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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Big Brother 12: Overnight Lite

Good Morning, BB Lovers! Happy Sunday! The HGs believe that the PoV Ceremony and ReNom will be today. We're not so sure about that, as it seems BB has returned to the normal feeds schedule now, which would put the PoV Ceremony on Monday. We'll find out soon enough though!

Lessa was up with the HGs til 2am. If you missed her coverage, click here to check it out.

Need more? I was with the HGs from 5pm til 9:40pm while they were making all our heads spin, and Genie was at the helm from 9:40pm - 11:20pm with the continuation of The Evening of ReNom Chaos...

Sunday Overnight very Lite Starts at 2am BBT, and this is stuff you've really got to see for yourself... on Flashback.

1. So who's it gonna be?!

For those of you who are all about the game & the strategy, go to feeds 1 & 2 for the finalization (??) of the plans for ReNom... At the moment, it sounds like Andrew will be the ReNom, but they're going to let Matt think he is, until the ceremony. Unless Rachel follows Ragan's advice and tells Matt that he's not going up...

Ragan: This is such Big Brother Sinister Crazy!

2. Showmance #2 - We have lift off!

For those of you who've been waiting for Kristen & Hayden's 1st kiss and 2nd and 3rd.. Go to feeds 3 & 4, starting a few minutes after 2am and continuing on for quite a while. 2am on the head if you'd like their game talk too...

They fall asleep snuggling, and when Hayden asks if she'll still be there in the morning, she says yes. No more crawling out of bed to try and keep the secret from the other HGs.

Well.. so she said in the heat of the moment. Checking in on the feeds this morning, Kristen's game brain resumed functioning at some point, and she returned to her bed.

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Blogger Toni said...

Aw, so happy for Hayden and Kristen! It's so natural and they're both on the same level. It's refreshing!

Good morning, Carolyn and fellow dishers! :)

July 18, 2010 at 9:06 AM  
Blogger Johnny_5 said...

I don't think Kristen's gonna let Andrew go up without a fight. I hope POV is tomarrow, maybe Rachel will finally get it.

July 18, 2010 at 9:06 AM  
Blogger jane said...

I watched a bit of that flashback of the Brenchel discord. I really like the non sex kitten Rachel, that she has been hiding so far. I hope that Brendon is a strong enough man to appreciate her actual personality. I knew I needed to wait on her analysis.

July 18, 2010 at 9:15 AM  
Blogger Ry said...

Hey everyone! It always happens on the days that I don't pay attention, all freakin hell breaks loose! Britney...I was so sympathetic to her tears, but she can go whenever. I'll be happy to see Monet go home this week (hopefully)! The only wrench in the plans is Hayden. If Hayden goes up, this will force Hayden to pick a side. Right?

Rachel is NOT stupid, that's for sure! Brendon...dear Lord... I am really starting to like Kristen more too. She seems very astute to this game and knows a lot more than I think she lets on.

Enjoy ure day everyone!

~ Ryan ~

July 18, 2010 at 9:16 AM  
Blogger tonitoni said...

Good morning fellow voyeurs~~Boy, no wonder Brendon has problems with his relationships with women. It was embear-a-skein to watch his meltdown last night.

We also got a taste of Rachel's true colors when she turned on him. Yes, she's uber smart but her bitcheness came out full throttle last night.

Her eye rolling tells the whole story!

July 18, 2010 at 9:16 AM  
Blogger MG said...

Good Morning Carolyn,

Matt, the genius, is a little to over confident for me.

July 18, 2010 at 9:19 AM  
Blogger MG said...

Hallelujah!! I can finally comment again. I almost threw my laptop out my window yesterday I was so frustrated.

I think Brendon is way to sensitive and could ruin Rachels game. She's way smarter than people give her credit. I would like a Rachel/Kristin alliance because even though Hayden/Kristin appear to have an alliance I believe Hayden would go with the Brigade. He has been very careful NOT to make any other specific alliances.

July 18, 2010 at 9:29 AM  
Blogger rosaritoe said...

It looks official.
Brendan is wrapped around her finger.

July 18, 2010 at 9:37 AM  
Blogger rosaritoe said...

Can't wait for your analysis.

July 18, 2010 at 9:37 AM  
Blogger jane said...

I have really mixed feelings about Brendon. On one hand he is needy and clingy and over emotional. On the other, women have been bitching an moaning about insensitive men for a million years. He is sensitive "like a woman." We can't have everything all ways. It's good that he is open, even if he is a bit of a neurotic wuss. He's seeing how strong Rachel is and it's a shocker, I think. I get it. In the scheme of things, I would rather have a guy with his heart on his sleeve than a distant one - and it's kind of either/or. But, he would take a lot of work.

Shockingly, right now at least, I think they are a very balanced couple, though ironically the opposite of their superficial personas.

July 18, 2010 at 9:37 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Good Morning!! :)

Fyi.. there's a new top post!

July 18, 2010 at 9:42 AM  
Blogger Vicki said...

I would put up Enzo. Then either Monet goes home or the brigade takes its first hit and is down by 1

July 18, 2010 at 10:09 AM  

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