BB15: Endurance Comp Coverage
Endurance Comp!!! Spark up your feeds! Fasten your seat belts! Enjoy the ride!
We'll be here covering the comp until we have a new HoH! However... We strongly encourage you to indulge yourself and take advantage of the 2 day free trial. Simply put, Endurance Rocks! :0)
The feeds usually come back within 5-15 minutes after the live show.. Stretch!!
Feeds are back! McCrae is OUT! Spencer too!
Andy's out! He joins McCrae and Spencer on the bench.
Of the current HGs, Elissa's in the lead with 5, Amanda's got 4..
Of the Jury: Jessie's in the lead with 4, Judd has 3..
Jessie takes a tumble.. and with a "F*ck you, Amanda!" she's out of the running.
Judd: I'll give each of you $5,000 to take a fall.
Candice: You can't say that, Judd. You'll get in trouble.
Aaryn: Candice, Helen and Judd, one of you will return to the Big Brother Game.
Judd: There's no way I can hang on..
Helen: Yes, you can, Judd.
Candice: Judd, stop mind f'in us. You know you want back in, so be quiet.
Ginamarie: Here comes the wind.. Fantastic..
An overzealous "fan" appears.. and Security. The HGs are nonplussed.
Gm gets another ball and plenty of Kudos.. Elissa has a very near miss with a ball and the plank.. Amanda's hanging in.
On the Jury side, Judd leads with 4..
Candice: Andy, did you get Christmas Shoes?
Andy: Hell yes, I did!
Wall chatter..
Helen: Why have I been a have not for 2 weeks..
Helen: Gm tried to save me this week, you should know that. Be kind to her. She went out of her way.
Judd: Who's together now?
Helen: Um. same folks, Judd..
Judd: ok.
Helen: But now it's much smaller.
Judd: Did Elissa vote you out?
Helen: No, she's the only one who voted me to stay.
Aaryn: Sorry, Ginamarie, your ball bounced before you caught it. It does not count and has been removed.
GM: (gives a thumbs up)
The ball count for current HGs:
5 - Elissa, 4- Amanda, 3- GM
Candice: Aaaah!
Judd: That hurts really bad.
Helen: That's like being hit in the head with a baseball
Judd, Candice and Helen are holding strong.. As are Amanda, Elissa and Ginamarie.
8:07pm Helen and Candice fall within a minute of each other.. JUDD is back in the Game!!!!
Judd: I want to start a clean slate with everybody.. By the way.. I'm glad ya'll got rid of Helen.
Judd: I'm not mad at any of ya'll.. No bitter feelings here.. But I do want this HoH.. They just told us 2 days ago. I've had to hear Oprah stories for the past 2 weeks. That's the only thing I'm bitter about. Over and Over and Over and Over. Awesome house though.. But all you think about is here. Candice didn't. She was havin' the time of her life. Nice house. Boring 2 weeks. Then Jessie came..
GM: You tap that?
Judd: haha! no! We had separate rooms, and we weren't allowed to game talk.
Elissa: I wanna see my son so badly..
Judd: Elissa, sorry I didn't hug you.
McCrae: You're here, baby! You're back!
Judd: WooHoo! I did miss ya'll. There are just so many Oprah Stories a guy can hear.
The silly fan guy runs through again.
JUDD IS OUT of the Comp... but in the house :-)
8:18pm Both Amanda and Elissa have incredible saves! Elissa has 8 balls now. Amanda has 5. Gm has 3.
Andy: Judd, what was Jessie so pissed about?
Judd: I don't know.
Amanda: Why'd she say F you to me?
Elissa catches ball 10! She is the New HoH!
It's much more fun to watch! Take advantage of the 2 day free trial and join the fun!
When GM loses, it'll be because of her hand. That's my prediction. Unless she wins. lol
Does anyone know what happens if none of the Jurors get to 10 balls first? Does one still get to come back or do they all go to jury?
i dont have to work tomnorrow.....hoping for a great endurance comp.....
I didn't get got!! Lol
Here's to Judd pulling it out and getting back in with Amanda ad McCrae. I know it isn't a popular opinion, but I am still rooting for Amanda.
There have been some fantastic comps this season! Wonder if they got a new crew?
Its the first juror and first hg to catch 10. Unless the juror is first overall and theyll be returning as the HOH. of the jurors will definitely be back in. IF they get the 10 balls first, they will be HOH.
Helene, one of the Jurors will be the first of the four to catch 10. If they are first overall they will be HOH, if not first overall they are just back in the game
To Helene; I believe that the first HG wins HoH and, if that HG is not one of the jury, the jurors continue until one of them gets to 10. Then that person earns his/her way back in the game. Anyone else?
Attempting to sign up for live feeds via this site. Is there a promo code?
so impatient!...
I think the one with the most will stay and the other 3 are out
Two comps in one....if a current hg gets ten balls first, hoh is over but jurors still compete to get in. if a juror gets ten balls first, they go in the house and they are hoh.
I was wondering the same thing's to hoping anyone not on Ananda and Mccraes side wins. I'd really like to see McCranda gone!
First person to get 10 balls is how. If that person isn't on the jury then the josh is over but the jury comp continues till one of the, gets 10 balls.
First person to get 10 balls is how. If that person isn't on the jury then the josh is over but the jury comp continues till one of the, gets 10 balls.
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OK-Now I am confused with everyone else. What I was thinking wouldn't work. I admit it. I don't know what the rules are.
Last jury member standing gets back in the house. Last person overall gets HOH.
Helene, the first jury member to catch 10 balls goes back into the house. If that juror is allover first, she/he also becomes HOH.
If spencer, mccrae, or judd do not win this... They have some splaning to do!
ugh ..... no feeds still !!!
Is this where I go on another of my AGP rants? ;)
I am guessing they will continue on until one of them does get to 10 balls
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I think which ever juror goes back in, McManda is in trouble!! And by McManda, I mean Amanda.
I'm assuming they all go to jury. :(
Come on, Skippy!! We're waiting
Hope the feeds come on soon! I'm so antsy. Don't think Candice will win. Judd and Jessie, come on!
There is No Promo Code - THank you!!
My understanding is the last juror standing goes back in or if that juror reaches 10 balls first juror wins it all. But I'm not certain which comes first. And Carolyn may I say you are a better woman than I, you have been blog since tor, morning and afternoon reports, and now the endurance comp. are you also doing the next overnight report. Goodness, you are a strong woman. I certainly couldn't keep your pace and I am an insomniac. Good luck to you and thank you. I certainly enjoy and appreciate your work.
Here's hoping elissa/Helen take HOH. Updates?
I'm usually not an impatient person, but this waiting for the live feeds is driving me nuts!!!
Darn auto correct...
I mean ... First person to catch 10 balls is HOH. If that person is not in the jury then the HOH comp is over buy the jury comp is not over until a jury member catches 10 balls.
Lee...If I remember correctly a few staff members from BB quit to go to work for "The Glass House". I think thats why we have seen some new comps on here.
Hiya All. Finally created a profile so I could post. This is a crazy cool comp. when the heck do the feeds come back?
This is one way to guarantee an endurance comp will last...time it. Heh. I wonder how long between ball shots.
Um, erm. Uh. Never mind.
OK-My friend said the first evictee to catch 10 balls comes back in the game. If they are the first overall to catch 10 they come back as HOH.
Hi Carolyn... Hi Dishers!
very excited about this comp. I am dreading the feeds to come back on and Amanda being on her 9th ball. Ugh!
Caro, as usual you are doing a fantastic job keeping us informed of whats been happening. You truly are the best.
Anxiously awaiting the return of the live feed. Was happy to see Jessie ahead with 2 balls. I would prefer Judd and then Helen to return. However, whoever comes back in, I hope they win HOH and really shake things up.
Are they trying to kill us by not turning the feeds on? Come on! I am rooting for anybody but Candice at this point, because I think that girl has been through enough! I'm afraid it would get so nasty in there between her and GM (with Aaryn egging it on, no doubt) that someone might get hurt. I can't stand to watch that kind of thing. Other than that, I hope that whoever wins will go after Amanda. It is so boring watching her railroad everyone into doing what she wants. Lets change this game up a little!!
Am I the only one rooting for Helen? :-)
Are they going to let us see this?
Ditto, Shamrock. No sign of feeds here either and I even refreshed on my tablet and now have fired up my laptop. Still no feeds
Ugh,waiting on feeds is killing me lol
Gaytor,in case I haven't told you already,I just love you :)
Thanks Everyone :)
Best case scenario, Helen comes back, worst case scenario would be Jessie, IMHO...
Ugh-they could have played a whole ball game by now.
THank you, Susan :)
I enjoyed the Helen and Julie interview...Helen was extremely personable. I am sure she knows where and how she messed her game up. Hoping she or Judd get back in the house AND win HOH to boot!
So Last HG standing wins HOh and first juror to get 10 balls get back in game but not HOH. Right?
I am totally for Amanda. I think she has a wicked sense of humor. She is"assertively honest" as Spencer said. I think she has under lying vulnerability so she puts on a tough face. I like her and hope she goes far!
This: deejay58 said...
To Helene; I believe that the first HG wins HoH and, if that HG is not one of the jury, the jurors continue until one of them gets to 10. Then that person earns his/her way back in the game. Anyone else?
Is Correct. I LOVE this comp because it means that 1. it's gonna go a long time and 2. one of the jurors that gets in has the chance to get that HOH and make a HUGE move!!
I didn't get got either. YaY! But softballmom/bblover...
softballmom/bblover said...
I didn't get got!! Lol
Here's to Judd pulling it out...
I agree with that first part of your post at least.
Hoping for a win for Team Amanda/McCrea !!!!
For those that cant see. they are standing on a plank off a wal, the plank moves up and down and in and out while being sprayed with water. ball shhot at them via a machine. first houseguest to catch 10 win hoh, first jury member to catch 10 goes back in the house. if jury member catches 10 first they are hoh. if they fall they are out
i want amanda and mcray to go on the block pleaaasseee.
i want helen to come back in and win hoh or ellisa to win hoh
Nope I want Helen or Jessie to win
Carolyn do we have to wait for the west coast show to air before the feeds come back? It has never taken this long what is going on?
So last HG standing is HOH and Juror to get 10 balls goes back as HG???' HURRY UP FEEDS!!
I am totally for Amanda. I think she has a wicked sense of humor. She is"assertively honest" as Spencer said. I think she has under lying vulnerability so she puts on a tough face. I like her and hope she goes far!
come on already.. 24 minutes and counting.. I already ate one icecream sunday.. do I need to grab a second???
Don't the feeds usually come right on? wonder why they are waiting?
Hope they're not waiting until after the West Coast sees the show to return the live feeds.
Have they ever blocked an endurance comp from the feeds?
Hi all! Ugh, still no feeds! Hope they're not NOT going to turn the feeds on! Had to sneak away while the hubby is waiting for the feeds to come back. I am so glad he is addicted as much as I am now. He has the feeds hooked up to to the big screen. Only downside, he wants me to sit and watch with him lol (((hugs all)))
Carolyn, I wanted to thank you as well. I've read this blog for many seasons and it is a pleasure!
Anyone else thinking we are not going to get to see this competition? I sure hope I'm wrong!
I'm with you! But he's definitely NOT team Amanda right now. Lol
Jessie has 3 balls ... Judd 2
Not sure on others. Only 2 cams working.
Ugh, I reloaded my feeds and lost the chatrooms ;x
Spencer and McCrea are out !
They must have fallen.
I want Helen to win too. I want to see her come back in and her and Elissa clean house.
I got got (I think). So, reposting:
(((((Hugs Caro and BB Buddies)))))
Just got in and turned on feeds. Got:
We are currently upgrading our systems.
The live feed service is temporarily unavailable.
Service will restore shortly -- Check back soon.
Seriously CBS?????
Totally rooting for Helen!
seriously cant get any chatroom options..refreshed, logged out and back in...i see tweets etc. but cannot get any chatrooms? HELP! I miss my dish chatroom.
mccrae and spencer out already?
Spencer and McCrae are already out!
Here we go!! Can't wait to NOT hear Helen speak anymore! She's already yapping away, buttering up people.
Spencer and McCrae out. Surprised McCrae didn't last longer.
Would not be nice if they leave the feeds off until after the comp is over...
Jessie and Elissa each have 4 balls. That's the most.
Jessie got #4 ... Judd #2
I think Candice has 2
No one else has more than 1.
Sorry, meant Judd got his third ball.
OMGEE, most epic night of BB ever! Loving every minute. Can't wait to see what happens!
Carolyn, can you please be so kind and tell me the name of the dish chat room on the feeds? I know it's probably somewhere but don't know where to even start looking!
PS - got the feeds from bbdish, as always! hoping to hit the tip jar soon... just got the oldest kid a car that KILLED me when I got the FL plate!
Feeds back sounds like Jessie has 4 and Elissa has 4
Looks like McC and Spencer must have fallen off.
Judd is making me nervous. Looks like he's going to fall off any minute!
Elissa TOTALLY just held on to the ball holder!! Totally!! I am betting they are NOT allowed to hold on. OOh, Juddd, hold on!!
Damn ... other cam just showed better.
Looks like Elissa has five.
Andy just fell.
Elissa has 5 and Andy's down.
Andy is down, McCrae is down, Spencer is down
well the 3AM are out.
Aaaannnndddd, back to trivia.
She just held on again. This should not be allowed. I guess others are holding on, too?
Thanks, Carolyn. Got it. :)
McCrae and Andy out. Elissa has 5 balls, Jessie and Amanda have 4 balls. Judd has 3, Candice 2 and Helen 1. Not sure about the others. Feeds went back to trivia.
jessie has 4 balls judd has 3
Trivia again.
From what I thought I saw lol ...
Elissa has 5
Amanda has 4
Jessie has 4
Judd has 3
Helen (I think) has one
GM had one or two.
WTFness???!!!! What were Spencer and Mccrae doing? This thing might go all night. Those guys should be ashamed
The feeds are a bit wonky tonight. Anyone else having problems?
Wait, so it appears the only one allowed to squat to hold balance is Elissa? and noone is saying anything to her about it? I'm sure hoping BB will step in and say it isn't allowed..I don't see anyone else even trying to do what she is...
Wait, I'm wrong. I got it now. Ok.
Come on Elissa. Lets do this
Production dont want use to know who they are setting up to win- they are holding the live feeds
Elissa had 6 balls, I think! The most!
I'm rooting for Jessie...I think she has a good shot at it too, playing volleyball should give her an edge over the others. I THINK she will go after Amanda right?
JUDD last man standing. I dont get it, looked like an easy comp
Fall Amanda Fall!
I'm not sure who is more frightened of the returning evicted HG, Amanda or Andy. Both expressions were priceless. GM is going to be upset the nick wasn't asked to join them.
I still have no feeds =(
BBDishBaby! - - our feeds chat :)
hopefully it is devoid of evil non dishy buggers tonight.
When the feeds came back briefly, and, Spencer were already down.
Andy, then fell.
Jessie and Amandahave 4 balls.
Elissa had 5
Judd had 3.
Helen Candice and GM each had 1
Here's hoping that next time the feeds come back Amanda is sitting on the bench next to McCrae having her usual "I can't win anything" pity party.
poor jessie!!!!
SAD. Jessie just fell.
Jessie fell
Oooh. Poor Jessie. She was pssssssssssssstttt.
anyone else not have access to the chat rooms?
Classy exit Jessie!!
Ooh. They are letting us listen to the outgoing HOH say her lines. Interesting!!
What a classless way to leave, Jessie!!
I really don't care how many people don't like Amanda. Helen and Andy were every bit as much, if not more responsible for Jessie leaving. Just about this whole cast is hateful. They may not all be vulgar or racist but they are almost all hateful.
This is tough. I kept focusing on getting the balls, not thinking of the balancing.
They are letting McCrae smoke. They are lenient this year.
What makes you think they can't squat or hold on to the ball receptacle. We didn't hear those "rules." If Elissa is the only one smart enough to do it, so be it.
Ugh naturally Amanda chooses now to start competing! Please let anybody else win! Now I'm kind of wishing that Jessie had won, because she had some choice words for Amanda on her way out, so she definitely would have targeted her.
I'm trying this one again. It either got lost in cyberspace or Carolyn is spanking me.
I didn't get got either. YaY! But softballmom/bblover...
softballmom/bblover said...
I didn't get got!! Lol
Here's to Judd pulling it out...
I agree with that first part of your post at least.
if you look at the 4th pic on the post, Amanda is holding on to the 2 signs on the wall. so.... if she can hold on others should be able to.
lol .....
I shocked that AGP is letting us see this crazy "fan" ....
i dont see my chat question being listed...i cannot access feed chat on live feeds? turned off computer chatrooms available
oh well I can't figure out how to work the chat anyway! LOL
WHat was that???
Can you tell if the are just lobbing them to Elissa so she being set up to win?
what the hell was that??? lol
Those "sponsor" signs on the outfield wall will all be in a questions HoH game later on .... same with "how many balls were used in the game" tiebreaker question.
That guy was interesting. I'm assuming it was a plant by BB and not real. Funny.
Agreed -fall Amanda fall
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What the heck just happened on the feeds?
Omg, that was awesome!! Would have been even funnier if it was a true streaker!
Seems people see what they want to see, Elissa is not the only one hanging on. They all are at various times. One shot on the quad I saw Elissa, Amanda, Ginamarie, Helen and Candice with their hands on the ball depository.
Judd has 4 balls. Elissa has 5. I've become nervous that Elissa will be HoH but confident Judd is going back in after Jessie fell off. I was really getting worried that Jessie would be the returning juror.
Of course anything can still happen... and IF Elissa happens to win HoH I don't think she would ever target Judd this week. She'd seek revenge for Helen's eviction.
I think this is the week McRanda comes to an end no matter what happens short of everyone falling off except Amanda.
Feeds non-stop reloading,can't get back into chat,grrrr...
but on the bright side?? Elissa had 5 last I saw ;)
GM and Judd have 4 balls; Elissa has 5.
I want Amanda to fall!!!
Looks like Amanda has 4 too. How did that happen?
I'm with you! I'm totally team Amanda! Although if Judd comes back...I'm tan Judd :P
Come on AMANDA!!
Is anyone else having feed problems? I keeep getting trivia. Also my chat room is no longer there.
I understand that they don't want us to see everything... but COME ON! Stop talking to production so we can watch the dang comp!
GUYS - Sorry for the delays in comment posting..
I'm single handed..
Fall Amanda fall!
GM is shaking...
Fall Elissa fall. Helen you too
i cant get back into BBdish feeds chat none of the chat rooms show for me???? but my feed work
I need a rundown for the last hour. I see Amanda, Judd, GM, Candice, Elissa - who else - what is this about a "runner"?
Feeds kept repeating, so I refreshed, and now chat won't load up at all
It is all good Carolyn,you are doing fantastic,as usual XOXO
Wow, CBS sis not show anything after Hellen was evicted. And I finally caved in 5 days ago to get live feeds ( through my beautiful Caro, of course). I have no idea what is going on. I'm beyond frustrated. Thanks CBS. Caro, I a usually a lurker, I always hit up your tip jar every year. But, no more live feeds for me. I feel like crying. I took off early tonight to come home. But as always . My fav. Spot to catch up . Canceling live feeds tomorrow and hitting up Caros tip jar one more time for this season. XOXO E
It figures that the feeds are so wonky for the biggest competition of the season so far. How come it seems like our version of BB is so low rent compared to the rest! I haven't been able to see much of anything at all, but if Elissa is getting away with the stuff some of you people have been reporting, then this viewer will be royally pissed if she ends up as HOH. Another insufferable week of supposed good v evil.
OOPS, GM just lost a ball; down to 3.
Okay tell the truth ... how many of you read the comments then look for the like button???
Any updates.!?
Fingers crossed for Amanda! C'mon, you can do it!
Come on Amanda! Poopy and the C's need you!
Please please please amanda candice helen faaaaalllllll your haven't won crap yet don't start now!!!!!!!
Carolyn said...
GUYS - Sorry for the delays in comment posting..
I'm single handed..
Why? What are you doing with your other hand? Inquiring minds want to know. ;-p
No offense, but why does everyone always think the game is set up in a cwetain persons favor.. :/ the balls are being thrown any and everywhere.
so not fair that helen gets to talk to judd like that. total sabotage, shame on her ruthless self
Amanda FINALLY looks like she's playing for her life n the game. And she is.
elissa has 6
Oh my gosh I love this comp and normally would be thrilled for an all-nighter, but I have to be up at 5am so I wish they would start lobbing those balls a little more often! Caro, I don't know how you do it but thank you! :)
Any updates.!?
Team Helen and Elissa!!!!
Hey Judd it was Helen who pushed for you to go! Although Amanda was OK with it.
Go Amanda.....fall, fall, fall,and then cry, cry, cry.
Elissa has 6 balls in? Yep! Just what I said this afternoon about her game play. She's been faking all these weeks, not wanting to show she's a threat. Now she comes up with a PoV for this week and will likely be HoH for the coming week.
Not what I would like to see but it could be worse. Amanda could be closer to the end.
I almost wish GM would take this one if Judd can't win the HoH part but I'm still pulling for Judd.
Why would Judd care if GM tried to keep Helen? Huh?
As far as I can tell, Elissa in the lead with 6 balls now. 8:04 cam 2
Not fair if they can hold onto the ball holder. Can't get into the chatrooms - anyone else? First time that has happened since the beginning.
J U D D!!!!
Helen down!!
its ok Carolyn we will live with out the comments :P
Candace down!!
Fall Amanda--I don't want to watch them having sex all week in HOH
Yay Judd!!!!
AHHH, Helen's down! And Candice is down! SO JUDD is back in the game!
J U Double D!!!
JUDD back in the game!
Ok now come on fall amanda and candice please!!!!!!! Lets go judd got to win this one
Woooo Hooo !
Judd will be in the house!!!
Helen and Candice both fell. :)
J-U-Double-D is BACK, baby! Now he just needs to hang on and win HOH!!
JUDD is back... time will tell who that benefits.
Now get HOH, Judd!!!
on a side I the only one noticing the position placement has elissa in a spot to be able to death grip the bottom of the sign with both hands? Several times now she's almost gone down but she's had a grip on it...time for BB to step in and tell them all, no more holding on...they normally don't let them unless there is a handle for everyone...
Sorry to use all caps but... JUDD IS BACK!!
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