Big Brother 14: Friday Afternoon Before the Noms
Good afternoon, BB Lovers! In this Friday Afternoon lead up to the Nomination Ceremony, I'll be focusing on Key Conversations.. and whatever else tickles me..
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Just for the sheer irony... It's all Boogie puffery, and unbeknownst to them, they're about to go up on the block.
The juxtaposition on the Quad was the a bonus.. I recommend listening to both conversations simultaneously for full appreciation.
If you need catching up on the day.. here are the links to the previous posts:
As we rejoin our houseguests..
2:55pm BBT
Feed 3
Shane and Ashley
Shane checks in with Ashley to request her future support, confirm with her she's fine this week, and ask that she not let on about that before the nomination ceremony..
Ashley: You have my vote. Just the fact that you're willing to work with Joe and me is great.
Shane: Just saying, if I keep you safe, hopefully you'd vote the way I want..
Ash: Absolutely. I was kinda calling Frank out about that today.. You had your whole HoH taken away and you never bitched about it. Excpet maybe to Brit.
Shane: Just Mike going for the 10,000 dollars yesterday say a lot..
Shane: So if I put those 2 up, I think more than being pissed at me, they're gonna go at each other.
Ash: Jenn was saying.. Frank doesn't know if he can trust Boogie.. Frank was saying to me the other day that they're a great team, because they play good cop bad cop..
Shane: I'm just in a tough position.
Ash: Cuz again you're doing the dirty work..
Shane: Just make it seem like you might be going up..
Ash: That's what I've been doing.. I don't want you to think I'm gonna switch with the power.
Shane: No.. You've stuck with your team 100%..
Ash: Obviously, I'm not winning competitions..
Shane: I just want to count on your vote next week.
Ash: Hopefully one of us wins and you're not on the block..
Shane: When they see your and Joe's Key pop out, shit's gonna hit the fan.
**I concur. Spark up your feeds, folks.
Ash: If they were in the position you're in..
Shane: They wouldn't hesitate..
Shane: Alright.. We're good. At least we made the Jury..
Ash: That's what I'm smitten about.
Brit and Ashley
Brit: How'd your talk with Shane go?
Ash: I'd rather work with Shane than like the Boogie's of the house.. And I told him, if I win HoH next week.. hes safe. Their team has to be broken up. No matter. I feel bad cuz Shane's always doing the dirty work. I'm so down for that. It has to happen. Also, it was sooooo smart for you to go for safety, even with Shane as HoH, because that prevented someone else from taking it. If I was Frank, I'd be livid, because it shows Boogie doesn't give a sh*t.
Ashley sees Frank coming and resumes doing her roots.
He joins them and asks if they'll do his..
Frank: You know I was messing with you about the coffee cup earlier..
Brit: You're fine. Half jokes.. that's what you do..
Frank: I brought you in, because I'd just done some to Boogie too.
Frank: I'm just kind of in a shitty mood today. I had a bad dream last night. It insinuated that I was going home next. Me and Wil were going to this salon in a mall..
Talk turns to anxiety.. Wil's, theirs..
Frank: I think it's like this Pavlov's dog thing.. Every week I haven't been HoH, I've been on the block.
Britney shares that she has panic attacks as well, and while she's not blaming BB, she never had them before.
Brit and Ashley
Danielle is present, blowing her hair.
Brit and Ashley are happy Frank has gone. "It was starting to feel awkward."
Brit: He should already be gone. He was saved by a twist. He wants to complain that the coaches are in the game? If we weren't, he'd be home in Florida.
Checking in on the Quad...
Dan, Shane, Joe and Ian are chatting in and around the pool. Dan asks Ian what his goal is: "PhD, 9 to 5."
Inside, Brit's just out of the shower, mission roots be gone accomplished. Danielle's applying makeup..
Ashley, Britney, Danielle
BB: Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass door.
Ash: Whaaaat?
Brit: Shane's not in the DR, is he?
Danielle: No.
Fishies... and the Nominations and/or Pandora's Box Paranoia mounts..
4:25pm Still fishies... What's up, BB? Give us Trivia, or give us feeds! Noms? Pandora? What's up?
4:32pm - Feeds are back. HGs are locked outside. Shane is present.
BB: Houseguests, the lockdown is over. You are now free to move about the house.
Brit: Shane, go see if your door is locked.
Frank and Joe come in and find balls on the floor.. Frank wants to keep it quiet. That's not gonna happen.
4:35pm More HGs come in to see.
Joe: The balls were laying on the floor, leading towards here.. and there's question marks in there now..
Danielle: What do you think, Boogs?
Boogie: I think they're making the point that it's Pandora's Box..
Danielle: Or it could be a counting Veto tomorrow..
Jenn: Hey, there's a question mark in the box.
Feed 1
Shane heads up to HoH and has a more thorough look around..Brit soon follows.
HoH Feed 1 and 2
Shane: If it's a power, I'm definitely opening it.
Brit: What do you think it means?
Shane: Maybe that that's what the Veto's gonna be.. Maybe they're just trying to make us paranoid.
Brit: I don't think it's about the Veto. They haven't clued us in on any other game.. I'm just hoping that they're not going to do anything to screw with the game. If there's some twist that saves Frank again this week, I'm just gonna go home. I mean, why don't we just freakin' give him the check.
Shane: Serious.
Brit: It could be like a luxury prize..
Shane: Cuz there's no Have Nots this week..
Lots of nervous eating..
Shane: I just don't know.
Brit: It could have to do with PoV.. but why clue us in now? It doesn't make sense.
Shane: Nope, it doesn't.
Brit: The fact that they did it before nominations??
Shane: Especially with who I'm about to nominate. If it's like, I nominate 2 people, and then they're like, you have to nominate 2 different people.. They can't! Could they??
4:50pm - Fishies... because Skippy is evil.
Shane: What do you think the chances are it's gonna effect my choices for nomination?
Brit: Not. What do you think?
Shane: I don't know.
Brit: We should've just got Frank out week 4.. That was so dumb to get rid of Janelle.
Shane: We can't go back. Should we stay up here or go down there?
Brit: Why don't you go to the Diary Room, and ask them if that has to do with the game. I don't know if they're going to tell you anything, but you could at least ask.
Britney and Ashley
Ash: If you're trying to figure out how many balls are in there, I got 190.
Brit: What does it mean??
Ash: I'm thinking.
Brit: Hm?
Ash: I'm thinking hard.
Someone asks Frank how many balls there were, leading to the Arcade..
Dan goes up to HoH, checks the pillows on the couch, then knocks on the shower door.
Dan: Hey Shane. It could be, but they rarely do something for no reason.
Feed 1
Dan and Frank inspect and ask each other what the other thinks.. Neither's giving info..
Joe: I think it says Question Everything.
Brit: Huh?
Joe: I think it just means there's gonna be a Pandora's Box after nominations.
Dan and Frank
Dan: You, Boogie and __ saw it first.
Frank: Yeah.
Dan: I hate missing that kind of stuff.
Frank: Boogie went on like it was nothing.. he jusst kept walkin. I picked up the balls and stuffed em in my pocket.
Dan's inspecting the Have Not Room. Shane comes in..
Shane: Nothing in here. I already looked. They don't do these for..
Dan: Sometimes they do stuff just to mess with you.
Frank joins the search for clues party..
Joe: I think you're just gonna have a Pandora's Box after nominations..
Feed 3
Dan thinks there may be coins hidden in the house somewhere, in an area available to all.
Shane: (paraphrasing) I'm still going with the nomination plan, but I'm gonna change up the speech a little to make everyone more paranoid.. I'll say "because of recent events.." or something like that. Also I'm not gonna talk to anyone.. I'll come down in like 10 minutes.
Dan: I'm just gonna go keep looking and making everyone paranoid.
Dan interrupts Danielle and Frank's I feel fat conversation in the Arcade.. He brings the topic back to the balls..
Dan: What does it mean? Pandora's Box? Something we have no idea about yet?
Frank: Balls to the wall.
Dan: They don't do things like this in here for nothing. Check all the shoes.
Danielle: (running numbers out loud) There's 785 balls without those. If you add those, there's 790.. But in the thing, there's 785 plus or minus.. Cuz, where the space is cut out on the back for the toy.. you could fit 150 there.
Dan: The crazy side of me thinks there's some kind of coins hidden..
Danielle: Well, let's start lookin..
Dan: It's gotta be somewhere that everyone can access..
Frank enters with his laundry. They suspend the shoe search...
Spark up your feeds, folks. The HGs are all going bonkers. It's great stuff, and it's much more fun to watch it happening.
Dan's search continues in the storage room..
Dan: You guys are having a good time with this, huh?
Boogie and Frank
Frank: What do you think?
Boogie: I don't know.. Dan's f'in runnin' around checking under everything..
Frank There were 5 balls. I have 3.. Dan has 1..
Boogie: I have no clue. My thought was nobody's figuring anything out from just that..
Frank: Balls to the Wall, maybe? "Pit of despair."
**Anyone HG makes a Princess Bride reference always wins my heart.
Frank and Ian
Ian: I think it's just a hint that Pandora's Box is coming.
Ian: If it's a diamond veto or coup d'etat, that would be interesting.
Frank: If it was that and we could switch the votes.. not this week.. but when we need it.
Ian: Or if it's an America's Choice thing, I'm sure you'd get the votes.
Frank: I'm ready for this week to be over.
Frank finishes up talking to Ian. Danielle and Shane are game talking upstairs..
Shane tells her his plan for nominations.. He's still nominating Boogie and Frank, but he's adding a bit of intrigue to the speech. Danielle brings up her Veto is numbers theory..
Downstairs, Britney's theorizing about a twist. Boogie and Ian think the balls are nothing, just to rile them up..
Britney: Do you think it could be part of a luxury comp? We're due a luxury comp.
5:47pm BBT Trivia!! Hopefully, nominations are now underway! We'll see you in a new top post as soon as the feeds come back!
Hello Carolyn!!!!!! Back feeling better, yet?
"Ash: That's what I'm smitten about."
hehehe 'smitten' Ash is so adorable.
I know I haven't been commenting much today. I'm here, though, lurking around. Just don't feel well. Kind of like my body is trying to fight off a virus or something. I'm not really sick, just have a general malaise or 'under-the-weather' feeling. Hope my mood brightens.
Keep up the good work, Miss Caro! Always a treat and pleasure spending the days online with you. ☺♥
Carolyn, wish you had more support! so does your back!
(It's all about our body telling us the primoral affect of our experience)
It's tip time readers, this beloved gal of ours is experiencng the half-way commitment pressure...
And, she does it from her heart, backed by compassion for the game and for her readers... I volunteer to start the movement $$$$
Dis-ease creates disease. Lets open up to sharing prosperity for our gratitude*
Boogie's so hip into poker I hope he appreciates the art of the bluff today!
Hi Bluee :) I was wondering where you were. :0) Welcome back! You always brighten my mood.. I hope I can do the same for you!
Hi Pally! :) Thank you very much! That's very kind of you! (**i think it's just cuz i'm OTR and it's been a longer than usual day..)
Hi David! :) haha
I will be delighted with these noms. Want Frank gone first.
OH..p.s. Go Ashley! hehe love her!
Hi FLGirl! :0)
Just saw the official release for the ratings for Big Brother last night. Number one in prime time and the best ratings the show has seen since the season premiere.
Shows Jeff's star power for sure. His appearance had to be responsible for the jump. I would think, anyway.
Caro, you ALWAYS brighten my mood!
"In wonder how many of us lie about or frickkin jobs" Shane things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm....... LOL
Just get these noms going. Don't want nothing to change.
Hi Carolyn and everyone,
I have a bad feeling about Shane nominating Frank and of them will be left in the house..possibly both if one of them gets the POV. I fear he could go out in the de. Hope your back starts to feel better Carolyn!
Thanks again for all your hard work! I love this site!
Hi Carolyn and everyone,
I have a bad feeling about Shane nominating Frank and of them will be left in the house..possibly both if one of them gets the POV. I fear he could go out in the de. Hope your back starts to feel better Carolyn!
Thanks again for all your hard work! I love this site!
I think I just wiped out my comment, so hi anyways! Hope you r back gets better Caolyn. Thanks for this great site! I love it!
Blue - Well that's certainly good news! BB was tanking during the Olympics.. MWAH!
David - mm hmm
FL Girl - Right?!
ajs221 :) Thank you!! I broke down and took a couple Advil.. feeling on the mend now. (i'm stubborn about taking anything ever)
Duh! Forgot about the Olympics.
I second the bad feeling about Boogie and Frank however, I want this to go down without any problems! Just seems too good to be true!!
Hi Janet!! :0)
I really enjoy having Frank in the house.. Boogie's even grown on me this go around..
But somebody's gotta go.. It definitely looks like they're going to be the noms..
May the best man win PoV and take himself off the block.
Happy afternoon all. In the flashback Carolyn refers to at 2:25 ish Boogie says "Everyone's really getting full of themselves." No Boogie, it's not everyone else, it's you and it's going to cost you big time. And I can't wait.
if they somehow save frank/boogie again with a pandoras box, i will have to stop watching!
Any ideas of what a "bad" Pandora's box coud be? Something BB could do to upset Shane's noms?
Hey Carolyn,
I definitely respect Frank's game.. I just think this is a strong move that would stir things up and further solidify the "Quack Pack".
Boogie has his decent moments in my books.. However I want him gone. I know it's more likely Frank be the target but I think getting Boogs out of the picture will make Dan stick more to his team. I know Dan has proven to be loyal in the past but something about him and Boogie has me on the fence for sure.
hihi all sorry we had slight emrgincy here little one (not mine but one we are wtachignZ) ran in to a glass frame we had to get it all cleaned and get his badaid on it was a mess. But now im back to see hg go back in side nothing to it yet.
Hi Carolyn, Blue, everyone!!
Pandoras box would be awesome!!
I just watched two of Wil's music videos on YouTube! Has anyone else watched them?!
ohhh? ball fun
ball action
I think I'm more excited about these balls/question mark than the HGs are!!
Hello Goddess of the Dish!!
Hello Dishers!!
What is going on in the house today??? Balls on the floor, question marks ... Pandora's Box ... or maybe some kind of power ...
Please oh please BB Gods ... have Boogie go home this week ...
Brit is on the right of thursday night's comps will be the counting of the questions will be how many balls are in the machine...closest guess wins...also I'd be counting shoes in the kicks room, speakers in the boom boom room, and the colored carpet tiles throughout the is the time for ian to use his extensive knowledge of BB history and remember this comp...he could win easily...
Get these noms done already.
Ahh!!! I KNEW it! The other morning I posted a comment about how I heard some kind of noise and I thought it was coming from that machine... I'm gonna go back and find the comment, because I'm pretty sure I posted the time/cam with it....I'll let you know :)
this is where the live feeds are fun .... watching hg's wander around trying to figure if this is a game move and or how
Okay... So Wednesday Morning (8/15/12)at 8:45am on Cam 3 Boogie is trying to sleep in the bathroom. After a couple seconds in the background you can hear noises/robotic music? , and I am pretty positive they were coming from that prize machine. I had to listen with my headphones on, so you might want to try that. I wonder if they were testing it out then, or if they were trying to use it then and give it to Boogie without anyone knowing... Who knows...
The amount of fish today has been so completely out of control I'm seeing red. Oh, wait-that's just Frank. But still, it's got me really ticked off and for the first time ever I am seriously considering not getting them next year.
In between bubbles there was something between Danielle and Britney. Brit was telling Danielle she didn't mean to upset her and it was just a joke. Danielle said she wasn't mad but it was way too obvious that she was.
I've been gritting my teeth trying not to talk about Danielle too much lately because I know she has been getting bashed on some of the hate sites. But come on, if this girl can't learn to take a joke she needs to stop being a walking punchline.
dan and dani are close to the right numbers
Does anyone remember what happened on Shelly's season? I remember her always trying to mess with a machine... I can't remember what ever happened with it though.. Wasn't it like a witch or something that came alive?
Yeah... they are terrible... reminds me of rebecca black
Good evening Carolyn and everyone!
Thank you, Carolyn, for being the ever gracious hostess!
Hey Blue - your general malaise might just be those returning students. (I work in property management for some campus housing at Purdue!)
Although it's dangerous to live in Indiana this week: swine flu and now salmonella from canteloupe. Good gravy! But I think if you had either of those, you would feel much, much worse!
Happy Weekend everyone!
Good evening Carolyn and everyone!
Thank you, Carolyn, for being the ever gracious hostess!
Hey Blue - your general malaise might just be those returning students. (I work in property management for some campus housing at Purdue!)
Although it's dangerous to live in Indiana this week: swine flu and now salmonella from canteloupe. Good gravy! But I think if you had either of those, you would feel much, much worse!
Happy Weekend everyone!
Good evening Carolyn and everyone!
Thank you, Carolyn, for being the ever gracious hostess!
Hey Blue - your general malaise might just be those returning students. (I work in property management for some campus housing at Purdue!)
Although it's dangerous to live in Indiana this week: swine flu and now salmonella from canteloupe. Good gravy! But I think if you had either of those, you would feel much, much worse!
Happy Weekend everyone! My apologies if this comes through twice...
the fish/trivia do annoy me but when the early bird special works out to like $10 a month it's still a lot of low cost entertainment
Good evening all!!!
Haven't read or watched a thing since getting home from work... It's Happy Hour at my house!!! YYYYAAAYYYY!!!!
So what's up with the ball/game machine???? Hopefully something that will save our so affectionately named "Frankenboogie"!!!!
Could this finally be noms. Darn, they just interupted Danielle's nap time with Shane. Oh, that's right, she doesn't even like Shane.
Just starting to read the comments...
Caro your back's outta whack???? Feel better soon!!!
Thank you very much, Boiler Up! :0)
Everyone... I'm stepping away for a bite while Trivia's up. I'm hopeful noms are underway..
See you soon in a new top post.
This is my fave part if the season...I'll be getting the feeds tonight, from here of course!
When I named them that, it wasn't necessarily with affection. But I'm glad you like it. And honestly, when Boogie isn't talking badly about women he really hasn't bothered me this year. Still, if anyone else wants a chance to win this game Frankenboogie's got to go.
Terra - thank you!
Lucky13 - Just a combo of tooooo much sitting and that time of the month.
Whether we agree or not.... I absolutely love your posts!!! I happen to like Chilltown 2.0 and would love to see them go further. If not... hey, I know the game. Go Dan then!!!!
Caro - You deserve a nice long soak in a steaming hot tub... It will help both ailements!
Sooo Ian is either keeping his lips sealed about what he really thinks the meaning of the balls are, or he forgot the one oddball comp that BB does every year with the counting thing...I'd tend to think he's keeping it under his hat and will secretly be counting and remembering everything in the house photographically
Everyone - New top Post! :0)
I hope Buggie can get both of them out of this.
Shane is the only one that should have no fear. Why does he fear Frank so much.
This is a bad move for Dan's game. No way will any of them give him 500,000 again over anyone but Boggie. Buggie will not trust Dan after this. Ashley, Joe & Jenn are way closer to the win then anyone else.
Boogie will play with Dan but he will also ruin him too.
I can't wait to see the fallout from Shane's nominations. I almost feel bad for Frank because as he said, if he isn't HoH, he's on the block. But only almost. He's not a bad guy, just not a favorite of mine. I really don't have a favorite. They all annoy me at times except for Dan, so I lean somewhat in the direction of Team Dan. But Dan's already won before. I guess on the bright side, I probably won't be disappointed with any particular player who wins lol.
Nice posts lately, Carolyn ;)
I can't wait to see the fallout from Shane's nominations. I almost feel bad for Frank because as he said, if he isn't HoH, he's on the block. But only almost. He's not a bad guy, just not a favorite of mine. I really don't have a favorite. They all annoy me at times except for Dan, so I lean somewhat in the direction of Team Dan. But Dan's already won before. I guess on the bright side, I probably won't be disappointed with any particular player who wins lol.
Nice posts lately, Carolyn ;)
Btw I think Shane is gay. No man passes on months of no play with someone willing to play. Not to mention how much he works out. Come on.
Pally - You've got mail...
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