Big Brother 16: Wednesday Morning Update
Wakey-wakey, houseguests! It's time to get up and entertain us on the live feeds! Again last night, you did an absolutely spectacular job of it. So.. Bravo!!
The feeds went to fishies at 9:30am BBT, so we should see the whites of their eyes before too long. ☺ If this is your 1st time on BBDish today, and you'd like to see what you've already missed, here are the previous posts:
Doodley doo..
Please refresh this post every 20 minutes or so throughout the BB morning, and more info will magically appear before your eyes.
9:50am - Good morning, Houseguests! It's only 9:50am, and live feeds perv cam 1 is already allll over Amber. Feast your eyes..
BB asks Amber and Hayden to lower all the blinds.. They comply.
Inside on Camera 3, Devin is telling Brittany how awful she looks...
Devin: Your eyes! You look like you're stoned.
Devin: You probably have gotten the least amount of sleep of anyone..
Brittany: I forced myself to go to sleep at like 2:30 last night.
Camera 1
Frankie: I made up a new rule. If they don't play Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus in the morning, I get to sing it all day long. I want like, Beauty and the Beat. I just want something Justin Bieber.
**these words have never escaped my lips.
Amber: How are you feeling?
Frankie: First time that I went to sleep and woke up naturally in this house.
Amber: It's July 2nd.
Hayden: Wow! It's almost July 4th.
Hayden and Frankie riff about the 4th of July using British accents.. and Hayden's special voice that he uses for poetry.. Then they move on. Amber sunbathes..
Frankie: 2 heterosexual men in one tub with no pants.. Can't wait for our real show called 2 heterosexual men in a tub with bubbles coming up their holes.
Cam 3
Brittany, Jocasta and Nicole are in the bathroom, getting ready for the day.
Cam 1
Donny joins the jacuzzi crew.
Donny: Man that feels good this early, don't it? (the breeze)
Donny grabs a wad of chew.. Amber and Brittany ask him to please stop. They don't want him to get mouth cancer.
Donny: This'll help me quit. When I'm out, I'm out. Maybe I could chew on a plastic lid.
Hayden: We don't have any gum, do we?
Donny: I doubt we could chew gum.
Cam 1
Talk around the jacuzzi turns to Hayden's poems last night..
Cam 3
Inside, Victoria's searching for something in the bathroom. Frankie comes in. Both are displeased with the DR for calling them in so early and not letting them get pretty first.
Victoria: They're going crazy this morning.
Frankie: Production? They have a deadline.
**mm hmm
Cam 1
Pool/Jacuzzi Area
Frankie, Hayden, Amber, Nicole
Frankie: Real life still goes on.
Hayden: I'm not so sure about it. Who knows. Maybe time has stopped.
Frankie: I just had to go in the DR with no makeup on.
Hayden: It's ok, Frankie. You're beautiful all the time.
Frankie: She maimed me. I had a little blemish, and now I have a hole in my face. Now the entire world will see what was done to me, and they will understand.
Nicole: Frankie.. ooohh.
Frankie: What are you doing this morning?
Nicole: I really wanna get some sun, but I just showered and I don't wanna get all sweaty.
Frankie: We're gonna be locked in today.
Nicole: Maybe I'll go get my suit on..
Cam 1
Frankie and Hayden are making up a No Mic Girls song.. because the women of the house are constantly being reminded by BB to put their mics on. Nicole returns with her mic on, and Frankie gets her to tell him all about her family. When she mentions her brother, we get fishies, so perhaps he hasn't signed a release.
Feeds return to..
Brittany: One point for Brittany and her boobs!
Frankie: You do have great boobs.
Brittany: They're really not that great.
**Stretch! brb
Cam 2
We have a new addition to the line up, and because it's Cody, I'll forgive the socks.
Cam 1 and 2
Cody: You think they're shuttin' it down at 3 because of the HoH challenge?
Frankie: Yes, sir. Yeah, it's definitely gonna be some elaborate kind of HoH if they're locking us up this early.
Cody: Yay!! I'm about to run. Wanna run with me?
Frankie: No.
Cody: Why not?
Frankie: Cuz my quads are so sore. I didn't stretch enough.
Frankie and Nicole continue chatting about home, family, etc. He's very in love with NYC and shares that with her too... Donny's dunking his feet in the pool. He and Cody are chatting football.
Cam 3
Victoria's checking out her tush, so we shall too..
Cam 3 flips to a lump in the fire room.. I'm pretty sure it's Christine under there. She's not feeling well. Then to Jocasta crossing the living room, greeting her children and husband..
Jocasta: Hi Connor, Dylan. Love you, Chris.
She's been bowtie-less for 2 days now.
Cam 1
Brittany, Nicole, Frankie
They're doing pretend Julie interviews. BB is not amused. Fishies.
Frankie: We can't pretend to be Julie Chen? Most of my life I've pretended to be Julie Chen.
Nicole: Is Zach-Attack sleepin?
Frankie: I don't know, but I'm gonna go crawl into bed and wake him.
Frankie and Victoria start talking about what is and isn't Kosher.. and why. Cody looks pretty.. I'll share.
Jocasta has joined the rest of the HGs outside. They're all giving her hell for putting a mountain of sugar on top of her grapefruit.
Jocasta: Don't judge me, America!
Brittany: Hi Dylan, Hi Connor! Have fun with that sugar at home. If mommy does it, you can too!
Jocasta: No, you can't!
Frankie, Victoria and Nicole return to menu planning.. and wondering how many days a week they're going to be locked in. And outfits for tomorrow..
Cam 2
Hayden's on the Hammock. Donny and Devin are chatting on the lawn..
Cam 1
Cody and Devin
Cody can not wait to get off slop. Hopefully tonight.
Devin: Sift out all the powder, so it's just oats, put chocolate protein powder on it, and just eat it like that.
Cody: I may have to do that later on.
He takes a sip of whatever red concoction he's got in there and makes it look delicious.. or.. is that just him?
Frankie: I have never seen the live feeds, so I know nothing.
**I missed the question that led to this response, but I support it 100%. Take advantage of the 2 day free trial, and start watching the real Big Brother on the feeds.
Inside on Camera 1 and 2, Lunch preparations have begun. Outside on camera 3 and 4, Victoria's telling Nicole how her mother changed all the kids names from Hebrew to more American sounding names.. from Yosef to Joseph, etc.. They're learning all about each other's families..
Brittany joins them..
Victoria: Do they fly our families out for the finale?
Nicole: They do, I think, if you're in the final 2.
This brings us to noon, and this concludes the Morning Update. Thank you for being a part of the dish! I'm sneaking out for a bike ride. Please mind the critters on the live feeds while I'm gone!! I'll be back with a new top post soon, and I'll alert via facebook and twitteras soon as it goes live.
Good morning all. Way behind today on the blog reading but this has been buzzing in my head all night.
Caleb's Obsession
One of my favorite Lit quotes is from Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer is thrown out of Heaven and falls to Earth. His first thought is ~ "The mind is its own place. It can make a Hell of Heaven or a Heaven of Hell."
All, and I mean ALL, of this "relationship" has taken place in Caleb's head. Stewing and stewing and suddenly the thought has become the reality. I think he is a wounded warrior, not just from his military service, but, just guessing, from past relationships. Whatever the reason, he is now super shy/afraid of being hurt or rejected. So he created a certainty about Amber in his mind that allowed him to proceed. His glass house was destroyed by her not playing the role he set for her and the only way his ego could cope with that rejection is to completely flip the script. He is a god in his own space so clearly Amber must be wrong. And not just wrong, but she is a coniving b-word who was just using him. It is all consuming for him and very sad. And he is showing a very mean streak that is more scary than Devin...or Joey.
Hope this works out soon for him or he is toast in this game.
Hi all, I'm worried for Amber because Caleb is really getting scary with this obsession. He is creating scenarios in his mind and then running with them. I think he is much more dangerous than Gina Marie's silly delusion was and I really hope they are talking with him about it. The looks on his face are frightening...
Hi Carolyn!
Quick question--the comments on the TOR post referenced a conversation where Christine was talking about Nicole. What conversation was this? I'm confused and would like to know more.
Also on a non-BB note, I wanted to say thank you for always being so hospitable to the people like me that comment on your blog and ask questions. That is a rarity I've found---I know from personal experience that not all podcasters and bloggers are as thoughtful. You are a gem!
Have a great day!
Sweetie, you called Amber Amanda again...if you want to edit out check the beginning of the post above the quad pic.
Amanda? You mean amber? Lol ;)
Gramps! Thank you!! Fixed!
Justine Beiber? I've just lost all respect for Frankie. :-)
Oh, the problem I was having with the flash back freezing.... updated my flash player to the latest version, seems to have fixed it. Now if I could figure out a fix for my IPAD misbehaving on the live feeds.
Good morning Carolyn
@Gramps-Excellent post regarding Caleb.
Towards the end of BBAD Zach was talking to Frankie and I noticed something about his (Zach's) face. He has a striking resemblance to a young(er) Dr. Will. Could there be some hidden connection? Nah-I doubt it. But it would explain why he came off as being cocky and arrogant in the beginning.
Thoroughly enjoying this cast. :) and loving that I can keep caught up at work. Xoxoxo caro
Thank you Carolyn for everything!!! I look forward to your posts! Bbk wouldn't be the same!! I bought my early bird feeds from you :)
Hi grscebay :) I wish I had an answer for u on that. I'm hoping someone will post the cam/time/day so I can check it out too.
Good morning, Gramps! :-D that quote is perfection...
Thanks, Grendon.
That's one for me and 7,000 for you. I have enjoyed your posts for years and years.
Do you think last years racism has been replaced by misogyny this year?? Some of these guys are so condescending toward the ladies.
Caleb is making me so angry!! Why is he talking so much trash about someone he wanted to date? Telling someone you have feelings does not mean they become a bad person just because those same feelings aren't reciprocated... And please stop mistaking politeness for flirtation!!! If she didn't say goodnight to him, he would be crying that she's ignoring him! Girl cannot win!!
Also, everyone secretly hates Devin and it won't be hard to get him out! The votes are definitely there, they don't need to wait for a double eviction!
Good morning again everyone!
Gramps... Love your post!
Pammmm... (from TOR) Glad to know that your son is okay, and you, as well as your neighbor. Thank God there were only injuries.
Thank you so much. That was a sweet thing to say.
The racism does seem to have been replaced, but I'm not sure with what. Devin and Caleb spend so much time together I am afraid they are drinking from the same cup of delusional kool aid.
Good morning Carolyn!! Along w/the majority I'm concerned for Amber as she's in the sites of Caleb's obsession. I really do hope the powers that be are keeping an eye on him.
Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
Speaking of Amanda did anyone see Joey try to pull a granny, but by pretending to be her brother Alex? Around 5 ish yesterday she was screaming and yelling at Devin through the HOH room door. Then again later while the guys were playing pool she wasn't loud just there and annoying to Donny, Jocosta, and Victotia. I fell asleep during that but she will most likely be headed home for this last episode.
Good MornAfterNooner Dishers!!
Oh Goddess of the Dish, wonderful TOR and TMR ... I have really been staying busy and not on the feeds too much, trying to stay caught up on the dish though ...
I will be here for the first half of the show tonight ... since it is not live, I can watch it PST ... but, tomorrow, the first live eviction, I will be present!!!! Can't wait!!!
Thank you again Carolyn for all you do!!!
Oh, and I really wish they would find HG's with different names, every-time I read Amber, Brittany or Hayden, well, I think about past HG's ... I am sure none of you do that!! lol ...
@nikkikole yup!
~Tanya~ Thank you very much! :-)
I just want something Justin Bieber.
**these words have never escaped my lips.
They are complaining like crazy about the heat outside in the Big Brother house so I looked on the weather channel for the temperature in LA right now. It's only 77 degrees. That's a cold day here in STL. We normally have 99 with 100% humidity. Do they not get a breeze in there and is it more hot because it's on a lot maybe? I've never understood this and I've heard houseguests complaining every year.
A) Your updates are the most fun to read of all the ones I've read. I don't even bother with the others now.
B) Caleb makes me nervous. I feel sorry for Amber.
C) BB has done a great job redeeming the show from last years fiasco.
Good Afternoon to all from LALA land.
Looking forward to tonight's show. They clearly must show some of the Obsession for Amber by Caleb.
@Gramps Perfect insight into Caleb I think. Haven't we all at some point in life been burned and then obsessed and been so blinded to reality. I know I have. And being in that house makes everything so much bigger and intense. Nothing else to do to escape. And if Amber did say the things to Devin that he did... I can see that eating at a wounded rejected heart of illusions. I hope he snaps out of it.
I still love this group... including those I don't like as much.
From the Pre interviews... my favorites were
It's pretty much the same.
Some others have grown on me this past week. Pao has really stepped up. I still want Joey gone, because as a player she sucks. But I felt for her yesterday.
I hope tomorrow is a HoH where they are teamed up in groups of 2 like last year... when Aaryn and Jeremy had to compete together and won in week 2.
Thanks again for the great ONR Carolyn.
I was playing catch up and saw the most unexpected convo on the flashback (7/1 6:28am) between Brittany and Cody. I had no idea that Zach wants to be more than friends with Frankie! How did I not guess that!?!? I wonder if it'll become more of a showmance than a bromance. *squeals excitedly* This could get interesting!!
ty caroline ox
Oh good Lord....gotta love eviction night
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