Monday Night Smackdown

7:00 PM BBT
- Jordan & Michelle are running laps.
- Jessie & Russell are doing lunges..
- Natalie & Ronnie are having an exerting game of pool.
Most of the rest are napping inside or scheming or both.
7:19 PM BBT
Kevin has joined the land of the living. Jordan is sitting with him on the patio.
***Control Room overkill today!

Green Room
Jordan & Jeff
Cuteness. :)
Green Room
Jordan & Jeff
Cuteness. :)
Jordan: I am your only BFF.
Jeff: In here yeah. You got me.
Jordan: Were you crying?
Jeff: Uhuh.
Jordan: Really?
Jeff: No.
Jordan: You might have pink eye.
Jeff: I have to check my contracts. They get dirty.
Jordan: They get dirty?
Jeff: Were you listening? Or did you ask a question to talk?
Random cute chatter.

Jordan: Did you have braces?
Jeff: You ask me the same questions everyday. It's like I'm stuck in Groundhog Day.
Some bantering around.

Jordan: Yeah!
Jeff: You're such a dork. Talking like that in front of everyone.
Jordan: You said you like brown-haired girls!
Jeff: You're such a dork!

Very cute exchange on feed3!
7:46 PM BBT
Michele & Jessie
Michele is confronting Jessie about going to Russell about her trying to rally votes for Ronnie.
Michelle: That conversation never happened
Jessie: Whisper whisper Ronnie... We'll talk later.
Michele: I'd rather confront you than be like a$$h*le.
***Jessie backpedals faster than a chipmunk on speed.
Kevin & Natalie
Groundhog Day Discussion #9839
Who has The Coup D'Etat?
DO they have the Coup D'Etat?
Goes to random chitchat.
DR Leak over the speakers!!! (Jeff in DR)
Kevin & Natalie get excited.
Control Room BRB for a few hot seconds.
Kevin: Maybe that was...?
Natalie: They were just asking questions.
Kevin: Dude the f*cked up. That was hilarious.
Natalie: How's Lydia feeling?
Kevin: She's sleeping.
Natalie: I'm feeling great. Just wondering about what happened earlier.
Kevin: They found out that he was lying.
Natalie: Who?
Kevin: Russell.
They go over the discussion about Russell pitting Lydia and Chima. That they hate each other.
Natalie: And me!
Kevin: You hate her too.
Natalie: I don't hate the girl. (...)
BB voice: Natalie. Please go to the Diary Room.
Kevin: Wizard.
Natalie: You're gonna hear me now.
8:04 Pm BBT
Michele, Jeff, Russell, Jordan & Jessie
Michele is speculating about who the Wizard might be.
Jeff: You think too much. I'm not in the mood to think right now.
Jordan: He's in a bad mood today.
Jeff: I'm not the Wizard is all I'm saying.
Silence. Food prep. Eating. Cleaning.
Michele: two more days and you're done. (Have not)
Jessie: Yup. I'm excited. (**as someone contemplating lint)

**It's hard to have a coherent update between the jumping feeds and the cuts to control room.
Kevin & Jeff
More wizardry discussion... (**Kevin. Don't obstruct your microphone)
**HA! I beat you BB!
Michele joins them. Chitchat on working out.
Russell comes out. Pickle talk.
(**I might need tequila for this...)
Jeff is on a roll!!!
Jeff: I'm closed for the day. If anyone comes to me and start talking sh*t, I will stab them in the eye with that fork. I will be out of the bitter barn tomorrow! You think I can't see you through that mirror? I'm not playing today! Stop looking at me!
8:20 PM BBT
Living room
Jessie & Natalie. Lydia lying behind the sofa.
Turbo whispering. Can't make it out.
Seems like the threesome have made up.
Jessie & Natalie move to the Have Room with Ronnie and Chima, and commence more whispering. It sounds like they didn't know Lydia was there before.
Jessie: I'll tell you later.
Natalie: Lets go now.
Jessie: Calm down tiger.
Ronnie: ..........
(***Sorry maybe their voices wore out my speakers, or my BSometer is on high tonight. I have no idea what they are saying, except random words.)
They move back to the living room because Lydia left.
Jessie:I told Michele I would do the same for you.
He is telling Natalie about Michele confronting him in the bathroom. Coach Natalie is telling him what to say (lie).
Jessie: No. No. They talk all the time. (In other words, they can't lie.) It was my mistake not you guyses.
Natalie: She did say that. She did say that. She did say that. throw it back in his face. I got your back.
In a nutshell, Jessie is planning on telling Russell that he lied to him, that Jessie approached Michele with the "Save Ronnie" plea. Natalie is trying to stop him.
Jessie: I'm gonna say, Russell you were on my side. I went to bat for you. They talk more than we do. Do you see where I'm coming from?
Chima is encouraging him to lie. (***Didn't Nat and Chima say they hate liars?) Now Chima is getting all worked up and leaves in a huff.
Jessie: Because of me. Do you know what I mean?
Natalie goes to Chima in the Have Room.
Natalie: Do you get what happened?
Chima: Why are we defending people? He should lie.
Natalie: That's what I'm saying.
Chima: What does it matter? It's over.
Natalie is going over the whole thing with Chima while Chima files her nails furiously.
Natalie: All I'm saying is...
Chima: I'm not going to have any conversations with her. I'm not in the mood.
Natalie: We have to fight for our lives next week.
Jessie comes in and says that he will take a bullet for them. They are against that plan.
8:39 PM BBT
Green Room
Kevin & Lydia
They talk about Russell for a a few hot seconds until Kevin brings the reality check.
Kevin: You're on the block too hon.
Pool Table
Jessie & Natalie
Racking up!
8:46 PM BBT
Green Room
Lydia & Kevin
They are talking about the HOH competition. They are speculating it will be majority rules. (**BB don't use that one!)
Kevin: Now that Ronnie is gone. Who is his...
Lydia: Target.
Kevin: My gut says you will stay. If there is a grand scheme to backdoor someone, they wouldn't even do it on one of us. We haven't been huge schemers, masterminds (**anything)...
Lydia: Russell has lost so much. He doesn't have you does he?
Kevin: No.
(**This conversation simply proves that they have no idea what is going on in the house. They have burned bridges on both sides)
8:49 PM BBT
Jordan & Michele
Looking at Spy Cam.
They think Ronnie is coming up and plan on hiding in the bathroom.
Jordan: Russell wants to make sure that no one goes against them. What do you mean Russell. We have the votes.
Michele is worried about Kevin.
Russell & Jessie come in. Russell asks them to leave.

Jessie: The people I'm closest to are Natalie Chima and you. Bro, I'm going to look you in the eye. No. Everybody in the house wanted you out except me and Natalie. And I'm saying week two.
Russell: Chima has a plan with all the girls. Did you know that? The problem is Chima wants me out.
Jessie: She wants Kevin and Lydia.
Russell: Why would she want her friend out. You do know that Chima wants to keep all the girls in.
Jessie: You told me that week one.
Russell: All I know when I talked to her she has never uttered your name.
(**Russell are you buying this shizz?)
Jessie: If I don't win next week. We're f*cked. The only time you know you're safe is when your fate is in your hands. Whats the significance of calling her out? (**Jessie keeps repeating about week 2)
Russell: I trust you and only you. I don't trust Natalie or Chima or anyone else in the house. (**WTF) If it's only me and you in the end. Fine.
Jessie: I guarantee you. I go to the people closest to me.
Russell: Those people are closest to you.
Jessie (denying, denying. denying): If you go, so do I.
Russell: You need to watch what you say to Chima. She doesn't want a guy to win.
Jessie: I'm going to respect what you say. I hope that when I'm HOH you will do the same.
Russell is trying to turn Jessie against Natalie and Chima. That even the DR tried to get him to put Jessie up (**Note no BB warning) Jessie is talking in circles. He says his targets are Kevin and Natalie. He says he doesn't want to put Jordan and Jeff up. He would like to talk to them but can't sit outside too long.
(***He is blowing so much smoke up Russell's butt, I'm surprised it isn't coming out of his ears.)
Now Jessie is using the fact that Chima wants all girls to win to plug for Lydia to be evicted Thursday.
Russell: What about what you told Michele?
Jessie: I asked her give me a name of who you want as a replacement for you. The first time she said Casey. The second time she said Ronnie. Something's not making sense. (***Exactly)
Russell: Michele told me she didn't approach in the Green room?
Jessie: He is saying that he questioned her and she kept saying no.
Jessie spins, denying all knowledge of Chima's shenanigans. Russell takes it all in.
(**Paranoia will be your undoing Russell)
**They have thrown pretty much everyone under the bus except Natalie and Ronnie.
***I'm done transcribing this conversation because a) it's repetitive and b) it makes no sense.
Flashback Feeds 1 & 2
9:55 PM BBT
Storage room
Natalie & Jessie
Jessie is filling Natalie quickly in on his conversation with Russell. She tells him they will talk later. But she knows thing have changed because Russell came up and gave her a hug.
10:04 PM BBT
Russell, Jessie, & Natalie
Russell is officially bonding again with them. He wants Natalie to get Chima and go up to HOH. Jessie keeps saying there is no one saying that they will backdoor Russell, and the Michele is lying. Russell goes up to HOH waiting for the others to come up.
(***Oh sweet fingers will go numb - Flex!)
Natalie takes Chima to the bathroom to coach her. Chima is riled up.
Chima: Am I already in a bad room? Does Michele want me to kick her a$$?
Chima goes up to HOH.
Chima: I came up here because Natalie told me that Michele was talking sh*t. How do I know you're not lying.
Russell: I have never lied.
Chima raises her eyebrow.
Russell: Michele told me that you want to backdoor me.
Chima: Bring her in here.
Russell: Hold on, let me finish my story before you grab her.
He rehashes the whole story. Chima insists that she get Michele.
Chima: Go grab her.
SPARK it UP peeps! Smackdown impending!
Chima: So Russell is telling me you told him that I ma going around the house I want to backdoor him.
Michele: I didn't say that.
Russell: Are you kidding me right now?
Michele: Yeah I'm joking Russell
Russell: Did you say that Chima wants to backdoor me?
Chima: All of this that he says that you say I said. I didn't say. If it's speculation, it's okay. The conversation from last night has nothing to do that.
Russell: I'm not talking about last night. Did you say that Jessie and Natalie and Chima sat here and said that they wanted to backdoor me?
This conversation is going in circles. Interesting to note, only Russell is worked up. The ladies are calm. Chima says she was convinced that he was lying when she heard that. (**In other words she doesn't believe Michele said that.)
Russell: She was out there telling me you were after me.
Michele: You were outside being neurotic. You wanted to know who was after you.
The fact is you never tell the truth. I'm not talking to you. All you do is lie.
Chima: You can't attack people and walk away. Russell, what are you trying to do? All you care about yourself. The way you're doing things makes me think you're lying.
Russell (from the HOH landing) Hey Natalie did Michele tell you in the Green room?
Chima:Don't even listen to him. He's lying!

They go outside. Chima yells at everyone that he is full of sh*t.
(**The only thing he did was solidify Chima and Michele's relationship. Maybe even bring Natalie into the mix.)
Natalie: Things that people are saying Ronnie said. He didn't say.
(**Congratulations Russell, you might have saved Ronnie.)
Chima brings Jordan and Jeff inside to bring them up to speed.
Jordan is telling Chima that Russell told her the reason he and Chima were fighting because Lydia told her that Michele and Jordan were up in HOH. Jordan and Chima are comparing notes. The end result? Russell might as well leave now. His game is done.
Chima is clarifying that Lydia and she were comparing notes with what Russell has said to each of them, but Russell wanted to spin it that Chima was angry because Jordan was in the HOH. Chima is saying that Russell is the instigator of all the lies.
Chima: That's why he needs to go.
Jordan: Jeff and I thought you were mad at us. That's why I was staying away from you cause you were in a bad mood. He is trying to get everyone to go against Michele for some reason.
Jordan says she and Jeff are not gunning for Chima.
Jordan: I heard that Jessie and Natalie are coming after us.
Chima: You know who they want out? I probably should not tell you...Russell.
10:36 PM BBT
Natalie & Michele
Nat comes in and asks her if she's OK.
Michele: No, that was ridiculous. I was worried he was gonna hit one of us.
Natalie: Are you a brain surgeon or neurologist because that's what Russ said. -
Michele: I'm just a research assistant.
Natalie tells Michele that the perception of her is that she can't be trusted because she does not speak to anyone. (**And now I;m sure she wishes she hadn't spoken to Russell) She is also subtly putting in a suggestion to keep Ronnie.
Michele: Yes Russell is doing bad things right now. Russell needs to go right now, but it doesn't impact my decision (to vote Ronnie out).
Natalie keeps plugging to keep Ronnie. She is making Michele think that she is part of 'the group'. She is not being successful
Michele: Yes it would benefit you as a group, but I don't see the value of keeping him in the game.
Conversation over. Natalie joins the rest in the kitchen (Jeff, Ronnie, Lydia, &Kevin). Chima & Jordan are still talking in the Green room. Michele goes to the bathroom sofa. Kevin joins her.
Kevin: Good for you for standing up for yourself.
Michele hears Ronnie talking and says, "STFU Ronnie."
Kevin tries to calm her down.
Natalie has joined Russell outside. Russell is still slamming Michele. Natalie promises that if she wins that she will put Michele up. She is fueling his fire. Russell is calling her dumb and that she fell in the trap. More of the same that was said in HOH.
Jeff comes out: Cool off?
Russell: What's cooking.
Jeff: Something about all the girls in the house are going against all the guys in the house.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Feed 2
Natalie, Kevin, Lydia, Ronnie, Michele, Jordan & Chima
Everything Russell has ever said to anything is being outed. Throughout this whole discussion, Natalie does nto miss an opportunity to canonize Ronnie.
Feed 1 is on Ronnie in the Green room listening in with a huge smirk on his face.
Feed 3& 4
Russell is campaigning to Jeff.

Kevin is challenging Ronnie because Ronnie tried to play the victim on all this.
Ronnie: I will give you an analogy
Kevin: You're a m*therf*cker. You're a liar. You have lied at me so many times! Don't ever raise my voice at me, I will come after you. You might have Natalie and you might have Natalie but yo don't fool me.
Lydia gets in on this. They are calling him out on his alliance with Russell. Ronnie tries to say something about semantics, and sets Kevin off again. They are calling Ronnie out on his Hitler comments.
Chima: Can we all agree that Russell is going up if anyone gets HOH?
Michele: That wasn't the plan before. It is now.
(***Note Jessie is nowhere to be found. He is playing possum somewhere. Correction. He is in the DR. They just called Lydia to the diary room. Now they don't know where Jessie is. Double correction. He is playing possum in the Doom room.)
Jeff: Let's discuss the dishes all over the house. Can we?

All over the place.
Chima goes outside to challenge Russell, about him saying about her wanting him. She trows water on him and goes inside.
He follows her and the screaming match continues. Russell screams that she wanted to give him a bl*wj*b.
Chima: Go outside and play pool by yourself.
Russell: All your big lips are good for is talking and s*cking d*ck.
Chima: Oh that doesn't make you sound like a misogynist.
Chima goes right up to his face. Throws water in his face, Kevin breaks it up. Natalie stands around but does/says nothing.
**I can't keep up with this.. GET THE FEEDS. Flashback feed 2!
Chima puts her hands on his shoulders. Kevin takes Chima away. She goes back. Jeff comes in between. Kevin and Jeff stand between them. (**still no sign of Jessie)
Jeff takes Russell outside. Jeff is trying his level best to calm him down. Russell asks Jeff if he wants to play pool.
Jeff: I'm having a cigarette. You're all stressing me the f*ck out.
Russell is sounding like a broken record.
BB Voice: Chima please come to the Diary Room.

Living Room
Michele, Jordan, Natalie & Kevin
They are getting into a fight over Ronnie. Natalie is defending him. (He is crying in the Have room to Chima who is out of DR. Russell was called to DR)
Michele gets up and leaves and Natalie goes inside the Have room to tell Chima. Michele goes in there to address what Natalie is saying and Ronnie starts attacking Michele. Kevin comes to her rescue.

***People I can't transcribe this fast!
Control BRB on all feeds. (**SWAT team interference no doubt)
Feeds are back after a few minutes. Seems Kevin was called into DR. Apparently they are all being told to stay 3 feet from each other. (**They might need a new house.)
Calm has been restored (for now) in the house.
Chima: Jessie is hiding.
Natalie: He has a stomach ache.
Chima: Yeah right.
(**Jessie & Lydia are in the Have-not room. Jessie is giving his sob story to one of the two people in the house who will buy it.)
Ronnie was called to DR, and when he came out he said, "They said all bets are off."
It's calm for now. People are being called to DR one by one. It looks like they might be having a production intervention but I'm not certain.
Jordan: I'm having a deja vu.
Jeff: You are? When the f*ck have you experienced something like this. (***Gotta love Jeff!)
Chima continues to egg Russell on. He is called to DR and as he passes her, she says, "punk."
12:11 AM BBT
All for feeds on Lydia and Jessie, Natalie joins them. Michele bashing. Lydia tries to defend her. Natalie is calling Michele all sorts of names.
Natalie: B*tch I will f*cking kill you. I will shank a b*tch.
Lydia is feeding them what they need to hear. Meanwhile they have been trying to get her evicted.

Green Room
Michele & Jordan
They are talking about the votes and Ronnie. Michele is telling Jordan on how Natalie, Jessie and Ronnie were trying to force her into an alliance. (**Sorry turbo whispering. I hear their air conditioner more than what they are saying.) Michele thinks Jeff or Kevin is the wizard. She and Jordan agree that Michele needs to talk to Kevin. Michele tells Jordan that the NBK is targeting Jeff and want him out.
Michele: Jeff's a good guy. I trust him.
Jordan: Chima doesn't know that you are with us.

Russell & Jeff
Russell is going over the same story updated earlier in this post. Jordan comes out. She asks Russell if it's true that Jessie and Natalie want Jeff and her out. Russell blows her off, saying he doesn't know. Jordan challenges him, forcing him to acknowledge that they were coming after Jeff and Jordan. Russell is working hard to make them not trust Michele. He thinks he "figured it out". (***You haven't bucko.)
Russell leaves.
Jordan: I believe Michele more, sorry.
She has a theory that the blow up between Chima and Russell is fake. She and Michele saw Russell wink at Chima as he was going to DR the last time.
Natalie comes out and puts the kabosh on the discussion. Jeff asks her if Michele came to them for protection to vote Ronnie out. Natalie says they didn't go for it, because she respects the HOH's wishes. (***Meanwhile she has been trying to keep Ronnie in the house. WHY can't they see that?)

Jacuzzi round table discussion. Natalie has stopped spewing lies because she can't spin with so many witnesses. They are keeping to general discussions. The TV edits. The competitions.
BB Voice: Lydia. Please (disengage your head out of Jessie's butt) and go to the diary room.
Natalie is sounding like she knows when the voting has ended. Michele challenges her., "How do you know?" (**She doesn't know.)
General chitchat until everyone except Natalie and Jeff go in. She takes the opportunity to plug Jessie some more, giving empty promises. Saying the same things over and over.
1:16 AM BBT
Ronnie & Chima
Chima is questioning him about his alliance with Russell. Ronnie is spinning more webs. He is changing every single conversation he had with everyone to his favor. He is whining that Kevin "chest butted" him. (**Poor saintly canonized Ronnie) Kevin comes in and Ronnie does the politician apology. Kevin apologizes too.
Chima, Ronnie & Kevin deconstruct Russell's lies starting with what he does for a living, that he claimed to be a Navy Seal, a firefighter, (**a baker and a candlestick maker) Interesting to note that throughout this whole conversation Michele has been getting ready for bed but has not said a word. Michele goes to bed. Kevin leaves. Jeff comes in to take a shower. Talk turns to The Sound of Music.
Meanwhile in Green Room
Jessie & Lydia
Jessie is spinning... (**As is my head)

1:40 AM BBT
Jordan, Kevin, Jeff & Natalie
I guess Jeff decided against the shower. They are talking about Ronnie and his fake crying. Russell and his lies. Natalie. surprisingly, defends Ronnie. Jeff refuses to buy it.
***Genie is getting a headache.
Jordan: Wow. There are some actors in this place.
Kevin: Russell never said it, but I suspect that he was coming after Jessie and you.
Natalie: We didn't feel safe with Russell (*** hello? So you people not hear her contradictions?)
Michele coming out puts an end to Natalie's Ronnie Campaign. Kevin tells them that Russell apologized to Chima.
Natalie: What did she say?
Kevin: Nothing.
Natalie: Did he apologize to you?
No answer.
Natalie: There comes a point when...
Silence. Natalie goes inside. Lydia has disengaged herself from Jessie and comes out. Food talk. They want to make hot dogs.
***Clearly, the Russell/Michele alliance of one day is over. The question remains, are Jordan and Jeff still on board with Michele?
Natalie has gone in to report to Jessie what a great job at dissemination she has been doing tonight. (**I'm paraphrasing without actually going to that feed. I need mercy! :)
1:57 AM BBT
Chima: F*ck that shit!
Lydia: Jessie was trying to justify Russell's screaming and yelling. Jessie said he would have acted the same way.
Lydia tells Chima that Natalie wants Michele nominated.
Lydia: Jessie, Natalie, & Russell want to stay teammates, and that's why Natalie is after Michele.
She leaves. Chima goes on a tirade to Ronnie (** committing hari-kari)
Chima: Who should have been out there between me and him? Yes. The person hiding in the Have Not room with a stomach ache. He never wants to be in that room any other time. That makes me know that people who say they will have your back really don't. Why are Jessie and Natalie kissing his a**? I have to win HOH. I will put Jessie and Russell up.
Ronnie takes this opportunity to sing his song with a kid voice while looking at the camera.
Ronnie: I didn't do anything in the past few weeks. I didn't do anything wrong.
Same shizz different feed...
2:07 AM BBT
Kevin, Michele & Jordan.
Michele goes in to get some snacks.
Jordan: I have a feeling there is more stuff not said.
Kevin: So do I.
Michele comes out again talk turns to Cheetos.
Michele: I'm going to stop sleeping and I will hallucinate and hopefully my hallucinations will become more real than the lies in this house. (**Michele is chomping on chips which shows you her distress level)
Most of the HGs are taking out their stress on food. (**Cause sex is out. Most of them have already scr*wed themselves in the game.) Jessie and wife number two are playing pool.
2:18 AM BBT
Ronnie, Jordan, Chima, & Jeff
Ronnie (to Jeff and Jordan): I want to say goodbye as I am evicted and if you don't want to say goodbye don't approach me. I'll understand.
Jeff: I'll say goodbye... if you leave.
Ronnie: If somehow I don't leave I will go down as the person who never leaves.
Jeff: If you don't leave I will throw you out the window.
In the kitchen Ronnie is talking talking talking....

Have room
Michele, Jeff & Jordan are in their beds.
Jordan is annoyed by Ronnie's voice. (**He is very loud!) They think that Ronnie is "The Wizard" because he is happy. They're all bummed. They want to be "The Wizard." Jeff thinks America hates their guts.
Jeff: I'm not giving any power to this bozo. (about himself)
Jeff and Jordan think they came last in the polls. Jordan wants to ask Michele about Greenroomgate. Jeff says it's not the time. They can talk about it tomorrow.
Jeff: Tomorrow is going to be a good day. Today was the negative day of the month. Tomorrow will be a good day. Send out positive vibes.
***And that ends the smackdown mostly Overnight Report! :)
♫The roof. The roof. The roof is on fire.♫
*****No matter how much anyone updates it doesn't take the place of the feeds. Get 'em!
lol i knew it... new top post lol!
just wanted to OAC.. ty for the Scotch to go with the meds but I dont drink nuttin stronger then Pepsi lol!
oh.. and darn.. i forgot to run laps today.... again! ( like i ever do lol! )
Carolyn, I am a new BB fan and my boyfriend introduced me to your page. I love it! Thanks for updating so often and keeping us in the know :)
The New CBS Game: Where's Jeff, So I Can Vote For Him? :)
Carolyn got me...should have updated to see a new post! *Sorry for the repeat...
Hi everyone! Been a busy day!
So I am intrigued that CBS has switched the pictures. Should have done that in the first place, especially because this is such an important and game changing vote.
I am interested to see the outcome, not just to see if Jeff wins, but to see if he doesn't if people call foul. I, for one, will be a little skeptical if Ronnie does win, just for the fact of the bot post I have seen. Anyone else's thoughts?
P.S. On the note, please vote. And by vote, vote my way! :) cough...Jeff...cough
Welcome Matt! :) I'm so glad you're enjoying the site! So who's your honey?
GaleLuvsBB11 - hehe - i'm a sneak. ;)
GenieSea - LOL.. it's the CBS version of where's waldo. ;)
Also, if Jeff does win the wizard power, I can't wait to see his DR when they tell him. Priceless.
What did u eat for supper Carolyn... i need ideas lol
Carolyn...maybe you've discussed this today but do you think CBS received such a huge response for Jeff that they're testing it by moving him around. They ALMOST got me! ;)
Thanks, Kas
Is anybody else seeing the creepy way Ronnie is was watching Michele?? I will do a happy dance when we walks out the door on thurdays!
Opps....forgot to say Welcome Matt!!
Wow I just watched a video on youtube starring Ronnie & his wife, called "Chip and Zach", really disturbing! The language is foul! I can't believe he even had the nerve to say anything to Casey after watching that.
Deb in WestTex.
I can not wait for Chima or Natalie to win HOH this week only for their noms to be overruled by will be the newest "Oh Sh&t" moment in BB history!
im worried people will automatically hit number 2 and it will no longer be Jeff... but shouldnt it remain Jeff it thats how they announced the numbers to vote?
Dang! Jordan really has put on a ton of weight. Glad to see she is attempting to workout.
OAC that is too funny about your son. My mom called me an addict when I asked her to vote. When she told me she had voted for Jeff 10 times like I asked I called her my enabler.
Good Evening Carolyn,
Thanks for your fantastic updates, I just got home from work and started voting and saw something interesting.
BE CAREFUL WHEN VOTING, everytime you get to the voting page the pictures are changing places, so you have to be careful when voting. Go Jeff, I'm starting to not trust Russell again. It seems he's playing all sides and will leave Ronnie in. yuck. Everybody have a good night and thanks again for everyone's hard work.
I'm a little concerned about the change on CBS's voting site. Does this mean someone other than Jeff or Jordan could get it?? Surely they wouldn't let that happen!!
Chima is on my last nerve--she is just mad cuz she can't have Russ carry her anymore. All she does is complain. I can't believe she believes all Ron's bs
Good evening people. I have been in and out of the feeds all day and all I can say is these people are going NUTS. This vote needs to be over with so they can start all over again. Haha.
Finally! Some Jeff and Jordan cuteness!!
Gale - :)
Veggie Chow Mein
Crab Rangoon
Beef Lo Mein
I love to order a bunch of different things and have a little of each. :)
Carolyn, loving the new polls. I've got a problem with one though, I can't decide.
Who would you like to see win the upcoming Big Brother 11 HoH?
If I was 100% positive that Jeff was getting the CDT, I'd almost go with Chima winning HOH. Let her put up Jeff and Jordan. Then Jeff wins POV and Chima puts up Lydia as a replacement nom. Then on next Thursday, Jeff announces he's won the power, pulls off both Lydia and Jordan (securing Lydia's cooperation) and replaces them with Jessie and Natalie. With Jessie going home.
THAT would be freakin' fantastic television!
But since I can't be 100% sure, I guess I'd rather Jeff won.
Kas - That's one theory... The other is that there was such a fury from Jeff fans about the Bots that were set up to vote for Ronnie that they did something to foil the bots. ;)
What the heck is that sticking out of Natalie's pants? lol Looks funny...
oh wow yum sounds good Carolyn!!! Well I dont have anything I can order in cos I live out in the... uhm... where do I live lol?
Im thinkin of poppin popcorn and drinkin an icecold pepsi lol! Nourishing right?
OOOHHH, I did not know about these bots but I'm glad they are trying to be foiled!!! lol Thanks!!
Man, I wish Jeff and Jordan would just confess their love to each other already. He so wanted to say, "Jordan, I don't want any of your friends ... I want you!"
Dang! I wish he'd just say it already, lol. I wouldn't have made it this long without telling her, that's for sure.
I have this idea I think is really good for penalty noms and I knew there would be a new top post announcement so I wanted to wait to post it.
Before that though, Need to put a virtual smack on Ronnie. He is out playing pool with Natalie and said that Michele is still playing both sides, what the hell?!, and then said she is the ugliest girl in the house. Saying this to the troll he is playing with makes one laugh. Ronnie bend over and accept this long distance boot in your ass.
Ok, now for the idea.
How to effectively penalize HGs for bad behavior
I don't how many of you have seen the movie Demolition Man but in the movie there is device that fines you for swearing. "You are fined one credit for violating the verbal morality code" This happens every time some one does it.
They should do the same thing in the BB house. Take actual money away from them. Each time they break a rule they are fined one dollar from their stipend or the final prize. I think this is the only way that they could get them to listen. Right now since no one in production can enter the house all they can do is yell at them and we know how far that goes.
Just a thought.
Vote for Jeff
yep, those Zach and Chip video's are pretty disturbing considering they are for boys and girls!( being sarcastic here!) they kinda reminded me of a twisted Blue's clues......very bad.
I have to wonder if CBS could or would disqualify Ronnie from the vote if it was obviously swayed in his direction?
Caro- do you have confirmation on the voting bots? Was it just for Ronnie? Just curious.
Hello :) Good Evening
Gale, Matt, Laura, Anonymous, HanHaysMom, Michelle in Indiana, JudyG, FLGRL2012, Danyelle, Filis, umbeta1455
And my girls: Genie Sea and Carolyn
Russell's tweeting! :)
Not to mention no music or outside contact and you are stuck with people you don't even like....try that on for size.
less than a minute ago from TweetDeck
to the bordem, and lying its hard to figure out whats real and who is worth listening to. I never expected this to be this hard
2 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Just a little insider info....this game is more grueling that I ever percieved. From the day to day grind
4 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Oh and by the way.....that last HOH competition sucked big time....note to self....leave on clothes during wet competitions.
5 minutes ago from TweetDeck
I want to thank all of you for watching us whether you like the Lovemuscle or not we appreciate all of you as fans!
7 minutes ago from TweetDeck
From all the arguments to all the hilarious moments caught on tape
7 minutes ago from TweetDeck
Of course a special thanks to all my UC Davis Wrestlers. I hope all you fans enjoy the show and I am giving you plenty to enjoy
8 minutes ago from TweetDeck
This is the new HOH Russell the Mongoose aka The LoveMuscle aka The Shotgun thanking all my fans personally.
10 minutes ago from TweetDeck
HELLO BIG BROTHER FANS!! Thanks to all for supporting us and watching the live feeds.
15 minutes ago from TweetDeck
I want Jeff to win HOH this week and then the week after when he can't play, he still could change the noms. There goes Jesse and Natalie!
Hey everyone! I've been lurking, just too busy to be commenting. You guys and your comments rock!
So I have been voting for Jeff. He's got to have this by a landslide. And I can't wait for the blow-up if he uses it to overthrow the HOH next week. The poo will hit the fan! LOL!
Carolyn - what is a bot? I thin I know what you're referring to, but...???
Do the houseguests know for sure where Kevin's vote will go?
Seems to me that Jessie, Natalie and Chima will vote to evict Lydia and Michelle, Jeff and Jordan will vote to evict Ronnie. That leaves the vote tied at 3-3.
Kevin and Lydia are friends so his position concerns me. I want to see Ronnie out and am concerned. Hopefully either Jeff, Jordan or Michele will get the CDT power. and none of this will matter.
Anyone who wants to see the forum where the request was made for cheating bots for Ronnie...
Russel twittered, is this the first time he's done it? Haven't seen it mentioned before.
Lord I pray that this weeks commercial of BB are all wrong! Don't give Ronnie the twisted one any power! that would be too disgusting to watch!!
If we can only vote 10 times from 1 IP# how do the bots work? Do they change IP #s? Or can we vote 1000 times?
Carolyn - Always tickles me when I order a lot of food like that so I can eat a little bit of each & they give me 2 or 3 forks thinking I have ordered for more than one person.
I have recently been wondering if Jordan is into Jeff as much as he seems to be into her. This conversation about hooking him up w/ one of her friends makes me wonder. She keeps saying we're BFF's & he's trying to make the point w/out actually saying it that he's not interested in one of her friends. I've noticed a few other exchanges that has made me wonder. She could just be covering to not let her true feelings out. Just my thoughts.
Let's see how Jessie spins himself out of Michelle confronting him about the lie he & Nat told Russell.
Hello Carolyn & everyone else! I can't believe how much the paranoia is overflowing in the house. From needless fights to doubting alliances, this house is in overload. We need a lot of alcohol in the house tonight to tip the scales in favor of all-out war. Who's with me??
EA: I am sorry for what your family is going through. I can only hope and pray for you and your family.
~ Ryan ~
Guess I should have gone and checked myself, silly me. He was talking to Jessie about it but it might take some time to get posted. Just the stuff from Sat. so far. He doesn't say much but at least he respects the fans. Unlike a couple of tools who will remain nameless.
I love that Michele is confronting Jessie, but I am sure he will somehow spin this convo into something its not. I love that Michele is coming out of her shell and making it known where her loyalties are. Go Michele!
Holy Crap! Almost had a Jeff DR leak and the others could hear it.
LMAO Carolyn! I just looked at that site and read all the posts on the first page....It was entertaining, I'll give it that!
DR Leak! From the looks of it Natalie and Kevin started to hear it! ha
I'm baccckkkkkk!! Did ya miss me??? Yeah i know you did :P
Got everyone fed and everything cleaned up then bf and i decided to take a drive to go watch the storm move in - amazing lightening!
Then to the grocery store to get a few things and home again.....i lead such an exciting life huh?
Seems like Michele isn't taking anymore crap. Go girl. She should call Jess and Nat out in front of Russ.
LLF-Jeff can only use the CDE this Thursday or next. If he is HOH next week he wouldn't need to use it and then it goes away the next week.
Love that Michelle confronted Jesse but wish she'd done it in front of Russell so he could see the difference. Jesse's frantic stammering, and Michelle's calm, collected manner.
Truth is never frantic.
Those tweets make Russell truly stand out from Jessie and Ronnie. He was humble and gave his honest opinion on what he was going through as HOH. I respect him so much more for that.
LLF, while I love your plan, it wouldn't work because the winner of the Coup D'Etat can only use it this Thursday (Russell is still HOH at that time) or next Thursday. It's just a two week power.
RhondaM, a bot is computer code designed to perform a specific task. For example, post spam in forums, or in this case, vote for a specific person in an online poll.
Jane, there is an online forum made specifically to create bots. In the one forum that I saw, there was someone there requesting that a bot be made to constantly vote for Ronnie. One of the people on that forum did make the coding for the bot and posted the coding so that the bot could be made. To be equal, I will also note that within the same thread on that forum, someone also posted what would need to be changed in order for the bot to instead vote for Jeff. But from what I saw, the original request was for a bot to be made for Ronnie.
Jeff was called to the DR right before that leak.. I'm glad they caught it so fast! lol
I saw a video about Ronnie the other night that was an audition tape for the reality show Solitary 3.0. I found it to be very telling about him & in the video at about the 3min mark he talks about how he cyber- bullied someone that made him mad. He said he holds grudges & will get back at someone who makes him mad. I couldn't watch the whole video. It made me sick how egotistical he is & after the cyber-bully confession I clicked off of it.
Wow, the controllers must have some newbies on board tonight. I can't believe they let the DR leak like that & HG heard it. Of course, I have always wondered when or if that happened before since we get them on the feeds. Plus, they keep going to the BRB so someone has to be new at the controls.
Jessie backpedals faster than a chipmunk on speed. LMAO
Ok, disregard what I said before about Sat., this was his first tweets. I'm looking at last months calendar LOL
Jeff needed to say to Jordan.. "I don't want you to hook me with me anyone! I WANT YOU!" lol
And here I was thinking it would be a slow night for updating. LOL! :)
These ppl have me so confused. Lydia, Chima are saying they caught Russell in a lie about them. Now Natalie says he lied about her too. I don't even know what the lie is & Natalie referenced he told them not to talk to each other. Are they lying or did Russell do that...geez, I am confused.
I'm sure its too crazy to explain to me just thought I would throw out how confused I am & I have been watching the feeds on & off all day today.
Thanks Carolyn for that site. I wonder if it is true that only 10 of our votes count. That would be a major bummer. I still don't know if that is proof that it is Ronnie's wife doing it, but clearly someone is trying to.
Evening ALL!
I must say, all the stuff out there about Ronnie is disturbing. The Chip and Zach clip is bad enough, but the Solitary video is sick.
When he very first came in the house, I liked him. Had I known ......... well, not so much.
Michigan Man, I love your penalty ideas! If I was on Twitter, I would tweet that to AGP, lol. Great idea. I'm tired of hearing mainly the same ones constantly yelling back at BB.
While I'm voting for Jeff, just wanted to point out how stunningly beautiful Julie Chen is.
I heard Ronnie say the other day that if Michelle didn't use the POV on him that after the POV meeting he was going to give her the "stare." for the rest of the week. Whatever that means. But, I guess that is why he is giving her such weird looks.
LOL MsFitz ~ we're having the same thoughts here!
MsFitz - You bring up a good point about Jordan and Jeff. I always just assumed she has feelings for Jeff and they were equal in them. I mean, who wouldn't have feelings for him?
I know that she is hesitant to be in a relationship because of that one guy who broke her heart.
Maybe this could be a quickie poll? Everyone in the house is speculating that Jordan is playing him.
I just think she is playing it slow. Hmm I just want them to be together!
Michigan Man - i like your idea to fine them. i think most HG's would be broke when they left the house, just for saying the F word 500,000 times. LOL!
Syn - thx cutie! a bot.
Galeluvs - I understand. Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of ya.
Welcome Matt.
Syn - Options? ... oh, I get it. OK, I'll stop writing your info in restrooms. Kill joy! lol
Michelle in Indiana - I need to figure out a way to sucker my son into the same conversation you had with your mom. You are most clever.
Michigan Man - I really like your idea on hitting the HGs with a monetary penalty. Money is and will probably always be a great motivator.
I'm not sure I will rest easy until I know Jeff has won America's Vote.
Dang Carolyn your having a good time on the post tonight......or should I say a frustrating night with all the cuts in and out of the control room tonight.
MsFitz: howdy! Go look at the video's on youtube titled Zach and Chip or visa versa! They are really gross. They have Ronnie or RJ as the credits call him and his wife Michelle! They are pretty disturbing....
Hi Cambik :)
It's not me!
Genie Sea is at the helm of this post. :)
Michele is being mean lately. Really mean. We waited so long for her to come out of her shell and this is what we get? Go back in!
Ronnie scares me. I could see him getting Michele's email address and harrassing her. Ronnie has some serious issues. His videos say alot about him.
Here's you a shot of tequila Genie
\_/ ! Cheers!
Poor Jeff. "I'm not playing today! Stop looking at me!"
I feel bad now for staring at him. LOL!
My goodness!!! I'm confused left right and center here and i don't have the feeds!!! Sheesh they are all gonna have a huge melt down if something drastic doesn't happen. Maybe BB producers need to give these ppl some "toys" to take the edge off!
Wow, I just went to vote again and the HG's shuffle every time you vote! You really need to be on your toes!
Maybe there was a bot OR CBS is trying to comfort us?!?!?!?
(I probably shouldn't bait this but...) anon @ 8:17 ~ How is Michele being mean??
~ Ryan ~
I'm beginning to agree with whoever said it was a newbie on the controls today. Geesh! It's been all 4 feeds on one scene almost all day long. No matter how boring that scene is. Add to that all the fish and brb screens. Ugh! Kevin gets called to the DR couldn't we stay outside with Jeff/Russ/Michelle? No, let's follow Kevin walking to the DR-exciting stuff.
Thanks for taking the wheel*{\O/}*
Jeff reminds me of the little boy away at camp that's a tad homesick.
It feels like Jordan is reminding Jeff they're BFF because...stats show that 65% of women will choose not to continue an intimate (emotional or physical)relationship
if their guy is a bad kisser lol
Jordan complained on their first kiss that he was a biter!
Good grief! I wish I could make myself a bot that would automatically refresh the window after I cast my Vote For Jeff! I'm gonna have carpal tunnel syndrome before we can stop voting.
RhondaM - No Problemo ;)
Someone (ahem cough cough Jessie) in there reminds me of Elvira from Tiny Toons! Annoying, selfish, obnoxious and did i say annoying???
Natalie & Jessie are going over what he will say to Michele later about what she confronted him about. Gahd I hope Michele talks to Jessie in front of Russell, I REALLY DO!!
~ Ryan ~
Jessie is trying to come up with a story about his lie about Michele.
Dude, you're busted! Get over it.
Ewwww Genie!!! I'm a very visual person and you mentioning Jessie/Nat and Lydia as a threesome made me gag on my cranberry juice!!
I'm worrying about the voting site, too. It's NEVER been shuffled before tonight, and now every time Jeff is in a different spot. What do you guys think?!?!?!
i adore michelle but she has got to realize that she really needs to not be so soft spoken that people take advantage of her. jessie and nat are going to continue to russ that now she came u to them and said why did you tell him isaid that, and she didn't tell russ and it will look like she is hiding something. i am very frustrated with her for not realizing she has got to be a little more emotional to get people to believe her!!!! if she doesn't act quick on this and tell russ th latest and they get to him 1st, she could have made one of her biggest miscalculations thus far!! IMHO. come on michelle, don't disappoint me!
Hey! :)
I wanted to pop in and tell everyone hi. I feel like I'm in a haze today... so I'm just gonna lurk here in the comment section.
Have a nice night everyone!
ugh now I feel sick to my stomach! I went and see who wanted a bot and was gonna cheat.. and then... where he bullied that person....havent yet seen the one on YouTube!
Gawd if they only knew how sick Ronnie really was! He needs to go... not make it to the jury house, and get the heck away from cameras so we never have to see his face again!
August 3, 2009 8:28 PM
7. Feel Free to Make up all the positive nicknames you like, but let's leave the negativity at the curb. Imagine having to publish a few thousand mean comments a day and how crabby that might make you. ;)
Not that I would like this to happen..... but
Shouldn't Ronnie/Jesse/Nat/Chima be working on Kevin? They have a great case why he should not have Lydia's back. Where is that going to take him? They can all promise him that if he votes Lydia out, they will be eternally grateful and promise him safety for like 2-3 weeks. I know I've seen it happen before. Kevin should know he is in a bad spot being aligned with only Lydia.
But even still, Jeff winning the power will still overthrow what ever their alliance does.
The rats are running scared and this time none of them are named Ronnie.
If CBS has been informed of the cheating for Ronnie then they should put an end to the voting now or just cancel the whole twist. It would be disappointing. But I would rather take a chance on Jeff, Jordan or Michelle winning the next HOH then take the risk of Ronnie winning the power.
This is a case of risk vs. benefit. In my opinion I do not want to risk someone like Ronnie wielding his evil power over good people.
Chima - Spitefulness is not a pretty mood on you girl.
~ Ryan ~
Hi Mike!!! What a crazy nite in the house!! And Nite!!! Got to get up at 5:45 in the a.m to get my son to band camp. A mom's work is never done! Hope nothing good watch, I won't be on here tonite & the you-know-what will hit the fan! I think Chima is spoiling for a fight!
Hope everyone has a great nite & keep voting for Jeff!!
Carolyn ~ I'm sure you will, but please remind everyone to vote for Jeff on every single report you do tomorrow!!
~ Ryan ~
IMO the cbs site is trying to avoid being snowed by bots by having the names juggle around all the time. Just finished my lump of votes for the night - whew that was hard work and i think i sprained my pointer finger :P
psstttt Jessie lives in a nut shell!
did I say sumtin not allowed?
was dat a warnin for me with #7?
Quick Big Brother, give them LOADS of alcohol NOW!!
~ Ryan ~
Gale - nope, not at all :)
awe carolyn =( you shouldn't have to read hate..too sad...
A creed I live by (As I watch Jessie and Nat and Chima scramble to fix their damage);
The Truth Never Needs To Be Rehearsed"
Ya'll are too fun *{\O/}*
Why is Chima pissed that Russell is bringing up that Jesse and Natalie said Michelle is rallying votes for Ronnie? (Wow, that was a long sentence)
Russell is starting shit because he is bringing up something that never happened. But...he thinks it did happen because J & N told him it did. And they admitted it never happened-in other words, they lied. And Chima says she knows it was a lie. And Chima and Natalie think the best solution is to keep up the lie. And it all adds up to=Russell is starting shit and Michelle can not be trusted because she denied saying something that she never said.
Whew, I am sure glad that is cleared up. I was getting confused.
Ry - ahahahahahaha thats right - booze them up and let the fur fly!
Phew ! Ty ty ty ty ty ty ty want some popcorn? :)
Y'all are cracking me up :)
Aww how sweet! Jessie said he'd take the bullet for Chima and Natalie - now lets hope the shooter has good aim!
Thanks, Pally :)
hehehehehe, Wendy!
Genie ~ Stop laughin' and pass the tequila!
Tequila shots anyone?
I will try to leave the commentary off the post, but a girl has to keep sane somehow! :)
if i recall all the way back to BB9 wasnt Josh a little scary and sick in threatening allsion and they had a 5 foot stay away rule? Lets not forget the good, bad and the ugly that has passed through BB house.
Grendon.. say wut lol??????
Can u repeat that lol?
I'd love to start a squid fight in that house and aim at a select few!
LOL Grendon and Wendy!
WendyLady! LMBO!
Awww Genie don't stop the commentary its the best part!!
Wendy dont u dare waste some good squid on those butt heads lol!
Genie ~ Don't you DARE leave off the commentary! We need OUR sanity too!
Can't wait for AD to start so I can see what's going on!! I will have to get the feeds next season! I'm getting more confused by the minute! Why don't they just call a house meeting and get to the bottom of it all? It worked last season with Natalie.....why does there always have to be a Natalie involved?
Carolyn, can we make up a positive nickname for someone with the understanding that we are actually being negative? LOL, I'm kidding.
Can anyone explain to me why Jessie eats the way he does? He will like put a pocket of food in his cheek and then chew small bites at a time of it. I don't understand this. Just wondering if anyone has seen this done before.
I just got some more votes in for Jeff! Can't wait to see the veto comp tomorrow then wait on pins and needles for Thursday! :)
Gale - can i use the ones they threw out? They would be smellier and better anyway :P
Kscoot, LMAO at the Natalie comment! Too funny!
Laura in NC - I don't think Jordan is playing Jeff. My thoughts have been she really, really likes him but just not as deep as we all might be thinking or hoping. But, I mostly lean toward she is just taking it really slow cuz she has been hurt before & it must have left a deep impression on her. Plus, I think her main priority is not to let anything happen that would embarrass her family. And, is going to see where all this leads once they are out of the house. Which IMHO she would be crazy if she let Jeff go.
Kscooterfox - I saw that video on Utube the other day & couldn't get thru that one either. It was very, very creepy. I got to the part when he turns to the camera & say, Oh Hi, I didnt hear u come in. It reminded me of Mr. Rogers & I like Mr. Rogers so i didn't want to get creeped out watching Ronnie try to be like him.
Here we go, lie your butt off Jessie.
Lmao Syn! Yup he does eat like a chipmonk!
Hello, hello, hello...One and ALl!
Miss me? LOL I have been out of the loop for a couple of days and I have a lot of catching up to do. I just wanted to pop in and say...HI
What?! Everyone, including Jeff and Jordan, wanted to back door Russel. Jessie you are digging that hole deep now.
I don't think I could repeat that if I tried. But it took me until the fourth week of this season to understand anything any of these people are saying.
That's why I reserve the right to have various banners I go switch on the spur of the moment.
Go Team
Go Team
Go Team Jesse...
Oops, sorry, that last one was a mistake. I started to get confused again.
Watching Russell stare Jessie down, I can see this is the staredown he got from his father as a kid...
I would really love to see Russell squirm next week.
RubyRoooooo!!! :)
Welcome back!
Grendon, thank you for that explanation. It helps to clear up my confusion, I think? LOL!
Here's a positive spin on the possible voting fraud. Maybe BB thought there was a robot voting for Jeff because he was getting so many votes. That's why they're moving the candidates around now. LOL
Russell cannot be such a fool to believe Jessie. I really, really thought he was going to be smarter than this but his paranoia is taking over so big!
maybe jessie actually lives inna acorn tree with other monkeys and learned how to store stuff in his cheeks from the chipmunks.. just sayin lol
Isn't it interesting that they don't have a table discussion about all the lies like they did with Ronnie. Gee, I wonder why, cuz Russell, Nat and Jessie would ALL be caught!
oh by all means wendy .. use the squid they threw out lol!!!
ohhhhhh BBAD is starting! and its on Jessie and Russell.. going look and listen
I leave you all in Genie Sea's loving care. :) This is her post!
G'nite everyone!
My goal: to be coherent enough to start writing the overnight by 4:30am BBT.
What Russell is saying maked no sense. If Ronnie, Chima and Michele had this supposed plan, then Ronnie would have backdoored him. In that case, why isn't he mad at Michele too, but just Ronnie and Chima.
Is Russel falling for this?
Making me nervous
Good Night Carolyn,
Sweet Dreams!
Well folks i'm calling it a night!
Its been a long week of staying up late and getting up too early and i need to be fresh for tomorrow when the guys get here to work on putting my kitchen back - just walls tomorrow but they will be the prettiest walls i've ever seen :0)
Fingerscross i get a little internal back support tonight too then i may just be in the bestest mood ever tomorrow :P
lol, Gale and Kscooter ... I seriously wasn't trying to be funny. I've just never seen anyone eat like that. I've noticed it more and more lately and thought I'd throw it out there.
Jessie, why would you be afraid of Kevin of all people? He has one person in his alliance. He was the first to drop in the HOH Comp. He's never been close to winning anything. His logic does not compute. Surely Russell isn't falling for this BS.
Lydia and Kevin are delusional to a whole new level, the incredibly stupid level.
Please tell me Russell isn't falling for this crap??? Its so obvious Jesse is lying, I hope Russell notices this!
Nite Nite Carolyn!
Big hugs and ty for all u do for us!!
Syn said...
Can anyone explain to me why Jessie eats the way he does?
My sister & I had a conversation about that last night. It looks like he has a wad of chewing tobacco.
What the H*ll has Kevin done? I don't get Jessie wanting him out so bad & continually throwing him under the bus.
Jessie is such a freakin' liar....ahhhhh!!!!
Kevin saying that volunteer firefighters are not firefighters? What????
Russell just said that the DR tried to sway him to nominate Jessie for eviction! Play fair, big brother! May the best player win.
Nite Carolyn *{\O/}* Thanks for the beautiful day!
Goodnight Carolyn, rest well.
Good night Sweet Carolyn!
Oh, Jessie is making me LOL. His constant misuse of the word "obsolete" and this gem, "Liars lie."
OMG, Jessie! Seriously? Are you honestly telling me that a liar lies? No Way!
Jesse is making no sense at all!
I just read that Cheating Network Ronnie bot thread.
I think I'll go wash now .....
Jesse is completely honestly lying....Wake up Russel!!
Russel should get an Emmey for this performance. He is blowing so much smoke up Jessie's backside and Jessie believes every single word of it.
Gahd we need the DR's for tomorrow
~ Ryan ~
Just got in and was catching up on the BB news of the day. I normally do not comment, but after reading about "Bot Gate" as I am calling it, I felt compelled to comment. If they are somehow able to cheat and get Ronnie the power I will immediately stop watching this show, and that's sad, because it is one of the only reality shows I really get into....I think everyone should shoot an email to CBS and let them know how they feel, I know I will...
Now that I got that off my chest I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Carolyn for the awesome job you do...I've been following your blog for the past 3 seasons and must say you are my only source for BB info. I couldn't make it through without you, so again, Thanks...
BB Fan in TN
Sometimes I think Russell lives in the moment until he has a new conversation. He is so hard to read.
why is jessie always me me me that i so anoying he knows chima wouldnt put him up he is such a bad liar thats for sure
I'm so sad and confused-R and J in HOH and I can not figure out whos playin who? Anyone else totally lost!
Does Jessie know ANY OTHER WORD THAN "F*#$"???????????? Geez.
umbeta ~ I definitely agree with you. I really hope that Russell is just playing Jessie cause he just confuses the hell outta me on an hourly basis.
~ Ryan ~
Is Russell serious? Or playing?
Well, I really hate to be thinking this but Russell is a real idiot if he is falling for this fools rambling.
Oh my, is there any way to tweet to Russell not to trust anything Jessie says?? Please Russell use your common sense.
We will know were Russell's loyalty is by the next conversation he has --- if he tells Jeff and Jordan or Michelle about it then he was playing Jessie....who knows?!??!?!? I can't read Russell!!! yikes! PLEASE don't let him buy the bull crap Jessie is slinging.
Re: Jessie's eating. I have seen a lot of people eat like that. But it was more people who wrestled who were trying to cut weight, so they would chew a protein bar for over two hours to try and fool their stomachs that they were full. My belief is they're so gross probably takes that long just to swallow them.
I think everyone is playing everyone. Throwing chips into the air until next week is done and the wizard power is revealed. They're just trying to hedge their bets until there's a new HOH and people go out the door.
Well, Russell just outed Michele's scientist secret. This is looking good for the Technobrains.
Somebody put a cork in Jesse's mouth please! It's running over with lies!
And please please tell me Michele didn't do any of this???
Russell is AN IDIOT!
It's funny that every thing Russell brings up, Jessie has an excuse. Yet Jessie doesn't talk to any one! If Russell doesn't see through that, he deserves to get screwed. So be that!
O M G He leaked the PhD news to Jessie...? Did I hear that correct?
So losing my faith in Russel....ugh...
Russell is an IDIOT!!!! He is going to feel like such an ass if he gets voted out and then sees that Jessie did lie to him!!! WOW!!!!
Serious I get being paranoid but, Russell is a dumb @$$ running and telling Jessalie everything from the other side. If Jessie doesn't get the boot next week I can't wait for him to give the swift kick to Russell as he exits the house. He seriously deserves to leave.
Russell...your an a-hole, lol. I can't believe he just spilled her information to Jessie!!
~ Ryan ~
Okay, crap now I'm confused again. Russel tells Jessie that Michele has a PhD so he is playing Michele and Jeff/Jordan.
I don't know anymore.
Dammit! Now I've got to take back all the nice things I've said about Russell today. I seriously want to know what happened to royally $*#% everything up today. Did BB interlace the morning music with subliminal messages or something?
Good night, Carolyn!
I'm late saying this but I've been so wrapped up in this crazy house. Where is the tequila?
need a break, going to watch Jeff & Jordan...even if Jeff is in a bad mood I like him better than watching this stupid act in the HOH!
All this is going on and Jeff and Jordan in the hammock oblivious to the world around them.
So much for a 4 person technobrains.
Michele, Jeff and Jordan need to take these idiots out.
Now Michele, Jordan or Jeff have to win!!! I hate that Michele didn't confront Jessie in front of Russell. I hate this!!! I'm going crazy!!!!!
AGP Please call one of these idiots into the DR! Spare us!
Now Jessie has two and a half days to play on Russel's "all girl" paranoia and Lydia will go home. I'm feeling sick...
If Ronnie stays, I'm done with BB11..I cannot take another week of Ronnie's goes beyond game and taps into my moral core, creating too much stress.
I can't take anymore of this tonight. I have two four year olds to take care in the morning. I will wake and come straight here for the overnight report and hope that Russell did not out Michele's PhD and that he is not falling for Jessie's crap. He seriously needs to realize that the only 3 people who will remain loyal to him are Jeff, Michele, and Jordan.
Good Night my fellow addicts!!!
BTW Caroline & Gang... You've been doing a phenomenal job with the updates this season!!!!
Thanks for always keeping the fans in mind!!!
One more thing, Jeff & Russ keep saying they're winning right now & that Michelle hasn't done much in the game... Seriously??? So far, she's been the best competitor. She has the most wins in the game. I don't count Jessie's 1st HOH as his win.
How would Michele say that, she wasn't there either. That was your team Russel. It was Ronnie, Chima, Lydia, Kevin and Natalie. They were the ones that were going to back door you.
is there a limit on how many times you can vote for special power cause most times there is
Is it only me or has anyone else noticed that Jeff & Jessie's spots have been moved for the Coup D'etat vote? WTF?
Well if Ronnie does stay we can hope he gets to be put up with Jessie-----by Jeff!
Stupid, stupid Russell...
~ Ryan ~
Come on BB, give them alcohol so Russell will run downstairs and stop the peat repeat routine. Geez
Jordan and Jeff's paranoia was justified. Guess we shouldn't second guess those two.
Ok I'm done I now have a headache and I am dizzy from all the spinning.
Here's hoping Russell wakes up and Jeff becomes Harry Potter.
Night All!!!
Genie, i'm telling ya, Paranoid Schizophrenia. Russell's a different person depending on who's in the room with him. I have no freakin' clue what side Russell is on now.
Typo correction from early ... I said "This is looking good for the technobrains." I obviously meant "This is NOT looking good for the technobrains."
This is really disappointing. Hoping that Russell is playing Jessie. But I don't think he is.
Please tell me... Russell is just playing Jesse,,, Please...
If not he has just lost my respect! What a loser...
No worries on Ronnie going home. Russel has no power. Unless he convinces Kevin. The problem there is Kevin on the Girl Power team if there is one.
First time commenter here. Gotta jump in somewhere right?
These hg's are totally confusing me and I really do appreciate the effort that Carolyn and friends make to put this blog together....I've been wrapped up in it for kids are going hungry and my garden is dying... lol
oh Russel Please please Please dont be this stupid.
I love Jeff and Jordan - so stinkin' cute! (I gave up on the Russell/Jessie crap - was making me hurl!) Anyway, anyone just see Jordan counting on her fingers the age difference between her and Jeff? too cute. lol
Geani Sea, you took the words right out of my mouth about russell. but i don't think i could like russell again b/c so much of the stuff he has said to jessie is over the line nssty, and i think he really doesn't like or trust michelle. and it kills me that russell is soooo slimey b/c he WILL DO THIS to jeff and jordan! i do not care that he is just trying to put himself in the middle. he is going too far being nasty about michelle and jordan. russell is a d_uche!
O'right Dishers!!! I'm done for tonight!!! I'm so disappointed in Russell right now...Jessie/ Natalie and Chima made up a lie...ran with it...and Russell fell for it because he just couldn't believe her. She straight out told him the TRUTH and he just didn't believe her. I hope Jessie tells Natalie and Chima about the PhD and Michele will know Russell told they can evict him. Jordan and Jeff really need to get into this game...they are in their own world!! If Ronnie doesn't go home this week...I'm not watching anymore!!! This season they must be giving them paranoia pills for real!!! Good night everybody...I'm going to bed because Russell has given me a headache for betraying the Technobrains!!!
Russell, Jessie, Natalie and Chima have to go home....I DON'T WANT THEM WINNING THIS GAME!!!
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