PoV Ceremony Spoiler & Aftermath
The morning post is full of all the details.
The Feeds went to Trivia, indicating the PoV Ceremony has begun, at 11:14am BBT.
As soon as they come back, we'll have the PoV Ceremony Spoiler & Aftermath for you in this post.
To sum up:
After a long meeting in HoH between Britney and Rachel, wherein Rachel started throwing out names other than Kathy's to put up as possible renoms, and those names included Lane or Enzo, as a way to ensure Kristen would go home, Britney had 2nd thoughts about using the PoV and was just heading out to tell Hayden when BB called her to the Diary Room...
So... No conversation with Hayden to let him know the plans have changed.
Will Britney go ahead as planned with Rachel and not use the PoV, or will she risk it to save herself with Hayden and his protection? There are so many deals on the table right now, the head spins!
We'll find out as soon as the feeds come back, and we'll let you know right here in this post. Feel free to refresh periodically and check for new info!
If you've been holding out on getting the free trial for the live feeds for whatever reason, the time for waiting is over. Run, don't walk! Get the 3 day free trial of the live feeds today, and see for yourself what all the fuss is about! If you're not watching the feeds, you're missing the very best part of Big Brother!
Genie taking over the post...
PoV Not Used.
12:08 PM BBT
Feeds back
Kathy & Kristin
By the look on Kristin's face, it doesn't look like the PoV was used. Ragan joins them
Ragan: That was weird.
Kathy: I thought she was taking Hayden off and putting me up. That was the deal.
Kristin: It sucks because I don't want to campaign against him. What do I do?
Ragan: I don't know. You're in an impossible position...
Talk turns to possible votes for Kristin to stay.
Britney & Hayden
Britney is telling him that Rachel told her she wanted Kristin gone, and if Britney took Hayden off, Rachel would not have put Kathy up but someone who would guarantee that Kristin go home (Lane). Britney apologizes profusely to Hayden. They part.
- Hayden goes outside to tell Rachel no hard feelings.
- Britney goes to Taj to tell Kristin the same she told Hayden. She tells Kristin that she really deserves to be here, and that she really wants her here. Britney wishes she hadn't won the PoV.
12:21 PM BBT
Hayden: Realistically, you guys are the strongest alliance.
Rachel: Well, we're the only alliance!
Hayden: Well, there is me and Kristin.
Rachel: There's also Matt and Ragan...
Brendon and Rachel question Hayden on Matt if the house trusts him.
Hayden: Some do and some don't.
Brendon: Well, that's good to know.
Rachel goes inside.
Hayden: Sucks dude.
Brendon: I know it's tough.... It's not that we don't trust you. We do... It's Kristin... she's a wild card.
Rachel: What does Kristin say?
Britney: She says I understand. I should have won the Veto... It actually helps Hayden.
Rachel: Yeah.. What is he thinking?
Britney: It helps Hayden... It was what they said about me and Monet... yet it helped me (when she was evicted.
Rachel: It's good for you, If you had used it, the house would have known you were in an alliance with Hayden and Kristin...
Rachel goes on to say that she would love to have an alliance with Britney. They talk some more and part ways upon discovering that the HoH toilet is clogged. They join Matt and Ragan in the Cabana where toilet humor ensues...
Checking in on:
Taj Room
The three sit in depressed silence... Leaving them to their misery, let's look in on the...
Enzo & Britney
Britney is telling Enzo about her reasons for not using the PoV (Rachel threatening to put up Lane).
Enzo: No way! I'm gunning for them just for that. Well, I'm gunning for them anyway.
12:45 PM BBT
Kathy & Britney
Kathy is thanking Britney ans promises her vote. She goes on to say that although she loves Hayden like a son, he will be voting for Kristin to stay....
In Taj...
Hayden & Kristin enjoy each other's company, knowing there are only a few days left for them...
Hayden encourages her to campaign and not to give up. They will see each other at the Wrap Party. Kristin breaks down and cries.
1:00 PM BBT
Rachel & Brendon
Brendon congratulates her on keeping her head on straight. Rachel says the only person she trusts in the house (other than him) is Britney. They discuss using the 5K to bribe someone to keep them off the block if they win HoH. They are debating who they would trust more Hayden or Matt. Rachel says she trusts Hayden more. Brendon wonders if they can bring Enzo in on their deal with Britney.
Storage room
Ragan & Matt
They are speculating what the deal was between Rachel/Britney/Hayden. Matt is wondering if Rachel was trying to get Britney to back door Lane. Ragan isn't buying it. Whatever the case, Ragan thinks that Britney would not go for it.
1:26 PM BBT
Cam 1&2
Hayden & Kristin are commiserating, talking about their relationship, their lack of luck in the game.
Cam 3&4
Lane & Britney are chatting women and cars...
1:52 PM BBT
Cam 1 & 2
Kathy has taken Hayden's place in the bed. Kathy is encouraging Kristin to try and get the votes to stay. Kristin says she would get so much satisfaction if she would stay in the house despite Rachel's intentions.
Cam 3&4
Hayden has joined Brendon and Ragan in the kitchen. They are eating pizza. Britney joins the group.
Matt & Lane
Matt explains to Lane his logic in not putting up Rachel and Brendon when he was HoH. Matt is pumping Lane for information about the so-called deal that was about to happen with the PoV. He doesn't understand why even try to make a deal if Rachel wanted Kristin out anyway. He asks, "Why not just leave the nominations the same?" (**Matt is being paranoid and will more than likely get himself in hot water.)
Hayden joins them and Matt tells them that Ragan was suspicious that if the deal went through, Hayden/Kristin had a deal with Rachel/Brendon and if he won HoH he would put Hayden and Kristin up. (**In actuality, that's what Matt thought, not Ragan.) Hayden doesn't understand this reasoning.
Hayden wonders whether Ragan would vote for him to stay. Matt says that Ragan would.
2:10 PM BBT
Matt, Ragan, Lane, Hayden & Britney
Topic of discussion: Brendon and how full of sh*t he is.... Marathon Brendon bash ensues... Ragan leaves and joins Kristin in Taj who is alone now..
2:24 PM BBT
Kristin & Ragan
Kristin: Me and Hayden don't deserve to go equally, but why not keep the person in the house that she doesn't want.
Ragan: I'm going to be straight up with you. I think people know that we are tight. People are going to be guarded around me and Kathy. We're not the keys. The keys are the boys... And it's not because people talk to me... My honest assessment is that it's going to be an uphill battle... It's not like last week. You're not up against a D-bag.
Kristin: I don't know how I am going to go about it. I can't just want to walk out the door.
Ragan: And no one expects you to.
Kristin: I played the game the way I did because I wanted to win HoH so I could be safe... And now I have to go home as a result of that.
Ragan: It's the boys... you know..
Kristin: Obviously Brendon... no way is he going to keep me...
Ragan: Here's another obstacle... I think that this week, is going to be a 6-1 vote either way. Because most people in this game are going to go with the house. Because it's the only logical thing for a voter to do. Unless someone is driven by emotion like Kathy or Brendon... So your biggest obstacles... Who is your hardest sell? So if I was in your shoes, that's where I would start...
Kristin: I just feel a lot of people are playing best on who they're close to.. they're not playing the game.
Ragan: That's your pitch... It's difficult because this season there's no big alliance... Just friends. I just think it's not possible to get 4 votes without getting six...
Matt comes in...
Kristin: I think it's difficult because people don't think game... You wanna talk Matt?
Kristin recaps her pitch for Matt - Pitch Rachel off and keep her in the game. She tells them that Britney was considering using the Veto on Hayden with Kathy as a renom, but that Rachel threatened to put up Lane. She believes people will vote the way Rachel wants because they aren't thinking for themselves.
Talk turns to Andrew and his stunt with the speech. Ragan calls it "vile".
Kristin: What would you do if you were me? (to Matt)
Matt: You campaign not against Hayden but for yourself. I don't think anyone would think badly of you for doing that. I don't think that's wrong.
Ragan cautions her to use logic and not put people on the spot. He advises Kristin to go into DR and get a pep talk from people who have been doing this for years and won't BS her. He further suggests that she not talk abstractly, to have solid points.
Matt points out that what she has going for her is that thought normally people don't want to go against the HoH, it's not the case this time. Kristin is concerned that Hayden is closer with the guys. She feels that Britney might be persuaded to vote for her.
3;46 PM BBT
Backyard Sofas
Britney, Enzo & Lane
They have been chatting for the past half hour, mostly cutting up Rachel and Brendon. Now they are convinced that Kristin and Hayden are related because no one has seen them make out. (**we have)
4:35 PM BBT
4:35 PM BBT
Matt, Lane & Ragan
They have escaped from Brendon, sticking him with Enzo. They are chatting and observing Britney taking a shower.
3:47 PM BBT
3:47 PM BBT
Kathy and Hayden
Kathy is keeping Hayden company while Kristin is in DR. Not much talking.
4:52 PM BBT
Matt, Lane & Britney
Matt is making "real" garlic bread. Britney and Lane are snacking. General chit chat.
5:12 PM BBT
5:12 PM BBT
Ragan & Matt
Doing Ab crunches, talking about gyms.
5:17 PM BBT
Lane & Britney
They are talking about Brendon and Rachel are not suited to each other. They talk about AGP and what role they projected each one of them would play in the house. Britney says that there was no way they would predict that she and Lane would be close because she is classy and he is rude. Some sibling teasing between them. Britney thinks that Matt needs to be evicted soon. Talk turns to the type of girls Lane looks for. Britney says hot and trashy. Lane says he is looking for personality...
5:33 PM BBT
Matt, Lane & Enzo
General chit chat about Jersey shore, followed by light bashing leads to a brief discussion about the Brigade. Enzo thinks it would be smarter if the Brigade didn't go for HoH next week in case there is double eviction. They agree that Britney would be a good choice for HoH...
Kristin comes out and puts an end to game talk. Hayden comes out for a bit. Chit chat ensues.
Kristin is left alone with Lane and she launches into her campaign citing all the reasons transcribed in her talk with Ragan and Matt. Lane tells Kristin that she could work on Britney because Britney is very sympathetic. He says he himself is neutral. He likes both her and Hayden. He makes no promises.
Ragan interrupts briefly for some training advice.
Kristin: I want to p*ss Rachel off. No one in this house is doing any bold moves.
Lane tells her that she's a competitor. They talk about the competition for a bit. Lane doesn't see Britney or Kathy being able to beat Rachel in the mental competitions.
Kristin: That's why I could be the only strong girl.
Lane: I had to pull the whole thing with Brendon saying if anyone went after you next week, they're chicken sh*t. I'm gonna be that chicken sh*t guy.
Kristin: I was probably gunning for her the least. (Rachel).
Lane: I thought you were the friends in the house.
Kristin: Then I spent so much time with Kathy. That's what caused the whole conflict.
Lane tells her she needed to be her real self in the DR only and just show part of herself in the game. Lane says Rachel is trying to emulate Janelle, that's why she started the whole floaters thing.
Kathy joins...
Yes, I made it. The evil Carolyn didn't get me again.
Carolyn 1 - GaYToR 1
Good afternoon Genie! **SPLAT**
Pie of your choice, or homemade blueberry cobbler, made yesterday. Bluebell Ice Cream to top it off.
Wanted to sneak in a quick hello!!
Hi Genie!
Hi Carolyn!
Hi Ms. Fitz!
And hi to everyone else!!
Let's hope she doesn't use it- or if she does Rachel puts up Lane or Enzo!!
Hiya GAYTOR!!! MMM homemade blueberry cobbler!! Yes please! :)
Hiya DiDi!!! :)
Wow I wonder what Haydon and Kristen will say if Britney doesnt use the POV.....I bet Kristen goes off again like she has been doing. Good timing by BB to go straight to the ceremony without Hayden getting the heads up from Britney.
Hi Genie, Gaytor, Didi, Vicki, and everyone else!
Hubby found a job and today is his first day back. I get the desk top and I am so excited!
Hiya Michelle! Congrats on your husband's job and the desk top! :)
Hiya everybody,
People on teh twitterz seem to feel that the DR might've helped change Rachel's mind. Since I don't have feeds myself, I thought I'd pose the question to fellow Dishers to see if they concur or disagree.
Goodluck next week Ra-den. Have fun in the jury house
Hi Genie
It seems that some people think Britney was telling Rachel the truth, but I thought she was also lying to her as were Hayden and Kristen, did I miss something?
Re the DR changing Rachel's mind, I think that's a crock of sh*t.
Can I make it plainer?
I really wish Britney would use it and Rachel would put up Lane!! Too bad Rachel didn't make her think she'd put up Kathy but then put up Lane! Break up the brigade!
I think that Brit is going to use it, she has more back with Hayden and the Brogade, cause everyone is gunning for R and B
mmmm blueberry cobbler sounds sooo yummy!
Don't use it Britney! Rachel and Brendon have won - Hayden and Kristen have not . . .
If she does use it, I sure hope Rachel pops someone else next to Kristen, someone like Enzo, Lane or even Matty - let Kathy go to JH, that was her goal . . . Or, if she does pop Kathy up there, vote Kristen out Brigade! I don't see Hayden swaying the brigade to keep his squeeze here. They have said they want Hayden's attention back in the game. Not on the dame!
Kristen knows she is not going to use it and so she will be gone and Hayden will be staying which is a good thing. I just wanted some dang excitement in the house.
HA! Caro, I really wish you wouldn't beat around the bush always. You got speak your mind sometimes, lady. ;)
Hope your Monday is going well.
G'Afternoon Caro, Genie and Dishers!
Okay, I am impressed with Rachel. She said exactly what needed to be said to Brit to throw off their game! So much for Brendon and Rachel being stupid. I think they all know that is not true, hence them being the biggest threats in the house right now.
Can't wait to see what Brit does. She ain't no dummy either, and you've gotta LOVE BB's timing!! LOL
What a great day on the feeds (again)!
Both dish ladies in the comments again today.
Wow we're getting spoiled ;)
within 10 mins the feeds should be back, sooner than later Big Brother.
Hiya Mo! :) Rachel had second thoughts about the plan last night... The DR had nothing to do with it. Why would they? If AGP actively interfered with the game, why would they let their saboteur be evicted. I call BS!
Hiya CC! :) I don't know what's going on in Britney's mind. She has nothing really invested in keeping Kristin just to stick it to Rachel, and it makes no sense to take Hayden off if there is a possibility Lane would go up. But ya never know! :)
Its nice when they go back to work Michelle, I am glad he found a job. I hope we wasnt out of work for too long. My hubby went back to work last week, he had been out of work for 6 weeks, he had open heart surgery. We didnt even know that he had heart problems.
Also, I may be way off base here but Britney's becoming a bit of dark horse, no? I feel like I can totally see her in F2. Monet's eviction was like the best thing to happen to her, IMO.
I respectfully disagree Carlyn. I fully believe that the DR heavily influences players, just by way of the questions posed to players, at the very least. This has been evident every season when players make reference to this very thing.
I agree with some of you others!
The DR DEFINITELY changed Rachel's mind and it's quite obvious. I find that soo disheartening! Rachel has never been too smart a cookie (altho she likes to think she is) and it seems as though the DR always helps her out!
I'm so nervous!!! I've got to hand it to both Rachel and Britney. Britney is very good at scheming without putting a target on her back, and Rachel is very good at following her gut and thinking logically. Who would have thought the two cattiest people in the house were among the smartest?!
Yeaah, not only that, Genie, but Rachel's intuition has been spot-on the entire game. She can sniff out BS better than Brendon and most everyone else in that house.
dangit she didn't use it
Big mistake
Rachel and Brendon came to the decision last night, after hashing out everything...
It's in the Overnight.
Thanks Genie and Vicki.
Unfortunatly he was out of work for 18 months before he found this job. Our job market here is terrible and Whirlpool closed their plant here last month so it flooded the market with 2000 more people looking.
Another theory may be that Kathy was picked as the new Sab. and thus, the DR posed certain questions to Rachel to deter her from wanting to put Kathy up.
can no one make a bold move in this game. I dont understand why.
Hi Carolyn!
Hi Genie!
Hi Didi!
Knew it wasn't gonna happen!!! Shoot, I wanted fireworks!!
Man I am loving Rachel more and more everyday! So glad that Brit didn't use the veto!
Hey Caroly, tell us how you really feel . . .
BTW, I wanted to tip this week but I had some financial woes to contend with. I so hope to tip you since you do such a great job and I totally use your services. I know it isn't mandatory, but hey, you are working your fingers to the bones so people addicted like me can get their fix . . .
Three Cheers for the Dish! Carolyn, Genie Sea and Lessa! Without we would be so lost . . .
If it does get used, Rachel HAS to put up Lane or Enzo and push HARD (unbeknownst to Matt and the other that doesn't get nominated) for Kristen to stay. If she can get Kathy (shouldn't be hard since she is friends with Kristen), Brendon (he will do what Rachel says), Hayden (who may be easy depending on where his true loyalty lies), Ragan (which may be a hard sell, but definitley is possible... it would get someone out who potentially has another deal with Matt). Then I think she may be able to reduce her and Brendon's targets.
Ragan already won't put them up (he would go for Kathy and Kristen next week). Matt and the other would be SO pissed that the other HGs flipped on them, they might think it is prudent to get a silent striker out than an overt alliance... this way they may at least have 2 people fighting along with them instead of the whole house still against them if Kristen leaves. I think Matt and the one who stays would have a better chance at HOH then Kathy and Kristen... Hayden is a contender tho...
tough stuff!
Hi MSFitz! :)
Hey Steph :) Thanks very much!
People are saying Rachel went to the DR, then Rach and Bren rehashed everything together....
Stephen - Refresh the post, dear. Feeds are back. It wasn't used.
Yes I got my wish she didn't use it.... good girl Brit. Now I wonder how Hayden is feeling about that and what will he do?
Sometimes people allow themselves to get more paranoid than the HGs.
Here's the fact: The producers don't care who wins, who stays or who goes.
THey ask all HGs questions in the DR, and depending upon the level of paranoia already existing in that HG, said HG will claim tampering.
wow the kathy the skunk law prevails
whoever picks up the kathy stench is evicted.
avoid her like the plague!
Hi everyone!
It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. The best part of BB Dish is that whenever I check in and catch up on all the updates and comments, People are always wishing each other well or sending out hugs and happy thoughts to those who need it. Pretty awesome group of people you have assembled here Carolyn!! :)
I am trying to do the evil laugh in my cubicle since the POV wasn't used . . . it is kind of sounding like Dasterdly Dog . . . Only you old people will know who that is . . .
I don't have the feeds but just from what I read here I felt that Rachel was always a little skeptical of the whole idea. I guess she remembered that if something sounds too good to be true,it probably is. I don't think the DR played into it because if things had gone the other way it would of made for some great TV.
Hi Dom's Mom! :) Thanks so much! I agree... The Dishers ROCK!
I am really have a hard time liking Rachel right now.
If she was in Hayden's position she would be complaining loudly from the Roof tops about "Nuthing coming between her and her man"
why can't she show a little compassion to him, he's told her he really likes Kristen outside of the game.
Back to post for the first time this season YET I'm a nonstop visitor =]
Hope everyone has been great!
I'm glad Britney didn't use the POV. I'd like Rachel and Britney to go far. Rachel won't be able to do that with Brendon there and he's not a smart cookie when it comes to common sense. Nor do Britney or Rachel but at least with time Rachel thinks everything through and we have an outcome like today.
I forgot who stated yesterday that Britney isn't on anyone's radar but it's very true so there wasn't a need for her to make a deal with anyone and use the POV.
Now I'm left to wonder if Hayden were taken off and Kathy were the replacement nom if the brogade would get rid of Kristin as it seemed like a big possibility last night and how that would've gone.
Either way I'm happy Noms stayed the same.
YES!!! She didn't use that little chicken!!!
I think the DR probably throws around different scenarios, thereby making the HG actually think of different ways to see things.
I think Rachel is smart.
Poor Kristen *smirk* now we are going to see that puss on her face all week.
Something tells me though that this isn't over this easily or quickly, lol. I feel as though something is going to happen in the next day or so.
Kristen-eruption? Does anyone else think that Kristen looks a little like a rat when she's mad- her nose gets long, and her eyes get beady and she pouts...
ok- sorry about that, well not really, but.......
Hi Michelle!
Hi Gaytor!
Hi GEnie!
Hi Ms. Fitz!
Hi Blue!
Hi Stephen!
And to everyone else who I missed
Has anyone heard from Toni?
People don't give Rachel must credit. She is a smart person AND knows BB. She played Britney/Hayden/Kristen just like they tried to play her.
We all know that Thursday another game starts, just without Kristen. The brograde could't be happier to have Hayden back in the fold.
Carolyn said...
Sometimes people allow themselves to get more paranoid than the HGs.
So, so true!!! AGP is not going to change someone's mind to sway the game their way. Like Carolyn said they don't care who wins. As much as I wanted to see it get used just for the fun of it & to almost be guaranteed future fireworks. Rachel has been able to sniff out BS & she did this all on her own after talking to Brenden last night!
I try hard not to put myself in Rachel's shoes because I feel like I need a bath afterwards.
Let me preface this by saying, I don't want Hayden to go home. I didn't want Kristin or Hayden to go home, but obviously we don't always get what we want.
Logic would dictate that Rachel should start working on trying to get the house to keep Kristin. She feels that Hayden has more friends, she doesn't feel like Kristin is any good in comps so the threat of Kristin coming after her shouldn't be that scary. Since she showed she wasn't willing to make any deals she has to know that there is no reason for Hayden not to come after her now. She can spin it as saving Hayden, but any time you put someone on the block you are risking them.
Obviously the 3 brigade members will vote Kristin out. However, Kathy, Ragan and Brendon would all keep Kristin if Rachel told them to. Although we, the feed watchers know that Britney is a wild card, Rachel probably feels like she has some influence over her.
I'm not going to be happy either way, I'm just looking at things from a different perspective.
Stephanie on the West Coast: I know who your talking about I used to love that cartoon when I was a kid lol.
I belive that when Kris goes home Hayden will get his head back in the game and the Bro-gade will make a move.
Ya know I love ya Carolyn but...
We know the DR has been caught influencing. Maybe no directly, but AGP plants seeds. How many seasons have we hear the HG's caught saying it before we get a "____! Do not discuss your diary room sessions with other house guests!"
I've heard it on BBAD also. Not this season that I can remember, but the one thing about BBAD is we don't get Skippy Fast Fingers during that 3 hours.
if the brogade can be broken up, i really think britney cvolud go to final 2
she has really grown on me, moan-A leaving was such a benefit to her.
GAME ON!!! Kristen you are evicted by a vote of 7-0!! Or would Kathy be crazy enough to vote against the house again for a "friend"???? Well, we know her days are numbered no matter how she votes!! Now if only one of the Brigade would het HOH!!!
So excited I didn't even say hello...
Good afternoon Carolyn!!!
Good afternoon BBDishers!!!
Does anyone else think Rachel maybe just put it in Britney's head that she wouldn't put Kathy up so Britney wouldn't use it? I doubt Rachel would have put up Lane or Enzo - maybe she just said that to force Britney not to use it?
Darn.. I wish she would have used it!! Now I'm kinda rooting for the impossible and sending Hayden home..
Let's see.. Hayden's votes would be: Lane, Enzo, Matt & possibly Brendon.
Kathy definitly is voting for Kristen and Regan is a wildcard..
Am I wrong??
Hi vLO! :) Welcome back!!
MsFitz - Thank you!
It's very simple social psychology- the way with which questions are framed by the questioner (DR), has an influence on how the answerer (player) perceives the questioner's (DR) intent in asking the questions.
Granted, all players get the opportunity to go the DR and have questions posed to them, and then must perceive the questions.
My partner works in the tv/film industry, and believe me, although I agree that BB doesn't care who wins in the end, the only thing that really matters to them throughout the season, is ratings. Thus, yes, I do believe the DR can be persuasive in their questioning, so as to elicit a certain frame of thinking for the players, to thereby influence their decisions to coincide with the outcome that promotes ratings.
No paranoia here, just an understanding of the tv industry.
However, I do not believe the DR ever explicitly states to players to do one thing or another. It's just in how they frame their questioning. An example of this is when Ryan and Adam from BB9 were speaking of going into the DR to talk things out with the DR as they 'lay things out to make you think of all perspectives'.
lol at everyone making fun of Rach saying the HoH toilet is clogged!
I hope that Hayden, Kristen AND KATHY enjoy their last few days and nights in the house together!!
I don't care if production gets involved or not. The HG still have to make the right, or in this case wrong decision. But last year DR involvement was so obvious when the whole Jeff/Russel Lie went down, all week Jorf was trying to decipher strange DRs
How Funny! I started to read Stephanie's comment and I am like, I didn't say that! Then I see the other Stephanie was commenting on my comment, Stephanie from the West Coast!
How many circles did your mind go in just now, be honest . . .
I think it's funny that the other side of the house gets upset that Rachel didn't accept their deals. It's not as though they're angry she saw through their offers, they're angry because she declined to accept the terms of the agreement -- when they had no intention of being true to it (on their part) in the first place!
Love BB!
I would love for Rachel to be nominated (and thus evicted) and HOH tell her that she told Julie she would choose Brendon over the money anyway.... Throw her words and the love her MAN right back in her face!!! She did tell a few people in the house that she told Julie that.
High Horse - your partner's not the only one (indirectly) involved in this site who's worked in tv and film for 20 years... ;)
Kathy needs to take it easy with calling people stupid. She's sitting there with her "alliance" and there talking about their plan being ruined. Ahh Kathy, they're talking about YOU being the plan. LOL
It just did about 3 turns lol. Nice to meet you West Coast Stephanie. I am also on the West Coast lol
I don't expect anything wild going on now so I'm taking my break. I need a feeding and I need to call my step-mom to be sure she is OK in all this heat. We're at 107° THI right now and she is in central AR where it may be just as bad or worse.
But you know I'll be back. Just call me "Bad Penny" .
20 years for me too, Carolyn. ;)
I hope Ra-den enjoy their last few nights in the BB house together.
Unless thursdays HOH is a swim meet that is.
didnt ragan get a veto pass thing i want to know what that is maybe he can change the veto on thursday.
Meow meow is on a roll....
Go Meow Meow,,,I love Enzo,,,,
Hi Stephanie! Well, I am glad that I added in my location for my blogger name! There have been a few times where people have the same name and it has gotten almost as heated as in the house . . .
I will stay Stephanie from the West Coast as I have been that for a couple of years now, and you will be Stephanie!
I wonder if the guys in the Brigade are questioning Haydens commitment to their alliance. He has been spending a lot of time trying to work out a deal to keep Kristen. When the times comes to start thinning out the herd I'll bet someone mentions it.
Enzo is the only one who makes sense....He keeps his eye on the prize...
oh my gosh...Kathy is so annoying...She's setting her self up to hang out with Britney next week...Yikes!!!!!!!! She's such a liar...
Johnny- I really enjoy your posts.
Let's predict who will win HOH this week. I really don't have a feeling one way or the other, but I'm going to go with Matt.
Marcia - They are! Last night, Enzo and Lane were talking about voting Kristen out, even if she was up against Kathy, just to get Hayden to refocus on the Brigade. Shame of it is, they kept it to themselves.
Hi Meredith!!
Hi Katie Blue!!
Hi Everyone!! And see ya later, everyone - I'm off to the gym. :) I leave you in Genie's loving care!
Johnny 5 - I just got the Ra-den - I kept thinking that was what you were using for Ragan and ??. Rachel - RA - Brendon - den - got it!
You're not a fan - that is okay. I keep flip flopping as to who I would like to see walk away with $500K.
Some of the HG's have started growing on me, kind of like a rash . . .
I know it would sound like sour grapes, or an attempt to outdo Andrew, but Kristin needs to remind the HGs of a few things before she leaves on Thursday.
1. When they watch the show to see the part where Kristin told Rachel she would put her and Brendon on the block, they will see that Rachel is the liar in that situation. The reason that is important is because Rachel has said that was her reason for wanting Kristin out.
2. She needs to bring up the fact that Rachel has told everyone that Kristin wants to get rid of all the girls. However, Rachel is responsible for 2 of the 3 girls that have left. Kathy and Britney-Watch Your Backs!
3. Andrew said that Kristin is controlling the house and Rachel has taken that banner and flown with it. Kristin needs to remind them all that only 2 people have ran this house and gotten the result they wanted every week. Including the week that they were both on the block.
Why does Enzo even get out of bed?
VEto Pass! I have heard some of the HG's talk about that, we don't know what it is because they don't know yet . . . I wonder what AGP has up their perverbial sleeve . . .
Awesome WC Stephanie hehe :)
I think Kathy has at lest one more week in her if someone from the Bro-gade makes HoH, because then they will be gunning for Brachel. I really want to see them up next week. I really can't stand the way Rachel loves to throw around her HoH power it's going to bite her in the butt sooner or later and she will end up taking Brendon down with her.
Lucky you are so right she did say that and when she gets evicted she is going to regret saying that.
If I met Enzo on the street, I would so walk up to him and say, "howyoudoin'?" of course using the same pronunciation that Joey from Friends used . . .
Hey Genie, "howyoudoin?"
Even if you don't like Brendon and/or Rachael (I'm trying to separate them in my own mind because they definitely have different thoughts when it comes to playing the game) you really have to give them a little credit. They have been Enemy #1 in the house since we first saw the feeds for the season.
They have managed to stay in the house despite that Most Wanted list. Will they make it much longer? I doubt it, but I sure would like to see Brendon get the next HoH along with a clue card and break up the BRAgade. They need to be knocked down, and sooner rather than later.
EXACTLY, Grendon
Well, at least the Brigade is intact. Sad to see Kristin go out like this but at least the silver lining is a possible power shift in the house this Thurs *crosses fingers*. Brit played a pretty good game this week, and even though she did'nt use the PoV she's still flying under the radar. The fact that Rachel has painted a target on herself that you can see from space helps a lot. I would be a huge Rachel fan if she wasn't Rachel. Hayden for HOH and sweet revenge :-)
Hiya Stephanie WC - Howudoin?
I hope Kristen comes back in Pandoras Box!
Its not that I'm not a Ra-den fan, even though Im not. Right now Brit is the only one I like if she cud get away from En-ane. It's that Ra-den is doomed. They somewhat recognize the situation and instead of try and change it, their strategy must be to win HOH for the next 5 weeks. Might as well pack your bags.
Hello everyone! I hope every one is having a nice day! Well, I do have o say that Kristen dug her own grave. She could have played differently, she chose to do what she did, I can't say I feel sorry for her. an I just say, I feel as though Kathy is just a waste of space. What has she done? What has she won? Why is she even still there. She really needs to step it up, or step out! I can't wait until Thursday....the rest of the week should be fun to watch! Have a great rest of the day everybody!
One last thing before I hit the gym with Caro so I can see her work that cute tush...
Just a reminder, because I always forget and today won't be any different for me. That's normally my nap time. Old people need a few of those a day.
Jordan Video Chat
Aug. 2 at 6pm ET
Chelsia and Jordan take your phone calls Mondays in a live video chat. Call 877-448-6639. Watch and call!
Ahhhh!! Get away from my Britney! Find your next victim somewhere else Kathy!
She might be able to survive it though, everyone is looking out for Brit now, Monet leaving was the best thing for her.
I'm doin good . . . gotta get back to work . . . check in on all the critters in and out of the house later!
Catch you on the flip flop . . .
ohhh. Brit messed up with what she disclosed to Matt and now Matt and Ragan put one and one together.
I don't like Rachel and I don't think she is as smart as everyone is making her out to be...honestly and wholeheartedly.
HOWEVER with that said, I can always remain unbiased when it comes to gameplay and after rewatching I can truly see that Rachel actually MADE a SMART move when she played Britney by bringing up putting Lane on the line. She knew that would make her not use it...she never had to strong arm. All she had to do was mention Lane.
So 1 point Rachel...unfortunately other people are going to continue to outplay her (at this point I'm hoping Britney is the winner) and Brendan and they'll be gone sooner rather than later I'm hoping.
I want to know if Rachel uses the 5grand to bribe someone is that person required to keep the deal or can they say thanks for the money and see ya?
If Brenden wins the next HoH who do ya'll think he will put up?
I'm thinking there is a good chance he will put up two "bro-grade" members, which I really hope happens. I like Brenden and Rachel (apart from the laugh and my man comments) and I know most people want to shake things up by someone unexpected to win HoH but if any other person aside from Brenden win, I think it will be a really boring week. Maybe Ragan or Britney to expose where they really stand and pick a side but for the most part Brenden winning is the only way I think this week will be entertaining to us viewers.
Michelle - If they take the money, they have to uphold the bargain or no money. Rachel was saying so the other day when I was transcribing. lol
Why do the players seem to forget this is a game to win $500,000?
Someone is going to go every week.
Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you!!
These sob stories about needing the money or nothing to go home to really bore me. You knew what you were getting into when you signed up!!
I do have a question what is this veto pass all about does anyone know. Maybe that is why they had Brittany go so quick and not talk to Hayden and Kristen maybe the house paranoia bug is getting me to.
Johnny 5
I really don't have a favorite player right now, but if I was forced to choose it would have to be Enzo. Enzo hasn't done a thing in the house. Talk about someone flying under the raidar it's him lol. I agree with you about the other stuff to though.
I would really love to see someone make a BOLD move in this game!! This is actually getting boring.
I would love to see the sabateur end up to be Brenden or Rachel, cause then they can't tell each other, but would be causing havoc in the house.
Pandora's box??? will they bring back an evicted player?? and could that be Kristin???
this idea of a bribe with prize money drives me nuts. Didnt BB squash that idea when it was brought up last season?
Prizes have never been tools to use in the bb game. Other then during the comp they are given in.
Thanks Genie! I must have missed that while I was trying to speed read what I had missed on Saturday. That will teach me to pay attention. LOL
Val I really think that Rachel would talk him into putting Lane and Kathy up because those 2 seem to be her next targets and Brandon really doesn't want to piss Rachel off so he will go to her and say who do you want out? I think someone from the Bro-gade will get HoH next week and I think that Kathy is going to be put on the block no matter what.
Britney brought up a good point about the BB game. A girl never wins unless they are up against another girl.
Personally, I think that sucks. But going on the assumption that we follow tradition, all Rachel has left are Kathy and Britney. I don't believe that Kathy will make final 2. There is no way in hades that Rachel could beat Britney. She has become more likeable-in and out of the house. She is friends with all the guys and she has proven she can play the game.
If Rachel and Kristin had been able to put the 'personal' aside, there best shot would have been against each other. I prefer Kristin, but I think team K and team R are fairly evenly split. And I think that Rachel has had more of a chance to show she can play the game, but the people in the house that talked to Kristin know that she was playing the game also, just differently than Rachel.
These 2 girls really blew it.
Ninarox - From my understanding, the Veto Ticket means that you can automatically choose to play a veto Competition even if your name isn't picked.
JBrCr - Pandora's Box is unleashing the saboteur. It's one and the same. Not two different twists.
Lisa Ann - Sometimes BB gives them bribe money in Luxury Comps like April got in BB9.
Who is in Dallas? That is where Jeff will be tomorrow.
Thanks Genie for clearing that up for me. I am so loving some Hayden he is such a sweetheart. I would like to see him and Brittany team up. Brittany has grown on me she is a strong player. I hope she wins Hoh and puts up Matt and Rachel or Brandon and Matt either way if one comes down the other goes up.
HighHorse said...
ohhh. Brit messed up with what she disclosed to Matt and now Matt and Ragan put one and one together.
What happened? What did she disclose? I'm at work and missed . . . work is getting in the way of my BB fix . . .
I'm annoyed at Big Brother.
As soon as Rachel finally takes her head out of you know where in a conversation with Britney they immediately call for the start of the veto ceremony?
I'm sorry, but that seems shady like BB really wants the Brendon/Rachel couple to stay united and they knew that if the veto was used and Kathy was voted out it would make the couple's already long odds even longer.
Shady, BB. Shady...
Hello BBDishers...
Ohhh what a day. Would have just been a waste of efforts to use the VITO. What does it matter if its Hayden or another... point is... majority wants Kristen out. Even the "Brogade wants her out".
On another note... I dont know who these "People" are that are being referred to as the source of DR influence, but if you didnt hear it from CBS and you didnt get it here... it's a lie.
We actually do have BB Alumi who post here, and since they havent chimed in... its a No-Go in my book.
Stephanie, I think someone in the brograde will win too. Unless it is the type of endurance where you just have to push through it, like the one in season 6 where they had to hold onto a button inside of that box. Then I really do believe Brenden will win it.
VITO... hummm I must have Enzo on the brain.. that should have been VETO. lol
Now that Kristen has absolutely nothing to lose, I feel another smack down from her. She is going to blow!!! IMO
BB in the DR is very persuasive & will make you think about things you might not have considered but in this case I think Rachel sniffed it out... that is too bad... I wanted to see her head explode :)
With all house guests being sequestered this year will jury members make the same as someone voted out prior to jury? Will Kristen makes the same as whoever is voted out next? So her and Kathy's financial jury arguments are moot?
Hi Genie and Everyone!!
I'm still confused about the money. So Rachel won the 5,000 which she can bargain with like those gold bars of Aprils. I didn't know she could bargain with them, I guess they announce it at the comp.
hi everyone nice and warm here in Fl. I want to say two things I thank God Rachael was not born to me at 26 she cant tell the truth and tho I feel her Boyfriend is a littls strange she even lies to him . I see her try and cry oops no tears. THe second thing is how sweet are Brit. and Lane in that pool today. plain to see he has a thing for her and she may like him more then she thinks she does anyway poler opposites of the other couple..
Can someone explain to me why Kristin thinks she does not deserve to go home?
I am so sick of the 'pity party' with Kathy and Kristen. Doesn't Kathy realize that if the POV was used her A** would be out the door? She's pulled out her halo and played the Monet card again and again...'well, I voted to keep Monet even though they threatened me...I used my own mind" What mind? Now everyone is selfish for putting Kristen up on the block.
afternoon everyone. Well, my wish was for Britney to use the veto, but I understand her being afraid of Rachel putting up someone other than Kathy. Oh well, it would be interesting if Hayden ends up leaving. You never know. What I do not like his season is everyone and teh fear of R/B. They all say they afer "putting them up" but nobody fights hard to do it. However,now that the deal was not completed, all bets are off and if Hayden gets HOH, he needs to put up Rachel, Brendon or both. He is the only one I expect to actually so it because he has before. Ragan will most likely throw the comp and the other brigde members (with the exception of Matt) either dont try or dont care. I like Enzo and Lane, but they have yet to prove they can do more than talk
Afternoon Genie, Dishers! Well, too bad the house couldn't be shaken up a bit. Would just like to see some unpredicability (sp) in there. Kind of tired of same of "follow the HOH" and do what they want.
Anyway, ya'll know what the Thursday goodbye message will be from Rachael (no matter if it is Hayden or Kristen) "Nobody comes between me and my man!" Maybe the DR just had her record it in a couple different outfits? Getting kind of old. IMHO
Val, I agree with you on that one. I really don't want him to get it though, I am really tired of those 2 in the HoH room all the time if you know what I mean. put them out in the general beds and no one will put up with them going at it all the time lol. I really hope that Enzo or Lane gets HoH next week or maybe even Hayden ;)
Highhorse said:
My partner works in the tv/film industry, and believe me, although I agree that BB doesn't care who wins in the end, the only thing that really matters to them throughout the season, is ratings. Thus, yes, I do believe the DR can be persuasive in their questioning, so as to elicit a certain frame of thinking for the players, to thereby influence their decisions to coincide with the outcome that promotes ratings.
So true. I work in reality television and let me tell you, while I don't tamper with what the person I'm interviewing says...I definitely can lead them in a certain direction if I want to...for the sake of entertainment.
Hi!!! Sorry I can't greet you all individually today! :)
FYI: Just cause it keeps coming around...
There are NO HGs being sequestered until they start going to Jury.
Oh Ragan, Ragan -
"This season is different. There isn't a big alliance. Everyone is just friends."
I think you've been spending to much time with your bromance!!
I dont think that BB had the Veto meeting then just to keep the noms the same to keep Kathy from going home because Rachel wasnt going to put Kathy up she was going to put up Lane. It was Hayden that wanted Kathy up not Rachel
Michelle - Thank you!! :)
Your Welcome Genie! :)
Stephanie, I'd really like to see Lane win it. And I'd like for Enzo or Matt to be the sab.
Brendan may have a chance in HOH because everyone is still trying to throw it.
Enzo's Gonna put up Ra-den? Only if HOH is a fart-off comp
Poster, Kristin- ;) Speaking to our point about the DR's influence- Ragan just advised Kristin to go into the DR to talk scenarios with people who've been doing this a long time.
If Enzo's flying under the radar it's only because he can't get off the ground
Ragan was suggesting that she go talk to DR because they are professionals and objective. As a sounding board, not as a way to be influenced in the game.
I will say this again. If AGP wanted to tamper with the outcome of the game, why would they not manipulate things so that their Saboteur not be evicted?
I find it quite odd that Rachel thinks splitting up Hayden and Kristin will be better for Hayden's game. Just like it helped Britney to get rid of Monet.
So when someone does get the guts to put Rachel and Brendon on the block they won't even have to worry about making an enemy. The nomination speech can be, "We love you crazy kids and one of you definitely deserves to win. But Brendon, it would help your game to remove Rachel from this house. And Rachel, for your own good, someone needs to come between you and your man."
I believe that the DR can throw out scenerios and discuss all aspects of the game but as Genie has said if they manipulated the game Annie would still be there.
Chelsia and Jordan are discussing this issue right now and Chelsia says maybe (ie: Alex vs Crazy James which would have been impossible because they never went to the DR before they decided who to bring back.) but Jordan says no, they don't ever tell you to vote a certain way.
I don't think AGP is MANIPULATING outcomes persay. I think that the PRODUCERS are definitely leading the HG's, as they always do (as stated by pst HG's) to work out different scenarios in their head and that when Rachel went in, they lead her. That's it. I think she came to the conclusion on her own but may have needed someone to plant that in her head a little bit more firmly. For any of you who have seen teh movie inception...lol...sorta like that.
Just by way of speaking to the DR, the game is influenced by the way with which questions are posed to players. That's all.
I do believe the DR is far from objective.
Thanks for all your work, Genie.
Does anyone know what the veto pass that Ragan won can be used for? I know there has been a lot of talk about what people hope it means, but does anyone have the inside scoop?
Grendon - I answered that question in these comments.
Hi everyone!
I am literally in and out today, but thank you Genie and Carolyn for letting me know what's going on. Thank you Dishers for your insight. I was also checking to see if anyone else had found Annie's twitter. I see you did and did me one better by finding Monet.
Thanks again.
Kristin- exactly and great example.
The example of Annie not staying doesn't work for what I am saying. I am not stating that the DR CONTROL the actual outcome- of course the players make the final decisions. But seeds are planted, and doubts are instilled. With Annie, you shall note that often, when she came out of the DR, she had a new strategy to try to stay, and a new wind. So the DR did do what I am proposing here with Annie. (guide her by way of questioning, etc.) The only problem is that Annie failed in her attempts.
I feel a bit redundant on this topic, so no more from me about it. I apologize!
Val, I know what you mean I would love one of the Bro-gade like Lane or Enzo to win and I think Enzo would be a great Sab lol.
Johnny, I think they will get far just playing the way they are for now with the girls and Brandon trying to get each other out all the time lol.
On another note, I fricken love Enzo, Lane and Brit together. The three most funny people in the house.
RED - Thanks hun! It's exactly how I feel... It gets tiring... Huggies! :)
Sorry-I found it. Question answered.
*Head Desk*
Britany, Lane and Enzo are playing their own version of
Throw from the cliff
Does anyone know why Enzo does that lip smacking thing when he is mocking someone? Where does that originate?
Thanks for the Twitter addies Michelle I tweet all the time lol. Monet hasn't said anything though hmmmmmm......
Genie have I told you Thank You today?? ♥
Wow, this is so funny! Now they are convinced they are brother & sister? Kissing cousins? Is Enzo playing her?
Michelle ♥
LOL Somebody just called in and said every Easter they have a Chelsia egg smash in her honor!
Not sure if they are playing Britney or not but they sure come up with some wild and funny scenarios to out someone
Oh and thanks Genie, your comments and insights are always valuable as well as your fingers, you and Carolyn need to insure those.
Well,now it just turned to boring. Who cares who leaves? Hayden or Kristen.
Boring week for BB and a no big deal for the thurs live show..
Wow I flip back to the feeds and this is so riviting! Hope you can keep up Genie.
CC ♥
Michelle - I prefer it to something different happening on every feed and trying to transcribe every convo and take caps. And wouldn't you know it? That's when all the comments come flooding in! LOL I'm taking this time to do other things as well... :)
Enjoy it while it lasts Genie. But it would be nice to at least have one more option.
Enzo ought to be careful about complaining to people about other people, especially in instances when the person he is complaining about is closely aligned to who he is complaining to (Complaining to Matt about Ragan)
Please Skippy change from Enzo eating....pleeeeease!!!!
Hi Genie, Carolyn, BB addicts
So nothing much changes. Kristen will get a sympathy vote from Kathy, most likely, but will still go home. I like her but her pathetic "I gave up everything to be here and have nothing to go back to" just doesn't fly. I hate that tactic. At least she rocks the uni.
Everyone else tells Brenchel they are not there targets but they really are.
Kathy floats along down the stream.
In other words another mostly boring week.
Hiya MM :)
HighHorse said...
Enzo ought to be careful about complaining to people about other people, especially in instances when the person he is complaining about is closely aligned to who he is complaining to (Complaining to Matt about Ragan)
I need to remember this in real life when talking to someone who blabs everything.
This is for Matt:
Watching him make garlic bread is making me crazy.
Take a loaf of bread
Slice it in half
Spread both sides w/softened butter
Sprinkle garlic powder* on both sides & grated cheese & parsley
*or mince 10 cloves of garlic
Put both sides together
Wrap well in tin foil
Put in 350 degree oven for 20 min.
I can't watch anymore
DiDi - LOL! :)
Thanks Genie-
And its actually its more like 40 minutes, lol.
Potato chips should be banned from the BB household...
Kristen "All the guys besides me and Ragan are closer to Hayden" LOL
I know what she meant but it was still funny.
Hello Genie,
Hello Dishers :)
I am happy Kristen is going. I have no idea how everyone else feels.
I really liked Kristen in week 2, but hearing her lie through her teeth and say everyone is jealous of her has changed my mind about her.
She says she doesn't lie...Omitting the truth is still a lie.
Pssst! :)
New TOp Post!!
Kristen's Bold Move
i wish someone would cut and eat them pineapples in the storage room!! =) hehehe! good job ladies!! is there a way you can read from blackberry??? mine always says to large to display?? cant wait to get home anf get on cpu and read when i get email from facebook!! thanks!!!
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