Big Brother 12: Wednesday Show Viewing Party
Good evening, BB Lovers! Welcome to the Wednesday Show Viewing Party!!
Just a few minutes ago, Matt called Brendon into Taj for a quick private chat... I thought it was going to be the start of Matt's drive to stay alive, but it wasn't. Instead, Matt congratulated Brendon for a good game, and told him that if he makes it to final 2, he'll have his vote.
Tomorrow night, Big Brother 12 starts all over again & then again! The live feeds are going to be nuts in the wake of the Double Eviction... Who will stay and who will go? Who will win the 1st HoH? And then, once the live show's over and the feeds come back on, who will win the next HoH? For once, we really really don't know! Well, we have a darn good idea about the 1st evictee, but the 2nd?
But first...
Live Feed viewers, rewind your minds!
Tonight on the CBS broadcast, we'll see the Power of Veto Comp, Britney's Pandora's Box Torture --if she was being honest with everyone about Jessie, the Luau the rest of the HGs got to enjoy, some DR sessions and the PoV Ceremony, as well as whichever storyline the producers decide to share with the tv only crowd... If they've got any time for that tonight...
As with all BBDish Viewing parties, all the action happens inside the comment section. See ya there. We'll be publishing comments before the show begins and during the commercial breaks, cuz, well, we wanna watch too! ;0)
POV Night!
Now to see what really happened.
Hello again Carolyn, Hi Genie, BB addicts
Pandora's Box starring Jessie :(
Why BB Why?!?
Of course those always hilarious DRs.
Around 4:30BBT Matt told Brendon he has his vote if he's F2. This could be step one to outting the brigade.
Hey Carolyn, Genie and fellow Dishers,
Hope the show is more exciting than today in the house!!
Jessie's Girl . . .
Happy Show Night!!
Hey Michigan Man!! :0)
Hi MG!! :0)
Hi DavidB! :0)
Hello BBDisher!!
Whewie.. I made it.. barely.. but I did.
Hi Caro! :)
Yay! Time to rewind to POV and Pandora's Box! Hi Carolyn, Genie, Leesa and all the Dishers!!
I don't think there is anything Matt can say that would gain Brendon's vote or trust.
Heerrrrrre we gooooooooo! Hi everyone! Yay, BB night!
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hi Sunny! :0)
Hi Lee! :)
Hi Nzinga! :)
Hi MoNYC!! :)
Hi Momma's!
*passes the booze*
Hey Everyone!!!
I've really been looking forward to this show!!
Hello all!!
Nzinga - Agreed.. I think his intent truly was "Good game. Well done.. You make it to f2, you've got me vote"
Hellooooo Everyone!
Excited about tonight's show!
I can't wait to see if Brit was truthful. I think not, but who truly knows. If not, then she is a great liar...we shall see!
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hi Eddie!! :)
Hi Cris!! :) Me too!
Hi MnMinILL! :) Shweet!! Thank you!
Good evening Carolyn, Genie, and all my fellow dishers!
Here we go: Let's see what CBS decides to include and what they decide to leave out.
Hi Carolyn and Genie and everyone!!!
I've been gone working with my husband ALL day and literally just grabbed take-out and sitting down to join the party!!!
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hi Kristin!! :0) Jessie tweeted last night that he'd be on BB12 tonight... We shall see... And he made the promo - Yup! She was being truthful!
Hey Nzinga :) Indeed!
Happy Show night!
looking forward as usual to the great DRs. NOT looking forward to Jessie
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hey JLuvs!! There you are!
Hi LisaM! :)
Hi All! I think we will find out there's more to Pandora's Box.
this is just reminding me how much I used to dislike Brendon.
Carolyn, here I is!!! LOL :)
You should've seen the look on my hubby's face when I said "honey, we must hurry or I'm not gonna be the top post!!!!" LOL LOL LOL
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hi TillmanGirl! :0)
JLuvs - hehehe!!
Hi Carolyn, Genie, BB friends! :)
I've missed almost an entire week of viewing parties!
(I'm a teacher. Last week was teacher prep week, and this week the kiddos are back). I'm exhausted.
I've missed you guys!
Enzo says Brit's word is like mud, but really, who's word isn't in that house?? You gotta know you cannot trust anyone
@ jluvs: lol!
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hi WithIt!! Welcome Back!!! :0)
I thought you'd like that :)
uh, Lane, it's thinking like that (we can get Brendon out anytime)that will win Brendon a spot in F2
Hiiii Everyone!!! Group Hugs!! Didya bring your own buckets tonight?? hehehehe
Well, that and Brendon's ability, willingness and season long need to win comps.
Aww, thanks Caro! :)
Boo hoo hoo. Poor little Britney. Nobody supports what she wants as HOH.
That's what happens when you (collectively) have set up a Group or Mob mentality where it's not about what the HOH wants, but what the majority wants. The HOH is the one who ends up getting the blood on his or her hands.
Hi, Carolyn! Hi Dish fans! I'm so bad at commenting - I usually just simply can't keep up! But I'm still here lurking :-) Y'all are the best!
very true, Carolyn, I have to respect him for that. He doesnt throw comps.
just like "we can get evil dick out any week"....
Hi Genie! I just deserted ya this morning, didn't mean to! My hubby needed me to work with him today :)
Does anyone else think that Britney looks like Quinn from Glee?
Ugh! Matt with his hand down his shorts.
Hi BBers,
This is my time to participate - I am jealous because you all seem to be having a daily blast!
Don't they almost always have ants? It seems like some contestant would research ant ridding techniques. I hear vinegar works. It is like Survivor contestants should learn to make fire!
Interesting chat Matt had with Brendon. As Matt did earlier with Ragan, I think Matt is laying the groundwork to out the Brigade. He may do it in his speech tomorrow. Something like, "Brendon, Ragan and Britney, should there be a tie, I have been in an alliance with Hayden, Lane and Enzo since Day One. They are coming after you. Think about that before you vote."
That scenario would give no one time to regroup. I suppose that most of them would think Matt was lying. Perhaps he should give some credible evidence. Not sure what that would be - I am just thinking out loud.
Any thoughts?
Ha! The BB Zoo, how appropriate. They should've left it that way the entire time.
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hey Dineane!! :0)
Hey Genie!! :0)
Hi Nymph!! :) Best I've heard yet!
Hi MIchelle in IN! :0)
LOL I love how they are making Brendan wear the beanie, how cute!!!
I think out of everything on today's show I am most looking forward to this POV comp and seeing what is what! And who tried to get stuff but maybe didn't get it because they didn't bet enough points.
agree with Lisa .. Brendon is as dangerous as Matt at this point..I love Lane though.. Got to love Brendon's drive though right ??
here we go. The zoo backyard looks really cool
have to ask has lane gotten his phone call yet from home?
I'm glad someone (Brendan and Britney) understand the game of BB. If you aren't playing to win, why play at all?
I like it, Nymph
I'm kinda tired of Ragan's voice, lol
Haha! Hayden and his hair! :)
Brit's face!
I love Hayden! Too funny!
Hayden is greedy!!
Hayden sure went for the prizes .....
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hi Meg! :) - Yes he has.
Hi Reet! :)
I so love it . . . just got home . . . missed most of the comp . . . :(
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hey Steph! :) Matt was honest... he was definitely clicking like a maniac.
I can't believe it was sneaky Hayden taking all the prizes! lol! very funny!
Hey everyone! Checking in a little late today!
nymph, I like the way you think. I would LOVE IT if Matt did that. If for nothing else, for the simple fact that I want the BG outted!!! I don't really care how it happens!
oooh Hayden you lil turd bird!
This comp is weird. It seems to boil down to who clicks in first (for those who want a given punishment). Kinda like in Jeopardy.
Not sure how I feel about it.
Jluvs - Your hubby always comes first hon! No worries! It's not like you missed anything lol
Hiya Caroooooo! :)
Meg - Yes he got it!
Matt thought he'd be safe. Never assume, right? LOL
at least it showed Enzo didnt go for the prizes. Gotta give him credit for that.Looks like Hayden was the only one who did (except for Lane and the call)
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hi Ryan!! :0) Very!!
Hi fgmerchant! :0) Welcome!
MnM - lol @ turdbird!
JLuvs - correct!
Hi Carolyn,
Hi Genie,
Hi everyone...
Finally got here..late appt. @ doctor's. but finally good news..yea..
it would be nice if matt turned on the four horsenan....i mean Brigade!! :)
hmmmm that buzzer thing looks....unreliable? or maybe it's the editing? just seems like a few were hitting it at the same time
What's the deal with the buttons????
Hey Carolyn and all.. ha Hayden was funny and the best part ?? He is SAFE.. I also feel as though Matts going to drop a bomb though at some point
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hi Pam!! :0) I'm sl glad to hear that!! Hugs!!
Has Jesse been on yet..I hope so
I really don't think Hayden is greedy regarding the $5K, if that is more than he has made in two years . . . $2,500 per year . . . that is like $200 per month . . . now, the trip to Hawaii, again . . . it you never make any money so you can't afford to take a trip . . . no, I don't think he is greedy. IMO . . .
Hayden, Lane and Enzo are the non-game playing loser crew of BB12. It says alot about this season that these actions are taking them to the final few weeks and possibly the finale. Le Sigh.
This is my favorite show of the season.
Man, Brendon went from okay to Smokin HOt . . . Hot Damn . . .
*gasp* Can't believe Enzo said "Go for his throat"
Brendon is HAWT with a shaved head.
ohhh he looks so cute bald!
ding! dong! dilly!
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hi Alice! :0)
Wonder what Enzo will wear after the week is over. I thought he would have to wear the penguin for the rest of the season!
I have to disagree Stephanie -
Heck when I was in college 5k was less than I made in 3 years! In order to PLAY BB, I'd give up much more than that. You gotta play to win. And sadly a lot of them just aren't.
lmao @ Enzo in that silly @ss costume
Yikes, Hayden looks greedy in this comp.
That takes him down a few notches in my book. :(
I feel so bad that Britney thinks she has an Army.however pathetic it may be. Lane needs to get her back
I love that the prizes are hidden. It should be like that all the time. The backstabbing for getting cash all the other times was annoying!
Britney, a man shaving his head is not hard core. But if you did it, now THAT would be hard core!
lmao i'm sorry, I have respect for Brendan but he is so weird. LOL His DR's just make me laugh constantly by the way he talks.
have to admit it's well deserved, Brendon didnt go for any prizes. Matt didnt, Britney didnt. There is my final 3 (if only)
Here we go... la llorona
Poor Enzo!! :(
Is he going to get one outfit to wear for the rest of the summer?
Britney has every right to be upset but if she can't see what these guys are doing...I dunno. I LOVE her but maybe I'm just seeing things from the outside looking in which is a lot easier than being blinded by a bunch of lying guys.
Eddie - yup
why did Enzo just assume Matt took the prizes? he didnt even ask Hayden if he took anything
Lisa M - Couldn't agree more. STILL not a Brendan fan but goodness! I'd rather see him in the final 3 more than Hayden, Enzo or even Lane! He came to PLAY!
My fellow Tejano Lane! Sell it Brit, bro!
My girl Britney is so right! Hayden threw the comp.
Lane looks SO uncomfortable with Britney crying. He is like half smiling but you can just see how uncomfortable he is. GOOD! HE SHOULD be!!!! She's right!!
@fgmerchant:Enzo gets to keep the clothes he is wearing besides the penguin suit
liking Lane a little less and less.
I love Lane's DRs, but I don't like hearing that he's manipulating Britney. Is he really? :(
EddiefromTX said...
Here we go... la llorona
Points for Lane too! It's a game Britney, they don't owe you anything.
I know it's the game,but Lane chaps my azz,playin her like that lol
LisaM, i'm ticked about the same thing. Enzo needs to goooooooooo in his penguin suit!!!!! My luck he's going to break the suit curse!
Ya'll can disagree all ya want . . . don't care . . . he ain't greedy in my book . . . so, I don't need to convince you and you don't need to convince me . . .
That is what I love about the Dish, I can voice my opinion and I can read yours . . .
Now, Enzo has been offered clothes from the boys and he does have his underwear and shoes . . . donating your clothes to charity is a good thing . . . he could always keep sporting the penguin suit . . .
Kristin: I was never a Brendon "fan" but I have to give him credit for wanting this bad enough to play the game.
I so forgot to say good evening . . .
Good Evening oh Great and Powerful Dishchicks . . . thank you for allowing us to join you on this eve of the live eviction . . . DE at that . . . can't wait 24 hours but I have to . . .
BTW, that last post was referring to Enzo not even freaking asking Hayden if he took prizes!
@LisaM yeah but it will suck to have to wear the same clothes every day!
Instead of guy shave head and girl dye hair pink, it should have been the other way around. Girl shave hear and guy dye pink. Now that would have been funny!
Hi Carolyn and everyone! I want to be a fly on the wall when Lane meets Nick and Brit's family. LOL
Hi Everyone ~ hope you're having a good day!!
I'm soooo angry with that darn Brigade!!! I could literally FEEL Britneys frustration. Hayden....I'm so disappointed in you! Lane....even more so! I realize they don't have any loyalty and shouldn't since they are there for themselves, but Britney is right, she is being used, by Lane more than any of the others....and that is going to hurt majorly!
Erev DE... lol
Hi Stephanie :) Did I mistakenly let something through that was unkind to you?
Britney knows what she is up against and I think she is playing it the best she can.. I mean it is a loss loss for her so at least stick with someone she likes..
Britney, you aren't standing on your mark! Look at the X on the floor!
Lane playing Britney like a fiddle. She even spoke the truth about them all laughing behind her back but still puts up Matt. She'll be next on the block regardless who wins HOH.
Gag me!
omg! we saw jessie at o'hare sunday night.
walking past each other:
"there's jessie from big brother!"
stares and look away from jessie
me louder:
"There's Jessie from Big Brother!!!"
Guess we know why he was traveling... tank top and ALL!
insert leid joke here....
Probresita, La Brit! Jesse!!
OH no Goddess of the Dish . . . just commentors thinking Hayden is greedy . . . I don't and I can freely express my opinion . . . Love the Dish!!! Thanks!!
lmfao, I love Britney's face when she sees Jesse.
SOOO the ladies who were hula dancing are not as bad as the guys tried to make them seem!!
LOL...this is awesome.
Major Tool-Bag reporting for duty Sir!
Jesse is such a freak.
... but I'm cracking up!
UMM The dancers aren't transvestites like Ragan said.. why am I surprised?
Britney gets a personal trainer and da boyz get food . . .
Just curious: Does everyone commenting find Lane's manipulation of Britney so terrible because he's male and she's female? Because that is part of the BB game, after all.
omg as Brit wouls say to her Mom kmn (kill me now)
That is hilarious that Jesse STILL makes it back into the house!!!! lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
Why DID Brendan pick Britney?
Loved that "help me"!
Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
Hey Sparklin! :0)
Hey Mary&Matthew! :0)
Hi GoldenNug :)
Looks like La Brit wasn't so good a sport as we thought? Look at her DR's! LOL!!!
Matt talking crap about the chum. Um Matt, who's NOT going home tomorrow night???
I really wonder what that Chum was . . . Chumly, you all remember him . . . a cartoon character . . . I think he was a dog that laughed funny . . . I think . . .
Britney really did take it in good stride, I like that. :)
Brit in the DR with Brendon, she's still hilarious!
Who thinks Lane is not playing??? That is PLAY ..I'm sorry
Did we change the brigade name to BG3D or did they?
Nzinga - Hey lovely lady, lol I just texted you. wait til you see it =p haha
As for your question, for me it just makes me sad because I love those two together and I really wanted him to be on her side. =(
Please refer to the HGs by their given names. Altering them only leads to an unfriendly climate in the comment section, and we try really hard to avoid that.
Brit mouthing "Help Me" reminded me of a scen e from Gene Simmons Family Jewels.
Matt is so deaf and blind when it comes to the Brigade! He could've kept Britney and Ragan, but nooooo.
Steph - They did. :)
yes, I remember Chumly!
I really like Brit's loyalty towards Ragan and Lane.
ironic that Chumley was the buddy of Tennesse Tuxedo, the penguin. Someone mentioned Enzo looking like him in the Penguin suit
I think they're actually doing a good edit tonight!!
Britney might have been mouthing stuff in the DR but her outward actions spoke volumes . . . don't know if I spelled that right . . . probably not . . .
I am still on the Brendon train, not because I want to, I had wanted Britney, then Mattie, now Brendon . . . McYummy can stay for the eye candy, maybe even the F3?????
A public service announcement for fake blondes:
Root job supplies. Don't leave home without it.
Kristin, I agree, it's not the boy/girl thing. it's that they are/were so cute as buddies. Kinda like the same way I felt about Matt selling out Ragan.
I am LOVING the preview of Survivor!!! Old vs. Young?! Oh man it's gonna be GOOD!
I'm really hoping the next Survivor after this is all stars again, I just love my all stars. Along with BB being All stars, that would be my fav year =)
Laughing at Matt continuing to include himself in the Brigade.
Lisa, I just so laughed out loud . . . oh yeah, I spelled it out . . .
I was in a staff meeting this afternoon and we have acronyms for everything and I so almost burst out laughing . . . did get a little giggle going still from the post this morning - okay, this afternoon . . . The boyz talked about fashion jeans . . . I am still giggling . . . thanks Genie Sea . . .
Chumley was Tennessee Tuxedo's side kick
So Ragan and Matt didn't talk until after the veto ceremony? I thought Matt knew he was going up.
Whenever Britney is nominating someone, bless her soul, she looks like she is in excruciating pain.
"old man look myself, I'm a Survivor like you are . . . ." sung in the style of Neil Young . . .
double eviction!!!!!!!! wooohoooo!
Can't wait can't wait for tomorrow night!!!!! WooT WooT
Looks like Matt was a bit too cocky this week. He shouldn't have "thrown" that HOH.
I just hope Britney stays safe through the double eviction!!
I'm loving that Survivor Premiere's right before the BB12 finale..
Talk about a fantastic night! :0)
I must say, I'm rather surprised by Matt's DR's. He really has NO CLUE his alliance turned on him.
I'll be back! Gotta get kid bathed & bed ready for school tomorrow :)
Do you mean from that 5 hour suicidal lockdown with Ragan, we got 2 sentences? Nice!
Caro, meeee toooooo!!!!!
hurry back, JLuvs :)
Cris - I know.. Well, he does now.
This week's lesson: diabolical super-geniuses are NOT clairvoyant.
I can even hear the voice "Gee, Tennessee.." and Don Adams as Tennessee "come along Chumley"
I loved that cartoon. they dont make them as good as they used to.
Yes, I think Britney sounds like she is on the verge of crying when she made her nominations and her renoms . . .
Not so much when she didn't use the POV on either Brendon or RAchel . . . I'm just saying . . .
Goodnight everyone!
See you tomorrow for the live DE!
@Michigan man- IMO I'm not sure even if matty were to tell Brendan the sad sad truth about his new friends that he'd be smart enough to even consider a real deal with matt.
Evening Carolyn, Evening Dishers.
Loved the show, the DRs were good.
If Matt decides to out the Brigade tonight, I believe it's too late, the others won't believe him.
The time for him to make his move was when he knew Brit was thinking about putting him up, he had turn Brendon at that point. I don't think he can now.
Cris said...
I must say, I'm rather surprised by Matt's DR's. He really has NO CLUE his alliance turned on him.
Me, too. Obviously he's NOT the genius he proclaims to be
ok, gotta go dry my hair before I get frizz. be back later. I'm smelling a new top post soon...maybe some chum residue? lol
I don't think it's wrong of the brigade to turn on Matt. Matt himself admitted that Enzo was no loss even before Brit did nominations. Truthfully, the brigade just got to Matt before he got them out. I do, however, think that Matt will still try and make a play and reveal the brigade.
As far as Brit being used - she's a superfan so she should've remembered how Drew did Diane in Season 5. I don't pity her at all. I'm actually glad to see Lane playing the game. BB is all about manipulation.
Britney refers to the boyz as her army, right . . . isn't Brigade and army term????
just kidding ladies, your posts smell like cotton candy (well, if they had a smell I imagine it being like that)
Good show. The TV onlies got the gist if not the subtleties of Ragan under the bus and Matt back doored.
Hayden's a greedy boy.
I feel sorry for Brit, that had to be the longest hour of her life. I think Natalie would have been better even. It would of been funny actually the way Brit has talked about her.
I have a feeling the OR might be real interesting. Matt has one last ditch, out the BG. Will he make it?
Hi CurlerChick!! :) I thought they did a grea tjob with it tonight.. There was soooo much to cover.
Hi Cammi! :)
Is anybody else getting the price is right on cams 3&4 . . .
Just kidding . . .
lol @ Steph!
Nope, I've got Chippendales Dancers! ;p
Who knew the could get us up to date in one hour when we spent hours tied to the feeds to watch the events take place. They did do a great job and the set up is great for tomorrow night's DE because we don't know anymore than the TV onlies who anyone of them might put up if they win. That seems to change based on who said what about who last. HAHA
BRendon, you are right . . . everytime they had you up and said "he can't win POV or he can't win HOH" . . . what does he do . . . he can . . .
OH Yummy! I have seen them a few times . . . oh so yummy . . . oh so young . . . damn . . .
Listening to Enzo try to 'study' is really hard, I just kinda wanna smack him (just a friendly smack up side the back of his head, not hard) and say, 'Getoverit, you ain't gonna win'
Don't want to break rule #4 . . .
Good evening everyone.....I had to watch tonights show in the livingroom on the big one.
The show tonight covered most of everything I wanted to see, except the phone call from home, I hope we get to see it tomorrow.
Hiya Tarheel~Teresa! :) I doubt they will covering Lane's phone call with a DE to cover in an hour tomorrow...
Okay, I figured out the bubbles sequence . . . when ever the HG's are going to say something that could be funny, could be twisted, could be anything . . . pop goes the bubbles . . . I'm just saying . . .
You're all waiting for a new top post to comment, arentcha? There's no fooling the dishers! Hehe Expect one in about 15 minutes!
Steph from the WC
Chumly was a walrus.
Brigade is a military term. It consists of 3,000 to 5,000 soldiers. What the BB brigade is for real is a Fire Team, that's four soldiers.
Britney needs to shut her trap. Who is she to judge at what age you can enjoy the full college experience? I went to undergrad at 22 and dove into all the activities with both feet.
They all kill me bashing people on their personal lives based upon their own presumptions. You don't know each other outside of the BB house.
Come to Canada Lane, I'll take good care of you :)
I'm livin on the edge . . . posting a comment so close to the top post . . . nener nener nener . . .
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