The Overnight Report
Good morning, BB Lovers! Happy Saturday! It's PoV day in the BB14 house and Dan Gheesling's 29th Birthday!! Let's see what mischief our HGs got into late last night on the live feeds..Start with the lovely and talented Lessa's Late Night Jam, listed on top.. and work your way back, if you need more catching up.
- Approved by JessieClause...--Lessa's Late Night Jam
- Big Brother 14: And the PoV Players are...
- Big Brother 14: Nominations Spoiler
- Ian's Pandora's Box, Pre Nominations Meetings and ...
I was looking around ebay last night before I went to bed, and I found a saucy little something I'd really like BB to put into Shane's Next HoH Basket
Since it's Dan's Birthday today, it only seems fitting that we should find a gift for him! Here's my idea: Happy Birthday to Dan!!
While I'm getting the Overnight Report together, please enjoy the latest installment from everyone's favorite NSFW @BB11HouseRodent:
When I went to bed last night, the HGs were positive they'd be having a late night PoV... BB cured them of this misconception shortly after 10pm and they were up and at it til just after 3am..I'm gonna dive into the flashback area of the live feeds and cull the important stuff and the funny stuff from after midnight..
Please refresh this post starting around 5am bbt to watch the overnight report begin to magically appear..
Feed 1 and 2
Dan and Danielle
Final 3s and Speeches..
Dan: If we could take Jenn to the final 3, that would be huge. We'd just steamroll her.
Danielle: Yep..
Dan: I think the dream final 3 is you, me and Jenn.. or even you, me and Joe.
Dan: He's so easy to beat..
Danielle: Yeah, but if you ever go up, he's voting against you.
Dan: Why doesn't he like me?
Danielle: He loves you. You just intimidate the shit out of him. I don't trust him.
Dan: Neither do I.
Danielle: So...
Danielle counts the jury votes she believes she already has.. and comes up with a majority.
Dan: You have my vote if I'm there.
Danielle: I know. But I don't want you to.
Dan: Ian.
Danielle: He was warning me.. It kinda made me mad.. but he was like, you know if you take Dan to the final 2, if you think he's just gonna lay down, blablabla, and not give it to you, you're crazy. When you get to final 2, Dan's gonna campaign against you in his speech. He's gonna throw you under like he already did.
Dan: What'd you say to him? No.
Danielle: I said, I know.. but..
Dan: I wouldn't do that. I mean, what could I possibly say bad about you? That you took me to the end? That you protected me whenever you could? That you always kept me in the house?
Danielle: She was like, if you think he's just gonna lay down and die, you're stupid.
Dan: Who said that?
Danielle: Britney.
Dan: I wont say anything bad about you. Just stuff I did.. but I'm not gonna play dirty or mean..
Dan: ..especially at that point. Why are you lookin at me like that?
Danielle: I'm just thinking.
Dan: It'd be something like, "I did what I came here to do.. regardless of anything that happened.. I did what I came here to do. Which was.. get.. 1 person to the end.. and show that I could coach someone to the end.. show that I could identify that person who had what it took.. to get to the end. Y aknow? ANd that if I can do that for someone else? Then I did what I came here to do.
Danielle: Alright... I would never ___ you.
Dan: Me either.
Danielle leaves. Dan winks at the camera. We move forward into the night..
Feed 3 and 4
Frank and Dan
Frank: The only thing that worries me is your key coming out last today.. I mean, it might not mean anything..
Dan: In terms of if someone comes down?
Frank: Yeah..
Dan: As long as you're comin' down, we can still get through that... know what I'm sayin'?
Frank: (with urgency) I don't know if we can..
Dan: oh. Cuz if Jenn's still up.
Frank: Yeah.
Dan: So what do you think our best case scenario is then? Stays the same?
Frank: Either I go off.. One of us goes off.. and Joe goes up. (pause) Here's the thing.. If you go up?
Dan: We lose that extra vote that we need.. unless you come down..
**fishies, briefly
Frank: I never thought you'd go up as a replacement nominee til I saw your key come out last.. I'd work on Ian a little bit.
Dan: If he's aloof with me, that means I'm really the one.
Frank: He's aloof with everyone.. He told me today he had bigger fish to fry, but..
Dan: I wouldn't consider Joe a bigger fish.
Frank: Literally yes, but figuratively no. What sucks is, we need our people to work for us before the noms.. What we needed was Danielle to go up there and say look, I'd love to see Joe go up on the block. We needed her to tell Shane the same thing..But these m-f'ers we're workin' with aren't willing to put in that type of work.. They're just lookin' out for themselves...
**We? Who is this we you speak of? I'm not so sure there's a We anymore, unless Frank wins the PoV... then the We could and likely will come back into play..
This is ongoing.. if you'd like to watch it in the flashback section of the live feeds, go to Feed 3 at 12:35am. We've got to move forward into the night.. Please refresh this post every 20-30 minutes for more..
Feed 3 and 4
Danielle and Joe
Flashback Funny: "Teach me how to Duggie"
Much to the other HGs amusement, Danielle Teaches Joe how to dance.. Flashback to 1:08am on feed 3 and Enjoy!
While the dance lesson is going on, Dan moves upstairs to HoH with Ian, and stays there quite a while.. We'll be joining them as we move forward into the night..
Feed 1 and 2
HoH Room
Dan and Ian
As Dan is misting Ian, or doing his best to, we'll be sticking with this conversation. I recommend highly that you watch it for yourself on flashback.
Watching Danielle teach Joe how to dance on the spy screen, Ian remarks that there's a friend of his back home that he's certain is falling for Danielle.. It opens the door for the following conversation, which starts off innocently enough and progresses to Dan mentioning how dangerous Danielle is in this game.. among other things. Let's join them...
Dan: Who would you most compare Danielle to.. from past seasons?
Ian: (long pause as he considers this)
I'll be continuing on from here.. Just wanted to give the flashback folks a pointer as to where to go next. :)
Ian: Jordan would be in there.. I would say like Lisa from BB3 a little bit.. and maybe a little bit of Cassie..
Dan: Cuz she can hang with the guys?
Ian: I mean.. She is. I think she'll be the last girl standing. I'd like to see a guy win this one though.
Dan: Odds are that's gonna happen.
Ian: I mean, if it's Danielle, that's fine with me, but I'd like to see a guy win.
Dan: (misty bomshell #1) I don't know if anyone could beat her in the end.
Ian: Uhh.. I was explicitly told that I woud likely beat her in the end. I was told.. before Britney left who I would have a hard time beating, and who I would most likely win against.
Dan: And that's from Britney's standpoint?
Ian: Yeah.
Dan: She has no idea.. She nevr even spent any time in the jury hous eto see how people vote.
Ian: There's a lot of game left to be played, obviously. I mean Joe could frikkin pull off a string of wins and look like this impressive gamer, for all we know.
Dan: Yep. The thing with Jerry.. You knew where he was coming from. He was on one side of the battle line and never crossed over.
Ian: He's on the side of whoever's HoH. He's Chicken George, but slightly more slick. Not even.
Dan: Do you think, if he won..
Ian: Not even that.. He's more Adam (bb13) than anything else.
Dan: Oh.
**I totally disagree!
Dan: Do you think if he won Veto he'd listen to you?
Ian: I'd hope, but I don't wanna roll the dice. Shane and Danielle are totally off limits this week, and that was my 1st word. (pause) He's not. He's.. I don't wanna say he's not gonna, but it's such a low probability that it's not even..
Dan: Well he's gotta win it, and then he's gotta use it.
Subject shift..
Dan: Something's not right. What do you think's gonna happen in terms of eviction this week?
Ian: I really hope it's normal, cuz I wanna do the blog, and I wanna do the tweets.
Dan: Yeah
Ian: I mean, I'd really like to do those.
Dan: Do you think that's likely?
Ian: If it's Otev and it's at sunrise.. I remember the hockey one being dark out.. I think we're just getting hyped up for no reason. As far as I know, there was no indication.. and typically Julie would say, and it wouldn't have been an endurance..
Dan: What do you think our next HoH is?
Ian: QnA
Dan: In what format? Step up, step down?
Ian: Yeah.. 5 or 4 playing..
Dan: If it's 5 people playing..
Ian: 3 on 2.. If Jenn gets it, I'm screwed. If she stays and gets HoH, I'm screwed.
Dan: I'll make sure she doesn't. Doesn't matter though. You have the votes. That's the thing..
Ian: If I'm against, what, Shane?
Dan: Next week's 2-1 in voting..
Ian: Who would I be up against.. That's the thing. If it's like Frank, I'm not gonna get it.
Chatter about the monkey Ian got as one of the Pandora's Box gifts. Danielle hates it, so Ian keeps pulling pranks on her with it.
Dan: You should put it under her covers.
Ian: That's what I want to do.. But you should do it, because she wont expect it..
Dan: I'll do it..
Dan goes fishing... and doesn't come up empty handed...
Dan: How much were you hoping, when you were opening your gifts, that there was a Veto or something in there.
Ian: I was really hoping.. There was one extra thing that I did not mention.
Dan: What?
Ian: A $1000 card.
Dan: Really?
Ian: mm hmm
Dan: That's awesome.
Ian: yeah
Dan: Good for you. That's really cool.
Ian: mm hmm. At first I wasn't gonna hide it, but I figured if I said anything, people would be like, sure, Diamond Veto.
Dan: That was smart not to say anything. Do you have the card?
Ian: (shakes head no) mm mm. They took it.
**you buying that? I'm not. I doubt Dan is either. Methinks Ian's not being completely honest here.
Ian: They took the copper envelope..
Dan: I woud have liked to see that.
Ian: I wish they didn't take it, cuz it would've went in my room really well, as like a frameable..
Dan: Yeah.
Chatter about what Ian will keep from the game.. and a theft.. I'm waiting for more game..
Dan: Don't tell them I told you that, but you'll be back. I think you and Frank.. and that's it. You're really well liked.
Ian: On the outside or in? I think I blew it on the outside. My drunken antics..
Dan: But none of that's gonna air. Maybe 100,000 people saw that.. out of 7 million. What else was I gonna tell you? Oh. The second you get outta here.. put everything on ebay. Keep very little.
Ian: Sell everything? Except the key.
Dan: Yeah.. whatever you wanna keep.
Ian: The key and..
We return to Ian telling Dan about when he got his invitation, instead of a Key.. The lack of Key made him suspect.
Dan: I bet less than hald the people thought anything of it.
Ian: I thought something was big time up.. I even said to the guy, "Is someone getting voted out in the front yard?"
Dan: That woulda sucked.
We return to Ian talking smack about Jodi...
Ian: I maintain that even if that twist hadn't happened, Willie would've put her up and she would've been the 1st one out.
Dan: How do you think Kara would've been at this game.
Ian: Good. She's pretty, she's smart, she's well liked.. Danielle's good too.
Dan: She's smart too.
Ian: Danielle?
Dan: Yeah.
Ian revisits the idea of pranking Danielle with the monkey..
Then Dan broaches the subject of Ian's stimming and such.. While not game, it has been a topic of great discussion this season, so let's join them..
Dan: Hey, can I ask you something?
Ian: mm hmm
Dan: When like.. I know people who are really smart.. I was telling you about my brother in law, Pierce? He had OCD. Did you have that too?
Ian: mm hmm
Dan: His thing is he never wanted to take medication for it.
Ian: I don't like to either. You know how I am with the hammock.. I like to constantly move.. and in the chairs..
Dan: you bounce back and forth..
Ian: yeah.
Dan: Have you been diagnosed with OCD?
Ian: Um.. I would say ADHD.. I mean, that's what.. I know I'm that, because when I was in elementary school, I was in GATE (gifted), and the teacher was like, "He can't focus on anything at all," and she's like, I don't think you should be in the program because he's too detrimental.. Like every day 5, it'd just be like me and the 7 other kids in th eprogram would sit in the room and do other activities.. like creative projects.. I remember in the 1st grade, I had to do a project about smallpox in the 3rd world.
Dan: In the 1st grade?
Ian: I remember, we had to do an art project once.. When I was in the 1st grade.. there were 20 artists we did case studies on..
Dan asks about Ian's family smarts.. and Ian's ability to focus when reading..
Dan: Do you know growing up that something was different about you?
Ian: Because I couldn't focus on stuff.
Dan: But even though you can't focus on stuff, how do you retain everything.
Ian: Retain everything? I don't know. I just store it.
Dan: But how, if you can't focus on one thing? How do you do that?
Ian: I don't know. If I experience something, I tend to remember it..
OK.. Dan remains up in HoH til it's time to go to bed.. so we're gonna skip ahead a bit.. or there's no way I'll finish this Overnight before the HGs get up!
Feed 1 and 2
Dan and Ian, cont'd.
As we rejoin Dan and Ian, talk is of the endurance comp, and how Shane was struggling so much, whereas Ian had hours left in him.
Dan: I'd like ot win the next one.
Ian: You need to win the next one. Cuz.. I mean.. If Jenn's still here, she can't get it.. And Joe?
Dan: Joe is gonna pull out a crap win. It's gonna happen.
Ian: It's gonna.. and when it does, it's you or me. He hates you. He hates you. Well, he dosn't hate you, but he really dislikes you..
Dan: I don't know why.
Ian: He was really disgusted with the funeral. He's still disgusted. The other night, when he came up here to talk about nominations and I got a warning for talking about nominations? I was like, what is this? Big Brother f'ing UK?
**Ian flips off BB with both hands. Dan looks into camera.
Dan: Yeah.
Ian: But uh.. right when he was up here, I said to him, the only way you would need to worry, is if Frank or Jenn pull themselves down, you would probably be the replacement, but we'd still have the votes, so it wouldn't matter. And he's like, "Why isn't Dan the replacement?" And I just go, well, I feel like if Dan went up, there'd be the temptation to vote him out, and with you, the temptation wouldn't be there.
Dan: What'd he say?
Ian: He goes, I wouldn't mind if you put Dan up against Frank or Jenn, because at this point, I don't even know if I wanna live in the same house with the guy.
Dan: This was last night?
Ian: This was last night. And then I basically said to him, there's very little chance of DAn being nominated.. I basically said, he's in the mix, but he's not a prime target at this time. Britney gave me very explicit instructions before she left..
**I have to pause and laugh.. Dan, and the rest of the HGs for that matter, are playing with ghosts in the house.. Frank brings Boogie with him everywhere, and Ashley here and there, and Ian now brings Britney.
Ian: One of them was win HoH and put up Frank and Jenn, and get rid of one of them.
Dan: What did she think of me? Was she pissed at me?
Ian: She was absolutely pissed, but she understood why..
Dan: I liked her..
Ian: I really liked Brit.. She was my best friend here.. It's fine though. I can find someone else I can unconditionally trust.
**hard in life, harder in bb...
Ian: She was just great.. Great to be around, funny, really cool, good advice, trustworthy.. I feel like only she can get away with making fun of anyone here and get away with it like she did.. Like the night I sat with her in the Arcade Room.. and they were constantly saying, Frank, Stop Singing.. and she was like it's like a freakin broken record.. (makes fun of Frank) I said, I hate o break it to you, Brit, but where you're heading is not going to be a fount of intellectual discussion. She was like, kill me now.
**jury segment please.
Dan: Did she tell you not to trust me?
Ian: She said, "Beware of the Mist." She asked me what my order was.. I said Frank, Jenn, Joe..
Dan: then me?
Ian: Then.. yeah. THen she said, go to the ned with Shane, and you're golden. She said, if you happen to be in the final 2 with Frank, you would also win. His social game is just terrible. If he's nominated at the end of the week as well, he'll probably go.
Dan: If it was me you and Shane, me you and Danielle..
Ian: I'll send Danielle home. I don't know if I can win against her.
Dan: Why does she think so highly of me?
Ian: She said I would have a good chance against anyone in the final 2, becuse I played so coyly for a while, but I'm also playing a smart game, and it's peppered with a few comp wins. She said I could beat anybody in the final 2..
Dan: I feel that way too.
Ian: ..but she said my most diffuclt road would be against you.. and then Danielle. She said my easiest road in the final 2 would be against Jenn, Joe, Frank..
Dan: yeah
Ian: And then she said that Shane would kinda come off as a good pick as well, and I would easily win.. like 6-1.. She said I might not get Ashley's vote against Shane.. but that she'd work Ashley's vote.
Dan: My thing is, I don't want to be in a position to have to win it at final 3, because if you don't, you're screwed.
Ian: That's mine too. That's the thing... You don't want to be the odd person out at the final 3.
Ian talks about Adam's strategy being flawed.. Ian has no love for Adam.. none.
Dan: How would you have eflt if Porsche won?
Ian: I would actually have enjoyed that more than Rachel. I thought she played a better game.
Dan: Really? Really?
Carolyn: Really?? Methinks the boy has a thing for leggy blondes..
Ian: Once Shelly went, I kinda said to myself, I'm gonna be disappointed no matter what.
**ok. you're redeemed, Ian. Shelly was a playa. Though Dan disagrees..
Skip to the Final 2 Renegades offer, Dan.. No? Not yet? OK.. back to the mist.
Dan: What did Britney mean by mist? She always said that to me.
Ian: Apparently Janelle and Britney said it the 1st week... that you can just convince anybody of whateverthef*ck... The mist worked. It's explained by the magic mist that suddenly changes everything.. In S10, you were nevr nominated against Memphis.. That's an example of the mist..
Here we go..
Dan: I'm not gonna ask you again or pressure you, but I guess after the Veto, you'll make your renegade decision.
Ian: It looks very likely.. I'm just saying now, if Joe wins and pulls one of those 2 down, you're gonna have to be the replacement. Like there's no way around it.
Dan: I understand.
Ian: And I'm sorry, but at this point, I need someone I can trust in this game, and I think that could be you.. and you'd be a meat (?) shield if I were against you..
Dan: And a lot of people.. I'll never get Joe's vote ever.. In this house or the jury..
Ian: But you could also say I'll never get Ashley's vote.
Dan: If it's me and you? My relationship with Ashley was about the same as my relationship with this monkey.
Ian: My problem with Ashley was.. I couldn't have a conversation with her. It was like.. It was like talking to like a 14 or 15 year old girl.. Not going anywhere.. the subjects don't change much.. And then she pointed out once, "how come when I sit on the hammock with you, you always get up and go to the pool, but when Britney sits on the hammock, you'll laugh and talk to her.."
Dan: She would say that?
Ian: Yeah.. She seemed jealous that I was tight with Britney, almost. It was kinda weird..
**And we've progressed to the You'll get more votes, No, You'll get more votes stage of the game. Happy September to ya! ;-)
Ian: Also, Britney suggested that she and Frank were canoodling..
Dan: Lemme ask real quick before I head down. Let's say Joe wins and takes down Frank.. I go up. Say Danielle and Shane vote for me.. What are you gonna do?
Ian: Oh. I'm sending Frank or Jenn home, no question.
There's your punchline... And this concludes the Overnight Report.. See you in a new top post when the critters wake up!
Good Morning!
I knew I liked Dan...not only is he one heck of a player but we share the same birthday...even though I passed 29 a few years ago, ;0)!
Wonder if Dan would use the POV if he won it, on Frank? Or just help show him to the door?
Good Morning, Laura! :) Happy birthday to you!
Someone please lock Dani outside so that her head clears of the Dan mist. It's beyond ridiculous how much he has her snowed.
G'morning Carolyn and happy birthday Laura. I woke up to a dream this morning that Dani had won the PoV comp. So hoping Frank's run ends!
Laura, I'd be shocked if Dan used the PoV on Frank if he were to win. I'm pretty sure their F2 agreement is a sham.
I sure do miss Britney. She's getting my vote for America's favorite player if there is one this year. She's sure to be giving Ashley a lot of laughs!
So excited for the pov! I want frank to win it do it is an easy decision for Dan.
Happy is my.daughter bday too...and I think dan will.. not use the veto...he think frank leaving good.for his game two now what I don't remember did Dan make final two with dani bc tonight he trying with Ian who do you think he be.loyal to...if Dan males final two against Ian he might lose dani he would have chance...
Sneaky sneaky dan
Good morning, NaturalGrace! :) haha!
Good morning, Cindi! :) A Brit/Ashley jury segment? That should be hysterical.
Good morning, Roni Bliss :) It'll be exciting!
Good morning, Nancyk89! :) Happy Birthday to your daughter! :)
Good morning, Alexandra :)) heheheh! Yup!
Hi all -
It's all starting to make sense now. Of couuuurse Dan's a virgo. He's a SUCH a virgo. Makes me like him even more. :)
Hi Carolyn,
Hi BBDishaddicts,
Happy 29th Birthday Dan the Man..
Haven't read TOR yet, wanted to say hi first...
Thanks Lessa for Jessieclause..
Good Morning Ms. Carolyn!
Happy Birthday Laura!
I doubt we will get to see Ashley and MC Snowflake in the Jury House this Thursday. With a double eviction, I do not see how they will have time to include that also.
OMGoodness Carolyn...hehe..I prefer the leopard, but with his tan the pink would look good especially with his pink top...;);)
And....Dan just proves my point, trying to get Dani to be the renom. Dan will do anything to keep himself safe, regardless of his assurances that he won't play "mean and dirty". Don't get me wrong, he's made some genius moves and if you're in this game to win, you're probably going to have to do somey
Woops, hit publish by mistake. As I was saying, to win, you're probably going to have to do something underhanded before the games over.. I just get tired of hearing all these players proclaim "I'll never lie. I'm a 100% honest" bs. Dan's only saving grace in my eyes is that he's honest in the DR about his lies and scheming. Unlike Frank and Boogie who always claimed honesty everywhere they went.
Watching Dani TRY to teach Joe the Duggie is least he is trying...wish he would do that in challenges..he is a funny guy..
Thank you and happy birthday to your daughter! Hope she has a great day!!!
I hope Frank wins POV then :)
Thank you very much, Carolyn!!!
Thank you!!!
I wonder if Dan will try to take Dani to the F2? He would win again, if he makes it that far!
Morning Carolyn and Dishers.
Hats off to the Dishers for making a great effort at say something nice about Dani day. :)
Brit was my favourite I'm sorry she's gone, not sure who I will root for now but it's not Dani and it's not Frank.
Carolyn, how do you think the DE this week will work, do you think it will all be on the show or will it take place prior to Thursday?
Good morning, Pammm :)) He is.. I've enjoyed him with the hula hoop.. I had to get him something pink..
Good morning, Miss Piper!! :) True true.. But it would be a funny one.. especially if Brit was annoyed. hehe
Good morning, MoNYC! :) hahaha! I know nothing about virgo tendencies.. but maybe now i do??
re: Brit and Ash in the jury house, they may be able to show it Wednesday, they may not have much else to put in as filler :P
Wow what a season!! I'm a bIg Dan fan but I'd like him to stay true to Frank for atleast one week. Hopefully noms will stay the same and everybody will vote frank out except maybe Dan lol it's exciting so many possibilities
Thanks Dish lovelies for all yalls hard work:0))
Good morning, CurlerChick! :) I think we're in for another live fast forward on thursday..
Good morning, Brycemom :) Thank you!
Good Moorning Carolyn and fellow dishers...Finally got another day off from the wrinkle-butt shuffle, and can finally catch up on everything since the endurance comp...
Surprised they threw in another you got me wondering what was really in the "copper envelope"..if it's something big, and used properly, we may be seeing a F2 with Ian!!
Happy Birthday to Dan, and to you as well Laura!!
Good Morning, Carolyn!!!!!
Hello and good morning, Dishers!
Happy Birthday, Laura!
I've removed the duct tape from my mouth, so I'm back. hehe
Carolyn, stay out of my dreams! I dreamed you and I were in my car, I was driving you somewhere and you kept leaning over trying to kiss me. On the lips. French style. And I kept saying "Carolyn, stop that"
Good morning, DavidL! :) Nice!!! :) Welcome back!!
Good morning, Blueeee! :) hehehehehe @ your dream! hehehehehe! Too cute!
Dan the Scam....this is too far though. It's amazing that no player has asked Ian about being, Dan in a coy way. Let's not forget Dan is an educator so he has known it all along. Good for Ian, smart as a whip to agree with ADHD.
ok.. one more segment and i'm gonna be done with this monster of a tor!
wish me luck!
So, Dan the educator doesn't know that Ian is autistic? Fat Chance! Ian agreeing he may be OCD or go boy! Smart as a whip comming right at you Danny Boy!
I don't understand what Dan is doing!! It's confusing. Someone who has watched the feeds more- please tell me. Is he more loyal to frank or dani? He tells dani he wants frank out but then to Ian he wants dani as the renom??? I thought he really wanted dani to be f2 with him but just wanted someone else to get out frank so he won't have to. Ugh. They need more diary rooms with him. And that wink- confusing! Dan is my favorite but these shenanigans are making me mad!
Great TOR so far...good luck with the last segment Carolyn..;)
Happy, Happy Birthday Laura...:):)
Happy, Happy Birthday to your daughter Nancyk89..:):)
Blue, I am so glad you took off the duct tape..I can't imagine a day here at BBDish without you and giggling all day...;);) love the dream...hehe
Morning Carolyn! Thanks so much for tor! It is amazing all that you do & all the time you spend. Thank you! Dan is playing very well this season. Poor Dani. She has no idea. I'd like to see Ian & Frank in the end. They have played the hardest & have yet to win unlike Dan. If Dan makes it to the final 2 he may win again. #teamfrank
Good morning Carolyn! Thank you for this amazing blog! I love reading everything even the comments! Dan is really good to watch this season. Poor Dani she has no idea. Joe is funny but I doubt he or Jenn will make it much further. I want to see Ian & Frank in the F2. #TEAMFRANK
I agree, but honestly, I don't think that jury will give Dan the win again even against Joe or Jenn. Dan can only get 2nd this time around.
I don't think he would beat Danielle in the final 2. I think he wouldn't beat anyone.
If it were Danielle and him in F2,
Danielle would have
And probably Frank.
Joe may vote for Dan.
Good Morning Everyone!
Caro- this past week student teaching I realized how lucky I am that you run this blog and I can stay up to date on the happenings in the BB house! Thank you!
I doubt Dan will take Danielle to the final two. The girls will vote for Danielle as will Shane and probably Joe too. Notice also that as soon as Danielle mentioned that Britney thought she had a chance to win it over Dan, Dan goes up to HOH and and plants the seed in Ian's head as Danielle as the renom.
Morning Carolyn!
Morning fellow bbaddicts!!
Stopping in to say hi. I love Ian and dans talk about Ian's ADHD. To me, this is Dan at his best. It's the "how" in the success of his crazy game moves like jenn using the veto on him, getting to know each player on a very personal level and figuring out what makes then tick.
Good morning, Sharelle! :) Thank you very much!
Good morning, Mark! :)
Good morning, Jami Michael :) Thank you!
Pamm - Thanks! :)
Good morning, Laura Stender! :) Here's the thing.. I think Dan is loyal to Dan.. and to Chelsea.. and that is all. Everyone else is either a help or a hindrance to getting to the end... and all must be eliminated at some point.
Good morning, Jean :) I think he was being delicate.. andi think it's entirely possible Ian is non-diagnosed.
Good morning, K-Mac! :)))
Everyone.. I'm off for some fresh air before BB wakes the critters! See you back here soon... in a new top post.
Blue you are so funny !!!
Blue you are so funny !!!
Good Morning Carolyn! Good Morning Dishers!
Looks like I got misted by Dan myself. Dang, I thought he actually cared about Dani. But he was throwing her under the bus with both hands. Wow.
I really think Dan's big mistake was taking out Brit. She was the only one he would win against in F2. All the newbies will vote for a newbie to win, no matter what. I think Dan is playing for 2nd place.
Didnt Brit say put up Frank and Dan? I think Ian wants that feather in his cap, but Dan may be the only one he can work with
Hello everyone. The article Julie mentioned the other night about Dan can be found on Dan's website dangheesling dot com. There is actually 2 different stories. I know I read in yesterday's comments that people couldn't find it. Have a good day.
Ian isn't Autistic, he is probably on the Autism Spectrum, with Aspergers. He may also have ADHD. It's possible just ADHD, but seems unlikely. No way OCD. Completely different kind of condition.
Not to be a stickler for any reason other than these conditions are so prevalent and misunderstood I think it's important to learn about developmental disabilities.
That Dan is a teacher and can't identify common developmental disabilities ... yeah ... kind of pathetic.
Ian talked as if he is undiagnosed. I don't buy that. There are no meds for Aspergers. Just behavioral therapy, which I would venture a guess he has had. He has very good coping skills, which leads me to believe he had help. He's extremely well adjusted considering how strong his impulses seem to be.
Anyhow, no way to be sure, and this stuff is not an exact science. We all have all kinds of behaviors that if more extreme could be labeled as some condition or another.
He's a great kid. That's why I feel it's worth discussing. Not to invade his privacy. To point out people with disabilities are not to be feared and can live essentially normal lives and do all kinds of exciting things.
Good morning, Jane :) I agree with you on the Aspergers.. He reminds me of WAY too may of the (incredibly intelligent) men I play competitive scrabble with..
Hi Pat :)) Excellent. Thanks!
Good morning, RobTan :) true true
Good morning, Breyed Girl :) We'll see. :) If he even makes it that far..
Good morning, Chella :) ---Remember Keesha.. ;)
Everyone--- New top post: ClickMeBaby1MoreTime
Wow carolyn...I can't believe how hard u work for us! Amazing job!!
Guys I think some r being a little tough on poor dan...this man has only just turned 29! He was a baby when he won the first time 7-0! I'm not sure why his being religious keeps being brought into this?! R religious people supposed to be perfect or automatically disallowed deviousness as a tool?? He certainly doesn't come across as "preachy"...if he did I couldn't possibly enjoy him like I do! (no offense to religious people...just not my thing!) we r definitely watching dan play differently this time around...but this time he A) started as a coach B) playing w people that already know his game
He has also had to readjust constantly (which he didn't have to do in his last season) as he wanted to work w the coaches...but starting w danielle (I mean boogie lol) wanting to get out janelle etc...then boogie went...dan is the last coach standing!
I don't know if he will win in F2...but mist is powerful...I don't know who he really wants in F2 or even 3...dani frank ian? Joe shane jenn??
But he has, thus far, once again played the best game. Its got little to do w winning comps
Good morning, Cindy! :)
Good morning, Pamm! :) Poor Jenn..
I agree Carolyn, if Dan makes it that far he is playing for 2nd at best
I think Dan knows what is appropriate for an educator. Something is up but a teacher/coach does not diagnose. Neither should we. I thought Ian might be on the spectrum but I am not so sure. I think he has Asperbergers features perhaps but not the diagnosis. He says he has ADHD a term that was thrown around a great deal with his age group. He seems to have done just fine. Someone different doesn't necessarily need to have a diagnosis. He's very smart with some coping skills that seem odd because they are more prevalent than for the rest of us...just like his intelligence level.
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