The Overnight Report
Good morning, BB lovers! Happy Friday!! :-)
Fun night on the live feeds! In the wake of MCrae's PoV win, we have lots of Happy faces and group bathers up in HoH. It's a party!
While Jessie was darn near invisible all day yesterday, she's resurfaced to enjoy the company of others, now that the house is collectively rejoicing in what seems like the inevitability of Elissa being put up as the renom. Since Elissa did get to play for PoV, this cannot be called a backdoor.
Group Bathtime over, we now have Ginamarie and Amanda Happy Dancing around the HoH, riding Andy and entertaining Spencer.
They are all completely stir crazy, they want OUTside. That would be nice. Ginamarie steps out of HoH, adding boobs to her getup and delclares, "I should get boobs like this. I could be a stripper."
Howard advises her against this choice.
Let's have a look on the quad...
Downstairs in the HHN room, we find Elissa smiling big, keeping up a non-freak-out strong front, and bonding with her co-Have Nots. They're chatting about past HHN Rooms, bugs, different beds...
Elissa: Buckle up, Big Brother houseguests, we're in for the ride of our lives... I feel like I need to apologize to America for not getting dressed, ever... I'm gonna get BB15 tattooed on my heart.
Helen: If I win this game, I will get a tattoo. I've never thought about getting a tattoo, but if I win this game.. I have no body art. But I would do it.. IF I won. Otherwise, I'd just frame my key.. and the cast photo.
Elissa: I might go make hot chocolate. I didn't know there was chocolate milk.
Helen: That competition was awesome.
Elissa: I really did have fun with that competition. I'm not exhausted, but.. I really don't have enough energy to deal with these houseguests.
Helen: I hear you.
Elissa: I don't think we're gonna have a competition tomorrow.
Helen: No. The nly thing we're gonna have is a Veto meeting..Do you think McCrae is gonna use it?
Elissa: He told me he was going to. He's gonna put me up.
Helen: He told you that?
Elissa: mm hmm
Helen: Who's he gonna use it on? ..Someone mentioned eviction's not til next Wednesday. 6 days is a long time. It's a good thing to lay low.
** mm hmm
Elissa: I know and.. the live feeds just came up last night.
Helen: 6 days til eviction and HoH. Gah, I wanna win HoH now. I know everyone wants to win HoH, but I reallly wanna win HoH.
Elissa: I can't believe how cold L.A. gets at night. Ohmigod, I feel like an old person.
Helen: I can't believe that honey. Dave dove into it super fast. You were pretty fast too. It's hard to comment though..
Elissa: Do you thinnk that hurt the guys legs, like with their leg hair? It was coated so thick. Was Howard pretty fast?
Helen: he was!
Elissa: I was shocked because he's so big. I was like, how is he gonna fit under that roller.
**OK.. Elissa's in much better spririts than I expected to find her. Good for her!
Elissa: Man, I'm so disappointed that pot roast is 2 words! It would have been the longest one!!
Helen: I'm glad you tried though.
Elissa: It's the most fun I've had all week.. It took my mind off the girls being so mean. I don't know why it's necessary.
Helen: I wanna win HoH next week. I need some math competitions.
**We have a request, BB. Are you taking note?
12:28am Candice enters the HHN room, joining Elissa and Helen, and talk about the comp continues.
Elissa's expression tightens immediately, but just for a moment. Amanda joins as well.. offering a legal concoction that "tastes just like coffee ice cream." Amanda's pilot voice is requested, and she delivers, sending the room into giggles.. Ginamarie joins them as well.
Ginamarie: You actually used to be able to smoke on a plane?? No way, dude!
Talk returns to the competition.
Candice: I just didn't wanna be Kathy.
Ginamarie: Your face was hysterical.
Talk turns to the schedule, and Helen tells them eviction isn't until Wednesday. She then explains what America sees on the tv show and when. The room has cleared out, leaving only Helen and Ginamarie.
Helen: We don't have eviction for 6 days, which is double the time we've been here. 6 days.
Ginamarie: 6 days.
Helen: I think we'll have a food thing on Monday..
**probably not, dear. The first HHNs have it rough.
Timecheck - 12:38am
Quadcheck -
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*Love* the running clock on ever |
She's chilling with Judd, who wants the backyard open so he can smoke.
Helen joins the bathroom crew, flosses. She's getting ready for bed. No one else even looks close to bedtime.
Helen: I think they're gonna wake us around 8 every day.
Feed 3 flips to Aaryn and David in bed. They have a bit of a showmance going..
Aaryn: Did McCrae tell you?
David: No.
Aaryn: Then why did you throw it? I don't think there's any reason he would change his mind.
David: If I went home, I would be sick to my stomach. Like, that would be the worst move of my life.
Aaryn: You wont. The whole house loves you. If You and I are up there together.. They think you're a good competitor, but they're not scared of you. Whereas me, they know I go balls to the wall every time. If it came down to me or you, it'd be me.
Aaryn thinks the house perceives her as a bigger physical threat than David. I wonder if there are unicorns roaming freely in her world.
Aaryn: And there's no way you'd go home over Candice.
David says he's going to go to sleep, so Aaryn comes in for a snuggle..
David: I'm so glad you're here. I don't know what I'd do with out you.. You're so good to me.
Aaryn: I was so mean to you. I feel so bad. I feel like a brat today. Like, I don't feel proud of myself.
Candice comes into the room and gives the rundown on where everyone is. She leaves.
Aaryn: What do I smell like?
David: You smell like a perfect rainbow.
**oh lord.
12:56am - Skippy flips us to the cockpit lounge, and we join Kaitlin, Jeremy and Ginamarie in there.
Meet Active Showmance number 2
Ginamarie: Girls like guys that are a--holes.
**I'm guessing Elissa would find this a beautifully ironic statement, coming from Kaitlin who is with Jeremy.
Jeremy: I'm very touchy. I like to feel the woman.
Ginamarie: Feel the woman.
Ginamarie's a laugh no matter which group she's with. Andy and Aaryn join the cockpit crew and talk turns to cuif noises. It's a good giggle, if you'd like to flashback. Click the little calendar icon above the Camera 4 box, Select June 28th, 1:01am on feed 3.
Let's have a listen up in HoH.
Spencer, McCrae, Amanda, Howard
Talk about relationships outside the house. Spencer has a girlfriend.
Spencer: What up, baby girl? Pet my dog. Give 'im sugars for me!
Spencer's girlfriend is just recently back on. They were together for 2 years, her mom never liked him.. Before he came in the house he gave her all of his online banking passcodes, etc. There is definitely trust there. The way he describes her leads another male HG to comment, "That is wifey. That is definitely wifey."
Spencer: To me, it's more important to pay my bills than to go out for expensive dinners.
Amanda: I like to cook. We also have a pantry that's like Willy Wonka's pantry.. I can put anything together.
**Amanda mentioned earlier today that her boyfriend is an attorney. Poor thing.
Spencer: She is a special woman, but there's sh*t we gotta work through. This is a huge thing. There's no lie, fib or even half truth involved in anything I've said about her. She can honestly get to know me, without being around me. (the mom?) I respect her parents.
McCrae shares about his family. His grandparents spend winters in Florida, because they can't handle Minnesota winter. Who can?? Talk turns to southern vegetables, cooking..
Spencer: I'd like to pan fry some chicken.
Howard: I liked the first thing you said.. Biscuits and gravy..
Amanda: How do you make biscuits though?
Spencer: I don't.
Amanda: Ooh.. pancakes in the morning would be good.
Spencer: I like chocolate pancakes.
Howard: I like blueberry pancakes.
**noted. :)
Howard: You ever put peanut butter on a hamburger?
Amanda: No!
Carolyn: Ew. There is only so much I'll tolerate for those abs.
Camera 1
Judd, Jessie, Nick
It's late night snack time.
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Andy comes in, asking where is everyone. Nick is not a good reporter. Andy checks the door to confirm they are still locked in.
Judd: I don't think I've ever seen this kitchen so clean.
Jessie: It took me about an hour and a half to do the dishes.
Camera 1 flips to the cockpit, where Kaitlin and Jeremy are still snuggling...and talking game.
Kaitlin: I think we're gonna be a huge targt, to be honest with you, all 4 of us.
Jeremy: What do you wanna do about it?
Kaitlin: I don't think there's anything we can do about it at this point. You're going around telling everyone you're gonna win everything.
Jeremy: I'm already a target. We'll see. Just watch how the cookie crumbles.
Kaitlin: The cookie will crumble.
Jeremy: I have faith in you. You kick ass.
Kaitlin: I think all 4 of us kick ass.
Jerermy: It's gonna be shitty regardless.
Kaitlin: Eventually.
Jeremy: It'll be alright. We got some friends in here,. They got our back.
Kaitlin: To be honest with you, I think Jess would put me up.
Jeremy: Maybe we should nip that in the bud.
**The first chink in the armor and sign of hope for Elissa.
Jeremy: Do you think we should take a step back?
Kaitlin: No. A little bit of a grenade today with David. It was definitely a smart move on her gameplay. She's already a target. But why would she raise her hand and say, Can I go to the DR after this? Not really a smart move there.
1:44am Doing a quick check up in HoH on 3/4, talk is about family.. Going back to Jeremy and Kaitlin in the cockpit, Kaitlin flashes her beautiful smile and skippy grabs a really nice extreme closeup.
Kaitlin: Who's going home next week?
Jeremy: I think Candice. And I think she's gonna FREAK out. 2 weeks in a row. She's too emotional.
Kaitlin: She was like, Bring it on!
Jeremy: She like, stiff-armed me.
Kaitlin: It was just in the heat of the moment.
Jeremy: There's a right way and a wrong way..
Kaitlin: I'm emotionally drained.
Jeremy: You can't be emotionally drained when I need you to hang in there.
**Seriously, Robyn Kass should replace Patti Stanger. Kudos on the matchmaking this season.
They are now talking about having children.. not with each other.. but, it's been a week! Let's leave the lovebirds alone for a moment.. Kaitlin wants to name her child Jameson.
Jeremy: I would love a stay at home mom... like a domesticated broad.
***I think I just had an aneurysm.
Jeremy: I'm about to hit the sack.. hard.
Kaitlin: No, don't go to bed yet.
Candice comes in..
Kaitlin: You should feel comfortable.
Candice: Nobody ever goes out without a fight.. You know she's gonna start some sh*t.
Kaitlin: (talking about Elissa) I think she's ready to go.. especially after what happened today.. she doesn't need the money. I think she wants to go home to her kid.
Candice leaves them. Snuggling intensifies. Checking the quad, Jessie is still in cleaning mode in the kitchen. Andy and Nick are hanging out at the counter.
Kaitlin: I think the girls are more concerned with what they look like than winning. Who wears red lipstick to a competition?
Kaitlin: You have the most ridiculous pants.
Jeremy: I do. And matching jackets.
Kaitlin: Why do you have these?
Jeremy: Cuz I'm the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Jeremy gives Kaitlin a piggy back ride through the whole house to their bed.. She takes out her weave. Snuggles..
Kaitlin: I wanna go to India..
Jeremy: I do to, but I hear it smells.
Kaitlin: I wanna go there and feed kids. I love kids, as long as their not mine.
Someone: Help Me!! Help!!
Jeremy and Kaitlin jump from the bed and go running.. Jessie's overloaded with glasses?? **Gah, I thought there was actual danger. Evict her. ;-p I kid.
After a brief break, I return to find Nick downstairs at the counter and the rest of the wakeful HGs up in HoH. Jeremy has now joined them, but I don't see Kaitlin.
The HoH HGs are watching Jessie clean. She comes upstairs.Judd: The kitchen looks great.
Amanda: he was checking out your ass.
Laughter, because it's true. Howard leaves to go to the kitchen. Moments after he arrives, Nick says he's gonna brush his teeth and go to bed.
The HoH crew is now McCrae, Spencer, Jeremy, Amanda, Candice, Andy and Jessie. Chatter about food..
Judd: All you need to make cheese is milk, butter and ice.
Amanda: You need ice for cheese?
Andy: Let's say we don't have our HoH til Wednesday, but we lose our Have Not status on Monday, what are we gonna do about beds? We're only supposed to be have Nots for a week.
Jeremy: I don't know if I could do the airplane chairs, man.
Feed 1
Quick Secret Bathroom Meeting
Nick and Howard
Nick: If any one of us could talk to him.. I think it would be best of McCrae did it..
Between the toothbrush in the mouth and the whispering, I missed the gist of it.. If you want to catch this exchange on flashback, go to June 28th, 2:31am on Feed 1.
Howard heads straight back up to the HoH room. Nick flosses.
2:37am Kaitlin says goodnight. Jessie leaves HoH too.
Judd: I'm goin' on Have Not strike tomorrow too.
ALL: (laughter)
Downstairs in the kitchen, Jessie's complaining about Amanda, her vulgarity, and her propensity to make every situation into The Amanda Show to Kaitlin...
Kaitlin: If he doesn't take you off, don't take it personal, because we all know his main goal.
Jessie: No, I know.
They move towards their bedrooms... Jessie stops at the Storage Room door.
Jessie: Is there someone who decides when the light here is green?
Kaitlin: Yeah, the person watching us.
She gets the green-light.
Jessie: Thanks, person.
Jessie heads in to bed.
Kaitlin: Let's have fun tomorrow. Let's lay out and play some games.
Jessie: Yeah!
Kaitlin heads to the bathroom. Her shorts are so short, I keep thinking she's walking around the house in her underwear. Jessie's too. New Rule: If I can see your tushy, they don't actually qualify as shorts.
Feed 1
Jeremy and Kaitlin get back into bed, full frontal snuggs.
They're actually kinda cute together. Just don't get stupid, Kaitlin. Their complete privacy is soon interrupted by Candice, but the lights never come on.
Feed 3
Howard and Spencer are talking about drinking and shooting..
Howard: I don't even drink beer, but I'll guzzle one.
Spencer: I wish I liked to drink alcohol.
Howard: I've tried to develop a taste for beer. I just can't. Now liquor..
Spencer: I've never had a hangover.
Howard: Don't get one either. My 1st hangover, I got alcohol poisoning. Right before I left for college. Their goal was to get me drunk, so I wouldn't go off and be stupid about it in college. (it worked) I was good til I got outta the car? When I got outta the car, the whole world changed.
McCrae: I wanna go to bed in like 10 minutes.
Downstairs, Kaitlin and Jeremy remind themselves to behave, mostly. Upstairs in HoH, the crew is beginning to tire out.. Beginning. I'm secretly willing them to sleep.
Kaitlin: This is like soft core porn for some people, if you think about it.
Jeremy: If you say so.
Kaitlin: Should I take my shirt off?
Kaitlin climbs on top of Jeremy and gives him a wiggle. So much for behaving.
Candice: Once of my favorite movies is Mr Poppers Penguins.
Andy enters., saying he needs to get in bed immediately. Candice tells Kaitlin all about Mr Poppers Penguins.
3:03am Judd comes in and says goodnight. All tell him goodnight. Kaitlin is still perched on top of Jeremy.
Candice: Kaitlin, I think you should be in Miss USA.
Kaitlin: I've been offered to be trained in pageants, but I refused.
Candice: The ones I was in as a teenager paid for most of my college. You could really win one. You would have to lie about candy and trees though.
**Candy is BB15 HG code for marijuana.
Candice continues encouraging Kaitlin to get into pageants.
Checking the Quad, we now have lights out on all feeds. A handful of HGs are still chatting, but sleep should come soon. On Feed 3, Amanda's under the covers up in the HoH bed with McCrae.
He puts pillows between to separate them, as she asks, "Why are you sleeping so far away?!" They discuss their hypothetical gameplan for next week. McCrae tells Amanda that he wants Candice out week 2.
Camera 1
Jeremy and Kaitlin
We have Smooching
Very quietly, because there are others in the room..This does intensify quite a bit around 3:30am... If you wanna watch for yourself on the feeds.
Cam 3
Amanda & McCrae
Talk turns to Elissa.
Amanda: I don't think she wants to be here. I don't think she'll fight to stay. If you don't get rid of Elissa..
McCrae: Because she already hates it here. Why not get rid of someone who wants to fight?
Amanda: Elissa needs to go. She'll f*** us up. We are creating harmony in the house. She's a strong competitor. I'm gonna punch you.
McCrae: Still, it's something to think about.
Oh the tangled webs we weave...
Camera 3/4
Amanda: You should be confident. I like you. Do you feel like I'm a lot older than you?
McCrae: No.
Amanda: You're 23 years old, and you make pizzas.
McCrae: I don't make em. I deliver em.
Amanda: But you just graduated school. What are you waiting for?
McCrae: This.
Amanda: So, you have a bachelors in production.
McCrae: Not a bachelors..
Amanda: Are you worried about Elissa coming up and talking to you tomorrow?
McCrae: No. I'm gonna tell her she's the master of her own fate. I'm using the veto no matter what. I'm gonna tell her, "you are gonna be going up, but you can stay in this house easily."
Amanda: Don't tell her that. WHy did she tell you she had MVP and not me?
McCrae: Because she probably doesn't trust you. I feel like I'm developing everyone else's accents.. like I hear everyone's voices in my head.
Amanda: You really are sleeping at the exact oppostie endof the bed.
McCrae: Cuz I don't know what you're gonna do to me. I don't want you to hurt me.
Amanda: Get over here. Stop being like that.
McCrae: I'm old school.
Amanda: You're a good boy. You're a good little 23 year old pizza boy.
McCrae: I need someone to trust, of course. I would like to, but we would have to build it first. It has to be built. It's gonna be tough under these conditions.
Amanda: But you don't trust me at all.
McCrae: I tell you f'in everything.
Amanda: It's gonna be us, Helen, Howard vs like the younger people.
McCrae: I relate way better to you guys. I fit into an older crowd way better than a younger crowd. I know a lot about what came before me. I like to talk to older people, because they've had more life experience.
Amanda: You have a hot girl with double Ds who wants to spend all her time with you. I feel lucky that I met you. What are you thinking?
McCrae: I'm thinking that I need to get Jessie to be my blowmance. You'll be queen of the castle, and she'll be my blowmance. You don't wanna be suckin' dick. That's the dirty job.
Amanda: hahaha. Is there anything that you haven't told me?
McCrae: I was in knowledge bowl when I was in highschool.
Chatter about highschool, reunions, cooking for the Have Nots as a goodwill strategy.. and McCrae's no attention attention to gt the hot girls. I could be wrong.. He may cave, but I don't think Amanda's getting any snuggles from McCrae tonight. McCrae starts to subtly work on Amanda about getting David out this week, just sharing the case he could make against David..
As it's 3:50am, and I don't think there will be anymore earth shattering game talk this evening, this concludes the first true and rather mammoth Overnight Report of the BB15 season. I'm gonna sleep while the critters sleep. I'll see you back here around 8am BBT. :)
**Checking in at 9:35am BB is still letting them sleep. Skippy, I'm if you ever want to send me a love note with the wake up times, so I can sleep accordingly. xoxo, C
Thanks Caro for getting me caught up! I hope you can get a few good hours of sleep. Is it just me or when you do a flashback does the time on the feeds still show as the current BB time instead of the FB time?
Good Morning! Thanks for the great Overnight Report.
I hope McCrae can keep Elissa safe this week. I hate that she seems to be a target only because of her sister. She seems to be very different from Rachel.
Hopefully McCrae can sell the idea of getting David out now and weaken the showmance alliance.
McCray-Cray No wayyy! I could not stop watching! McCray and Amanda. Some serious flirting/cuddling! Most odd couple EVER. I love it. She so soo wants him. They stay up the lastest out of everyone. They talk all night every night in bed together. Im loving this season of as they are calling it, "Blowmances"! Lol too much fun.
Omg. Lol. Now that is an overnight report!!!!
What a great job you do for us Caroline........truly :-)
I've been a loyal reader for years and years but have only commented a handful of times......that's changing this year. My computer is getting fixed so I only have my phone which does not support the feeds, until early next week.
Reading the overnight report this morning, I finally feel like I have a grasp of what's going on in I said,I've always been a loyal reader but this morning I really realized how grateful I am for all you do for us hardcore fans.......ya know the ones I mean, we twitch and suck our thumbs if we don't have the feeds for some But my withdrawal is finally calming down after reading this detailed and really funnyovernight report.
thank you thank you thank you Caro!!!!!
1 question.......all this talk about Elissa not wanting to be that just catty mean girl stuff or has Elissa actually said something to make then think that? TIA :-)
......and I'm loving Crae's game so far, he's playing hard but keeping the house in general on his side, not easy to do with all that power the first week. just hope he really does have the house on his side and isn't a huge target next week.
I'll stop typing....for now.lolol
Good morning Carolyn :)
I am really hoping David goes,or anyone for that matter.Just not Elissa! I really want to see what she has to offer in this game.Jessie is a great bet to leave :)I guess time and craziness will tell :)
Great overnight report,as usual :)
Great TOR. Hugs Caro and dishers. I really hope Elissa can stay around a little while. I wouldn't mind seeing Amanda go sooner than later, she just NEVER shuts up! Her and GM make my ears bleed at times!!! See you back for the MR. Good day dishy family!
Good Morning! Thanks for a great overnight report! I can't figure out if McCrae is genuinely interested in Amanda or if he's just playing her. And dare I say that Gina Marie is growing on me just a bit?!
Still can't figure out why everyone hates Elissa. Hope she gets to stay a couple of weeks and some of the mean girls get evicted first. She spends virtually zero time on the feeds :(
Good morning.
I still can't get a read on people so I am basing all my opinions on preseason interviews and whether anything has changed.
The Guys: Judd and Spencer seemed nice but didn't stand out to me. I still don't know them well enough to have an opinion.
Jeremy didn't bother me but then I heard other info. about him that colored my opinion. Now I just have an uneasy feeling.
I didn't like Andy at the beginning of the interview but liked him a lot by the end. Still don't know him.
Nick and David annoyed the crap out of me but haven't bothered me near as much as I thought since the feeds came on.
Howard-I really liked him. He seemed nice, intelligent and looks athletic. If all those things are true to his character in the house, he has zero chance to win.
McCrae was my favorite. I don't know if he will continue to be because the first days are too confusing. I'm not sure who he is really aligned with, if he is just trying to be safe with everyone, is he being strategic or shady...too many questions. He already has an uphill battle. All the power in the first week makes him a threat and people seem to think he is a genius wunderkind and not a simple pizza delivery boy.
I can't wait to see some DR's of McCrae to see where his head is actually at regardingly Elissa.
He is pretty disappointing to me with his filthy mouth. I hate when people are on the show using the f-bomb as verbs, adjectives, nouns, etc etc. Its so tacky! I'm not anti-cuss words by any means, but jeez.
PS AWESOME first TOR Caro!
The Girls: They are harder to judge because in their interviews they didn't make huge impressions either way.
I thought Helen seemed nice but figured she is a long shot. The nice mom/oldest person in the house never wins.
Didn't like Jessie because as soon as a girl says, "Other girls don't like me. I think it's because they are jealous. I am the prettiest one in the house"---well, they are almost always on the block in the first week. She seems to be MIA since feeds came on and Aaryn now seems to be the front runner for making excuses as to why other girls don't like her.
Ginamarie seemed like someone who could be a lot of fun in the house or someone who could grate on my nerves. I don't know her well enough yet.
Kaitlin and Candice seemed o.k. I had a feeling Candice could be a firecracker and apparently she went off on someone. Kaitlin needs to get away from Jeremy. It will ruin her game.
I thought Elissa would annoy me but tried to be open minded. If she stays, I probably will get annoyed, but I can handle annoying. I don't like mean. It seems like everyone is ganging up on her ONLY because of Rachel unless something happened before we had feeds.
Amanda...did not bother me in her interview. She is my official, first, please evict her now houseguest. I fear that if she stays I will never have a chance to get to know anyone else. And for a girl who thinks she knows the game so well, sleeping in the first HOH bed when you are NOT the HOH does not look good. It makes you look full of yourself (thinking that you have the power even though you didn't win the key). It also makes you look like a total a**kisser.
That's my official take based on first impressions.
Good morning, MandaMarsha! :) It shows as current for me as well.
Good morning, IndyJan! :) Thanks! :)
Good morning, Cassidy! :) LOL! I really wasn't sure what to make of them..
Good morning, Jennifer! :) Thank you very much! Re Elissa - I think she wants to be there very much.
Good morning, Andrea! :) Thank you!:) Ditto! Smoochies!
Good morning, WendyBBFanatic! :) Thank you! HUGS!
Good morning, Jen! :) Thank you! Me neither.. and Her as well. Ditto with Ginamarie.. She irked me at first, but I she is just adorable and totally winning me over.
Good morning, Grendon! :)
Good morning, Madison! :) Thank you!
I'm confused. Didn't Amanda say she had a boyfriend?
I'm confused. Didn't Amanda say she had a boyfriend?
And good morning, everyone and especially Caro!
G'morning, JCo :) Indeed she did.
I know after 15 seasons it starts to seem like BB is recasting roles that have already been played by going after certain personality types. But based strictly on physical looks I sometimes feel deja vu. Elissa is obviously a no brainer, dead ringer for Rachel. But something about Ginamarie yesterday reminded me of season 10 April. Then Aaryn bore a certain resemblance to Keesha. Then Judd with the bandana reminded me of a younger, not quite as good looking brother of Memphis.
Good Morning Caroline and fellow dishers lets see if i can type this up all nice
I skipped most of yesterday. After my tooth was pulled i hated watching the feeds to see the Amanda show. PLEASE some one evict her, or put her in solitary confinement. She is the meanies girl in that house.
She stirs the pot. She wont stop. I see some of the other girls starting to hate her too. Thank god. I hope she goes soooon
I dont know the others to much. I think these showmances were a stupid idea and is going to start biting them lall in the butts soon.
I am so sad that the one i likeis the one who may go this week. I think shed be fun to watch but oh no shes rachels sister get rid of her.. BOO these house guests seem so catty and for no real reason.
They are like a pack of wolves attacking the weakest or the out cast one. Its sicking to watch
I am going to try and watch more today but it just grits on my nerves so im afraid at least the first week i may be less interested.
Thanks for a fabulous TOR, Carolyn. I was watching Amanda "console" Elissa last evening and convincing her that she should not fight if she doesn't want to be there because of house consensus to get her out. That would be SOOOO unnerving to be an outcast so early and for what appears to be for no good reason. I felt so sorry for her last evening. As I tend to root for the underdogs, I hope she can pull this out, if for no other reason than we get more time to see what she's really like. Amanda bothers me for some reason, but I don't think she'll go far.
I love your off the cuff remarks, "ie. I think I'm having an anuresym"....Amanda's bf must be loving her about now! Great tor, Caro!!!
Good morning, jCo - Indeed, she did. I'm confused on this one too.
Grendon - Interesting.. I hadn't thought of those similarities, although, on 1st impression alone, I did get a Howie vibe from Judd.
Good morning, Tiffany! :) I love your passion.
Good morning, PattiZ :) Hm! Heck of a concolatipon. ;)
Good morning, ManiacRose :) Thank you!!
Good afternoon Carolyn and BBDishers!! Great Overnight Report Carolyn. Well, since my #1 choice to go home (Kaitlin) isn't on the block and it doesn't look like she'll be the renom, I'd like to see Jessie go. She's much too pretty anyway (Dripping sarcasm). One of my pre-game favorites (Amanda) is slowly working her way OUT of favor with me. She's a bit forceful imo. Borderline bully. Or maybe it's her tone. And can she just let McCrae have a night to himself in HOH? Though there's no showmance, it's reminding me of how Danielle would always impose herself on Shane's HOH. Just let him enjoy for goodness sake. Lastly, I would love to see Elissa stay in the game. I think it's totally unfair that the house would evict her because of her sister. Just wanted to share a few of my thought this afternoon. Everyone have a great day!!
Psst!! :)
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