The Overnight Report
Good Morning, BB Lovers! Happy Monday!It's PoV Ceremony Day in the Big Brother 14 house, and it's going to be a doozy of a day on the live feeds! Oh. My. Goodness.
Our evening started with tears from Ashley up in HoH..
And a big fat blogger glitch just saved a lot of you from reading 2 1/2+ hours of transcribing. I started typing at 12:30am BBT, and just now, blogger ate the whole thing.. Instead of whining about it, I'll just cut to the chase: After 2 hours of seriously working it upstairs in HoH, Team Janelle seems to have pulled off a major coup. It's not exactly what they wanted, but it'll do!
As of right now, Ashley's coming down off the block, and Frank is going up as the ReNom.
Frank and Boogie have been asleep during all of these proceedings, so they have zero clue.
Shane says he's taking Ashley off the block and putting Frank up in her place as the ReNom. Britney and Danielle are on board, but both are not looking forward to all the drama that's going to be coming at them from Boogie and Frank today after the PoV Ceremony.. and for the rest of the week. I am! I'm gonna guess you are too.
The plan is to completely blindside Frank at the PoV Ceremony and then again on Thursday... as well as the rest of Team Boogie, so they'll be useless for the HoH.
Shane tells Danielle she should just let Frank think he's got her vote to stay and then Kaboom!
... Britney knows that every word she and Shane have said to Boogie and Frank about Janelle will come out, so she's already covering their bases and their tushies and telling Janelle what they'll be saying she said.. Janelle says she doesn't care what they say. She's thrilled. Ashley's just happy the family is all back together again.
Privately, Shane and Danielle also know that their 3 Amigos pact with Frank will also come out, and the plan is to just deny deny deny..
After making sure everyone was on board, solid, 100% going to vote Frank out with no funny business, Shane came downstairs and told Joe he'd be taking Ashley off the block and putting Frank up...
At 2:36am on Feed 1 at the jacuzzi. Shane told Joe that Frank would be going up as the ReNom and wished him a happy anniversary.
Then with a handshake...
and a pound...
Everything else is filler to get us to this point. I'm glad I was along for the ride, and I do encourage you to dive into flashback on feed 3 starting anywhere from 12:45am to 2:30am, if you've got the time, and you'd like to see it all unfold with your own eyes and ears.. BB being played brilliantly... :)
See you when the HGs wake up for the day! It's gonna be nuts in there!
All this does is make Shane the #1 target in the house for next week. If Frank stays, he's probably the #1 target for most players.
I think Shane just killed his own game.
Good Morning Carolyn, fellow BB addicts
So Janelle's head games did work. I went to bed after it had looked like she convinced Britney and then Brit had spilled all to Frank and Boogie so I thought it was a no go.
I don't think this is the best move for Shane. It's great for Brit and Janelle, if/when they come in to the game on Thur.. Shane on the other hand should roll with Frank, Boogie, Dan and Danielle and maybe Brit.. Let Janelle have the rest of the newbies.
This should provide some very nice fireworks. Then again Shane could be telling one thing to Brit and doing the opposite. He did go against her in the noms., wouldn't be surprised if he does again in the renoms..
If he does nom. Frank, poor Danielle is going to crack. Everyone is going being pulling her every which way. It's like Brit said last night to Janelle, earlier than this, that once the POV is or isn't used no one will come up to HOH and talk to her and Shane. Everyone will be downstairs hounding Danielle or whoever they need for the vote/s.
I should get home right about time for it to all explode, 12:30pm BBT.
Have a wonderful day everyone :D
ugggg, Just send Joe home. To be honest, it doesn't matter who goes home this week, if the coaches get to play they are going to just team up on them anyway if they are smart.
Shane not too smart, hes too easily convinced. He has no backbone.
This is going to be one crazy day!!! I'm looking forward to it!
Good Morning, Carolyn!!! Sorry about your hard work being eaten by the internetz. Stupid puters. But, the synopsis works beautifully. Did you enjoy your Sunday Sanity Break? I know I did. Stayed off the live feeds all day.
Good Morning, Dishers!!!
Carolyn, sorry about Blogger eating up your copy. When I blog larger pieces I write the text in Gmail which autosaves every couple of minutes. You use a lot of graphics so maybe that is not an option.
Nice update anyway and much appreciated.
Good Morning Caro and all my other BB buddies...
Can Danielle seem any more pitiful and needy mooning over Shane? It's obvious that he just isn't into her. I feel really bad for her because she is going to be so embarrassed when she gets out. Kinda reminds me of myself when I was her age although I'm pretty sure I wasn't quite that bad. But we all live and learn,don't we.
Well got to catch up on the overnight report. I got so sleepy I couldn't stay awake and besides had to come to work this morning.
I'll be back later.
Good Morning Caro and all my other BB buddies...
Can Danielle seem any more pitiful and needy mooning over Shane? It's obvious that he just isn't into her. I feel really bad for her because she is going to be so embarrassed when she gets out. Kinda reminds me of myself when I was her age although I'm pretty sure I wasn't quite that bad. But we all live and learn,don't we.
Well got to catch up on the overnight report. I got so sleepy I couldn't stay awake and besides had to come to work this morning.
I'll be back later.
I know Janelle was working brittany real hard. wow. boogie is gonna be lettin the fur fly!!
hehehehe I like the quickie poll. Voted hokey pokey. :)
Good morning Dishers and Caro!!
Another busy weekend for me with my daughter's cheerleading. I didn't get to turn on the feeds once this weekend. Thankfully I have BBDish to keep me up todate!
Well I got to get to work.
Have a great Monday!
I am not sure if this is the right thing for Shane. After seeing the Diary Rooms, Frank said that he knew he could trust Shane now. I am not sure Shane can trust Wil or Joe. Time will tell. Just waiting on the explosion to happen today after the Veto ceremony.
I am not sure if this is the right thing for Shane. After seeing the Diary Rooms, Frank said that he knew he could trust Shane now. I am not sure Shane can trust Wil or Joe. Time will tell. Just waiting on the explosion to happen today after the Veto ceremony.
To me, this is very stupid of Shane. Why in the world would he listen to Janelle's team when last week they were after him? Is Janelle really that good of a sweet talker?
Frank is the only other "big" target in the house. Keeping him ensures that Shane won't be enemy #1. Also, Shane being loyal to Frank gives Shane a solid ally - Frank is a good competitor and Shane can't win every hoh and will soon lose a comp (which Janelle's team will take full advantage of). He needs Frank to have his back. I just wish Shane would have heard Frank's diary room confession - that Frank was 100 percent loyal to him. I think Shane is caving to pressure, thinking the whole house is out for Frank's blood and he needs to follow along. Frank and Shane could have been a force to reckon with.
Just wondering too, if the judges come into the game, does anyone else think that the judges will still get together and gang up on the newbies? Maybe Shane getting rid of Frank will make boogie so mad that he won't team with Brit and Janelle... hmm. Still don't want the coaches in the game, though.
I'm going to flashback now. Thanks for the heads up! I hope Shane goes through with it. I like Frank but I'd rather see the game played well -- and with drama! (As long as Ian, my fave, stays in!)
I think that if the coaches are allowed in the game, they should not be allowed to compete in this HOH. They have had it too cushy...they need to 'suffer' (and perhaps be put on the block...they can fight for POV) a bit before going for $500,000 AGAIN!
Good morning, Shamrock! :) He's already #1.. and Frank and Boogie have been talking for days about how to get him out without getting the blood on Frank's hands.
Good morning, Michigan Man! :) Yup! THey sure did... and Wil did a nice job himself. I'm psyched for the fireworks! :)
Good morning, Lupo! :) We shall see!
Good morning, Mappy! :) Indeed..
Good morning, Mike :) Thank you! It was a pretty horrific moment. Blogger's usually pretty great about saving as I go along too, but.. ooof.. not today!
Good morning, ShiShi! :) Re Danielle.. um.. nope. lol. She couldn't see more.. ;)
Good morning, DavidB! :) Boogie's gonna go nuclear.
Good morning, Blueee.. hehe - me too! ;)
Good morning, Autumn! :) Thank you!! Have a great day at work!
Good morning Jan in FL! :) We shall see!
Good morning, Laura :) I think Boogie will always do what's best for Boogie..
Good morning, LindaJoy! :) I hear ya!! The live feeds are gonna rock today! :)
OK.. Everyone.. Come on up to the New Top Post! :) ClickMe
Yes!!!!! Drama in the house.... Love it!!!
I like Frank, but he's turning into a Boogie wannabe. One week of power has gone to his head and he thinks that he's running the show.
I'm not a big fan of Boogie either. He's entertaining, but he acts superior to everyone in the house... especially the women.
Frank has been playing Shane. Shane has proven that he's a true competitor, and that makes him Frank's target, no matter what Frank says or promises him. Behind the scenes, Frank is plotting ways to get Shane out of the house.
If the coaches enter the game on Thursday (and I hope that they do), will it be newbies verses the pros, or will we see new mixed alliances team up? Should make for some interesting drama in the house.
Personally, I'd like to see Janelle win this year. She should have won the All-Stars. If Boogie had not thrown a temper tantrum and jumped off of that BB mountain just after Janelle sent his better half packing, Janelle would not have been startled enough to take her hand off of the holding device, and she would have probably won that endurance comp.... and the game. I hope she wins this year. I really do.
This sadens me cause I think Frank had Shane's back ad much as Dani did, he was n a gr8 spot...
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