Big Brother 12: Tuesday Morning, July 20th
Wakey Wakey, Houseguests! It's time to get up and entertain the Live Feed viewers! Happy Tuesday! It's 8:30am BBT! Time to rise and shine!!
Monet, you've got votes to get! Britney, you've got people to insult and demean! Lane, you've got Britney to torment! Brendon & Rachel, Kristen & Hayden, get to smooching! Kathy, lay low! Matt, you sneaky devil, you've got more people to trick into confiding in you. Hell, if you can fool Ragan, you may just deserve to win this thing. Ragan, you just go on be your fabulous, entertaining, albeit a bit too trusting and idealistic, brilliant self. Enzo, your job today is to make me laugh... I know you'll succeed! Andrew, I know Tisha b'Av is a rough day for you, so I make no demands upon you at all. Go. Pray.
What will the Big Brother 12 HGs gets into today?? Is anybody bidding on the 15 minute phone call with BB10 Renny or the oldest BB Auction on ebay: Carol's BB8 Bag?
8:42am BBT... Hmmm.. awfully long wake up. I wonder what's going on in there! As soon as the feeds come back from wakey wakey, I'll begin this update!
8:45am BBT They're Up! Not only are they up, there's SOUND on the Quad!!!

Matt, Enzo & Lane are chatting in the Cabana Room, while Heydon tries to snooze a little more. Monet's snoozy and grumpy on the backyard couch...

***I can't imagine why BB has woken them before nine am today.
8:49am BBT
Cabana Room
Kristen joins the boys.
BB: Enzo (Elvis voice) Thank you very much.
The HGs are too out of it to get the reference. Lane thinks it was supposed to be James Brown. They have no concept of time anymore either. Enzo thinks it's 9:30am. That must be why he's wearing his sunglasses inside... to protect his eyes from that glaring 9:30am sun.

Jumanji Room
8:53am BBT
Matt & Lane
I entered this conversation a minute late...
Matt: I'm playing the same game as him... He's been in the Diary Room like 3 times, it's like a therapy session in there... He's kinda freakin out.
Lane: Ragan?
Matt: Yeah, he's really just like losin his mind...
BRB Screen.
Matt: kinda shady. There's something else too that's f'ing crazy... I was out there with him for hours and I barely got 2 words in edgewise. It was like a therapy session for him. He told me, in detail, like every event that happened up there - way more than Hayden even said.
Someone passes thru and says hi, s they chat bs for a couple minutes before resuming.
Matt: So, Brendon & Rachel told Ragan they were suspicious of me, and he thinks they may change their minds and try to flip the vote, and since he and I are friends, they're not gonna go to Ragan, they'll go to Andrew.
Lane: You have the votes.
Matt: That's the other thing he said, if I get word that they're trying to flip, I'll tell em what they wanna hear, but they're not getting my vote.
9:17am BBT
Kitchen Counter
Ragan, Brendon at the counter
Rachel, Britney in the kitchen

Ragan's telling Brendon about his childhood, his sister and their shared abandonment issues as a result of their father...
9:25am BBT
Matt, Lane
Matt's on the hammock. Lane's giving him a rash of sh*t for not being up doing cardio yet this morning.
Lane: Dude, that's crazy what you told me.
Matt: It was crazy being out here til 3 in the morning listening to it.
Lane: But he explicitly said he'd vote to keep you?
Matt: Oh yeah.. He was getting all teared up, crying and stuff. He's way emotional. He said he wants the most genuine people in the house. Like Hayden, he liked the way he handled his HoH..
Lane: Awesome. I'm gonna get my heartrate going, so I can be all jacked and better than you tomorrow.
9:28am BBT
Feed 1 flips to show us that Britney & Monet are sitting on the couch in the backyard having a bowl of slop, complaining about how cold the room was last night and how slop gets in your teeth.
Matt comes over to join them on the couch.
Britney: Would you rather have to have a conversation with Brendon for 4 hours about how smart he is, or have to go out in Vegas with Rachel, and you'r enot allowed to have anything to drink?
Monet: I think I would choose going out with Rachel, because you could ignore her and talk to other people.
Matt: Britney, please get rid of them next week. Please please please..
Britney: Oh trust.
Monet: I don't like that she's trying to be nice to me... She's all good morning!
Britney: She told me, I know we're not friends, but if you ever wanna talk...
Matt: I hate this drama they're trying to pull... and I know there's people who don't wanna be involved with it.
***Matt's stoking the flames, as if it were necessary, and buying himself a new ally in the house, once Monet goes.
Matt: We gotta get them out next week.
BRB Screen

Britney: I don't even see Kathy having the ability to quickly press a buzzer. She's a dipsh*t.
Matt: She's got a slow southern thing happening. Britney, whichever one of us leaves, you have to cry over a bottle of wine with the other one.
Britney: I'll be sad. And whoever goes better look up Nick and tell him I'm losing my mind. If we don't win HoH, this whole house is f'd.
Monet: They've just had unbelievable luck.
Britney makes a snide comment about Rachel... Monet and Matt follow suit. Shocking, I know.
Matt: Do you think when tv edits us, we're the good side or they're the good side?
Britney: I think we are. We're real. They wear a human shell.
Matt mentions Kathy...
Britney: She contributes absolutely nothing to the show. What would you watch her do all day? Fold towels and smoke?
Matt: I'm not talking about the entertainment factor.. More how we're being portrayed.
Britney: The good people don't always come out on top. We're like the Dr Wills.

Matt: It's going to be a very difficult week if I win HoH, because I'm gonna put them up right away, and they're going to go crazy.. on me.
Kathy comes out for a smoke...
Matt: I thought this would be a late sleep day.
Britney: Last Thursday, they let us sleep really late.. Like 10:30.
Matt: On a show day?
Britney: Yep.
***I was more surprised than both of em!

Backyard Couch
Kathy, Misery & Company
Britney: I hope if it's an endurance comp, I hope it's a hard one.. where no one stays on for more than 4 hours.. I don't want it to go on for 12 hours.
Monet: Yeah.
Matt has left the girls alone. Elsewhere in the backyard, the Ragan and Matt are working out, doing abs.
Mercifully, feed 1 cuts to them.

Ragan is explaining the next exercise to Matt, who is completely at the mercy of everyone kind enough to teach him how to work out.
Lane: I think Big Brother flirts with you.
Ragan: Me?
Lane: Yeah. Have y'all talked about it?
Ragan laughs. They begin a new exercise...

Morning exercises continue, and Lane supervises from his perch on the hammock.

10:13am BBT
Abs Break
Matt: My speech.. I wont even touch on the fact that I'm on the block at all or that people are voting. I'll just be all, Natalie, you're a horrible person. You're repulsive both mentally and physically.
Ragan: omg.. You would be the hero of BB12. She really never showered?
Matt: Maybe 3 times the whole season,
Ragan: Disgusting. Maybe Jesse likes a woman who smells ripe.
10:14am BBT
HoH Room

Brendon: Are you trying to take off your bra?
Rachel: No.
Brendon: I'm pretty sure I heard they can lead to breast cancer.
Rachel: Oh, really...
More kissing...

Lots more...
Brendon: You drive me crazy.
And now it's time for a little more than kissing... Shall we give them some privacy?

BB: Rachel, please come to the Diary Room.
Brendon: What the Ffff
Rachel: That's a super cock block! hehehe!
Brendon: Make it quick.
10:25am BBT
Brendon gets out of bed and he's sporting some serious wood. He doesn't seem too troubled by it. He fixes his pants and heads out the door. Andrew is on the HoH landing, praying.
10:26am BBT
Backyard - Couch
Britney & Kathy
Monet is present, but not speaking.
Britney's being nice to Kathy, in an effort to grab a vote for Monet. The talk is about home and family.. Then Britney starts in on game talk and integrity. Britney says she now has a lot more respect for players that have played before and maintained their integrity.
10:31am BBT
Backyard, Grass
Matt & Ragan
BB: Britney, please come to the Diary Room
**off camera somewhere, Brendon does a happy dance.
Matt & Ragan are making fun of BB10 Jerry. Then they move on to Britney.
Ragan: She hasn't been called to the DR for like 3 days...
Then himself.
Ragan: So what was it like being taped up there? Can you compare it to some gay sex thing?
Guess who.

Rachel: We should really go work out. This is dangerous.
Brendon: Why? I don't have any weapons..
Rachel: Actually, yes you do..
Rachel's workout idea goes away pretty fast... They head under cover...
Brendon's very convincing.. and doing quite a lot of moving under the blanket. Considering their position, and her breathing, I do believe he's having himself a feast...

Kathy just walked into HoH, completely oblivious to the cock-block she just pulled off, and sits right down on the bed, to tell them about what Britney was saying to her downstairs with regard to integrity and such.
She thinks Britney was suggesting that she may have Andrew's vote for Monet. Brendon tells her not to worry about it.
Brendon: I told you. Her true colors are seeping through. She's having to fight to be nice. There's no way Andrew will ever vote for Monet to stay here.
Kathy: I just want to know that he's ok.
Brendon: I've had several conversations with him, and I trust him, and I know he trusts me.
Kathy goes on a bit about some personal family stories...
***Officer Kathy, You're being charged with Lingus Interruptus. How do you plead?
11:10am BBT
Still HoH
Kathy, Brendon & Rachel
They return to game talk after a while, but Brendon has his wits about him today. The paranoia of the past few days seems to have passed. Both Rachel & Brendon are confident in Andrew's support, and Kathy's revelations are doing nothing more than letting them know that the people they suspected were scheming are indeed...
Brendon: The key that needs to happen here is that Matt needs to get exposed.
The debate is about when that needs to happen. Before the vote or after... The problem is, the people they want to inform are already in an alliance with Matt that they have not sniffed out: Lane & Enzo.
They do get this fact, though...
Rachel: If Matt wins HoH, he's putting us up.
Brendon: I wanna ask him right now.
Rachel: Please, just don't.
Brendon: We should've gotten the guarantee before we put him up.
Rachel: People go back on their word all the time.
Brendon: But if we got his word, we can tell people, he lied to us, he'll lie to you.
Rachel: Brendon, me and you, we don't need any one to think anything about us apart from we can win competitions... We don't need them to know we can stir up drama.
Brendon wants people to know Matt's a rat and a liar. Rachel says it's enough that they know this... and she guarantees him that Matt is gunning for him.
Brendon wants clarification about what exactly Matt promised them... which was nothing.
Brendon: If he says, well, I can't guarantee you anything, then he's gonna be a target... And I'm gonna feed Enzo a line sometime, so he knows that his little trusted companion, his lap dog, is not obedient.
***Good luck with that, Brendon.
Brendon: I'm just gonna say, I'm glad we're all on the same page, and it was so cool of Matt to approach Rachel and volunteer to go up as a pawn.
***The moment has more than passed. Brendon and Rachel start getting workout ready.
Kathy: Well, Monet leaving is a done deal.
Rachel: Nothing is a done deal until Thursday. I thought I was a done deal til Annie went up.
11:34am BBT
- Checking around the feeds, Britney's solo on the hammock.
- Lane's solo on a chaise lounge in the backyard.
- Brendon gives Rachel a piggy back out of the HoH Room
- Rachel has a peek inside the Cabana Room and sees a bunch of HGs passed out.
11:36am BBT
Lane & Brendon
Feed 3
Lane: She's trying to have some hope about staying here, and she doesn't have any... And the names she's tossing out, like Kristen?
Brendon: Are you kidding me? Kristen's openly said she's voting her out. The girl causes so much drama..
Lane: Britney?
Brendon: Yeah..
Lane: I love when Big Brother puts people like that in here, but not with me. She doesn't even wanna go to the jury house.
Brendon: I don't want her in there either. Let's give her a present.

Lane: hehehe. exactly. So what're you working out today?
Talk turns to working out and protein quantities to gain muscle weight... and marathons...
11:42am BBT
Britney's preparing a protein shake for herself. Matt passes though.. minor small talk, then she's solo again.
11:50am BBT
Britney & Monet have a quick tete a tete, and MOnet goes off in pursuit of Kathy's vote.
Kathy, meanwhile, is talking with Andrew in the Orange Room, talking about food... while he's fasting.
11:54am BBT
Rachel, Matt & Britney
Rachel's on the elliptical and asks Matt to play a game with her. 20 questions. She's thinking of a place. Lots of guesses come... Britney plays a long.
Monet joins Matt and Britney on the couch, and talk turns to the audition process. All of them made it in through the open castings. BB tells them to stop talking about production. They persist.
Noon BBT
*** I'll be opening a new post shortly - "Tuesday Afternoon in the BB12 House."
Is today the day you stop watching the other kids
have fun from the sidelines, and join us?
We're Waiting! ;)
Good Morning, Sunshines!!
Good morning, dear Carolyn. How are you this fine morning? What are your thoughts on Ragan trusting Matt?
good morning zany, not quite sure how to upside down your name, so I won't try ... lol
I wish I was home watching this . . . I can't keep coming back on whilst I have work to do! Luckily I don't have much to do today so I may be able to check in and out all day!
Stephen, on the cleaning the house a little, I found myselft cleaning when I was watching the HG's cleaning, when I saw Andrew folding towels and replacing towels with clean ones, I thought, hey I should wash my towels!
Me thinks BB has leaked into my life - one way or the other!
Oh my!
Things are getting crazy. I think the Matt Ragan convo was equal. While it looks like Ragan trusts Matt because he gives him alot of info, he wouldn't do that if he didn't think it benefits his game. He doesn't trust Matt or anyone else in there.
Matt's game is more striaght forward lie, lie, lie, protect Brigade.
I wonder what's going on this morning?
Good morning Carolyn and BB crew :)
They sure are showing the BRB screen for a bit long this morning. Wonder what is going on in the house!?!??
I've been waiting for the "Wanky Wanky" blog to come up. I made it just as I was about to say Stephen is spot on with his observations. I like Matt, as eye candy, but I can't trust him yet. I want to but until he shows he's breaking away from BRAgade, I can't do it.
I do love him also for his closeness to Regan who I think has the best chance of any gay man to ever win a season.
It will be an interesting day to see how the house acts toward Andrew today even though he told everyone he would be mostly by himself today. The problem is they don't understand why. I love it that Andrew really isn't asleep when H&K get it on. I hope he uses it to his advantage when needed.
Why does BB feel the need to pan away from Ragan when he is in the middle of a story?! Brendon sure as hell didn't seem interested, but I was!!!!!
Good Morning, Zanyyy and the beautiful boy! :)
Good Morning, BB Fanatic! :) My thoughts? I hope it doesn't blow up in Ragan's face.
Good Morning, Steph! :)
Good Morning, Johnny5 :) I'm glad you think so. Matt has already shared it with lane.
Good morning, Patty! :) I was wondering too.
Morning, GayTor! :) It was up.. I just forgot to put the direct link up under the banner. You can always just scroll down from the main page though to see the latest. ;p
not much going on yet! Still exhausted from all they do all day long ... lol
Toni Toni - Where are youuuu??
G'morning, Toni :) Not to be confused with ToniToni :)
Good morning all!
I've been entertaining since Saturday which has prevented me from dedicating ALL my time to BB. My guest leaves today, so its back to my normal BB schedule, yay!
jane- I soooooo get your posts. I enjoy reading your analyses and would love to talk psychobabble with you.
Morning Dishers!
Oh my, what am I doing up on this side of the sun? Oh yeah, I'm going to get my hair did! lol. Just wanted to stop in and say hiya!
GaYToR, I really like that new pic! Looks like Zsa Zsa was having a heart to heart moment. Lord only knows what you were talking/singing about, lol. ;)
I think Ragan made his first BB mistake last night, throwing it all out on the line like that with Matt. Hopefully it was strategy on his part, but who knows. I think this will lead to mistrust of Hayden with the Brigade.
See y'all later!
Because they have sound on the quad cam, does that mean every cam is gonna be on the same thing?
Fanatic, the only way I can do ǝuoʎuɐzǝɥʇ is to copy and paste. I think she stood on her head to type that name.
:-p ǝuoʎuɐzǝɥʇ
Carolyn said...
Morning, GayTor! :) It was up.. I just forgot to put the direct link up under the banner. You can always just scroll down from the main page though to see the latest. ;p
You expect too much of me. I barely find the Top Post. :-p
Morning Caro and Dishers!
Jane, I get what you are saying and hope that Ragan isn't going to get hurt also. Part of me wants to believe that when they were talking about the pairs, Matt was really listening and something clicked, but that could be wishful thinking. I see something in Matt, know he is incredibly smarter than anyone knows and maybe it is that. I have said that they all have me little flustered right now, other than B/R who just have me bored.
Good Morning Carolyn...
Good Morning everyone..
Why did BB wake them so early????
Going to go read..
Have a good day all you wonderful dishers and dishettes..
Morning Dishers!
ugh listening to Brit and Monet make me want to gouge my eyes out with sporks. I feel for you guys transcribing this stuff. Holy cow, grow the hell up, right?
I can hardly wait to see what Monet does today...
And I hope Ragan keeps his mouth shut...what is wrong with him??? Matt is really playing a good game..he has people thinking he can be trusted...
I love this game
Good morning, Lovelies!
I'm just getting up, was actually up late enough for Lessa last nite!
Going to catch up!
Hope everyone is having a super day!
tonitoni---MoanA, love it
btw, saw three shows over the weekend, Promises Promises, Le Cage and Memphis.
I highly recommend all three, with Le Cage at the top.
saw many women wearing Annie shoes, i think they are the rage, poor brit the sh*t.
Goooood Morning, Dishers!! :)
Good morning, Boquida! :)
Good Morning, Syn! :)
Good Morning, RedRhonda! :)
Good morning, Pamela! :) Dannnceee!! :)
Good morning, Sarah! :)
Goood Morning, JLuvs! :)
G'morning, LScott! :)
OMG, everyone If it wasn't for you Disher's, I would'nt have been able to keep up these last few day's. I have has nothing but company, it was my Mother inlaw's 80'th birthday, and we had houseguest's. But when ever possible I would check in with you all and see what was happening. I have'nt even been abel to watch the feed's like I would like to, but I' am starting my vaction this week and hope to be able to be a part of this fantastic group of addicts. Thanks for keeping me updated.
Oh, as a side note I am happy that quad has sound!!!!
Good Morning carolyn,
ive been very sick,and they have changed my treatment so its been hard to keep up and i havent been able to stay awake to watch on showtime but what i catch up here has been wonderful..i love you and all the others who work so hard to make this so fun and so exciting...i really love matt so far and i think he is playing quite smart..i adore you and this show makes me laugh esp the meow meow stuff..giggle makes me want to say meow meow all the time...i love you much bree
Good morning folks...
I'm happy Tisha B'Av came mid-week this year and Andrew can lay low -- I hate those 25+ hour fasts -- at least the others you can eat at night...
Good Morning carolyn,
ive been very sick,and they have changed my treatment so its been hard to keep up and i havent been able to stay awake to watch on showtime but what i catch up here has been wonderful..i love you and all the others who work so hard to make this so fun and so exciting...i really love matt so far and i think he is playing quite smart..i adore you and this show makes me laugh esp the meow meow stuff..giggle makes me want to say meow meow all the time...i love you much bree
Hi there, your comments and link I followed about Tisha B'Av got me interested in finding out more about it... I just came across and read this interesting article/open letter about it, written by a Jewish Rabbi... I thought I would pass it along.
good morning carolyn
hows Evey one doing. I hope monet goes an Brenden gets hoh.
Hi there, your comments and link I followed about Tisha B'Av got me interested in finding out more about it... I just came across and read this interesting article/open letter about it, written by a Jewish Rabbi... I thought I would pass it along.
Syn, I am making another bet with myself so I can get you back.
I'm betting that Monet goes this week.
Getting your hair did? What color this time. When you are finished we need a new pic of you.
Thanks re: my pic. I was talking, giving my Q&A speech, which was pathetic but I left them laughing when the lights went out on me, and I turned it into a great ending. It was 'draw a question' and I couldn't have drawn a worse one for myself. The next one got a question about the oil spill. Had I drawn that one, I'd still be there with mic in hand.
LOL Morning BB Fan in Tex (notice, it's not F*in*Tex) I thought someone was upset with you when I read that in the original comment. Kinda funny.
Morning Gaytor!!
THe two of you...I googled "upside down text generator" and got it that way. It's fun to do in work emails.
Morning, Caro!!!! Isn't he cute??? That pic is his first time in the pool...I've got more on FB.
Morning all others! I'm at work or I'd shoutout. Of course, if I keep posting on here, I might not have work anymore!!
Bree, get well soon!
Ugh Brendon has majority of votes on your new HOH poll......Noooooooo
I can't take another week of Brenchel up there! LOL
GaYToR said "I like Matt as eye candy"
Matt's got a perma-baked look to me, to the point where I wonder if he slipped some ganja into capsules and is swallowing them daily. LOL!
Why is it they have so many cameras and everytime I put the feeds on, all 4 are at the same place?
Almost 8000 followers on Twitter, Carolyn! whoohooooo! :)
Carolyn, said...Where are you Toni Toni?
Do you mean geographically?
I'm always lurking and enjoying the various theories that are thrown around.
This is one social experiment like another!
Great work Carol, you are RAWKING!
From the Blog.
Matt: kinda shady. There's something else too that's f'ing crazy... I was out there with him for hours and I barely got 2 words in edgewise.
From what I watched, Matt had many opportunities to say something but he remained silent. Now I know why. He wanted to get as much info out of Andrew as possible to use against him. I really thought they had a strong bond. He fooled me. I'm not liking him so much as a player now.
LOL turtles re: Matt's ganja.
I've said it many times in comments but never seen a response.
To me, Matt looks like a young Ray Romano. His features, his voice inflections, etc. I wonder if Romano has a brother. I find Ray Romano a little sexy too in a strange way.
And in an earlier comment section I also dedicated a song to him.
"I Touch Myself" by Pink!
Yes I am repeating myself. I'm needy today for some reason. If no one else will feed me, I'll just feed myself.
Also, I am guessing that Brendon is favorite in the CBS polls. I can't seem to get logged in there. I've tried everything including trying to sign up again, and going for 'forgot your login or password' I still can't get there. GRRRR!
But I would vote for Brendon also. I'm one of the few if not the only one here that still likes Brendon, and Rachel too.
GaYToR, darn I never saw your posts about it, I was wondering if I was the only one who thought that about Matt, LOL!
Also, did you see my post about your new profile pic? That it totally looks like you're singing Enough is Enough, one of my most all time fave songs evah! :)
morning or afternoon everybody depending on where you are!! I'm really thinking that with the exception of brit & mo this season is by far being played more strategically than personally (rachel got off track for a lil bit with brendon and still has a few moments here and there but overally more strategic now IMO). Which may be part of the reason it started a little slow. I really like Ragen and I do think everything that comes out of his mouth in one way or another is pure game play!!!
Hope everyone has a good day!!
+1 Big Brother..
i legitimately lol'd..
it'll give their relationship a bit more of a real-life feel to it, as i'm sure we can all attest to hehe
Brendon looks like a goofy neighbor I had who got on our nerves all the time by wanting to borrow the craziest of things, like electricity! LOL Can't not think of him when I see Brendon...
And he's so clingy/wussy to Rachel, that's just a turn off for me.
Bree, thinking of you and hoping you are doing okay. Know how rough the treatment can be. Went through it all with my Mom, but know it is different with each individual. {{hugs}}
Gaytor!! smoochies to you and love the picture, but then always love all your pics :)
Good Day Everybody!! Yes, GaYToR ~ Ray Romano ~~ that's it!
Gaytor...You're not the only one...I still like Brendon and Rachel a lot. Both of their games just gone thrown off by personal feelings and nobody can help those :) I really like her game play overall...and I've noticed they both are good and calming the other one down quickly and I see that as a positive thing
Afternoon everyone!
Somebody throw a pie at me when they show something else on the feeds. I have muted slurpy central!
Good Grief. Do we really need all 4 feeds on an early AM makeout session in HoH? In HoH, literally, not in the HoH bedroom.
That breathing is more than telling about what is really going on. UGH!
Joyce, I just complained to CBS this morning about the cameras. There are 4 of them for a reason. There is no need for all 4 to be on the same thing.
Bree!!! :0)
I'm so happy to see you! I've been wondering when you'd be by. I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly. Hopefully, that'll change for the better very soon, my dear.
I'm not sure Kathy's powers of observation are quite as good as she thinks ...
Too damn funny.
Roflmfao about Kathy's ****blocking! Ohmygosh, that is sooooooo funny!!!
Kathy. LMAO Is she really clueless or is she doing this on purpose? Either way I must say Thanks Kathy!
Hey Fellow Dishers :)
Too funny when Kathy came into the HOH and climbed into the bed while Rachel and Brendon were going at it.
Thanks Red, and Turtles too.
Turtles, I love that song too and have performed it as a duet many times. Always the Streisand part, but that pic was my Q&A from Saturday night, during the Evening Gown Competition (which was my best total score from the 5 categories.
Kathy's new name: Kathy Interruptus.
HAHA! I just looked in on the feeds. I've only been listening.
I am guessing Kathy has no clue what was going on in that bed she is now laying in.
Since I wasn't watching, I thought they forgot to lock the door and she walked in and saw it, which wouldn't surprise me. From all those sloppy noises and heavy moaning to immediately hearing her voice. She HAD to know. That door isn't that soundproof is it?
I guess Rachel will start locking her door now...LOL.
GaYToR, would love to see the full evening gown! :)
I love TheDish. :)
LOL Carolyn! "lingus interuptus".....too funny!
LOL Carolyn! "lingus interuptus".....too funny!
GaYToR I know you said some prayers for ZsaZsa, bless her heart. I can't believe she's 93!
When I was little, I wanted to BE Donna Summer! I still love her and her music this very day. But the duet with Streisand is the BEST!
"Enough is enough, I want him out, I want him out that door now!" (Brendon) hehehe!
From the Blog:
10:25am BBT
Brendon gets out of bed and he's sporting some serious wood.
Note to self: Co to Flashback as soon as it's up... errr... available.
WD40 stat for that hammock!!
Good afternoon Carolyn! Good Afternoon Dishers!
I was so p-o'd last night when our showtime went out! Thank the Lord for Dish!
I'm really not liking Matt right now, I feel like he's taking advantage of his "friendship" with Ragan in the worst way.
And Brit! for someone who is supposed to be a grown woman, she sure acts high school.
I really liked Rachel and Brendon at first, but they are just getting too carried away in the bedroom. I understand why, it's just getting too syrupy for tv.
Kathy is still at work I see....
I'm still wondering about Andrew, you really don't get to see enough of him to form an actual opinion.
Bree I hope you get to feeling better!
MG yes the hammock is noisy. But I kinda find it soothing. Reminds me of sitting in my grandma's porch swing.
So I finally get one of my BFF's to come check out TheDish, and she just sent me a text that said "Kathy interruptus~now that's some funny s**t right there"
hahahaaaaaaaa! Trying to get her to comment with us :)
I have wayyyy too many proper greetings to make!! Oh my goodness! When it slips away from me, it's just about impossible to catch back up!
Turtles, there are many pics of that gown in my photo albums on Facebook.
Re: Miss Gabor, my namesake, I didn't even know she was having hip replacement surgery until I saw a blurb on CNN yesterday, but I'm so glad it was successful, and yes I said prayers for a speedy recovery. I didn't even know that surgery was an option at her age.
I can finally appreciate 2+2=4 on the feeds when I'm on Quad. Right ear gets 3 and 4, left ear gets 1 and 2.
Hi All!
Wonder if Monet is tired of hearing Brittany talking about how stressed and awful her week is, when Monet is the one going home. Maybe Monet should give Brit the extra push over the deep end and out of the house and Monet can stay. Hehe
Britney and Matt were talking about whether they or the the others (also known as evildoers based on past seasons) would be perceived as the 'good' side. In her wisdom, Britney declared that of course they were the good ones because they are real. (I would say they're about as real as her blond hair.) It's obvious to me that we have yet another cast who has not read the BB handbook.
I won't name the whole crew-only the most vocal. Season 11-Natalie and the nasties. Season 10-April and the vile villians. Season 9-Natalie and God's chosen ones. Season 8-Amber and God's FIRST chosen ones. (I'll skip all stars.) Season 6-Maggie and the nerd herd.
I think that's far enough back to prove my point. Never, NEVER proclaim yourself the good ones, the likeable ones or America's favorites. It's the kiss of death. As soon as you think we like you, we probably really, really won't. Just ask Jesse. He's probably still blaming Dan for evicting him from the house with the vote America got to cast.
I can't belive Kathy doesn't know how to cook. They DID have all the right ingredients for chicken enhiladas...DOH! I do not put cream of mushroom or chicken soup in mine, that doesn't even sound good.
GaYToR, you have me rollin on the floor over the quad. I just tried it, I can't stop laughing :)
Why don't they throw the protein shake in a blender with ice? Maybe add some cinnamon?
Dishchicks, just wanted to say a super big thank you for the helpful insights into Andrew's religion. When you provide links that allow us readers to learn more that is a good thing. I just hope Andrew lasts in the game a good while longer and the HG's get to experience the benefits of being enlightened in the ways of others. Again my deepest thanks and appreciation. The world is always a better place when we get to experience things outside just ourselves.
Just an afterthought: I don't actually consider any side the 'good' side yet. Some people are funny and likeable. Some are annoying and downright mean. The house will split a couple more times before a definite line is drawn in the sand. At this point I just can't picture any side with Britney being the nice side, the good side or the likeable side.
Grendon said..."Just ask Jesse. He's probably still blaming Dan for evicting him from the house with the vote America got to cast."
I want Andrew to win HOH.
Hey everyone :)
Unless someone's head explodes in the next few minutes, I'm gonna open the Afternoon post at 12:30pm :)
Gotta get up and stretch for a few!
Thank you for being here!
Thank you for having us! :)
JLuvs - my daughter makes enchiladas with campbells soup - she made a huge batch and everyone gobbled it up. I myself use green enchilada sauce sparse amounts because I like my green chicken enchiladas a little more crunchy than soggy.
New Top Post! :)
Howie's Blog
Stephanie ~ I'm here in Texas, the king of tex-mex :)
ewwww Kathy.... I'm tellin' you if I walked into a room and two people were under the covers there is NO way I would cozy myself up in the same bed under the same covers!!!
My beautiful carolyn,and iluvturtles...xoxox thank you both so so very very much..with all my heart...carolyn i love you thank you so much..ive missed you on much more neupogen and my other treatments have increased but im still smiling :) i am just in the past 2 days trying to catch up here..was too sick to watch before and read but this is making me laugh and of course its the addiction we never quite get away from..big brother @ starbucks hehe..giggle giggle...i decided i will end my posts with "meow meow" because it makes me giggle so much...:) i love you dearly and i thank you for all your thoughts...Bree xoxo and big ps thank you for this wonderful site you work so hard on and everyone else who works with you to make it so wonderful and fun..xoxo luv luv luv..always
My beautiful carolyn,and iluvturtles...xoxox thank you both so so very very much..with all my heart...carolyn i love you thank you so much..ive missed you on much more neupogen and my other treatments have increased but im still smiling :) i am just in the past 2 days trying to catch up here..was too sick to watch before and read but this is making me laugh and of course its the addiction we never quite get away from..big brother @ starbucks hehe..giggle giggle...i decided i will end my posts with "meow meow" because it makes me giggle so much...:) i love you dearly and i thank you for all your thoughts...Bree xoxo and big ps thank you for this wonderful site you work so hard on and everyone else who works with you to make it so wonderful and fun..xoxo luv luv luv..always
Oh BIG PS...little nauseated about kathy getting in bed with the 2 lovey doveys under the cover..oh my stars...! hehehhe..giggle...Bree xoxoxox luv u
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