Live Show Viewing Party
Good evening, BB Lovers! Happy Live Show Night!! Thank you for coming to the live show viewing party here on BBDish!
In a surprise move this morning and afternoon, Britney put forth a great deal of effort to save herself. The question is, will it be enough?? Ian is Team Brit, Joe is completely malleable, but Shane... not so much. Still, it's only over when the HG is on the couch next to Julie!
Endurance Comp HoH on the Live Feeds!!!
Are we 100% it's happening? YES!! Julie Chen just confirmed it during the live show!!
I predict blood, sweat and tears.. and Big Brother passion at it's finest!
If you haven't signed up for the feeds yet, now is the time! Treat yourself to the 3 day free trial, and see how the game is actually played. You deserve it!☺
As with all BBDish Viewing Parties, the action is in the comment section. See you in there!
Oh look! An East Coast Feed from Canada! Just click the play button watch right here along with us..
Click the Play Button.
In the event you miss the Big Brother 14 broadcast during it's time slot, please visit They upload full episodes. :)
During the broadcast, I'll also be filling in the blanks on all the pertinent info below..
Julie Chen: Confirms it's Endurance tonight!!
During the broadcast, I'll also be filling in the blanks on all the pertinent info below..
Julie Chen: Confirms it's Endurance tonight!!
Votes to Evict:
Dan votes to evict Britney
Jenn votes to evict Britney
Ian votes to evict Danielle
Shane votes to evict Britney
Joe votes to evict Britney
Dan votes to evict Britney
Jenn votes to evict Britney
Ian votes to evict Danielle
Shane votes to evict Britney
Joe votes to evict Britney
By a vote of
4 to 1
has been evicted
from the BB14 house.
HoH Competition: Endurance.. as confirmed by Julie in the 1st couple minutes of the show!
Join us for Endurance Comp Coverage in a new top post when the Live Show Ends! :)
is the new
Head of Household!
Please join us in a new top post following the live show..
If this link - doesn't work, try
ok :)
And.. Happy Live Show Night Everyone!!
Thank you for being a part of the dish!
Hi Miz Carolyn,
Hi Everyone,
Love, love, love endurance comps and the live feeds just make them all the better...
hi everyone!!
Thank you for the 2 links...:):)
Hello!!! I am here!! Really hope Danielle gets to spend time with the Chenbot ... lol ...
MWAH to you Caro and all the dishers~
I had a slight computer glitch earlier today.
This was me:
I would translate, but it's so vulgar even Joan Rivers and George Carlin would be offended.
Hi, Everyone! ☺
Hi, Carolyn! Hi, All! Happy Live least I hope it will be happy. I hope Brit pulled it off somehow. I know it's a stretch, but I'd be a happy camper ;)
Happy Thursday "Live" Show Carolyn and fellow dishers!! I am so happy you have the show on here, I love football but not during BB!!! I can't wait until the endurance comp! Good Luck Brittany!!!
Can't wait to see if Brit saved herself at the last minute!!!!
Thanks for the links Carolyn; football is on here too!!
Can't wait for tonight's show and competition!!
Can't wait to see if Brit saved herself at the last minute!!! Love your blog... Been reading since BB8!!!
Hi Carolyn and All! *crossing fingers for long endurance*...
are you going to post a link to watch the show online?
*Blue ducks for cover and hides..........
Hi Pammmm!!! :0) mwah!!
Hi DavidB!! :)
Hi Steph!! :0) Mwah 2u! and ditto!
Hi Dineane!! :0) fingers and toes and eyeballs crossed!
Hi Blueeee!! :) Eeeek!! lol! George Carlin would be offended?? OK. that's a BIG curse! lol!
Hi Janice!! :) sure thing!
Hi Salmon&Cereal! :) me too!
Hi Goodtimes!! :) Fingers crossed for Brit and the streams!
Evening everyone!! I am missing my daily contact, why do kids have to go to school anyway?!! I would love to see Brit stay. Dan really needs to win HOH and backdoor Frank while he is in the mist! So exciting anyway it happens!!
Hi, everyone,
I'm looking forward to tonight's eviction. I'm still not sure who Shane is going to vote out. Happy Viewing everyone and thanks for all you do, Carolyn & crew!
Happy Live Show night!!
Thanks so much for all you do! I'm getting preempted by football yet again and this is definitely a night I don't wanna miss. :-) Can't wait to see who ends up sitting next to Julie!
Your link last night to JustinTV saved me... We were preempted in Tampa for Bucs preseason :(
I'm so very excited for tonight! Love an endurance comp.
Hi everyone!
Happy LSVP and hopefully Endurance HOH. Who will stay, who will go? With the new HOH, where will the alliances fall and who will be the target? Time to reset :)
Enjoy the show (((hugs)))
hey everyone!!!!
Smooches to all!
Sad to see Britney go! She has the best DRs and the sweetest of sweetness for Ian.
Thanks Caro, for the feed!
Hello Carolyn and everyone!! Happy Live show day!!
Hey Dishers! So excited for tonight's live show and HOH comp. Looking forward to another crazy BB night. :)
Hi everyone!!!
I am Team Brit and Ian! They have broke my heart the last couple days.
Hi peeps! Happy live show! Just rewatching last night's episode til the show starts. Such incredibly brilliant maneuvering by Dan.
Hello Carolyn and everyone!! Happy Live show day!!
Happy Live Show NIght!!!
Hi Filis!! :) Thank you!
Hi BeckyakaTata! :) ((hugs!!))
Hi Kimba!!! :) ditto baby!
Salmon&Cereal :) THanks so much! And this is the 1st time you'r ein the comments?!?!?
RANDOM... I wonder what happened to Brother Mouzone..
Hi ANthony!! :)
Hi ilissa!!! Smoooch!! :)
Hi WendyBBFanatic! :) (((hugggs!!)))
Hi Alisha! :)
If I were in Britney's position... I'd get Dan to vote for me to stay and promise to blame the vote on Shane.Heat on Ian, Heat on Frank, Heat on Shane and a week's deal with Dan. Golden.
But alas, Britney's super good at entertaining us and not getting herself off the block :(
Okay, I have about 3 links up to stream East Coast link ... if none work, I will have to pass on tonight ... so hoping one of them works!
Woo Hoo!! Happy Thursday...although not so happy when Brit leaves. ;( Hoping the others opened their eyes and she pulls out a miracle!!
Hi Carolyn and Fellow BB Addicts!
Hi all, My 2 cents; I hope Ian doesnt throw HOH and wins it himself. At this point I think he is the only one who will try to evict Frank. I know you guys like his tush, but boy is he arrogant and a bully. Just my opinion.
Hi Carolyn, Hi Dishers!!! happy big brother live show!! yea
Comment section window on the left.. window on the right...
Here we go!weeeeeeeeee
Yay for Dan!!!! :-)
Hello. Everyone. I made it. I have the salsa and chips.
Hello all!
Hello Carolyn, Hello Dishers -
I just can't wait to see who wins tonight's endurance comp and find out what scheme is the one that will actually go into play. I just with Britney had come to play the game and stay in the house, why come on if you don't fight to the death to stay like Dan.
I hope this is at least an interesting vote. I would have liked Brit to try a little harder today - and I would LOVE a surprise in the votes, no matter what the result.
Hi Carolyn! Glad to be here tonite...excited about an endurance!
Soooo excited for tonight! Wish Brit could her!!!!
Hey Dishy Family!!!!
Welcome to the LSVP!!! I.cant.wait.
This comment has been removed by the author.
can't wait...hi everyone!!!!
Appreciate the links, Carolyn. Stupid pre-season football here, too. Ugh! Regular Season I can understand.
Hi MoNYC!! :)
Hi Edie!!
Hi DanaMae!! :)
Hi Ekmurf!! :)
Hi SHiSHi!!! :) Yummm!! THank you!!
Hi Pally!! :0 There ya go!
Hi Toniiii!! :)
Hi GregStirn!! :) me too!
Hi Jadaz!! :)
Hi Lee! :)
Everyone - Use this one:
I totally didn't nap this afternoon after work in prep for an endurance comp, tomorrow may be brutal..
My gah!! So excited for this!! Absolutely brilliant!!
Hiya Caro and rest of the dishy fam!!
Nice to see Dan getting major props from EW and NYP!
wooohooo ty for the tv show on here i was freaking out on the cbs tv station because football or what ever. But lets go dan and dani woohoo let the games begin yet again
I made it.....Happy Live show everyone!
Happy Live Show Everyone!
This was my first week Student Teaching and things got a little crazy...taking a much needed break to watch the live show! Gah...I'm hoping somehow Britney stays but I know it is near impossible.
Hey everyone....lurker coming out of hiding! So excited for tonight..really hoping Britney will stay, but I'm afraid she'll be going home. :( I hated her in her season, but I've grown to love her this season....especially seeing her so kind and gentle with Ian. It melts my heart! :)
I am here!!! Still recovering so I am home tonight :) Happy Viewing all!!!
Hi ELizaD!! :)
Hi Softballmom!! :)
Hi SusieBerber!! :)
Hi BeebElle! :)
Hi Barbara!! :) meee toooo!!!
Again.. I recommend using
I'm not putting it on the main page, because the powers that be are less likely to shut it down if it's only here in the comment section..
Hahaha For Dan excitement in the Arcade Room.
Hi HeatherMN!! :) -- ditto.. 100% absolute ditto! And thanks for coming out of the shadows! :)
Hi Sharelle!! :) Welcome back! :)
Hi SandraB!! :) Yayyyyy!!
Hi JadeDarkStar!! :)
Hi Emrys!!! :)
Britney looks nice.
also, first time they've shown a hg speaking to the camera outside of the dr sessions, yes?
Excuse me while I giggle to myself
I know I'm not Brits biggest fan but omg when her lower lip quivers, gosh, just tears. Poor bb.
no links .. wahhh wahhh ... wahhhh
Mo - mmm.. they showed Dan camera talking in hs 1st season.
I made it home just in time... turned on tv to find cbs was airing football - ugh! I ran to get laptop so I can get feed through your website and then from channel surfing on tv I found to my surprise BB airing on another local channel WLNY channel 10 for any othe NY eat coasters out there that need to know :). Hi everyone btw -- happy live show and endurance!
Ugh....why is Frank so mean to Ian?? Trying to be sneaky?? More like...trying to play the game!!
Special Link Just for Stephanie:
Its the brigade all over agin, Britney is sitting in the same place where she found out the first time!!
Oh Dan, smiling in the arcade room and listening at the wall.
Again major props to Ian for standing up for himself and Brit.
Lmao - Ian got owned by Frank. Just sit down, Ian. You're an amateur
Hey KimCat!! :0)
Julie said "endurance"! guess it will be a late night for me!
LOL...Ian sticking up the finger. LMAO, so cute! How could you ever be mad at him??
Finally got the feeds to work in IE, must be something going on with Chrome ...
I am back, what did I miss?
It has been confirmed!! Endurance it is.
Thanks Chenbot. <3
Hi all! Happy Thursday! I hope that we all see our favorite win HOH :-)
I'm gonna be bitter and catty and say punish in honor or brit's eviction. mwahahaha
Wow, I never went bacon flashback and watched the fallout from Veto, so much more epic seeing it that reading about it! love!
Punish them!
I say reward him and watch how quick Joe jumps down lol
I was think today that maybe Dan tells Shane that Dani has been using him the whole time....and gets Dani out.
I can dream
Ahhh okay, Caro. I defer to your memory. Still really cool moment, though. I dug the breaking of the 4th wall as it were.
I think reward them, then everyone else will wonder if they get a good prize too...hehe
HI All!!!! Thanx for the invite to the party!!
Can't wait for endurance and honestly it's gonna be a shocker vote for sure...I haven't had a chance to read and catch up after 2 12 hr days of work, so not really sure where Shane's head is at...
I'd like to see Brit stay so Ian isn't alone, and it can cripple Frank a bit...
Lets go Ian for endurance tonight...That would surely flip the house again!!
Thank you Caro!! I am in like flint!
Endurance!!!! But we don't know what either reward or punish is, so its hard to vote. But I think punish because it could go either way and Frank could get something that I think he deserves. But if the reward it could help someone.
Go Brit... Telling it like it is
Thanks Caro!! I am in ...
Punish them!! I want to see it goes for HOURS!!!
Britney is so freakin' cute!
I will miss Britney's sense of humor.
Joe and Shane .... The lost boys
Dan is wearing yellow in a DR instead of his usual pink?
Hi DavidLockner!! :)
Mo - hehehe! VERY Cool moment! :)
**all I could hear was Julie confirming Endurance!***
Hi RmLove23~ :)
Hi GaleFromSouthLouisiana!! :)
ElizaD - good stuff! :)
Hi KMac!! :)
Hi Damaris! :)
OMG, I was napping getting ready for a long night... I'm here now Hi Caro and all dishers.
Come on gang keep Brit
Aw, Britney in a pretty dress ... she knows she is going home, so sad
Its the only decision that Jen really made this season hehehe,
Brit said earlier today, that dress she is wearing is the one she got engaged in. She's been saving it.
She does look nice.
wow editing was good
Just dropping in to say hi, happy endurance! BB isn't on till 3am here in KC and my internet is acting up, Booooooooo! Can't wait to see who goes home!
HiG in the Bert!! :)
Hi TillmanGirl! :)
Oh hi Carolyn!
Flipping to College Football on commercial breaks and forgot to say hi!
anyone want Pizza? Here have some
So glad it's Endurance.
Glad I stocked up on nuts.
And let's leave that one alone. teehee. ☺
Frank made the decision. Jenn gained blood.
Britany was talking to Joe this morning and told him she was going to wear her pink dress, this is the one she wore when Ryan proposed to her...
meow meow! lol
Hi Carolyn and everyone!
I know it's a longshoremen but I would like to see brittney stay. Just watching Dani sit there with Brittney makes me sick. And then to hear before the show started that Shane wants to help Dani get as far as he can't only makes him look like an idiot, since age will always go back to Dan. Especially after Dani told Dan that Shane is jealous of Frank because of Dani.
Hi everyone! Hurricane Issac says we cant watch BB tonight. We are still without power. I'm counting on y'all yo keep me posted!
OMG, they are replaying my favorite BB moment ever!
Awww...I love that the Brigade is on tonight!!
LOL at psycho music for danielle.
LoVinG the Brigade Flashback!!!!
Love this clip of the Brigade!
LOL @ Amy Fisher comment!!!!!
ohhhh, Enzo. :)
Fatal attraction, Amy Fischer...LOL Enzo is hilarious.
Haha Matt dressed as pagent Brit.
Oh my heart seeing Brit crying again!
I am so sad to see Britney go...I rally do like her. She looks gorgeous tonite.
Haha....the BRIGADE!
Ian in a Fanny Pack! LOL
HiG in the Bert!! :)
Hi TillmanGirl! :)
Hi Terraific! :)
Hi Tripl!!! :)
**LOVING the Brigade segment!
Bragade awesome
Love, Love, Love, Love that bit with the Brigade!!! Did I say I love??? ;)
Brigade!!!!! Awesome.
Brigade!!!!! Awesome.
Man in a Carrot Suit on national t.v.
Gotta laugh!!!! :)
What's with everyone obsessed with body hair on this show? But its was cool to see the brigade again.
Love Love Love the brigade segment....!! LOL...they called Dani "The Stalker" lol
Loved seeing the Brigade!!
Awww (also hey!), that kinda makes me kinda sad about Brit.
Hi Flower!! :0) You are not alone!
Brigade!!!! Awesome.
Meow meow
Hayden looks sooooo different now. Or is it just me? wow.
I think Frank's imminent exit will be EPIC. I will be waiting.
Lane is awesome! Lmao at wanting to put Ian in his fanny-pack. And then the blue shirt comment to Shane about real men wearing pink.
Enzo calling Dan a werewolf in sheep's clothing and needing to shave his forearms.
Man, I miss those guys. Pure comedy.
Frank is such a narcissist. I hope it leads to his tragic downfall.
What a great segment with The Brigade. Matt Hoffman in that "creepy pageant" costume was HILARIOUS.
OhMyGahhh The Amy Fisher comment!
Hi CeeMurph!! :)
Hi leeeee!!! :)
Gale from SouthLa
Did you have any bad weather? I am in Alexandria and it didn't get near as bad as everyone expected. Some damage from winds and electricity off but that's about it.
turning down the sound on my tv.
i dont wanna hear them tell Brit to go home :(
He does, Blue. Hayden was giving Barry Gibb vibes. I think it's because doesn't have the moptop hair in his face anymore.
Hello everyone. I just realized I have been posting two or three word posts all night. So execited for endurance tonight
Party over here....Ain't nothing over there! Hey Carolyn and Co.! :)
Hayden looked like a young Billy Ray Cyrus!! YUCK!!!!
::Looks for OldWoman in live audience::
Hes mean! What happened to keepin it classy for nana?
Hi Chella!! :0)
Hi JoyusAngel!! :)
Everyone, make sure you have your Live Feeds pulled up and on, in case of heavy traffic tonight.
If you wait until 10 or after, you may have trouble logging in.
Ok all caught up, comfy cloths on and I brought the wine - which i will pass to the left! Oh please Brit be safe
Hi BlkMagic! :)
Hi Janice! :)
**Julie-- I don't wannaaaa!!!
I keep scanning the crowd for "old woman" and I don't know what she looks like.....crazy
It was cool to see the old house next to the new one!
little late to the party but im here!!
Hi Carolyn
hey everyone
And That is why We will Miss Britney,
Nice Jerry reference Brit! And I like Dan!!!!
I miss the Meow Meow! Amy Fisher comment was hilarious.
Blue - you are a riot. Love your comments - keem 'em coming!
Woah, Brit. Judas? Really??
love, love, love Brit...made need a tissue...
Poor so sad
I just started on my dvr and it made me sad to see brittany dressed up and Danielle in athletic gear :-(
dammit Shane!!!
Boo hoo
Oh Shane.. dumb dumb move!
Whatever it is, Dan needs to hold on for dear life. LOL.
Blue - seems Shane could have used some of those nuts you have. Should have kept Brit! :(
I may start crying...............seriously.................and I never thought that would happen.............
Darn Darn Darn....poor Brit
Whoa was the background moving behind Julie? Weeeird.
Ugh...why does it have to be Danielle staying. GO IAN....don't make any deals tonight...go for the HOH!!!!!
Also: Shane evicted his coach. Ouch.
Mo! Barry Gibbs! That's it.
Love how the audience was so into Shane's vote, I think they were upset that Britney was going home,
Bye Brit!!! :-( On the Bright side, More Coffee and Wine for the rest of them!
One coach left!
Caro you called it! JC: "Is he pure evil or pure genuis" B: "Oh, both."
MO.. sigh.. yup
My Spidey senses were pretty accurate today.
Brit so is a class act love her!
Because she obviously did better than Brit in the game!
Sorry, but Shane's widow peak plugs kill me!
Whoa, this has been quite a long interview with Miss Brit.
I LOVE BRIT and I will truly miss sad :(
Awesome ... she handled eviction so well! Will seriously miss her DR's ...
That was a nice Interview with Julie and Britt Britt, one of the better ones, I think they have some time to fill tonight on the show,
Ian will be so fired up for tonight's endurance...I doubt we'll see a deal from him...Frank sealed his fate with the PoV comp punishment he took...gonna be a nailbiter for sure!!
Come on Dan ! Win something!
Sniff, sniff. Glad I go back to work on Tuesday, since Britney won't be there to entertain me.
Please be kind and respectful to one another. Leave the drama to the House Guests.
*Blue wipes crocodile tears from his eyes........
Britney has completely redeemed herself from her own season......a season wherein I couldn't stand her.
Miss Britney, you are a class act, and a beautiful woman. Inside and out. Thank you for making this season so much fun!
You will be missed. :'(
In the words of Renny... Daaaaan!
Having Britney withdrawals already!
There goes the laughter and the fun from the housoe!
Sad to see Brit's wit leave the house. Especially when leaving behind Dani's voice/whine/accent, whatever.
Ditto what Blue said.
The only drama I have is me tearing up that Brit left....
Ok time to reset and move on.
Uh Oh! Did I break a rule? *yikes*
OMG Danielles goodbye message.....that voice kills me..grrr!!
Go Ian for HOH, make them all
Question: Why is Dan Judas and not Ian?
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