the other.
General Comment about DPOV
He CANNOT use it at the veto ceremony, he MUST use it at the live show. And yes, he can use it to remove himself OR anyone else on the block AND he gets to name the renom... that is what we know for sure...
What is still unclear is whether the HOH/Veto Holder is safe... we are assuming it is like the coup d'etat in that only the people that the HOH would be allowed to renom are also avaliable to the diamond veto holder.
Nzinga - What perfect timing on getting the feeds! :)
Hiya Dintex! :)
RubyRoo - Agreed! They have both been acting like 5 year-olds in the play ground. You don't even know how many times I wished I could go in there and give them a time out.
@Tarheel Theresa: I have that problem often with not being able to sign in to make comments... what normally works for me is going in a separate tab or window and signing directly into my gmail account, then when I try to sign in on the dish comments page it all of a sudden works. Don't ask me why, but thats what works for me! LOL
@JLuv: I agree.... Perez Hilton... I can't say much about him without breaking the comment rules, but something tells me we are on the same page about him. LOL
Dang bubbles! All I heard was that Brendon didn't get to see Rachel.
Hello, Everyone!!
Just sticking my head in to give a shout out!!!
here is what I think. Ragan will obviously take himself off block. Brendon will put up Matt. Matt has until Thursday before voting to use DPOV. he waits all week. He can say or do anything. He doesnt care. Thursday he gets up to make his speech about why he should stay and says " I know you want me gone, but I am sorry to say I ma staying and pull sout DV. then he says sorry, Brit, you are the renom. Brit pouts for about 5 minutes. they vote Lane stays/brit goes. HOH comp Matt wins.
@Christy In AL: That is a very good theory... I hadn't considered that. It also makes much more sense than my crazy theories. LOL! While I believe that when things don't make sense, its probably because you are missing a piece of the puzzle, I believe even more strongly that the most simple answer to a question is probably the right one... your answer makes sense, is simple and would fit the needed missing puzzle piece! LOL!
That being said... I still hope something crazy happens! LOL
So, it sounds like Rachel is finally gone? Wow, that girl can really shake things up, huh? LOL
But, I have to admit, I have enjoyed watching her back in the house. Last night was just too much fun!!
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