Wednesday Show Viewing Party
Good evening, BB Lovers! Welcome to the Wednesday Show Viewing Party on BBDish!
If you missed today's nuclear meltdowns, I strongly encourage you to check out the morning and afternoon updates for flashback times, so you can see for yourself. It was intense!
And tomorrow.. Fingers crossed... Endurance! If you haven't gotten the feeds yet, and you'd like the 2 day free trial, just clickety click click click!
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As with all viewing parties on BBDish, all of the action happens in the comment section. Join us! :0)
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Good Evening Carolyn, all
Happy POV Show!!!!!
Tears are flowing on the feeds, Helen and Elissa.
I can't wait for this POV, it sounds so silly and crazy.
Can't wait to see how production portrays them this week!!
I'm here :D
Crazy day on the feeds,yikes!!
Good evening Carolyn xoxo
Hello fellow disher's :)
I made "southern" apple dumplings I only have six left but hmm hmm good. Happy live show everyone. May each of you have a blessed night and tomorrow!
I thought maybe the convo in HOH room might have caused you to run screaming into the ocean. Glad to see you survived it. I'm not sure I have. :-)
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi MichiganMan! :)
Hi Paula! :)
Hi Andrea! :)
Hi ReneeP! :) Yummm!!
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Do you think something is really going on with Elissa? I think she is a very sheltered person that does not have social graces, it just may be her entitled life but goodness
Hi Caro and Dishers. What a crazy day in BB house... They had my head spinning. last night due to the vulgarness, had to turn off the feeds, my wife and I were just a little discusted, and were no prudes LOL
Happy rewind show Caro and everybody else. I'm not yet caught up with today, but am so thankful for Caro being able to catch me up.
I just won't have to rewind as far back as the rest of you.
I'm glad to be back from the Dark Age and back into the 21st century.
Ho Carolyn and the rest of the dish. Seems like Elisa is sabotaging helen, weird. But a few days ago she was snuggled into bed with Amanda and I think she had an f3 with Amanda and mccrae.
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi Jerry! :) Thanks! I'm not sure I have either!
Hi CurlerChick :) That's how I felt once I'd had a little time to process it..
Reneep - It was hard to figure it out this afternoon.
Hi Greg! :) Now I'm curious!
Hoping tomorrow they stick all 4 jury members on an endurance and either the one that does the best gets to come back or only gets to come back if they win HOH.
whew!! I made it! Hello Carolyn and Dishers!
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi TripL! :) Welcome back from the dark!!!
HI Mr Berry! :) meeee tooooo!!! :)
Hey Carolyn!! Hey Everyone!!
Happy Wednesday show Party!!!
Whoo Otev Comp looks awesome!!!
Hahah Aayrn's hair came out clip again!!
Hey everybody
I posted in the last post, but can someone explain to me the threatening. Was it a threat of violence or just a game threat?
soooo mad I can not get CBS with my rabbit ears anymore :(
Crazy scheming... Thank goodness for the DRs so you know how people think. But then again, that can change on a dime.
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi GoodTimes!! :)
Hi Anthony! :)
Hi Jumbo! :)) Game threat.
Hi Basal :) Try the live strems :)
Here I come screeching in late as usual!!!!
Hello everyone very happy to be here.
Elissa nailed it! If they just win the veto, then like someone else goes up
oh I am using the Live Stream! Its my saving grace!
you dont really want to know, it was Aaryn, SPencer, Amanda, and Andy. the talk went from their washable vibrators to anal sex. They kept switching cams, but everytime they went back to HOH room, they were still the same convo.
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi Mia :)) Boy howdy!
Hi ShiShi! :)) Yayayayyyy!
Basal :) Good!
Hahah Another HGs interrupts a showmance make out session didn't Ronnie do that also?
Helen played a shady game. That's why I wanted her evicted.
Elissa has the worst strategy I have ever seen in 15 seasons. EVER.
Amanda was my favorite, but when she got nasty it was hard to root for her on a personal level. I was still rooting for her on a game level but she has gotten so shady going back and forth between Elissa and Aaryn that I am hoping for another DE next week with Elissa and Amanda walking out the door.
Aaryn is great at comps but too much of a flip flopper with strategy.
GM would have been more suited to contact sports like football. Or ultimate cage fighting.
Andy is playing an o.k. game but not a first place game.
I'm still waiting for McCrae to start playing again. He's been on vacation since the first week.
Unless Judd can come back and win it all that leaves me with...
Spencer, who out of all the HG's left is actually playing the best game right now.
That makes me sad.
I'm here!! :) Hi Carolyn and everyone :)
I wonder if Spencer was the only one not on the block that was trying for the veto
Happy Wednesday everyone!! :)
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hey Grendon! :))
Hi Suzie! :))
Jumbo - we'll soon see! :)
I think something or some one talked to Elissa today, I do have to give a bow to Helen she has played the game well in my opinion. McCray and Amanda have just made out for the most part, Andy is just the informant, Spencer is who knows what, he had watched the feeds and is still speaking of drug use on live feeds??? Hello Aryan said the other night on after dark "this is on live tv...I was going to tell a story about a guy pooping on the floor and the rest encouraged her to do so... So I am thinking that most of them have no clue about after dark and the feeds or just forget about it
It makes Andy sick to lie? Give me a break!
Does anyone have a clue how tomorrow night is gonna work? How are they going to evict someone, then hold a competition for the evicted HGs to compete to come back; THEN have an HOH competition?
That's gonna be a packed show!!
Janice from GA
I gotta think Aaryn wasnt trying for the same reason as Andy. Maybe GM tried?
Hi Janice! :) Nope!
Good evening Caro, everyone. Happy OTEV viewing night!!
Here we go!!!
I know that McCrae is a super-fan and truIy love him for it but do we need to hear it every episode and that he caught on to BB and knows what is coming at every turn?
In season 13 they had the comp for the evicted HG to come back and then they had the HOH later on that night. It was not shown on the feeds but was finished in time for BBAD.
Thanks Carolyn, I am glad to know I am not the only one who is clueless!!
I think that is the beauty of Thursday night we don't know how its all going to work and what's going happening so it will be even more exciting!! :-)
hahaha GM Falling down and eyelash coming
Well GM put out a GM effort
Hi INdyJan!! :)
Judd In the Mud, Not meant to be funny but Helen did it
What was Helen doing? Thats not Pike's Peak youre climbing
OMG learn what the heck a Backdoor is, these hg don't know at all
LMAO@ Elissa!!!!!!!!
Go girl!!!
The beaver sounds like Amanda whining!
What a beast Elissa was in this comp.
OTEV is my second favorite competition next to Endurance :)
Wow - What a cool spot for HTC! Love Robert Downey Jr..
I miss Danny and Mr. Reptile I cannot wait to visit New Orleans again hey every one I am on a rant tonight sorry
Reneep :) Rant? What rant?
Hello Dear Caroline and my fellow Dishers. So happy I made it to second half of the show. Hugs to all!
Hi Panchitalinda!! :)
Grendon thanks for the reminder! I hope if its endurance for HOH that we will get to see it on the feeds this year; that is what makes it so much fun! I think Carolyn lives for Live Feed Endurance comps too!!
BTC in my town,small as it is , is a renewal of small towns, not the same as Htc but I think more powerful be the change
Janice - I do love them! :)))
I wish for once when the jury comes back in to play, the winner gets HOH. now that would shake up the house!
I am hoping for endurance too. When Brendan came back it wasn't a critical, game changing week. This year it is and I think everyone will have a fire in their bellies and if they don't they deserve to go home.
Where's GaYToR?
I miss Blue too.
That would be fantastic if the winner of evicted houseguest who comes back AUTOMATICALLY got HOH........oh my how that would stir things up!!
hello. Im here. fingers really numb.
Janice!!! I just now saw it was YOU! :) HII!!!!
Grendon - Ditto!
Let's see if we can summon them..
Come out come out..
oops.. too late. ;)
Hi Jadazzzz! :)) why numb?
Hey Carolyn, thanks for the link, we had a power outage and I was able to watch on my cell phone. Another reason BBDish is the best!
I miss Judd and if any of the evicted house guests get to come back I hope it is announced that America was the MVP vote to keep the playing field even
Yep Carolyn its me, I finally made a viewing party!!
I'm watching the show about 15 minutes behind its start because hubby had to finish his show first!
I spent way too much time watching the action on the feeds today so I went out for 3.5 mile walk and got back in time to get here!
If you're sick of it Aaryn, why do you keep playing for Amanda? Dumb!
Our boy Blue is building his bank account.
Janice! :) 3.5 miles? Good for you!!!
Reneep - Ditto!! On both!
Curlerchick :) I'm so glad it worked for you!
TripL - That he is! :)
If Aaryn put Amanda up, Helen would have still gone
There was a Blue and Gaytor sighting on the same post? I missed it all. Blue so glad your new job is going great John I love you!!!!!
I used to like Amanda's DR's but not so much tonight
I think the Jury comp will be a maze puzzle
Thanks again Caro, nighty nite for your quick snooze. I can't wait until tomorrow night!!
They didn't say "And See Who becomes HOH" at the end of the episode so maybe the evicted HGs are going to be HOH.
That would be Epic, and shocking!!
Nite nite everyone :)
Thank you for being here!
I'll be back dark n early with the Overnight.
Nite Carolyn. Read you in the morning.
I held my breath clear up until Aaryn said "Spencer you are the replacement" Even though I already knew it, I was so hoping that someone would have the guts to put Amanada in her place. I am truly starting to believe that CBS has chosen Amanda to be the favored houseguest this year!!!! How can she win BB when she can't win anything else at all?
Hi Carolyn and BB fans
Today Helen and Elissa were Thelma and Louise driving(Their BB Game) off a cliff...
I love how Helen gripes about Andy's effort, but if Andy would have tried, he would have eliminated Elissa.
... and how about Helen's effort? She looked like the 1960's Batman show, climbing her rope up the side of the building. I was shocked. She is the one who runs everyday, but she couldn't fly up that ramp?
Got to say after tonight's show I'm so ready for Amanda to follow Helen out the door next week. When McCrae and Amanda go on the block together, you know it's going to happen, she will lose her mind more than normal. When she finds out, like Helen, that they are voting her out that's when we'll see crazy to the new level. I think everyone saw this week that they don't want to do what Amanda wants anymore and they have to votes so they don't have to. If McCranda goes on the block their only vote is Andy, I truly believe this.
6:27pm cams 1/2
Aaryn explains why she picks McCranda over Hellissa. She says that at least talking to McCranda she can get a straight answer but Helen and Elissa have no credibility. Then Amanda says they play with emotions, you can't do that. So many BB winners have proven that true.
6:47pm cams 1/2
Andy explains how the back door came to be a thing. Correctly explains it.
Feeds are super wonky tonight so times may be a bit off.
can't wait for tomorrow night .. to me it doesn't matter who but I hope they break up Amanda and McRae makes no sense why they are letting them sail through this game together. I would have dumped one of them before Helen or elissa.
7:29pm cams 3/4
Spencer tries to make a connection with Elissa. Elissa tells him about her conversation with Aaryn, with the Elissa spin of course. Elissa "I respect all different kinds of people...I respect stock brokers I respect business men..." Elissa doesn't understand the word different does she? Okay twice she has used the wrong words for what she means. First she said she was a intimate person then she said she is a intricate person. I'm pretty sure the word she was looking for is introvert.
I bet Spencer wishes he could have those 10 minutes. OMG talking to her is like talking to an alien. She is so strange. He started out by saying we come from two different backgrounds, which anyone can see is true, and she took offense to it. She was like how do you know? It's obvious.
7:43pm cams 1/2
HOH Aaryn, Helen and Andy reminiscing. They mention the Harlem Shake. I had almost forgot about that. It never did make the show. Probably because they would have to pay for the song.
Aaryn says to Helen "I just think that if you go you might be coming back" They were discussing the revive a hamster.
7:52pm cams 1/2
Aaryn takes a drink of nail polish remover by mistake. She swallowed it. Now Spencer and Helen are trying to figure out what to do. She's drinking lots of water. Andy goes to put in a booze request. We have fish.
This may be serious. We have extended fish. She is most certainly being looked at.
Seems it wasn't serious at all. Aaryn says she doesn't feel good. That makes sense.
8:06pm cams 1/2 HOH
Helen, Amanda, McCrae sleeping, Aaryn just left Andy is here too.
Saw GM and Spencer downstairs, cams 3/4 are on a sleeping Elissa in HN room.
Amanda is telling Helen it will be emotional to see her go, as must as it was to see Judd go. Spencer is coming back up to HOH, there he is 7:50pm. GM had gone into the HN room so now Elissa is back up reading her Bible. Helen asks McCrae what time he gets up for work and he says noon or 1 and then that he works 5 to 9:30pm on week days. Spencer looks at Helen and basically says what a tuff life. No booze tonight according to Spencer. Makes sense with HOH tomorrow. Andy goes to check anyway or to DR to ask again. McCrae just got called so he probably won't get in. Amanda says that she finds McCrae more and more attractive every day.
Aaryn seems fine now.
8:25pm cams 1/2 and 4
Andy's Snap Chat story. LOL Bleached butt holes again. Helen "do you go to a salon to get it done?" LOL They say you can go to a salon. There may be waxing later.
8:31pm Amanda tells a miscarriage story or possibly pregnant, lots of fish. While she was being cast.
Sorry for the caps
I was only into one other season, but this year I'm reading the blogs and really into it. Thanks Carolyn for doing what you do! I'll hit the tip jar soon.
8:50pm cams 1/2
Real Estate 101 with Amanda and Spencer.
Feeds are still wonky. As of 9:05pm Aaryn, Spencer and McCranda are in HOH. Andy is in DR. On cams 3/4 Helen is alternately contemplating her next move in the cockpit and checking on dinner.
9:29pm cams 1/2
Aaryn and Amanda scissor. It's more awkward than sexy.
Spencer tells McCrae about his talk with Elissa he says "It was the most normal we've ever had but it was weird" That's what I thought for sure.
9:37pm Talk is all about Elissa.
9:41pm Amanda brings up the Bible and we get fish. It's that kind of night. They discuss how they are being portrayed. Aaryn says "It's Amanda's world and we're just living in it."
Survivor Blood vs. Water looks Amazing. Besides Hayden there is season 2 winner Tina, loved her. Colton is coming back too, hated him, hope he goes first. Can't wait.
Oh yeah, they're still talking about Elissa. It's 9:39pm
It's now 10:10pm Guess who they are talking about, still.
Most of Grendon's conspiracy theories are being discussed too.
10:19pm Helen is in HOH now so the subject has changed. GM's birthday.
Yasmin - "Elissa has gone rouge" and your Thelma and Louise reference - driving their game off the cliff -- Loved It! You made my day!
Carolyn, thank you for all you do, I have been a lurker for years.
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