Big Brother 14: PoV Spoiler Results
Good evening, Big Brother Lovers! The Live Feeds went to Trivia at 6:50pm, just after the exciting arrival of Zingbot 3000 to the Big Brother 14 house!
The Power of Veto Competition is now taking place, and as soon as the live feeds come back from the comp, we'll have the spoiler for you right here in this post!
Happy Zingbot PoV night!! Competing in the PoV tonight are Frank, Joe, Wil, Jenn, Boogie, Ashley and Shane - with his PoV Ticket. Ian is, well.. co-hosting??
We're in it for the long haul! Thank you for being a part of the dish! Before we do the PoV Spoiler, I have to announce the winners of the doorprizes from the Live Show Viewing party the other night! So... Congratulations to ilissa and Grendon! ilissa wins the Janelle poster, and Grendon wins the poster or mug of her choice from C=Venus' collection! I'll have the pics of lots of her goodies up soon, but you can check out all the items from the Janelle poster link.
Keep checking this post.. right below here for the PoV Spoiler......
8:42pm BBT Feeds are back! Boogie does not look pleased.. Waiting for info..
Dani: Good job, Wil.
Wil: oh, thanks. It was simpler than it looked..
**It sounds like Wil has won the PoV.. But he didn't!
But then again.. Jenn is a possibility as well.. I'm not 100% sure yet. - Nope, not her!
As soon as I can confirm 100%, I'll declare a winner..
8:58pm Boogie and Frank are talking, saying Wil is not happy. I don't believe Wil won the PoV.. Boogie and Frank are talking about getting Joe to play it cool this week and not let on that's he's good.
8:49pm The immediate plans up in HoH call for beer and plenty of it.
9pm BBT - Frank won the PoV!! The PoV necklace is hanging on the pagoda in the HoH Room!
Ian comes up to HoH..
Ian: I want that key next week. I really think it'll be endurance.. but not if it's a fast forward. So glad you got that Veto.
Frank: I'm just glad the Zingbot threw out a "preesh."
Ian: Well, Wil or Joe? Take your pick.
Frank: What would be tight is if I got a Pandora's Box on Tuesday..
Here are a couple of the Zings..
- For Dani...Shane has a gift for you after the show....a restraining order!! ZING!!
- For Ian: ..for an engineering student, you sure don't have much chemistry with the ladies ..ZING!!
Congrats it illisa and grendon for winning the door prizes!!!!!
Hello and happy POV day. Heres to hoping ne1 but Wil wins POV yet.
Where is blue when I need to show him I can be witty too...
Hi Softball Mom!! :0) Happy PoV Day and Night!!
I hope.shane does or they will back door Dan...and he my favorite....
Hey Vigilant! :) hehehe! Maybe our dear blue fell asleep? It's been a lonnnng day!
Thank you SO much!!!! I'm so happy! My day has completely been made!!
I love you i love you i love you!!!
xoxoxxoxxoxsmooochxxoxoxoxoxxo to everyone!!!
High-Five and belly bump Grendon!!
Hi Nancy :)
Yeah.. Frank did mention that.. But Wil has risen in the target ranks since then..
Love Love Love Zingbot!!
Carolyn, hope your spirits are up tonight!!
Yayyyy!! You saw!! Hi ilissa! Congrats!
Hopefully Grendon'll make it to the post soon too!
Somebody just said "good job, Will." Guessing Will?
Since Wil won it is time for Danielle to go up. Frank should return the favor for last week. Break up Dan and Danielle.
Is the key by Jenn's pic?
Looks like who ever is on the wall top row 2nd from left won.. I think i seen the veto hanging there
Congrats illissa and Grendon!!
or the bottom right
Good for Wil--I think things are going to get interesting. I wish it had been an HOH so he could send B/F home.
Hey all :-) thanks for all the updates Carolyn- I'm sad that there's no pov yet because I have to go to sleep ill just dream about Ashley getting it and taking will down!
Shoot! I really hope they don't backdoor Britney or Dan! I loved Chilltown, but not loving Chilltown 2.0 :(
I was taking a break until they came back so now I'll have to play catch up again. I'm glad you liked the poem.
Wish I could stay all niight with you fine people, but I was called into work so I must get some sleep.
Thanks again caro and dishers!! I love the dishy world!!!
Grendon, the poem was amazing, you have a wonderful gift with words...thank you Carolyn and Grendon for sharing..
LOL..Wil won, this is just getting better and better, and if Boogie is rally mad Brittney or Shane will go up..
Love this game, even when I hate it, I love it...:););)
Well now I am worried. I think boogie wants to keep Dan but frank does not...I don't trust either I am thinking someone from the silent 6 is going up and.probably home...bc Joe a waste of hoh....
Congrats Grendon and illisa on door prize wins..wOOtWOoT
Darn it! I would've been happy with anyone but Wil! :(
And that's why we love this game. Just when someone's got a lock, things flip just like that. he he
Wonder if Frank & Boogie will put up a pawn & take out Joe or target someone else?!?
I'm here. Thank you everybody. Now, stupid question-since I never won before I have no idea what I need to do.
Nice! I hit refresh one last time and now I'll put on the feeds to fall asleep to!
Congrat Illissa and Grendon on the winning the swag.
So now the plot thickens, will they backdoor Dan or will they go after shane?
this WIL get interesting! :P
Hi everyone. Congrats to Wil. I don't think they will have the votes to back door Dan. Never a dull moment.
Hi everyone. Congrats to Wil. I don't think they will have the votes to back door Dan. Never a dull moment.
I'm not 100% it was Wil.. May have been Jenn
Ha! Wil did not win according to the HoH discussion. Happy.
Frank won... Veto necklace hanging by door.
frank or boggie won its in the hoh room hanging behind franks bed
Frank won!!!
veto behind franks head.. frank won
It was Frank, you see the veto in HoH during his convo with Boogie
Wil is going to be nominated every week until he goes.
Wonder if Frank will float the Dan re-nom idea?
Good evening Carolyn and Dishers!!
This is great! Not a huge Will fan,but hope they put up a Silent 6 member. Things are way too boring and that would surely shake up the feeds :)
Big brother leak just tweeted that frank won.
Frank? Jenn?
I think Frank won!! :(
If Will won why is the P.O.V. necklace in the HOH room?
Looks like Frank won it. The POV is hanging on the lamp in the HOH room.
Frank won the PoV!
Looks like Frank won it. The POV is hanging on the lamp in the HOH room.
Frank won Veto!!!!!
I had a feeling Wil was going to get it!
I would like to see Britney or Danielle go up as a replacement.
Not looking good for Dan...
opps, spoke too soon :( Oh well. Hopefully something interesting happens this week..........
Really??? It was Frank?
Personally happy Wil didn't win.. I'm ready for him to get out and definitely don't want Dan or Brit put up so that's gooood :)
Can't wait to see what the ZingBot said about Danielle, especially after the Frank, Boogie, Ian convo happening now. lol
Wow Frank won???? no wonder they think they can just relax this week..
Sounds like Zingbot got Dani good, LOL. The boys up in HOH are saying she's not very happy. Not sure why, but that is making me smile :)
Thanks for the updates Caro! Awesome as always!!
Lmbo off ... The zing to told Danielle "Shane has a nice gift for you after the show ..... A restraining order ...... ZING!!!
cv /0
YAY! Frank won, lets hope he keeps noms the same and send Wil home or Joe, i would be happy with either one.
To-Dani...SHane has a gift for you after the show....a restraining order!! ZIIIINNNGGGG
OMG that is funny...
Like dan, but i'd like to see him backdoored to show him and Dani how stupid a move they made last week
Ian: for an engineering student: you sure don't have much chemistry with the ladies ...... ZING
OK-Aside from taking a painkiller earlier, I also treated myself to a glass of wine which I rarely do.
Now it's time to lay down and watch BBAD. Thank you for keeping me filled in all day and thank you for picking me to be one of your winners. I will try to catch you when you're not too busy and you can fill me in on what I need to do. These things never happen to me. I feel like I won the lottery.
Congrats Ilissa and Grendon...NIce..
Frank is offering his bed to Shane, dani, and Brit, alternating, says manual says you just can't share food with have-nots, doesn't say anything about the bed .... That's VERY generous of him.
Can't wait to see the Zingbot on the tellie ... then we can see their reactions to the zings!!!
Those some good zings!
Yay! Grendon saw too! :0)
OK.. Can both of you please message me on facebook, so i can get your contact info for C=Venus?
And now... To bed I go.. :0)
I'll see you in the morning, sweet dishers.
Goodnite!!! TY again for all u do...Im off to BBAD n feeds...LOL
g'nite, donna :) thank you & enjoy!
Ashley's zing: the only thing bright about Ashley is her smile ....
Wilson: what do you call Fabiola with muscles and sex appeal? Wil!!!
DR LEAK! 10:22
Danielle: Sara, I am distraught about today!
Sara: Why?
Danielle: because...
end leak. :)
All dressed up and waiting for my date to finish fishing, shower, and feed me already. The life of a fishing town, I swear. *L*
Right around 10:22am BBT DR leak
Danielle "Sarah I am distraught about today"
Sarah "why"
Hey Lessa, we both heard it :) Wonder what she is distraught about now.
*L* probably about that Zing. hehehehehe.
I can't wait to see that Zing for myself!! They brought a doc for Ashley, maybe they should bring a counseler in for Danielle!!!
10:50pm BBT Danielle doing cards tricks, quite impressive
Shes was already scared she lost points with fans for janelle
What does she need counciling for? I don't get it.
I think the last thing she is worried about is fans of janelle's. She is more concerned with 500k!
Just saying!
Great game of charades going on as Shane goes to the SR constantly to check on beer and wine delivery.
Also PROOF that AGP can show more than 2 views if they want to. All in the living room but a different camera on each feed. even an occasional shot to the kitchen to show the timer they are using.
12:30 AM BBT - QUAD
Lessa said... .... waiting for my date to finish fishing, shower, and feed me ....
Is he fishing because that's what's for dinner? Net question. Aren't you glad he's doing things in that order? I'd hate to smell fish on any date.
I don't I think she deserve to go home newbie last year never made big moves and look who won the game...
Gaytor: *L* It wasn't what was for dinner, but he is from out of state and was stuck on a fishing charter and got in late. I AM glad he did things in that order - am sad that he was so tired that there was no desert... I went dancing, where I was told by multiple people that I'm f'in awesome, and even though I'm home alone (...again. dammit - though one said if he wasn't taken, I would be. hehehe) I'm feeling pretty good.
....and tired. so it's sleepy time for me. *L* Night Dishers! MWAH Carolyn! Thanks for letting me continue to skip out on Saturday dance nights. :)
Thanks, MI Man!
Any idea on the camera/time for Danielle's meltdown?
Gotta luv Frank, even if he;s alittle young! haha
gotta luv Frank! even if he is alittle young lol!
Gotta luv Frank, even if he;s alittle young! haha
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