Big Brother 14: Sunday Insanity
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Umm..Since when don't they have to completely submerge? |
I hope the day treats you well! Certainly better than it's treating Solitary Dan in the Chamber of Blaring Oonch and Chum Bath Boy Frank right now!
I'm in the land of Isaac.. Whooooosh go the winds! It's going to be a very quiet day here on the dish, but if I still have power come 7:50pm eastern, we will have the Sunday Show Viewing Party. Hope to see you then!
Please mind the critters on the live feeds for me today. Isaac's proving a little too distracting for me to sit still..
Be safe Carolyn! Thanks for all you do here for us!
Sending warm thoughts and prayers for your safety and comfort.
Carolyn just wanted to inform the NYC metro area watchers that Thursday's live show wii not be the regular channel thanks to football. It will be on WLNY (channel 10) for me. Be safe in Isaac's path. Hope to see you here tonight
Please be safe, praying for you
Be safe Caro! Definitely thinking of you today. If Isaac is gonna hit, I hope it's quick and non-destructive. Your safety is much more important than Big Brother!!! We'll all be thinking of you!
Stay safe Carolyn!! I know Isaac is no match for you! :-)
Since it's frank and apparently they will manipulate the game until he wins
Be safe!!! People in Key West are getting hit bad the news said!!
Be safe!! It's supposed to be hitting Keys right now!!
Stay safe! Watching the news on Issac and worrying about you down there!!
Good morning... I have been lurking all week... Thanx 4 all u do!
Flashback funny Ian dancing
Hi Carolyn and fellow BB addicts! Carolyn stay safe please!! Does anyone know why Frank was Disqualified?
Good morning Carolyn! Just now catching up since POV yesterday, I had a 3hr tattoo session on my leg. Ouchies. Stay safe today! Hope to see you at the viewing party tonight!
I am in the Tampa Bay area so we haven't gotten much yet. Be safe.
I am in the Tampa Bay area so we haven't gotten much yet. Be safe.
thanks caro, please take care of yourself.
random thoughts, if i was dan...
i would talk to jenn and ask her who she thinks shje can beat in the final 2, i wolud say look at evferyone still in the house, who is the last person anyone wolud give the $500K to, that wolud be dan, he already won. so why not keep dan? and the return promise is she would not go up ever. tell her frank cannot play the enxt 2 hoh, tell her frank has a final 2 with everyone so do not even depend on that. look around jenn, you are not part of any group, this is the only way yopu can win.
but of course jen did not even realize she was a pawn when she went up against boogie, so i think dan's days are down to 4.
then i root for ian and brit
certainly not derrier danielle, is that too harsh?
I hope you are safe! Batten down the hatches. Ha. The first time I typed that my phone autocorrected batten to bartender. I bet you feel like you need a bartender about now. Again, hope you're safe.
be safe and try to enjoy your sanity sunday!! ♥
Hope things don't get too rough for you!!! Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers
Stay safe prayers are with u!
Hope all goes well! Stay safe! I'm in the Clearwater area and I'm worried...can't imagine what you are going thru!
Sending Lots of Love and Prayers Your Way Carolyn...stay safe...:):)
Morning, Carolyn! Please stay safe. I know I've missed you for the day, but I just wanted to add some cents...I'm thinking 2? I think the game they played in Veto was based on the Draw Something app. I was playing it this morning and you can now get a group of words with the category "Big Brother" and they include carrot, shackle, spots & shower. :)
My first comment this summer. Thank you for all your hard work keeping us updated, it is very much appreciated.
I'm pulling for Brit to win. She has really grown up and not too many mean comments from her. Dani can go home. Frank can go home, he is such a contradiction. Someone please tell him the truth about what Dan did for Ian. I love Ian but he needs to feel the heat to knock him back down to the We Love Ian pedestal. Jenn is coming along but a little too late. Shane would be fine he he would STFU!
Brit has made this season fun to watch, MC Snowflake is entertaining and very, very funny. She is also playing a great game and reads people very well. She is wise beyond her years.
That's my story and I'm Sweating My Ti.. Off waiting to see who makes it this week
sorry forgot about Dan. I think Dan will out Ian to Frank and work with Frank but only long enough to send Frank home, then take Dani to F2 if he makes it.
Morning, stay safe Carolyn and all in the path of Issac.
Be safe Caro!! We will be thinking of you!!
be safe! Xoxo prayers goin ur way!
Isaac is nothing you will be fine. Now why would Frank give up two HOH competitions?!?!?!?!?
should the next BB be all of the winner's since BB 1 for a prize of $1 mil? Or the Ian theory of good vs evil? I just don't see who would make the "good team"
Best of luck Caroline.
I'm so sorry for you Carolyn. Take care!!! Lurker, here. I never post but it's my first time and wanted to wish you well. Love your site and read it all the time. You all do such a fine job!!! Thanks so very much. <3 and prayers going your way.
Hi Carolyn!! First time blogger here. Wanted to let u know I wish you well and hope you are safe. Thank you for all you do for us and take care. Isaac is supposed to hit MS which should effect us too in TN. Anyway, i have been a non-poster and have followed you since Season 8 and appreciate coming to a non-bashing, fun site where everyone is so fun and friendly. Just love it!!!! Stay safe and prayers sent your way. <3
Hi Carolyn.
Hoping for the best for you and yours!! Stay safe!!
Stay safe Carolyn!
Thinking of you today!
Ps: laptop fixed. Survived my feed withdraws thanks to you! :)
Carloyn, stay safe. I'm in Pensacola. Probable evacuation tomorrow. Love your blog. Can't wait to see what happens. Wishing you well and sending prayers.
stay safe!
Stay safe!
Please be safe, last year at this time it was me , storms, tornado's, hurricanes are not fun!! Stay safe Carolyn!!
Be safe Carolyn, we always miss you when you are gone but we would rather that you focus on your situation.
Got rain here now myself in SW Fl and watching to see how close Isaac will pass by us, tornado watches are less fun than Isaac.
Thanks, Carolyn for your updates. You and the other dishers keep me updated every day. Appreciate your long hours.
Stay safe during Isaac. Will be thinking of you - hopefully you won't lose your power.
Hope to see you tonight for our viewing party!
danamae/in SC
Hang in there Carolyn! Issac will hopefully be just a memory by this time tomorrow.
Thinks Ian should use his POV to keep our Carolyn safe ...
In my thoughts today Carolyn!!
Good morning Carolyn!
Dan has a right to be upset with Danielle. Had she fought for the POV and won the Ian would naturally take off Dan forcing Joe out.
Dan has to come out of his punishment room and immediately convene with Joe, Frank and Jenn and spill the beans about the QP and promise allegiance to Frank et al against the QP.
Ian becomes the swing and he owes Dan and Frank.
Otherwise Dan leaves....
Be safe Carolyn. I have been praying for you and everyone else effected by this that issac will just fizzle out and go away. <3
Hey Carolyn-
Just stopping in to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping you're doing okay with the storm.
Stay safe!
Be safe!
Keep forgetting today is Sunday... Stay Safe Carolyn!!
Come on DAN pull this one out..
Yes why is it called a Chum Bath if he just gets it dumped on him?? that is a Chum Shower.. not a Bath.
Jordan of course.
Hello fellow BB addicts! First time poster here, just wanted to say how much I really enjoy the site and appreciate all the hard work put into it. I don't get the live feeds but I do watch BBAD, and this site really fills in all the gaps and answers any unanswered questions I might have. Those in Isaac's path, please stay safe!! My thoughts and prayers are with you :-)
Hey Carolyn,
In the land of Isaac too. And I'm guessing since it was a chum shower, not a chum bath is why he wasn't even half way covered.
From looks of last weather report Isaac is heading into the gulf gonna miss Dade and Broward. Best wishes for the gulf states in Isaac's path, be safe.
I think Danielle has a amazing body.
Be safe Carolyn! Thanks for all you do! First time commenting but I am on here all the time reading!
I am pretty sure I would rather watch paint dry then hear Danielle speak. She is exhausting.
9:04AM BBT: Everyone is sleeping. In the Have-Not Room, Dan has the disco lights on and a white noise buzzing loudly.
9:55AM BBT: Everyone is still sleeping. The light show continues in the Have-Not room, but Dan is either sleeping through it, or pretending to.
10:30AM BBT: FotH Time to wake up the hamsters.
Frank up and talking to us in the BY. He's in his carrot costume. He sends a shout out to Boogie. Jenn and Ian come outside. Jenn asks if he's talking to himself, says he always does. Frank points out he's talking to SuperPass. "Oh, right, people are watching us!" says Ian.
Frank telling us about his chum baths. Frank was woken up at 2, 4 and 7:30 for Chum baths. As a reward for recounting this, BB sounds the Chum Bath Alarm.
Frank takes his chum bath and Ian laughs as he runs over to the shower. "Thanks for the support Bubba." says Frank as he throws some chum at Ian.
11:12AM BBT: Frank has the carrot suit on, he's rolled it up over his wet shorts, on his way up the stairs to HoH he says Ow, OW...gets in the room and pulls a splinter from his foot.
BB: "Joe, pleas change your batteries!" Ian is in the hammock swinging and talking to himself...FotH
The only words I can hear from Ian start with the letter F. If Joe got up he went back to bed. They are still playing white noise in the Have-Not room, a constant buzz that would drive me more nuts then the music.
11:37AM BBT: Ian and Frank take breakfast to the patio. They say they are glad Dan is in solitary, they don't have to listen to him for a while. At home Frank drinks his morning coffee while watching taped Letterman. Ian says when ever you go on vacation the best thing to buy is a coffee mug, then when it's cold and snowy out you can drink coffee and remember your vacation.
Frank lets out a huge burp, says "Excuse me." Ian says, "All good." Frank says, "You have to say 'excuse me' for the feeders out there."
Ian says he tried to get Dan to throw it. Never gave Dan the definitive on using his PoV on Dan. Ian isn't going to do anything that puts Britney in risk. They don't think Jenn would have gone on slop for the rest of the season if she wanted Dan to come down.
11:45AM BBT: Dan gets up, eats some cake (he is eating the middle out of the cake), gets some water and some more cake and goes behind the curtain.
Frank and Ian talk past competitions. The backyard the other day was a mad house, everyone was yelling at each other. Shane got mad at production for beaning him with balls. Frank says it will be a good episode.
11:51AM BBT: The dance party has started back up for Dan-- bring on the music. He paces back and forth wrapped in a blanket.
12:09PM BBT: Horn blows for Frank's chum bath, he says at least they waited till their conversation was over. Ian say, nothing going on, they would have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Frank heads upstairs to put his suit on... he yelps and says it's COLD!
Frank has a system, take off the carrot suit, take off his t-shirt, puts his hair in a pony tail, climbs into the tub, dips the bucket, pours the red chum over his face, down his front and back, then heads to the outdoor shower. He gets as much off as possible, even opening his trunks.
12:23PM BBT: Frank heads to bathroom, comes out and it's time for another chum bath.
12:29PM BBT: Meanwhile in the rest of the house: Dan is back to the white noise and everyone else is sleeping.
12:45PM BBT: Frank puts a towel down on the patio couch and starts giving shout outs and talking to us: "Love you mom and nana. No one will take me to final two, if I can get Shane there it might be different. Shane might not be that good at the last competition, maybe the other person will say I can't win against Shane but I can against Frank." He continues: "Ideally Dan goes home this week. He needs Joe to win an HoH and put up Britney and Shane or Shane and Ian." Frank says He needs Ian out of the game, he won't take him to final two. "That little shit made a bad move on Thursday, not because he is against me but because it was the best for him. people are saying he is the best player in the game. people don't want to take the best player to final two." He got a bit heated but that's his passion to the game. If he can send three people home this week it would Dan, Ian and Britney with Danielle after that.
tweet from Wil...the photo he posted is HILARIOUS!!
"Wil Heuser @WilHeuser
It's far more fun being outside of the bb house.. Coming Tuesday The Wil Show Muah hahaha!"
Thank you so much Pat...its been driving me batty!
Since Frank can't play the next 2 HOH comps Ian should use his special veto on Dan!
When Brit did the recap of the comp last night I don't recall her mentioning Shane taking any punishments at all...If Shane didn't get anything.. Brit only got shackled.. And Dani just had paint thrown at her... Sounds like to me that all 3 of them threw it... Wont know for sure until Wed. when the show is on.. But if the plan was for Brit or Shane to win veto how come they came out of it with almost no punishments..
My next question/musing/comment is...Is Frank going to have to sit out 2 or 3 Hoh's? Next week he would have to miss because he is HOH this week...does the punishment of missing 2 Hoh's overlap with that one or does it start the week after (I am a Frank fan, but it would only be fair if it was to miss 2 HoH's that he would otherwise be able to compete in...whicj means missing 3 Hoh competitions...)
chum bucket updated tally
12:35 am
1:15 am
1:50 am
3:20 am
4:00 am
6:00 am
7:30 am
11:00 am
12:10 pm
12:20 pm
1:45 pm
11 in 13 hours.
My BB thoughts - this is only my second season watching, so I didn't start the season with any preset opinions about the "coaches". I have never seen a season without former players in it, as last year with the returning vets as duos was my first. I have to say, I'd really like to see a plain old regular season where all the HGs are on level playing ground, would be a nice change of pace lol Anyway, while I voted for the coaches to not come into the game, it is what it is now, and I really like both Dan & Brit. I feel bad for Dan. I feel like while obviously there is some level of dishonesty and manipulation on his part (this is Big Brother after all & that is kinda the way you have to play to go far), he has played a pretty good game and went above and beyond for his alliance. Him keeping Ian out of the line of fire really hurt him and I think it will take a miracle to get him out of this mess. Brit has also played a good game, and I enjoy her personality, she is hilarious! I started out liking Dani, then her constant need for attention and reassurance got on my nerves. At the end of the day, I just feel bad for her. Shane really does say insensitive things to her sometimes, and I think he takes advantage of the fact that she likes him as much as she does (God only knows why...he is nice to look at but has th personality of a wet rag imo!). Ian is great, smart yeot socially awkward, and just seems like a good kid (although I think he is starting to get just a bit too big for his britches at times and needs to feel the heat a little to bring him back down to Earth some). Jenn is nice enough, I just think she started playing the game a little too late. Joe...what can I say? He may have been loyal to Janelle, but he clearly shifts with the power and is basically useless in comps. And then there's Frank. I don't much like him. I wasn't rooting for him from the beginning, but I didn't dislike him really until last week when he was up on the block with, then campaigning for Boogie. They both said alot of just mean, nasty things about just about everyone, including those who were supposedly on their side. It just really made them both look like bullies and I have no respect for that. Anyway, those are just my thoughts on the remaining HGs :-)
Hi first time to post. Did anyone see Franks face as big brother after dark started last night. he was talking to Ian. but the look said alot. it was a look of hate and disgust. I think him knows!!!
but seeing i can't get live feeds on my internet. i don't see if he found out.. butI bet he did!!
Hi first time to post. Did anyone see Franks face as big brother after dark started last night. he was talking to Ian. but the look said alot. it was a look of hate and disgust. I think him knows!!!
but seeing i can't get live feeds on my internet. i don't see if he found out.. butI bet he did!!
Just dropping in to say I hope Carolyn and all of the other Dishers in Isaac's path stay safe. I'm on the east coast of Central FL and we've been downgraded to only possible thundershowers - the normal summer weather for us. I never feel right to wish my troubles onto someone else, so I just hope this storm dies out and causes no harm to anyone. Take care!
Quick question....what is the point of putting on your swimsuit to lay out....when you lay out in the shade?
Frank was disqualified from the POV because he tried to help Britney and shouted out an answer or something to that effect. We”ll see how it plays out on Wednesday on CBS heavily edited version.
Joe was complaining about Britney and Frank and both of them acted like he was crazy and too stupid to understand. At some point Frank was gesturing to Britney to buzz in to answer (but not take the punishment) so he could have it if he was not sure of the question. I think Frank just got a bit over excited and screwed up. Frank thinks Brit and Shane are playing with him now.
This picture of a much cleaner looking Frank are making the rounds on the Internet. Is it possible that the great unwashed carrot top houseguest is putting on an act in the house? With a famous father, even one who is estranged from him, is it possible that he really does have a good income from somewhere and all this nonsense about paying for his own braces in college is part of the character he developed? Bloggers that interviewed him before he entered the house noticed that he blinks a lot. That’s a sure tell of a liar. Is he pretending to be a slob? Is that southern accent perhaps intensified a bit to make him seem less educated? Will he turn out to be have more money and brains than any of the other players? Okay probably not. But he is quite believable as a dirty beach bum with no girlfriend. It is something to think about.
Checking in and glad to see you are still safe and powered.
We have to make our evacuation decision tomorrow or Tuesday AM at the latest. We still have some time to watch the cones of probability and the spaghetti models. The American (GFS) has us in a direct hit and it's been pretty accurate this season. *sigh*
See you tonight for the viewing party. STAY SAFE!
My feeds are still jumpy and loopy.
The girls are up and on the move. Brit has to pee.
They think the chain is too short so they sit on the couch to getangle it.
They head back through the house.
They knock on Dan's door. Dani calls to him a few times.
On the cam in his room he is lying down with his eyes closed.
They go to have breakfast.
They and Frank talk about how they are like Siamese twins.
Brit and Dani want to tell Dan what time it is. They go to the door and knock a few times
Dan lays on his back on the floor, with a blanket over him.
As they knock he shakes his head and closes his eyes.
Once he hear the sounds of the chain move away he opens his eyes again.
The girls goes outside with cereal.
Frank gets something orange colored out of the fridge.
Frank: Take a few bites of this, don't tell anybody.
He uses a fork and eats out of the plastic bag. He takes about 5 bites.
He drops the utensil in the sink and puts the bag away.
Chum time! Frank double dips this time and completely covers his head.
The girls and Ian are talking by the pool. Ian is in the pool. Brit and Dani sit on a lounge eating their cereal. Ian,Brit and Dani discuss if they want Joe to win HOH or not. They think they might be able to Joe to put up Frank. Brit says that Joe might be mad at her because she told Frank what Joe told her yesterday. Ian asks what happened. Brit explains that Joe cornered her yesterday.
Brit: He doesn't understand why Frank whispered to me to buzz in and gave me the answer. Frank said buzz in and don't take it.
The horn sounds and Frank comes up for his Chum Dump.
Brit says he is taking it very well. Frank takes his shirt of and says this is for the ladies. Brit and Dani wave their hands in the air. Frank dumps the chum on him. He remarks it is getting warmer.
Frank takes an outdoor shower. Brit says the horn isn't as loud as her year. Frank runs and jumps in the pool, splashing the girls.
He apologizes for splashing them when he surfaces. He says he didn't realize it would splash them till he was in the air.
The girls suggest they go and get their bathing suits on. Frank agrees.
Meanwhile, Dan lays on his stomach in the middle of the have not room. Rave music playing. A swirling light is overhead. Color lights appear on the walls.
There is music playing in the back ground. Ian says to not say anything, They don't think BB will do anything about it because of the chum thing.
Frank is curious to see what Dan will say to him. Will Dan throw Shane and Brit under the bus.
The girls go upstairs.
Joe and Shane talk in the bathroom. Talk is about Frank. Frank has told one of them that he thinks people have gained respect for me in the house. They argue that last week he was calling them all names. Joe says that Frank has said that he has won the game. Shane adds that they have 2 weeks to get him out, if they don't Shane will write him a check.
Indoor lockdown.
Girls changed out of swim suits.
Girls have walked out of the bathroom twice. Then magical appeared in the kitchen. *
Shane sits at the bar. Ian is making food. Jenn is at the sink.
Music is blaring in the have not room. Dan rolled over from his back to his side.
*Feeds repeat and skip.
The girls decide to do make up. Joe and Shane are in the bathroom too.
Brit says we could talk about oral sex as usual. They love when we talk about that.
Shane says the wizards like when you talk about that.
Shane sits between the girls who are on the bathroom couch, each sitting at a different mirror.
During a break in the music. Dan gets up and eats some cake. He drinks some water out of a bottle. He tosses some clothes out of the circle where he has been sleeping.
The camera sounds like it has gone whacky, moving, moving, moving. Dan looks over at it.
After placing a blanket around himself, he lays back down on his stomach. He stares out. Closes his eyes for a second.. and opens then. He repeats this a few times.
Looks like he is trying to think, but also very tired.
The girls and Joe are sitting in the bathroom. Ian is in the shower. They are talking about books.
Brit talks about a book she read. Joe starts his story about how similar things happened to him.
Joe: My dad would steal money from my mom and blame it on me. My dad would put drugs out in the yard so he could blame me for where the money was going.
Just a question for the "no to Frank" people. Production had to disqualify Frank in the POV contest. If they want him to win, why would they?
I hope Isaac folds right about now! Stay safe Carolyn :o
chum bucket update
(and once again he didn't put his hair in a ponytail and dumped it directly on top of his head.
12:35 am
1:15 am
1:50 am
3:20 am
4:00 am
6:00 am
7:30 am
11:00 am
12:10 pm
12:20 pm
1:45 pm
2:35 pm
so we're up to 12 dumps , 14 hours.
If Dan has any plan now it is probably to maintain his cool and win America's Favorite Player, based on his gentlemanly behavior. Not being cynical, but that's a much better prize than just a stipend, and since it isn't looking likely he can win again, that's the way to go.
And I have to say, Dan fans, I love you all, but, for people who routinely criticize Frank when he's upset with people who interfere with his "dream" of a win, and who point out everyone else has the same sem to be forgetting that everyone on Dan's "team" also has the same dream. Look what happened to the people who stuck with Dan last time!! We heard earlier than Remmy doesn't even speak to him any more.... At some point, if you know Dan's "game"/style you need to get off his team and take him out when you can. You are rooting for Dan to win, so you are upset with people who are interfering with his game, but if you were rooting for one of the remaining 7 you'd be all for it. There's no point at this point in keeping strong players to hide need to get them out of there NOW before they HoH and Veto themselves to the end without you.
All that said though....this music thing for Dan reminds me of what they did to Noriega to get him cave and go to jail for his drug business. Really bad...and if he were to play in another comp he'd be severely disadvantaged due to lack of sleep (unlike Frank and his chum--it really does seem, I agree, that Dan is getting his punishment enforced much more than others). I really think it might have been dangerous for, say, Ian.
Dan's eating the middle of the cake.I think he's hoping there is a second veto ball in there ;)
Hey, Dan eating is more interesting than the gang in the bathroom....
Frank just verbally admitted that "he thinks the world of himself".
Marriage advice from Joe. I'm waiting for Danielle to pop in with her opinions, because she knows all. She's awfully quiet...
Joe's getting really animated explaining to the bathroom group all about love.
These feeds are soooooo boring today.
Brit asks Shane if he thinks about the love of your life. Would you ever notice if she looked like crap.
Shane says no.
Joe says he would and would tell her.
Frank says it depend on the girl.
Joe says that there are days he doesn't like his wife. There are days they don't like each other.
Shane is so bored, everyone. He hates it. Now he knows how we feel.
Aw, they're going to wait til Dan gets out to play poker. What a bunch of sports.
Pic of Dan's cake and how he was eating it (hoping for a veto hidden inside?)
Cams 1/2
Joe joins Shane/Brit/Danielle in the bathroom are. They were talking about Dominos pizza, sorority life
Cams 3/4
Dan sleeping in the party/disco/have not room
Shane asking how much the makeup brushes cost that the girls are using.
Brit says 30-40 dollars.
Shane says God bless you Joe with all of those daughters you have.
Brit says no way, buy them walmart makeup. Cheap makeup until they can afford to buy the expensive stuff themselves
Talk turns to botox.
Shane does not believe boogie had botox.
Brit says she asked Boogie about his botox and he asked her not to talk about it because he is sensitive about it
All 4 cams switch for a moment to Dan eating cake.
Talk turns to the movie Castaway.
Dan back to napping.
Talk turns to books.
Brit likes a book called The Glass Castle based on a true story.
The Britney/Dani tug of war is hysterical.
Brit: Jenn would have loved that.
Speaking of...where is she?
When Frank is invited to share the lounger in the bathroom, he says he is not a fan of lounging in the bathroom because the camera can't even see him.
Ian is shaving. The girls wants to Nair another hairy patch. He declines.
Anyone catch what Dan said?
I thought I heard part of it ... call me a traiter, call me whatever you want, but I will not go out of this game as a quitter!
Not trying to be mean, but sometimes I think Shane got lost on his way to work as a Abercrombie and Fitch store model...
On that note, take this in the spirit of fun...
I did find this screen cap of Shane in the comp yesterday
cam zooms on DR door, then trivia.
I think it is finally time for Dan to come out..
View from from an inside the wall camera person. They move around and you get a brief view of the inside the wall area.
Some one comes out of the storage room.
Jenn was in the DR for a long time.
The "torture" on Dan looks like it took quite a toll, he doesn't look good. Danielle just demanded to get in the DR. Danielle is sitting with him but so far it doesn't seem like AGP is going have him checked out.
Through it all though Dan just cares about how the game has been going.
Feeds come back.
Dani and Brit are chain free. Dani and Brit are tussling. Dani puts Brit over her shoulder. Carries her into the bathroom.
Shane asks what they said about the chum thing.
Dan is out of the room. He went into the bathroom. The others mention the room smelled a bit bad.
Dan comes out of the bathroom, he is cleaning up. Including brushing his teeth.
FotH - solitary lasted 22 hours, the shackles lasted 21.5 hours.
Meanwhile Frank has done 12 chum dips, the amount of time since his 1st one has been 16 hours
Talk in the dining area about the music in the room. Frank thought it was off. Jenn says that sometimes it was low .
Dani goes into the bathroom. Dani asks if he needs some body wash. Dan is not really talking to Dani much. She is obviously confused.
Dan walks by the group.
Frank: If it makes you feel any better Dan, you get to watch me dunk myself one more time.
Dan goes into the storage room. Looking for soap which Dani had offered to get for him. Dan goes into SR and signals to us that he's fine (His "I'm fine" and thumbs up to us was really sweet.
He's playing this. Come on Dan. Work these idiots.)
When he walks back by, the group makes concerned comments.
Joe says he looks a bit pale.
Dan goes towards the bathroom. Dani is still standing there. He goes into the Arcade room and lays down.
Frank is talking about the room already being set up for Dan.
Brit gets called into the DR. She wonders why she wasn't left in the DR. She was just there.
Joe walks into the storage room and tells Dan that when he is ready he will get some food in him.
Dan says he is seeing flashing lights. That it has never happened to him before (this loops twice)
Joe suggests he goes into the DR and gets his vitals taken)
Dani comes in. She goes into nurse mode.
She says she really needs him to talk to her. feeds freeze
She wants to take his pulse. He says no. - You can tell that it's going to push Dani over the edge. He was really cold to her. Heh. Heh heh. - She says "Dan, you're scaring me." She touches his arm and he jerks away from her. - Heh! I can't stop giggling. Dan is totally working Dani right now. -
Now Danielle's all miss emergency saying she needs to get into the DR right now. - Hee! Dan just peeked out from underneath the towel and smiled at us. I love him - I think Dan just fake whimpered. Hilarious.
He deserves an Oscar for this.
Dan is out of confinement for 10 minutes and he's already better than everything that's been on the feeds all day. Fake sickness woo.
Dani leaves. She says in her mic, she needs in the DR right now. Right now. She walks over to the DR. Dan lays on the couch with a pink towel over his head.
At the table beer is being talked about.
Looks like Dani came out of the DR. She goes back to Dan. (feeds are looping and jumping) Dani sits on the couch opposite him. Dan breathes heavily.
Dani: I am still here. You hear me. I won't leave you.
Dan: What did I miss?
Dani: Give me your wrist.
Dan moves his arm away. Dani talks about her and Dani were shackled.
Dan: any good new for me?
Dani says he is having a panic attack.
Dan says the walls are coming in on him. He wants to go outside. He says he needs to go to the DR.
Dani: I am trying and trying.
Dan: When are they letting us outside?
Dani: Another place was having a party, the music was so loud...
I hope all is well! Prayn still... Been thinkn of u all day
Dan: "the walls are coming in and I see flashing stuff, I don't know why, it's scary"
Danielle: "talk to me about Chelsea"
Dani "When I touch you does it scare you?" (HELL YES!)
He has the towel over his face so she can't see him giggling.
meanwhile Frank strutting around with his carrot suit rolled up on the bottom. Waiting for 1 more chum bath for a total of 13 in a span of 16+ hours
Dan's using that little fake sick voice I used when I was little and wanted to stay home from school.
Danielle said they're still having some kind of party outside so they're stuck in the house...
The others in the kitchen think he was throwing up and that is why the room smelt so bad. Brit comes out. She is concerned, but leaves him alone. Shane is concerned. Frank and Jenn say nothing.
Dani had gone into the DR she comes out and says lets go Dan. Dan eventually comes out and goes into the DR.
Feeds start looping and skipping.
Shane wonders if it got to him mentally. Someone says the lights and music were too much. Dani says he is having a panic attack. Brit says she heard Dan saying he needed to go outside.
Brit asked what happened. Dani says she found him in the bathroom, brushing his teeth passing out in the sink.
Shane thinks it was too much for him. Brit says he never answered anyone since 8pm last night. Dani says he hadn't eaten.
Dani says she found him in the have not room on the floor.
Shane: Way to step it up HBC Holy moly
Frank leaves. Jenn is by the sink.
Dani to Brit: Did they rush you out of there?
Brit: No. They said that Dan knows where to go if he needs something. They didn't rush me. What do you think happened.
Frank: A panic attack.
Dani: I am not sure. He said his mind was not .... he said that the walls were closing in on him.. he was seeing strobe lights.
Brit: They will probably give him fluids.
Dani: I think the comp put him in some sort of mental state.
Brit: Maybe the game got to him. Last time he sailed to the end.
Dani: He asked what did I miss? I told him about being shackled. He said no, that is not what I mean. Is there any good news. Then he started breathing harder.
wow.. doubting thomas!! i just dove into the comments..
Thank you soo much!!!
The others in the kitchen think he was throwing up and that is why the room smelt so bad. Brit comes out. She is concerned, but leaves him alone. Shane is concerned. Frank and Jenn say nothing.
Dani had gone into the DR she comes out and says lets go Dan. Dan eventually comes out and goes into the DR.
Feeds start looping and skipping.
Shane wonders if it got to him mentally. Someone says the lights and music were too much. Dani says he is having a panic attack. Brit says she heard Dan saying he needed to go outside.
Brit asked what happened. Dani says she found him in the bathroom, brushing his teeth passing out in the sink.
Shane thinks it was too much for him. Brit says he never answered anyone since 8pm last night. Dani says he hadn't eaten.
Dani says she found him in the have not room on the floor.
Shane: Way to step it up HBC Holy moly
Frank leaves. Jenn is by the sink.
Dani to Brit: Did they rush you out of there?
Brit: No. They said that Dan knows where to go if he needs something. They didn't rush me. What do you think happened.
Frank: A panic attack.
Dani: I am not sure. He said his mind was not .... he said that the walls were closing in on him.. he was seeing strobe lights.
Brit: They will probably give him fluids.
Dani: I think the comp put him in some sort of mental state.
Brit: Maybe the game got to him. Last time he sailed to the end.
Dani: He asked what did I miss? I told him about being shackled. He said no, that is not what I mean. Is there any good news. Then he started breathing harder.
You're Welcome Caro!
I knew that you were busy with a hurricane and that you probably would want to catch up when you had time...
Thank you Doubting Thomas!!!!!
omg dan's wake at 7:50 BBT
Thanks for all of the updates; I just had to know what went down after the crazy PoV competition last night. I wonder what is going on with Dan, could he really have snapped in that solo dance party? I was talking with a coworker at Dish about it, and as much as it seems like scripted TV you can’t deny that they were under a lot of stress already and something like that could tip the scales. I missed the show yesterday, but luckily my Hopper automatically records the major networks at night for its Primetime Anytime service, and I was able to catch it this morning. Good thing too, because I would have been so lost checking the dish to find Frank in a carrot outfit and Dan going mad.
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