Big Brother 14: Flashback Funny of the Day
While the HGs are waiting for the PoV comp to begin, Brit and Danielle have made themselves a comfy new Have Not bed from the foam pads that were on the curved torture devices and put it the center of the room..
Here, Britney recounts hysterically and in great detail, complete with hand gestures and sound effects, something she believes happened in the Have Not Room last night..
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As of 2:30pm, Britney and Danielle touch on other subjects, such as Shane and the imminent nomance breakup, but keep returning to Joe.. Spark up your feeds, folks. Britney's in rare form. :0)
Ian, Frank, Shane and Ashley are at the dining room table speculating about what the PoV comp will be.. and a bit of group Jedi Training..
Frank: Here's an easy one for you.. Name the PoV winners.
Ashley: Shane, Shane, Shane, Danielle.
Shane: Who's gonna win today?
Ashley: Ashley!
And this is just to make the post a little prettier...
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Here's lookin' at you, kid. |
BB: Ian, please come to the Diary Room.
**he's hosting.. maybe pov now??
**Nope, not yet.
Ian comes out of the DR.. he makes a joke about it, but it's still not time yet.
4:20pm - Feed 3
Watch this on flashback too.. if you missed it live. Dan starts out doing guessing games with the Bears.. This leads into an adorable and very funny re-creation of Ian and Ashley's date..
I was watching ... lol ...
Could. Not. Breathe. I was laughing so hard! ☺
"Here's lookin' at you, kid."
Ashley is so adorable! She makes me smile with her charm and 'easy-breezy' attitude.
Hey Blueeeeee! I was watching also. Britney is just freaking hilarious!
Hi, Shi Shi!
Hi Steph :)
Hi Blue! :)
Hi ShiShi! :)
Thanks for the flashback funny - I love Brit! Too, too funny :)
Why did they show a mysterious close up of the prize machine when Joe and Ashley were leaving the arcade room/lounge?
What secret power is buried in there?
Who is the power for?
Damn it-now I'm gonna be watching that stupid prize machine like Shelly on a caffeine and nicotine high.
Grendon - hehehe! It's gotta have some function.. maybe pandora related??
Hi Dineane :))
What happened to Dan's legs?
I must go eat.
And walk Doggie.
I'll be back later.
Ta ta!
Steph - he got an ouchie in a comp.
Blue - hurry back! :0)
I haven't gotten the live feeds because I haven't had time to watch them and am afraid when I do, I'll do nothing BUT watch them. But you're really tempting me...
BTW, thanks for posting on Twitter Dan's T-Shirt video ... found it quite insightful. I will never say anything about the shirt he is still wearing ... lol
Grendon and Carolyn. I've been thinking the same thing about the machine in the arcade room. I just knew it was going to give Jani a special power but alas did no happen. Maybe if Dan gets in trouble down the road it will help him out. A girl can hope.
Hi Nancy! :) hehehe! my evil plot is working! ;) at the very least you should treat yourself to the 3 day free trial... hehehe
Steph :) Sure thing!
ShiShi :) There's got to be some reason for it to be there.. I just don't know what yet.
Hi Everyone..
Grendon, so funny but true about that brought back memories of Kathy sitting in there and waiting, than getting up and playing with it, over and over and funny..
...and Shelly... That was hysterical
i really like Ashley.. i think it's the whole Goldie Hawn vibe i get off her.. anyone else get Goldie Hawn?
Hi Dawn :) Thank you very much!
The machine in the arcade had music coming from one day about a week ago. Brit and Dan were in there and could hear faint music and were looking at the machine closely.
Can't remember which day.
I guess I could see Ashley in a Butterflies Are Free type of setting. Or behind one of the doors on Laugh-In.
I think Goldie Hawn is so cute..and yes Ashley reminds me of her in a ditzy sort of
Psst! :) 2 new quickie polls!
I think I earned some kind of medal today. Went school clothes shopping with my 15 yr old daughter who's sullen times 3 and she's on her period!! I know TMI mom, nuff said. :)
My PoV Pizza is here..
Mappy :) yay! hehehe
When did Ian start swearing so much? I'm surprised.
I'm baaaaaaaaack!
Still no Trivia? *pout* :(
Dan needs a baby, bad! LOL
Ash appears to be walking a bit better than this morning.
It's a good thing! ☺
Skippy, I could really do without that tight of a close-up on Joe's face. Thank you.
lalalaaaa... there's really nothing to transcribe here.. fun to hang out and watch though. :)
All right.
Who woke up the Boogie?
The houseguest are like us, waiting for the POV to happen.
Hurry up BB and get this party started.
Blue, how's your step-dad?
Carolyn, I'm glad your getting a break, it's about time, it's been a busy season so far.
Thanks, CurlerChick :)
Blue - hehehe
OMG I don't think I have laughed that hard in a year. That Britney is hilarious!!!!
OMG I don't think I have laughed that hard in a year. That Britney is hilarious!!!!
Blue, here's some trivia
Who is responsible for this quote:
"If I go home, one of you WILL get the half million dollars. That's my word, and my word's good."
It's got to be one of my absolute favorite quotes.
Hi Carolyn! Hope ur having a great day:) TY for being here!
I have to say tho I think the alliance poll may be a lil late cuz if I recall Brittney went behind Shane last week and talked with Danielle about being together in the final 2 with her becuz "no female has ever won against a man" in the final 2, hence she started workng on Danielle to put a wedge of doubt between Dani/Shane where Dan is concerned. Dani nodded at the time as if she was in with it.
Hi JBR!! :)
Grendon - I'm stumped on that one!
I honestly don't know.
I'm guessing Dan. Sounds like him?
Grendon, give us a clue - what season?
Sounds like something Joe would say.
Hi Donna :) Hm! Interesting! I think a lot of the HGs have made side alliance advances, but my intent with the poll was more about who would be selling out (or, more to the point, voting out) their established alliance partners
Hi FL Girl! :)
Had a couple extra dollars in my PayPal anyway, glad to shoot into the tip jar!
Re-reading and I am going with Willy
Aww! Thanks, David! :0)
That quote came from season 10's Jerry. I just thought it was hilarious because there was a big fight going on and I couldn't decide if that was supposed to be a threat or a promise. All I could think after he said it was 'uh...okay.'
OK.. Everyone hit the showers! We can bring on this PoV comp!
I tried cheating and googled it a couple different ways.
Jerry! I do recall it now!!!! LOL
Great trivia question.
"OK.. Everyone hit the showers!"
I call Shane! *MINE!!!*
does anybody know when pov comp starts
Thanks for the updates, carolyn! Idk what I'd do without this website!! I feel so bad for ashley. She's such a sweetheart. I love frank... Hate boogie... Not a fan of shame (sorry shane lovers!) And love wil & britney!
I already tried Carolyn. I showered, ate pizza, watched some flashbacks, took a norco so I have probably developed the Ashley spacey look, but at this rate I'm thinking that I won't be finding out who won POV until tomorrow.
I know you get bogged down during the live show viewing party but I hope you liked the poem.
Btw. I'm the slow one. Does wil really have a weave? I've seen comments but wonder y he picks at his hair so much!
Blue - hehehe! you can have him!
Hi Aaron! Nope, but I'm thinking if they don't start it *very* soon, they wont start it til after midnight bbt
Shamrox :) Thank YOU! :) And yes, Wil really has a weave.
Grendon - Ditto ditto ditto! Showered, Ate Pizza.. I have to go back to the post and look!
I'm going to go lie down for a bit.
Who knows how much longer this will take.
Carolyn.....I'm getting closer to the live feeds...just printed out the 5 pages of the agreement (so I can figure out how to cancel) birthday's coming up and I'm about to be an empty nester for the first time in 27 years so I'm thinking maybe I deserve this.......and now I apparently need to go see Dan and the bears as well......
Yayyy, Nancy!!! :0)
Blue - I'm not far behind you.
If they don't start the comp by 6:30pm bbt, i give up on them starting it before midnight bbt.
i have to reboot.. brb.
back :))
back-What about your back? Do you need the name of Ashley's doctor? Oh, you mean you have returned. You had me nervous for a minute there.
and........I've gone over to the dark side (hard to believe its taken me so long considering I've been watching since season two and I've been coming to the dish for a long, long, long time)
front ;))
Nancy!! :0) Yayyyy!!! Welcome!!! :0)
Grendon - hahaha! yup.. and i've been putting together an EZ Archive.. one post at a time.. yikes.
Hi Emrys!! :) The rules about those things on that site are so tight, I'm not even allowed to post comments that acknowledge they exist.
thanks, and I quickly see why "Skippy" is so irritating
Okay BB, we need some action :)
Maybe now is a good time for Frank and Shane to stage that fight?? LoL
Nancy - hehehe.. feel free to bend skippy over your knee as needed.
NMann :) hehehe
Today's the longest waiting game ever!
ok.. i'm calling it..
since i'm pretty confident they wont be starting til midnight bbt, that means i need to be alert as all get out by 2:30am bbt..
which means, i need to get some sleep.
Good Night Carolyn,
Good Night Everyone,
Sweet dreams everybody..:):)
6:48 p.m.-Zingbot has arrived and...trivia.
WOO HOO!!! Zingbot!!
We Have Questions...MAYBE...
Zinggggg!!!! Gonna grab it off flashback!! :0) Thank you!
ZINGBOT...can't spell either..too
I love the Zingbot!!!
Psst! :0) New Top Post!
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