BB12: Feed Stalkin' Matt
Good Evening BB Enthusiasts!
Tonight, I'm going to be doing things a little differently. I'm going to follow Matt on the live feeds.
All other game talk and Zingy conversations are redundant at this point. The others are busy between Competition training and prophesying future evictions. That's all well and good, but I want to know what Matt's gonna do!
Will he make a move tonight? Will he put up a fight or go quietly into the California night?
If you want to read about the events earlier in the day, please read Carolyn's illuminating Afternoon Report!
As for tonight, keep your eyes peeled for Matt! :)
Cam 3&4
Ragan: I wanna rise to the occasion and I really do. I have a fire in me.
Matt: I get you man. I think you can. I think you will. Do it. (*That's all well and good Matt, but where's your fire?)
Ragan: Are people acting weird?
Matt: More than before...
Ragan: Really?
Matt: Britney comes downstairs with the camera. She says, "Lane, come take pictures." And I was sitting right there. Why wouldn't she say, "Come on guys. Let's take pictures."
Ragan: That's weird.
Matt: Unless someone has said something to implicate me, because I've done nothing to her. It's not that my feelings are hurt. It's just weird. It's confusing. See, I could definitely see someone saying something to her. But I don't know who would have done it... Maybe Brendon. I don't think they guys would have done it.
Ragan: I think you overestimate them... on a game level.
Matt: It makes sense Brendon would do it... but would she believe him?
Ragan: Because Brendon has people backing him up.
Matt: I'll see the show. Then I'll expect an apology phone call. I'll accept it and move on.
Ragan: I can't wait til tomorrow.
Matt: Hayden and Enzo were talking about bailing on Vegas... I would prefer to chill in Austin than Vegas... I think you should work with Brendon. Getting him on your side by taking him off with the Veto. Not taking him to final 2 but working with him in that capacity. I think you're right about those boys.
Ragan: I do too.
Matt: I think Britney is the most devious but she's not the most dangerous. It's funny that the weakest competitors are the most dangerous.
Ragan: I think the person in the best position now is Lane.
Matt: Yep I would agree with it... Man I was so lax this week. I could have sworn I was safe this week. I was so dumb. In fact, it was just the opposite. (*You're preaching to the choir! Find another audience!)
Ragan asks him to help him with comp training and he obliges.
Just in case you think you're missing something, Britney, Enzo, Lane and Hayden are in HoH bashing Brendon, Kathy and others who aren't as "cool" as them...
Ragan asks him to help him with comp training and he obliges.
Just in case you think you're missing something, Britney, Enzo, Lane and Hayden are in HoH bashing Brendon, Kathy and others who aren't as "cool" as them...
7:08 PM BBT
They got something to practice... Enzo wants to baracade the door so the others can't practice. (*Do it and maybe they will give you a penalty vote.) Looks like their PoV challenge...
Matt and Ragan have come outside. We keep getting bubbled because Mike O. is addressing them. Britney seems to be hogging it. She gets some and misses most. Hayden seems to be getting the most in.
Ragan asks Brendon if he wants a turn. Brendon says he will later and thanks him. (*Stage one for getting Brendon on his side?)
- They're all working well together, giving each other turns.
- Enzo and Lane went to hang in HoH.
- Britney to make her Hamburger Helper Stroganoff which she is planning on sharing with Matt and Ragan.
- Matt, Ragan and Brendon are trying to get the soccer balls in specific slots now.
7:35 PM BBT
Up in HoH, Lane tells Enzo and that Britney told him Brendon wanted an alliance with her and Ragan. This starts a fresh wave of paranoia and accusations. Britney comes up to pack. They are now sure that it's a DE tomorrow and that toy is for PoV. Enzo says he wants to win so badly, yet he is up in HoH, not practicing. Some Brendon mocking ensues.
Downstairs, Matt, Ragan and Brendon are getting better at hitting the soccer balls in specific slots.
7:58 PM BBT
Lane and Hayden
They are now convinced that Brendon will be putting 2 Brigade members up. They say they definitely want to win both HoH and PoV. They say the best of a worst case scenario is that Enzo is evicted next, as long as the two of them are safe.
Lane and Hayden have come out again to practice.
8:05 PM BBT
- Brendon, Hayden, and Lane are practicing lightning round of the game.
- Enzo is lying to Britney upstairs that he and Hayden were not pushing Brendon to put Britney on the block over Matt.
- Ragan, in Cabana, seems angry and defeated that he has spent all this time studying and then this competition comes up. Matt tells him to cheer up and leaves.
- Matt goes outside and the others ask him about Ragan. He tells them Ragan is frustrated at the change in competition. Brendon says that tomorrow might be DE and this is only part of it.
8:28 PM BBT
Lane checks in on Ragan who is upset that this competition is not good for him. Lane says that it's probably going to be a quiz first and the Honeycomb will be for PoV. Ragan thinks it's not going to be a DE. Lane says he still thinks it's going to be a D.E. He tells Ragan to "quit stressing out" and "everything will be fine."
8:44 PM BBT
All feeds go to HoH, trapping me. Enzo and Britney wonder why Matt is practicing. This unleashes a stream of maliciousness.
Feeds switch shortly after to the crew practicing outside.
And on that note, I call my mission aborted. Matt has not made an attempt to save himself yet, but the night is young, so mind the critters for us please, until 11PM BBT when Lessa will take the reigns... Night Dishers!! :)
Wowee,look who feels all alone,played AND expects an apology...
I won't even say it
DAMNBIT Genie Sea!!!!
Ya got me.
Genie 1, GaYToR 0
I wasn't expecting this one at all. Thought I'd be totally safe with tonight. I'll get you my pretty, and your little Lube too.
Hey genie Sea,
Matt will expect an apology!!!
Hi MnM :) teehee!
Hi GayTor! :) Where you hiding Blue?? Set him free!!!
Hi MG! :)
Moving it!!!!
From the Watch Party Comments.
Here I come, and jumping in blindly, not having time to read the current 202 comments.
I'll catch up much later, probably after the Leesa Show.
I've slept all day on ice. and starting to get back to being able to posting. I've got to remember to limit it more than I have been.
First thing I heard on the feeds when I donned my jewel encrusted headphones was more bitterness toward Brendon. I almost jerked them off. THE HEADPHONES you naughty people.
'm keeping my halo on tonight.
Holy crap! I was first!!!
MWAH Carolyn. Who should I really blame, you or Genie? I want to set my missiles in the right direction, NE or SE.
I'm not hiding him. Not my day to watch him. He's probably out humping fresh college boi neighbor legs.
Hey Genie
Hi all
I think Matt will fight. To little to late though.
Is Brendon in DR or just by himself in Have Not?
not a good week for reality fish
one just died in the tank on Real World too!
ewwwwwwwwww they cooked it!
Hiya MnM! :)
Hiya Gaytor I LOVE YOU!!! *hides behind Caro* :) Blue is having a rough time with his auntie hun. Give him a shout.
Hiya MG! :)
GaYToR, you are soo fuuunnnnyyyy . . . you had to jerk them off?
**His jewel encrusted headphones . . . I so know where you all went . . .
Caro, Blue said yesterday that he would be around much, taking care of Auntie . . . can't blame his absense on the GaYToR . . .
Throw GaYToR some GaYToR bits . . . iced GaYToR bits . . .
Thanks MMan . . . explaining all that army stuff . . .
Hiya MM! It's not like him not to fight... Even now he can't believe his buddies trashed him...
Hi everyone,
Is anyone else having trouble with the feeds? Mine are looping, looping, looping...driving me crazy!!
I believe Blue said last night he was taking some time off to take care of his Auntie,talk with the family etc.. making some decisions on what to do :(
Man, oh man. Matt's phone is going to be ringing off the hook with people calling to apologize to him. Who do you all think will be 1st? Maybe we should start a pool? Lol.
Britney was talking to Lane a little while ago and once again she was talking about who needs and who deserves the money. Now she says if she or Lane doesn't win she wants a 'good' person to win. She also said she really needs the money. She has a car payment, a wedding coming up, she wants to buy a house.
I don't know how any of them judge goodness. On the neediness scale she didn't want the guy with the 'sick' wife to have it. So how does she judge neediness? Why didn't she use her POV on Kristin a couple weeks ago. Brit seemed to be obsessed with what she referred to as Kristin's side boobs. Maybe Kristin could have used the money to fix them.
I listened to the interview Kristin had done with Chelsia on August 12. I still think she was one of the better people in the house. I wish she was still there.
Hiya Steph on BT! :)
Hiya Shi Shi! :) Just hit the backspace button and select the feeds again. Or change cameras.
Matt's not exactly outing the BG but he throwing them in front of the bus.
Good evening Addicts!
I can't wait until tomorrow... but I have to. :-)
Anyway, I Loved the show this evening. Probably the most comedic of the season. Brendon was a good sport... and so hot as he saluted in the DR. YUMMI.
I am not feeling sorry for the over cocky Matt at this point, but do like that he may try to keep Brendon safe from his BB Lover of the platonic kind.
However, I at this point see Brendon having all the odds against him since he needs to win almost every comp... unless somebody gives him a break. If he makes it to the Final HoH, he needs to win because nobody will take him to the F2 being he may be the best competitor standing at that point. He will follow the curse of being too good, like Janey. You get to F3... but nobody picks you.
I will pick him for all the cleaning and supportive acts in the house to be the winner of the $25K. Seriously. I want him to end up with more money than Ragan.
Off to walk a rescue dog that was saved from the LA's shelter of death. She is temporarily boarded at a Vet's until Friday and a Foster opens up. :-) She is the most sweet and loving pitbull and is better on walks than many of my clients. WooF!
Total crap shoot HOH coming up. Could be anybody.
Interesting practice toy in the BY. Hmmm. HoH or PoV? Guess we will know tomorrow.
Ohhhhhh I love it when they get new toys!!!!
Hey everyone! How yall doin'
A new toy!
He's not gonna do it. He's just gonna quietly crawl to the jury house. Is this Big Brother or Wheel of Fortune?
Stephanie from the LEFT Coast HA! And thank you But no touching the GaYToR Bits. Those are for men only to handle. :-p. OOPS! Halo is tilting.
But ice and anything cold, like a White Russian Daiquiri would be wonderful.
watching tail end of DVR'd Undercover Boss . . . my eyes are leaking . . . it gets me every time . . . hard working people getting a hand up . . . not a hand out . . . big difference . . .
Jluvs . . . where you at?
As usual I agree with you. The only thing I can fault Kristin for is her interest in hayden
Side Boobs?
for crap sake,maybe they were real!? *gasp*
the real ones do move around sweet lil Brit
*pats her head*
I knew I smelled a new top post!
Matt is going to be back in Ragan's good graces and then after the show ,he will find out about "Staciegate" and be crushed all over again. and Matt is going to be waiting a looong time for an apology
Jessie won this one last year didn't he? Or was that in his first season. I forget if it was HOH or POV though.
Hiya Grendon! :)
Gaytor - It's for PoV I believe. :)
Hiya Michelle! :)
Hiya Johnny! :) Where have you been? Peeps have been asking about you! :)
I so didn't know that GaYToR b*ts were not to be handled by us female folkes . . . I thought they were kinda like scooby snacks . . . guess I been schooled . . .
Again? Where are the quizzes this year? Crapshoot DE, I hope thats the HOH comp and Brit kills a POV quiz
Another thing I heard shortly after I tuned in. Everyone worried about who will be Have Not's this coming week.
They really don't know much about the way the show works. At least much less than us.
This last one was the end of Have Not's. Everyone but Brendon will be able to eat. No one will have to sleep in that room.
Even Brendon will get a real bed, his only thing will be slop restriction for 2 more weeks, and I'm guessing he will continue to get broccoli and bean dip with it.
What I would love to see is the ability for us to vote on the additional food, and for them all to be gourmet choices.
Steak and Scalloped Potatoes would be fantastic.
But I don't think that will happen, I would just like to see it happen.
Gently tosses GaYToR iced white russian . . . in a sippy cup so it won't spill . . .
If Matt were staying he would do quite well at this.
Grednon/Johnny: we are on the same page regarding Kristin. I wish she were still there, too. Yes, her nig mistake was "hooking" up with Hayden
Why is Brit practicing with this ball game? Dont the house guests think this is an HoH comp, or do they know its a double elimination and Brit will be able to play in the Veto?
In reply to your tweet, Ragan uses his tongue as well.
Genie- Seasons taken a toll on me. I've never had such a saturation of HG I don't like this late in the season before. So rather than breaking the rules everyother post, Ive just been AWOL
This is for tomorrow's HOH comp. But, you all know there will be some kind of change up.
Here's hoping for GB's to Matt!!
True dat about Blue. He was having a rough time with his aunt yesterday. (I seriously have no idea how he does it and nearly 100% on his own. He's is a much nicer and stronger person than I will ever be. Well, if I were taking care of Danny, but I plan to get there first. I'm already on my way in some respects. And that isn't in anyway meant to make light of his situation.
If she is having a bad episode, and it seems from last night she was headed that way, he's got a rough few days ahead of him.
I wonder if he ever gave in on her bath last night. I suspect he didn't because sticking to a set schedule is very very important. It brings the patient back to reality more quickly if possible.
Big hugs to Blue and even without any twist on his name or picking on him, which is one of my favorite pastimes.
Nzinga - Enzo too.. And Hayden, but inside his mouth..
Maybe I'm the only one, but I'll miss Matt. It's going to really get boring in this house real soon, especially if Ragan does not win HOH or POV. Production better think of something quick or they may lose a lot of viewers.
Does anyone know if anything will be done to Enzo for eating nuts?
That's right Enzo, why practice, you'll throw it anyway.
Britney is good at skill. she will probably win (if POV) Hayden maybe good but will throw it (IMO)
I believe this'll be for the PoV.. But it's all speculation til tomorrow night anyway.
Hiya Lisa! :)
Hiya Seany! :) Regardless of DE or not everyone will be playing PoV from now on :)
Hiya Gale! :)
Hiya Nzinga! :)
Johnny - Hang in there! :)
Hiya Tage! :)
Hiya Barbiegirl! :)
barbiegirl51 said...
Does anyone know if anything will be done to Enzo for eating nuts?
Gaytor is rubbing off on me (not that it takes much)
*zips lips*
Lane and Enzo in super duper paranoia mode. Now Brendon was the saboteur and Brendon's teaming up with Ragan.
Grendon, every season it seems there is someone or some heard that want 'a good person' to win. And need doesn't usually play in their idea of who is deserving because they are good.
Honestly, who doesn't deserve it if they make it to F2? My vote would got to best game and the leading factor in that would be who has played the best game in winning comps, especially to save themselves when they know they are about to go out the door for a chat with Julie.
A 'good person' is purely in the eye of the person who says it. Honestly, no one in there is a good person. They wouldn't get past casting if they were. The exception being Fr. Dan IMO and off the top of my head. There may be a few other 'good people' that have won.
One thing for sure, with very few exceptions, the Jury almost always votes for the one that played the best game, despite what they say before Finale. I guess once in Jury, you realize you were outplayed and have to put it behind you.
I can remember a few times when a player stuck with strictly voting with negative feelings for one up there in the F2 chair.
Zing!!! I just figured out why Enzo is never wrong about anything. He has systematically pegged every HG as being the saboteur (now it's Brendon) so he has to be right with at least one of his guesses.
barbiegirl: I'll miss him,too.
Michigan Man: I was thinking the same thing about Enzo not practicing.
Hiya, Genie! I didn't need a greeting as I was in the last post, too. But thanks for making me feel extra special ~ as always ;P
ok.. bedtime for me.. see you back here bright & early (actually dark and early) with the overnight report. :)
I leave you in Genie's loving embrace.
& For you late late folks, make sure to check in with Lessa at 11pm BBT.
Shi Shi
My feeds are working fine now, but they have done the looping thing periodically since the season started. Sometimes nothing helps. Sometimes if I unplug my router for about 30 seconds it helps. Sometimes I unplug everything and restart everything.
Night Carooooo! Sleep sweet! :)
@GaYToR; I have another "good person" IMO Jason from season 3. He was the one Danielle had the secret alliance with.
But I agree, Dan might be the #1 Good person to grace the BB house
Night Carolyn
I too must call it a night.
Night Genie, Night Dishers
night Carolyn!
Night MM! Sleep sweet! :)
Stephanie from the LEFT Coast
HAHAHA!.. They have gone untouched by female hands except for the dermatologist I got to, and maybe the doctor that did my appendix surgery a few years ago. I think she touched but I was in such pain or twilight I can't recall.
I'm a very real virgin according to sex therapists and authorities I have seen on TV. Now I'm also a Born Again Virgin. I started the club so I'm founder and memeber. There are rules. Applications are available if the initial question is answered correctly.
MnM- HAHAHAHA!! I knew I should have re-worded that!
It figures that Enzo and Lane would rather go to HOH and fantasize about winning comps. They are both worthless, so all they can do is dream.
Gaytor, Steak and scalloped potatoes sounds yummy to me....with the White Russian of course!
Nite Nite Carolyn!
Sleep Tight!
Tage, I admire you greatly for your work with rescue animals. Do you strictly concentrate on Pit Bulls, or whatever breed is available to you.
We had just decided to do some rescue work with the dogs that had to be given up along our gulf coast because their people couldn't afford to feed them. I was within a day of picking up the phone to get involved, and my sister went to work on the oil spill and needed us to take her two. Two is all we could handle.
If we had a large piece of property I'd be taking in as many as allowed.
lmao @ GaYToR ... you've got me curious. What is the initial application question to your illustrious club?
I realized long ago that goodness has nothing to do with the game. As viewers, if we are lucky enough to see a good person who plays a helluva game and gets blessed with a little luck, like Dan, that's been a great season.
But based on Britney's opinions (and certain others, particularly penguins) they have certain things that make people deserving. If you are a floater you don't deserve to win. If your parents are rich you don't deserve to win. Apparently you have to play a good game, but you also have to need the money to deserve to win.
Well, Britney admitted Matt played a good game which is why she was threatened by him. And she thinks he needs the money for his sick wife. Based on that she never should have put him on the block.
As far as I'm concerned none of them should win at this point. The final 2 should each get $25,000. That's more than my husband makes in 3 months. AGP can keep the rest of the money to hopefully get a better cast for season 13.
Okay, they just showed Prince Poppycock from America's got talent . . . Sharon Osborne called him the male Lady Gaga . . . I so wanted to say, I thought Lady Gaga was a man . . . opppppsssss . . . I am so bad . . .
Hi Genie and Everyone!
Didn't they do this same type thing last year for HoH and Jessie won the 3rd week Hoh? The balls were smaller and had to go into numbers.. He tied with Jeff. Then won.
I think we are watching a tape loop and Skippy just presses a button to insert doucher.
Is it true that Matt and Ragen were talking to Brendon in the storage room? and if so did they make an alliance?
Genie: my one year old cat, Ella has jumped up at my netbook, she seems very interested in your posts. She just moved closer. lol
Hiya Katie Blue! :) - The only reason they changed this to an HoH last season was because Chima was escorted out, nulling the DE. :)
Hiya Jane! LMFAO! Thankfully I wasn't ingesting anything when I read your comment :)
Looks like Meow Meow talks a big game but has he ever backed up anything he has said he is going to do?
Hiya LilMarie! :) I have no idea. I seriously doubt it though. Nothing they have said has indicated it. :)
Katie Blue - You might be right. Jessie was evicted during the Coup d'Etat and Chima had her meltdown the next week... I am most confused lol
Lisa - LOL!! *waves to Ella!*
I just dont know why they think some are more deserving than others based on how much $ they have.If you can make it to the end you are (IMO) deserving. Your financial status makes no difference.
G'Night Carolyn. Ice and sleep. You had another rough day. (What day has't been rough?)
Hiya Herb! :) I stopped listening to Enzo and I am not on that feed. I like myself too much to subject myself to shizz. :)
Lisa - Cuz they're idiots? hehehe
HI Genie!
The golf comp that Jordan won was supposed to be the POV.
Matt, make some moves and overthrow the BG so MM can say GB to BB!
Lisa, you know that I agree with you 100%. If you are standing at the end you deserve to be there.
Michelle - Right! But there was a ball tossing comp like this one last season too, and I recall it was for HoH because they eliminated one comp because of Chima's departure... AM I tripping???
Isn't Mat going home because no one wants to be in the final 2 against him because of his wifes supposed sickness? Looks like that may have bit him in the rump.
Herb - Matt is going home because his alliance stabbed him in the neck... they'll use any excuse to justify their actions.
I find it scary that we have learned to understand and speak BG3D.
Michelle - Right? LOL!
Jessie won the Honeycomb week 3 or 4 and the Golf was the default HOH after Chima.
@Genie) Just hit the backspace button and select the feeds again. Or change cameras.
Genie,I've done all that even restarted the computer and it's still looping, looping, looping!!
Katieblue, you owe me a monitor cleaning.
Jessie, small balls. That's as far as I got before tea went everywhere.
I did re-read the post, but the mess was already there. Loved it, especially the way I read it first.
NZinga, the only pre-app question is have you had sex in the last 365 days (366 if it's a leap year.)
hey everybody
I'm pretty sure the Comp like this last year was the week 2 HOH Jessie won. But who knows what they'll do tomarrow
I think they turned on matt more because they are terrified of him in comps and his friendship with Ragan
Last season was so hard to follow because of Chima.
Herb, I think somewhere along these past few weeks, I have heard various Brigade members say they didn't want to be with him in the F2 just because he wins everything and because he keeps bringing up his wife's 'fake' illness . . . so they gotta get him out fast . . . and the perfect opportunity arose for them to put into motion . . . OBDM . . .
I may have said this earlier today. I may have just thought it and never got around to posting it.
Who do you think is the person/persons who have played with the most integrity. A few slip ups can be forgiven, but I am focusing on majority of the time.
I have two.
#1 is Brendon. He's ignored all the nastiness thrown about him, to his face and behind his back. I think he's heard at least some of them, but he continues to take the high road and takes care of the house as much as he can re: cooking, cleaning, and being all around polite to everyone, even when they are technically spitting in his face.
#2 is Hayden. He hasn't been as perfect but he tends to walk away from most negativity. Even if he has to sit through the trash talk of others, he rarely stoops to their level. He sits in silence. To me that makes him deserving of at least 2nd place or America's Favorite if he isn't in the F2.
Granted that last part is contingent upon Brendon being in F2 and not eligible for America's Player. That's according to The Book of GaYToR.
Michelle & Johnny - You're right. My brain hurts lol
Shi Shi - Have you upgraded Adobe Player? Have you deleted cookies and temp files?
Wow that was a first. My feeds started jumping from room to room. Weird!
Lol GaYToR!!
I'm so sorry, didn't understand until I went back and reread it!!
Can we hold a vote here to evict Matt's super fan status? If I was in his postion and in the house, as a self appointed super fan there wouldn't be enough knives in the world for me to place in the Brigade right now.
You can say what you want about Ronnie (we all have) he fought every angle to the bitter end. That's a super fan. Brit better watch it before she gets revoked too.
Ragan is upset about a "change" in competition? who ever said it would be a quiz for sure? That was only speculaton. You have to be prepared for anything in this game. I imagine first HOH will be quiz, POV this game, second HOH the kind with bringing small cups of something floor (like the hot chocolate) then it will run over and we will have to see winner on feeds after live show ends. But I have no inside info either, so just guessing
Gaytor - I like the book of Gaytor :)
Michelle - The control peeps have done it from time to time while I was trying to transcribe. I call it camera A.D.D.
@Grendon...Thanks a bunch! I'll try unplugging everything!
Watching the Left Coast version of BB . . . you know, the one where Andrew is HOH and Kristen and Monet are on the block . . .
Just noticed that in Brendon's DR's he had on a skull cap because they hadn't shown the TV onlies that he won that yet . . . he looks hot in a cap
I'd have to say matt has played with the most integrety considering his loyalty to the brigade to the bitter end.
If you are judging only on bitter comments, they all tie for last
I think if we get America Favorite this year it will be real interesting to see who wins. I think whoever wins is gonna have to make final 5
Johnny - I second your motion to revoke Matt's Super Fan label. He is most disappointing right now. Fight man!
HAHA LEFT, re: Lady GaGa, that rumor did go all over the place when she first became popular. Sites even tried to find pics of her nether regions to prove a bulge. I found it hilarious. I ♥ her. I think she is one of the best artists we have today. I see her lasting a very long time. In my book she has already surpassed all the 'Divas' of the current era. I can also see her (and hope) she lasts with her Divaness as long as the likes of Cher, Tina Turner, Bette Midler and a very few others. I love that from all I know of her, she leads a very clean life. She's a fantastic talent in both performance and voice.
I love Prince Poppycock and while I thought his Freddy Mercury performance last night was a bit strange he rocked it. I'm hoping he wins the season. Of course my heart is also with the blues singer from Waveland, MS, but that is more because of knowing his adversity.
Waveland, after Katrina, was nothing but a huge box of matchsticks. For actual hurricane destruction that was the hardest hit city of all in the path. The post-storm devastation came after the hurricane was over, when New Orleans was hit with the levee breaks.
The funny thing is, they will probably be going on Lock Down soon and lose access to practice. I don't think there will be a bashing competition tomorrow that the two in HoH are practicing...
Calling it a night. Can't take anymore of Brit's nastiness (really, who actually wishes to see someone on Celebrity Rehab) and watching the others play the game in the backyard is boring me to death.
@Grendon.....The unplugging worked!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a million.
Night Nzinga! Sleep sweet! I probably have another 20 minutes left in me too :)
Genie Sea said...
... AM I tripping???
Gene, step away from the 'shrooms, NOW. Or share.
Enzo and Britney SHUT UP!!!
Gaytor honey - If I had shrooms I would surely share with you! :) Did you get my shipment of ears? :)
I so just saw Lane's DR where he straight out said his loyalty is with the BG3D . . . so don't know how I missed it when I watched the Right Coast version . . . oh is she gonna be mad . . .
Oh shizz - all feeds on malicious...
I got somethings to do before BBAD so I'm taking off. Tomarrow could be awesome or aweful.
Cyall later
I am going to call it a night,too. See you all tomorrow.
Why is Matt practicing . . . maybe he thinks he has a chance . . . Naw . . . he just wants to play with the toy . . .
Shi Shi
You're welcome. Glad I could help. I actually consider myself technologically impaired.
Looks like you all are winding down . . . so great to hang with all of you dishers . . . I so like to read all your comments, all of you . . . I read every single one . . .
Good Night Oh Genie of the Sea and all you dishers . . . Catch you all on the flipside . . .
Johnny 5....
Matt, integrity? Those two words in my boo are mutually exclusive. Anyone that comes in with a like about his wife's health loses his integrity points immediately with me. It's pathetic game play from an integrity standpoint.
I'll give you loyalty to his original alliance, but not even that completely. He wasn't very loyal to Regan who was maybe his best alliance?
I'm going to sit back and contemplate that now. I'll see if I can find something that will sway me to that train of thought.
Night Johnny! Sleep sweet :)
Night Lisa! Sleep sweet! :)
Night Oh Steph of the BT! Sleep sweet! :)
Well Enzo you shouldn't have been yapping yous beak in the HOH.
I'm so ready for him to go home.
Michelle - ME TOO! Enzo be gone.
I'm done updating for now, but I will hang a bit for LAST CALL! :)
Nite Nite Everyone!
Enzo has been saying that Brendon and Matt are only still in the house "because we kept you here." Not because of anything they did. Gosh, I never looked at it that way. That penguin is one heck of a bird. That was awesome of him to win all those comps so he could keep Matt and Brendon safe.
Enzo and Brit said it's Matt's own fault he's going home because of his weak-as* nominations the first time he was HOH. Big brave Hayden didn't mess around. He put Brendon and Rachel right up on the block the first week in the house. Well then who in the he*l was it that cast all those weak a*s votes that got Annie evicted instead of Rachel?
BTW-Every time I refer to Enzo as a douche, my daughter says, "Mature mother, real mature." BB has lowered me to the position of being scolded by my own daughter.
Brit just sprayed the bathroom with bug stuff and went to make coffee without washing her hands. These People!
Goodnight sweet Genie! Hugs!
Genie, I found the ears on the porch. I must have been napping when the delivery man came. I think some of the neighbor's dogs busted open the box and took several before I found them. I salvaged a few sets and mucho gracias for the delivery. I was able to salvage several pairs, some mismatched and labeled 'factory seconds' or 'refurbished' but they were lifesavers. Thanks!!
I'm off for now too. Have a restful night Genie. I'm going to get away from the keyboard and go for a comfy place to watch a bit of BBAD before hopefully coming back to spend some time with Lessa.
G'night all.
Wouldn't it make for great TV if Enzo went home first . . . just saying . . .
Nite Genie and Everyone else turning in!
Night Gale! :) Sleep sweet! :)
Grendon - Wait for it... AMEN! :)
Michelle - inorite??? Night honey! Sleep sweet! :)
Gaytor - You're welcome. I know what the feeds are like on our ears. My soul is kinda harder to replace, and I feel it has taken a beating listening to the nastiness... I;m not religious, but I believe in humanity, and it's hard going when you see so little of it. Of course, it's silly of me looking for in in the BB house...
Night Gaytor honey! Sleep sweet! :)
Steph - I would love that!
Night Katie Blue! Sleep sweet! :)
Night Dishers! Sleep sweet when you get there! :) Stay tuned for Late Night with Lessa a 11 PM BBT! :) Please mind the critters! :)
Genie....bashing competition!!! I love it.
Seriously though.. is no one else P!ssed off at BB for not giving Enzo a penalty vote or something? He was "warned" several times, but nothing. He even was shirking his penguin suit for a while. He and Hayden are both getting on my nerves with the "I'm invincible" bull.
Hrmm My comment didn't post? Oh well
What i said, was is anyone else peeved that Enzo didn't get penalized for eating and not wearing his penguin suit When he was supposed to? Kevin last year got another day of slop because he ate a grape and Enzo keeps snacking away. Both he and Hayden are getting on my nerves with their "high horse" Attitude. Lane too. They do nothing, break rules and get away with it. They need to go.
Comments are moderated - gotta be patient. :)
Does anyone know if it's true that Britney told Lane, Hayden and Enzo that Brendon is teaming up with Ragan and that Brendon is the Sab? I heard Hayden and Enzo whispering about it in the Cabana but I didn't know if they were lying to each other or what?
Lessa: I noticed it after I posted the second one. Duh me.. LOL Thanks!
Brendon is looking SO tanned and bald that I mistook him for Russell at first glance!! I was like "WTF?? Russell is in the house??" ha ha.
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